ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2004: Measures the bone

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! The meaning of Lie Qianhong shortly apparently. 烈千洪之意顷刻昭然。 In God Realm, can roughly judge its age sector through life aura that the life outside releases. But abyss is entirely different. abyss dust extremely will limit even twists the sensation, but what is more important, abyss dust will bite the life remnantly, muddy life aura. Growth in the person of different abyss dust environment, even if exactly the same age, outside the institute releases 神界,通过生灵所外释的生命气息便可大致判断其年龄区间。但深渊全然不同。渊尘会极大的限制甚至扭曲感知,而更为重要的是,渊尘会残噬生命,浑浊生命气息。成长于不同渊尘环境的人,哪怕一模一样的年龄,所外释 Life aura also has the enormous difference. 的生命气息也会有着极大的不同。 A growth in Divine Country the people of hundred sixty-year cycle, with a people of life aura of growth the ten sixty-year cycle...... latter's in soulless country's, will be perhaps sincerer than the former. 一个成长于神国的百甲子之人,和一个成长于无神之国的十甲子之人……后者的生命气息,说不定会比前者更为厚重。 Therefore in abyss, passes aura that outside releases to judge the age, obtained can only arrive fuzzily even refers to the reluctant result. 因而在深渊,通过外释的气息来判断年龄,得出的只能是模糊到连参考都勉强的结果。 Lie Qianhong this act, although fighting of some trapped/sleepy beasts, but absolutely not does not have according to unreasonably, conversely reminded many people all of a sudden. Before all previous Qilin God Conference makes war, to not entering the war disciple will conduct the age determination. First, with locating Qilin Abyss Realm, knew to all this era talent disciple. Secondly...... is also the most important reason, Qilin God Realm 烈千洪此举,虽有些困兽之斗,但绝非无理无据,相反倒是一下子提醒了不少人。历届麟神之会开战前,都并不会对参战弟子进行年龄测定。一来,同处麟渊界,都对各方这一时代的天才弟子有所知晓。二来……也是最为重要的原因,麟神境 For the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift, who dares at involving the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift incident uses deception? 渊皇恩赐,谁敢在涉及渊皇恩赐一事上弄虚作假? Especially each time also Abyss Knight in side supervision testimony. 尤其每次都还有深渊骑士在侧监督见证。 If some people dare to enter Qilin God Realm falsely report the age, that without a doubt is the behavior that despises the Abyss Sovereign Saint prestige. The consequence serious...... deprives the qualifications, the calamity and entire sects is much more. 若有人胆敢为入麟神境而谎报年龄,那毫无疑问是藐视渊皇圣威的行为。后果之严重……取消资格,祸及全宗都远远不止。 Risk and income difference like heaven and earth, therefore, again to three sects dynasty ten courage, does not dare decidedly so. Therefore before Qilin God Conference, never needs to determine the age...... this reluctantly is a three sects dynasty until now only tacit understanding. 风险与收益差如天壤,所以,再给三宗一朝十个胆子,也决然不敢如此。因而麟神之会前从不需要测定年龄……这勉强算是三宗一朝一直以来仅有的默契。 At the present, this tacit understanding, actually becomes the Fierce Sand sect last chance. 而今,这个“默契”,却成为了烈砂宗最后的机会。 If Yun Che or Long Jiang have no matter what its age surpasses ten sixty-year cycle, Helian Imperial Family or Qilin Worshipping Alliance definitely will lose this time the qualifications of entering Qilin God Realm......, such big crime, will not lose qualifications absolutely not impossible forever. 若是云澈龙姜有任其一年龄超过十甲子,赫连皇室拜麟盟必然会失去此次进入麟神境的资格……不,此等大罪,永失资格都绝非不可能 Fierce Sand sect then High-Rank, the retrieval enters the qualifications of Qilin God Realm. 烈砂宗便可上位,重获进入麟神境的资格。 When a numerous vision looks to Helian Imperial Family, also noticed the Helian Lingzhu that obviously not right look. 当一众目光看向赫连皇室所在时,也都注意到了赫连玲珠那明显不对劲的神色。 Immediately, various talking in whispers sounds get up. 顿时,各种窃窃私语声响起。 profound practitioner is longer in time of Realm lie, without doubt profound energy is vigorous tyrannical. But Yun Che by Divine Sovereign Realm cultivation base, ends oppressive numerous Low-Rank Divine Lord, this to Qilin Abyss Realm profound practitioner, it can be said that was aloof their cognitive boundary thoroughly. But was limited by them to the Qilin Abyss Realm cognition......, if can some people do seriously 一个玄者在一个境界停驻的时间越久,无疑玄气越是浑厚强横。而云澈神君境修为,完虐一众下位神主,这对麟渊界玄者而言,可以说是彻底超脱了他们的认知界限。而以他们被局限于麟渊界的认知……若当真能有人做 Also can only be at the Divine Sovereign Realm lie too many year of old monsters. 到,也只能是个在神君境停驻了太多年的老怪物。 Under ten sixty-year cycle......, regardless of thinks for the first time, thinks deeply, is not possible. But Long Jiang...... the cultivation of speed dragon, wants on slow one time to continue compared with it same Profound Dao natural talent person, Eighth Level Divine Lord Horned Dragon under ten sixty-year cycle, even if that is plane, resources and background is next to Pure Land and six big Divine Country Dragon Clan, 甲子之下……无论乍想,还是深思,都根本毫无可能。而龙姜……龙之修炼速度,比之同等玄道天赋的人要慢上一倍不止,十甲子之下的八级神主螭龙,即使那是位面、资源、底蕴仅次于净土和六大神国龙族,也 Still is extremely incredible. 依然是太过让人难以置信。 Mo Cangying knits the brows slightly, but, his heart is not but actually flurried. 陌苍鹰微微皱眉,不过,他内心倒并不怎么慌乱。 When he meets Yun Che initially, Yun Che be at the severely wounded stupor, does not have the protection the condition, life aura that besides releases can be said as young. 他初遇云澈时,云澈处于重伤昏迷,毫无防备可言的状态,其外释的生命气息可以说是“过于年轻”。 Also precisely, because on aura so young Divine Sovereign, making Helian Lingzhu insist that must save him. 正是因为气息上如此年轻的神君,让赫连玲珠坚持要救他。 He now the ages of eight -and-a-half sixty-year cycle, but has Yun Che called him...... should for Big Brother Mo to be smaller than him? 他如今八个半甲子之龄,而云澈一直称呼他为“陌大哥”……应该是比他要小吧? Ximen Boyun is actually calm: „Is the fierce Sect Master's meaning?” 西门博云倒是一脸平静:“烈宗主的意思是?” Some fierce request, sounding their skeletal ages!” “烈某请求,测探他二人的骨龄!” aura is difficult to distinguish, but the skeletal age cannot do false! 气息难辨,但骨龄做不得假! The Lie Qianhong recording tape profound prestige, shakes presents everyone eardrum to buzz. 烈千洪音带玄威,直震得在场所有人耳膜嗡嗡作响。 The Ximen Borong look is invariable, instead not salty not pale smiling. 西门博容神色不变,反而不咸不淡的笑了一笑。 Although he indeed does not know the Long Jiang real age, but believe firmly opposite party absolutely not over ten sixty-year cycle. 他虽然的确不知龙姜的真实年龄,但确信对方绝对不会超过十甲子 But that Yun Che...... may not be uncertain. 但那云澈……可就不一定了。 Therefore, Lie Qianhong this takes him , is not only not angry, instead is out of control to clap the hands and shout praise. 所以,烈千洪这番作为他非但不恼,反而禁不住要拍手叫好。 If that Yun Che's age seriously over ten sixty-year cycle, then, Ximen Boyun has been able to punish in him at the scene...... regardless of his what status. 若那云澈的年龄当真已超过十甲子,那么,西门博云便可当场制裁于他……无论他何种身份。 In this abyss, you regardless of what status, impossible are bigger than Abyss Sovereign. 在这深渊,你无论什么身份,都不可能大过渊皇 Helian Imperial Family may also trample being punished deep pool on this, later his Qilin Worshipping Alliance founds a nation to change toward, but must save too many mental efforts. The Helian Lingzhu state of mind relatively is frail, is unable to depress frightened in heart completely. She sharply sharply sets out, is actually caught by Mo Cangying immediately, said in a low voice: „ We do not have the right of rejection. On the contrary, forcefully the voice, only seems afraid 赫连皇室也可就此一脚踹入罪渊,之后他拜麟盟立国改朝,可就要省下太多心力了。赫连玲珠的心境毕竟相对脆弱,无法完全压下心中的惶然。她急急起身,却被陌苍鹰立刻拽住,低声道:“我们没有拒绝的权利。相反,强行发声,只会显得心虚 . ” 。” Moreover......” Mo Cangying shot a look was completely unhurried, Yun Che that even some want to smile: „The Brother Yun extremely heavy friendship, repays a debt of gratitude cherished to you, how also to entrap at this matter in you.” “而且……”陌苍鹰瞥了完全不慌,甚至有些想笑的云澈一眼:“云兄弟极重情义,对你报恩心切,又岂会在这种事上坑害于你。” The words, making in the Helian Lingzhu heart disturbed reduce greatly, she shot a look at Yun Che one quietly, nodded. 一番话,让赫连玲珠心中忐忑大减,她悄悄瞥了云澈一眼,点了点头 Ximen Boyun said: Bestowing of Abyss Sovereign, who dares to hide empty! However, the ages of ten sixty-year cycle were Abyss Sovereign own word limited in the past, before Qilin God Conference, have not had the determination, all because mutually were the trusts. Either one has an anxiety, pawnshop it.” 西门博云道:“渊皇之赐,谁敢藏虚!不过,十甲子之龄为渊皇当年亲言所限,麟神之会前未有测定,皆因互为信任。任何一方有所疑虑,都当行之。” Quick, uses to determine the skeletal age the big profound tablet to put in the battlefield center. 很快,一座用以测定骨龄的高大玄碑被置于战场中心。 When Ximen Borong first said: My Qilin Worshipping Alliance, although background was still shallow, bestows to the Qilin God Realm so Saint earnestly seeks. But even if there is hundred thousand guts again, does not dare to bestow the half a point to blaspheme to the Abyss Sovereign Saint.” 西门博容当先道:“我拜麟盟底蕴尚浅,对麟神境这般圣赐万般渴求。但纵然再有十万胆,也不敢对渊皇圣赐有半分亵渎。” Then is advanced by my Qilin Worshipping Alliance the determination.” “便由我拜麟盟先行测定。” He transfers the eye, said to Long Jiang: Also please ask dragon small Venerable to step, to prove my Qilin Worshipping Alliance to be pure.” 他转目,向龙姜道:“还请劳驾龙小尊者移步,以证我拜麟盟清白。” Potential already hence, Abyss Sovereign two character capping, who resists not to be possible to resist. 势已至此,“渊皇”二字压顶,无论是谁都拒无可拒。 Has not made Ximen Borong wait for is too long, Long Jiang comes, whole body aura as before aura of death heavy. 没有让西门博容等待太久,龙姜现身,周身气场依旧死气沉沉。 Obviously, she does not hope very much. But...... she must enter Qilin God Realm. 显然,她很不愿。但……她必须入麟神境 She is situated in profound tablet the front, touches above in Xuanbei for the palm that the wide robe binds. 她立于玄碑前方,为宽袍所裹的手掌触碰于玄碑之上。 Above the profound tablet profound array appears, a dry brilliance gets up, extends on. 玄碑之上玄阵现出,一线枯光耀起,直延而上。 But, merely after passing age of the sixty-year cycle, the speed quickly wanes unexpectedly, then gradually stagnated. 但,仅仅在逾过一甲子之龄后,竟速度骤减,随之便逐渐停滞了下来。 profound light the place of lie, was still -and-a-half insufficient...... sixty-year cycle! 玄光所停驻之处,尚不足……一个半甲子 The Long Jiang arm receives, turns around cold, the moment then vanishes in the public eyes again. 龙姜手臂收起,冷然转身,须臾便再次消失在众人视线中。 Only pumping air sounds of that chaotic overlap. 唯余那混乱交叠的抽气声。 „-and-a-half...... sixty-year cycle??” “一个半……甲子??” This...... this...... does this have the possibility?” “这……这这……这有可能吗?” „Was this profound tablet bad? Eighth Level Divine Lord...... -and-a-half sixty-year cycle!? Legend Divine Country has one type specially inheritance, can enter Divine Lord Realm. But had not heard Dragon Clan has this type inheritance, this......” “这玄碑是坏了吧?八级神主……一个半甲子!?传说神国有一种特殊的‘传承’,可以直入神主境。但没听说过龙族有这种‘传承’,这这……” ...... …… Qilin God Territory each wisp of air, was flooded by the shocking mood. 麒麟神域的每一缕空气,都被震惊的情绪所充斥。 This is in ten sixty-year cycle becomes Divine Lord, is extremely Star Realm of talent. 这是一个十甲子之内成为神主,便是绝顶天才的星界 But now, they witness Eighth Level Divine Lord only to detect -and-a-half sixty-year cycle ages. 而现在,他们亲眼目睹着一个八级神主只测出一个半甲子的年龄。 This to their mind and cognition, is the impact of big how. 这对他们的精神和认知而言,是何其之大的冲击。 Originally is whole face anticipation Lie Qianhong direct dumbfounded......, but not far away, Ximen Borong is also both eyes stares straight, at the scene ignorant there. 本是满脸期待的烈千洪直接傻眼……而不远处,西门博容亦是双目瞠直,当场懵在那里。 Ximen Boyun stood slowly, that pair in the pupil of unceasing contraction, is showing his heart deep shocking. 西门博云缓缓站了起来,那双在不断收缩的瞳孔,彰显着他内心深深的震骇。 Long Jiang is home-in Qilin Worshipping Alliance, must help them enter Qilin God Realm on own initiative. 龙姜是主动寻上拜麟盟,主动要助他们进入麟神境 But her condition only has two: One is enters Qilin God Realm along with Qilin Worshipping Alliance, two cannot find out by secret inquiry about her understanding news. 而她的条件只有两个:一为随拜麟盟进入麟神境,二为不许探知关于她的认识讯息。 This to Qilin Worshipping Alliance, is equal without doubt does not need to pay any price, can actually constant voltage one dynasty and three sects, obtain to enter the highest qualifications of Qilin God Realm. 这对拜麟盟而言,无疑是等同不需要付出任何代价,却可以稳压一朝三宗,获得进入麟神境的最高资格。 This grade of descends from the sky intervention, how they will have the truth of rejection. 这等天降神助,他们岂会有拒绝的道理。 She guaranteed with the Dragon Clan dignity, own age absolutely under ten sixty-year cycle. 她以龙族的尊严保证,自己的年龄绝对在十甲子之下。 But, regardless of Ximen Borong, is Ximen Boyun, they have a dream have not thought, her under ten sixty-year cycle, unexpectedly merely is only -and-a-half sixty-year cycle. 但,无论西门博容,还是西门博云,他们做梦都未曾想到,她的“十甲子之下”,竟仅仅只是一个半甲子 Visits Pure Land, after becoming Abyss Knight, the Ximen Boyun cognition no longer has also limited to small Qilin Abyss Realm. He starts to understand Divine Country, starts to contact the abyss highest plane cognition, to the Dragon Clan cognition also by far in the past. 踏足净土,成为深渊骑士后,西门博云的认知也早已不再局限于小小的麟渊界。他开始了解神国,开始接触深渊最高位面的认知,对龙族的认知也远胜以往。 Less than hundred -year-old High-Rank Divine Lord, Divine Country can achieve through special inheritance. But Dragon Clan, does not have inheritance, can only depend on the cultivation. 不足百岁的上位神主,神国可以通过特殊“传承”做到。但龙族,是没有“传承”的,只能靠修炼。 Moreover the growth of dragon is quite slow, this is the well-known basic cognition. 而且龙的成长极为缓慢,这更是人人皆知的基本认知。 The skeletal age that at present Long Jiang determines...... his first response is unable to believe that the secondary reaction, is the profound tablet contains errors. 眼前龙姜所测定出的骨龄……他第一反应是无法相信,第二反应,便是玄碑有误。 ...... The dragon and person race are able to discriminate, the dragon bone|keel and human bones may not with discussing. The Qilin Abyss Realm skeletal age profound tablet measures the human bones, but also has never measured the dragon bone|keel, therefore there is an institute to harm greatly, should also calculate that is fair? 或者……龙与人种族有别,龙骨和人骨也自不可同论。麟渊界的骨龄玄碑都是测人骨,还从未测过龙骨,所以有所大误,应该也算合情合理? This is he can think that most reasonable...... is also most should explanation. 这是他能想到的,最合理……也是最应该的解释。 Another side, Yun Che's innermost feelings also for it intense shock. 另一边,云澈的内心亦是为之剧震 He understands Dragon Clan very much. After all God Realm strongest several Dragon Clan...... the Dragon God clan and hornless dragon Dragon Clan and Venomous Dragon Clan basically by the homicide certainly, only odd/surplus azure Dragon Clan became Dragon Clan to revere newly. 他很是了解龙族。毕竟神界最强的几个龙族……龙神族、螭龙族虺龙族都基本被他杀绝,唯余青龙族成为龙族新尊。 The Dragon Clan growth is slow, but their great strength, the straightforward point, then pile come out by the powerful body and long life essence. 龙族成长缓慢,而他们的强大,直白点而言,便是以强大的躯体和漫长的寿元出来的。 The person of God Realm, vertical becomes Divine Emperor, at the most also on 50,000 years of life essence. But Long Bai 350,000 year, while still peak. The Blue Dragon Emperor hundred thousand year...... the estimate in Long Bai in the eyes is the young girl dragon. 神界之人,纵成神帝,顶天也就五万年寿元。而龙白三十五万岁,依然正当巅峰。青龙帝十万岁……估计在龙白眼中都还是个少女龙。 -and-a-half sixty-year cycle Eighth Level Divine Lord Horned Dragon......, let alone Western God Territory Horned Dragon Emperor, Long Bai saw, it is estimated that must be frightened at the scene kneels. 一个半甲子八级神主螭龙……别说西神域螭龙帝,龙白见了,估计都要被吓得当场跪地。 Is this...... abyss Dragon Clan? 这就是……深渊龙族吗? Not to...... looks at Ximen Boyun that just like fantasy the facial expression, this in abyss, is not normal. 不对……看西门博云那一副宛如活见鬼的神情,这在深渊,也绝不正常。 This also makes Yun Che even more curious, so does the character, actually she want to enter the Qilin God Realm goal is what? 这也让云澈越发的好奇,如此人物,她想要进入麟神境的目的究竟是什么? Really outside the person has the person, one should always strive for better.” Mo Cangying twittering...... his for talent that extremely all peers look, now feels itself for the first time tiny unexpectedly so. “果然人外有人,天外有天。”陌苍鹰一声呢喃……他本为所有同辈仰望的绝顶天才,如今第一次感觉到自己竟是如此的渺小。 Ximen Boyun voice/sound resounds: This profound tablet uses the human bones to make as the base, determines the age of dragon bone|keel to have the deviation, but wants to come is also insufficient to miss ten sixty-year cycle.” 西门博云声音响起:“此玄碑以人骨为基而制,测定龙骨之龄定有偏差,但想来也不至于差出十个甲子。” The Abyss Knight these words language diluted in all person hearts instantaneously startled however, making them be suddenly enlighted suddenly...... to Oh! Long Jiang is Horned Dragon, is the dragon bone|keel! How could with human bones same theory. 深渊骑士这一番话语瞬间冲淡了所有人心中的惊然,让他们一时间恍然大悟……对龙姜螭龙,是龙骨!岂能与人骨同论。 No wonder, 怪不得, When life facing unique cognition, not acceptable thing, enough reasonable explanation by extremely approval easily...... including suggesting explanation Ximen Boyun. 当生灵面对超脱认知,不可接受的事物时,一个足够“合理”的解释会被极其轻易的认同……包括提出“解释”的西门博云自己。 After all, who easily will also question the thing within own cognition range? 毕竟,谁又会轻易质疑自己认知范围内的东西呢? Remote spatial above, Hua Caili curious asking: „Will the age determination of human bones and dragon bone|keel, really have very large-deviation?” 遥空之上,画彩璃好奇的问道:“人骨与龙骨的年龄测定,真的会有很大偏差吗?” „...... Really is she.” Hua Qingying irrelevantly replied. “……果然是她。”画清影却是答非所问。 She?” “她?” Regardless of the bone of what clan, the skeletal age determination is not different, one crowd comforts own ignorant person that's all.” Hua Qingying then responded to the question of Hua Caili. “无论何族之骨,骨龄测定都并无不同,一群安慰自己的无知之人而已。”画清影这才回应画彩璃的疑问。 Hua Caili has not closely examined female's of this Dragon Clan status, but puts light voice/sound to say suddenly: That...... should my skeletal age, how many years be?” 画彩璃没有追问这个龙族之女的身份,而是忽然放轻声音道:“那……我的骨龄,应该算是多少岁呢?” 19 years old.” The response of Hua Qingying is not scruple. “十九岁。”画清影的回应毫无迟疑。 That is good, heeheehee.” The young girls smiled happily, revealed the beautiful smile. “那就好,嘻嘻嘻。”少女开心而笑,露出了绝美的笑颜。 Really, which plane female regardless, will more or less care about own age. 果然,无论哪个位面的女子,都会或多或少的在意自己的年龄。 Preventive inoculation: Do not hold the emotion to any Helian Imperial Family person, regardless of the men and women, were sure to remember!】 【After ten minutes , a also chapter.】 【预防针:不要对任何赫连皇室的人抱有情感,无论男女,切记!】【十分钟后还有一章。】
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