ATG :: Volume #19

#1999: Sweeps away (First Part)

The Abyss Knight character makes Ximen Boyun disdain to manifest suddenly. Ximen Borong is the slanting eye sneers: Qilin God Realm is the grace of Heaven that Abyss Sovereign bestows, has Lord Knight in the side supervision testimony, wants to receive this graciousness, when bright fair, cannot practice favoritism conceals to be filthy! Otherwise, is to the graciousness of Abyss Sovereign, to blaspheming of Lord Knight!” 深渊骑士的风骨让西门博云不屑发作。西门博容则是斜目冷笑:“麟神境渊皇亲赐的天恩,更有骑士大人在侧监督见证,欲承此恩,当光明公正,绝不可徇私藏垢!否则,便是对渊皇之恩,对骑士大人的亵渎!” Helian Crown Prince is not necessary the wind of your imperial family, the belt/bring to this not Qilin God Realm that can be deceived!” 赫连太子大可不必将你们皇室之风,带至这不容亵渎的麟神境!” Helian Linglang is opening mouth greatly, the complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at to the extreme immediately, for a very long time cannot suppress a character. 赫连玲琅大张着嘴,脸色顿时变得难看之极,久久憋不出一个字来。 Moreover, Helian Crown Prince also misunderstood a matter.” Ximen Borong disdains to look at his one eyes again, the head raises high, proudly however proclaimed: Our Qilin Worshipping Alliance wants altogether does not enter Qilin God Realm, but is...... rejects the person of not matching, displaces.” “另外,赫连太子还误会了一件事。”西门博容都不屑再看他一眼,头颅高抬,傲然而宣:“我们拜麟盟要的不是共入麟神境,而是……剔除不配之人,取而代之。” Helian Linglang then responded anything, the extremely ugly/difficult to look at complexion covered a grayish white instantaneously again. 赫连玲琅这才反应过来什么,本就极为难看的脸色瞬间再罩一层灰白。 Zhai Kexie said with a laugh: By the potential of Qilin Worshipping Alliance present, joins the qualifications of this Qilin God Conference, no one will question. But actually by ranking altogether enters, replaces the lowliest place, my Rock Profound Sect is unable to assert it. When inquired......” 砦克邪笑呵呵道:“以拜麟盟如今之势,加入此次麟神之会的资格,想必无人会质疑。但究竟是以排位共入,还是取代末位,我磐玄宗无法一言定之。当询……” Does not need.” “不必了。” Zhai Kexie finishes barely the words, then had been broken by sound of the clear women's. 砦克邪话音未落,便已被一个清亮的女子之音打断。 Helian Lingzhu goes out gradually, under line of sight that an numerous vary, her complexion is calm, not loses presence of mind with startled, during voice/sound is simple and elegant, brings, when is the light dignity of imperial family: Qilin God Realm opens each time can only enter thousand people, one dynasty and three sects, is jam-packed, if adds Qilin Worshipping Alliance again, feared that is the numerous all not indignation.” 赫连玲珠缓步走出,一众各异的视线之下,她面色从容,毫无失措与惊慌,声音清雅之中,带着当属于皇室的淡淡威严:“麟神境每次开启只能进入千人,一朝三宗,已是拥挤不堪,若再加一拜麟盟,怕是众皆不忿。” So situation, there is disgraced to the extreme Crown Prince before, she forces herself is not possible to be flustered shows one's ignorance. 如此情境,又有个丢人之极太子在前,她强迫自己绝不可心慌露怯。 Rejects the person of not matching, my Helian Imperial Family deep is so. To come, Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms and Fierce Sand three sects must be unobjectionable.” “‘剔除不配之人’,我赫连皇室深以为然。想来,磐玄万仞烈砂三宗也应当并无异议。” So calm, so responded, obviously was big Qilin Worshipping Alliance and three Big Sect expected, a numerous vision also changed. 这般沉着,这般回应,显然是大出拜麟盟和三大宗预料,一众目光也为之变化。 Knew that just lost the big face, is filled with aggrieved Helian Linglang to hear this word suddenly, as if held all of a sudden proclaimed the drain port, angrily roared to make noise instantaneously: Lingzhu, you...... you know that you are saying anything!” 自知刚刚丢了大脸,满心憋屈的赫连玲琅骤闻此言,仿佛一下子抓住了宣泄口,瞬间怒吼出声:“玲珠,你……你知道你在说什么吗!” Again additional Qilin Worshipping Alliance, five side ranks, my imperial family, even if end, can into dozens people. But rejects the lowliest place...... we , if less than Qilin Worshipping Alliance by some chance, is unable to enter Qilin God Realm! You may know this to be what consequence!” “再加一个拜麟盟,五方排位,我皇室纵然最末,也尚可入数十人。但剔除末位……我们若是万一不及拜麟盟,便将无法入麟神境!你可知这会是何种后果!” This with killing our Helian lineage/vein future what difference!” “这与断送我们赫连一脉的未来何异!” Crown Prince Imperial Brother......” Helian Lingzhu said in a low voice, voice/sound is also steep: You stop talking!” 太子皇兄……”赫连玲珠低念一声,随之声音陡厉:“你住口!” „......” Helian Linglang instantaneous syllabic final. This is the first time, he is scolded by Imperial Sister that oneself always look at lowly. “……”赫连玲琅瞬间收声。这还是第一次,他被自己一向低看的皇妹如此呵斥。 Helian Lingzhu heavy sound said: This Qilin God Conference, Imperial Father hands over by my plenary powers leadership! All consequences, I will also undertake, the calamity and does not arrive at your body.” 赫连玲珠重声道:“此次麟神之会,父皇交由我全权主导!一切后果,我也自会承担,祸及不到你身上。” But you, if reckless Jiao disobeys orders, is equal to disobey the life of Imperial Father. At the appointed time, in front of Imperial Father, I will not leave leeway any face! Also invited the Crown Prince Imperial Brother practicing moderation dead weight!” “但你若胡搅抗命,便等同违逆父皇之命。到时,父皇面前,我不会留有任何情面!还请太子皇兄自持自重!” You!” The Helian Linglang five senses twitch, twist the embarrassed and Yin offense. Also coldly said: Good! I looked how you end, snort/hum!” “你!”赫连玲琅五官抽搐,拧动着难堪与阴戾。随之冷冷道:“好!那我就看你如何收场,哼!” He heavy snort/hum, draws back to the guard, cold and stiff the face is not speaking. 他重哼一声,退身到护卫之中,僵冷着脸再不说话。 Helian Lingzhu catches one's breath secretly, then shot a look at Yun Che quietly. 赫连玲珠暗暗缓了一口气,然后悄悄瞥了一眼云澈 Deals with Qilin Worshipping Alliance, angrily rebukes the Helian Linglang words, is Yun Che passes message her. 应对拜麟盟,怒斥赫连玲琅的话,都是云澈传音予她。 Since Helian Imperial Family, my Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect naturally is so unobjectionable.” Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect lord Wan Wei to set out to say. “既然赫连皇室如此,我万仞宗当然无异议。”万仞宗万巍起身道。 Unobjectionable.” Fierce Sand Sect Master Lie Qianhong light response. “无异议。”烈砂宗主烈千洪淡淡回应。 Qilin deep pool profound practitioner discusses spiritedly. Qilin Worshipping Alliance said that the person of not matching or aims atwho is, even the fools are clear. 麟渊玄者议论纷纷。拜麟盟所说的,或者说所针对的不配之人”是谁,连傻子都清清楚楚。 But Qilin Worshipping Alliance dares to stand, but also so makes a great show of one's talents, from has enough assurance. After all can have Abyss Knight, its hidden strength, feared that is no one may observe. 拜麟盟既敢站出,还如此锋芒毕露,自是有足够的把握。毕竟能出一个深渊骑士,其暗藏的实力,怕是无人可窥测。 But aimed at Helian Imperial Family does not strive unexpectedly, directly then the meaning of opposite party. 而被针对的赫连皇室居然丝毫不加争取,直接遂对方之意。 Is knows not to beat, detains the dignity. What card in a hand...... has? 是自知不敌,强留尊严。还是……藏有什么底牌? If Helian Imperial Family really lost the qualifications of entering Qilin God Realm, is then incapable of the successor, fast decline. Feared is soon, „the dynasty of” creakying two characters is then buried in the Qilin Abyss Realm sand dust forever. 赫连皇室若是真的就此失了进入麟神界的资格,那么便将后继无力,快速衰落。怕是用不了多久,本就摇摇欲坠的“皇朝”二字便将永远被埋葬于麟渊界的沙尘之中。 Let alone exerts pressure, does not need spending many the argument. Zhai Kexie was also disinclined to speak what polite speech again, said directly: Since is all unobjectionable, then this Qilin God Conference, then contends with by five sides, the four directions enter a country.” 别说施压,连口舌都已经不需要多费。砦克邪也懒得再多说什么场面话,直接道:“既然诸位皆无异议,那么此届麟神之会,便由五方相争,四方入境。” Former years Qilin God Conference, all was 22 is the war, this was five sides, was fair and just for the table, when the wheel fought......” “往届麟神之会,皆为两两为战,此届既为五方,为表公允,当更为轮战……” Zhai Kexie words smooth like water, obviously has the arrangement early. At this time, near the ear of Helian Lingzhu, resounded Yun Che's to send greetings. 砦克邪一番话顺畅如水,显然早有筹备。这时,赫连玲珠的耳边,响起云澈的传音。 She transfers the pupil fiercely, whole face is incredible. 她猛的转眸,满脸的不可置信。 Yun Che returns by a she assured smile. 云澈回以她一个笃定的微笑。 Helian Lingzhu deeply inspires, before the footsteps tread,......, although the innermost feelings are extremely fearful, but the matter to the present, she has had no alternative, only has a letter/believes. 赫连玲珠深吸一口气,脚步踏前……虽内心万分惶惶,但事至如今,她早已别无选择,唯有一信到底。 Rock Profound Sect Master,” Helian Lingzhu opens the mouth suddenly, breaks the word of Zhai Kexie: Several plus one side influence, what Xu changes the athletic competition system is so troublesome.” 磐玄宗主,”赫连玲珠忽然开口,打断砦克邪之言:“不过多加一方势力,何需更改赛制这般麻烦。” „......” Zhai Kexie transfers the pupil, the vision is really subtle: That does not know that Helian Crown Princess has what respected opinion.” “……”砦克邪转眸,目光甚是微妙:“那不知赫连长公主有何高见。” Helian Lingzhu said slowly: Not is only the group war, 22 are the wars, with 2-3 is the war, there is what difference?” 赫连玲珠缓缓道:“既是群战,两两为战,与2-3为战,又有何区别呢?” Zhai Kexie obviously stares, everyone is also startled. 砦克邪明显一愣,所有人也都为之一怔。 Hehehe.” Zhai Kexie smiled: „, To the three parties to the person of war, is so unfair.” 呵呵呵。”砦克邪笑了起来:“如此,对三方对战的人而言,岂不是有失公允。” Helian Lingzhu said immediately: Such being the case, my Helian Imperial Family then enters the war of three parties on own initiative. Rock Profound Sect Master and can everyone/numerous the also worry or the objection?” 赫连玲珠却是马上接话:“既然如此,那我赫连皇室便主动入三方之战。磐玄宗主众位还有顾虑或异议?” Hahahahahaha......” 哈哈哈哈哈哈……” The laughter that one not covers up intermittently transmits from three Big Sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance. 一阵阵不加掩饰的笑声从三大宗拜麟盟传来。 This Helian was Crown Princess insane?” “这赫连长公主是疯了吧?” no, no, no, wants to finish probably earlier, good to clamp the tail to leave earlier.” 不不不,大概只是想早点结束,也好早点夹着尾巴走人。” What said is. Keeps a breath, is disgraceful of many breath. Changes me, perhaps abandons directly fights to walk, so as to avoid being ground the head to step on with the sole later, Hahaha...... Eh?” “说的是。多留一息,都是多一息的丢人现眼。换我,说不定直接弃战而走,免得待会儿被人用脚底碾着脑袋踩,哈哈哈……?” Qilin Worshipping Alliance disciple suddenly whole body that hiss smiles one cold, turns the head, saw that Ximen Qi coldly is staring at him, the eye pupil deep place fills the air...... nearly is killing intent. 嘶笑的拜麟盟弟子忽然全身一寒,一转头,看到西门祺冷冷盯着他,眼瞳深处弥漫的……近乎是杀意 But the response is biggest, without a doubt is Helian Imperial Family. 而反应最大的,毫无疑问是赫连皇室 Ku Xian and Mo Cangying is a shock of face and are all incomprehensible. 枯弦陌苍鹰俱是一脸的震惊与不可理解。 But peaceful Helian Linglang of a while jumped with great difficulty directly, the crack exclaimed: Helian Lingzhu, you special insane!” 而好不容易安静了一会儿的赫连玲琅直接跳了起来,破口吼道:“赫连玲珠,你特么疯了吗!” „......” Helian Lingzhu has not responded to anybody, but no making concessions is looking steadily at three Big Sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance. “……”赫连玲珠没有回应任何人,只是毫无退让的盯视着三大宗拜麟盟 The vision varying, the sound of chaotic discussion lets the Yun Che light curling the lip corner/horn of...... he, but very pure does not want to waste the time, is disinclined the waste strength. 各异的眼光,混乱的议论之音让云澈淡淡的撇了撇嘴角……他,只是非常单纯的不想浪费时间,更懒得多废力气。 If says dozen of full circulations like Zhai Kexie, he must make a move times four......, but so, he acted two times also enough. 若像砦克邪说的那样打满循环,他得出手四次……而如此,他出手两次也就够了。 If not must enter Qilin God Realm, he disdains to move to these people seriously, even if a little finger. 若非必须进入麟神境,他当真不屑对这些人动哪怕一根小指。 Hehe.” Zhai Kexie smiles quite strangely, arranged being used speaking, pressed the Helian Imperial Family lines and athletic competition system secretly all does not use, because the opposite party sharply sharply jumped come out to touch cheeks suicides. “呵呵。”砦克邪笑得颇为怪异,早已备好的用来暗讽、暗压赫连皇室的台词与赛制俱都用不上了,因为对方急急跳出来贴着脸寻死。 Three Big Sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance do not operate independently, but is centered on Qilin Worshipping Alliance, had temporary brothers. 大宗拜麟盟早已不是各自为战,而是以拜麟盟为核心,有了暂时的“同气连枝”。 This point, they already through Zhai Liancheng and Ximen Qi, to imperial family early announced that has demonstrated. 这一点,他们已通过砦连城西门祺,向皇室早早的宣告示威过。 If the three parties battle, Helian Imperial Family is equal completely...... by pair of their two sides. 若三方交战,赫连皇室完全就等同于……以一对他们两方。 So scurries to court death, but also is really rarely seen. 如此上赶着找死的,还真是不多见。 Helian Imperial Family magnanimous hence, we how can there be not from truth.” 赫连皇室‘大度’至此,我们又岂有不从的道理。” Receiving fully is the happy expression of pondering, Zhai Kexie lifts the palm, in the hand grabs four assorted deep pool stones: Helian Imperial Family has first entered the war of three parties, our four directions, then by this stone decision war.” 收起满是玩味的笑意,砦克邪抬起手掌,手中抓着四枚各色渊石:“赫连皇室已先入三方之战,我们四方,便以此石决定战局。” Deep two side Weizhan, the tinted and Helian Imperial Family three parties battle.” “深色两方为战,浅色与赫连皇室三方交战。” profound energy spits, congeals the rock, packages in which four deep pool stones, flying shoots at the upper air above several thousand zhang (3.33 m). 玄气微吐,凝结成岩,将四枚渊石包裹其中,随之飞射向数千丈之上的高空。 Also, the lord of three sects pledge also acts, absorbs its one respectively to the hand. Dike split open, appears the color of deep pool stone. 随之,三宗一盟之主同时出手,各吸附其一至手中。岩壁崩开,现出渊石之色。 Fierce Sand sect to fighting Qilin Worshipping Alliance. 烈砂宗对战拜麟盟 Rock Profound Sect, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect and Helian Imperial Family three parties battle. 磐玄宗万仞宗赫连皇室三方交战。 Looked in the hand the color of deep pool stone, a three sects pledge vision is completely all shooting a look at to Helian Imperial Family, revealed or smiling of bright or hidden pitying. 看着手中渊石的颜色,三宗一盟的目光尽皆瞥向了赫连皇室,露出或明或隐的怜悯之笑。 Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms and Fierce Sand three Big Sect, are strongest by Rock Profound Sect, Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect next best. 磐玄万仞烈砂大宗,以磐玄宗最强,万仞宗次之。 But Helian Imperial Family, directly faces these two big most sect unexpectedly. 赫连皇室,竟是直接面对这两大最宗门 Battlefield has prepared, curtains of war has opened.” Zhai Kexie high sound said: Asked Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect, Helian Imperial Family and Rock Profound Sect combat profound practitioner to enter the battlefield.” “战场已备,战幕已开。”砦克邪高声道:“请万仞宗赫连皇室磐玄宗的参战玄者进入战场。” aura circulations of 19 Divine Lord, but among the moment, Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect combat profound practitioner has then set up in the battlefield. 十九道神主气息流转,不过须臾之间,磐玄宗万仞宗的参战玄者便已立身于战场之中。 Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect nine Divine Lord, Divine Sovereign, one of them non- Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect disciple, is the foreign aid...... was only a pity obviously the last Divine Lord foreign aid cannot gather up finally, can only draw peak Divine Sovereign collecting full ten people of numbers. 万仞宗神主,一神君,其中一人非万仞宗弟子,显然是外援……只可惜最后一个神主外援最终没能凑上,只能拉一巅峰神君“凑”满十人之数。 strongest, is Divine Lord Realm Third Level Young Sect Master Wan Zhongyue. 最强者,为神主境三级少宗主万重岳 But Rock Profound Sect, ten people all are Divine Lord aura. strongest is strong to Divine Lord Realm Fourth Level —— precisely Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master, Zhai Liancheng. 磐玄宗,十人皆为神主气息最强者更是强至神主境四级——正是磐玄宗少宗主,砦连城 Ten thousand Young Sect Master,” a Zhai Liancheng face is ease, voice/sound has not deliberately pulled down: First clear mixed fish, how?” “万少宗主,”砦连城一脸悠然,声音也没有刻意压低:“先清杂鱼,如何?” Otherwise?” Wan Zhongyue similar facial expression and intonation. “不然呢?”万重岳同样的神情与语调。 Two profound practitioner all understand. 两宗玄者俱是心领神会。 Helian Imperial Family, the atmosphere is one piece constrains. 赫连皇室这边,气氛则是一片压抑。 Helian Lingzhu,” Helian Linglang said their name, Yin said sadly: You must become my Helian lineage/vein...... person condemned for all time!” 赫连玲珠,”赫连玲琅直呼其名,阴恻恻道:“你这是要成为我赫连一脉的……千古罪人!” Helian Lingzhu has no time to pay attention in him, vision earnest looks at Yun Che. 赫连玲珠无暇理会于他,目光殷切的看着云澈 Big Brother Mo, walks.” Yun Che patted the shoulder of Mo Cangying. 陌大哥,走吧。”云澈拍了拍陌苍鹰的肩膀。 Mo Cangying has not moved, straight looks at him: You said method, is difficult to be inadequate...... is yourself?” 陌苍鹰没有动,直直的看着他:“你所说的‘方法’,难不成……就是你自己?” Naturally.” Yun Che nod. “当然。”云澈点头 „......” The Mo Cangying pupil obviously enlarges a point, for a while is speechless. “……”陌苍鹰瞳孔明显放大一分,一时无言。 Yun Che's reply, making the Helian Lingzhu pupil light of anticipation such as the shattered crystal common powder extinguish suddenly. Her body shook in a flash, the consecutively several obviously rapid breath fiercely, incomparably reluctant depresses that fierce palpitation. 云澈的回答,让赫连玲珠眸中的期待之光如忽然破碎的水晶一般散灭。她身体剧烈的晃了一晃,连续数个明显急促的呼吸,才无比勉强的压下那剧烈的心悸。 The astonished place that Yun Che body constantly emerges, makes her vigorously believes in him, will renounce the Helian Imperial Family future presses in his body. 云澈身上不断涌现的惊异之处,让她极力的去相信于他,甚至将赫连皇室的未来都决绝压在了他身上 Yun Che indifference and assured continuously, makes her even more believe that...... even started the fantasy and anticipation. 云澈一直的淡然与笃定,也让她愈加相信……甚至开始了幻想和期待。 Anticipated that he was not really put behind passing, at the right moment showing status, will bring lets Helian Imperial Family steamroll all foreign aids sufficiently, such as all females fantasized that the hero same saved her in the hopeless situation. 期待他并不是真的忘却了过往,会适时的亮明“身份”,带来足以让赫连皇室碾压一切的外援,如所有女子幻想中的英雄一样拯救她于绝境。 Answer that but this final time, she gets, unexpectedly it's just... Yun Che. 但这最后时刻,她得到的答案,居然只是……云澈自己。 He can same Realm losses Ximen Qi, enough shock entire Qilin Abyss Realm. But...... he after all is only Divine Sovereign, has completely insurmountable Great Realm gap with Divine Lord. 他能同境界西门祺,足够震惊整个麟渊界。但……他毕竟只是神君,和神主之间有着完全不可逾越的大境界鸿沟。 Even if abundant in Divine Sovereign Realm cultivation base, collapses at the first blow in front of true Divine Lord, impossible has a wee bit changes to the war. 纵然在神君境修为再雄厚,在一个真正的神主面前也是不堪一击,更不可能对战局有丁点的改变。 Crown Princess, chooses the others of going to battle, should start.” Yun Che reminded. 长公主,选择其他出战之人吧,该开始了。”云澈提醒道 Helian Lingzhu completely does not have previous calm assured, the complexion is passing an obvious paleness. How even if to trust again, facing so answer, only has a mind to fall abyss. 赫连玲珠已全然没有了先前的沉着笃定,面色透着一层明显的苍白。哪怕再怎么信任,面对如此答案,也唯有心落深渊 She opens the mouth, accepts fate discussing: Young Master Yun Che, Ninth Senior Brother, side Zhonghe, severe innumerable......” 她开口,认命般的念道:“云澈公子、九师兄、方忠赫、厉恒沙……” She read nine names, until last: also Crown Prince Imperial Brother.” 她念了九个名字,直至最后一个:“还有太子皇兄。” This time is represented Helian Imperial Family to go to battle by your ten people, all asked.” “此次由你们十人代表赫连皇室出战,一切拜托了。” coldly snorted resounds. 一声冷哼响起。 Helian Linglang moves also motionless, only has scary of face gloomy: Simultaneously battle Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect? The does aspect that Hehehe, Helian Lingzhu, you do, actually want us to bring death and lose face?” 赫连玲琅动也不动,唯有一张脸阴沉的骇人:“同时交战磐玄宗万仞宗呵呵呵,赫连玲珠,你搞出的这局面,却要我们上去送死和丢脸?” His vision has swept these for young profound practitioner that to enter the war to come: You may, if wants, the opposite, but Rock Profound Sect adds Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect, even if you defeat the life, will not have, even if possibilities of a wee bit defeating. Perhaps will be been oppressive by the presence of everyone such as the toy general shame! And after that also has nothing possibly enters Qilin God Realm.” 他目光扫过那些为参战而来的年轻玄者:“你们可要想好了,对面可是磐玄宗万仞宗,你们哪怕把命拼掉,也不会有哪怕一丁点战胜的可能。说不定还会被当众如玩具一般辱虐!且那之后,也没有任何的可能入麟神境。” On the contrary, you, once on, became will cause the person of Helian being defeated, will be engraved the shame, even the brand mark of criminal!” “相反,你们一旦上了,就会成为导致赫连落败之人,会被就此刻上耻辱,甚至罪人的烙印!” Anyone of you thinks on to think on, this Crown Prince...... does not accompany!” “你们谁想上想上,本太子……不奉陪!” Another seven that the words, said that will soon enter battlefield profound practitioner simultaneously to decide there, the complexion is gloomily uncertain, no one steps the footsteps again. 一番话,说的另外七个即将入战场的玄者齐齐定在了那里,脸色阴暗不定间,再无人迈动脚步。 Helian Lingzhu body shakes, the surface is inwardly angry presently: You...... you......” 赫连玲珠身体微晃,面现愠怒:“你……你们……” She eventually is not Country Lord Helian, is the female, is hard to press the numerous. 她终究不是赫连国主,又是女子,难以压众。 Yun Che not pays attention, direct jumps, has fallen above the battlefield, the one person alone and Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect face each other across a great distance. 云澈毫无理会,直接一个腾身,已是落于战场之上,孤身与磐玄宗万仞宗遥遥相对。 In Qilin Worshipping Alliance, both eyes of Ximen Qi project the Yin offense suddenly the hate light. 拜麟盟中,西门祺的双目陡然射出阴戾的恨光。 Mo Cangying put out a hand, patted the shoulder of Helian Lingzhu, has not said a word, but was such as mantle Cangying fly up, brings a Divine Lord Realm air wave, fell in the Yun Che body side. 陌苍鹰伸手,拍了拍赫连玲珠的肩膀,没有多发一言,而是如展翼苍鹰飞身而起,带着一股神主境的气浪,落于云澈身侧。 Brother Yun,” his visual the front, opens the mouth slowly: Now the aspect, your works as its crime. However......” 云兄弟,”他目视前方,缓缓开口:“如今局面,你首当其罪。不过……” He smiles lightly: Compares in these deeply by the Helian obligation, the waste and coward who actually sneak away at a critical juncture, only have you to be willing with me to guard the Helian Imperial Family final face together.” 他淡淡一笑:“相比于那些深受赫连大恩,却临阵脱逃的废物、懦夫,唯有你愿与我一同守卫赫连皇室最后的脸面。” „Before doing accounts,...... makes us first shoulder to shoulder be the war.” “算账之前……让我们先并肩为战吧。”
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