ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2001: Liancheng good sword

Obviously just now is rumbled, pitiful yell and bloodstain continually......, but outside battlefield, is actually a scary deathly stillness. 明明方才是连番的轰鸣、惨叫、血痕……但战场之外,却是一片骇人的死寂。 Regardless of men and women, regardless of the strong and weak...... their eyeballs such as stuck a thorn by the steel needle, enlarges wants to blast open to several. Does not know that many chins are the anger open arrive at the scene the dislocation, for a very long time is unable to close. 无论男女,无论强弱……他们的眼珠都如被钢针扎刺,放大到几欲炸裂。不知道有多少只下巴更是怒张到当场错位,久久无法闭合。 Helian Lingzhu was completely ignorant, a Ku Xian pair of muddy eye stares for a very long time straight, Helian Linglang is dumb as a wooden chicken, such as sees the ghosts and gods. 赫连玲珠完全的懵了,枯弦一双浊目久久瞠直,赫连玲琅更是呆若木鸡,如见鬼神。 Yun Che...... Divine Sovereign Realm Tenth Level peak. 云澈……神君境十级巅峰。 But Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect ten profound practitioner, that is Third Level Divine Lord, three Second Level Divine Lord, five First Level Divine Lord, in addition Divine Sovereign! 万仞宗的十个玄者,那可是一个三级神主,三个二级神主,五个一级神主,外加一个神君 In front of Yun Che, does not have a putting in an appearance enemy. 云澈面前,无一个照面之敌。 But the stick mallet that in his hand uses...... Oh, Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master Zhai Liancheng, is not in Qilin Abyss Realm ten sixty-year cycle following profound practitioner, only one Fourth Level Divine Lord, is young one generation of first person that deserves. 而他手中所用的棍槌……不,磐玄宗少宗主砦连城,更是麟渊界甲子以下的玄者中,唯一一个四级神主,也是当之无愧的年轻一辈第一人。 Unexpectedly by him...... 竟被他…… Ximen Boyun had stood from position of honor, originally is the duplicate dignified double pupil is completely shocking and ignorant however...... he does not even know when completely at this moment oneself is stand up. 西门博云已是从尊位上站了起来,本是覆满威严的双瞳此刻尽是震惊和懵然……他甚至不知道自己是何时站起。 Remote spatial above, Hua Caili flowery lips opened wide, stars in pair of beautiful eyes forgot the twinkle. 遥空之上,画彩璃唇瓣大张,一双美眸中的星辰都忘记了闪烁。 He...... he...... he......” “他……他……他……” Although she story is superficial, but her family background is doomed her Profound Dao cognition far supernormal person. At this moment, was actually destroyed a smashing thoroughly. 她虽然阅历浅薄,但她的出身注定她的玄道认知远超常人。却在此刻,被彻底摧了个粉碎。 Crossed some little time, Hua Qingying voice/sound transmits slowly: He indeed is Divine Sovereign Realm, rather than has gone into hiding. lightning that he uses, absolutely not.” 过了好一会儿,画清影声音徐徐传来:“他的确是神君境,而非有所隐匿。他所用的雷电,也绝非凡雷。” „...... Divine Sovereign Realm, can...... defeat Divine Lord...... Hua Caili to mutter the language unexpectedly. “……神君境,居然可以……一击败神主……”画彩璃喃喃而语。 Low-Rank Divine Lord and High-Rank Divine Lord indeed have very big disparity. But must achieve such as so strikes to rout, at least should also be Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level cultivation base. 下位神主上位神主的确有着很大的差距。但要做到如这般一击击溃,至少也该是神主境八级修为 But he, is only Divine Sovereign!? 而他,只是一个神君!? „......” This time, Hua Qingying is unable to give her to respond. “……”这一次,画清影无法给她回应。 But that say/way deep accumulated endless sword intent, is the Sword Immortal pupil light alone, pours into one for the first time so strangely, but also is only Divine Sovereign male body. 而那道深蕴着无尽剑意,独属于剑仙的眸光,也第一次倾注于一个如此陌生,还只是一个神君的男子身上 But this time Yun Che is hanging the pupil to look at Zhai Liancheng in hand, in the mouth is being liberal with the praise: 而此时的云澈正垂眸看着手中的砦连城,口中不吝夸赞: Good sword, is really one sword. So easy-to-use, how could quiet nameless.” “好剑,真是一把好剑。如此好用,岂能寂寂无名呢。” For the time being called...... Liancheng Sword.” “姑且就叫……连城剑吧。” Zhai Liancheng indeed is quite cheap, dares unexpectedly word shame Emperor Yun. 砦连城的确是好贱,竟胆敢去言辱云帝 Arm of Mo Cangying still horizontally in midair, when mind was flooded by the huge shock, which still remembers existence of arm. 陌苍鹰的手臂依然横在半空,当精神被过于庞大的震惊所充斥,哪还记得手臂的存在。 After the deathly stillness, Qilin God Territory exploded is almost in history the most chaotic sound wave. 死寂之后,麒麟神域爆开了几乎是有史以来最混乱的声浪。 „This this...... this was...... has anything......” in all directions is voice/sound that the tongue tied a knot. “这这这这……这是……发生了什么……”四处都是舌头打结的声音 He...... Divine Sovereign...... nine Divine Lord...... strike completely...... hiss......” “他……一个神君……九个神主……全部一击……嘶……” I special am having a dream!?” “我特么在做梦吧!?” What situation? Who can tell me to have what? This person...... this person......” “什么情况?谁能告诉我发生了什么?这个人……这个人……” ...... …… ...... …… The coaxing cry of ear makes Zhai Kexie that the brain short-circuits finally as if awakening from a dream, he must forward suddenly, eye socket completely cracks, in hand a violent roar: Yun Che young child! Lets loose Liancheng!!” 耳朵的哄叫声让大脑短路的砦克邪总算如梦方醒,他忽得向前,目眦尽裂,手中一声暴吼:“云澈小儿!放开连城!!” His profound energy explodes together with voice/sound, half step Divine Extinction Realm powerful profound energy curls up the terrifying storm in the entire battlefield instantaneously. 他的玄气随着声音一同爆开,半步神灭境的强大玄气瞬间在整个战场卷起恐怖的风浪。 That is his Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master, is he most favorite son, unexpectedly...... unexpectedly quilt...... 那是他磐玄宗少宗主,是他最得意的儿子,居然……居然被…… This is the what kind of big shame! 这是何等的大辱! Roaring of Zhai Kexie shook all sound tides instantaneously. 砦克邪的吼叫瞬间震下了所有的声潮。 The Yun Che anger however turns around, in the hand Liancheng Sword holds up, points to Zhai Kexie: Rock Profound Sect Master! Your big courage! Abyss Knight in the side, you dares to interfere with and disrupt the battlefield! You do not put in the eyes the Pure Land dignity!” 云澈怒然转身,手中连城剑举起,直指砦克邪:“磐玄宗主!你好大的胆子!深渊骑士在侧,你竟敢干涉和扰乱战场!你这是不将净土的威严放在眼中吗!” Yun Che's voice good more ear-spitting than it Zhai Kexie, a strange greatly incomparable evil reputation also dang buckles with calling out of this righteousness expression on the head of Zhai Kexie. 云澈的声音比之砦克邪好还要震耳,一个奇大无比的屎盆子也随着这声义正言辞的暴吼“咣当”扣在砦克邪的脑袋上。 Especially „the Pure Land dignity these incomparably scary phrases, punctured the cold water of heart to sprinkle on the face of Zhai Kexie, lets the profound energy fierce congealment that outside him released. 尤其“净土的威严”这几个无比吓人的字眼,刺心的凉水般泼在了砦克邪的脸上,让他外释的玄气猛的凝结。 Another side is busy rescuing Wan Zhongyue and Wan Zhongshan, Wan Wei that has not first manifested suddenly with enough time also received the forthcoming anger and profound energy all of a sudden. 另一侧正忙着抢救万重岳万重山,没来得及第一时间发作的万巍也一下子收住了即将爆发的怒气和玄气 You...... you!” Zhai Kexie points at Yun Che, the whole body trembles, whole piece face because of upwelling but blood energy a redness. “你……你!”砦克邪手指云澈,浑身发抖,整张面孔因上涌的血气而一片赤红。 Only has that faint trace of surviving to be sane, is entraining him stubbornly the impulsion that the Yun Che bang kills at the scene. 唯有残存的那一丝丝理智,死死拽着他将云澈当场轰杀的冲动。 I how?” Yun Che shook to begin the sword, the head that then also toughed it out compared with the steel needle under Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning had the biochemistry to have pale red Sword Projection, pointed to the nostril of Zhai Kexie: Is it possible that do I have what to violate the place of battlefield rule?” “我如何?”云澈晃了晃动手中之剑,那在天道劫雷下比钢针还硬挺的头发生生化出一层淡赤色的剑罡,直指砦克邪的鼻孔:“莫非我有什么违背战场规则之处?” You...... you!!!” Zhai Kexie eyeball external drum, almost rupturing. “你……你!!!”砦克邪眼球外鼓,几近爆裂。 His this lifetime many times were used the sword , with pointing at somebody with the blade and with the spear/gun, has a dream cannot think that one day will be used the son to point. 他这辈子不少次被人用剑、用刀、用枪、用戟指着,做梦都想不到有一天会被人用儿子指着。 This is what kind of is funny, what kind of great shame. 这是何等的滑稽,何等的奇耻大辱。 Before today, Zhai Liancheng is Qilin Abyss Realm young one generation of first person, everyone mentioned, acclaimed the awe all. 今日之前,砦连城麟渊界年轻一辈第一人,人人提及,无不赞叹敬畏。 But after today, so long as mentioned Zhai Liancheng, who did not approve one...... three breath rout Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect ten big profound practitioner peerless good swords! 而今日之后,只要提及砦连城,谁不赞一句……三息溃败万仞宗十大玄者的绝世好剑! Feared that is a lot of years, Qilin Abyss Realm will unable to discover compared with this bigger joke again in the future again. 怕是再往后千百年,麟渊界都再找不出比这更大的笑话。 Rock Profound Sect Master,” Ximen Borong makes noise: Also looks calmly, this is Qilin God Conference, do not impulse.” 磐玄宗主,”西门博容出声:“还望冷静,此为麟神之会,勿要冲动。” My calm fuck, changes into your son to try! 我冷静尼玛,换成你儿子试试! Zhai Kexie whole body each pore is shaking, each tooth in mouth was nipped to bleed by him, he dies to stare at Yun Che, sends out voice/sound with oneself all reason: Kills people not the excessive point place, you...... thoughts evil and cruel...... shame person in excess......” 砦克邪全身每一个毛孔都在抖,口中的每一颗牙齿都被他生生咬出了血,他死盯着云澈,用自己所有的理智发出声音:“杀人不过头点地,你……心思歹毒……辱人过甚……” Murder can violate the battlefield rule.” Yun Che not anxiously not slow say/way: But the shame person cannot.” “杀人会违反战场规则。”云澈不急不缓的道:“但辱人不会。” Battlefield rule is your Rock Profound Sect Master reads out personally, presents everyone to hear clearly.” The Yun Che complexion becomes with deep veneration, again the righteousness expression: Rule that oneself read out, unexpectedly so flagrant practiced favoritism to violate! It seems like your Rock Profound Sect abused power in Qilin Abyss Realm for a long time, really does not put in the eyes the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift and Pure Land dignity!” “战场规则还是你磐玄宗主亲口宣读,在场所有人都听得清清楚楚。”云澈脸色变得肃然,再一次义正言辞:“自己宣读的规则,竟如此明目张胆的徇私违背!看来你磐玄宗麟渊界作威作福久了,果然早已不将渊皇的恩赐、净土的威严放在眼中!” You!!” An old blood wells up to the Zhai Kexie throat bottom, the danger spurted come out. “你!!”一口老血涌到砦克邪喉底,险险喷了出来 Rock Profound Sect Master.” Ximen Boyun makes noise: Draws back!” 磐玄宗主。”西门博云出声:“退下!” The Zhai Kexie chest fluctuates fiercely, he attracts several atmosphere continually, difficult takes back profound energy: Is the stockade some are crude for a while, but also asked Lord Knight to forgive.” 砦克邪胸口剧烈起伏,他连吸数口大气,才艰难的将玄气收回:“是砦某一时鲁莽,还请骑士大人恕罪。” The Ximen Boyun vision dangles, said lightly: Battlefield continues.” 西门博云目光垂下,淡淡道:“战场继续。” Yun Che actually raised the head suddenly, vision looking straight ahead to Ximen Boyun: Continue? His Rock Profound Sect Master disrupts the battlefield, belongs disobeys the battlefield rule seriously, could it be that should not receive the disciplinary punishment? Merely only then draws back two characters?” 云澈却是猛然抬头,目光直视向西门博云:“继续?他磐玄宗主扰乱战场,属于严重违逆战场规则,难道不应该受到惩戒?仅仅就只有‘退下’二字?” The Qilin God Territory atmosphere concentrates suddenly. 麒麟神域的气氛陡然一凝。 Helian Lingzhu, Ku Xian, Mo Cangying and the others on the faces reveals the color of frightening. 赫连玲珠枯弦陌苍鹰等人的脸上更是露出惊吓之色。 Because of Yun Che this word, unexpectedly clearly is...... to the question and accusation of Abyss Knight. 因为云澈此言,竟分明是……对深渊骑士的质疑与指责。 The Ximen Boyun brow sinks, coldly language: Rock Profound Sect Master really has impulsive, but has reason, receives the hand promptly, and has not caused the essence to interfere.” 西门博云眉头微沉,冷冷而语:“磐玄宗主确有冲动,但事出有因,又及时收手,且并未造成实质干涉。” Doesn't have the essence to interfere?” “没有实质干涉?” The voice falls, Yun Che profound strength spits, has a blood stream from his corners of the mouth gushing out in secret. 话音一落,云澈暗中玄力一吐,带起一股血流从他的嘴角“噗”的涌出。 Simultaneously points at toward corners of the mouth one, has the one scarlet dazzling bloodstain. 同时手指往嘴角一抹,带起一抹猩红刺目的血迹。 Rock Profound Sect Master, but prestige certainly Qilin Abyss Realm, incomparably powerful half step Divine Extinction profound practitioner. But I, am only small Divine Sovereign, profound energy that he releases, my small Divine Sovereign can withstand can it be that!” 磐玄宗主可是威绝麟渊界,一个强大无匹半步神灭玄者。而我,只是一个小小神君,他所释放的玄气,又岂是我一个小小神君所能承受!” Zhai Kexie wishes one could to spurt Yun Che face dog shit...... to go to fuck small Divine Sovereign at the scene! 砦克邪恨不能当场喷云澈一脸狗屎……去尼玛的小小神君 Just now Rock Profound Sect Master the strength of half step Divine Extinction, is to make me receive the heavy internal injury! If not my body and will are tenacious enough...... trade to be others, feared that had been shaken bursts at the scene!” “方才磐玄宗主半步神灭之力,已是让我受了不轻的内伤!若非我躯体和意志足够坚韧……换做他人,怕是早已被震溃当场!” The Yun Che's tonality gradually takes the grief and indignation: „Are the heavy losses, do not have the essence to interfere unexpectedly ‚’?” 云澈的音调逐渐带上悲愤:“如此重创,居然是‘没有实质干涉’?” The forehead of Ximen Boyun sinks again the next point: Yun Che,... the inch... does not enter... the ruler fine!” 西门博云的眉宇再度沉下一分:“云澈,不要得…寸…进…尺!” The short number, is conceals the anger, the fear in all person hearts stagnates. 短短数字,已是隐含怒意,慑得所有人心中一滞。 BANG!! 砰!! A heavy sound, in the Yun Che hand the sword, inserted the place of under foot the entire head of Zhai Liancheng suddenly. 一声重响,云澈手中之剑猛然顿地,将砦连城的整颗脑袋都插到了脚下之地。 ~! # ¥ %......” Zhai Kexie profound energy nearly again out-of-control berserk. “~!@#¥%……”砦克邪玄气险些再次失控暴走 May I ask abyss Lord Knight,” his looking straight ahead of no giving way to traffic Ximen Boyun full is being the lofty vision, voice/sound compares it him to be lower and deeper impressively: This war, my can Yun Che have the least bit to be contrary to the place of rule?” “敢问深渊骑士大人,”他毫无避让的直视着西门博云满是威凌的目光,声音赫然比之他更要低沉:“此一战,我云澈可有半点有违规则之处?” „...... Has not had.” The Ximen Boyun sinking eyebrow makes noise, in the hearts is heavily sinks...... the opposite party under his partly God Realm soul pressure, does not have unexpectedly, even if a wee bit timid condition!? “……未有。”西门博云沉眉出声,心间更是重重一沉……对方在他半神境界的魂压之下,竟没有哪怕丁点畏怯之态!? This saying Yun Che person, his outcome...... 这个自称“云澈”之人,他究竟…… The Yun Che tonality raises a point again: That Rock Profound Sect Master Zhai Kexie is to protect own son, interferes with the battlefield by the strength of half step Divine Extinction, my wound, disobeys the battlefield rule seriously, is the fact?” 云澈音调再度拔高一分:“那磐玄宗主砦克邪为护自己的儿子,以半步神灭之力干涉战场,将我创伤,严重违逆战场规则,可是事实?” „......” Ximen Boyun is unable to deny. “……”西门博云无法否认。 Heh! Yun Che fearless, only has the sneering of grief and indignation and satire: World all knows, wants to become Pure Land Abyss Knight, not only need have the body of half god, must through the test of Soul and will.” 呵!云澈一声毫无畏惧,唯有悲愤和讽刺的冷笑:“世所皆知,想要成为净土深渊骑士,不但要拥有半神之躯,更要通过灵魂与意志的考验。” Noble and pure Soul, unyielding will, this is the Abyss Knight most basic criterion! Abyss Knight four characters are the status that Abyss Sovereign grants, what represented is the Pure Land dignity and Abyss Sovereign face countenance!” “高洁的灵魂,不屈的意志,这是深渊骑士最基本的准则!‘深渊骑士’四个字是渊皇赐予的身份,代表的是净土的尊严和渊皇的颜面!” In just now, before the battlefield opens, you said with certainty in the presence of everyone: Abyss Knight at present, does not allow any evil, dirty and unfair.” “就在方才,就在战场开启之前,你当众言之凿凿:深渊骑士目下,不容任何罪恶、肮脏与不公。” But!” He glowers: Disrupts the battlefield in you at present blatantly, the disobedient rule, the severe wound enters the war profound practitioner Zhai Kexie, you are only one draw back, not slightly disciplinary punishment.” “但是!”他怒目而视:“在你目下公然扰乱战场,忤逆规则,重伤参战玄者砦克邪,你只是一声‘退下’,未予丝毫惩戒。” However I, in you person of suffering, point out at present your unfair, maintains this most basic fair, actually became in your mouth unexpectedly reaching out for a yard after taking an inch!?” “而我,一个在你目下受害之人,指出你的不公,维护这最基本的公平,却居然成了你口中的‘得寸进尺’!?” This is you as Abyss Knight noble and pure!? This is the Pure Land dignity that you represent!?” “这就是你作为深渊骑士的‘高洁’!?这就是你所代表的净土尊严!?” Ximen Boyun fierce standing up, clothes sleeve highly bulge, the anger thrives obviously. 西门博云猛的站起,衣袂高鼓,显然怒意勃发。 He is looking steadily at Yun Che, has not had a word for a long time......, but periphery falls on his body innumerable vision, is actually becoming such as the sharp thorn to be the same at this moment. 他盯视着云澈,却是许久未有一言……而周围落在他身上的无数目光,却在此刻变得如尖刺一般。 His mouth, is quite fierce.” “他的嘴巴,好厉害。” Hua Caili is exclaiming in surprise in a soft voice, Yun Che this name, in cannot help but by her the in the heart soul. 画彩璃轻声惊叹着,“云澈”这个名字,也在不由自主间被她记于心魂。 „...... Indeed.” Hua Qingying accidental/surprised gave the response. “……的确。”画清影意外的给予了回应。 Bang buzz!! 轰嗡!! After the anger, profound energy explodes in Ximen Boyun body. 怒意之后,一股玄气西门博云身上爆开。 That is aura of half god, the pressure of half god. 那是半神的气场,半神的威压。 split second, the Qilin God Territory sky as if sidewise compression, innumerable profound practitioner will suffocate shortly. 一瞬间,麒麟神域苍穹都仿佛横压了下来,无数玄者顷刻窒息。 But in everyone thinks that the Ximen Boyun anger loses control extremely, when must to Yun Che acts, actually sees a Ximen Boyun palm to fling. 而就在所有人以为西门博云怒极失控,要对云澈出手时,却见西门博云一掌甩出。 Pā!! 啪! A strange is heavy, just like being struck by lightning day of collapsing slap on the face is away from ten li (0.5 km) distance, ruthlessly fan on the face of Zhai Kexie. 一个奇重无比,宛若雷劈天崩的耳光隔着十里之距,狠狠地扇在了砦克邪的脸上。 Although half step Divine Extinction is strong, but where endures to withstand the prestige of half god. That resoundingly to letting in the slap on the face sound of person heart check, Zhai Kexie from the upper air fan to the ground, after the ground smashed an endocrater , the ball is flown ruthlessly, bringing the blood column ball that several are sprinkling randomly to fall to dozens li (0.5 km) beyond. 半步神灭虽强,但哪堪承受半神之威。那响亮到让人心裂的耳光声中,砦克邪被从高空狠狠地扇到了地上,将地面砸出一个巨坑后又弹飞而起,带着数道乱洒的血柱弹落到数十里之外。 The Wan Wei whole body shakes, rejoiced secretly have not just now come and impulsed. 万巍浑身一抖,暗自庆幸方才自己没来及冲动。 Rock Profound Sect Master!” The Ximen Boyun whole face anger, both hands are also trembling faintly: You disrupt Qilin God Conference maliciously, when was punished by this! If there is violates...... this venerable to cancel your Rock Profound Sect to enter the qualifications of Qilin God Realm again directly.” 磐玄宗主!”西门博云满脸怒意,双手亦在隐隐发抖:“你恶意扰乱麟神之会,当受此惩!若有再犯……本尊会直接取消你磐玄宗麟神境的资格。” This last few words, making dull surprised Rock Profound Sect high and low be startled nearly softly kneel in the place. 这最后一句话,让呆愕中的磐玄宗上下惊得险些软跪在地。 Sect Master, calm, calm!” 宗主,冷静,冷静啊!” Since Zhai Kexie just crawled from the ground, near the ear then transmits each Rock Profound Sect Elder to want him to send greetings...... in his seven orifices calmly immediately again the blood column spout, at present one black, planted directly. 砦克邪刚从地上爬起,耳边便传来各个磐玄宗长老要他冷静的传音……他七窍之中顿时再次血柱喷涌,眼前一黑,直接又栽了回去。 Yun Che, so, can you satisfy?” The Ximen Boyun voice listens to be calm, no matter what who can listen the sound of cutting tooth brings. 云澈,如此,你可满意?”西门博云的话音听似冷静平淡,但任谁都能听出其中所带的切齿之音。 Satisfied satisfied!” Yun Che looks the smile, nods slightly: This is Abyss Knight should have the appearance that.” “满意满意!”云澈面露微笑,微微颔首:“这才是深渊骑士该有的样子。” Bang! 砰! Ximen Boyun revering place arm rest by his crumb. 西门博云的尊座扶手被他生生捏碎。 Sect Master...... Sect Master!” 宗主……宗主!” Zhai Kexie was helped up, he raised the head, is spitting the broken tooth while low roar: You died...... rescue Liancheng quickly!!” 砦克邪被人扶起,他抬头,一边吐着碎牙一边低吼:“你们都死了吗……快救连城!!” Nine Rock Profound disciple above station yard always forces a draw with the alarmed and afraid condition ignorant, that came from Sect Master, has manic, passes message of anger and shame makes them have to be hard the scalp, charged into Yun Che. 站场之上的九个磐玄弟子始终都是懵逼和惊惧状态,那来自宗主,带着狂躁、愤怒和耻辱的传音让他们不得不硬起头皮,冲向了云澈 With Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple completely unexpected different, they do not dare to have a wee bit general ideas, nine Divine Lord aura the unretentive release, stimulation of movement entire Qilin God Territory will tremble shortly faintly. 万仞宗弟子全部猝不及防不同,他们不敢有丁点大意,九道神主气息在顷刻间毫无保留的释放,催动的整个麒麟神域都隐隐发颤。 Yun Che takes up to invert in place Liancheng Sword, after flickering sword might that wells up, Mo Cangying that the upright desire acts reprimanded to count beside hundred feet directly. 云澈一把抄起倒插在地的连城剑,瞬涌的剑威将后方正欲出手的陌苍鹰直接斥出数十丈之外。 His foot steps on Extreme Mirage Lightning, such as the thunder approaches instantaneously, is twining Heavenly Tribulation lightning bolt Heavenly Wolf Meteor heavy the front. 他脚踩幻光雷极,如雷霆般瞬间临近,一记缠绕着天劫雷光的“陨落天狼”重前方 BOOM!! 轰隆!! In the head of Zhai Liancheng is planet explodes...... 砦连城的脑袋里又是一颗星球爆开…… Huge Heavenly Wolf Spectre roared sky over the battlefield, eruption sword might the bang turned the body potentials of nine big Divine Lord simultaneously, protecting oneself rock rock profound strength collapsed between the short two breaths all. 一个巨大的天狼之影在战场上空咆哮,爆发的剑威将九大神主的身势同时轰翻,护身的磐岩玄力更是在短短两息之间尽数崩溃。 The form in a flash, Yun Che has appeared in nine Rock Profound Sect Divine Lord middle, extinguishes the day certainly straight bang land. 身影一晃,云澈已是出现在了九个磐玄宗神主的中间,一记灭天绝地直轰大地。 ———— ———— The most battlefield was raised by boundless sword might directly, bringing nine guard profound strength to be defeated and dispersed, Rock Profound disciple that everywhere flies horizontally. 大半个战场被磅礴的剑威直接掀起,带起九个护身玄力溃散,漫天横飞的磐玄弟子 Also trembles with fear around the battlefield one both suddenly/violently protrude to want the eye pupil of crack thoroughly. 也彻底惊颤着战场周围一双双本就暴凸欲裂的眼瞳。 Is built on the center of disaster, Yun Che at a moderate pace turning round, in the hand the sword rolls up and pushes along storm power, flings gently. 立于灾难的中心,云澈不紧不慢的回身,手中之剑卷动暴风之力,轻轻一甩。 Zhai Liancheng revolving of extreme speed departs immediately, storm power that carries will curl up one to have hundred li (0.5 km) huge storm in circling in flight shortly fully. 砦连城顿时极速的旋转飞出,所携的暴风之力在飞旋间顷刻卷起一个足有百里的庞大风暴。 Nine people that flies the midair horizontally are involved, flings again ruthlessly...... until several hundred li (0.5 km) battlefield outside. 将半空横飞的九人卷入其中,再狠狠地甩出……直至数百里的战场之外。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖…… Flying sword volume spatial voice/sound incomparable clear, completes Liancheng Sword accurate circling in flight of mission to Yun Che's direction. 飞剑卷空的声音无比之清晰,完成使命的连城剑精准的飞旋向云澈的方向 But Yun Che has not actually met with the hand, but treads out, tramples the sword blade, at bang in a loud sound, steps on Zhai Liancheng ruthlessly in the place. 云澈却没有用手去接,而是一脚踩出,直踹剑身,在“轰”的一声巨响中,将砦连城狠狠地踩踏在地。 He bowed the head, stares at Zhai Liancheng that almost not to have any color eye pupil, the say/way that the whole face acclaimed: Rock Profound Young Master is really the high character and integrity, for a small commitment, not only cleaned up Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect, unexpectedly even the people on one's own side hit, but also starts is so ruthless.” 他俯首,盯着砦连城那几乎没有了任何色彩的眼瞳,满脸赞叹的道:“磐玄少主真是高风亮节,为了一句小小承诺,不但清理了万仞宗,居然连自己人都打,还下手这么狠。” How this may feel all right.” “这可怎么好意思呢。”
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