ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2003: Probe

Dragon Clan two characters, cause a startled sound to fill the air. 龙族”二字,引得一阵惊声弥漫。 Lie Qianhong complexion fluctuates, he looks to Ximen Borong Ximen hegemon good ability, can result in Horned Dragon to condescend unexpectedly to assist.” 烈千洪脸色一阵变幻,他看向西门博容西门盟主好能耐,竟能得一螭龙屈尊相助。” Ximen Borong smiles not to speak. 西门博容笑而不语。 The fierceness above battlefield burns Yang, as well as other Fierce Sand sect disciple complete surface, if dying embers. 战场之上的烈灼阳,以及其他所有烈砂弟子全部面若死灰。 Eighth Level Divine Lord, Horned Dragon...... solely these phrases press them not to gasp for breath, which also any fighting intent. 八级神主,还是螭龙……单单这几个字眼都压得他们喘不过气来,哪还有任何的战意可言。 Originally is Dragon Clan your excellency, no wonder your Qilin Worshipping Alliance so energy.” Burns Yang to nip the tooth fiercely slightly, the innermost feelings myriad are unwilling. “原来是龙族尊驾,怪不得你拜麟盟如此底气。”烈灼阳微微咬齿,内心万千不甘。 He is also very clear, if the Fierce Sand sect loses to Qilin Worshipping Alliance, or will lose enters the qualifications of Qilin God Realm...... that is the consequence that the Fierce Sand sect may not take absolutely. 他也十分清楚,若是烈砂宗败于拜麟盟,或将就此失去进入麟神境的资格……那是烈砂宗绝对不可承担的后果。 But previously overruled five sides altogether to enter, when is the decision rank sweep-out not matching, his Fierce Sand sect can/but had not opposed slightly. 但先前否决五方共入,而是决定以排位驱出“不配者”时,他烈砂宗可丝毫没有反对。 But,” being unwilling in heart clenched teeth to say Qilin God Realm by him is bestowing of Abyss Sovereign, when those who are able enter. Asked the foreign aid...... to be what skill!” “不过,”心中的不甘还是被他咬牙说出“麟神境既为渊皇之赐,当能者入。请外援……算什么本事!” Does obeisance Qilin Young Master Ximen deep light to smile „, if fierce Young Sect Master felt Qilin God Conference, when bans to invite the foreign aid, may propose before next Qilin God Conference, now said that was too late?” 拜麟少主西门泓淡淡一笑“若烈少宗主觉得麟神之会当禁邀外援,可于下一届麟神之会前提出,现在说,是不是太晚了?” Moreover, if invited the foreign aid is not the skill, your Fierce Sand sect how can't invite?” “而且,若邀得外援不算本事,那你烈砂宗怎么一个都邀不来呢?” „......” Burns Yang Zuijiao to twitch fiercely , there is nothing to say in reply. “……”烈灼阳嘴角抽搐,无言以对。 Young Master, what to do should we......?” All Fierce Sand disciple vision went to burnt fiercely Yang. 少主,我们……该怎么办?”所有烈砂弟子的目光都投向了烈灼阳。 Repeatedly confirmed a Lie Qianhong look, burns fiercely Yang after long exhales foul air, exhausts possibly tranquil stance in a clear tone said „the Qilin Worshipping Alliance in addition help is Dragon Clan your excellency, is Eighth Level Divine Lord. Our ten people confessed that does not have the possibility of contending certainly, then no longer the disciple harms the everyone/numerous time, is willing to admit defeat.” 再次确认了一眼烈千洪的眼神,烈灼阳在长长呼出一口浊气后,用尽可能平静的姿态朗声道拜麟盟此外援为龙族尊驾,又是八级神主。我们十人自认绝无抗衡的可能,便不再徒误众位时间,愿就此认输。” The side that foreign aid two characters, he bites is heavy. “外援”两个字,他咬的极重。 But Eighth Level Divine Lord four character one, are makes Qilin God Territory begin one piece lastingly restless startled howling. 而“八级神主”四个字一出,更是让麒麟神域再起一片持久不息的惊嚎。 Hehe, wise choice.” Ximen smiles deep lightly. From beginning to end, he has not released least bit profound energy. “呵呵,明智的选择。”西门泓淡淡而笑。自始至终,他也未曾释出半点玄气 Because he believes firmly, that moment that Long Jiang enters the stage, even if the opposite is Rock Profound Sect, will not fight to burst, let alone Fierce Sand sect. 因为他确信,龙姜出场的那一刻,对面哪怕是磐玄宗,也将不战而溃,何况烈砂宗。 „The Fierce Sand sect does not fight to admit defeat, this war Qilin Worshipping Alliance wins!” 烈砂宗不战而认输,此战拜麟盟!” The sound of readout gets up. But outside the battlefield does not have the hiss, does not have the artificial Fierce Sand sect to be shamed......, because, that is Eighth Level Divine Lord Horned Dragon! 宣读之音响起。但战场之外没有嘘声,也没有人为烈砂宗感到耻辱……因为,那是八级神主螭龙 In the Qilin God Conference history, presenting many matchless talents is shocking, changes the war the foreign aid. Existence of foreign aid is Qilin God Conference brings various types of unforeseen variables, adds color similarly much for it. 麟神之会历史上,出现过不少绝才惊艳,改变战局的外援。外援的存在为麟神之会带来各种无法预料的变数,也同样为其增色不少。 Which Qilin God Conference foreign aid but never has to be in so the degree oddly. 但从未有哪一届麟神之会的外援离谱到如此程度。 Past Qilin God Conference only involved the rank, but this time, but also related to elimination. 以往的麟神之会只涉及排位,而这一次,还涉及到“淘汰”。 In Fierce Sand sect heart is unwilling not indignation can be imagined. But such as Ximen said deep, they raise the objection now, already late. 烈砂宗心中的不甘不忿可想而知。但如西门泓所言,他们现在提出异议,已经晚了。 Dragon Clan Ah......” A Ku Xian sigh as the present world remaining last beast clan, Dragon Clan extremely few has it is reported that contacted with the outside world. Actually Qilin Worshipping Alliance spent what price, can invite powerful Horned Dragon to be the help unexpectedly.” 龙族啊……”枯弦一声感叹“作为现世尚存的最后一个兽族,龙族据传早已极少与外界接触。拜麟盟究竟是花费了什么代价,竟能邀得一个如此强大的螭龙为援。” Ku Xian sighed, was doubts in all person hearts. 枯弦所叹,是所有人心中的疑惑。 But falls in the Yun Che ear, is lets in his heart the big quake. 但落在云澈耳中,却是让他心中大震。 Presently does the world have...... the last beast clan?! 现世尚存……最后一个兽族?! Also is these words, making Yun Che realize oddity that suddenly he never before noticed. 也是这句话,让云澈忽然意识到一个他先前从未注意到的怪异之处。 Before his control God Realm, a God Realm 1 million years of history is all strongest by Western God Territory, takes Dragon God Realm as to revere. 在他统御神界之前,神界百万年历史皆是以西神域最强,以龙神界为尊。 But occupies six King Realm Dragon God Realm, Qilin Realm, Blue Dragon Realm and Horned Emperor, Myriad Manifestations and Venomous Dragon most Western God Territory, is the beast clan. 而盘踞最西神域的六王界龙神界麒麟界青龙界帝螭界、万象界、虺龙界,皆为兽族。 But in abyss, to lead six big Divine Country, is Human Race! 但在深渊,引领六大神国的,皆为人族 Only can read the fuzzy cognition in the Mo Beichen remnant soul Abyss Sovereign and four big Divine Emissary, is Human Race. 只能在陌悲尘残魂中读取到模糊认知的渊皇与四大神官,也都是人族 The body, natural talent and life essence far ultra human Dragon Clan, in the world that he comes is hassle-free myriad spirits supreme...... in this abyss world, hasn't entered Divine Country unexpectedly this grade of control? 躯体、天赋寿元均远超人类龙族,在他出身的世界是毫无争议的万灵至尊……在这深渊之世,竟未入“神国”这等统御之列? Yun Che thinks suddenly, dwells in Qilin God Realm, is abyss last Qilin. 云澈又忽然想到,栖息麟神境中的,是深渊“最后一只麒麟”。 In God Realm, under Dragon Clan, most is a Qilin clan. 神界,龙族之下,最强便是麒麟一族。 Actually in this abyss, only survives its one? 却在这深渊,只残存其一? Have other, all become extinct? 其他的,皆已绝灭? But the dragon, is Qilin, its body by far same level human. Also must be able to resist abyss dust to be right, why can...... 但无论是龙,还是麒麟,其躯体都远胜同层面人类。也应当更能抵御渊尘才对,为什么会…… In the heart has doubts myriad, but Yun Che has not asked. This should be the basic cognition in abyss, asked in the presence of everyone perhaps incurs the unnecessary suspicion. 心中疑惑万千,但云澈并没有试着问出。这在深渊应该属于基本认知,当众问出恐招不必要的猜疑。 He shot a look at Helian Lingzhu one...... to inquire about from her there by the split vision in secret. 他以余光瞥了赫连玲珠一眼……还是私下里从她那里探寻吧。 Qilin God Conference second battle has not fought, but victory and defeat. Third Stage games, should be being defeated Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms and Fierce Sand three sects tripartite tangled warfare, comes out third, fourth and fifth ranks. 麟神之会第二战就此未战而出胜负。第三场,本该是落败的磐玄万仞烈砂三宗三方混战,决出第三、四、五排位。 According to rule that their pre-war sets, lowliest place, will lose this time the qualifications of entering Qilin God Realm. 依照他们战前所定的规则,末位者,将失去此次进入麟神境的资格。 The Fierce Sand sect is the complexion is up and down gloomy, but Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect also each one were the swallow alive the facial expression of feces. 烈砂宗上下皆是脸色阴暗,而磐玄宗万仞宗也个个都是生吞了大便的神情。 They are several era are the Qilin God Conference first place and times position. But even if this can enter , after is listed in a position, population that can enter, reduced half to continue. 他们已是数个时代稳居麟神之会的首位与次位。而今次纵然能入,也皆是列于后位,能进入的人数,缩减了一半不止。 This was they have not previously thought certainly, result that is unable to accept. 这是他们先前绝未曾想到,更无法接受的结果。 Yang Er, does not need to be discouraged.” Lie Qianhong said in a low voice we completely do not have the opportunity.” “阳儿,不必灰心。”烈千洪低声道“我们不是全然没有机会。” His vision has swept Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect acts in...... Yun Che ruthlessly, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect nine Divine Lord, five are also in a comma, surplus four also received the heavy injury. 他的目光扫过磐玄宗万仞宗所在……云澈出手极狠,万仞宗的九个神主,五个还处于昏迷状态,剩余四个也都受了不轻的伤势。 Especially...... the kneeling paralysis does not have on the ground. 尤其有一个……至今还跪瘫在地上没起来过。 Rock Profound Sect strongest Zhai Liancheng severe wound stupor...... estimate, even if wakes up will still continue to install to faint. Other nine people of injuries seem like not heavy, but each one mind are lax. 磐玄宗最强的砦连城重伤昏迷……估计就算醒来也会继续装昏。其他九人伤势看似不重,但个个精神涣散。 I understand.” Burns Yang Shuangshou to grip fiercely tightly, heavily nod. “我明白。”烈灼阳双手攥紧,重重点头 When Fierce Sand sect effort reignition fighting intent, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect lord the Wan Wei high sound said Rock Profound Sect Master, Fierce Sand Sect Master, after First Round games, my Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect and some Rock Profound Sect massive disciple is all seriously injured, if directly conducts the second round of war, without doubt is extremely unfair.” 就在烈砂宗努力重燃战意之时,万仞宗万巍高声道“磐玄宗主,烈砂宗主,经第一轮,我万仞宗磐玄宗皆有大量弟子受重伤,若直接进行第二轮战,无疑极不公平。” Thus, this second round of war, after at least delays to 24 double-hour.” “因而,这第二轮战,当至少延迟至二十四个时辰之后。” This word makes Lie Qianhong fly into a rage without doubt at the scene, a violent roar disciple is injured can only blame the strength being bad, how could to postpone Qilin God Conference by this. Wan Wei, your saying did not want the facial skin!” 此言无疑让烈千洪当场勃然大怒,一声暴吼弟子受伤只能怪实力不济,岂能以此来推迟麟神之会万巍,你这话是不要脸皮了吗!” In front of concerning the sect future important matter, which also what so-called union and friendship. 在关乎宗门未来的大事面前,哪还有什么所谓的“同盟”和交情。 Fierce Sect Master is not excited.” Zhai Kexie actually tranquil many ten thousand Sect Master said is all reasonable. However this matter, your I all cannot take responsibility, but must hand over by Lord Knight decides.” “烈宗主莫要激动。”砦克邪倒是平静的多“万宗主所言皆在情理之中。不过此事,你我皆做不了主,而是要交由骑士大人定夺。” The words that Lie Qianhong will soon export choke immediately in the throat. 烈千洪即将出口的话顿时噎回嗓子里。 The Ximen Boyun light opens the mouth Qilin God Realm those who are able enter it. If damaged fairly because of temporary creation, then disappointed the original intention of Abyss Sovereign gracious gift.” 西门博云淡淡开口“麟神境能者入之。若因一时之创而损了公平,便是辜负了渊皇恩赐的本意。” A few words, let Lie Qianhong, as well as Fierce Sand sect high and low instantaneous pupil light vanishes. 一句话,让烈千洪,以及烈砂宗上下瞬间瞳光幻灭。 Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect are little stretch/leisurely one breaths. 磐玄宗万仞宗则是小舒一口气。 Because of entering the war the profound practitioner injured party numerous, after Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms and Fierce Sand second round of war postpones to 12 double-hour . 12 double-hour internal energies restore the how much, all looks at own skill and good fortune, cannot postpone again.” “因参战玄者受伤者众,磐玄万仞烈砂的第二轮战推迟至十二个时辰之后。十二个时辰内能恢复几何,皆看自己的本事和造化,不可再行推迟。” The word of Ximen Boyun had not ended, but is the vision and tonality simultaneously one revolution „the war of three sects, although has to delay, but Helian Imperial Family and Qilin Worshipping Alliance combat profound practitioner is the condition is all complete, the struggle of first place, may conduct in advance.” 西门博云之言并未就此结束,而是目光和音调同时一转“三宗之战虽不得不延迟,但赫连皇室拜麟盟的参战玄者皆是状态完备,首位之争,可先行进行。” Finishing speaking, Ximen Borong is say/way of no hesitation Qilin Worshipping Alliance respectfully follows the meaning of Lord Knight.” 话音刚落,西门博容已是毫无犹疑的道“拜麟盟谨遵骑士大人之意。” Helian Lingzhu transfers pupil Yun Che, after looking at his nodded slightly, before she treads, say/way Helian Imperial Family is also unobjectionable.” 赫连玲珠转眸云澈,看着他微微点头后,她踏前道“赫连皇室也无异议。” Good.” Ximen Boyun nods, in the pupil flashes through one different glow that is easy to detect that then not to advance opening to compete for the war of first place. But...... war of Helian Imperial Family and Qilin Worshipping Alliance, does not need completely to be the war actually, two sides have one person respectively then, under your intent how?” “好。”西门博云颔首,眸中闪过一丝不易察觉的异芒“那便先行开启争夺首位之战。只不过……赫连皇室拜麟盟之战,倒是不必尽皆为战,两方各出一人即可,你们意下如何?” These words, everyone can understand, everyone is deep to be so. 这番话,所有人都听得懂,也所有人都深以为然。 Qilin God Conference, is the competition of all young generation of most outstanding ten big profound practitioner, at same plane/level, power every people is very important. 麟神之会,本是各方年轻一辈最杰出的十大玄者的比拼,当处在同一层面时,每一人的力量都很重要。 But, if one of them is powerful, powerful to presenting fault/chasm, sufficiently a person of relaxed steamroll other...... 但,若其中之一过于强大,强大到出现断层,足以一人轻松碾压其他所有…… A person ends oppressive Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect complete Yun Che. 一人完虐磐玄宗万仞宗全部的云澈 Has not acted then the panic-stricken audience, then lets the Fierce Sand sect direct surrender motionlessly Long Jiang. 未出手便惊骇全场,一动不动便让烈砂宗直接投降的龙姜 Other person of which also went on stage...... to say, other person of which also and their same battlefield qualifications. 其他人哪还有上场……应该说,其他人哪还有与他们同一战场的资格。 The vision of audience, is centralized in body of Long Jiang and Yun Che immediately. 全场的目光,顿时集中于龙姜云澈之身。 Proposition of Lord Knight fairly.” Ximen Borong nature impossible has the objection. He bends down the eye to look to Long Jiang, voice/sound has several points of obvious veneration and smalltalk does not know how dragon small Venerable does feel?” 骑士大人的提议合情合理。”西门博容自然不可能有异议。他俯目看向龙姜,声音带着几分明显的尊崇和客套“不知龙小尊者觉得如何?” „......” Long Jiang as before without ripples nor waves, even to her the person, almost could not feel existence of her aura recently. “……”龙姜依旧无波无澜,即使是离她最近之人,都几乎感觉不到她气息的存在。 Ximen Borong smile say/way dragon small Venerable unhappy expression, but has not resisted, then consented. Does not know Helian Imperial Family......” 西门博容微笑道“龙小尊者不喜言辞,但未拒,便是应允。不知赫连皇室……” Yun Che sets out directly, going out of leisurely strolling idle courtyard here eight rotten shrimp unbearable stink, opposite nine mixed fish I am disinclined to sweep clear, this is good.” 云澈直接起身,信步闲庭的走出“这边八只烂虾臭不可闻,对面九条杂鱼我更是懒得清扫,这样再好不过。” A few words scolded one's own side and opposite party. Helian disciple is filled with the shame, does not dare to raise the head. Opposite nine do obeisance Qilin disciple is looks the angry look......, but got angry the half of the day, no one manifests suddenly obstinately. 一句话将己方和对方骂了个遍。赫连弟子满心耻辱,不敢抬头。对面九个拜麟弟子都是面露怒色……但怒了半天,愣是无一人发作。 His form in a flash, is built on the battlefield, the vision points to Long Jiang. 他身影一晃,已是立于战场之中,目光直指龙姜 Comparing is simply agile in Yun Che's, Long Jiang actually is still situated in the distant place, motionless did not say. 相比于云澈的干脆利索,龙姜却是依旧立于远处,不动不言。 The long-time silence, when Ximen Borong the opens the mouth, she will soon move again finally. 长久的沉默,就在西门博容即将再次开口时,她终于动了。 The iron grey wide robe agitation, aura of death heavy air current curls up, led into her the battlefield, faces each other across a great distance with Yun Che. 灰白色的宽袍鼓动,一股死气沉沉的气流卷起,将她带入了战场之中,与云澈遥遥相对。 The Mo Cangying brow tip moves slightly. 陌苍鹰的眉梢轻微动了动。 His in the eyes Yun Che, basically was previously careless to all, routs Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect such as is playing jokes upon the ants. But this time, actually resembles is the first initiative. 眼中云澈,先前对一切都基本是漫不经心,击溃磐玄宗万仞宗都如在戏耍蝼蚁。但此番,却似是第一次主动。 His...... has some interest in this person named Long Jiang? 他对这个叫龙姜之人……有某种兴趣? Ximen Boyun stands up slowly, curtains of war of this war, is pulled open by his noble Abyss Knight personally. 西门博云缓缓站起,此战的战幕,由他这个高贵的深渊骑士亲手来拉开。 „The Qilin God Conference second round of war, this war, will come out this Qilin God Conference first place and times position. Although is the single war, rule before.” 麟神之会第二轮战,此战,将决出此届麟神之会的首位与次位。虽为单人战,规则同前。” Two, please make war!” “两位,请开战!” His look is tranquil, but Spirit Sense locking stubbornly in Yun Che body. 他神色平静,但灵觉死死的锁定在云澈身上 Long Jiang is Eighth Level Divine Lord, same Realm must exceed human Horned Dragon. 龙姜八级神主,还是同境界要胜过人类螭龙 But Yun Che...... his previous performance, at least also wants Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level cultivation base to achieve only then. 云澈……他先前的表现,至少也要神主境八级修为方可做到。 Naturally cannot search the Yun Che's bottom depending on one crowd of Low-Rank Divine Lord. That...... Long Jiang? 凭一群下位神主自然探不出云澈的底。那……龙姜呢? He so wants to know urgently, actually this Yun Che is what origin! 他如此迫切的想要知道,这云澈究竟是何来历! Remote spatial above. 遥空之上。 „, Their two......” “哇,他们两个……” Excitement and anticipation that on Hua Caili face could not have constrained. 画彩璃的脸儿上已是压抑不住的兴奋与期待。 This previously in her eyes should the competition of senseless to the extreme, unexpectedly be so unexpected arousing heartstrings. 这个先前在她眼中本该无趣之极的比拼,竟是如此意想不到的撩人心弦。 Paternal aunt paternal aunt, you said that who their two will win?” She cannot bear is inquiring by some chance...... Tenth Level Divine Sovereign, if defeated Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level Horned Dragon, can link Father God to listen to feel surprised?” “姑姑姑姑,你说他们两个谁会赢?”她忍不住的问询着“万一……十级神君若是打败了一个神主境八级螭龙,会不会连父神听了都会觉得惊讶?” She impatient imagines the father first not to believe that then whole face surprised facial expression. 她已经迫不及待的去想象父亲先是不信,然后满脸惊讶的神情。 Hua Qingying voice/sound transmits her is not Eighth Level Divine Lord, is not Horned Dragon.” 画清影声音传来“她既不是八级神主,也不是螭龙。” ei?” “欸?” In the pupil light that the young girls anticipate caught several points of being astonished color. 少女期待的眸光中染上了数分讶色。 Scar surface dragon female.” Hua Qingying voice/sound transmits this person again, I heard.” “疤面龙女。”画清影声音再次传来“这个人,我有所耳闻。” Ah!? young girl reviews, opened flowery lips surprisedly. 啊!?”少女回眸,惊讶的张开了唇瓣 Can the paternal aunts heard...... 能让姑姑都“有所耳闻”的人…… Above the battlefield, Yun Che takes the lead to act. 战场之上,云澈率先出手。 Before he not gaudy to/clashes, the whole body twines scarlet lightning bolt rapidly, uses the arm as the sword, a move of simplest direct Heavenly Wolf Slash straight Long Jiang. 他毫无花哨的前冲,周身迅速缠绕起赤红雷光,随之以臂为剑,一招最简单直接的天狼斩龙姜 The Sword Projection wolf, sends out roaring of prestige certainly Soul Absorption. 剑罡化狼,发出一声威绝摄魂的咆哮。 Long Jiang lifts the hand slowly, when the arm under grey robe stretches out, has appeared several feet great pale dragon claw, grasps roared to throw to Heavenly Wolf Spectre. 龙姜缓缓抬手,灰袍下的手臂伸出之时,已现出一个数丈之巨的苍白龙爪,直抓咆哮扑至的天狼之影 Chi! 哧! Heavenly Wolf tears and bites dragon claw, dragon claw tears Heavenly Wolf...... short one breath, wolf spectre and dragon claw then bites to extinguish mutually, breaks into pieces without the trace. 天狼撕咬龙爪,龙爪撕裂天狼……不过短短一息,狼影龙爪便互相噬灭,碎散无踪。 A trace of only land piece of disaster. 只余大地一片灾难的痕迹。 Then, two people then stands still in same place, for a long time no one acts. 然后,两人便静立于原地,许久无人出手。 Although seems like very optional making a move, but that is Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level dragon prestige...... works as the battlefield to be suddenly peaceful after all, everyone's heartbeat as if also follows to stop, each one shuts the mouth stare, does not dare to breathe. 虽然看上去很是随意的出手,但那毕竟是神主境八级龙威……当战场忽然安静,所有人的心跳仿佛也都跟着停止,个个闭口瞪目,不敢呼吸。 Because among next instant, the battlefield then possibly erupts terrifying such as disaster sea duplicate unsurpassed dragon prestige. 因为下一瞬间,战场便可能爆发出恐怖如天灾海覆的无上龙威 Finger deep entangling of Helian Lingzhu enters in the sleeves, until jade-like finger distorts does not have to think. 赫连玲珠的手指深深的缠入衣袖中,直至玉指变形都毫无所觉。 Opposite so powerful Horned Dragon, how she was not possibly worried. 对面可是如此强大的螭龙,她怎可能不担心。 But, no one has thought that among two people that suffocating peace, is not ready, but in...... passes message mutually. 但,谁都没有想到,两人之间那让人窒息的安静,并非是在蓄势待发,而是在……互相传音。 You...... are really not Horned Dragon.” When Yun Che first opens the mouth. “你……果然不是螭龙。”云澈当先开口。 „......” Long Jiang is silent, but after several breaths, gave him to reply your me to be unknown, did not have grievances mutually, why to uncover the person ins and outs.” “……”龙姜沉默,但数息之后,还是给了他回音“你我素不相识,互无恩怨,何必揭人老底。” I may have no interest in uncovering your bottom, otherwise I will not send greetings.” What the Yun Che vision is light I to be interested is...... in this Qilin God Realm, is actually what thing so to attract you?” “我可没兴趣揭你老底,否则我也不会只是传音。”云澈目光淡淡“我感兴趣的是……这麟神境里,究竟是什么东西如此吸引你?” That attracts your, what is also?” Long Jiang asked back. “那吸引你的,又是什么?”龙姜反问。 You could rest assured that I want, with absolutely is not the same thing that you want.” The Yun Che's tone has unquestionable confidence. “你放心,我想要的,和你想要的绝对不会是同一个东西。”云澈的语气带着不容置疑的确信。 Should better so.” The Long Jiang intonation is desolate, has not answered the Yun Che's issue slightly. “最好如此。”龙姜声调冷淡无情,也丝毫未去回答云澈的问题。 Yun Che has not closely examined again, continued Qilin Worshipping Alliance is first two, is doomed into Qilin God Realm, your goal has been achieved. This Ximen Boyun, wants to try my old details with you obviously, such as should your so character, have no interest in giving people being used as a tool?” 云澈没有再追问,继续道拜麟盟已是前二,注定入麟神境,你的目的已然达到。这西门博云,显然是想拿你试我老底细,如你这般人物,应该没兴趣给人当枪使吧?” Moreover,” do his corners of the mouth bring back thin smile that one seems does not have you definitely not to expose the true strength?” “而且,”他嘴角勾起一抹似有似无的淡笑“你肯定也不想暴露真正实力吧?” „...... You are also the same.” Long Jiang coldly responded, she as if inborn did not have the sentiment. “……你也一样。”龙姜冷冷回应,她仿佛天生的没有感情。 Is Yun Che in view of this, how tie?” 云澈“既如此,平手如何?” Long Jiang best!” 龙姜“最好不过!” two people aura move together, also acts. 两人气息齐动,又同时出手。 Actually is two people aura that holds the breath for a long time people heart to jump suddenly crazily...... sees in in the air hits gently, then flies away respectively. 屏息许久的众人心脏猛然狂跳……看到的却是两人气息在空中轻轻一撞,然后各自飞离。 Probably is held by the light breeze generally. 像是被轻风托着一般。 Then in everyone ignorant line of sight however, such as measures good general, in completely same falls outside the battlefield instantly. 然后在所有人懵然的视线中,如丈量好的一般,在完全相同的刹那落于战场之外。 It seems like the tie.” Yun Che in the tip of the toe touches the place has then opened the mouth instantly directly that is with for first, two sides select 350 people to enter Qilin God Realm respectively, happy. Lord Knight, but also please announce the combat result.” “看来是平局。”云澈在脚尖触地的刹那便已直接开口“那便是同为首位,两方各择三百五十人入麟神境,皆大欢喜。骑士大人,还请宣读交战结果。” ~! ¥......” Ximen Boyun atmosphere has not breathed heavily, the chest suppresses painful. “~!¥……”西门博云一口大气没喘上来,胸口憋得生疼。 His vision heavily thorn to Yun Che, has not made the opposite party have a facial expression change, just like not sees. 他目光重重刺向云澈,却没有让对方有一丝的神情变动,宛若无睹。 But another side Long Jiang...... turns around directly, the iron grey form submerges in the rear crowd, moment then form aura does not have, just like vanishing generally. 而另一边的龙姜……直接转过身去,灰白色的身影没入后方的人群中,须臾便身影气息全无,宛如消失了一般。 forget it/that's all,” Ximen Borong sent greetings to Ximen Boyun „can only so. This Yun Che's details, after having Qilin God Realm, some are the opportunity investigations.” 罢了,”西门博容西门博云传音“只能如此了。这个云澈的底细,出麟神境后,有的是机会探查。” Ximen Boyun is knitting the brows, tranquil opens the mouth war of Helian Imperial Family and Qilin Worshipping Alliance has not had the victory and defeat, by the tie theory, all arranges in order......” 西门博云微皱着眉,平静开口“赫连皇室拜麟盟之战未有胜负,以平局论,皆列首……” Wait!” “等等!” A sternly shouted sound resounds suddenly. 一个厉喝声忽然响起。 All vision shift to voice/sound to originate instantaneously, discovered impressively, this dares to break the word of Abyss Knight, unexpectedly is Fierce Sand Sect Master Lie Qianhong. 所有目光瞬间转向声音来源,赫然发现,这个胆敢打断深渊骑士之言的,竟是烈砂宗主烈千洪 The Ximen Boyun brow sinks, voice/sound also sank for several points fierce Sect Master, did you have what words to say?” 西门博云眉头沉下,声音也沉了数分“烈宗主,你有何话要说?” Zhai Kexie, Wan Wei and Ximen Borong...... and even the Fierce Sand sect is a face is up and down surprised, does not know that he intends what for suddenly. 砦克邪万巍西门博容……乃至烈砂宗上下都是一脸惊疑,不知他忽然意欲何为。 When Lie Qianhong deeply inspires, raised the head, whole face with deep veneration „, if not the important matter, how dare fierce some breaks Lord Knight declares sound.” 烈千洪深吸一口气,抬头之时,满脸肃然“若非要事,烈某岂敢打断骑士大人的宣声。” His vision revolution, approaches precisely Yun Che in Yun Che this child, unknown origin, cultivation base is strange. Fierce some to the news that he only knows, is he appears in a month in Qilin Abyss Realm suddenly, by the Helian Crown Princess belt/bring to imperial family. So, fierce some have reason to believe, Helian Imperial Family also knows nothing about its real origin and status.” 他目光一转,所向正是云澈所在“云澈此子,来历不明,修为更是诡异。烈某对他唯知的讯息,是他于一个月忽然出现于麟渊界,被赫连长公主带至皇室。如此,烈某有理由相信,赫连皇室对其真实来历、身份也同样一无所知。” „......” The Helian Lingzhu look changes, speechless rebuttal. “……”赫连玲珠神色变动,无言反驳。 She to Yun Che, can indeed can be knows nothing. Because even/including Yun Che „are also knows nothing to oneself. 她对云澈,的确可以算得上是一无所知。因为就连云澈自己“对自己也是一无所知”。 How could the change of Helian Lingzhu facial expression has hidden the truth from the eye of Lie Qianhong, his corners of the mouth slightly happy expression, voice/sound also heavy several points „that she to the Yun Che's real age, should not know.” 赫连玲珠神情的变动又岂能瞒过烈千洪的眼睛,他嘴角微起笑意,声音也重了几分“那么,她对云澈的真实年龄,应该也并不知晓。” „......!!” Helian Lingzhu realized anything suddenly, complexion unexpectedly one white. “……!!”赫连玲珠忽然意识到了什么,脸色蓦地一白。 „......” Yun Che put out a hand to touch the tip of the nose. “……”云澈伸手触了触鼻尖。 Moreover!” Lie Qianhong energy steep hold, the vision also shifted to Long Jiang suddenly position world all knows, the great strength of Dragon Clan, lies in his body and life essence, but was also limited by the body, its growth is quite slow. The same aptitude, dragon seems grows to with person same Realm, a need longer time.” “另外!”烈千洪底气陡盛,目光也忽然转向了龙姜所去的方位“世所皆知,龙族之强大,在于其躯体与寿元,但同样受躯体所限,其成长颇为缓慢。同等资质,龙若成长至与人相同的境界,需要更加漫长的时间。” Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level cultivation base, at the cultivation of speed person, can at the ages of ten sixty-year cycle to this Realm, Qilin Abyss Realm be unprecedented. Vertical in Divine Country, feared that is few such as extremely rare...... Long Jiang that but this Qilin Worshipping Alliance invited, unexpectedly Horned Dragon!” 神主境八级修为,以人之修炼速度,能以十甲子之龄到此境界,麟渊界亘古未有。纵在神国,怕是都少如凤毛麟角……而这个拜麟盟所邀的龙姜,竟还是螭龙!” Therefore,” the Lie Qianhong acoustic shock audience, words is ear-spitting some fierce suspicion, this two people of age, is not in ten sixty-year cycle!” “所以,”烈千洪声震全场,字字震耳铿锵“烈某怀疑,此二人之龄,皆不在十甲子之内!”
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