ATG :: Volume #19

#1985: In those days Beichen

„...... You?” Mo Cangying lifts the eyebrow. “……你?”陌蒼鷹抬眉。 Helian Lingzhu is also astonished however lifts the pupil, in their astonished vision, Yun Che stood up slowly, arrived at the youngster body side. 赫連玲珠也訝然抬眸,在他們驚異的目光中,云澈緩緩站起身來,來到了少年身側。 Your wound......” Helian Lingzhu subconscious putting out a hand. “你的傷……”赫連玲珠下意識的伸手。 Is unimportant.” The Yun Che smile said: Seemingly serious, actually is mainly the flesh wound. Here medicine gas is rich, these time have restored many.” “不要緊。”云澈微笑道:“看似嚴重,其實主要是外傷。這里藥氣濃郁,這幾個時辰已經恢復很多了。” Does not wait for Helian Lingzhu to closely examine, his palm builds on the youngster right arm, one is the weak profound gas floods into very much slowly: Qichuan, making me have a look at your corroded degree.” 不等赫連玲珠追問,他手掌搭在少年右臂上,一道很是微弱的玄氣緩慢涌入:“圻川,讓我看看你被侵蝕的程度。” The entire right arm of his profound gas quick duplicate slow youngster, sensation existence of corrosion. 他的玄氣很快覆慢少年的整個右臂,感知著侵蝕的存在。 The deep pool dust is not poisonous, does not have the life, its essence, is high plane power that one type is unable to be controlled. Therefore it corrosion, in any poison compared with abyss cognition, want fearfully are much more. 淵塵不是毒,更沒有生命,其本質,是一種無法被控制的高位面力量。所以其“侵蝕”,要比深淵認知中的任何毒,都要可怕的多得多。 Moment, Yun Che is in the heart understands clearly. 須臾,云澈已是心中了然。 What do you want to make?” Mo Cangying is staring at him: Is difficult to be inadequate, you want to say do oneself have the means for the corrosion of his ceremonial cleansing deep pool dust? First Gu good oneself.” “你要做什么?”陌蒼鷹凝視著他:“難不成,你想說自己有辦法為他祓除淵塵的侵蝕?先顧好自己吧。” Ceremonial cleansing corrodes, I naturally do not have that ability.” The Yun Che very indifferent say/way, his hand also put aside from youngster body at this time: „The corrosion that but, he suffers is not serious, stops the arm to be a pity directly. If eliminates some it corroded that body flesh and blood and passages through which vital energy circulates, the remaining part, supports it fully to restore sufficiently.” “祓除侵蝕,我當然沒有那個能力。”云澈很是淡然的道,他的手也在這時從少年身上移開:“不過,他所遭受的侵蝕并不嚴重,直接斷除手臂過于可惜。若是將其被侵蝕的那部分皮肉骨血以及經脈清除,殘剩的部分,足以支撐其完全恢復。” Mo Cangying smiled, the happy expression has the taunt of not mincing matter: You know that what you are saying?” 陌蒼鷹笑了,笑意帶著毫不掩飾的嘲諷:“你知道你在說什么嗎?” Before Yun Che look such as, without explaining anything: Makes me try apparent. At least, will not compare to stop the arm result to be worse again.” 云澈神色如前,沒有解釋什么:“讓我試一試便知。至少,再怎么也不會比斷除手臂結果更壞。” Then, he does not wait for returning of Mo Cangying 說完,他不等陌蒼鷹的回 Should, look at the youngster saying: Fears the pain?” 應,看著少年道:“怕痛嗎?” The youngster somewhat are ignorant shaking the head however: Did not fear.” 少年有些懵然的搖頭:“不怕。” Good, that insists.” “好,那就堅持住。” The language falls, his five fingers point falls on the upper arm of youngster, the profound gas release, changes to the innumerable rivulets to disperse in his right arm in a flash. 語落,他的五指點落在少年的上臂,玄氣釋放,轉瞬化作無數的細流在他的右臂之中散開。 Puff bang bang bang...... 噗噗砰砰砰…… The blood holes explode on the arm of youngster, with the blood froth of splash, carries over piece by piece the broken bone and broken muscle of dispersing. 一個又一個的血洞在少年的手臂上爆開,伴隨著飛濺的血沫,隨之又帶出片片飛散的碎骨與碎筋。 However in an instant, the entire only right arm of youngster is tattered and torn. So the torture, lets the face of youngster is pale like the paper, his mouth big, is actually howling a sound. 不過轉眼之間,少年的整只右臂已是千瘡百孔。如此酷刑,讓少年的面孔已是慘白如紙,他嘴巴大張,卻是嚎不出一絲聲音。 You!!” Mo Cangying low roaring sound, he just about to acts, then had held on by Helian Lingzhu: No! Perhaps...... perhaps......” “你!!”陌蒼鷹低喝一聲,他剛要出手,便已被赫連玲珠拉住:“別!說不定……說不定……” Her double pupil is focusing on the Yun Che's movement, nearly does not have reason is believing. 她雙眸緊盯著云澈的動作,近乎毫無理由的相信著。 This matter, how possibly.” The Mo Cangying brow is tight, the both arms tighten: „His clearly is......” “這種事情,怎么可能。”陌蒼鷹眉頭緊蹙,雙臂更是繃緊:“他這分明是……” He finishes barely the words, another big blood fog explodes in the youngster arm, Yun Che also received the hand at this time suddenly. 他話音未落,又一大蓬血霧在少年手臂爆開,云澈也在這時忽然收手。 Youngster fierce falls down, being sweating profusely of his pain, the whole body convulsion, in the mouth sends out intermittent hoarse neighing. 少年猛的癱倒在地,他痛的滿頭大汗,全身痙攣,口中更是發出陣陣沙啞的嘶叫。 Was OK.” The Yun Che five fingers draw, lightly language. “可以了。”云澈五指收攏,淡淡而語。 Qichuan!” Helian Lingzhu takes possession to support the youngster hastily, he still also the immature arm covered entirely about hundred every large or small blood holes, alarmed. 圻川!”赫連玲珠連忙附身扶住少年,他尚還稚嫩的手臂布滿了近百個大大小小的血洞,觸目驚心。 Her profound gas release, blocks him to well up the wound of blood fast. But immediately, anxiety on her face transfers with astonishment, again to deep startled however. 她玄氣釋放,去快速封鎖他汩汩涌血的傷口。但馬上,她臉上的焦急轉為驚愕,再到深深的驚然。 Yun Che!” The Mo Cangying mask chill in the air, the eye releases to be inwardly angry: „ He eventually is a child, is enough pitiful. We give you to have the graciousness 云澈!”陌蒼鷹面罩寒意,目釋慍怒:“他終究還是個孩子,已是足夠可憐。我們予你有恩 Does not have the enmity, you unexpectedly...... ” 無仇,你居然……” Nine fellow apprentices.” Helian Lingzhu breaks him, the sound brings the excitement that is difficult to damp: He is not devastating intentionally. The Qichuan corroded spot has vanished completely, moreover...... his right arm not waste.” “九師兄。”赫連玲珠打斷他,聲音帶著難抑的激動:“他不是在故意摧殘。圻川被侵蝕的部位已全部消失,而且……他的右臂沒有廢。” „......!?” Mo Cangying turns round, a face is unable to believe. He starts to speak but hesitates, then fast putting out a hand cover to the left arm of youngster. “……!?”陌蒼鷹回身,一臉的無法置信。他欲言又止,然后快速伸手罩向少年的左臂。 Immediately, his chilling face also wants intense several times compared with Helian Lingzhu suddenly presently startled accommodates. 馬上,他冷硬的面孔驟現比赫連玲珠還要強烈數倍的驚容。 The entire right arm of youngster does not only have any trace that was corroded by the deep pool dust. 少年的整只右臂已沒有了任何被淵塵侵蝕的痕跡。 His flesh. The bone and passages through which vital energy circulates, are the wound create all innumerably, probably experienced being cut to pieces. 他的血肉。骨頭、經脈,無不是傷創無數,像是經歷了千刀萬剮。 But...... flesh regardless of the time being, creates remnantly hence, his entire root arm bone as before complete connected, most important passages through which vital energy circulates remnantly and unceasingly. 但……血肉暫且不論,殘創至此,他的整根臂骨依舊完整相連,最重要的經脈殘而不斷。 That each corroded part, was eliminated by the complete gouging. 那每一處被侵蝕的部分,都被完完全全的剜除。 But not the corroded part has almost not injured to unexpectedly tiny bit! 而未被侵蝕的部分竟幾乎是未傷到一絲一毫! The place of limit, few one, the corrosion is then ineradicable, many one, the passages through which vital energy circulates will then abandon. 極限之處,少一毫,侵蝕便無法根除,多一毫,經脈便會廢斷。 As if underwent the strictest survey, most accurate cutting, 仿佛經過了最嚴密的測量,最精準的切割, Perfectly to appalling. 完美到讓人毛骨悚然。 Mo Cangying transfers eye of flesh broken bone that looks at to the splashing full ground, performing is a corroded grey defeat, does not bring almost a brightness. 陌蒼鷹轉目看向濺滿地面的血肉碎骨,盡是一片被侵蝕后的灰敗,不帶幾乎一絲的鮮活。 He lifts the eye fiercely, decides to look at Yun Che, in the hearts , if there is sandstorm to wreak havoc, is unable to be tranquil. 他猛的抬目,定定看著云澈,心間如有沙暴肆虐,無法平靜。 How you...... do you achieve?” Helian Lingzhu blurts, her profound gas pasts in the youngster arms repeatedly, in the hearts still cannot believe. “你……你是如何做到的?”赫連玲珠脫口而言,她的玄氣在少年臂間反復流轉,心間兀自不敢相信。 Yun Che as before is that mild such as the faint smile of water: In my brain has complete medical ethics medical principles, wants to come, I should be medicine before.” 云澈依舊是那副溫潤如水的淺笑:“我腦中有著很完整的醫道醫理,想來,我以前應該是一個醫者。” Medicine?” Helian Lingzhu actually shakes the head: „ To the ripeness of body “醫者?”赫連玲珠卻是搖頭:“對軀體的熟 Knows, the control of profound gas fierce to so the degree, I medicine of cognition, no one can achieve, the chief court physicians in my Imperial Court, not possibly break. ” 知、玄氣的掌控厲害到這般程度,我所認知的醫者,無一人可以做到,就連我朝中的首席御醫,都斷無可能。” „......” This time, Mo Cangying has not refuted. “……”這次,陌蒼鷹沒有反駁。 The youngster also forgot the pain recited, he lifted, although severe pain, say/way that the right arm that but can control as before reluctantly, does not dare to believe: „Didn't I...... my arm...... need to stop?” 少年也忘記了痛吟,他抬起雖然劇痛,但依舊能勉強操控的右臂,不敢置信的道:“我……我的手臂……不用斷除了嗎?” Un, does not use. Cures to recover well, most 1-2 months, can restore such as beginning.” The Yun Che smile said, he nods the head to Helian Lingzhu: Thank long Princess erroneous praise. Receives two life-saving effortses, makes the return slightly.” “嗯,不用了。好好療愈,最多1-2月,就可以恢復如初。”云澈微笑道,他向赫連玲珠頷首:“感謝長公主謬贊。承兩位救命之恩,也算是稍做回報。” His relaxing body, continues saying: In view of this, my then no longer many lines of stays, here to two don't. Another day if predestined friends says goodbye, will decide will repay the life-saving efforts full power.” 他直了直腰身,繼續道:“既如此,我便不再多行停留,在此向兩位別過。他日若有緣再見,定會全力報答救命之恩。” „Ah?” this saying goodbye suddenly is big anticipation of Helian Lingzhu: „Do you want to walk? So is why anxious? Do you have the beforehand memory? Your wound......” “啊?”這忽然的道別大出赫連玲珠的意料:“你要走?為什么這么急?你不是沒有之前的記憶么?還有你的傷……” Yun Che said: I, although the injury has not recovered, but has been able to act reluctantly. I remember not to reply, but can remember indistinctly the manner chases down. If stays in this was long, perhaps will attract the person of chasing down.” 云澈道:“我雖傷勢未愈,但已然可以勉強行動。我記憶未復,但能隱約記得為人所追殺。若是在此停留的久了,說不定會引來追殺之人。” You save my life, I am hard to repay, how could to bring in Guatemalan hardship to you again.” “你們救我性命,我已是難以報答,豈能再給你們引來危厄。” Then, he good a ritual, turns around directly, steps the obviously weak footsteps to walk outward. 說完,他行了一禮,直接轉身,邁著明顯虛弱的腳步向外走去。 This is firm and sincere, making Mo Cangying be moved. 這份堅決和真誠,讓陌蒼鷹都為之動容。 Wait!” Helian Lingzhu anxious moves sideways, kept off before the Yun Che body directly: You injure is so heavy, basically impossible goes out of here. Solely outside sandstorm, might want your life.” “等等!”赫連玲珠急急的一個閃身,直接擋在了云澈身前:“你傷的這么重,根本不可能走出這里。單單外面的沙暴,都有可能要了你的命。” Do not repay me “你不是要報答我 Life-saving efforts? ” Keeps her of this place Yun Che with the Mo Cangying guarantee, at this time had found completely safe reason: „After does not use, at present.” 們的救命之恩么?”原本已和陌蒼鷹保證將云澈留在此地的她,此時已找到了萬全的理由:“不用等以后,眼下就可以。” My Imperial Father injured for...... the manner in the past. That person of power invades to entangle the heart arteries, does not dare to drive out, can only incomparable slow resolution, causing Imperial Father these years always to fully suffer to suffer, does not dare to act rashly profound strength.” “我父皇當年為……為人所傷。那人的力量侵纏心脈,不敢驅除,只能無比之緩的化解,導致父皇這些年一直飽受折磨,也不敢妄動玄力。” Your medical ethics is so fierce, perhaps you will have the means.” Her earnestly said: If you can rescue my Imperial Father, even if alleviates the pain slightly, is not only also my graciousness, my Helian imperial family will also always remember your benevolence.” “你醫道如此厲害,說不定你會有辦法。”她殷切的道:“若你能救我父皇,哪怕只是稍稍緩解痛苦,不但是還我之恩,我赫連皇室還會銘記你的恩情。” Facing the Helian Lingzhu vision, Yun Che not extremely hesitant, nods slowly: Such being the case...... good, I will try with every effort.” 面對赫連玲珠的目光,云澈沒有太過猶豫,緩緩點了點頭:“既然如此……好,我會盡力一試。” very good.” Cannot restrain the joy in the hearts exuding, the Helian Lingzhu lip splits the happy expression: You first heal from a wound well, I and nine fellow apprentices also stay for two days in this. Two days later, I lead you to see my Imperial Father.” 太好了。”沒能抑住心間過于泛動的欣喜,赫連玲珠唇綻笑意:“你先好好養傷,我和九師兄也在此多停留兩天。兩天之后,我帶你去見我父皇。” Mo Cangying knits the brows, but has not said anything finally. 陌蒼鷹皺了皺眉,但最終沒說什么。 ...... …… After two days, Yun Che accompanies Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying, flew to be at to the Helian imperial family. 兩日之后,云澈隨同赫連玲珠陌蒼鷹,飛向了赫連皇室所在。 Only crossed short on the 2nd weakly, Yun Che as before condition, but flesh wound good bits and pieces, especially on the face the bloodstain completely disappears, the scar goes pale, has not suffered the Emperor Yun appearance/portrait that the deep pool dust has corroded to make Helian Lingzhu be startled to look for a long time, however put aside the vision hastily. 只過了短短兩日,云澈依舊一副虛弱之態,但外傷似已好了七七八八,尤其臉上血痕盡消,傷痕淡去,未曾遭受過淵塵侵蝕的云帝真容讓赫連玲珠怔看了許久,才匆然移開目光。 Long Princess, takes the liberty to ask why your Imperial Father is power injures?” Yun Che seemingly optional asking: Not is only a sovereign, naturally is supreme existence, how and easily will be to injure? Is the foreign enemy?” “長公主,冒昧一問,你父皇是為何種力量所傷?”云澈貌似隨意的問道:“既為一界之皇,自然是至高無上的存在,又怎么會輕易為人所傷?難道是外敵?” This issue makes on the Helian Lingzhu face pass 這個問題讓赫連玲珠臉上晃過 Obvious unnatural, she sighed one lightly, said: This matter......, although some difficult words, but also has nothing to conceal, in Qilin deep pool almost everyone knows.” 明顯的不自然,她輕嘆一聲,道:“這件事……雖然有些難言,但也沒什么可隱瞞的,麟淵界內幾乎人人知曉。” Injures my Imperial Father person, Mo Beichen.” “打傷我父皇的人,名陌悲塵。” Yun Che looks being astonished color: „Before this name...... Qichuan, has said that abyss knight? Doesn't he come your Qilin deep pool? Also is regarded as unsurpassed glorious and pride, why can making a move injure your Imperial Father?” 云澈面露訝色:“這個名字……圻川之前說過的那位深淵騎士?他不是出身你們麟淵界么?還被視為無上的榮耀與驕傲,為什么會出手傷你父皇?” Mo Cangying tightened the eyebrow. 陌蒼鷹緊了緊眉。 Helian Lingzhu smiles bitterly and astringently: He indeed comes this place, although was born in not a big patriarchal clan, is actually the entire Qilin deep pool historically Wanzai the rare talent who is difficult to meet.” 赫連玲珠苦澀一笑:“他的確出身此地,雖生于一個不大的宗族,卻是整個麟淵界歷史上萬載難遇的奇才。” His talent is extremely high, fierce does not fear, once to ask breakthrough solitarily thorough fog sea. The ambition is extremely lofty, yearned the deep pool sovereigns are at pure land, after having daughter, is swore that must lead the wife and daughters to the pure land above.” “他天賦極高,悍不畏死,曾為求突破只身深入霧海。志向更是極為高遠,向往淵皇所在的‘凈土’,在有了女兒之后,更是立誓要將妻女帶至凈土之上。” However he indeed is also put into action, follows one to recommend his abyss knight, goes to the pure land to attend into the brutal smelting trial of abyss knight.” “而他也的確付諸行動,跟隨一位引薦他的深淵騎士,前往凈土參加成為深淵騎士的殘酷試煉。” Will not have the message over the following several years again. The latter news comes, he has died in the smelting trial of pure land.” “此后數年再無音訊。后消息傳來,他已死在了凈土的試煉之中。” Helian Lingzhu long stretch/leisurely catches one's breath , to continue saying: His two daughters intelligence are mediocre, belonging should be discarded disabled person. But by he incomparably strength and status remarkably, his patriarchal clan naturally does not dare to treat his family member thinly. When he goes to the pure land, our imperial family promised him with his patriarchal clan, will do utmost to protect his wife and daughters to be complete, making him not need any to worry.” 赫連玲珠長長舒緩了一口氣,繼續道:“他的兩個女兒都資質平庸,屬于該被舍棄的‘廢人’。但以他無比卓然的實力與身份,他的宗族自然不敢薄待他的家人。他去往凈土時,我們皇室與他的宗族都向他萬般保證,會竭盡全力保護他妻女周全,讓他無需任何牽掛。” But, the death news transmitted......” Helian Lingzhu to stop, particularly crabbed say/way: His two daughters also lost the asylum.” “但,死訊傳來……”赫連玲珠停頓了一下,分外艱澀的道:“他的兩個女兒也失去了庇護。” So-called loses asylum...... is 所謂的“失去庇護”……是 The imperial family that makes the commitment with his patriarchal clan, brutally gave up to the asylum of his daughter. 立下承諾的皇室與他的宗族,都無情放棄了對他女兒的庇護。 Extremely limited resources, harsh survival principle, laid out only has the brutal reality. 極其有限的資源,苛刻之極的生存法則,鋪陳的唯有再殘酷不過的現實。 Without the asylum, was too long, his two daughters then died of the corrosion of deep pool dust.” “沒有了庇護,沒過太久,他的兩個女兒便先后死于淵塵的侵蝕。” His wife also after losing husbands and two females, not fresh read again, alienated oneself, but finally.” “他的妻子也在痛失丈夫和兩女后,再無生念,自絕而終。” These, inform Yun Che's not to come and go out with pond Wuyao. 這些,都與池嫵仸所告知云澈的并無出入。 However after his wife dies is less than one month, he came back...... as abyss knight, wears mail-armor and helmet that pure land Divine Emissary grants.” “而就在他妻子死后不到一個月,他回來了……以深淵騎士的身份,戴著凈土神官賜予的甲胄。” Following matter, it can be imagined. 后面的事情,可想而知。 Beichen the name, is from this. He becomes trail blazer on own initiative, is holding greatly sad under the heart of going to dying. 悲塵”之名,便是由此而更。他主動成為“先驅者”,亦是抱著大悲之下的赴死之心。 Mo Beichen is therefore vents anger your Imperial Father, injures him?” Yun Che asked. 陌悲塵便是因此遷怒你父皇,將他打傷?”云澈問道。 Helian Lingzhu nods, shakes the head, bitter and astringent say/way: As his abyss knight lofty, vertical is under the extreme methods, my Helian arteries are also speechless.” 赫連玲珠點頭,又緊接著搖頭,苦澀的道:“以他深淵騎士的崇高身份,縱是下死手,我赫連一脈也無話可說。” The tragedy has cast, Helian Lingzhu mentioned at this moment, as before distressed. 悲劇早已鑄成,赫連玲珠此刻言及,依舊痛心至極。 The abyss knight is how lofty, the Helian dynasty once was never that extravagant four characters can touch absurdly. 深淵騎士何其崇高,赫連皇朝曾經從未奢妄能觸及的四個字。 That should be Tianci Helian divine light, was the turning point of Helian dynasty destiny transition. 那本該是天賜赫連神光,是赫連皇朝命運轉折的契機。 Was actually destroyed personally by them, destroyed the disturbing light Heavenly Star. 卻被他們親手毀去,將天星摧成了噩光。 Yun Che looked that to Mo Cangying that had not spoken: Mo Big Brother also takes Mo as the surname, is it possible that...... has an origin.” 云澈看向一直沒有說話的陌蒼鷹:“陌大哥也以陌為姓氏,莫非……有所淵源。” Has a clan.” The Mo Cangying sound is untender: But the patriarchal clan has been defeated and dispersed, does not raise!” “同出一族。”陌蒼鷹聲音毫無感情:“但宗族已然潰散,不提也罷!” Yun Che smiles lightly: „ Desire is Cangying, not with song of the birds. Mo Big Brother in the name of Cangying, naturally cannot be resigned to reside in 云澈淡淡一笑:“欲為蒼鷹,勿與鳥鳴。陌大哥既以蒼鷹為名,自然不會甘心居于 The place of song of the birds. Also is the same clan, can have Mo Beichen, will then not have reason not to present second. ” 鳥鳴之地。既為同族,能出一個陌悲塵,便沒有理由不會出現第二個。” Mo Cangying pupil slightly shakes, deep looked at Yun Che one. 陌蒼鷹瞳孔微震,深深的看了云澈一眼。 His name, precisely out of desire is Cangying, not with song of the birds. 他的名字,正是出于“欲為蒼鷹,勿與鳥鳴”。 His ambition, in pure land. 他的志向,亦在凈土。 These words diverged the dreariness between Helian Lingzhu foreheads immediately, she smiled: Has your words, nine fellow apprentices feared that must regard as the friend you.” 這番話頓時散去了赫連玲珠眉宇間的陰郁,她笑了起來:“有你這句話,九師兄怕是要將你視為知己。” Snort!” In the Mo Cangying noses makes a sound. “哼!”陌蒼鷹鼻間哼氣。 I also believe, nine fellow apprentices will certainly become second Mo Beichen in the future...... not, will be fiercer than Mo Beichen.” “我也相信,九師兄將來一定會成為第二個陌悲塵……不,會比陌悲塵更厲害。” In Helian Imperial City does not have the sandstorm, but is still dusky a piece. Floods here each space besides deep pool dust, dust sand. 赫連皇城之中沒有沙暴,但依舊灰蒙蒙一片。充斥這里每一處空間的除了淵塵,還有塵沙。 The Imperial City construction all casts for the rock crag, the withered and yellow profound light booklet is reflecting the dignity of dynasty. 皇城建筑皆為磐巖所鑄,枯黃的玄光折映著皇朝的威嚴。 This dignity, many belts some emaciations of losing the energy. 只是這股威嚴,多少帶著些許失了底氣的羸弱。
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