ATG :: Volume #19

#1984: Corrosion

Silent circulation of time in silentness, until a cautious form appeared in the Yun Che line of sight. 时间在静默中无声流转,直至一个小心翼翼的身影出现在了云澈视线中。 This is one seemingly only has ten -year-old over youngster, the appearance is thin, the skin was short of the lubrication of several points of young fellow, were many for several points roughly and sinks secretly. 这是一个看上去只有十岁出头的少年,面相消瘦,皮肤少了几分少年人的滑润,多了几分粗糙与暗沉。 He saw cut and bruised, is lying down there Yun Che, the neck shrinks, but has not left immediately, the vision swept fast surrounding, hesitant a while, has the courage to ask: „Does this elder brother...... the senior, where you know Ling bead Senior Sister? I heard that she came back.” 他看到了遍体鳞伤,正躺在那里的云澈,脖子一缩,但没有马上离开,目光快速扫了周围一圈,犹豫了一会儿,才鼓起勇气问道:“这位哥……前辈,你知道玲珠师姐在哪里吗?我听说她回来了。” Yun Che transfers the eye, temperate say/way: She indeed came back, but not here. Should be sees in her mouth Honored Master.” 云澈转目,温和的道:“她的确回来了,但并不在这里。应该是去见她口中的‘师尊’了。” On the face of youngster appears immediately disappointedly, but as before polite say/way: I knew, thanks the senior to inform.” 少年的脸上顿时浮现失望,但依旧礼貌的道:“我知道了,谢谢前辈告知。” From his cautious appearance, he runs away obviously come out. Anticipates to fail, he turns round low-spirited, Yun Che stopped by calling out him: She should quick come back, if you want to see her, might as well waits for last a while here.” 从他小心翼翼的样子来看,他显然是偷跑出来的。期待落空,他黯然回身,云澈却是叫住了他:“不过她应该很快就回来了,你若是很想见她的话,不妨在这里等上一会儿。” Youngster eyes shines resplendent immediately, makes an effort nod: Good! So long as can see Ling bead Senior Sister, how long me waits to want.” 少年眼眸顿时亮灿,用力点头:“好!只要能见到玲珠师姐,等多久我都愿意。” Then the dangling head, made up one very much low voice: „...... Not discovered words.” 然后又垂下头,很小声的补了一句:“……没有被发现的话。” Takes one's leave the dry string, should return to Helian Lingzhu of Imperial Court to decide with Mo Cangying directly finally before departure and Yun Che says a hello, the name cannot lose the imperial family formality. 拜别枯弦,本该直接和陌苍鹰返回朝中的赫连玲珠终于还是决定在离开前和云澈打一声招呼,名义是不能失了皇室礼节。 Mo Cangying can only , helpless consented. 陌苍鹰只能无奈应允。 When close to they heard a conversation sound of him and young fellow. 临近之时,他们听到了他与一个少年人的交谈声。 „...... In our Qilin deep pool, 99% people are majors in earth attribute profound strength, the minor by wind attribute profound strength is in the majority. “……在我们麟渊界,90%九的人都是主修土系玄力,辅修以风系玄力的居多。 I am the Lord earth auxiliary wind, now has been able to roll up and push along very big sandstorm. ” 我就是主土辅风,现在已经可以卷动很大一片的风沙。” Listened to Master saying that our Qilin deep pool will attract and gather all profound practitioner that cultivated earth attribute profound strength, because here was the abyss earth attribute power strongest and active place. But outside person actually few people cultivate/repair earth attribute profound strength, even...... Master added, they look down upon earth attribute profound strength, thinks that cultivates this being expert defense power is the act of coward...... is not this!” “听师父说,我们麟渊界会吸引和聚集所有修炼土系玄力玄者,因为这里是深渊土系力量最最浓烈和活跃的地方。而外面的人却很少有人修土系玄力,甚至……师父还说,他们都看不起土系玄力,认为修炼这种专精防御的力量是懦夫的行径……才不是这样!” voice/sound of youngster brings being unwilling: Practices earth attribute profound strength also many extraordinary characters! In here, but also has presented Abyss Knight!” 少年的声音带着不甘:“修炼土系玄力的也有很多了不起的人物!就在我们这里,还出现过一个深渊骑士!” Mentioned Abyss Knight blazingly four characters, the worship and respect of youngster in the eyes such as the flame of combustion: I heard that he was also selected by Abyss Sovereign, becomespioneer that inquires abouteternal Pure Land.” 提及“深渊骑士”四个字,少年眼中的崇拜、敬仰炽烈如燃烧的火焰:“听说,他还被渊皇选中,成为了探寻‘永恒净土’的先驱者。” He called Mo Beichen, Abyss Knight to rank 779 th, conferred a title upon to seal/confer Chen the protection. He is our Qilin deep pool person Oh!” “他叫陌悲尘,深渊骑士排位第七百七十九位,封号‘封尘守护’。他是我们麟渊界的人!” Youngster each character brings as if to overflow the pride of come out. 少年每一个字都带着仿佛要溢出来的骄傲。 On the Yun Che face smiles as before, the pupil actually received to congeal slightly flickered. 云澈脸上微笑依旧,瞳孔却是微微收凝了一瞬。 Mo Beichen...... 陌悲尘…… Also is really predestined friends! 还真是有缘! This makes Qianye Ying'er lose the grandfather and Great Ancestor father, making him lose three Yama Ancestor and He Ling,...... he how will have the half a point to put behind truly the terrifying character who entire God Realm forces into the hopeless situation! 这个让千叶影儿失去祖父与太祖父,让他失去三阎祖禾菱,将整个神界真正逼入绝境的恐怖人物……他岂会有半分忘却! Senior,” the pupil light of youngster transforms, voice/sound also low and drawn out: You said, in this world, really has eternal Pure Land?” “前辈,”少年的眸光转变,声音也低缓了下来:“你说,这个世界上,真的存在‘永恒净土’吗?” I heard that is one does not have the abyss dust place. There can see the cyan grass everywhere, having tree that can looks very be very high high, also calling flower the thing, can bloom “听说,那是一个不存在渊尘的地方。那里到处都可以看到青色的草,有可以长得很高很高的树,还有一种叫‘花’的东西,可以绽放出 Many colors. ” 很多种颜色。” I heard that there sky is the blue color, there child did not need a birth by protection, even cultivation not diligently, will not be corroded, not because natural talent not good to be discarded, all children can very free growing up.” “听说,那里的天空是蓝色的,那里的小孩子不需要一出生就被‘保护’,就算不努力的修炼,也不会被侵蚀,更不会因为天赋不好而被舍弃掉,所有的小孩子都可以很自由的长大。” „Will such place, really exist?” “这样的地方,真的会存在吗?” He described, was in the Yun Che cognition the ordinary scene. To his world, no one will care and mention ordinary. 他所描述的,是云澈认知中再普通不过的场景。普通到在他的世界,没有任何人会去在意和提及。 But in the look and spoken language of youngster, is describing one only to exist thinks the illusion in Qi, happily to letting him, lets the world that all abyss lives cannot believe. 但在少年的眼神与言语中,却是在描述一个只该存在于绮想幻梦,美好到让他,让所有深渊生灵都不敢去相信的世界。 It exists certainly.” Yun Che very affirmative reply. “它当然存在。”云澈很肯定的回答。 Outside the palace, Helian Lingzhu also cannot help but stopped the footsteps. 殿外,赫连玲珠也不由得停住了脚步。 The in the eyes different glow of youngster flashes, extinguishes immediately, obviously, he does not believe: could it be that, have you personally seen eternal Pure Land?” 少年的眼中异芒闪动,又马上熄灭,显然,他并不相信:“难道,你亲眼见过‘永恒净土’吗?” The Yun Che smile said: This with whether has seen having nothing to do, but is you must believe its existence.” 云澈微笑道:“这与是否见过无关,而是你要相信它的存在。” Believes?” In protection , the youngster who never gains experience of the world truly is since childhood bewildered. “相信?”从小就在“保护”之中,从未真正涉世的少年一脸茫然。 Because believes that’ these two characters, is extraordinary power.” The Yun Che's look is pleasantly warm and earnest: If you need the miracle, that only then you believe it, it may appear.” “因为‘相信’这两个字,是一种了不起的力量。”云澈的神色温软而认真:“如果你需要奇迹,那么只有你相信它,它才有可能出现。” If you long for eternal Pure Land, then, only then believes that its existence, and tries hard, perhaps it in one day, will really appear in your life.” “如果你渴望‘永恒净土’,那么,只有坚信它的存在,并为之努力,它或许就会在某一天,真的出现在你的生命里。” Even finally, still cannot find eternal Pure Land, then, this follows the life happy rigid and for the effort that it makes, in your Soul “就算最终,依然没能找到‘永恒净土’,那么,这伴随一生的美好执着和为之付出的努力,又何尝不是在你的灵魂之中 Opened one piece to belong to your eternal Pure Land forever. ” 开辟出了一片永远属于你的‘永恒净土’。” If the eye pupil of youngster has the stars sparkle, these has not extinguished time for a very long time. 少年的眼瞳如有星辰闪耀,这一次久久都没有熄灭。 Helian Lingzhu outside palace was also startled for a while there. 殿外的赫连玲珠也一时怔在了那里。 Until the Mo Cangying steps forward, shoved open the palace gate. 直到陌苍鹰踏步向前,推开了殿门。 The youngster look back, saw Helian Lingzhu, immediately sent out pleasantly surprised shouting extremely: Ling bead Senior Sister!” 少年回首,一眼看到了赫连玲珠,顿时发出惊喜万分的呼喊:“玲珠师姐!” His whole face threw excitedly, actually held on by Mo Cangying, he deeply knits the brows: Qi Sichuan! Did you run away secretly come out? Your could it be that does not know that by your present cultivation base, leaves protection formation of mausoleum chamber is how dangerous behavior!” 他满脸兴奋的扑了上去,却被陌苍鹰一把拉住,他深深皱眉:“圻川!你是偷偷跑出来了?你难道不知道以你如今的修为,离开地宫的保护结界是多么危险的行为!” The youngster awe to Mo Cangying very much: I...... I want to see Ling bead Senior Sister.” 少年对陌苍鹰很是敬畏:“我……我只是太想见玲珠师姐了。” Snort!” The Mo Cangying complexion is severe: You should try hard to cultivate, when you cultivate/repair to Divine Soul Realm, can leave the mausoleum chamber half double-hour every three days! By your present cultivation base, simply has not left the qualifications of mausoleum chamber. For desire of willful unseemly behavior oneself heart, only disappointingly!” “哼!”陌苍鹰面色严厉:“那你就该努力修炼,待你修至神魂境,每三日便可离开地宫半个时辰!以你如今的修为,根本没有离开地宫的资格。为了己心之欲任性妄为,只会让人失望透顶!” Don't forget, if before 1/4 sixty-year cycle, cannot achievement Divine Tribulation Realm, you be discarded! At the appointed time, even your Ling bead Senior Sister will not guarantee you!” “别忘了,若四分之一个甲子前不能成就神劫境,你就会被舍弃!到时,就算是你的‘玲珠师姐’也不会保你!” Yun Che heart next changes countenance. 云澈心下一阵动容。 15-year-old Divine Tribulation Realm, in God Realm any Star Realm, alarms a side sufficiently the talent. 15岁的神劫境,在神界的任何星界,都是足以惊动一方的天才。 But in this abyss, only touches not the discarded qualifications unexpectedly. 而在这深渊,竟只堪堪触碰到不被舍弃的资格。 Here, nothing and contains to pitying of younger generation. 这里,没有任何对幼辈的怜悯与包容。 A anybody birth, then must face most brutal survival principle. 任何人一出生,便要面对最为残酷的生存法则 —— except for the child of Divine Country these days elects. ——除了那些天选的神国之子。 Yun Che thinks suddenly, Chi Wuyao the memory of Mo Beichen there seizing, his two daughters, are encounter rejection, in invading of abyss dust 云澈忽然想到,池妩仸陌悲尘那里攫取的记忆中,他的两个女儿,便是遭到“舍弃”,在渊尘的侵 Under the eclipse perishes. 蚀下亡去。 Therefore, he regarding this place, should only have hate intent. 所以,他对于此地,应该唯有恨意 Good,” Helian Lingzhu walked, puts out a hand to protect the scolded youngster: Qi Sichuan eventually is also only a child, does not need to speak such heavy words to him.” “好啦,”赫连玲珠走了过来,伸手护住正在被呵斥的少年:“圻川终究还只是个孩子,没必要对他说这么重的话。” Mo Cangying said: Tolerates harms him. The qualifications that the waste has not survived, idle with willfully court death! This is they, as soon as were born principle that should always remember!” 陌苍鹰道:“纵容才是害他。废物没有生存的资格,懈怠和任性就是找死!这是他们一出生就该铭记的法则!” I...... I know.” The youngster make noise, do not have not indignation, is ashamed: I thought of Ling bead Senior Sister, she like Elder Sister that I perished, was I...... in this world's only family member, so long as I looked that on good...... she also to be living like...... Elder Sister......” “我……我知道。”少年出声,没有不忿,只有羞愧:“我只是太想念玲珠师姐了,她就像我亡去的姐姐,是我心里……在这个世界唯一的亲人了,我只要看一眼就好……就像……姐姐她还活着……” I ensure other times are not willful, will make best effort to cultivate.” “我保证其他时候都绝不任性,会尽最大的努力修炼。” Moreover......” he tries hard to receive the tears fog in pupil, voice/sound takes several points of clang: In a moment ago, me found direction diligently probably.” “而且……”他努力收起瞳中的泪雾,声音带上几分铿锵:“就在刚才,我好像找到努力的方向了。” The Helian Lingzhu leaning pupil looked at Yun Che one quietly, the smile said: That is certainly best. Qi Sichuan, you will certainly become a very extraordinary person in the future. Was corroded by abyss dust in childhood meets buckle natural talent, goes back quickly. When will come back Tianfu next time, I will look on own initiative your.” 赫连玲珠悄悄侧眸看了云澈一眼,微笑道:“那当然最好。圻川,你将来一定会成为一个很了不起的人。在幼时被渊尘侵蚀可是会折损天赋,快回去吧。待下次回来天府,我会主动去看你的。” Then, she patted the shoulder of youngster gently. 说完,她轻轻拍了拍少年的肩膀。 But is this patting of no effort, causes the youngster arm to shrink unexpectedly suddenly, in the mouth sends out flickers hiss sound. 而就是这一下毫无用力的轻拍,竟引得少年手臂骤缩,口中发出一瞬“嘶”声。 Helian Lingzhu is stunned, the Mo Cangying brow sinks, suddenly forwards, a right arm that pulls up the youngster, breaks the coat of his right arm directly. 赫连玲珠愕然,陌苍鹰眉头一沉,忽然向前,一把拉起少年的右臂,将他右臂的外衣直接震碎。 The youngster send out a quite pitiful pain to shout, the five senses extruded one in the pain. 少年发出一声颇为凄惨的痛呼,五官在痛楚中挤压到了一起。 Is seeing clearly that moment of youngster right arm, Helian Lingzhu 在看清少年右臂的那一刻,赫连玲珠 The complexion unexpectedly changes, the Mo Cangying whole piece face was directly Yin. 脸色蓦地一变,陌苍鹰整张脸更是直接阴了下来。 The flesh of youngster right arm obviously sinks secretly, but also clearly discernible several half foot long black mark. 少年右臂的肌肤明显暗沉,还清晰可见数道半尺多长的黑痕。 Qi Sichuan, you......” Helian Lingzhu voice/sound trembles slightly, she was trying putting out a hand several times, actually does not dare to touch the youngster to print full Heihen the arm. “圻川,你……”赫连玲珠声音微微发颤,她数次试着伸手,却都不敢去碰触少年印满黑痕的手臂。 The Yun Che vision lie...... is this corrosion of abyss dust? 云澈目光停驻……这就是渊尘的侵蚀? When matter is this?” The Mo Cangying cold sound asked. “这是什么时候的事?”陌苍鹰寒声问道。 I...... I......” looking deathly pale of youngster, not because of ache, but discovered frightening: I do not have the relations...... I certainly to be all right......” “我……我……”少年的脸色惨白,不是因为疼痛,而是被发现后的惊吓:“我没关系……我一定会没事……” His words are paler than his complexion. Mo Cangying breathes a sigh of relief slowly, said solemnly: Right arm was corroded hence, only stops!” 他的话语比他的脸色还要苍白。陌苍鹰缓缓舒了一口气,沉声道:“右臂被侵蚀至此,唯有断除!” "Ah! is not good! ” Helian Lingzhu goes forward hastily: He was unable the recast arm, to lose the right arm now, he...... quick may be discarded.” “啊!不行!”赫连玲珠连忙上前:“他现在还远不能重铸手臂,失了右臂,他可能……很快就会被舍弃。” No choice.” Mo Cangying shakes the head: He now is also only the right arm. If not stop, disseminates the whole body, only has the dead end.” “没的选择。”陌苍鹰摇头:“他现在还只是右臂。若不断除,弥散周身,更是只有死路一条。” Honored Master can for his ceremonial cleansing corrosion.” Helian Lingzhu anxiously said: My this asked the master......” 师尊可以为他祓除侵蚀。”赫连玲珠急声道:“我这就去求师……” You asked that Honored Master will definitely not reject.” Mo Cangying looks at him, look tranquilly and with deep veneration: But, can you really hold this precedent?” “你去求,师尊肯定不会拒绝。”陌苍鹰看着他,神色平静而肃然:“但是,你真的要开这个先例吗?” The Helian Lingzhu footsteps decided all of a sudden there, was hard to step again. 赫连玲珠脚步一下子定在了那里,再难以迈动。 Mo Cangying said slowly: Not to mention entire Qilin deep pool, solely this hertz Tianfu, does not know that every day many people were corroded by abyss dust.” 陌苍鹰徐徐道:“且不说整个麟渊界,单单这赫连天府,每天都不知有多少人被渊尘所侵蚀。” „ The corrosion of abyss dust is silent, is unable to guard. You as dynasty Crown Princess, were a own heart hold this precedent, later, had the younger generation to be corroded each time, 渊尘的侵蚀无声无息,无从防备。你身为皇朝长公主,为一己之心开此先例,以后,每次有幼辈被侵蚀, Wants the Honored Master making a move ceremonial cleansing? ” 都要师尊出手祓除吗?” His life essence, was really not much left.” “他的寿元,真的所剩无几了。” „......” Helian Lingzhu slowly closed both eyes, to refute speechless. “……”赫连玲珠缓缓闭目,无言以驳。 Ling bead Senior Sister.” The youngster put out a hand, drew the Helian Lingzhu lower hem corner gently: Your being partial, I will be unforgettably engraved on one's mind for a lifetime. But this is I do not make every effort to succeed, I cannot make you feel embarrassed, cannot let Palace Chief, because I am damaged.” “玲珠师姐。”少年伸手,轻轻拉了拉赫连玲珠的衣角:“你的偏爱,我会铭心一辈子。但这是我自己不争气,我不可以让你为难,更不能让府主因我受损。” He has the face supinely, in the pupil the belt/bring tears, the surface floats the smile: Mo Senior Brother such as they said that looks very severe, is actually a very good very good person. After I have been afraid the exposition, will be discarded directly, therefore...... Mo Senior Brother stops the arm for me, is actually to my one saving.” 他仰起脸庞,眸中带泪,面浮笑颜:“陌师兄就像他们所说的那样,看上去很严厉,其实是一个很好很好的人。我一直害怕暴露后会被直接舍弃,所以才……陌师兄为我断除手臂,其实是对我的一种挽救。” You so think, is naturally best.” Mo Cangying nods slightly, vision congealing reality: Stops an arm, will not represent to stop your life and in the future. If before your four points of sixty-year cycle, can by single arm achievement Divine Tribulation Realm, not only will not be discarded, will also be linked Tianfu to take as the example by.” “你如此想,自然最好。”陌苍鹰微微颔首,目光凝实:“断除一臂,不代表断除了你的人生和未来。若你四分之一甲子前,能以单臂成就神劫境,不但不会被舍弃,还会被赫连天府引为榜样。” I...... will achieve.” voice/sound of youngster still brings slight shivering. “我……会做到。”少年的声音依然带着轻微的颤抖。 Breaks the arm to an adult male, heavy losses that may not withstand, let alone a mental not entire young fellow. 断臂对一个成年男子而言,都是不可承受的重创,何况一个心智未全的少年人。 Not only breaks is the body that the armband comes creates, the heart creates is without doubt heavier. Under abyss brutal survival principle, the small age lost an arm, magnificence how regardless of comforts, whether there is in the future...... only completely is also pessimistic. 断臂带来的不仅仅是身创,心创无疑更重。在深渊残酷的生存法则下,小小年纪失了一臂,无论安慰的多么华丽,未来……也唯有无尽悲观。 His throat surges, sends out not that difficult voice/sound diligently: Exhausted Mo Senior Brother, stops the right arm for me.” 他喉咙涌动,努力发出不那么艰涩的声音:“劳烦陌师兄,为我断除右臂。” Very good!” Mo Cangying nods. “很好!”陌苍鹰颔首。 Youngster fierce to close both eyes, Helian Lingzhu also sighed one quiet, turning around to close both eyes slowly. 少年猛的闭目,赫连玲珠也幽叹一声,缓缓的转身闭目 First waits.” Yun Che's voice was unfashionable at this time “先等等。”云澈的声音却在这时不合时 Suitable resounding: Makes me have a look.” 宜的响起:“让我看看。”
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