ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2006: God Qilin Ancient Boundary

Young Master Yun Che, do you have into the fog......” 云澈公子,你有没有入过雾……” The words saying half, Helian Lingzhu respond the Yun Che not passing memory suddenly, hastily apology: Ah...... was sorry that I forgot.” 话说一半,赫连玲珠忽然反应过来云澈并无过往的记忆,连忙歉意道:“啊……抱歉我忘记了。” She now facing Yun Che, always inexplicable mentally confused. Especially when touches his eyes, even breathes some disorder out-of-control. 她如今面对云澈,总是会莫名心乱。尤其碰触到他的眼眸时,连呼吸都有些紊乱失控。 small head hangs, she tries hard to seek for the topic to conceal in the heart confused: Listened to Honored Master saying that the present Fog Sea edge and beforehand difference are very big.” 螓首微垂,她努力寻找着话题掩饰心中缭乱:“听师尊说,现在的雾海边缘和以前差别很大。” General knowledge discussed that Abyssal Beast and deep pool ghosts met the instinct chase richer abyss dust, will therefore concentrate to the Fog Sea deep place, was the powerful Abyssal Beast deep pool ghosts is so. But in recent years, has the powerful Abyssal Beast deep pool ghosts to appear in the Fog Sea edge area unceasingly.” “常识而论,渊兽和渊鬼会本能的追逐更为浓郁的渊尘,所以都会集中向雾海深处,越是强大的渊兽渊鬼越是如此。但近些年,却不断有强大的渊兽渊鬼出现在雾海边缘区域。” Even will have Abyssal Beast to tread Fog Sea, from initial occasionally, starts becomes more and more frequent. Honored Master said that this probably with named Black Tide Period the phenomenon is related.” “甚至还会有渊兽踏出雾海,从最初的偶尔,开始变得越来越频繁。师尊说,这大概和一种名为‘时间黑潮’的现象有关。” Yun Che heard Black Tide Period once again four characters. 云澈又一次听到了“时间黑潮”四个字。 Did not know abyss the cognition of life to these four characters to what degree. 只是不知深渊的生灵对这四个字的认知到了何种程度。 But turns the devil soul Devil Emperor cognition by Chi Wuyao from, follows Black Tide Period, inevitably is the bordering on avalanche of this world order. 而以池妩仸源自涅轮魔魂魔帝认知,伴随“时间黑潮”的,必然是这个世界秩序的濒临崩塌。 Moreover...... deep pool ghost? Chi Wuyao has also proposed these two characters, but actually hasn't understood that is what? 另外……渊鬼?池妩仸也提过这两个字,但并没有明了那究竟是什么? Perhaps is such as Abyssal Beast is also ordinary, is congealed by rich abyss dust, another type form destruction dead souls? 或许也是如渊兽一般,由过于浓郁的渊尘所凝化的,另一种形式的“毁灭死灵”吗? Yun Che just about to inquires, a profound energy fluctuation from profound ark approaches fast. 云澈刚要问询,一阵来自玄舟玄气波动快速临近。 Helian Lingzhu quite blushes however smiles: Was Imperial Father comes.” 赫连玲珠颇为赧然的一笑:“是父皇来了。” The time, he really receives the news, fled impatiently. 时间上来看,他果然是一接到消息,就迫不及待的窜了过来。 Has recovered 80%-90% obviously, actually feigns death to install the paralysis before Qilin God Conference, now picked fruits, is a breath is actually not willing to wait. 明明已伤愈80%-90%,却在麟神之会前装死装瘫,现在摘果子了,却又是一息都不愿多等。 Although Helian Jue Yun Che extremely has seen, but this time, makes Helian Lingzhu somewhat shameful as before. 虽然赫连玦的不堪云澈早就见过,但此番,依旧让赫连玲珠有些无地自容。 The sensation to Helian Lingzhu aura, Helian Jue leaps directly from profound ark, when falls to the ground, laughs to resound: Hahahaha! Worthily is Nephew Yun, worthily is Our good daughter, Hahahahaha!” 感知到赫连玲珠气息,赫连玦直接从玄舟上跃下,落地之时,一声大笑响起:“哈哈哈哈!不愧是云贤侄,不愧是朕的好女儿,哈哈哈哈哈!” Imperial Father, your body......” 父皇,你的身体……” Helian Lingzhu regards have not said, Helian Jue is forward one step, held Yun Che's arm, vision earnest: Nephew Yun, you make Us appoint Lingzhu to lead this Qilin God Conference, if changes others, such important matter decides however does not permit. But We apparent, Nephew Yun was beyond the day the dragon, the doing what has said line must at that time the fruit! Then concerns the Helian future important matter to entrust in virtuous nephew and Lingzhu this...... and Nephew Yun whether saves Our life irrelevant.” 赫连玲珠一句问候还没说完,赫连玦已是向前一步,一把抓住了云澈的手臂,目光一片热切:“云贤侄,你让朕委任玲珠引领此次麟神之会,若换他人,此等大事定然不允。但朕当时一眼便知,云贤侄乃天外之龙,言出必行行之必果!遂将此关乎赫连未来的大事托付于贤侄和玲珠……和云贤侄是否救朕性命无关。” Yun Che:( Hehehe...... that may really many thanks your mental perception and trust.) 云澈:(呵呵呵……那可真是多谢你的慧眼和信任。) Nephew Yun has not really disappointed Us.” Helian Jue more said that was more excited, did not have morbid state face piece of red light: So the great merit, We do not know how should reward and thank.” 云贤侄果然没有让朕失望。”赫连玦越说越是激动,没了病态的面孔一片红光:“如此大功,朕都不知该如何赏赐与感谢。” In the past, Helian Imperial Family is the lowliest place enters Qilin God Realm, can only enter 100 people each time. But this time, may enter the entire 350 people! 往年,赫连皇室都是末位入麟神境,每次只能入一百人。而此次,可入整整三百五十人! Enters Qilin God Realm time, even if not reborn, must be able to go a step further greatly. This can be imagined to the benefit of Helian Imperial Family next generation. But to Helian Jue, most makes him excited, without doubt was low does not know sovereign's prestige and prestige of many years thrived finally. 入一次麟神境,就算不脱胎换骨,也必能大进一步。这对赫连皇室下一代的裨益可想而知。而对赫连玦而言,最让他激动振奋的,无疑是低迷了不知多少年的皇威与声望终于勃发了一回。 Helian Jue to the Yun Che's stance, with previously is completely difference of heaven and earth. 赫连玦云澈的姿态,和先前完全是天壤之别 He ends oppressive Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect all talent disciple ; 他一人完虐磐玄宗万仞宗所有天才弟子; His direct just Abyss Knight...... then Abyss Knight gave Rock Profound Sect Master big mouth female genitals ; 正面直刚深渊骑士……然后深渊骑士给了磐玄宗主一个大嘴巴子; His age only half sixty-year cycle ; 他的年龄才区区半个甲子; He...... 他…… These news, make him fearful and apprehensive one by one, before recombination Yun Che , the behavior...... on his stupid ten times, will still understand that the Yun Che's origin surely big to the degree that he does not even dare to ponder even again. 这些消息,一个比一个让他胆战心惊,再结合云澈之前所为……他就算再蠢上十倍,也该明白云澈的来历必定大到他甚至都不敢去细想的程度。 But quick, these hearts startled turned into more and more abundant wild with joy. 但很快,这些心惊又都变成了越来越盛的狂喜。 Because the character, has been so helping Helian Lingzhu, this time also because of her, but is Helian Imperial Family fights, perhaps the relations far exceed intimate that he previously estimated that perhaps two people...... 因为如此人物,一直都在帮助赫连玲珠,此番也是因她而为赫连皇室而战,关系或许是远超他先前预想的亲密,说不定两人…… If can keep the imperial family him, even if only and behind him the huge influence ties up relations, in the future will also fear what Qilin Worshipping Alliance! 若能将他留在皇室,哪怕只是和他背后的庞大势力绑个关系,将来还怕什么拜麟盟 Therefore this see again/goodbye Yun Che, his earnest as if saw died many years of biological father. 所以此次再见云澈,他热切的仿佛见到了死去多年的亲爹。 Yun Che said lightly: I this time one is to enter a legendary Qilin God Realm view, two are to repay the Crown Princess life-saving efforts. Other......” 云澈淡淡道:“我此番一为入传说中的麟神境一观,二为报答长公主救命之恩。其他的……” Understands! We understand.” Helian Jue nods to smile, a face understands clearly: Nephew Yun, from now henceforth, performing to treat as place Helian Imperial Family, any place all may free round trip. When you want to see Lingzhu, or brings Lingzhu to where, all depending on you...... two people of meanings.” “懂!朕都懂。”赫连玦颔首而笑,一脸了然:“云贤侄,从今以后,尽可将赫连皇室当做己地,任何地方皆可自由来去。你想何时见玲珠,或带玲珠去往何地,皆凭你……二人之意。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Imperial Father, what are you...... you speaking irresponsibly?” Helian Lingzhu is eyeful. 父皇,你……你在乱说什么?”赫连玲珠满眼慌乱。 Hahaha!” Helian Jue is laughed heartily, beckons to Helian Lingzhu: Lingzhu, along with Us comes, had the words to with you say for the father.” 哈哈哈!”赫连玦又是大笑一声,向赫连玲珠一招手:“玲珠,随朕来,为父有话要和你说。” Yes.” Helian Lingzhu apology looked at Yun Che one, can only , helpless consented. “是。”赫连玲珠歉意的看了云澈一眼,只能无奈应允。 The Helian Jue father and daughter just about to leave, the Helian Linglang anxious shout transmits. 赫连玦父女刚要离开,赫连玲琅急切的喊声传来。 Imperial Father!” 父皇!” Helian Jue does not return, the palm pushes backward, extremely heavy profound energy shakes Helian Linglang that the quick steps clash ruthlessly turns in the place. 赫连玦头也不回,手掌向后一推,一股极重的玄气将疾步冲来的赫连玲琅狠狠震翻在地。 We do not have your such son, go away! Rolls the farther the better!” “朕没有你这样的儿子,滚!滚得越远越好!” Then, he heavy snort/hum, flings the sleeve to go. 说完,他重哼一声,甩袖而去。 Felt clearly from Helian Jue disappointed and is furious, Helian Linglang does not dare to approach again, kneels to sit in the place, the whole face is frightened looks that Helian Jue that and dreads brings Helian Lingzhu to go far away. 清晰感觉到了来自赫连玦的失望和震怒,赫连玲琅不敢再行靠近,就这么跪坐在地方,满脸惊惶和畏惧的看着赫连玦带着赫连玲珠远去。 Then detected Yun Che in side, Helian Linglang embarrasedly stands up from the ground, has not actually left, but approaches to the Yun Che body side on own initiative, respectful and prudent of face: Yun…... the young master, I had eyes but failed to see before, in the spoken language many offends, but also please...... look in the Lingzhu share, don't to/past goes. From now on you will but advise, I will not have two words again.” 这才察觉到云澈在侧,赫连玲琅讪讪的从地上站起,却没有离开,而是主动靠近到云澈身侧,一脸的恭谨:“云……公子,我之前有眼无珠,言语上多有冒犯,还请……看在玲珠的份上,莫往心里去。今后你但有指教,我绝不会再有二话。” The Yun Che low eyebrow looks at his one eyes, the faint smile: Crown Prince Your Highness spoke discreetly, all sorts of I toward had not previously gone slightly at heart.” 云澈低眉看他一眼,似笑非笑:“太子殿下言重了,先前种种我丝毫未往心里去。” Nonsense, this goods does also match make him have caring of least? 废话,就这货也配让他有毫厘的在意? Listens to him to shout that oneself Crown Prince Your Highness, in the Helian Linglang heart is happy and peaceful, the pressure quickly wanes, the lower back straightened up a point, said hastily: Worthily is Young Master Yun, really heart broad-minded like sea.” 听他喊自己“太子殿下”,赫连玲琅心中又喜又安,压力骤减,腰背都挺直了一分,连忙道:“不愧是云公子,果然心胸宽博如海。” „Did Crown Prince Your Highness have the words to say?” 太子殿下有话要说?” Opens also to Qilin God Realm some time, idles in any case the safe/without matter, Yun Che did not mind that kills the next time with this goods slightly. 麟神境开启还有一段时间,反正也闲来无事,云澈倒不介意拿这货稍微打发下时间。 An embarrassment of Helian Linglang face, the stance also becomes more cautious, not a wee bit Crown Prince should have the impressive and dignified manner that: Is open about the facts Young Master Yun, some truly incident requested.” 赫连玲琅一脸的不好意思,姿态也变得更加小心翼翼,毫无丁点太子该有的威仪:“不瞒云公子,确实有一事相求。” In recent years, Imperial Father looked that my look is even more disappointed. Imperial City has rumor early, Imperial Father or will abandon Crown Prince, setting up Lingzhu is Crown Princess. In addition the matter of today......” “近些年,父皇看我眼神愈加失望。皇城早有传闻,父皇或将废太子,立玲珠太女。再加上今日之事……” Yun Che:( Very reasonable. Although Helian Lingzhu does not become a useful person, but good and evil compared with this goods normal many.) 云澈:(很合理。虽然赫连玲珠也不怎么成器,但好歹比这货正常的多。) Helian Linglang raised the head, excited has one point of grief and indignation: „The matter of today, the Imperial Father great anger in me must. Lingzhu also indeed wins in many places in me slightly. But......, but she eventually is only a female, if stands seriously is Crown Princess, the future will be an sovereign, that...... that will be scoffs, will make the Helian row of ancestors be shamed.” 赫连玲琅抬头,激动中带着一分悲愤:“今日之事,父皇盛怒于我也是应当。玲珠也的确在很多地方稍胜于我。但……但她终究只是一介女子,若当真立为太女,将来为皇,那……那岂不是为人耻笑,更让赫连列位先祖蒙羞。” Young Master Yun, you, although is really deep with the Lingzhu intersection, but believes that with is the man, you decide understand.” 云公子,你虽与玲珠相交甚深,但相信同为男子,你定是明白。” A Yun Che face smiles: Therefore, Crown Prince Your Highness is hopes that I do expostulate your Imperial Father?” 云澈一脸笑眯眯:“所以,太子殿下是希望我去劝诫一番你父皇?” yes, yes, yes!” Helian Linglang rapid nod: Worthily is Young Master Yun, really ascertains. Imperial Father regards as the Celestial Young Master Yun now, Young Master Yun said Imperial Father to decide complies with. So long as Young Master Yun can make Imperial Father dispel this anger, broke again the thoughts of setting up Lingzhu is Crown Princess, my Helian Linglang, later decides to Young Master Yun is grateful, nothing which is not since.” 是是是!”赫连玲琅迅速点头:“不愧是云公子,果然一眼窥破。父皇如今将云公子视为天人,云公子之言父皇定万般遵从。只要云公子能让父皇消解此怒,再断了立玲珠太女的心思,我赫连玲琅,以后定对云公子感恩戴德,无所不从。” „In the future I for Country Lord Helian, Young Master Yun wants Lingzhu...... or this Helian any you can have a liking for the female of eye, I establish the capital in both hands to offer.” “待将来我为赫连国主,云公子无论是想要玲珠……或是这赫连任何你看得上眼的女子,我定都双手奉上。” In many people with imperial family, they think Yun Che so for imperial family working oneself to death, only because of having a liking for Helian Lingzhu. 和皇室中很多人一样,他们以为云澈如此为皇室“卖命”,只因看上了赫连玲珠 Crown Prince Your Highness is really the sincerity is full.” Looks at Helian Linglang fully that is the face of hope, his voice revolution: But, Crown Prince Your Highness worried does not need to be false I the mouth, yourself are then resolvable.” 太子殿下真是诚意满满。”看着赫连玲琅那满是期盼的面孔,他话音一转:“不过,太子殿下的烦忧根本无需假我之口,你自己便可解决。” This...... also asked Young Master Yun to advise.” “这……还请云公子指教。” Simple. You know that the way of your Crown Prince so isn't why smooth?” Yun Che rises high condition: Because your name is not good.” “简单。你知道你的太子之途为何这么不顺么?”云澈一副凌然之态:“因为你名字不好。” Name?” Helian Linglang is shocked. “名字?”赫连玲琅愣住。 Yun Che said leisurely: Your Ling jade, famous belt/bring double king. The so-called mountain does not accommodate two tigers, how a dynasty accommodates two kings. Your this name, the day denies oneself the body, how could Anshun.” 云澈慢条斯理道:“你名玲琅,名带双王。所谓一山不容二虎,一朝岂容二王。你这名字,天克己身,又岂能安顺。” Helian Linglang was startled a while, is probing the say/way: But Lingzhu, her similarly famous belt/bring double king......” 赫连玲琅怔了一会儿,试探着道:“可是玲珠,她同样名带双王……” You also said that Lingzhu is a female, may not for the king, only be able.” A Yun Che face profound assured: „After one, approaches two kings, this is the greatly expensive/noble name, may bless her to break the barrier to chisel the danger, extravagant glory Jia body.” “你也说了,玲珠是女子,不可为王,只能为后。”云澈一脸的高深笃定:“一后傍二王,这可是大贵之名,可佑她破障凿险,奢荣加身。” Helian Linglang heartstrings suddenly suddenly moved. 赫连玲琅的心弦忽然猛的一动 First has Helian Tianfu this generation of most outstanding disciple Mo Cangying to be never-ending, now are also many Yun Che to assist...... this not precisely double king to bless to her continually! 前有赫连天府这一代最杰出的弟子陌苍鹰不离不弃,现在又多了个云澈对她连番相助……这不正是双王庇佑么! A day denies oneself the body, a double king You body...... no wonder! 一个天克己身,一个双王佑身……怪不得! But Yun Che the natural talent is shocking, character who Abyss Knight does not fear! The vastness of the experience, lofty of cognition, must surpass Qilin Abyss Realm this plane not to know the how much, can his words have the falseness? 云澈可是天资惊世,连深渊骑士都不惧的人物!其见识之广博,认知之高远,必然要超出麟渊界这个位面不知几何,他的话能有虚假? As if found the crux to be at all of a sudden, the Helian Linglang stance immediately becomes more respectful more and prudent: Then by tall of Shi Young Master Yun, I must...... in the name of what Ziwei.” 仿佛一下子找到了症结所在,赫连玲琅的姿态顿时变得更加恭谨:“那以云公子之高识,我应当……以何字为名。” This is simpler.” Yun Che both hands hold the chest, said at a moderate pace: You attempt not many, but Country Lord that's all.” “这个更简单。”云澈双手抱胸,不紧不慢道:“你所图不多,不过一介国主而已。” Qilin Abyss Realm uses Turkey as the base, profound practitioner cultivates also is Earth Profound Strength. Therefore, in your name, when there is one temple character.” 麟渊界以‘土’为基,玄者所修也皆是土之玄力。因而,你的名字之中,当有一个‘寺’字。” Temple is the small patch of land, intent explains this to drive a horse the land of every inchs place, every minute Earth Profound Strength, and even each profound practitioner that cultivates Earth Profound Strength, when is Country Lord.” “寺为寸土,意喻这驭下之地的每一寸土地,每一分土之玄力,乃至每一个修炼土之玄力玄者,皆当属国主。” Helian Linglang nod, echoes to say again and again: Right, is Country Lord, when the small patch of land all turns over to!” 赫连玲琅连连点头,附和道:“没错,既为国主,当寸土皆归!” Another character, then takes a Xun.” Yun Che slightly narrowed the eyes, a face profound say/way: On Xun is the grass, represents the vegetation ten thousand to live, getting down is the ten-day period, when represents extends the millenium.” “另一个字嘛,便取个荀。”云澈双目微眯,一脸高深道:“荀上为草,意指草木万生,下为旬,意指时亘千秋。” „, The brief two characters, then include this Qilin deep pool all. You are surnamed also just have even/including character, so may explain all these to be linked in Zhijian by your series.” “如此,简短二字,便已囊括这麟渊所有。你姓中又刚好带个‘连’字,如此可喻这一切皆被你统连于指间。” Helian temple Xun.” The Yun Che smile turns around, gradually walks away: Again without compared with this more suitable Crown Prince Your Highness given name, that wish Crown Prince Your Highness after that...... all so famous.” 赫连寺荀。”云澈微笑转身,缓步走远:“再没有比这更适合太子殿下的名讳了,那就祝愿太子殿下此后……皆如此名。” Until Yun Che goes out of his line of sight, Helian Linglang is still built on same place, in the mouth is always talking repeatedly: Helian temple Xun...... Helian temple Xun!” His eye splits the different glow: „When small patch of land, vegetation myriad spirits and day...... all even/including Zhangjian! Right, is really the Ling jade two characters harms me! Seriously is the Royal Mother the given name harms me!” 直到云澈走出他的视线,赫连玲琅依旧立于原地,口中反复地叨念着:“赫连寺荀……赫连寺荀!”他目绽异芒:“寸土、草木万灵、天时……皆连掌间!没错,果然是玲琅二字误我!当真是母后所予的名讳误我啊!” „, Hehehe!” “呵,呵呵呵!” a cold laugh resounds from his behind. 一声冷笑从他身后响起。 Helian Linglang turns around, the complexion sank immediately: Mo Cangying, what do you smile?” 赫连玲琅转身,脸色顿时沉了下来:“陌苍鹰,你笑什么?” „...... It‘s nothing, Crown Prince Your Highness not know to well.” Mo Cangying collects the happy expression, then must leave. “……没什么,太子殿下还是不要知道为好。”陌苍鹰敛起笑意,便要离开。 Dissolute! Mo Cangying, you forgot your status more and more.” Helian Linglang voice/sound is steep. He can be timid in front of Yun Che, but Mo Cangying...... his what comes the mystifying of qualifications before oneself. “放肆!陌苍鹰,你是越来越忘记自己的身份了。”赫连玲琅声音陡寒。在云澈面前他可以唯唯诺诺,但陌苍鹰……他何来资格在自己面前阴阳怪气 The Mo Cangying footsteps stop, said lightly: Since Crown Prince Your Highness wants to know, I speak certainly out frankly.” 陌苍鹰脚步停住,淡淡道:“既然太子殿下想知道,我当然知无不言。” Xun going type for careless, temple throws over the person skin for waiting on. These two characters put together, what said is lump of dog shit that empty some people of skins actually not to plant.” “‘荀’去‘种’为‘苟’,‘寺’披人皮为‘侍’。这俩字放在一起,说的是一坨空有人皮却没有种的狗屎。” Helian Linglang all of a sudden wooden there. 赫连玲琅一下子木在那里。 Also his five senses start to tremble, the whole body is gradually shivering...... 随之他的五官开始发抖,逐渐连带全身都在颤动…… Ka! 咔! After entire eight , the molar was bitten by him, the anger and shame of crazily upwelling almost break through the cranial vault, but he does not have the guts, has not planted to rush to front of Yun Che, can only send out a venting rave. 整整八颗后槽牙被他生生咬碎,疯狂上涌的愤怒与耻辱几乎冲破颅顶,但他却没胆,更没种冲到云澈面前,唯能发出一声发泄的狂吼。 ............ ………… Yun Che aura completely collects, footsteps silent, several ghosts and demons flickering behind, almost does not have the aura form to appear in the line of sight. 云澈气息尽敛,脚步无声,几个鬼魅般的瞬身后,一个同样几乎毫无气息的身影出现在视线中。 Long Jiang! 龙姜 „Should you not listen secretly?” Yun Che approaches on own initiative. “你该不会在偷听吧?”云澈主动靠近过去。 Long Jiang is slightly motionless, actually coldly opens the mouth: I do not have your Low Rank interest.” 龙姜丝毫不动,倒是冷冷开口:“我没你那么低级的趣味。” You, if has not listened secretly, how also to know my interest Low Rank?” Yun Che sips the lip slightly: Actually I thought that name suits his.” “你若没偷听,又怎知我趣味低级?”云澈微微抿唇:“其实我觉得那名字蛮适合他的。” Long Jiang: „......” 龙姜:“……” Said,” Yun Che's vision bald-faced swept several in her body back and forth: You concealing should aura diligently, not want to conceal own race is so simple?” “说起来,”云澈的目光毫无掩饰的在她身上扫动了好几个来回:“你一直在努力的掩饰气息,应该不是想隐瞒自己的种族那么简单吧?” Makes me guess, actually Horned Dragon, Horned Dragon, Venomous Dragon, on the dragon, Blue Dragon, flood dragon and clam dragon...... you can be which dragon?” “让我猜猜,螭龙虬龙虺龙、应龙、青龙、蛟龙、蜃龙……你究竟会是哪种龙呢?” what does that have to do with you!” Long Jiang as before is the untender cold words. 与你何干!”龙姜依旧是毫无感情的冷语。 „The hidden that a person makes an effort, more will make one be curious.” The Yun Che's vision takes back from her body, then said: Ok, I seem to have no interest that big. Asked one curiously, your does blood essence lose money so will be why serious? Had just been seriously injured, is......” “一个人越是过于用力的隐藏,就会越引人好奇。”云澈的目光从她身上收回,转而道:“算了,我似乎也没那么大的兴趣。好奇问一句,你的精血亏损为何会如此严重?是刚受过重伤,还是……” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” The coldly two characters, actually no longer are untender, but took the faint anger. 冷冷两个字,却不再是毫无感情,而是带上了隐隐的怒意。 Yun Che narrows the pupil slightly: blood essence loses money and is injured is two concepts. Continues to lose money, the at least advancement is slow, natural talent will damage forever, life essence suddenly/violently Jian, at worst......” 云澈微微眯眸:“精血亏损和受伤可是两个概念。继续这么亏损下去,轻则进境缓慢,天赋永损,寿元暴减,重则……” Go away!!” “滚!!” Contains ones anger a character, destroys the Yun Che's spoken language. She turns around cold, far away from goes: Dares to approach me again, I killed you!” 含怒一字,摧断云澈的言语。她冷然转身,远离而去:“再敢靠近我,我杀了你!” Yun Che has not spoken again, without leaving, thinks so that her back goes far away fast. When will soon leave the field of vision, he suddenly say/way suddenly: You are Zulong!” 云澈没再说话,也没有离开,就这么看着她的背影快速远去。直至即将离开视野时,他忽然冷不丁的道:“你是祖龙!” The iron grey form slightly cannot be observed stagnates, then vanishes in the Yun Che's line of sight. 灰白色的身影微不可察的一滞,然后便消失在云澈的视线中。 Really.” Yun Che whispered. “果然啊。”云澈一声低语。 Is combining ancient times Dragon God bloodline worthily. Your within the body Dragon God Bloodline purity, fears compared with that crowd Zulong Could not miss is too many, tch tch.』 『不愧是混杂着远古龙神血脉。你体内龙神血脉的纯度,怕是比那群【祖龙】都差不了太多,啧啧。』 A few words when this was initially Mo Beichen deadlocked his nape of the neck chants in a low voice by half god's hand. 这是当初陌悲尘以半神之手锁死他的脖颈时所低吟的一句话。 This also makes him care, is actually she determined to enter Qilin God Realm to ask what? 这也让他更为在意,她执意要入麟神境究竟所求何物? He cares, is not she thing of it asking, but the variable that may bring. 他在意的,并非是她所求之物本身,而是有可能带来的变数。 That only Qilin body of he originally 70% assurance final Evil God seeds in Qilin God Realm, in knows the results of other beast clans after Helian Lingzhu there, his assurance almost arrived at 100%. 他原本有70%的把握最后的邪神种子在麟神境中的那只麒麟身上,在从赫连玲珠那里知晓其他兽族的终局后,他的把握几乎到了十成 Except for him, will not have others to seek for the Evil God seed, will not know its exists. Therefore, he believes firmly that Long Jiang the thing of asking and he is not same. 除了他,不会有其他人会去找寻邪神种子,甚至不会知晓其存在。所以,他确信龙姜所求之物和他并不相同。 But he probes Long Jiang repeatedly , because he has to be worried about Long Jiang the thing of asking also in that only Qilin body. 而他一再试探龙姜,是因为他不得不担心龙姜所求之物也在那只麒麟身上 In Qilin God Realm has the purest rich earth element, has various earth attribute spirit treasure that is pregnant by the earth element......, but these certainly not possibly are Long Jiang this grade of character the thing of asking. 麟神境中有着最精纯浓郁的土元素,有着各种由土元素所孕的土系灵宝……但这些都绝无可能是龙姜这等人物所求之物。 Then, only remained that final Qilin. 那么,就只剩那个“最后的麒麟”了。 If that is right, their goals, are that Qilin. 若是如此,他们两个的目标,就都是那一只麒麟 Hope cannot be a too big trouble.” Yun Che can only so think. “希望不会是个太大的麻烦。”云澈只能如此想着。 The sense of hearing institute, is Helian Jue admonishes Helian Lingzhu voice/sound earnestly. 听觉所及,是赫连玦殷切规劝赫连玲珠声音 Lingzhu, this is concerns your life the important matter, will be concerns a Helian lineage/vein future destiny the important matter. In any event......, no matter with what method, must detain Yun Che! Even if cannot detain, must retain his child!” 玲珠,这是关乎你人生的大事,更是关乎赫连一脉未来命运的大事。无论如何……不管用什么方法,都要把云澈留住!就算留不住,也要把他的孩子留住!” Imperial Father, I and Young Master Yun Che......” 父皇,我和云澈公子……” What is not no need to say!” Helian Jue is pulling down voice/sound: We pursued him before with stern words, he still saves Our life ; This time participates in Qilin God Conference, so-called wants to enter a Qilin God Realm view is also only his excuse that's all, by his ability, how to have a liking for trivial Qilin God Realm...... all these, obviously for you.” “什么都不必说!”赫连玦在压低声音:“朕之前严词驱逐他,他依然救朕的性命;这次参加麟神之会,所谓想入麟神境一观也只是他的借口而已,以他的能耐,怎会看得上区区麟神境……这一切,都明显是为了你啊。” Helian Lingzhu: „......” 赫连玲珠:“……” In brief, you slightly on own initiative, deciding to retain him. Really not good...... applies drugs at the worst! Right...... medicine! Our this dispatches the person to prepare!” “总之,你稍微主动一点,定能将他留住。实在不行……大不了用药!对了……药!朕这遣人去准备!” Imperial Father, you...... you were really insane!” 父皇,你……你真是疯了!” voice/sound that the Helian Lingzhu half step departs. 赫连玲珠快步离去的声音 Afterward shortly, resounded Helian Jue to reprove these to enter the war the disciple angry roar. 随后没多久,响起了赫连玦训斥那些参战弟子的愤怒吼声。 side Zhonghe! Helian Peng! You may know...... my Helian Imperial Family to train Divine Lord consumed many mental effort you, many resources! You then so return!?” “方忠赫!赫连鹏!你们可知……我赫连皇室将你们培养成神主耗费了多少的心力,多少的资源!你们便是如此回报!?” Country...... Country Lord! At that time...... Crown Prince Your Highness had the command at that time, we did not dare, since.” “国……国主!当时……当时太子殿下有令,我们不敢不从啊。” Yes Country Lord, other disciple all may to prove......” “是啊国主,其他弟子皆可为证……” Shut up! Waste! Shameless, advances Crown Prince body the responsibility unexpectedly.” The Helian Jue air/Qi results in voice/sound to tremble: We told you, some first date and time, Qilin Worshipping Alliance once arrived in front of Us to flaunt the prestige, was known as that must found a nation to change in West Territory toward!” “住口!废物!恬不知耻,竟还将责任推到太子身上。”赫连玦气得声音发抖:“朕告诉你们,前些时日,拜麟盟曾到朕面前逞威,号称要在西域立国改朝!” At the appointed time, far more than dignity, this Helian territory must be seizes...... at that time, you must make this turtle!” “到时,何止尊严,这赫连的疆土都要为人所夺……那时,你们是不是也要做这缩头乌龟!” side Zhonghe: no, no, our loyal in the name of loyal, living is the Helian person, dying is the Helian ghost! If Helian has the danger, loyal dead to pull it surely!” 方忠赫:“不不,我方忠赫以‘忠赫’为名,生为赫连人,死为赫连鬼!若赫连有危,忠赫必定以死挽之!” Helian Peng: Violates Helian territory, the Péng must......” 赫连鹏:“犯赫连疆土者,鹏必……” Go away!” Was trampled the voice/sound straight ear-spitting membrane that turns: Depending on your also match!” “滚!”被一脚踹翻的声音直震耳膜:“凭你也配!” ............ ………… Qilin God Conference final battle finished quickly, finally also obvious. 麟神之会最终战很快结束,结果也显而易见。 Fierce Sand sect Pai in the lowliest place, loses enters the Qilin God Realm qualifications. 烈砂宗排于末位,失去进入麟神境资格。 Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect are the same......, but before battle, Zhai Liancheng wakes obstinately, has a wound, welcomed an numerous strange vision to enter the battlefield. 磐玄宗万仞宗本是半斤八两……但开战之前,砦连城愣是醒了过来,带着一身伤,迎着一众诡异的目光进入了战场。 a starved camel is still bigger than a horse, the good and evil is Fourth Level Divine Lord, even if remnant blood, gave the opposite party greatly to suppress the strength. 瘦死的骆驼比马大,好歹是个四级神主,哪怕残血,也给了对方巨大的压制力。 Finally Rock Profound Sect wins leave, arrange third place, may enter 200 people ; Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect arranges fourth place, may enter 100 people. 最终磐玄宗出,排第三位,可入二百人;万仞宗第四位,可入一百人。 Also is 12 double-hour passes, finally opened when to Qilin God Realm. 又是十二个时辰过去,终于到了麟神境开启之时。 Before Qilin God Realm formation, Ximen Boyun has stood firm, the Pure Land god mark above back of the hand is flashing Soul Absorption, hands over to echo with formation slightly shining profound light. 麟神境结界前,西门博云已是站定,手背之上的净土神纹闪动着摄魂的威芒,与结界微耀的玄光交相呼应。 Ximen Boyun the front, Helian Imperial Family, Qilin Worshipping Alliance, Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect people have arrived in full. 西门博云前方,赫连皇室拜麟盟磐玄宗万仞宗的人都已到齐。 Yun Che shot a look at Long Jiang distantly, her come all alone, the one person alone stands, is not close to anybody. 云澈遥遥瞥了一眼龙姜,她形单影只,孤身远立,不与任何人相近。 The restraining vision, concentrates mind, Yun Che both eyes narrows the eyes, looks at Secret Realm formation that will soon open silently. 收敛目光,集中精神,云澈双目眯起,默然看着即将开启的秘境结界 Bridges over this step, I then am true...... present age Evil God. 跨过这一步,我便是真正的……当世邪神 Evil God Ni Xuan and Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Jie Yuan, has your husband and wife gracious gift in the body, the world that I may bless me to treasure world —— that am you put together completely all preserve surely! 邪神逆玄劫天魔帝劫渊,有你们夫妇的恩赐在身,我定可庇佑我所珍视的世界——更是你们拼尽所有才保全的世界!
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