ATG :: Volume #19

#2000: Sweeps away (Last Part)

Intense to renouncing fighting intent from the Mo Cangying body release, but Yun Che not responded. Oh, this is not that injures......” a Zhai Liancheng words exit|to speak, thinks suddenly improper, at the right moment changed a statement: „Isn't this that pretty boy who Crown Princess raises? What called...... Yun Che? It seems like this period of time, to imperial family, when lackey works as very satisfied.” 一股强烈到决绝的战意陌苍鹰身上释放,不过云澈对此并无回应。“唷,这不是那个打伤……”砦连城话一出口,忽觉不妥,适时改口:“这不是长公主养的那个小白脸吗?叫什么……云澈是吧?看来这段时间,给皇室当走狗当得很惬意嘛。” Yun Che two characters, let Ximen Boyun and Ximen Borong vision flicker to congeal in his body. But near the ear of Zhai Liancheng, resounded passes message of Ximen Qi nearly crazy at this time: Young Sect Master Zhai, giving me ruthlessly...... ruthlessly is oppressive he! Steps on him! Steps on breaks to pieces his bone! Steps on is rotten his head! Eh...... makes the opportunity that he begs for mercy and surrenders do not have!” 云澈”二字,让西门博云西门博容的目光都瞬凝在了他的身上。而砦连城的耳边,也在这时响起了西门祺近乎疯癫的传音:“砦少宗主,给我狠狠地……狠狠地虐他!踩他!踩碎他的骨头!踩烂他的脑袋!呃……让他连求饶、投降的机会都不要有!” Obviously this small one month, in the Ximen Qi heart piled up many hate. 可见这小一个月,西门祺心中积压了多少的怨恨。 Zhai Liancheng ease echo: Little felt relieved auspiciously, since he dares to enter the stadium, that is in my hand the toy. Pinches the circle to pinch flatly, all along with my intent, auspicious little then waits for watching to be able.” 砦连城悠然回音:“祺少放心,他既然敢入场,那就是我手中玩具。捏圆捏扁,皆随我意,祺少便等著观赏便可。” Yun Che has not spoken, only has the eyebrow corner/horn very slightly sank some, the vision swept on the body of Zhai Liancheng lightly. 云澈没有说话,唯有眉角很轻微的沉了些许,目光在砦连城的躯体上淡淡的扫了一圈。 Zhai Liancheng, your lips and tongue are unbearable stink as always.” Mo Cangying coldly said. 砦连城,你的唇舌还是一如既往的臭不可闻。”陌苍鹰冷冷道。 The Zhai Liancheng expression is more contemptuous: Mentioned the odor, who endured the ratio to result in Helian Imperial Family.” 砦连城表情更加轻蔑:“说起恶臭,又有谁堪比得过赫连皇室呢。” To fighting current, flaunts the advantage of what argument.” The Zhai Kexie vision shifts to Helian Imperial Family to be at: it's time. Helian Crown Princess, do you only prepare to go to battle with two people?” “对战当前,逞什么口舌之利。”砦克邪目光转向赫连皇室所在:“时辰已到赫连长公主,你们是只准备出战两人吗?” Numerous Helian Imperial Family and Helian Tianfu profound practitioner likes a cat on hot bricks, in a dilemma: Crown Prince Your Highness, don't we really...... go?” 一众赫连皇室赫连天府玄者局促不安,进退两难:“太子殿下,我们真的……不去吗?” What kind of despising periphery they do not dare to touch the vision that casts...... it can be imagined are the taunt. 他们不敢去碰触周围投来的目光……可想而知都是怎样的鄙夷与嘲讽。 Snort!” Helian Linglang hangs the eyebrow sinking sound: Works as the temporary coward, when was spurned several era, criminal but who must implicate the family background family, you elect.” “哼!”赫连玲瑯垂眉沉声:“是当一时的懦夫,还是当被唾弃好几个时代,还要连累出身家族的罪人,你们自己选吧。” These words, wiped to disperse in that several profound practitioner hearts directly the final hesitation and strength of spirit. 这一句话,直接抹散了那几个玄者心间最后的犹豫和骨气。 „......” Ku Xian is motionless, does not have including an admonishment. “……”枯弦一动不动,连一句规劝都没有。 So-called sorrowful greatest in the heart dies, one generation of dynasties reduced hence, he even not too big surprised. 所谓哀莫大于心死,一代皇朝沦落至此,他甚至都没有太大的惊讶。 Three Big Sect have severe, competes and eliminates to the brutal survival principle, to further can resort to all means that their by the generation great strength, can say naturally. 大宗有着严苛到残酷的生存、竞争与淘汰法则,为了更进一步可以不择手段,他们的逐代强大,可以说理所应当。 But Helian Imperial Family...... generations of Country Lord rule in one corner of the kingdom, and ji shirk. Country Lord so, it drives a horse the place, to drive a horse the person nature is also identical. 赫连皇室……一代代国主偏安一隅,茍且偷安。国主如此,其驭下之地、驭下之人也自然同出一辙。 These years, he even hopes that Mo Cangying can leave the imperial family, to three Big Sect. 这些年,他甚至希望陌苍鹰能离开皇室,去往三大宗 If the Helian Imperial Family next generation falls in Helian Linglang, cannot withstand inevitably. 赫连皇室的下一代若是落在赫连玲瑯手里,必然更加不堪。 Also or, Helian Imperial Family already not next era. Is hard to imagine Helian Lingzhu at this moment to be what kind of embarrassed with the suffering, and any response, obtained only has to scoff and pity. Therefore Mo Cangying holds up the head to make noise: Starts! Does not have the dog of keel to come what to use, Helian lofty and unyielding character...... my two people then enough.” 也或者,赫连皇室已经没有下一个时代了。难以想象此刻的赫连玲珠会是何等的难堪与煎熬,且任何回应,得到的都唯有耻笑与怜悯。所以陌苍鹰昂首出声:“开始吧!无脊之犬要来何用,赫连的傲骨……我二人便足够。” Lofty and unyielding character? Hahahaha!” Wan Zhongyue laughs to make noise directly. “傲骨?噗哈哈哈哈!”万重岳直接大笑出声。 Helian Linglang lifts the head, the anger and shame completely melts virulently: Mo Cangying...... the father will kill you sooner or later! 赫连玲瑯抬首,愤怒、耻辱尽化恶毒:陌苍鹰……老子早晚弄死你! Snort!” “哼!” Zhai Kexie no longer talks too much, his finger points, withered and yellow profound light flies to shoot together, seal in the land, then the link becomes a diameter hundred-mile battlefield. 砦克邪不再多言,他手指点出,一道枯黄玄光飞射而下,印于大地,然后环成一个径长百里的战场。 Regarding Divine Lord Divine Sovereign, is the group war, this battlefield narrow and small to the extreme, is only compels all profound practitioner to enter not draws back. 对于神主神君,还是群战,这个战场可谓狭小之极,同时也是逼得所有玄者唯进无退。 Three parties battle, position rank that to be defeated completely.” Stupor and surrender, were made the battlefield, regards as is all defeated...... is injured inevitably, can not investigate...... may not under the evil intention the killer......, if surrenders, the opponent cannot attack...... outside the battlefield again, anybody can not intervene the war!” Zhai Kexie is reading out one pile of quite conventional battlefield rules. Last suddenly austere heavy: Has the Lord Knight entire journey testimony, regardless in the battlefield, is outside the battlefield, who dares the disobedient rule, withstood may came from the sanction of Pure Land! You may want...... to put best into it ten million/countless.” “三方交战,以全部落败的顺位排位。”“昏迷、投降、被打出战场,皆视为落败……受伤不可避免,不得追究……不可恶意下杀手……如若投降,对手不可再次攻击……战场之外,任何人不得出手干涉战局!”砦克邪宣读著一堆颇为常规的战场规则。最后一句陡然肃重:“有骑士大人全程见证,无论战场之内,还是战场之外,谁敢忤逆规则,承受的可将是来自净土的制裁!你们可千万要……好自为之。” His form in a flash, is separated from sky over the battlefield, exclaimed high: „The Qilin God Conference first war, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect, Helian Imperial Family and Rock Profound Sect three parties battle, start!” 他身影一晃,脱离战场上空,高吼道:“麟神之会第一战,万仞宗赫连皇室磐玄宗三方交战,开始!” The command of battle falls, 22 profound practitioner above battlefield are actually no one moves. 开战的号令落下,战场之上的二十二个玄者却是无一人动。 Outside the battlefield, some people get angry him not to struggle, some people sigh with regret, some people take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 战场之外,有人怒其不争,有人扼腕叹息,有人幸灾乐祸。 Seeing that they are clear about, Helian Imperial Family has ended...... did not say this Qilin God Conference, but does not have the future. 他们都清楚的看到,赫连皇室已经完了……不是说这届麟神之会,而是已经没有了未来。 After today, the palm drives a horse the Qilin Abyss Realm four big influences, no longer will be one dynasty and three sects, but will be a three sects pledge. 今日之后,掌驭麟渊界的四大势力,将不再是一朝三宗,而是三宗一盟。 Good strange battle formation.” “好奇怪的阵势。” Hua Caili full eye inquisition and obscure: Moreover that person...... most is isolated and cuts off from help, aura is weakest, but is not afraid probably intensely.” 画彩璃满眸的探究与费解:“而且那个人……最孤立无援,气息最弱,但好像一点都不紧张害怕。” Also to Oh. He is only Divine Sovereign, side so many Divine Lord, he is also anxiously useless.” “也对。他只是神君,身边那么多神主,他紧张也没有用。” Although is somewhat silly, but he is the rare big good person, will definitely be injured under Divine Lord aura, is good to be a pity.” “虽然有些傻,但他是少见的大好人,在神主气息下肯定会受伤,好可惜。” She one talked to oneself, but no one response. 她一番自语,但无人回应。 This grade of scene to Sword Immortal Hua Qingying, even the child crosses each family is not without doubt, does not match into her the eye. 这等场面对剑仙画清影而言,无疑连小孩子过家家都算不上,根本不配入她之目。 Rock Profound Sect and both sides the Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect separation, no one acts, after all reached an agreement...... first clear mixed fish. 磐玄宗万仞宗分立两侧,无人出手,毕竟说好了……先清杂鱼。 What a pity the mixed fish only comes up only two, many makes them a little feel disappointed. 可惜杂鱼只上来区区两只,多少让他们有点扫兴。 Young Sect Master Zhai, do you come or me to come?” The Wan Zhongyue opens the mouth, an interest of face lacks. 砦少宗主,你来还是我来?”万重岳开口,一脸的兴趣缺缺。 Tripartite tangled warfare, regardless of slaughters respectively is two sides first jointly encircles a side, is the basic war plan, has not violated the rule to say. 三方混战,无论各自厮杀还是两方先联合围剿一方,都不过是基本的战策,没有违背规则之说。 Zhai Liancheng smiles lightly, then takes a step forward, at a moderate pace close to Yun Che and Mo Cangying. 砦连城淡淡一笑,然后向前迈步,不紧不慢的靠近向云澈陌苍鹰 Mo Cangying fierce one step, the whole body wild and crazy attitude surges forward, protects Yun Che in the rear area...... Zhai Liancheng Fourth Level Divine Lord, when he acts suddenly, flickers the Yun Che heavy losses sufficiently. 陌苍鹰猛的向前一步,周身狂气涌动,将云澈护于后方……砦连城一个四级神主,他猝然出手之时,足以一瞬将云澈重创。 Only then two people, really has the courage thanks to you, tch tch tch.” Zhai Liancheng approaches step by step, whole face grief. “只有两个人,也真亏你们有胆子上来,啧啧啧。”砦连城步步靠近,满脸悲悯。 His vision has swept Yun Che, finally falls on Mo Cangying body: Bother Cangying, my father pitied initially is cherished, does not hesitate to condescend invites you to enter my Rock Profound Sect personally, but you at that time what kind of was unyielding.” 他目光扫过云澈,最终落在陌苍鹰身上:“苍鹰兄,当初我父亲怜才心切,不惜屈尊亲自邀你入我磐玄宗,你那时可是何等的硬气。” However now, has a look at Helian Imperial Family that you give loyalty, has a look at your present fate again, even you in licking Crown Princess are the toys of pretty boy. what a pity, ah what a pity, pitiful pitiful.” “而现在,看看你效忠的赫连皇室,再看看你如今的下场,连你一直在舔的长公主都是小白脸的玩物。可惜啊可惜,可怜啊可怜。” „......” Mo Cangying complexion gloomy, but does not lose one's temper. “……”陌苍鹰面色阴沉,但毫不动怒。 His in the eyes Helian Imperial Family already rottenly to plant root, but for Helian Lingzhu, he renounces regretless. Qilin Abyss Realm this generation of young profound practitioner, take Zhai Liancheng and Mo Cangying as. But this time, facing once for Mo Cangying of biggest opponent, Zhai Liancheng actually just like Adjudicator, can rub the destiny of opposite party at will, can decide after he was humiliated, is defeated pitifully, but gives him to have the fierce combat of dignity. 眼中赫连皇室早已烂到根子里,但为了赫连玲珠,他决绝无悔。麟渊界这一代的年轻玄者,以砦连城陌苍鹰为最。而此次,面对曾为最大对手的陌苍鹰,砦连城却宛若裁决者,可以随意揉搓对方的命运,可以决定他是遭受折辱后凄惨落败,而是给予他有尊严的激战。 This type to once the complete control feeling of biggest opponent, simply should not be good. 这种对曾经最大对手的完全掌控感,简直不要太好。 Only has two people, was too pitiful. If direct went out again clear, that is more pitiful, feels sorry for cannot be left over to the face that loses. Or......” he already nearly in two people three ten steps, smiling of face: „Do you two try to ask me? Obtains the good words, perhaps this Young Master will show mercy, helping you fall several Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect opponents clear, is good to end up is not so ugly.” “只有两个人,也太可怜了。若是再被直接清出去,那岂不是更可怜,可怜到一丢丢的脸面都剩不下。要不……”他已近在两人十步之内,一脸的笑瞇瞇:“你们两个试着求求我?求得好的话,说不定本少会发发慈悲,帮你们清掉几个万仞宗的对手,也好落得不那么难看。” Hahahaha!” Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect resound simultaneously laugh. 哈哈哈哈!”磐玄宗万仞宗同时响起哄笑。 The Mo Cangying wrist/skill turns over, withered and yellow profound light will then erupt, actually listens to behind to transmit Yun Che fully is voice/sound joyfully: Good. Since Young Sect Master Zhai said that we also can only...... actually be disrespectful.” 陌苍鹰手腕翻转,枯黄玄光便将爆发,却听身后传来云澈满是欣然的声音:“好啊。既然砦少宗主都如此说了,那我们也只能……却之不恭了。” His corners of the mouth, the form rocked slightly. 他嘴角微咧,身影微微的晃动了一下。 HU!! 呼!! The corner of the eye of Mo Cangying has afterimage together to pass indistinctly......, but in pupil of Zhai Liancheng, face that the Yun Che that belt/bring smiles suddenly presently slightly. 陌苍鹰的眼角隐约有一道残影晃过……而砦连城的瞳孔之中,骤现云澈那微微带笑的面孔。 To his close distance. 离他不过咫尺之距。 Zhai Liancheng let alone responded, even the expression solidifies without enough time, scarlet lightning bolt then explodes together suddenly in his chest. 砦连城别说反应,连表情都来不及凝固,一道赤红雷光便在他的胸口猛然爆开。 Bang ka! 轰咔! The Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning bang body, ten thousand lightning bolt such as berserk Devil, flees to Zhai Liancheng whole body each meridians, bit the scarlet blood-color his both eyes. 天道劫雷轰身,万道雷光暴走恶魔,窜至砦连城全身每一根经脉,将他的双目都噬成了赤血色。 profound energy of this eruption drives back Mo Cangying suddenly, even shook disperses him to gather in Zhangjian profound light...... his both eyes to enlarge, over the face with amazement. 这骤然爆发的玄气陌苍鹰生生逼退,甚至震散了他蓄于掌间的玄光……他双目放大,满面骇然。 Ah......” 啊……” Wha......!?” “什……么!?” Occurred assorted......” “发生了什……” ...... …… Full house startled sonic boom gets up, the expression that everyone varies changes into panic-strickenly in split second. 满场惊声爆起,所有人各异的表情都在一瞬间化为惊骇。 Because erupts in Yun Che body profound energy...... Divine Sovereign Realm aura, released unexpectedly let the pressure that numerous Divine Lord suffocated suddenly. 因为爆发在云澈身上玄气……神君境气息,竟释出了让一众神主都陡然窒息的威压。 Under the Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning bang body, the Zhai Liancheng five senses were torn instantaneously, the four limbs twist big, a long hair...... and even the whole body hair explodes like the steel needle. 天道劫雷轰身之下,砦连城的五官被瞬间扯开,四肢扭曲大张,一头长发……乃至全身毛发都如钢针般炸起。 He could not feel existence of body, the sensation does not arrive at the revolution of profound strength, only has numb that his Spirit Sense floods completely. 他感觉不到了躯体的存在,更感知不到玄力的运转,唯有将他灵觉完全充斥的酥麻。 In he enlarges to the pupil of peak , the Yun Che smile whispered: Young Sect Master Zhai, had the work.” 在他放大到极致的瞳孔中,云澈微笑低语:“砦少宗主,有劳了。” He kicks, tramples Zhai Liancheng turns, then grasps him to stretch the straight foot bone, the ejection, brandishes lightning to circle Zhai Liancheng of body, the bang pounds to is staying Wan Zhongyue at the scene. 他一脚踢出,将砦连城踹翻,然后抓起他绷直的脚骨,弹射而起,抡起雷电绕体的砦连城,轰砸向正呆愣当场的万重岳 The form extreme speed in line of sight enlarges, on Wan Zhongshan a breath is still filled with watching the fun of taunt, this accident suddenly keeps him from responding. 视线中的身影极速放大,万重山上一息还在满心嘲讽的看热闹,这忽然的变故让他根本无从反应。 Wish of Wan Zhongyue instinct draws back, but that cover turns round in Ling press/pressure of body such as Wan Zhongshan Yue -like is unexpectedly heavy, he can only lift the both arms subconsciously, helplessly looks head that the Zhai Liancheng extreme speed approaches...... 万重岳本能的想要退开,但那罩覆在身的凌压竟如万重山岳般沉重,他只能下意识的抬起双臂,眼睁睁的看着砦连城极速临近的头颅…… BANG!!! 轰!! The Zhai Liancheng head bang pounds ruthlessly above the head of Wan Zhongyue. 砦连城的头颅狠狠地轰砸在万重岳的头颅之上。 Two galaxy also blast out in two heads, voice/sound of skull disruption is arrives clearly almost must tear the eardrum. 如有两个星河在两颗脑袋中同时炸开,头骨碎裂的声音更是清晰到几乎要撕裂耳膜。 Wan Zhongyue such as a top of slanting revolutions, by also wants remarkable speed revolving to depart compared with the dragon volume sandstorm, non-stop flies outside the battlefield, brings the blood froth of big piece dispersing. 万重岳如一个斜转的陀螺,以比龙卷沙暴还要惊人的速度旋转飞出,直飞战场之外,带着大片飞散的血沫。 Liancheng!” 连城!” Yue Er!!” “岳儿!!” Zhai Kexie and Wan Wei make noise simultaneously with amazement. Wan Wei twists the figure to fly, when grasps flies Wan Zhongyue that falls...... to start to revolving, Wan Zhongyue has fainted. 砦克邪万巍同时骇然出声。万巍扭曲著身形飞起,抓向旋转飞落的万重岳……入手之时,万重岳已然昏死过去。 Skull split open several fissures, the seven orifices are bloody. 头骨崩开数道裂痕,七窍血流如注。 The Wan Wei whole body blood stream upwells...... Wan Zhongyue to take Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect Young Master, without a doubt is Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect this generation of strongest. 万巍全身血流上涌……万重岳作为万仞宗少主,毫无疑问是万仞宗这一代的最强者 Third Level Divine Lord cultivation base, was struck unexpectedly...... strikes the heavy losses hence! 三级神主修为,竟被一击……一击重创至此! Big...... Big Brother!” “大……大哥!” Wan Zhongshan is startled soul destroyed/terror-stricken......, but among next instant, his suddenly whole body one cold. 万重山惊得魂飞魄散……但下一瞬间,他忽然全身一寒。 Just the bang flew Wan Zhongyue Zhai Liancheng to clash him honestly, but, head straight his chest. 刚刚轰飞万重岳砦连城正直冲他而至,头颅直中他的胸口。 Bang buzz —— 轰嗡—— rumbled, just like landslide. 一声轰鸣,宛若山崩。 This is Wan Zhongshan has this life seen heading of most terrifying, was the mallet in his body. 这是万重山今生见过的最恐怖的头槌,还是槌在了他的身上 His chest undercuts, back explodes raised. 他心口下陷,后背爆凸。 The entire half head of Zhai Liancheng rumbled into his chest. 砦连城的整整半颗脑袋都轰入了他的心口之中。 The Wan Zhongshan body bend becomes the sun-dried shelled shrimp, in the mouth spouts together ten several feet blood arrow, flying upside down goes backward. 万重山的躯体弯折成虾米,口中喷出一道十数丈长的血箭,向后倒飞而去。 „......” Mo Cangying mouth opened wide, the stretched out palm stagnation in the midair, had almost forgotten how to take back. “……”陌苍鹰嘴巴大张,伸出的手掌停滞在半空,已几乎忘记了如何收回。 Zhai Liancheng in hand under Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning, toughing it out such as a straight stick. 手中的砦连城天道劫雷之下,硬挺的如一根直棍。 The Yun Che form shakes again, has appeared before next Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple, Zhai Liancheng tucks by below upwardly, that is the fine-looking unusual face pounds its crotch section vital point. 云澈身影再晃,已出现在下一个万仞宗弟子前,砦连城由下向上撩起,那本是英挺非常的面部直砸其裆部要害 Wuaaaaaah!” 呜啊啊啊啊啊啊!” The pitiful yell sound is rending, that Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple paralysis kneels in the place, the whole body twitches crazily, is unable to stand up again. 惨叫声撕心裂肺,那万仞宗弟子瘫跪在地,全身疯狂抽搐,再无法站起。 The Yun Che figure shakes again, in the hand Zhai Liancheng waves with his arm, the bang pounds in Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple body. 云澈身形再晃,手中砦连城随着他手臂舞动,轰砸在一个又一个万仞宗弟子身上 Bang! 轰! BOOM!! 轰隆!! BANG!!! 轰!! ...... …… When the tenth rumbled sound falls, ten Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect talent disciple are five is pounded the battlefield, four heavily damaged stupors, a paralysis cannot kneel. 第十道轰鸣声落下之时,十个万仞宗的天才弟子已是五个被砸出战场,四个重创昏迷,一个瘫跪不起。 Yun Che's form stops finally, in the hand Zhai Liancheng was towed to entrain by him in the place, if not give up the heavenly might god mallet independently. 云澈的身影终于停止,手中砦连城被他拖拽于地,如不舍得放手的天威神槌。 „, Really worthily is famous Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master.” The surroundings are static, if the ghost prison, Yun Che is quite quiet pale voice/sound clear to shaking the soul: 2-3 also solved Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect. Big can the so favor, how letting Helian Imperial Family also?” “啧,真不愧是鼎鼎大名的磐玄宗少宗主。”周围静若鬼狱,云澈颇为幽淡的声音清晰到震魂:“2-3也就把万仞宗解决了。如此大的人情,让赫连皇室可怎么还呢?”
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