ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2002: Scar dough figurine

The Zhai Liancheng whole body cracks, nowhere is not the heavy losses. 砦连城全身崩裂,无处不是重创。 Floods the Heavenly Tribulation lightning bolt lock of his whole body to tie up his body and power, but also gives him to protect, will not want his life decisively. 充斥他全身的天劫雷光锁缚着他的躯体和力量,但同时也给予他保护,断然不会要了他的命。 What is most miserable, he consciousness always sobers, is only both eyes is lax, the soul is such as the dying embers is ordinary. 最惨的是,他意识始终清醒,只是双目涣散无神,心魂更是如死灰一般。 He cannot send out any voice/sound, shouted continually most shame surrender two characters expected. Present he only has to earnestly seek hurrying to faint has gone and come to stop this humiliation, after fantasizing is waking up, discovered that all are only the nightmares. Zhai Liancheng,” among his souls, transmits Yun Che that to chant in a low voice compared with Devil also wants terrifying ten million times of voice/sound: Later spoke time, but must be surely careful. My temperament is fortunately good, does not bear a grudge, if meets a temperament almost, feared that is the head has smashed to you, which also so benevolent enjoys you such big power and prestige.” 他发不出任何声音,连喊出最耻辱的“投降”二字都是奢望。现在的他唯有渴求着自己赶紧昏过去来中止这场屈辱,幻想着醒来后,发现一切都只是噩梦。“砦连城,”他的魂间,传来云澈那比恶魔低吟还要恐怖千万倍的声音:“以后说话的时候,可要千万小心了。还好我脾气好,不记仇,若是遇到个脾气差点的,怕是脑袋都已经给你砸烂,哪还会如此仁慈的赏你这么大的威风。” Zhai Liancheng body Heavenly Tribulation lightning bolt diverges fast, the severe pain submerged his sensation, actually not only in the hearts the shame hates the eventuality. 砦连城身上天劫雷光快速散去,剧痛淹没了他的感知,却不仅心间辱恨之万一。 His lip finally active, but is only shivering opening and closing, cannot send out voice/sound, then thorough fainting. 他的嘴唇终于能动,但只是一阵颤抖的开合,未能发出一丝声音,便彻底的昏了过去。 Yun Che kicks, trampled Zhai Liancheng flies to the whole face is Zhai Kexie of blood. 云澈一脚踢出,将砦连城踹飞向了满脸是血的砦克邪 Zhai Kexie hurries to put out a hand, meets Zhai Liancheng in the hand, has not examined the injury with enough time, near the ear has transmitted Yun Che ease voice/sound: Rock Profound Sect Master, you should announce this war result.” 砦克邪慌忙伸手,将砦连城接在手中,还未来得及查看伤势,耳边已传来云澈悠然的声音:“磐玄宗主,你该宣读此战结果了。” Zhai Kexie raised the head, mean vision staring stubbornly...... he most favorite son ended to Yun Che, radical ending. 砦克邪抬头,阴狠的目光死死的盯向云澈……他最得意的儿子完了,彻底的完了。 The shame of today, will always become his shame brand mark. Regardless of he will achieve how the dazzling achievement from now on, impossible gets rid forever. Even, anybody sees and mentions him, first thinks that also forever is today. 今日之辱,将永世成为他的耻辱烙印。无论他今后取得多么耀目的成就,也永远不可能摆脱。甚至,任何人见到、提及他,第一时间想到的,也永远是今日。 This is what kind of ruthlessly certainly and virulent. 这是何等的狠绝与恶毒。 In Zhai Kexie heart extreme anger at the same time, follows to live, is a chill in the air of even more penetrating heart. 砦克邪心中极怒的同时,跟随而生的,是一股愈加彻心的寒意。 The so sinister and ruthless method, does not remain, even if a wee bit leeway. Also means, his Yun Che...... does not put in the eyes Rock Profound Sect. 如此阴毒的手段,根本不留哪怕丁点的余地。也就意味着,他云澈……根本就不将磐玄宗在眼中 Even, he does not fear Abyss Knight rises high. 甚至,他连深渊骑士凌然不畏。 Divine Sovereign Realm cultivation base, is actually so terrifying to exceeding the strength of understanding...... Yun Che this back that is doomed is the false name, can actually be how the terrifying family background? 神君境修为,却是如此恐怖到超越认识的实力……“云澈”这个注定是虚假之名的背后,究竟会是何其恐怖的出身? Fierce Sand sect Lie Qianhong said forward: Rock Profound Sect Master has to inconvenience, then by fierce some comes the generation to proclaim.” 烈砂烈千洪向前道:“磐玄宗主有所不便,便由烈某来代宣。” „The Qilin God Conference first war, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect is first defeated, arranges the lowliest place, Rock Profound Sect...... the times position, the Helian Imperial Family total victory, is listed in the first place!” 麟神之会第一战,万仞宗最先落败,排末位,磐玄宗……次位,赫连皇室全胜,排首位!” This result, Helian Imperial Family already steady entering Qilin God Realm, but Helian high and low, is actually no one cheers, or delay, either confused, such as has not woken up in the erroneous dream. 这个结果,赫连皇室已是稳稳的入麟神境,但赫连上下,却是无一人欢呼,或呆滞,或迷茫,如还在谬梦中没有醒来。 Compared with pre-war, everyone looked that had had the tremendous changes to the Yun Che's vision, the heart in continually under trembles with fear fiercely twitches continuous. 与战前相比,所有人看向云澈的目光已是发生了翻天覆地的变化,心脏更是在连番的剧烈惊颤下抽搐不休。 But their in the eyes Yun Che...... his facial expression cannot see what too big change from beginning to end, as if he oppresses is not Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect most disciple, but pinched the roadside to jump conveniently a to stumble grasshopper. 而他们眼中云澈……他的神情自始至终都看不到什么太大的变动,仿佛他凌虐的不是磐玄宗万仞宗的最弟子,而只是随手捏死了路边蹦跶的一只蚱蜢。 Ximen Boyun has not opened the mouth, is speechless. 西门博云未开口,也无话可说。 But his present attention, has almost all fallen on Yun Che body. That seemingly tranquil cold lonesome both eyes...... other have only deadlocked Yun Che's to be. 而他如今的注意力,已几乎全落在云澈身上。那看似平静寒寂的双目……其余光一直锁死着云澈的所在。 Yun Che leisurely turned around, patted the shoulder of Mo Cangying: Big Brother Mo, trivial Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect, really both of us also enough.” 云澈洒然转身,拍了拍陌苍鹰的肩膀:“陌大哥,区区磐玄宗万仞宗,果然我们两个人也就够了。” „......” Mo Cangying looks at him wooden, throat shivers, cannot speak. “……”陌苍鹰木然看着他,喉咙一阵搐动,却是说不出话来。 Leaves the battlefield, returning to Helian Imperial Family to be, Helian Lingzhu threw all of a sudden, she stands firm before the Yun Che body, pair of pupil full fog band tears, such as dye the reveal the crystal: Young Master Yun Che...... you...... I......” 离开战场,回到赫连皇室所在,赫连玲珠一下子扑了过来,她站定在云澈身前,一双眸子盈雾带泪,如染露的水晶:“云澈公子……你……我……” Crown Princess, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” The Yun Che smile responded: It seems like this Helian, must prepare enters the Qilin God Realm candidate.” 长公主,幸不辱命。”云澈微笑回应:“看来这次赫连,要多备些进入麟神境的人选了。” Helian Lingzhu makes an effort nod, she looks at the Yun Che's pupil light at this time, such as is looking up to ascend the sky for the gods who she lowers. 赫连玲珠用力点头,她此时看着云澈的眸光,如在仰望上天为她降下的神明。 Yun Che,” the Ku Xian opens the mouth, in old eyes is the exclamation of not being able to melt: Actually are you...... where sacred?” 云澈,”枯弦开口,老目中是化不开的惊叹:“你究竟……是何方神圣?” Yun Che shakes the head: I am only one lose the passing person temporarily.” 云澈摇头:“我只是一个暂时失去过往的人。” Hehe.” Ku Xian smiles lightly, has not closely examined again. “呵呵。”枯弦淡淡而笑,没有再追问。 Yun Che transferred the eye at this time suddenly, looked to Helian Linglang, as well as encircled in his surrounding Helian profound practitioner. 云澈在这时忽然转目,看向了赫连玲琅,以及围在他身周的赫连玄者 Under his vision, Helian Linglang whole body fierce shakes, the under foot staggers backward one step, nearly falls to the ground. 他的目光之下,赫连玲琅全身猛的一抖,脚下向后踉跄一步,险些栽倒在地。 The eye pupil that a pair contracts unceasingly full is alarmed and afraid. 一双不断收缩的眼瞳满是惊惧。 Said, the Yun Che's vision swept their one eyes lightly, such as pi fly wasp: Qilin God Realm opens time, do you have the facial skin to go in? I anticipated very much.” “说起来,”云澈的目光淡淡扫了他们一眼,如睥蚍蜉:“麟神境开启的时候,你们到底有没有脸皮进去呢?我很期待。” A few words, said these Helian disciple bodies to sway, are red in the face. 一句话,说得那些赫连弟子身躯摇晃,面红耳赤。 If pre-war, Yun Che dares to say a word, their surely at the scene violent anger. But now...... their heads deeply hang one by one, let alone spoke, even no one dares to touch the Yun Che's vision. 若是战前,云澈敢如此言语,他们必定当场暴怒。但现在……他们头颅一个比一个深垂,别说吭声,甚至没有一个人敢去碰触云澈的目光。 Solemn Rock Profound Young Master was played the humiliation person stick in his hands, they are nothing. 堂堂磐玄少主在他手里被玩成了屈辱的人棍,他们又算个屁。 Another side, Qilin Worshipping Alliance is. 另一边,拜麟盟所在。 The Ximen Qi both legs are trembling, the palm that pair has not recovered is completely trembling almost must break again. His face, is been paler than by that day that the Yun Che severe wound humiliates it. 西门祺的双腿在哆嗦,那双尚未完全伤愈的手掌更是哆嗦的几乎要再次散架。他的面孔,比之被云澈重伤折辱的那日还要苍白。 Saw?” Ximen Borong said solemnly: You were only abandoned a hand on that day, calculates that you have good luck ever after!” “看到了么?”西门博容沉声道:“你那天只被废了一只手,都算你命大!” Ximen Qi throat heavily gulp. 西门祺的喉管重重的“咕嘟”了一声。 Substitutes itself Zhai Liancheng, he feels that day Yun Che simply benevolent suddenly such as the heavenly palace God the Father. Divine Sovereign Realm, so the strength...... Abyss Knight does not have a wee bit fears.” Inspiration of Ximen Borong heavily: His family background, feared must the previous suspicion is more fearful. Perhaps...... is the child of God Venerate which Divine Country getting down this mortal world plays!” 把自己代入到砦连城,他忽然觉得那日的云澈简直仁慈如天阙圣父。“神君境界,这般实力……深渊骑士都没有丁点畏惧。”西门博容重重的吸气:“他的出身,怕是要远比先前猜想的还要可怕。说不定……是哪个神国下来尘世游玩的神尊之子!” The eye pupil of Ximen Qi enlarges all of a sudden, is startled the half of the day unable to speak. 西门祺的眼瞳一下子放大,惊得半天说不出话来。 So idea, a absolutely not Ximen Borong person. 这般想法,绝非西门博容一人。 In the life experience of Chi Wuyao, there is such a few words: Most lets often is not the powerful enemy who the person dreads, but is the enemy of knowing nothing. 池妩仸的人生经验中,有这样一句话:最让人忌惮的往往不是过于强大的敌人,而是一无所知的敌人。 Unknown is the biggest fear, these words is applicable to any Domain. 未知是最大的恐惧,这句话适用于任何领域 Three Big Sect in Qilin Abyss Realm are the genuine holding the sky monsters, but they fully realized that outside world has existence of terrifying how. Once touches it, the opposite party only need snap fingers, can raze to the dust they dozens generations of accumulations. 大宗麟渊界是真正的擎天巨物,但他们深知外面的世界有着多么恐怖的存在。一旦触之,对方只需弹指,便可将他们数十代的积累夷为尘埃。 In cannot investigate the Yun Che slightly details completely, even under the origin, he is domineering, three Big Sect instead more are suspected and dreaded. 在完全探查不到云澈丝毫底细、甚至来历之下,他越是强势,三大宗反而越是猜疑和忌惮。 If knows Yun Che is actually only a wisp of no root duckweed, their retaliations will not wait till the second double-hour. 而若是知晓云澈其实只是一缕无根浮萍,他们的报复都不会等到第二个时辰。 As all Southern Sea God Source extinguish in the war of complete powder Mo Beichen, Yun Che was unable to support the Divine Ember condition again. Even if the strength of limit , is only a worthy opponent half step Divine Extinction, is unable direct to contend with three Big Sect any absolutely. 随着所有的南溟神源陌悲尘之战全部散灭,云澈已无法再支撑神烬状态。哪怕极限之力,也只堪堪匹敌一个半步神灭,绝对无法正面抗衡三大宗的任何一个。 But now, Yun Che this method is extremely ruthless certainly, stance extremely insolent blustering, obstinately fearful and apprehensive that three Big Sect fool, conjectures myriad. 但如今,云澈这番手段极度狠绝,姿态极度张狂的虚张声势,愣是将三大宗唬的心惊胆颤,臆想万千。 Before investigates thoroughly the Yun Che's status origin thoroughly, feared that does not dare to move his slightest absolutely. 在彻底查清云澈的身份来历前,怕是绝对不敢动他分毫。 Qilin God Conference second battle, Fierce Sand sect to fighting Qilin Worshipping Alliance. 麟神之会第二战,烈砂宗对战拜麟盟 Fierce Sand sect disciple first enters the battlefield, six Low-Rank Divine Lord, four Divine Sovereign, have not had the foreign aid. 烈砂弟子先入战场,六个下位神主,四个神君,未有外援。 But in comparison, Qilin Worshipping Alliance disciple seems wants dreary many. 而相比之下,拜麟盟弟子则显得要惨淡的多。 In admission nine disciple, only has two First Level Divine Lord, other seven people, all are Divine Sovereign. 入场的九个弟子中,唯有两个一级神主,其他七人,皆为神君 But, Fierce Sand Sect Master Lie Qianhong is actually a dignity of face. 但,烈砂宗主烈千洪却是一脸的凝重。 Qilin Worshipping Alliance looked for a powerful foreign aid...... this is the matter that three Big Sect all knew. Actually three sects and no one know this foreign aid are what character. 拜麟盟找来了一个强大的外援……这是三大宗皆知的事。只是三宗无人知这个外援究竟是何人物。 Until...... a grayish white form slowly from emptying to fall, is situated in nine rear area that does obeisance Qilin disciple. 直到……一个灰白身影缓缓的从空而落,立于九个拜麟弟子的后方。 This person is especially spacious, and seems like the quite thick grayish white gown, the entire body package, does not have the ankle area, is difficult to distinguish the figure. 此人一身格外宽大,且看上去颇为厚实的灰白袍子,将整个身躯包裹,直没脚踝,难辨身形。 Grayish white gown is roughest makes, above has not engraved any power profound mark, even cannot see slightly the beautification trace. 灰白袍子似是最粗糙的凡布制成,上面没有刻印任何的力量玄纹,甚至看不到丝毫修饰的纹路。 But the one who compares it to be stranger, its head, and even nape of the neck, by the iron grey cup complete package of similar material quality, from the skin to the hair, had not had one exposed outside. 而比之更怪异的是,其头部,乃至脖颈,也被同样材质的灰白色罩帽完完全全的包裹,从皮肤至头发,未有一丝裸露在外。 Obviously, this person does not want to expose in this Qilin Abyss Realm own any external. 显然,这个人不想在这麟渊界展露自己的任何外在。 Including...... before then, his existence feeling is also low extremely. Before his comes, few notices his existence personally. 包括……在这之前,他的存在感也是极其之低。在他这番现身之前,都没有几个人注意到他的存在。 The vision of audience centralized obviously did obeisance gray-clothed person body that Qilin disciple is incompatible in this with other, discusses spiritedly. 全场的目光都集中在了这个明显与其他拜麟弟子格格不入的灰衣人身上,议论纷纷。 Zhai Kexie and Wan Wei also the first time are noticed this gray-clothed person, their looks extraordinary consistent...... knits the brows at first , the doubts, transfer the deep shock finally unexpectedly. 砦克邪万巍也是第一次注意到这个灰衣人,他们的神色出奇的一致……起初皱眉,随之疑惑,最终竟转为深深的震惊。 Helian Imperial Family is, Ku Xian was also showed a surprised expression, aura had the instant panicked and disorderly. 赫连皇室所在,枯弦也是面露惊色,气息有了刹那的惊乱。 Mo Cangying has a sleep/felt, the side pupil asks: Honored Master, what is different? 陌苍鹰顿有所觉,侧眸问道:“师尊,有何异处? Ku Xian spits the breath lightly, said in a low voice: This is one...... Eighth Level Divine Lord.” 枯弦淡淡吐息,低声道:“这是一个……八级神主。” „...... What!?” Mo Cangying loses one's voice with amazement. “……什么!?”陌苍鹰骇然失声。 What concept Eighth Level Divine Lord under ten sixty-year cycle...... is this? 甲子之下的八级神主……这是什么概念? The Qilin Abyss Realm history, ten sixty-year cycle below have presented most outstanding talent, is 17 th Country Lord Helian...... the Helian Kunlun Mountains. 麟渊界历史,十甲子以下出现过的最杰出的天才,便是第十七世赫连国主……赫连昆仑。 He from Qilin God Realm, obtained bestowed by heaven divine item Qilin bone spirit orchid, Is reborn since then, becomes Sixth Level Divine Lord at the ages of ten sixty-year cycle. 他自麟神境中,得到了一株天赐神物【麟骨灵兰】,从此脱胎换骨,以十甲子之龄成为六级神主 Later is to complete the breakthrough of Divine Lord Realm, the achievement half god. 之后更是完成神主境的突破,成就半神。 That generation of Helian Dynasty, are the Helian prosperous times that nothing influence can shake. 那一代的赫连皇朝,是没有任何势力可以撼动的赫连盛世。 Qilin bone spirit orchid Let he is reborn at the same time, life essence is also the significant growth. He who should the lamp extinguish early, to seal the law of breath, survival forcefully today, became the final protection of Helian Imperial Family. 【麟骨灵兰】让他脱胎换骨的同时,寿元亦是大幅度增长。早该灯灭的他,以封息之法,硬生生的存活到了今日,成为赫连皇室的最后守护。 Three Big Sect are also knowing existence of Helian Kunlun Mountains, this is they are also biggest...... or only some to dread to Helian Imperial Family. 大宗也都知晓着赫连昆仑的存在,这也是他们对赫连皇室最大……或者说唯有的忌惮。 But Qilin bone spirit orchid, Also will become divine item that Qilin deep pool profound practitioner most expects from now on. Each enters the person of Qilin God Realm, the biggest hope then can seek one Qilin bone spirit orchid. But pitifully, Qilin bone spirit orchid Has only appeared such a time, later era, Qilin God Realm was searched by person from generation to generation, actually did not seek again Qilin bone spirit orchid Any trail. Only has about its record and legend, punctures the hope of each Qilin deep pool profound practitioner most deep place eternal. 而【麟骨灵兰】,也自此成为麟渊玄者最奢望的神物。每一个进入麟神境之人,最大的渴望便是能寻得一株【麟骨灵兰】。但可惜,【麟骨灵兰】就只出现过那么一次,之后的时代,麟神境被一代又一代的人踏寻,却再未寻到【麟骨灵兰】的任何踪迹。唯有关于它的记载与传说,永恒刺动着每一个麟渊玄者最深处的渴望。 But this gray-clothed person, unexpectedly was Eighth Level Divine Lord...... by far past that by Qilin bone spirit orchid Expedites childbirth, becomes Qilin deep pool myth Helian Kunlun Mountains. 而这个灰衣人,竟是八级神主……远胜当年那由【麟骨灵兰】催生,成为麟渊神话的赫连昆仑。 So the character, must be extremely high plane family background. Actually Qilin Worshipping Alliance used what method, can invite the character to use for oneself unexpectedly? 如此人物,必是极高位面的出身。拜麟盟究竟是用了什么方法,竟能邀得动如此人物为自己所用? „......” Ku Xian both eyes staring, did not say for a very long time. “……”枯弦双目凝视,久久不言。 Actually what most makes his astonished is, Eighth Level Divine Lord...... he had not previously detected his existence unexpectedly slightly. 其实最让他惊异的是,一个八级神主……他先前竟丝毫未察觉到他的存在。 The Yun Che's vision frames in gray-clothed person body shortly, forehead slightly pressed. 云澈的目光在灰衣人身上短暂定格,眉宇微蹙。 So character, moreover so abstained that own status was known by others, why must come this Qilin Abyss Realm, is small Qilin Worshipping Alliance fights? 如此人物,而且还如此忌讳自己的身份被他人所知,又为什么要来这麟渊界,为一个小小的拜麟盟而战? Ximen Boyun face countenance? Favor? 西门博云的颜面?人情? From his making every effort to keep secret stance, deciding however is not. 从他这番讳莫如深的姿态来看,定然都不是。 That only has a possibility. 那就唯有一个可能。 This person and are the same, wants to enter Qilin God Realm. 这个人和自己一样,想进入麟神境 Oneself have reason that has to enter Qilin God Realm, why he is...... his body, may not have aura of strength of least bit earth. 自己有不得不入麟神境理由,他又是为什么……他的身上,可没有半点土之力的气息 Wait...... 等等…… This probably...... is a woman!? 这好像……是个女人!? When his vision falls on the hood of this person again, that not by the keen vision that abyss dust corrodes by the iron grey cotton material, faint saw two...... 他的目光再次落于此人的头罩上时,那不受渊尘侵蚀的敏锐视觉透过灰白色的布料,隐隐的看到了两道…… Intersects in the profound black mark of face. 交叉在面部的深邃黑痕。 Scar surface? 疤面? Does she cover solid, to hide the black mark on face? 她捂得这么严实,就是为了隐藏脸上的黑痕? Looks at the admission of gray-clothed person, a Ximen Boyun tranquility, the Ximen Borong mouth overflows the smile, assured. 看着灰衣人的入场,西门博云一片平静,西门博容嘴溢微笑,笃定非常。 But Lie Qianhong after the shock, the complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at to the extreme all of a sudden. 烈千洪在震惊之后,脸色一下子变得难看之极 He knows Qilin Worshipping Alliance to have the foreign aid early, but has not thought certainly this foreign aid terrifying is in so the situation unexpectedly. 他早知拜麟盟有外援,但绝未曾想到这个外援竟恐怖到如此地步。 Previous war, Helian Imperial Family, not only does not have the disastrous defeat, instead ruthless oppressive Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect. It ranks finally, lowly is also second. 上一战,赫连皇室非但没有惨败,反而狠虐磐玄宗万仞宗。其最终排位,最低也是第二。 In three Big Sect, his Fierce Sand sect is weakest. 大宗中,他烈砂宗最弱。 If loses to Qilin Worshipping Alliance again...... 而若是再输给拜麟盟…… Then, loses enters the Qilin God Realm qualifications is not Helian Imperial Family, but is his Fierce Sand sect! 那么,失去进入麟神境资格的将不会是赫连皇室,而是他烈砂宗! Fierce Sand sect Young Sect Master burns fiercely is positive combustion fighting intent, suddenly an inexplicable suffocation transmission, the surrounding atmosphere also changes beyond the score strange. 烈砂少宗主烈灼阳正在燃烧战意,忽然一股莫名的窒息感传来,周围的气氛也变得分外诡异。 He turns the head to look that to sect, actually discovered that father's complexion unexpectedly is a scary paleness. 他转头看向宗门所在,却发现父亲的脸色竟是一片骇人的铁青。 Detected that burns the Yang vision fiercely, Lie Qianhong long spits the one breath, passes on the sound said: Opposite...... is Eighth Level Divine Lord.” 察觉到烈灼阳的目光,烈千洪长吐一口气,传音道:“对面……是个八级神主。” Wha......” burns Yang Mianse to change fiercely, blurts to lose one's voice. “什……”烈灼阳面色大变,脱口失声。 Gives up.” Lie Qianhong voice/sound is incapable: That gray-clothed person, a person can the steamroll you be complete, does not have any odds of success.” “放弃吧。”烈千洪声音无力:“那个灰衣人,一人便可碾压你们全部,没有任何的胜算。” Admits defeat directly, although disgraced. But keeps complete power and condition, perhaps was done the injury while Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect by that Yun Che seriously...... the also opportunity.” “直接认输虽然丢人。但留着全部的力量和状态,趁着磐玄宗万仞宗被那云澈搞得伤势惨重……或许还有机会。” „......” Burns fiercely clenches teeth Yang, fighting intent that in the hearts just ignited by thorough that Eighth Level Divine Lord four character pressures extinguish. “……”烈灼阳咬牙,心间刚刚燃起的战意被“八级神主”四个字压灭的彻彻底底。 However he has not admitted defeat immediately, but is the eye refers to the gray-clothed person, the sinking sound asked: Your excellency has stepped into the battlefield, why also to reveal only part of the truth. At least...... should also make me and others know the given name.” 不过他并没有马上认输,而是目指灰衣人,沉声问道:“阁下既已踏入战场,又何必藏头露尾。至少……也该让我等知晓名讳。” The gray-clothed person figure and aura are not turbulent, just like deceased person. 灰衣人身形、气息毫无动荡,宛若死人。 In everyone thinks when she does not want to pay attention to Fierce Sand Young Sect Master, actually listens to her to send out voice/sound slowly: 就在所有人以为她并不想理会烈砂少宗主时,却听她缓缓发出声音: hornless dragon Dragon Clan, Long Jiang.” voice/sound desolate brings hoarse, but still recognizes is sound of the women's. “螭龙族,龙姜。”声音冷淡中带着嘶哑,但依然辨得出是一个女子之音。
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