ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2005: Epicenter

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Ximen Boyun continued: „ In Qilin Abyss Realm, should never have to measure the bone profound tablet to determine the dragon bone|keel the precedent, therefore the deviation how much, is difficult the accurate conclusion. Fierce Sect Master, this result, can you accept? Do you have the law of determination dragon bone|keel? 西门博云继续道:“在麟渊界,应该从未有测骨玄碑测定龙骨的先例,所以偏差几何,难有确切定论。烈宗主,这个结果,你可接受?或者,你有测定龙骨之法? ” Before Lie Qianhong naturally not such as Yun Che, reaching out for a yard after taking an inch ”, bows the head to say like thathastily: „ My Fierce Sand sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance intersection is really deep, the manner to Ximen hegemon is admiring to the extreme, let alone also Lord Knight assumed personal command fiercely...... some from the beginning 烈千洪当然不会如云澈之前那般“得寸进尺”,连忙俯首道:“我烈砂宗与拜麟盟相交甚深,对西门盟主的为人更是钦佩之极,何况还有骑士大人坐镇……烈某自始 To has not doubted Qilin Worshipping Alliance finally truly, the person of suspecting, only has Yun Che. ” 至终都未曾真正疑过拜麟盟,所疑之人,唯有云澈。” The matter cannot last, fine words naturally are the best choice. 事不可为时,一番漂亮话当然是最上佳的选择。 In the Ximen Boyun heart sneers, the complexion is tranquil: So...... Yun Che, you then come up for yourself and a Helian Imperial Family card are pure.” 西门博云心中一阵冷笑,面色平静冷淡:“如此……云澈,你便上来为自己和赫连皇室一证清白。” The Yun Che brow selects, aspirates silently. 云澈眉头微挑,默默吐了口气。 Then will have anything, he uses the nostril to think. 接下来会发生什么,他用鼻孔都能想到。 He sets out to fall into the battlefield , or disturbed, or the waiting looks at the vision of good play facing an numerous or the anticipations, his resigned-looking palm according, in measured above the bone profound tablet. Profound tablet shining gets up, a dry light upward spread......, but, in the line of sight of everyone congealment, the dry light only extended long of half sixty-year cycle instantaneously, then suddenly slow, when distance sixty-year cycle still three points remote, then stagnated 他起身落入战场,面对一众或期待、或忐忑、或等待看好戏的目光,他一脸无奈的将手掌按在了测骨玄碑之上。玄碑耀起,一线枯光向上蔓延……但,在所有人瞬间凝结的视线中,枯光只延了半甲子之长,便忽然慢了下来,随之在距离一甲子尚有三分之遥时,便停滞了下来 . If Qilin God Territory has under a cauldron cover, instantly deathly stillness silent, falling the needle may hear. 麒麟神域如有一口大锅罩下,霎时死寂无声,落针可闻。 Shock that previously Long Jiang brought was just consoled, then in the eruption of this split second several times, shook the eyeball, heart and cranial vault. 先前龙姜带来的震撼才刚刚被慰下,便又在这一瞬间数倍的爆发,直震眼珠、心脏和颅顶。 Half...... half...... half...... half sixty-year cycle!?” “半……半……半……半甲子!?” profound light is stationed, is the places about three points of two sixty-year cycle...... belongs to the territory of half sixty-year cycle. 玄光所驻,是大约三分之二甲子之处……属于半甲子之域。 This, this result, all human eyes of straight impact feel dizzy a while ago, in brain piece of rumbled. 这一幕,这一结果,直冲击的所有人眼前一阵发晕,脑中一片轰鸣 Prudent Ximen Boyun both eyes have enlarged suddenly, profound energy loses the foreword, nearly plants from in the air one. 一直持重的西门博云双目猛然放大,玄气失序,险些从空中一头栽下去。 But waits for desired Lie Qianhong to become dark directly at present, such as falling absurd illusion. 而等待着希望出现的烈千洪直接眼前发黑,如坠荒谬幻境 Half...... sixty-year cycle?” “半……甲子?” Half half half...... Ss! “半半半……嘶! Half sixty-year cycle...... this this......” “半甲子……这这这这……” ...... …… Chaotic overflow of same three characters from innumerable population, actually is the stutter, bursts the inadequate sentence. 相同的三个字从无数人口中混乱溢出,却皆是结结巴巴,溃不成句。 Helian Lingzhu both hands cover the lip, loses one's voice startled recites, Mo Cangying was crooked did not know to Ku Xian body. 赫连玲珠双手捂唇,失声惊吟,陌苍鹰更是歪到了枯弦身上而不自知。 Half sixty-year cycle peak Divine Sovereign has shocked everybody. But releases the strength of High-Rank Divine Lord at the age of half sixty-year cycle...... this is the what kind of concept? 甲子的巅峰神君已是惊世骇俗。而以半甲子之龄释出上位神主之力……这是何等概念? „......?” Remote spatial above, Hua Qingying deep looked at Yun Che one. “……?”遥空之上,画清影深深的看了云澈一眼。 ei? His is so unexpectedly young, wants on small many compared with I smallest royal younger brother.” “欸?他年龄居然才这么小,比我最小的王弟都要小上许多。” 17 years old of then achievement half step Divine Extinction Realm Hua Caili, to a present understanding not that clear. 十七岁便成就半步神灭境画彩璃,对眼下一幕的认识并没有那么的清晰。 Profound tablet has not had for a long time the use, has damaged.” “玄碑久未使用,已经损坏。” In the chaotic startled sound resounds bellowing of Lie Qianhong, as soon as he pushes burns fiercely Yang: Yang Er, you goes!” 混乱的惊声中响起烈千洪的大吼,他一推烈灼阳:“阳儿,你去!” The skeletal age of Long Jiang, they can convince itself by dragon bone|keel unpredictable. But only reason that Yun Che...... they can think, Oh, is not the only explanation, is measures the bone profound tablet to be bad. 龙姜之骨龄,他们能以“龙骨”难测来说服自己。而云澈……他们所能想到的唯一理由,不,是唯一的解释,便是测骨玄碑已坏。 Right, measuring bone profound stone tablet Dingran is bad. The Long Jiang different place is also therefore.” “没错,测骨玄碑定然已坏。想必龙姜的异处也是因此。” „, Half sixty-year cycle, again is not indeed possible.” “的确,半甲子啊,再怎么也无可能啊。” No wonder, I remember that this measured the bone profound tablet to have several hundred years not to use, truly should also be bad.” “怪不得,我记得这测骨玄碑有数百年未用了,确实也该坏了。” Echoes the sound to rise from all directions, no one believes Yun Che, only then half sixty-year cycle...... even includes Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying, even they also believe that measures the bone profound tablet damage. 附和声四起,无人相信云澈只有半甲子……甚至包括赫连玲珠陌苍鹰,连他们也更相信是测骨玄碑损坏。 Was pushed in the past burnt fiercely has fallen on the Yun Che body side Yang, the direct arm stretched out, presses above in Ce the bone profound tablet. 被推过去的烈灼阳已是落在了云澈身侧,直接手臂伸出,按于测骨玄碑之上。 profound light shining gets up, in an instant falls in age of places eight sixty-year cycle, steadily stagnation. 玄光耀起,转眼落于八甲子之龄处,稳稳停滞。 This......” burns fiercely is shocked Yang, Lie Qianhong stays there. “这……”烈灼阳愣住,烈千洪更是呆在那里。 No, impossible.” “不,不可能。” How Lie Qianhong will lose heart, he swoops, direct shoves open the son, the five fingers stretches out, grasps personally above measuring the bone profound tablet. 烈千洪岂会死心,他飞扑而下,直接一把推开儿子,五指伸出,亲自抓在测骨玄碑之上。 split second profound light sticks out suddenly, flees on, after straight broken 70 sixty-year cycles, then fast lie. 一瞬间玄光暴起,直窜而上,直破七十甲子后便快速停驻。 The audience deathly stillness...... Qilin Abyss Realm profound practitioner all knows, seven months ago, Fierce Sand Sect Master does in a big way the 70 sixty-year cycles birthday. 全场死寂……麟渊界玄者皆知,就在七个月前,烈砂宗主大办七十甲子 Measuring the bone profound tablet is exactly right! 测骨玄碑分毫不差! The palm of Lie Qianhong like receiving an electric shock puts aside from the profound tablet, still pupils dilate , the confusion shakes the head: No, I do not believe that I do not believe!!” 烈千洪的手掌如触电般从玄碑上移开,兀自瞳孔放大,混乱摇头:“不,我不信,我不信!!” He must turn around suddenly, grasps Yun Che's arm, again according to above profound tablet. 他忽得转身,一把抓起云澈的手臂,重新按在玄碑之上。 profound light slightly shining, the lie locates at 2/3 sixty-year cycle as before, with previously not the slightest difference. 玄光微耀,依旧停驻于三分之二个甲子处,与先前别无二致。 „......” The Lie Qianhong body rocks, both eyes lax: no...... no...... impossible, how will have this matter...... how to have this matter!” “……”烈千洪身躯晃动,双目一阵涣散:“不……不……不可能,怎么会有这种事……怎么会有这种事!” He is unable to accept, does not know that is being shattered of final hope, Yun Che that crushes the age of residual the cognition. 他更加无法接受的,不知是最后希望的破灭,还是云澈那将认知粉碎成残渣的年龄。 Everyone again dull however not handles, this time, their last can convince and comfort own reason to lose. Especially Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple, their all facial features delay, if loses the soul...... to take Qilin Abyss Realm this generation of peak talents, they unexpectedly were oppressed by a half sixty-year cycle young junior hence, how this lets them 所有人再一次的呆然无措,这一次,他们连最后一个能说服和安慰自己的理由都已失去。尤其磐玄宗万仞宗弟子,他们个个面容呆滞,如若失魂……作为麟渊界这一代最顶尖的天才,他们竟被一个只有半甲子的小小辈凌虐至此,这让他们如何相 The letter/believes, how accepts. 信,如何接受。 Lingzhu.” Ku Xian mentally confused, exhaled the name of Crown Princess directly: You are pick one...... the genuine monster.” 玲珠啊。”枯弦心乱之下,直接呼出了长公主之名:“你这是捡回来一个……真正的怪物啊。” „......” The finger of Helian Lingzhu still covers stubbornly on the lip, was unable to say a word. “……”赫连玲珠的手指依然死死捂在嘴唇上,已根本无法言语。 Yun Che a palm that casts off Lie Qianhong, turns around saying: So, should be pure from the card enough.” 云澈一把甩开烈千洪的手掌,转身道:“如此,应该足够自证清白了吧。” Lord Knight, this time you ought to announce the result of this war....... Everyone draws to measure, I did not mind.” 骑士大人,这次你总该宣读此战的结果了。或者……所有人都拉来测上一遍,我也不介意。” Sound of directly Yun Che hears, Ximen Boyun gets back one's composure unexpectedly, this feels shocked are rude to where. He rallies the facial expression and deportment rapidly, Abyss Knight aura also unfolds: „ After the profound tablet determination, age of Long Jiang and Yun Che all in ten sixty-year cycle, Qilin Worshipping Alliance and Helian Imperial Family has not all disobeyed the rule that the Ni Yuan sovereign sets. Fierce Sect Master, you 云澈之音直线入耳,西门博云蓦地回神,这才惊觉自己已是失态至何地。他迅速重整神情和仪态,深渊骑士气场也重新铺开:“经玄碑测定,龙姜云澈之龄皆在十甲子之内,拜麟盟赫连皇室皆未违逆渊皇所定的规则。烈宗主,你 But other do also words need to say? ” 还有其他话要说?” „......” Lie Qianhong to close both eyes, weak shaking the head, has not said a word again. “……”烈千洪闭目,无力的摇头,未再发一言。 Ximen Boyun holds up the head to read out: „The Qilin God Conference second round of war, Qilin Worshipping Alliance and Helian Imperial Family games become the tie, the coexisting first place. All may select 350 people to enter Qilin God Realm.” 西门博云昂首宣读:“麟神之会第二轮战,拜麟盟赫连皇室成平局,共居首位。皆可择选三百五十人入麟神境。” voice/sound falls, no one cheers. 声音落下,无人欢呼。 Only has bunch of vision strongly in the body of Yun Che, sways such as is soaking the erroneous dream, for a very long time is unable to wake up ignorant however. 唯有一束束目光集中于云澈之身,晃荡着如浸谬梦,久久无法醒来的懵然。 ———— ———— Remote spatial above, Hua Qingying takes back the vision and divine sense: Caili, has looked lively, should walk.” 遥空之上,画清影收回目光与神识:“彩璃,热闹已经看完,该走了。” „Does Ah? walk? But......” the Hua Caili first response then rejects, because she also wants to continue the far view this to bring the novel and pleasantly surprised liveliness unceasingly. 啊?走?可是……”画彩璃第一反应便是拒绝,因为她还想继续远观这场不断带来新奇与惊喜的热闹。 Especially, she wants to have a look at this then to make anything named Yun Che's person. Because this lively novelty and pleasant surprise, may be he bring. 尤其,她很想多看看这个叫云澈的人接下来会做什么。因为这场热闹中的新奇与惊喜,可都是他所带来的。 Restraint is curious, is one that the state of mind practices.” A Hua Qingying language punctures her thoughts: Qilin God Realm cannot enter. This place does not have to help to your practicing, the time that you stay is too long, should leave.” “克制好奇,是心境修行的一种。”画清影一语戳破她的心思:“麟神境不可擅入。此地对你的修行毫无所助,你停留的时间已经太久,该离开了。” But, but......” is remains leaves, was decided by yourself, I stated opinion, will not interfere.” Hua Qingying voice/sound does not bring slightly strongly, instead is gradually indistinct, seems going far away fast: „ this period of time, I exist in your nearby defined “可,可是……”“是留是离,由你自己决定,我只是建言,不会干涉。”画清影声音不带丝毫强硬,反而逐渐飘渺,仿佛在快速远去:“这段时间,我于你身边的存在过于明晰 , This absolutely not good deed. ” ,这绝非好事。” Starting today, if is not necessary, I will not respond to your spoken language again, will not give you to state opinion again. Only looked at...... you do not disappoint First Stage of your life to be informed and experienced.” “从今日开始,若非确有必要,我不会再回应你的言语,也不会再给予你建言。只望……你不要辜负了你人生的第一场历练。” Facial expression restraining of Hua Caili, she very earnest thinking, then nods said: Good, I listen to paternal aunt's words.” 画彩璃的神情收敛,她很认真的想了一想,然后颔首道:“好,我听姑姑的话。” This time, no one responded to her. 这次,无人回应她。 The bright pupil light shot a look below one finally, she turns around, does not have distant flying away of hesitation again. 明澈的眸光最后瞥了下方一眼,她转过身去,再无犹疑的远远飞离。 One is really fun hero rescues beautiful, novel again and again Qilin God Conference, made Hua Caili remember Yun Che this name without doubt firmly. 一场甚是好玩的“英雄救美”,一场“新奇连连”的麟神之会,无疑让画彩璃牢牢记住了云澈这个名字。 At this moment turns around, she thinks that all met such as her previously to undergo, quick will then desalinate and disseminate in the behind sand dust. 此刻转身,她本以为一切皆会如她先前所历,很快便会淡化、弥散于身后的沙尘。 But...... 但…… Somewhat met with, some entanglements, some loves hate...... to be doomed on such as the day institute, is unavoidable. 有些邂逅,有些纠缠,有些爱恨……就如天所注定,无可逃脱。 It is not able to forecast, the end point can be pink clouds sea of flowers, is sad Henmo the deep pool. 更无法预测,终点会是彩云花海,还是悲恨魔渊。 ———— ———— In the war of Helian Imperial Family in Linshen captures the first news extreme speed to feed in Helian Imperial City. 赫连皇室于麟神之战中夺得首位的消息极速传回赫连皇城 In the Helian Jue dying sickness startled sat up, laughs wildly the sound just to complete half repair the palace to jack to shake a hole newly. 赫连玦垂死病中惊坐起,狂笑声将刚完成一半修葺的殿顶重新震出一个窟窿。 This also installs what wound heavily not to recover, Helian Jue prepares profound ark fast, then the hurried point chooses numerous imperial family junior, directly soars Qilin God Territory to go. 这还装什么伤重未愈,赫连玦让人快速准备玄舟,然后匆忙点选一众皇室后辈,直奔麒麟神域而去。 Qilin God Conference final fight is Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms and Fierce Sand showdown, but must after 12 double-hour, result apparent. 麟神之会最后一战磐玄万仞烈砂的对决,不过要在十二个时辰之后,结果一眼便知。 Yun Che is naturally uninteresting, leaves the battlefield, looks an opportunity draws in Helian Lingzhu alone, making a veiled attack asks the matter of deep Abyssal Beast clan. 云澈自然毫无兴趣,已是离开战场,找个机会单独拉上赫连玲珠,旁敲侧击的问起深渊兽族之事。 Dragon Clan is really that powerful.” Yun Che is sighing seriously: That Long Jiang, the whole body is passing strangely. Mentioned Dragon Clan......” 龙族果然还是那么强大。”云澈一本正经的感叹着:“那个龙姜,全身都透着诡异。说起龙族……” As his footsteps voice/sound there, then put out a hand to hold the volume together, looks the color of pain. 他脚步随着声音一起顿在了那里,然后伸手扶额,面露痛苦之色。 Ah? you......? Was could it be that injured a moment ago?” Helian Lingzhu full is asking of worry, the finger is subconscious touching to the Yun Che's forehead. 啊?你……怎么了?难道刚才受伤了?”赫连玲珠满是担心的问道,手指更是下意识的触向云澈的额头。 Yun Che natural relaxes the hands the straight body, just evaded the finger of Helian Lingzhu, said comfortably: Of course not. A month ago severe wound, not only to my memory, in the cognition also as if appeared incompletely.” 云澈一个自然的垂手直身,刚好避过了赫连玲珠的手指,宽慰道:“当然不是。只是一个月前的重伤,不仅对我的记忆,认知上也似乎出现了残缺。” „When Dragon Clan...... the matters of other also beast clans, I think, only has a blank unexpectedly.” 龙族……还有其他兽族的事,我思及之时,竟都只有一片空白。” Doesn't matter.” Helian Lingzhu smile comfort: Your wound to recover completely is so quick, the Soul wound slowly will also restore surely.” “没关系。”赫连玲珠微笑安慰:“你的伤痊愈的那么快,灵魂的创伤也定会慢慢恢复的。” Un, certainly will restore.” Yun Che nods, then said naturally: Thought and the beast clan a moment ago...... beyond the blank and confusion, only remembers faintly, probably except for Dragon Clan, other beast clans has become extinct.” “嗯,一定会恢复的。”云澈颔首,然后自然而然道:“刚才思及兽族……空白与混乱之外,只隐隐记得,好像除了龙族,其他兽族都已绝灭。” Naturally.” Helian Lingzhu said: Except for Dragon Clan, also final Qilin. Other beast clans, were corroded Abyssal Beast completely.” “当然啊。”赫连玲珠道:“除了龙族,还有最后的麒麟。其他的兽族,全部都被侵蚀成渊兽了。” To...... Abyssal Beast.” The Yun Che language fast slows down, the brow tightens, in diligently appearance of thinking and recollection. “对……渊兽。”云澈语速放慢,眉头收紧,一副在努力思索、回忆的模样。 Before, where old book I once looked at one not to know from.” Helian Lingzhu said in a soft voice: Above said, actually many beast clans be more powerful than Human Race. Especially Dragon Clan, wants by far Human Race more.” “以前,我曾看过一本不知来自何方的古籍。”赫连玲珠轻声说道:“上面说,其实很多兽族都要比人族强大。尤其是龙族,要远胜人族很多很多。” But, the corrosion of abyss dust to beast clan must be bigger than human by far, causes the beast clan gradually to exterminate, finally only Dragon Clan. The old book said that if the world does not have abyss dust, perhaps, the world will take Dragon Clan as the control.” “但是,渊尘对兽族的侵蚀要远远大过人类,才导致兽族逐渐灭绝,最终只余龙族。古籍说,若世无渊尘,说不定,世界将以龙族为主宰。” The old book said correctly...... God Realm before Yun Che control, then took Dragon Clan as the control, and million years unshakable. 古籍所言无错……云澈统御前的神界,便是以龙族为主宰,且百万载无可撼动 „The corrosion of abyss dust to beast clan must be bigger than human by far...... these words, without doubt is all answers. 渊尘对兽族的侵蚀要远远大过人类”……这句话,无疑便是一切的答案。 In the Mo Beichen remnant soul, indeed has Abyssal Beast concept. 陌悲尘的残魂中,的确有“渊兽”的概念。 They wander in Fog Sea, by them of strength of corrosion abyss extinguishing, naturally also only had the destruction instinct completely. „A month ago, I in the Fog Sea edge, then encounter Abyssal Beast that was corroded becomes.” Helian Lingzhu continued: „ It, compared with abyss dust Abyssal Beast fearful many. If not Ninth Senior Brother appears suddenly, I perhaps... 它们游荡于雾海,被深渊灭之力完全侵蚀的它们,自然也只有毁灭的本能。“一个月前,我在雾海边缘,便遭遇了一只被侵蚀而成的渊兽。”赫连玲珠继续说道:“它果然,要比渊尘所化的渊兽可怕的多。若非九师兄忽然出现,我说不定… ... ” …” Her voice/sound has the lingering fear, but looks immediately to Yun Che, bright eyes warpage: But, precisely, because your I private enter Fog Sea time, can run into Young Master Yun Che. That is really I my entire life most correct decision.” 她的声音带着后怕,但马上看向云澈,明眸弯翘:“不过,也正是因为你那一次我私入雾海,才可以遇到云澈公子。那果然是我一生最最正确的决定。” Her pupil light, such as supine gods. 她的眸光,如仰神明。 The Yun Che smile, in the heart actually remembered another news. Fog Sea Abyssal Beast, part by the ancient times beast clan of complete corrosion, part...... was concentrates by rich abyss dust! 云澈微笑,心中却是记牢了另一个讯息。雾海渊兽,一部分是被完全侵蚀的远古兽族,一部分……是由过于浓郁的渊尘所凝化!
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