ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2026: abyss Horned Dragon

colorless Profound Handle, Illusory Demon Realm protection Yun Clan, is Northern God Territory Heavenly Handle Yun Clan, certainly is silent, even if no basis origin rumor or the fabrication, has never had. 无色玄罡,无论是幻妖界的守护云族,还是北神域天罡云族,都绝无记载,哪怕是毫无依据来源的传闻或杜撰,都从未有过。 In other words , this is Yun Che alone, unprecedented and certainly now strange Profound Handle! 换言之,这是独属云澈,旷古而绝今的诡异玄罡 But aura that this new life Profound Handle outside releases, distinct...... 而这个新生玄罡所外释的气息,分明…… The Yun Che thought moves, the Profound Handle instantaneous shape, in his at present, changed to was exactly the same. 云澈意念一动,玄罡瞬间化形,就在他的眼前,化做了一个一模一样的自己。 With was different previously, these seriously is time exactly the same...... the contour, is aura, not slight difference. 和先前不同,这一次当真是一模一样……无论是外形,还是气息,都没有丝毫的差别。 Means, colorless Profound Handle after this disassimilation, can unexpectedly complete carrying/sustaining Yun Che 100% power! 意味着,这个异化后的无色玄罡,竟能完整承载云澈十成力量 The Yun Che vision frames, he thought of anything suddenly, immediately opens Hades gate. 云澈目光定格,他忽然想到了什么,顿时开启“阎皇境关 But when he opens Hades gate, complexion and pupil light already unrelieved, did not have surging of profound energy berserk, but incomparably tranquil gentle becomes must tyrannical be rich, under entire body each spot, not slight bearing pressure feeling. 而他开启阎皇境关之时,面色、瞳光都已毫无变化,亦没有了玄气暴走的激荡,只是无比平静平和的变得强横浓郁,全身上下每一个部位,都没有丝毫的承压感。 In other words, present he, has been able the true normal state to maintain Hades, such as the breath is easily ordinary. 也就是说,如今的他,已可以真正的常态维持阎皇,轻易如呼吸一般。 But what makes him be greatly disappointed, aura that Profound Handle clone although also changes, but power of carrying/sustaining...... as before and was the same previously, was not interfered by Evil God's Secret Arts. 但让他大失所望的是,玄罡分身的气息虽然随之变化,但所承载的力量……依旧和先前一样,不受邪神诀所干涉。 Just two dozens of thought were brutally suppressed. It seems like must the Profound Handle strength maximization, probably depend upon Profound Handle Phantom God as before. Phantom God that present Profound Handle condition, spreads out is also inevitably more powerful. 正义二打一的念想被无情扑灭。看来要将玄罡战力最大化,依旧要依靠玄罡幻神。如今的玄罡状态,所衍的幻神必然也更加强大。 After short disappointment, his double pupil suddenly fierce narrows the eyes. 短暂的失望之后,他的双眸忽然又猛的一眯。 The Profound Handle mutation, the clearest place in his sensation, was it with the connection of bloodline and Soul...... as if had some qualitative change. 玄罡的异变,在他感知中最清晰之处,是它与自己血脉灵魂的连接……似乎发生了某种质变。 Although he has not attempted, range that but can the extremely clear feeling, it be able to drift away, inevitably big were more. 他虽未尝试,但能极为清晰的感觉到,它可以游离的范围,必然大了很多很多。 Devil Handle.” Li Suo pronounces unstressed: Is only, which Devil Race I am unable to recall it temporarily from. To come, the strength of so special and powerful bloodline, when is Middle-Rank above Devil Race.” 魔罡。”黎娑一声轻念:“只是,我暂时无法忆起它源自哪个魔族。想来,如此特殊而强大的血脉之力,当属中位以上的魔族。” Yun Che has not responded, he lifts the hand suddenly, before extending volume that Profound Handle clone, then fierce crumb the deep pool nuclear in hand. 云澈没有回应,他忽然抬手,伸到了玄罡分身的额前,然后猛的捏碎了手中的渊核。 Rich abyss dust such as the fluent escape of collapse, then given Yun Che power, turning round slowly clone to Profound Handle immediately, until duplicate fills each corner of its whole body, as if will draw during an eternal dark night. 浓郁的渊尘顿时如塌陷的水流般逸散,然后在云澈力量的牵引下,缓缓的覆向玄罡分身,直至覆满它全身的每一个角落,仿佛将之拖入了一片永恒的暗夜之中。 Not only its form, even/including aura, by nearly perfect being defeated. 不仅它的身影,就连气息,也被近乎完美的覆没其中。 Yun Che silently looks, in the pupil is flashing the profound and fearful crafty light. 云澈默默的看着,眸中闪动着深邃而可怕的诡光。 For a long time later, he receives the arm finally, Profound Handle also takes back, loses actually direction abyss dust naturally to disseminate immediately. But Yun Che has also turned around to go far away fast, the moment then vanished in the boundless gray fog. 许久之后,他终于收起手臂,玄罡也随之收回,失却指引的渊尘顿时自然弥散。而云澈也已转过身快速远去,须臾便消失在了茫茫灰雾之中。 ............ ………… Time circulation. 时光流转。 Northern God Territory, Plundered Soul Realm. 北神域,劫魂界 Also is one pile of worn-out old books and steles is swept by Chi Wuyao devil soul carefully. Finally, has achieved nothing as before. 又是一堆破旧的古籍、石碑被池妩仸魔魂细细扫过。结果,依旧是一无所获。 Chi! 哧! A crack sound, sound-insulated formation under Chi Wuyao optional arrange/cloth by ripping open of no trace of politeness, immediately, a section such as the snow like the jade, had been shaken something the pale gold hem of the skirt ankle area to appear in the line of sight. 一声裂响,池妩仸随意布下的隔音结界已被毫不客气的撕开,马上,一截如雪如玉,荡动着淡金裙摆的脚踝出现在视线之中。 Devil Empress, is now flustered, the worldwide chaos, you as present age Empress, the nest have actually glanced through so-called ancient times remnant record/native place who these three -year-old young children do not believe here. Does not appear, feared that wants some people to guess you followed Yun Che to leap forward abyss together.” 魔后,现在人心惶惶,天下大乱,你作为当世帝后,却一直窝在这里翻阅这些三岁小儿都不信的所谓远古残籍。再不出现,怕是要有人猜测你跟着云澈一起跃入了深渊。” Chi Wuyao sets out, smiles is stretching out slender jade-like finger: Gives the thing that I want to be then good.” 池妩仸起身,微笑着伸出纤纤玉指:“给我要的东西便好。” Qianye Ying'er lightly snorted, a golden space ring by she very optional losing into Chi Wuyao hand. 千叶影儿轻哼一声,一枚金色的空间戒指被她很是随意的丢入了池妩仸手中。 This matter, will let send next time casually personally well then.” Chi Wuyao flatters the pupil circulation, the faint smile, she knows certainly why Qianye Ying'er must come this. “这种事情,下次随便让个人送来便好。”池妩仸媚眸流转,似笑非笑,她当然知道千叶影儿为什么要亲身来此。 „...... 20 days.” Qianye Ying'er opens the mouth, pair of golden eyes that is collecting the endless grace and talent also becomes loses the soul blurredly. “……二十天了。”千叶影儿开口,一双敛着无尽风华的金眸也随之变得迷离失魂。 Today, is Yun Che falls into Null Abyss 20 th day. 今天,是云澈落入无之深渊的第二十天。 By abyss Black Tide Period...... he in abyss, had passed more than half a year. 深渊时间黑潮……他在深渊,已是过去了大半年了。 20 days, how were once short. 二十天,曾经何其短暂。 But since Yun Che leaves, this entire 20 days...... her state of mind not, even if an instant tranquility. 但自从云澈离开,这整整二十天……她的心绪没有哪怕一个刹那的平静。 Had hundred more than times leapt forward the impulsion of Null Abyss along with him. 更有了不下百次随他跃入无之深渊的冲动。 But the footsteps take each time, then by sane pulling back stubbornly. 但每次脚步迈出,便又会被理智死死的拉回。 Let alone Null Abyss currently has Jie Xin Jie Ling to guard personally, no one want to approach. 何况无之深渊现在有劫心劫灵亲自看守,谁都别想靠近。 Although I turned the devil soul type most likely (80%) in his soul sea, but leapt forward the abyss second breath in him, I am not then able again the sensation to tiny bit.” Chi Wuyao slowly said: You can from here learn that is disappointed.” “虽然我将八成的涅轮魔魂种在了他的魂海之中,但在他跃入深渊的第二息,我便再无法感知到一丝一毫。”池妩仸缓声道:“你能从我这里获知的,只有失望。” „If unable to calm the mind, might as well goes by the Brahma Emperor God Realm resources, advances the reconstruction of Moon God Realm.” “若是无法静下心来,不妨去以梵帝神界的资源,推进月神界的重建。” „...... Why?” Qianye Ying'er knits the brows, the look all of a sudden becomes complex. “……为什么?”千叶影儿皱了皱眉,神色一下子变得复杂。 Chi Wuyao smile, demon pupil presently dim Fog Light: Most perfect result that because his deep Yuanzhi line, I can think, is he and Xia Qingyue returns together.” 池妩仸微笑,魔眸微现朦胧雾光:“因为他此次深渊之行,我所能想到的最完美的结局,是他和夏倾月一起归来。” Qianye Ying'er snowy neck has transferred, does not make Chi Wuyao see her pupil light: If Xia Qingyue is also really living, if their really...... does reconstruct 10,000 Moon God Realm also to have what using? Can arrive at her hate of my being cut to pieces?” 千叶影儿雪颈转过,不让池妩仸看到她的眸光:“若夏倾月真的还活着,若他们真的一起回来……重建一万个月神界又有何用?能抵她将我千刀万剐之恨吗?” Chi Wuyao had not replied, was unanswerable. 池妩仸没有回答,也无法回答。 Is unimportant.” Qianye Ying'er reviews: You have said that five years. If five years later he has not come back......” “不重要。”千叶影儿回眸:“你说过的,五年。若五年后他没有回来……” I can jump with you.” Chi Wuyao not hesitant connection. “我会和你一起跳下去。”池妩仸毫无犹豫的接口。 The God Realm five years, are the abyss 50 years, when is the next abyss channel opens, before if that Yun Che has not come back...... only to have the worst result. 神界的五年,是深渊的五十年,是下一次深渊通道开启之时,若那之前云澈没有回来……唯有最坏的结局。 You felt relieved although, he now certainly well. Although short a half year, perhaps but...... has stood the altitude that surpassed us to imagine.” Chi Wuyao smiles is comforting Qianye Ying'er, is consoling itself. “不过你尽管放心,他现在一定安好的很。虽然才短短半年,但说不定……已经站到了一个超出我们想象的高度。”池妩仸微笑着安慰千叶影儿,亦劝慰着自己。 After all, that is the this Empress man, how to fold in trivial abyss!” “毕竟,那可是本后的男人,岂会折在区区深渊!” No, that first is my man.” Qianye Ying'er lightly snorted: You, although is, but I for first!” “不,那首先是我的男人。”千叶影儿轻哼一声:“你虽为后,但我为先!” Quite childish has double meaning, makes Chi Wuyao smile actually for a while. 颇为幼稚的一语双关,倒是让池妩仸一时莞尔。 Said, the thing that you look for did begin to materialize?” Qianye Ying'er asked. Chi Wuyao words many gave her to comfort, moving restlessly of soul as if returned to normal slightly that some. “说起来,你找的东西有眉目了吗?”千叶影儿问道。池妩仸的话多少给了她安慰,心魂的躁动似乎稍微平复了那么些许。 Chi Wuyao shakes the head: No. Actually, even if I sought what trace, is unable to inform in him. obsession is always urging.” 池妩仸摇头:“没有。其实,我就算寻到了什么痕迹,也无法告知于他。只是总有一股执念在驱使。” Qianye Ying'er pair of white delicate arms hold in Ruangu the chest front, said lightly: Why you believe that abyss Abyss Sovereign was the demon of ancient times Devil Race?” 千叶影儿一双玉臂托于软鼓鼓的胸前,淡淡道:“你为何那么坚信深渊渊皇是远古魔族之魔呢?” Because deep mirror and Devil Pearl.” Chi Wuyao gave the brief and direct reply. “因为冥镜与魔珠。”池妩仸给了简短而直接的回答。 Qianye Ying'er leaned the eyebrow, optional say/way: I felt on the contrary that Abyss Sovereign was possible is the ancient times God Race person, moreover perhaps was related with Brahma Emperor God Race.” 千叶影儿倾了倾眉,随意的道:“我反倒觉得,那渊皇更可能是远古神族的人,而且说不定与梵帝神族有关。” Oh?” Chi Wuyao came the interest: According to?” ?”池妩仸来了兴趣:“依据呢?” Still remembers that person named Nanzhao Ming?” Qianye Ying'er voice/sound slows down: At that time, before you arrived, I and Mu Xuanyin once fought with him shortly, did not beat completely. But afterward, Qianye Wugu to let me and Mu Xuanyin flees to act. At that time, facing the Qianye Wugu golden buddhist light/only, the response of Nanzhao Ming...... can say that seemed like there surely, passive was struck to repel by Qianye Wugu.” “还记得那个叫南昭冥的人吗?”千叶影儿声音放缓:“那时,你到来之前,我和沐玄音曾与他短暂交手,完全不敌。但后来,千叶雾古为了让我和沐玄音逃离而出手。当时,面对千叶雾古的金色梵光,南昭冥的反应……可以说像是被定身在那里,毫无抵抗的被千叶雾古一击击退。” „......!” Chi Wuyao lifts the pupil fiercely. “……!”池妩仸猛地抬眸。 During that time the circumstance was extremely urgent, I have no time to revolve. But recently, I recalled then scene unknowingly, the response of that Nanzhao Ming, clearly was alarmed and afraid, moreover was not general alarmed and afraid.” “那段时间情势太过紧迫,我无暇细思。而最近,我不经意间忆及当时的场景,那个南昭冥的反应,分明是一种惊惧,而且还不是一般的惊惧。” Qianye Ying'er continued: Nanzhao Ming and Nanzhao Guang said that what would-be knight, reluctantly is also under Abyss Sovereign the person? Can this grade to check alarmed and afraid...... makes me think to almost soul destroyed/terror-stricken, can that Abyss Sovereign profound light, be close to Brahma Emperor profound light?” 千叶影儿继续道:“南昭冥南昭光自称什么准骑士,勉强也算是渊皇麾下之人?能让这等人一刹惊惧到几乎魂飞魄散……让我不由想到,会不会那个渊皇玄光,和梵帝玄光相近呢?” The Chi Wuyao double pupil twists tightly: This matter, why you have not said with me!” 池妩仸双眸紧拧:“这件事,你为何没有和我说过!” Qianye Ying'er white/in vain her eyes: „The later chasing down instant respite does not have continually, my where had the leisure and you says these.” 千叶影儿白她一眼:“之后的追杀连刹那的喘息都没有,我哪有闲暇和你说这些。” „......” Chi Wuyao is speechless for a very long time, but, she recalls Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu rescues gently says before Yun Che suddenly by the fate: “……”池妩仸久久无言,而随之,她忽然忆起千叶雾古千叶秉烛以命相救云澈前的轻语: 『When previously we acted, the opposite party as if dreads I two people of golden color buddhists very much light/only. Under this person meets for first time, perhaps can also so.』 『先前我们出手之时,对方似乎很是忌惮吾二人的金色梵光。此人乍见之下,或许也会如此。』 At that time, the Yun Che's throat by the Mo Beichen immobilization in the hand, how she was filled with full soul is rescues Yun Che, had no time to revolve radically, later then not panted for breath escaped...... 那时,云澈的喉咙被陌悲尘钳制于手中,她满心满魂都是如何将云澈救出,根本无暇细思,之后便是毫无喘息的逃亡…… At this time recalls, she feels shocked as if omitted any important thing. 此时忆起,她才惊觉自己似乎遗漏了什么重要的东西。 Buddhist...... the emperor......” Chi Wuyao deeply knits the brows, fell into the deep consideration in low reading. “梵……帝……”池妩仸深深皱眉,在低念中陷入了深深的思虑。 But Brahma Emperor, how the controllable deep mirror...... is could it be that, my suspicion to the deep mirror wrong? 梵帝,怎可控冥镜……难道,我对冥镜的猜想是错的? Un? It seems like successful chaotic your train of thought that also calculates that does not have come in vain.” Qianye Ying'er turns around: You think slowly. If...... your devil soul sensation to about his what sound, must inform me by some chance immediately.” “嗯?看来成功混乱了你的思绪,也算没白来。”千叶影儿转身:“你慢慢想吧。若是万一……万一你的魔魂感知到了关于他的什么动静,务必马上告知我。” Qianying.” 千影。” In Qianye Ying'er will soon go out, Chi Wuyao stopped by calling her suddenly, then somewhat is startled asking however: Brahma Emperor God Race, Star God and Moon God...... in Remote Ancient Era, are Heaven Punishing God Emperor subordinate God Race.” 就在千叶影儿即将走出之时,池妩仸忽然喊住了她,然后有些怔然的问道:“梵帝神族星神月神……在远古时代,都是诛天神帝麾下的神族。” Even they left behind the Divine Power inheritance. That why, does Heaven Punishing God Emperor have no inheritance to stay behind?” “连他们都留下了神力传承。那为什么,诛天神帝却没有任何传承留下?” Qianye Ying'er reviews, looks at her puzzled: Leaves behind the inheritance Creation God and Devil Emperor, not only then Evil God and Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor...... Oh, your turns devil soul also reluctantly is, haven't other had any inheritance to stay behind, have what strange?” 千叶影儿回眸,不解的看着她:“留下传承的创世神魔帝,不就只有邪神劫天魔帝……,你的涅轮魔魂也勉强算一个,其他都未有任何传承留下,有何奇怪?” Different.” Chi Wuyao actually shakes the head slowly: In Four Great Creation Gods and four big Devil Emperor, Creation God of Life dies of three Devil Emperor sneak attacks, three Devil Emperor and Creation God of Order die of Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations, they leave behind anything to inherit without enough time. I of carrying/sustaining turns devil soul, strictly speaking at all is not anything inherits, is only Nirvana Devil Emperor before the point of death, a wisp that is separated reluctantly not by soul source that bites poisonously.” “不一样。”池妩仸却是缓缓摇头:“四大创世神和四大魔帝之中,生命创世神死于三魔帝偷袭,三魔帝秩序创世神死于万劫无生,他们来不及留下什么传承。我所承载的涅轮魔魂,严格而言根本不算什么传承,只是涅轮魔帝在临死前,勉强离散出的一缕未被毒噬的魂源。” Evil God once was the lord of Sky Poison Pearl, thus has the special resistance to Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations, therefore Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations many years dies after body, naturally had enough time to leave behind the inheritance before dies.” 邪神曾为天毒珠之主,因而对万劫无生有着特殊的抵抗,所以在身中万劫无生后很多年才陨落,也自然有足够的时间在陨落之前留下了传承。” Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor returns, gave you and Yun Che devil blood, left behind Darkness Everlasting.” 劫天魔帝归世,将魔血给了你与云澈,也留下了黑暗永劫。” These were showing, Creation God and Devil Emperor power and bloodline can also inherit. Three Devil Emperor with two big Creation God sudden deaths, have not had the time to stay behind, but Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E...... he was only one died in bed of old age/be exhausted!” “这些都在证明,创世神魔帝力量血脉亦是可以传承的。三魔帝与两大创世神猝死,未有时机留下,但诛天神帝末厄……他是唯一一个寿终正寝!” Has in all Creation God and Devil Emperor the most sufficient time to leave behind the inheritance.” “有着所有创世神魔帝中最充足的时机来留下传承。” But in all remote ancient records, has no news about his Divine Power successor. The later generation, still has not had to discover that any his god receives the trace.” “但所有的遥古记载中,都没有任何关于他神力继承者的讯息。后世,至今也未有发现任何他的神承痕迹。” The Qianye Ying'er brain is Yun Che in the abyss situation, apparently does not have Chi Wuyao to care to these like that said without thinking: Perhaps doesn't think? After all Heaven Punishing God Emperor was known as that perhaps most upright arrogant Creation God, feels no one with inheriting his first Creation God Divine Power, therefore lets his Creation God strength simply, as he passed away to consider as finished.” 千叶影儿满脑子都是云澈深渊的处境,对这些显然没有池妩仸那般在意,随口道:“或许是不想呢?毕竟诛天神帝号称最刚正孤高的创世神,说不定是觉得无人配继承他第一创世神神力,所以干脆让他的创世神力随着他永逝算了。” This speaking thoughtlessly said that has not obviously undergone any consideration, even the words of some counter- common senses, were make Chi Wuyao small head lift fiercely, a pair of demon pupil also contracted a point unexpectedly. 这番随口言出,明显没有经过任何思虑,甚至有些反常理的话语,却是让池妩仸螓首猛抬,一双魔瞳也蓦地收缩了一分。 The Chi Wuyao unusual condition makes Qianye Ying'er knit the brows: What did you think of?” 池妩仸的异状让千叶影儿皱眉:“你想到了什么?” Chi Wuyao has not spoken...... Qianye Ying'er to look with the line of sight that she obviously stares blankly. 池妩仸没有说话……千叶影儿随着她明显发怔的视线看去。 That is an incomplete stele, is covering entirely the ancient dark mark, was placed in small formation by Chi Wuyao alone. 那是一块残缺的石碑,布满着古老的黑暗印记,被池妩仸单独放在了一个小结界之中。 The stele does not know that made by what material quality, experienced the incomparably long years actually as before not dry dust. The above handwriting has all blurred, can actually see that was deliberately cancelled by by power. 石碑不知是以什么材质制成,经历了无比漫长的岁月却依旧未化枯尘。上面的字迹皆已模糊,却能看出是被以力量刻意抹去。 Only center has three characters to be as if received the strength specially, may distinguish vaguely: 唯有正中的三个字似乎被特意收力,依稀可辨: Plate, owlet and butterfly. 槃、枭、蝶。 This brief three characters, as this stele does not know shuttled back and forth many years vicissitudes, actually release one type nearly to puncture the soul as before faintly the chilly wound. 这简短三个字,随着这块石碑不知穿梭了多少的岁月沧桑,却依旧隐隐释着一种近乎刺魂的凄伤。 ............ ………… Boundless Fog Sea, seems to be limitless. 茫茫雾海,仿佛无边无际。 Unknowingly, Yun Che stations in Fog Sea a half year. 不知不觉,云澈已是驻留雾海半年。 He stays from time to time, from time to time moves ahead, the direction, is Fog Sea of deep place. 他时而停留,时而前移,所去方向,是更深处的雾海 With abyss dust even more strong, appears is also getting more and more powerful in Abyssal Beast of surroundings world. 随着渊尘的愈加浓重,出现在周围世界的渊兽也越来越强大。 Arrived this boundary, even if-and-a-half gods, must be step by step prudent, but he actually not anxiously not slow, the vision also wants quiet compared with this fog deep pool pale. 到了此境,哪怕是一个半神,亦要步步慎重,而他却是不急不缓,目光比这雾渊还要幽淡。 At this time, the right resounded a low roar of terrifying. 这时,右方响起一声恐怖的低吼。 That resembles is Dragon Roar, hoarse and gloomy too many were too more than Dragon Roar, probably was locked by the chains from one in the Purgatory blood pond, is withstanding desperate Devil Dragon of ten thousand heavy torture. 那似是龙吟,却又比龙吟嘶哑、阴森了太多太多,像是来自一只被锁链锁于炼狱血池,正承受着万重酷刑的绝望魔龙 Quick, in Yun Che's Spirit Sense appears complete Dragon Shadow. 很快,云澈的灵觉之中现出一个完整的龙影 Life aura that he releases punctures the destruction instinct of opposite party, under abyss Dragon Roar, rolling up and pushing along impressively is...... the Divine Extinction Realm power and influence. 他所释放的生命气息刺动着对方的毁灭本能,深渊龙吟之下,卷动的赫然是……神灭境的威势。 This is Horned Dragon. 这是一只虬龙 This Dragon Shadow, he is extremely familiar. In the past in Flame God Realm, was that only Horned Dragon, making him have to Mu Xuanyin( Chi Wuyao) tarnish. 这个龙影,他太过熟悉。当年在炎神界,便是那只虬龙,让他不得不将沐玄音(池妩仸)玷污。 This destruction aura and constriction, in Divine Extinction Realm Second Level, has the large threat to Yun Che probably without doubt......, but faces imminent Dragon Shadow, he does not have the security condition, the footsteps not slight disorder in even/including slow vanguard. 这个毁灭气息和压迫感,大概在神灭境二级,对云澈无疑有着颇大的威胁……但面对迫近的龙影,他却是毫无警戒之态,就连缓慢前行的脚步都没有丝毫的紊乱。 In abyss dragon prestige will soon cover next, Dragon Shadow stagnated suddenly there...... then unexpectedly dropping down slowly, finally, with restraining of all destruction aura, right Yun Che's, presented shape of the peaceful crawling unexpectedly. 就在深渊龙威即将罩下之时,龙影忽然停滞在了那里……然后竟缓缓的倒下,最终,随着毁灭气息的尽数收敛,竟在云澈的右侧,呈现出一个安静的匍匐之状。 Yun Che had the movement finally, his arm lifts, a finger ball, wisp of profound light flying shoots at that deep pool Horned Dragon, no hindering spike in its deep pool nuclear. 云澈终于有了动作,他手臂一抬,手指一弹,一缕玄光飞射向那只渊化虬龙,毫无阻滞的钉入它的渊核之中。 So, this boundless Fog Sea, abyss dust can carry his consciousness, enabling him to be able easily the sensation to the position that this deep pool Horned Dragon is. 如此,这茫茫雾海,渊尘便可载着他的意识,让他可以轻易感知到这只渊化虬龙所在的方位。 Divine Extinction Realm Initial Stage Abyssal Beast, he can control the limit of controlling at present. 神灭境初期渊兽,他目前能控驭的极限。 Since met, naturally cannot let off. 既然遇到了,当然不能放过。 ............ …………
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