ATG :: Volume #19

#1986: Dead end Helian (First Part)

Quick, Yun Che then saw this Helian Dynasty monarchy, Qilin Abyss Realm outwardly on control. 很快,云澈便见到了这赫连皇朝的君主,麟渊界明面上的统御者。 Helian Jue. 赫连玦 Lingzhu, Cangying, came back.” 玲珠,苍鹰,回来了。” He sets up in the main hall, the sovereign robe and imperial crown are the withered and yellow colors in anticipation. A pair of eye pupil three points of point, three points of impressive and dignified manner, actually as if hidden got down as revering meets looking disdainfully of proudly nature release. 他立身于正殿之中,皇袍和皇冠都是意料之内的枯黄之色。一双眼瞳三分锋芒,三分威仪,却似乎隐下了身为一界之尊会自然释放的傲然睥睨。 His vision fell on Yun Che body, but excessively has not sized up. 他的目光落在了云澈身上,但并未过多打量。 Imperial Father, making you be worried.” Helian Lingzhu lowers the head to forward, does obeisance gracefully. 父皇,让你担心了。”赫连玲珠垂首向前,盈盈而拜。 Well then good.” Helian Jue sighed however said: Is incompetent for the father, makes you compel own dangerous situation.” “无恙便好。”赫连玦叹然道:“是为父无能,才让你逼得自己亲涉险境。” He transfers the eye to look at Yun Che: This is, then the outstandingly able person who you send greetings mention?” 他转目看着云澈:“这位,便是你传音中提及的奇人?” Yun Che forward one step: „Below Yun Che, has seen Country Lord Helian.” 云澈向前一步:“在下云澈,见过赫连国主。” Un.” Helian Jue lightly accordingly, the brow is actually unconscious pressed. “嗯。”赫连玦淡淡应声,眉头却是不自觉的蹙了蹙。 If the present male surface brocade/bright jade, does not see the slightly flaw, a pair of eye pupil jet black such as night, almost no ash is hazy. The entire portrait/people looks like has never withstood the invasion of abyss dust. 眼前的男子面若锦玉,不见微瑕,一双眼瞳漆黑如夜,几乎没有一丝的灰朦。整个人像是从未承受过渊尘的侵染。 What most makes his astonished is, cultivation base of Yun Che Divine Sovereign Realm peak, aura of whole person because of his looking straight ahead has not appeared, even if a turbulence. 最让他惊异的是,云澈神君境巅峰的修为,整个人的气场却没有因为他的直视而出现哪怕一丝的动荡。 Has not dyed abyss dust, the makings remarkably, could it be that is the person of Divine Country family background...... under his heart thinks. 未染渊尘,气质卓然,难道神国出身的人……他心下想到。 Hears you to be chased down, escapes into the sandstorm, when wakes up already no past memory?” He asked that eye of band of light carefully examining. “听闻你遭受追杀,遁入沙暴,醒来时已无过去的记忆?”他问道,目光带着审视。 Yes.” Yun Che said: Is fortunate enough to Crown Princess and Mo Big Brother life-saving efforts.” “是。”云澈道:“幸得长公主与陌大哥救命之恩。” Although present Country Lord Helian outside has not released profound strength, but first, Yun Che had then recognized, cultivation base of this person, exceeds him...... to exceed him in anyone that God Realm encounters in the boundary of the world. 眼前的赫连国主虽未外释玄力,但第一眼,云澈便已认定,此人的修为,超越他在神界遭遇的任何一人……超越他所在世界的界限。 Although not and Mo Beichen half god like that but has only missed the frontline. 虽未及陌悲尘那般的半神,但已只差一线。 half step Divine Extinction Realm! 半步神灭境 Eventually is abyss! Remote area under Divine Country, his control then exceeds existence of highest Divine Emperor. 终究是深渊!一个神国之下的偏远之地,其主宰者便是超越最高神帝的存在。 Imperial Father, first do not ask, lets him quickly to the internal injury that you had a look at you to leave behind in the past.” Before Helian Lingzhu Yun Che very light, pushes. 父皇,你先不要多问,快让他给你看看你当年留下的暗伤。”赫连玲珠云澈很轻的前推。 Her nonchalant petty action makes the Helian Jue brow tip move greatly, on the face maintains composure: Rare Lingzhu so esteems, wants to come your medical skill to decide however uncommonly, that then work you observe on a view for Us.” 她这个不经意的小动作让赫连玦眉梢大动,脸上不露声色:“难得玲珠如此推崇,想来你的医术定然不凡,那便劳你为朕观上一观。” His wound is half god remains, basic non- medical skill category ability is solvable. He really will not naturally hold anything to hope, pure does not want to stroke the meaning of Helian Lingzhu. 他的伤为半神所留,根本非“医术”范畴的能力可解。他自然也不会真的抱有什么希望,单纯是不想拂了赫连玲珠之意。 Yun Che does not talk too much, puts out a hand directly, fingertip in the wrist/skill of Helian Jue, one is weak profound energy puts out very much, passes in his whole body fast back and forth. 云澈毫不多言,直接伸手,指尖点在赫连玦的手腕上,一道很是微弱的玄气吐出,在他周身快速流转一个来回。 Also profound energy clears, Yun Che's finger has also put aside. 随之玄气散尽,云澈的手指也已移开。 Entire process, but three breaths. 整个过程,不过三息。 Such quick investigation, lets three people of reveals a look of surprise. Helian Lingzhu probed: What's wrong?” 如此之快的探查,让三人都面露异色赫连玲珠试探着问道:“如何?” Yun Che said: Invades heart arteries power to be very powerful, Country Lord Helian is unable no wonder it extinguishing. Moreover this power is primarily shackling, in a short time will not harm and life, obviously is desirably for it.” 云澈道:“侵入心脉力量很是强大,也难怪赫连国主都无法将之消弭。而且这股力量以缠缚为主,短期内不会伤及性命,显然是刻意为之。” Helian Jue look one gloomy, disappointed and frustrated said: He hates to the marrow of the bones about Us, disdaining lets Our blood blemish dyes his Abyss Knight revere...... is the destiny.” 赫连玦神色一黯,怅然道:“他对朕恨之入骨,又不屑让朕之血玷染他深渊骑士的尊名……皆是天命。” „Does that...... have the means?” Helian Lingzhu fills with the hope as before. “那……有没有办法?”赫连玲珠依旧满怀希冀。 Yun Che smiles lightly: By my cultivation base, naturally does not have the ability to drive out this shackling strength, but can it derivation heart arteries.” 云澈淡淡而笑:“以我的修为,当然没有能力将这股缠缚之力驱除,但可以将之引出心脉。” „Ah?” Helian Lingzhu obviously stares, on face bloomed huge pleasant surprise: Really...... real?” “啊?”赫连玲珠明显一愣,随之脸上绽开巨大的惊喜:“真……真的吗?” But compares in the excitement of Helian Lingzhu, Helian Jue and Mo Cangying are startled, have not actually revealed slightly a wee bit joyful condition. 而相比于赫连玲珠的激动,赫连玦陌苍鹰则是微微愕然,却没有表露丁点的喜悦之态。 If can draw out heart arteries this power, must reduce and solve or sweep-out it then not need any scruples forcefully again, is easily performable. 若能将这股力量引出心脉,要将之化解或强行驱出便再无需任何顾忌,轻易便可完成。 But, that is the strength of half god! 但,那可是半神之力! Helian Imperial Family strongest protects the old ancestors to be at a loss, how dare a Divine Sovereign Realm junior...... said it! 赫连皇室最强的守护老祖都束手无策,一个神君境的小辈……怎敢言之! How can you derivation heart arteries?” Helian Jue asked that on face calm. “你要如何将之引出心脉?”赫连玦问道,脸上波澜不惊。 The Yun Che tone is light, resembles confidently: „The law of hauling related to the medical principles, I am hard to speak clearly. However this law is most important, is Country Lord Helian to below trust.” 云澈语气淡淡,似成竹在胸:“牵引之法涉及医理,我难以言说清楚。不过此法最重要的,是赫连国主对在下的信任。” Helian Jue narrows the pupil slightly, looks that he continued. 赫连玦微微眯眸,看着他继续说下去。 Country Lord Helian must allow my profound energy to enter your heart arteries, and opens 17 wounds above. So, I have assurance, strength of the shackling in 30 breaths will draw out completely.” 赫连国主需允许我的玄气进入你的心脉,并在其上开十七处创口。如此,我有十分的把握,在三十息之内将其中的缠缚之力全部引出。” Scoundrel!!” “混账!!” Helian Jue had not had the response, Mo Cangying is shouts angrily to make noise: Yun Che! Your what to come guts have this wild talk!...... Your this time itself/Ben hides malicious intent under a fair countenance!” 赫连玦还未有回应,陌苍鹰已是怒喝出声:“云澈!你何来的胆量出此妄言!还是……你此番本就是包藏祸心!” Allows others profound energy to enter heart arteries...... that to be equal own life completely hands over in the opposite party hand. 允许他人玄气进入心脉……那完全等同于将自己的命交到对方手上。 Creates 17 heart arteries...... that is heart arteries! Even the slightest misstep is the irretrievable heavy losses, at worst has the danger of perishing. 心脉创开十七处……那可是心脉!稍有不慎便是不可挽回的重创,重则有殒命之危。 The word of Yun Che, simply is the naked calamity life open intrigue. 云澈之言,简直是赤裸裸的祸命阳谋。 Ninth Senior Brother!” Helian Lingzhu had a scare, holds on him hastily: Yun Che surely does not have the evil intention that you think.” 九师兄!”赫连玲珠被吓了一跳,连忙拉住他:“云澈肯定没有你所想的恶意。” Regarding their responses, Yun Che does not feel accidental/surprised, said calmly confidently: I to Qilin Abyss Realm, all do not have the enmity with anybody initially. Crown Princess has the life-saving efforts to me, the trip is also repays a debt of gratitude to come, to break no has evil intent reason.” 对于他们的反应,云澈丝毫不觉得意外,平静坦然道:“我初至麟渊界,与任何人皆无仇怨。长公主更对我有救命之恩,此行也是报恩而来,断无任何藏有祸心的理由。” Is Imperial Father.” The Helian Lingzhu anxious sound explained: Yun Che is I and Ninth Senior Brother rescues on own initiative. After he wakes up, feared that brings in the disaster to us, having the severe wound also to leave, is I sees his medicine to rescue a Little Junior Brother technique is quite astonishingly mysterious, leads him to come on own initiative.” “是的父皇。”赫连玲珠急声解释道:“云澈是我和九师兄主动救下。他醒来后还怕给我们引来灾祸,带着重伤也要离开,是我见他医救一位小师弟的手法极为玄妙惊人,才主动带他前来。” Ninth Senior Brother can prove.” 九师兄可以为证。” Mo Cangying is unable to deny. 陌苍鹰无法否认。 Yun Che said: I said that solution that but the understanding about medical skill spreads out by way of me. Naturally, expensive/noble is Country Lord, the bystander who also related to heart arteries, sees to my one initially has alerted is should again matter, if consented directly, beyond conversely reason.” 云澈道:“我所说的,不过是经由我对医道的认识所衍的解决之道。当然,贵为国主,又涉及心脉,对我一个初见的外人有所戒备是再应该不过的事,若直接应允,反倒是情理之外。” The Helian Jue look has not had the change, visual Yun Che: In addition, but also his law?” 赫连玦神色未有变动,目视云澈:“除此之外,可还有他法?” Yun Che said: Was still shallow below cultivation base, related to heart arteries, can think that only has this law. However at this moment wants to come, by said directly to Country Lord below status, indeed offended.” 云澈道:“在下修为尚浅,又涉及心脉,能想到的,唯有此法。不过此刻想来,以在下的身份对国主直接言出,的确是过于冒犯了。” You know well then.” Helian Jue light opens the mouth, non- good omen anger, but obviously many one point of cold intent. “你知道便好。”赫连玦淡淡开口,不见喜怒,但明显多了一分冷意。 Imperial Father.” Helian Lingzhu detected that father's worried thoughts intent, is Yun Che elucidates to say again: Daughter promised you, Yun Che absolutely not has the person of evil intention. His that day rescues Little Junior Brother, I and Ninth Senior Brother entire journey testimony. Otherwise, the daughter will not lead him to Imperial Father in front of personally.” 父皇。”赫连玲珠察觉到了父亲的愠意,再次为云澈开解道:“女儿向你保证,云澈绝非有恶意之人。他那日救小师弟,我和九师兄全程见证。否则,女儿也不会将他亲自带到父皇面前。” Our daughter, We certainly believes.” Helian Jue said: But wants Us to use the life to trust one not to know toward bystander, is simply absurd.” “朕的女儿,朕当然相信。”赫连玦道:“但要朕用性命去信任一个不知过往的外人,简直荒谬。” Moreover,” his eye seam is slanting one sharp long and narrow: He said the so absurd word, your actually as before maintenance. You and he were acquainted still less than 3rd, can make you trust him unexpectedly hence? The this child method, feared that also want wise many compared with his so-called medical skill.” “而且,”他眼缝斜起一抹锋利的狭长:“他说出如此荒谬之言,你却依旧句句维护。你与他相识尚不足三日,竟能让你对他信任至此?此子的手段,怕是要比他所谓的医道还要高明的多。” Imperial Father......” Helian Lingzhu opens mouth, for a while had nothing to say in reply. 父皇……”赫连玲珠张了张嘴,一时无言以对。 „The word of Country Lord Helian, I am unable to dispute.” The Yun Che look is indifferent, indifferently to letting Helian Jue knits the brows in secret: „, I do not have reason to stop again, takes one's leave. Life-saving efforts, when I come the day injury to restore, will decide will repay.” 赫连国主之言,我无从辩驳。”云澈神色淡然,淡然到让赫连玦暗中皱眉:“如此,我已无理由再做停留,就此拜别。救命之恩,待我来日伤势恢复,定会报答。” Helian Jue is sideways: No need. Helian lineage/vein will never ask the report depending on. Here you should not keep the place, Our daughter is not you should approach the person. Immediately leaves Qilin Abyss Realm, is the best repayment.” 赫连玦侧过身去:“不必。赫连一脉从不会挟恩求报。这里非你该留之地,朕的女儿更不是你该临近之人。马上离开麟渊界,便是最好的报答。” Imperial Father, I......” 父皇,我……” Helian Lingzhu also wants to say anything again, Helian Jue is the long sleeve moves: Cangying, delivers him to leave.” 赫连玲珠还想再说什么,赫连玦已是长袖甩动:“苍鹰,送他离开。” Yes!” “是!” Mo Cangying accordingly. 陌苍鹰应声。 But at this moment, outside the palace the sandstorm howls suddenly, is rolling up and pushing along insolent big laughter: Hahahaha, Rock Profound Sect Zhai Liancheng, comes seeks an audience Country Lord Helian especially.” 而就在这时,殿外忽然风沙呼啸,卷动着一个张狂至极的大笑声:“哈哈哈哈,磐玄宗砦连城,特来求见赫连国主。” Admitted seeks an audience, actually please do not rush, that sandstorm welled up royal palace. 自言“求见”,却是不请而闯,那股沙暴更是直涌皇殿 Before the palace , the guard has not exhibited the potential of stop, by crazy sand Ximian, had been flown by the distant volume at the pitiful yell sound one after another. 殿前守卫尚未摆出阻拦之势,已被狂沙袭面,在接连的惨叫声被远远卷飞出去。 Rock Profound Sect!?” This name, as well as flares up imminent aura to make three people of facial colors change suddenly. 磐玄宗!?”这个名字,以及骤燃迫近的气息都让三人面色骤变。 damned bastard!” 混账东西!” The Mo Cangying anger turns round, the whole body yellow light releases suddenly, above the both arms concentrates the heavy/thick truthfully qualitative rock light, welcomed the sandstorm later form. 陌苍鹰怒而回身,周身黄光骤释,双臂之上凝起厚重如实质的岩光,直迎沙暴之后的身影。 A great cry of rock rock rupturing partner, the sandstorm was torn ruthlessly, a space shake, sand and stone splash. 一声磐岩爆裂伴的巨鸣,沙暴被狠狠撕裂,空间一阵震荡,沙石飞溅。 In withered and yellow profound light that breaks into pieces, Mo Cangying spins but actually , when falls to the ground, the under foot gets sucked into near ruler, the peripheral ground completely all disrupts. 碎散的枯黄玄光中,陌苍鹰倒旋而下,落地之时,脚下深陷近尺,周边地面尽皆碎裂。 After his body play shakes, stands firm, but the complexion has the ugliness of split second that also then transfers the hungry eagle ominous offense. 他身躯一阵剧晃后,生生站定,只是脸色有那么一瞬间的难看,随之便转为饿鹰般的凶戾。 Oh? Is willing to come is Bother Cangying.” ?愿来是苍鹰兄。” A big tall and straight form from far to near, in the mouth is sending out the arrogance and taunt of no restraining: 30 years do not see, unexpectedly do not have the progress. Your this past years was known as that must hover in Pure Land so-called Cangying, should not to become this Helian Prince Consort, gave to pull out own wing net?” 一个高大挺拔的身影由远及近,口中发出着毫无收敛的傲慢与嘲讽:“三十年不见,居然是毫无长进。你这当年号称要翱翔于净土的所谓苍鹰,该不会为了成为这赫连驸马,把自己的羽翼都给掏净了吧?” You!” “你!” In the Mo Cangying pupil the ominous offense is abundant a point, the five fingers almost drop that grips tightly bleeds. 陌苍鹰眸中凶戾再盛一分,紧攥的五指几乎滴出血来。 Present person, Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master Zhai Liancheng. 眼前之人,磐玄宗少宗主砦连城 30 years ago, they had once had fight, has not had the victory and defeat. 三十年前,他们曾有过交手,未有胜负。 Now one puts in an appearance, is high under stands sentences. 如今不过一个照面,已是高下立判。 A spacious palm clapped the shoulder of Mo Cangying slowly. Helian Jue forwards gradually, a pair of emperor eye projects light lofty: „The Zhai Family boy, your seeks an audience formality was really more and more dissolute. It seems like your father these years have not educated you well.” 一只宽大的手掌缓缓拍了拍陌苍鹰的肩膀。赫连玦缓步向前,一双帝目射出淡淡的威凌:“砦家的小子,你这求见的礼节真是越来越放肆了。看来你父亲这些年也没怎么好好教养你。” Far more than is dissolute, even if the brain slow person, understands that this clearly is the naked provocation and despising. 何止是放肆,哪怕是脑筋再迟钝的人,都明白这分明是赤裸裸的挑衅与蔑视。 Said straightforwardly, does not put in the eyes this king. 更直白的说,是根本不将这个君王放在眼中 Zhai Liancheng is not the one person alone comes, his side, is one seems like the especially young man, the stature middle-grade, undistinguished appearance, Divine Sovereign Realm peak cultivation base. 砦连城并非孤身前来,他的身旁,是一个看上去格外年轻的男子,身材中等,其貌不扬,神君境巅峰的修为 Helian Jue, is Mo Cangying, only has the strangeness to this face. But this person facing Helian Jue, is the manner is unexpectedly free, the corners of the mouth have a smile lightly, vision superficial sweeps in several people of body. 无论是赫连玦,还是陌苍鹰,对这张面孔都唯有陌生。但此人面对赫连玦,竟是神态自若,嘴角淡淡含笑,目光轻描淡写的在几人身上扫动着。 That arrogant posture, still wins Zhai Liancheng unexpectedly. 那倨傲之姿,竟犹胜砦连城 His body, is situated in the side of Zhai Liancheng, after rather . 他的身位,也是立于砦连城之侧,而非之后。 Yun Che!” Helian Lingzhu anxious passes message to Yun Che: You pass the little while to find the opportunity to leave. This person, is Rock Profound Sect Young Sect Master, is extremely formidabe. I go...... to look for you later, then delivers you to leave personally.” 云澈!”赫连玲珠急急的给云澈传音:“你过会儿找机会离开。这个人,是磐玄宗少宗主,极难对付。我晚些去……去找你,然后亲自送你离开。” The Yun Che smile responded, the physique was to actually move has not moved. 云澈微笑回应,身姿却是动也未动。 Rumble! 轰隆隆 The sand dust begins, an imperial family guard already blotting out the sky wells up, boundless aura locks these two seemingly weak intruders stubbornly. 沙尘再起,一众皇室守卫已是铺天盖地的涌来,磅礴的气场死死锁定这两个看上去势单力薄的闯入者。 Helian Jue actually waves, shouted lightly: Draws back completely.” 赫连玦却是挥手,淡淡喝道:“全部退下。” Under king Ling, aura clears with the sand dust quickly. 王令之下,气息随着沙尘很快散尽。 The Yun Che corners of the mouth lean the one slight taunt arc...... seem like that is this king heart is vast, calm like mountain. Is the heart dreads actually, is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 云澈嘴角倾起一抹轻微的嘲讽弧线……看似是这君王心胸广博,沉稳如岳。实则是心有畏惧,投鼠忌器。 When he for Emperor Yun, who dares trespasses Emperor Yun City, is so torn to pieces by a Yan San claw early. 他为云帝时,谁人敢如此擅闯帝云城,早被阎三一爪子撕烂。
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