ATG :: Volume #19

#1987: Dead end Helian (Last Part)

Goes to Imperial City on the way, under the Yun Che guidance with no trace, Helian Lingzhu has described the Qilin Abyss Realm present pattern to him simply. 前往皇城的途中,在云澈不着痕迹的引导下,赫连玲珠向他简单描述过麟渊界如今的格局。 Qilin Abyss Realm in very long phase of history the series for Helian lineage/vein, Helian Dynasty the name series according to this side world, never changes. 麟渊界在很长一段历史中都是为赫连一脉所统,“赫连皇朝”之名统照这一方天地,从未更替。 But probably 20,000 years ago starts, submitted to several sect under Helian to develop quietly, the potential is gradually big. 但从大概两万年前开始,原本臣服于赫连麾下的几个宗门悄然发展,逐渐势大。 When occupies does not think of the danger peacefully the Helian Imperial Family finally vigilance, degree that most abundant three big sect powerful to them has not dared to excel. 待居安而不思危的赫连皇室终于警觉之时,其中最盛的三大宗门已强大到他们不敢擅动的程度。 Three big sect to support and unite mutually, even lets the Helian Imperial Family sensation to the clear threat, is unable to form outwardly on suppression again, suppression in secret is also again and again flies back without any results. 三大宗门更是互为扶持和联合,甚至让赫连皇室感知到清晰的威胁,再无法形成明面上的打压,暗中的压制也是一次次无功而返。 The years circulation, era takes turn, the talent pours forth, but arrives in Qilin Abyss Realm Heavenly Star actually rarely cares for Helian Imperial Family. Three big sect actually experience era even more to expand a point every time, gradually can meet as an equal to Helian Imperial Family. 岁月流转,时代交替,天才辈出,但降临于麟渊界天星却很少眷顾赫连皇室。三大宗门却是每经历一个时代都会愈加壮大一分,逐渐可以与赫连皇室分庭抗礼。 Gradually, knows including person of , Qilin Abyss Realm no longer is Helian Imperial Family alone, but holds to drive a horse for one dynasty and three sects. 逐渐的,连外界之人亦知,麟渊界已不再独属赫连皇室,而是为一朝三宗所掌驭。 Every ten sixty-year cycle open Qilin God Realm time, decided that it enters the qualifications also no longer is only Helian Imperial Family, but is one dynasty and three sects. 每十甲子开启一次的麟神境,决定其进入资格也不再只是赫连皇室,而是“一朝三宗”。 Before several era starts, three big sect have even become the giant that even Helian Imperial Family has to look up at...... in other words , three big sect any, its all-round strength, has surpassed Helian Imperial Family. 从数个时代前开始,三大宗门甚至已成为连赫连皇室都不得不仰视的巨擘……换言之,三大宗门的任何一个,其综合实力,都已超过了赫连皇室 The Mo Beichen incident, has one misfortune after another. 陌悲尘一事,更是雪上加霜。 Helian Lingzhu as imperial family Crown Princess, these years innermost feelings have been fearful, struggle are looking for the turning point and outlet. 身为皇室长公主赫连玲珠,这些年一直内心惶惶,挣扎着寻找契机与出路。 ...... …… Rock Profound Sect, ten thousand Renzong, fierce sand sect. 磐玄宗,万仞宗,烈砂宗。 But Rock Profound Sect, the heads of precisely three Big Sect. 磐玄宗,正是大宗之首。 Zhai Liancheng rushes to the royal palace stance, incomparably shows Helian Imperial Family to decline to what degree intuitively. 砦连城直闯皇殿的架势,无比直观的彰显着赫连皇室已是式微到何种程度。 Facing the Helian Jue vision, Zhai Liancheng is the leisurely strolling idle courtyard, on the face does not have, even if a wee bit to the awe of emperor, smiles saying: Little nephew is infatuated with the cultivation in recent years, formality indeed was short. Actually this is thinking to become imperial family Prince Consort Bother Cangying daily, imperial family formality thoroughly ripe in the heart.” 面对赫连玦的目光,砦连城却是信步闲庭,脸上没有哪怕丁点对帝王的敬畏,笑眯眯道:“小侄近些年醉心修炼,礼节方面的确有所欠缺。倒是这位天天想着成为皇室驸马苍鹰兄,想必皇室礼节已经熟烂于心了。” Ka!” A Mo Cangying phalanx was pinched by oneself. “咔!”陌苍鹰一根指骨生生被自己捏断。 He adores the Helian Lingzhu matter to be well-known. Helian Jue has also intended to permit Helian Lingzhu to him. But to this Zhai Liancheng mouth , is actually words ear-piercing to the extreme. 他倾慕赫连玲珠的事人人皆知。赫连玦也一直有意将赫连玲珠许给他。但到了这砦连城口中,却是字字刺耳之极 Snort!” Helian Jue voice/sound cold several points: What matter Young Sect Master this has, spoke frankly.” “哼!”赫连玦声音冷了数分:“少宗主此来有何事,直说吧。” The Zhai Liancheng vision swept a here only new face, but also shot a look at one merely, has not made any stay: Country Lord Helian could it be that does not want to ask that who young nephew nearby this person is?” 砦连城的目光扫了一眼这里唯一的生面孔,但也仅仅只是瞥了一眼,未做任何停留:“赫连国主难道就不想问问小侄身边的这个人是谁?” We am uninteresting.” How Helian Jue will fall into passively in the momentum. “朕并无兴趣。”赫连玦又岂会在声势上陷入被动。 That is good.” Zhai Liancheng smiles ponders: „When, the dynasty alternated, but do not blame the little nephew not to remind you.” “那再好不过。”砦连城笑的更加玩味:“那么,皇朝更迭之时,可千万别怪小侄没来提醒过你。” Dynasty alternated four characters without doubt is the clear sky startling thunderclap, shook Helian Jue, Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying three people to become flushed. “皇朝更迭”四字无疑是晴空惊雷,震得赫连玦赫连玲珠陌苍鹰三人同时勃然变色。 In the past three Big Sect again how rampant, on will never shout these four characters outwardly. 以往三大宗再怎么猖獗,也从不会明面上喊出这四个字。 Your this said what intent!” This time, Helian Jue voice/sound thorough cold. “你此言何意!”这次,赫连玦声音彻底寒了下来。 Hehehe.” The man of Zhai Liancheng body side exudes low and deep laughter, he is slanting the pupil, lightly language: this Young Master Ximen Qi, comes to be for my father especially Country Lord Helian brings the regards.” 呵呵呵。”砦连城身侧的男子发出一阵低沉的笑声,他斜着眸子,淡淡而语:“本少西门祺,特来代家父为赫连国主带来问候。” Ximen......” Helian Jue concentrates the eyes such as thorn: „Are you Ximen Borong son?” 西门……”赫连玦凝目如刺:“你是西门博容的儿子?” precisely.” Ximen Qi smiles, no humble/despise color, only has proudly. 正是。”西门祺笑了一笑,毫无卑色,唯有傲然。 Heh! Helian Jue sneers: Was known as that takes the Qilin god as the belief, does not submit to others will Qilin Worshipping Alliance, unexpectedly starts the breath of supine Rock Profound Sect, good huge joke.” 呵!赫连玦冷笑:“号称以麟神为信仰,绝不臣服他人意志的拜麟盟,居然开始去仰磐玄宗的鼻息,好一个天大的笑话。” Does obeisance the Qilin alliance, after three big sect the fourth largest influence of rise, takes perching Qilin God Realm Qilin as the belief quietly, jointly bossed around massive small sect and powerful profound practitioner, and takes protecting Qilin, protects Qilin Abyss Realm for the day, no matter what, gradually had very high reputation in Qilin Abyss Realm and quite high prestige, the development is swift and violent exceptionally. 拜麟联盟,继三大宗门之后悄然崛起的第四大势力,以栖息麟神境麒麟为信仰,联合笼络了大量中小宗门和强大玄者,并以守护麒麟、守护麟渊界为天任,在麟渊界逐渐有了很高的名声和颇高的名望,发展更是迅猛异常。 But its had the time is still short, by the Helian Imperial Family cognition, in its all-round strength was unable to compare with three Big Sect. 但其存在时间尚短,以赫连皇室的认知,其综合实力上还远不能和三大宗相较。 Meanwhile, Helian Imperial Family attention throughout above three Big Sect, indeed is difficult the ample force to pay attention to one to concentrate on the belief, but not apparently ambition Qilin Worshipping Alliance. 与此同时,赫连皇室的注意力始终都在三大宗之上,也的确难有余力去关注一个专注于信仰,而并无昭然野心的拜麟盟 no, no, no, no,” Zhai Liancheng shook the finger with a smile: Country Lord Helian this words big mistake is especially wrong. It is not at somebody's beck and call false, but......” 不不不不,”砦连城笑着晃了晃手指:“赫连国主此话大错特错。仰人鼻息不假,只不过……” He is sideways, in three people of astonished vision, toward a Ximen Qi respectful ritual: Later my Rock Profound Sect, but must take advantage of Qilin Worshipping Alliance to look after the support.” 他侧过身,在三人惊异的目光中,向着西门祺恭敬的一礼:“以后我磐玄宗,还要多依仗拜麟盟关照扶持。” Young Sect Master speaks discreetly.” Ximen Qi leisurely smiles: When I do obeisance the Qilin to found a nation to change toward, the rock is unreliable, ten thousand Ren, fierce sand three sects all are indispensable assistances, words that the same onset and retreat honor or disgrace, what Xu so looks on as an outsider.” 少宗主言重。”西门祺洒然一笑:“待我拜麟立国改朝,磐玄、万仞、烈砂三宗皆为股肱,同进退共荣辱,何需如此见外的话。” Sets up... the country... to change... toward...... 立…国…改…朝…… Helian Jue body obviously shook in a flash, counted breaths, he opened the mouth slowly: „The Qilin Worshipping Alliance boy, you know that what oneself is saying?” Ximen Qi supine raising head, glance that an eye of belt/bring pities in line of sight emperor's prestige boundless royal palace: „The Tch! once Helian imperial family, how powerful lofty, under a word, Qilin Abyss Realm no one did not dare, since, eye of view here one brick one watt, can feel other prestige.” 赫连玦身体明显晃了一晃,足足数息,他才缓缓开口:“拜麟盟的小子,你知道自己在说什么吗?”西门祺仰了仰头,目带怜悯的扫视着视线中帝威磅礴的皇殿:“啧!曾经的赫连皇族,何其的强大威凌,一言之下,麟渊界无人敢不从,目观此处一砖一瓦,都能感其余威。” Pitifully present, only one group of worthless fellows! Looks at this appearance, feared that is my Qilin Abyss Realm has even presented second place Abyss Knight to know nothing about.” “可惜到了如今,只余一群酒囊饭袋!看这个样子,怕是连我麟渊界已出现第二位深渊骑士都懵然不知。” The first half a word words, making Helian Jue not want to be furious depressing, but his anger has not sent, then after by him, half a word words were startled ruthlessly. 前半句话,让赫连玦再不欲压抑震怒,但他怒意未发,便被他后半句话狠狠惊了回去。 What did you say......?” Helian Jue as country monarchy was startled the pupil to enlarge several times instantaneously: Second...... Abyss Knight!?” “你说……什么?”身为一国君主的赫连玦被惊得瞳孔瞬间放大数倍:“第二个……深渊骑士!?” Ah......?” Helian Lingzhu between lips, overflows trembling chanting in a low voice. 啊……?”赫连玲珠唇间,也溢出一声颤栗的低吟。 A huge anxiety, in a terrified way covers in their hearts. 一股巨大的不安,伴随着惶恐笼罩在他们心间。 Ximen Boyun.” Zhai Liancheng is enjoying Helian Jue look at this moment: Does not know Country Lord Helian that keeps aloof, can still remember this name?” 西门博云。”砦连城享受着赫连玦此刻的眼神:“不知道高高在上的赫连国主,可还记得这个名字?” Ximen Boyun......” this name, several people does not know in Qilin Abyss Realm. Mo Cangying exclaimed lowly: He is not hundred years ago, then died in Fog Sea!” 西门博云……”这个名字,在麟渊界又有几人不知。陌苍鹰低吼道:“他不是早在百年前,便死在雾海了吗!” No, my uncle lived from Fog Sea was crawling come out.” Ximen Qi leisurely said: Also completed the breakthrough of Divine Extinction Realm, the achievement half god! In later, completed Pure Land trial, now has been Abyss Knight.” “不,我叔父从雾海活着爬了出来。”西门祺慢悠悠的道:“还完成了神灭境的突破,成就半神!更在之后,完成了净土试炼,如今已位列深渊骑士。” However leads my uncle to Pure Land, precisely hates your Mo Beichen bone to inter the body!” “而将我叔父带至净土的,正是恨你们入骨的陌悲尘!” The Helian Jue body shook again in a flash. 赫连玦的身躯再次晃了一晃。 The Ximen Qi corners of the mouth twist the mouth sidewise, smiled recklessly insolent: Mo Beichen to inquire about eternal Pure Land pioneer, this goes to nearly certain death. But what stays behind is the applause and unsurpassed honor of Abyss Sovereign. What a pity, these are not your Helian imperial family.” 西门祺嘴角咧开,笑的更加肆意张狂:“陌悲尘已甘为探寻‘永恒净土’的先驱者,此去近乎十死无生。但留下的是渊皇的赞许与无上的荣光。可惜,这些都不属于你们赫连皇族。” However my uncle receives the Mo Beichen obligation, has felt grateful myriad to him, if Mo Beichen cannot turn over , the uncle will use surely completes its last wish full power......, but was a pity, my uncle said that Mo Beichen this goes regretless, has not left behind hoping of ending, only has odd/surplus Hennan to disappear!” “而我叔父承陌悲尘大恩,对他一直感恩万千,陌悲尘若不能归,叔父定会倾尽全力完成其遗愿……但可惜,我叔父说,陌悲尘此去无悔,也未留下未完之愿,唯有余恨难消!” Country Lord Helian, you guess, what the Mo Beichen senior most hates is who?” 赫连国主,你猜,陌悲尘前辈最恨的是谁呢?” Arrived at this moment, Helian Jue was unable to maintain the calm and assured of king again. His ten fingers do not know when has closely curled up, a pair should be full the eye pupil that the emperor is deterring clearly trembling of continuing. 到了此刻,赫连玦已是再无法维持君王的沉稳与笃定。他的十指不知何时已紧紧蜷起,一双本该充盈着帝王威慑的眼瞳分明在持续的战栗。 impossible......” Mo Cangying in low nan: Will not have this matter......” 不可能……”陌苍鹰在低喃:“不会有这种事……” The Helian Lingzhu psychological bearing capacity wants weak many without doubt, loses presence of mind frightened, her finger wants to touch the thing of what comfort, unexpectedly subconscious grasping to the Yun Che's sleeves. 赫连玲珠的心理承受能力无疑要弱的多,惶然失措间,她的手指想要去触碰什么安慰之物,竟下意识的抓向云澈的衣袖。 The tune that Yun Che maintains composure the arm, making Helian Lingzhu get nothing for one's effort. However she also not detected. 云澈不动声色的曲起手臂,让赫连玲珠抓了个空。不过她自己也并无察觉。 What's the big deal?” Helian Jue words cutting tooth: Is Abyss Knight, when the Bing noble and pure soul, the weak selfish desire, gets rid of the private grudges. How in the past Mo Beichen Us, Ximen Boyun...... is not difficult to be inadequate must by the Abyss Knight status, continued, when fang of your Qilin Worshipping Alliance!” “那又如何?”赫连玦字字切齿:“既为深渊骑士,当秉高洁之魂,弱私欲,摒私怨。当年陌悲尘都未曾将朕如何,西门博云……难不成还要以深渊骑士的身份,继续当你们拜麟盟的獠牙吗!” Not you how? Hahahaha!” Zhai Liancheng laughs, say/way of eye of belt/bring taunt: May I ask Country Lord Helian, how long has not had to act? Do these years pass may be good? Is living exactly, but can...... live to might as well die? Hahahaha!” “未曾将你如何?哈哈哈哈!”砦连城一声大笑,目带嘲讽的道:“敢问赫连国主,已是多久未有出手了?这些年过得可好?活是活着,但会不会……生不如死呢?哈哈哈哈!” Laughing wildly of Zhai Liancheng pokes the Helian Jue sore spot ruthlessly, in heart arteries the strength of short peaceful half god is also touched by his mood, moves restlessly again, indescribable severe pain prompt radiation whole body. 砦连城的狂笑狠狠戳动着赫连玦的痛处,心脉中短暂安静的半神之力也被他情绪所触动,再次躁动,难以言喻的剧痛瞬间辐射全身。 But the pain of body, is less than the eventuality of soul pain. 但躯体之痛,不及心魂痛楚之万一。 The short hundred years, this small Qilin Abyss Realm even/including has two Abyss Knight unexpectedly. 短短百年,这小小麟渊界竟连出两个深渊骑士 This was they in the past the unthinkable true miracle. 这是他们以往想都不敢想的真正神迹。 But the miracle, does not have to be the Helian imperial family brings the tiny bit skylight, instead is nightmare one after another. 但如此神迹,却没有为赫连皇族带来一丝一毫的天光,反而是接连的梦魇。 But, some Country Lord Helian words saying actually good.” Zhai Liancheng continued: Senior Ximen expensive/noble is Abyss Knight, naturally has not been Qilin Worshipping Alliance, the scraps/condescend will not act to you personally. But by his present status, to be Mo Beichen asks for the long standing grudge, what Xu make a move.” “不过,赫连国主有些话说的倒是不错。”砦连城继续道:“西门前辈既已贵为深渊骑士,当然已不属拜麟盟,更不会屑于亲自对你们出手。而以他如今的身份,若想要为陌悲尘讨回旧怨,又何需自己出手呢。” Helian Jue suppresses aura that in heart arteries is moving restlessly stubbornly, in the surface does utmost the dignity that maintains Helian Imperial Family that is not possible to be abandoned: You two to this, actually want what for today!” 赫连玦死死压制着心脉中躁动的气息,面上竭尽全力的保持着赫连皇室不可摒弃的威严:“你们两个今日到此,究竟所欲何为!” He has confirmed repeatedly, this arrival indeed only then these two juniors, no one accompanies or protects in secret. 他已反复确认过,此次到来的的确只有这两个小辈,无人随从或暗中保护。 This is another despising. 这何尝不是另一种的蔑视。 Oh ~ ~ is considering only chatting, nearly forgot the proper business.” Ximen Qi thinks appearance that his vision was also short of several points of frivolity at this time, what replaces it is scary point: My Qilin Worshipping Alliance, after the meeting of Qilin god, will found a nation in South Territory, takes my father as new Monarch, changes toward to do obeisance Qilin!” ~~只顾着闲聊,险些忘了正事。”西门祺一副才想起来的模样,他的目光也在这时少了几分轻佻,取而代之的是骇人的锋芒:“我拜麟盟,将在麟神之会后,于南域立国,以家父为新君,改朝‘拜麟’!” A Helian Jue anger has not recovered consciousness, Zhai Liancheng had said: My rock is unreliable, ten thousand Ren, fierce sand three sects are indebted the new king to recognize, is willing for to do obeisance Qilin protection patriarchal clan, absolutely no disloyalty!” 赫连玦一口怒气没缓过来,砦连城已是紧接着道:“我磐玄、万仞、烈砂三宗承蒙新王赏识,愿为‘拜麟’守护宗族,绝无二心!” You...... you......” “你……你们……” The Helian Jue arm lifts, the finger shivers, a face removes the blood-color at an exceptional pace, the body sways one after another, swings 赫连玦手臂抬起,手指颤抖,一张面孔以惊人的速度褪去血色,身躯更是接连晃荡,摇 Swings wants to fall. 摇欲坠。 Imperial Father!” Helian Lingzhu has a big shock, hurries to support him forward. 父皇!”赫连玲珠大惊失色,慌忙向前扶住他。 Qilin Abyss Realm said that was big, says slightly big, but decided however unable to accommodate both countries zhi, Country Lord Helian make the plan to early well, so as to avoid retreat was roadless at the appointed time.” 麟渊界说大不大,说小不小,但定然容不下两国相峙,赫连国主还是早作打算为好,免得到时后退无路。” ! 噗! Lasing of a blood arrow from the Helian Jue mouth, drops down beside hundred feet. 一道血箭赫连玦口中激射而出,直落十丈之外。 Imperial Father!!” Helian Lingzhu mournful shouting. Mo Cangying clenches teeth fiercely, moves sideways to hold up the Helian Jue backward soft body but actually. 父皇!!”赫连玲珠一声凄然的呼喊。陌苍鹰猛一咬牙,闪身擎住赫连玦向后软倒的身躯。 The heart arteries strength of half god at this time thorough riot, the malicious ghost who such as regains consciousness batters generally, lets the Helian Jue pain the whole body convulsion. 心脉中的半神之力在此时彻底暴乱,如苏醒的恶鬼一般横冲直撞,让赫连玦痛苦的全身痉挛。 Has stood still rear Yun Che to pull the corners of the mouth lightly. 一直静立后方的云澈淡淡扯了扯嘴角。 Just came abyss, watched a Low Rank drama. 刚来深渊,就看了一场低级的大戏。 Senseless to the extreme. 无趣之极
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