ATG :: Volume #19

#1983: Becoming aware of nihility

Yun Che finally awaking. 云澈终于“醒”了过来。 Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying that just about to leaves hear the sound, simultaneously turn round, saw that Yun Che had opened the eye. 刚要离开的赫连玲珠陌苍鹰听到动静,齐齐回身,看到云澈已是睁开了眼睛。 The Helian Lingzhu pupil bottom appears the happy expression, but very good maintenance the dynasty Princess impressive and dignified manner, light smile you awoke.” 赫连玲珠眸底现出喜色,但很好的维持住了皇朝公主的威仪,淡淡微笑“你醒了。” What the Mo Cangying vision are more is astonished and carefully examines. 陌苍鹰的目光则更多的是惊异和审视。 The so heavy wound, can live to be brought is more than he expected, unexpectedly also such quick waking. 如此重的伤,能活着被带回来已是大出他的预料,居然还如此之快的醒了过来。 Yun Che's body moves, actually cannot support the upper body, can only reveal the color of one gratitude to thank two vigorously...... the life-saving efforts.” 云澈的身躯动了动,却未能支起上身,只能极力的露出一抹感激之色“谢两位……救命之恩。” Mo Cangying narrowed pupil how you to know that was we saved you?” 陌苍鹰眯了眯眸“你怎么知道是我们救了你?” The Yun Che confident say/way actually, I have left leeway some consciousness, is only under the severe wound, is unable to wake up.” 云澈坦然道“其实,我一直留有些许意识,只是重伤之下,无法醒来。” Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying look simultaneously with astonishment. 赫连玲珠陌苍鹰同时面露惊愕。 The heaviness of his injury, two people gets a panoramic view. Under that condition...... can also survive the consciousness unexpectedly? 他的伤势之重,两人都尽收眼底。那种状态下……居然还能残存意识? This almost drifts away beyond their cognition. 这几乎游离于他们的认知之外。 The Yun Che vision is pure, will only have weak and grateful under severe wound including Crown Princess, Mo Big Brother, the life-saving efforts...... the future...... surely......” 云澈目光纯净,唯有重伤下的虚弱与感激“赫连长公主,陌大哥,救命之恩……将来……必定……” The short several languages, resemble have exhausted his entire energy, every time will say on one character weak several points. The Helian Lingzhu say/way ok, your injury was too serious, well the recreation, the grateful words, after the waiting for you wound was first good, said.” 短短几语,似已耗尽他全部精力,每说一字都会弱上数分。赫连玲珠道“好了,你伤势太重,先好好休养,感激的话,等你伤好后再说。” Here is including Tianfu best great power pavilion, the yellow profound energy breath that this place accumulated accumulates will help in your injury restores, you recuperate safely then.” “这里是赫连天府最好的回天阁,此地蕴积的黄玄气息会助于你的伤势恢复,你安心休养即可。” Compares in Helian Lingzhu, tone chilling many of Mo Cangying, did he ask you to name? Where comes? Why will receive such heavy wound? Why can also visit my Qilin deep pool?” 相比于赫连玲珠,陌苍鹰的语气冷硬的多,他问道“你叫什么名字?出身何地?为什么会受这么重的伤?又为什么要踏足我麟渊界?” The Qilin deep pool sandstorm surrounds, close to Fog Sea, enlivens is the strength of sand-stone extremely most profound practitioner most are not willing to cultivate/repair, thus few bystanders pass through the sandstorm to arrive at this place forcefully. 麟渊界沙暴环绕,又临近雾海,所活跃的又是极大多数玄者最不愿修的沙岩之力,因而很少有外人强行穿越沙暴到来此地。 Yun Che was startled silently a while, chanted in a low voice Qilin deep pool?” 云澈怔默了一会儿,低吟一声“麟渊界?” Also, his voice/sound slightly is low I not to know. When I wake up, has placed in the sandstorm, the whole body is the severe pain, in the consciousness...... only passes several very fearful pictures indistinctly, as if many people are chasing down...... in addition, is the darkness and blank...... does not know to be where, does not know here how comes to...... Ss! 随之,他声音稍稍低下“我不知道。我醒来时,就已身处沙暴之中,全身都是剧痛,意识里……只隐约晃过几幕很可怕的画面,似乎很多人在追杀……除此之外,皆是黑暗和空白……不知身在何处,更不知道如何来的这里……嘶! As if affects specific weight was damaged the soul sea, on the Yun Che's face the reappearing faint trace pulls out the color of pain, but was tried hard to depress by him immediately. 似乎牵动了“重度受创”的魂海,云澈的脸上浮现丝丝抽痛之色,但又马上被他努力压下。 „.” Mo Cangying a cold laugh „against person's heart for the reason of the world, you can the keep quiet, why make a shoddy excuse greatly.” “呵。”陌苍鹰一声冷笑“防人之心为世之常情,你大可以缄口,何必造个如此拙劣的借口。” Yun Che lifts the head, passes the weak double pupil is not timid color looking straight ahead Mo Cangying cold eyes Mo Big Brother, Crown Princess, you are my savior, in my heart only extremely grateful, how can there be the face countenance deceives.” 云澈抬首,透着虚弱的双眸毫无怯色的直视着陌苍鹰冷眸“陌大哥,长公主,你们是我的救命恩人,我心中唯有万分感激,岂有颜面欺瞒。” On Mo Cangying face cold intent not slow, just about to opens the mouth, Helian Lingzhu is puts out a hand to touch his shoulder to receive such serious wound, Soul inevitably was also seriously battered, remembering primordial chaos is the normal matter.” 陌苍鹰脸上冷意未缓,刚要开口,赫连玲珠已是伸手触碰他的肩膀“受了这么严重的伤,灵魂也必然遭受重创,记忆混沌是再正常不过的事。” Yun Che transfers the pupil smile , indicating the gratitude. 云澈转眸微笑,表示感激。 His eyes is extremely limpid, the limpid basis cannot dissolve a lie. 他的眼眸太过清澈,清澈的根本溶不进一丝谎言。 Such eye, making the breath of Helian Lingzhu present the temporary stagnation, the vision unconscious displacement little. 这样的眼睛,让赫连玲珠的呼吸出现了短暂的停滞,目光也不自觉的偏移少许。 That...... can you recall your name?” Helian Lingzhu asked. “那……你能记起自己的名字吗?”赫连玲珠问。 „......” Mo Cangying looks askance slightly. Because her voice/sound is too temperate, probably facing a young deer of injury, for fear that frightens him. “……”陌苍鹰微微侧目。因为她的声音实在太温和,像是面对着一只受伤的幼鹿,唯恐惊吓到他。 Yun...... Che......” Yun Che voice/sound slowly this is name of my only one fuzzy fluctuation in my blank memory, probably is my name.” 云……澈……”云澈声音缓缓“这是我唯一一个在我空白记忆里模糊浮动的名字,大概就是我的名字吧。” Yun Che...... Yun? Helian Lingzhu frowns gently, this in abyss, is a surname of very young numerous, does not exist in Qilin deep pool, is not any lofty abyss prosperous patriarchal clan or the powerhouse, only exists in the abyss surname total Ji's remote corner. 云澈……云?赫连玲珠轻轻蹙眉,这在深渊,是一个很小众的姓氏,不存在于麟渊界,也不属于任何一个威凌深渊的鼎盛宗族或强者,只存在于深渊姓氏总籍的偏僻角落。 it's just... this name unexpectedly with his such compatibility. 只是……这个名字竟与他如此之契合 Regardless of look, voice/sound and facial features...... also vertical severe wound weak, bearing that is still difficult to cover. 无论眼神、声音、面容……还有纵重伤虚弱之下,依旧难掩的气度。 forget it/that's all.” Mo Cangying was disinclined to say anything again, the direct back passed away Junior Sister Lingzhu, we should see Honored Master.” 罢了。”陌苍鹰懒得再多说什么,直接背过身去“玲珠师妹,我们该去见师尊了。” Good.” Helian Lingzhu nods, tone as before temperate like water Young Master Yun, you are then relieved here, here will decide will not have the bystander to harass. When you injure, should then be able to recall something.” “好。”赫连玲珠颔首,语气依旧温和如水“云公子,你便安心在此,这里定不会有外人相扰。待你伤好,应该便能忆起一些事了。” Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying leave, surrounding peace. 赫连玲珠陌苍鹰离开,周围一片安静。 Compares in the outside world, here profound energy is very temperate, but also is mixing with dozens different medicine air/Qi, indeed such as Helian Lingzhu said that must be special curing place. 相比于外界,这里的玄气很是温和,还夹杂着数十种不同的药气,的确如赫连玲珠所言,应当是一个专门的疗愈之地。 What a pity, in this world good curing recovers the method, cannot compare his body self-recovery. 可惜,这世上再好的疗愈手段,都比不上他身体的自愈。 Except that...... in that Hong'er mouth White Big Sister. 除了……那个红儿口中的“白色大姐姐”。 Yun Che lifts the hand slowly, goes to the sensation existence of abyss dust. 云澈缓缓抬手,去感知着渊尘的存在。 When compared with the wilderness that it he regains consciousness is at that piece of sandstorm that wreaks havoc, here abyss dust thin ten several times, regarding being born in abyss, has to have long been used to abyss dust abyss profound practitioner, perhaps the sensation does not arrive its exists. 比之他苏醒时所在的那片沙暴肆虐的荒漠,这里的渊尘稀薄了十数倍,对于出生于深渊,不得不早已习惯渊尘深渊玄者而言,或许都感知不到其存在。 But regarding is near initially clearly Yun Che of this world, existence of abyss dust as before like the essence. 但对于初临此世的云澈,渊尘的存在依旧清晰如实质。 It looks like the life of custom survival in air, suddenly was invested a world that is flooding the endless poisonous moor. deadly poison everywhere, seizes every opportunity, silent and cruel extinguishing is biting the body, flesh and blood and vitality...... as well as Soul. 就像是习惯生存于空气中的生灵,忽然被投入了一个充斥着无尽毒沼的世界。“剧毒”无处不在,无孔不入,静默而残忍的灭噬着皮肉、骨血、元气……以及灵魂 Lifted finger, moved body, Spirit Sense that even outside releases, falls to soak probably in the invisible mire. 抬起的手指,挪动的躯体,甚至外释的灵觉,都像是陷浸在无形的泥沼之中。 His vision, sense of hearing, sense of smell and sensation, were suppressed insufficient original 10%. 他的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、感知,都被压制到了不足原本的10%。 This is after abyss dust was isolated in vigorously city. 这还是在渊尘被极力隔离后的城中。 Outside the city...... as well as that legendary Fog Sea cannot withstand the imagination. 城外……以及那传说中的雾海更是不堪想象。 But on the other hand, here Profound Dao element is actually the incomparable strength, its plane, ripped Poyun clear completely once the boundary of sensation and understanding. 而另一方面,这里的玄道元素却是无比之浓烈,其位面,更是完全撕破云澈曾经感知和理解的界限。 In the world that he comes, God Realm is existence of highest plane. But here compared with it God Realm, must be better than God Realm to span compared with it Lower Realm plane. 在他出身的世界,神界便是最高位面的存在。但此处比之神界,要远远胜过神界比之下界位面跨越。 But here, is not Divine Country. 而这里,还不是神国 Points at the institute , the touched space is as tenacious as peak. 手指所及,触碰的空间更是坚韧到极致 By his power in peak condition, the God Realm space is crisp, if the flimsy, waves to let a side space dent. 以他巅峰状态的力量,神界的空间脆若薄纸,挥手便可让一方空间塌陷。 But here, perhaps he full power, also can only swing the silk trivial ripples merely. 而这里,或许他全力之下,也仅仅只能荡起丝丝微漪。 Same natural talent, the similar effort, the same resources, here cultivation speed and upper limit, must go far beyond the world that he comes without a doubt. 同样的天赋,同样的努力,同样的资源,这里的修炼速度与上限,毫无疑问要远远超过他所出身的世界。 Meanwhile, must withstand the corrosion of abyss dust. 但同时,要承受渊尘的侵蚀。 Even if in this curing place that has isolation layer upon layer, thin abyss dust in silent is invading his body as before. 即使是在这处有着层层隔绝的疗愈之地,稀薄的渊尘依旧在无声侵入着他的躯体。 Description personally from Primogenitor Goddess, making Yun Che incomparably be clear about the abyss dust essence. It from most primitive primordial chaos, the strength of extinguishing was separated. 来自始祖神的亲口描述,让云澈无比清楚着渊尘的本质。它是从最原始的混沌之中,被分离出去的灭之力。 Primitive abyss, the strength of primitive extinguishing, is better than True God and Creation God to crash into, will be annihilated. 原始的深渊,原始的灭之力,强如真神创世神坠入其中,都会被湮灭。 But abyss dust, was the strength of primitive extinguishing is diluted did not know the conditions after many times. Enough when thin, it can be resisted by enough powerful profound strength, to True God plane/level, can achieve the perfect isolation...... that will then bless Divine Country God's Grace. 渊尘,是原始灭之力被稀释了不知多少倍后的状态。足够稀薄时,它可以被足够强大的玄力所抵御,到了真神层面,可以做到将之完美隔绝……那便是庇佑神国的“神恩”。 But, is not certainly possible such as to control profound strength generally the control! 但,绝无可能如驾驭玄力一般将之驾驭! Because the strength of extinguishing again how thin, that after all is primordial chaos most primitive power, was pregnant to live Primogenitor Goddess the strength of first ancestor. 因为灭之力再怎么稀薄,那毕竟是混沌最原始的力量,是孕生了始祖神的始祖之力。 The spirit of present age can control can it be that. 岂是当世之灵可以掌控。 The arm dangles, Yun Che peaceful to close both eyes, the silent sensation and is resisting abyss dust. His Spirit Sense also releases slowly, extends to a farther space. 手臂垂下,云澈安静闭目,默然感知和抵御着渊尘。他的灵觉也缓缓释放,延伸向更远的空间。 Quick, his Spirit Sense touches voice/sound that Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying talked. 很快,他的灵觉触碰到了赫连玲珠陌苍鹰交谈的声音 „...... That boy surnamed Yun. Under this surname does not have the great reputation, impossible comes Divine Country. Junior Sister Lingzhu, your time was doomed disappointedly.” “……那小子姓云。这个姓氏之下从无盛名,更不可能是出身神国玲珠师妹,你这次注定失望了。” „......” Helian Lingzhu has not replied. “……”赫连玲珠没有回音。 Opens from Qilin God Realm, also 27 days.” The Mo Cangying intonation sinks, takes several points of firmness we to decline for many years, this time being doomed is also difficult to show improvement after illness. However you could rest assured that this time enters Qilin God Realm, all my chances, will not leave your half step, decides to help you complete the breakthrough.” “距离麟神境开启,还有二十七天。”陌苍鹰声调微沉,带上几分坚决“我们式微多年,这次也注定难有起色。不过你放心,此次进入麟神境,我宁舍所有机缘,也不会离你半步,定助你完成突破。” „......” Helian Lingzhu still has not responded. “……”赫连玲珠依然没有回应。 Junior Sister Lingzhu?” Mo Cangying looks askance. 玲珠师妹?”陌苍鹰侧目。 „Ah?” Helian Lingzhu fierce getting back one's composure, complexion natural say/way I am also thinking, requesting Honored Master to be Yun Che cures to recover the injury, after all he injures that......” “啊?”赫连玲珠猛的回神,随之面色自然的道“我在想,要不要求师尊云澈疗愈伤势,毕竟他伤的那么……” Mo Cangying fierce stopping footsteps. 陌苍鹰猛的停住脚步。 Helian Lingzhu also knew that this word is improper, the following words are unable to export again. 赫连玲珠也自知此言不妥,后面的话也无法再出口。 Mo Cangying looks at her, said slowly Honored Master life essence is near, many years withstand the pain to suffer, actually must support this hertz continually Tianfu, should not have the unnecessary loss. We save that boy to here, is the greatest benevolence. You recently rack one's brains for the Qilin God Realm matter...... in any event, you do not have reason so many thoughts to pour into to bystander body of unknown origin.” 陌苍鹰看着她,缓缓道“师尊寿元将近,又多年承受病痛折磨,却还要支撑这赫连天府,绝不该有多余的损耗。我们将那小子救至此处,已是莫大的恩情。你近段时间更是为麟神境的事殚精竭虑……无论如何,你都没理由将如此多的心思倾注到一个来历不明的外人身上。” Moreover,” his vision slightly cold I do not believe his words.” “而且,”他目光微寒“我并不相信他的话。” Helian Lingzhu has not insisted and refuted, what ashamed however say/way Ninth Senior Brother lesson is, is my recent train of thought is indeed disorderly, the consideration is not satisfactory, is always thinking can depend upon to make some good friends, comes to come some days to transport or the miracle.” 赫连玲珠没有坚持和反驳,愧然道“九师兄教训的是,的确是我最近思绪凌乱,考虑欠妥,总想着能依靠结一些善缘,来为赫连带来些许天运或奇迹。” Yes, can save to link now the aspect, only has the day to transport or the miracle, is how sorrowful. 是的,能拯救赫连如今局面的,唯有天运或奇迹,何其悲哀。 Mo Cangying opened the lips, his also wants to select Helian Lingzhu to be strange to Yun Che's attitude some, but facing her spoken language and low-spirited at this moment, is difficult to export. 陌苍鹰张了张唇,他本还想点出赫连玲珠云澈的态度有些过于奇怪,但面对她此刻的言语与黯然,再难出口。 Should be he thinks. 应该是他多想了。 Discussed that with Honored Master of this Qilin Yuanzhi meeting, I return to Imperial Court immediately. As for Yun Che, such as you said that we have shown extreme tolerance, then kept him here. Whether he will worry about the graciousness of today in the future, and indifferent. Asked the report depending on, only met the shame my wind of linking.” “与师尊商谈完此次麟渊之会的事后,我会立刻返回朝中。至于云澈,如你所言,我们已仁至义尽,便留他在此处。他日后是否会惦念今日之恩,也并无所谓。挟恩求报,只会辱我赫连之风。” The Mo Cangying look relaxes, heavily nods. 陌苍鹰神色松弛,重重颔首。 It seems like that her attitude toward the Yun Che that obvious difference was really wants to be many...... merely close to the Qilin Yuanzhi meeting, extremely in thinks sought turning point forget it/that's all. 看来,她对云澈那明显异样的态度果然是自己想多了……仅仅是临近麟渊之会,太过于想博取契机罢了 The two people figure and voice/sound are getting more and more far, Yun Che's Spirit Sense is also following them quietly, is gradually getting more and more weak under the corrosion of abyss dust. 两人的身形和声音越来越远,云澈的灵觉也悄然跟随着他们,逐渐在渊尘的侵蚀下越来越弱。 The Yun Che soul strength surges , to continue to follow two people by Spirit Sense. 云澈魂力涌动,继续以灵觉跟随着两人 Regarding this named Qilin deep pool the place of sandstorm, his soul, and even Profound Vein has extremely intense feelings. 对于这处名为“麟渊界”的风沙之地,他的心魂,乃至玄脉都有着一种极为强烈的感触。 He must find a turning point, naturally must know many news as far as possible. 他必须找到一个契机,也自然要尽可能知晓更多的讯息。 two people goes through is very far, at this time, in Spirit Sense presented old man aura of that named dry string. 两人穿行很远,这时,灵觉之中出现了那个名为枯弦的老者气息 By cultivation base of dry string, if Yun Che continues to advance recklessly, will have very greatly detected possibility. 以枯弦的修为,若云澈继续冒进,会有很大被察觉的可能。 In he prepares to take back Spirit Sense, the heartstrings surge suddenly slightly. 就在他准备收回灵觉时,心弦忽然轻微激荡。 Here is abyss, he must all things be discrete, when Spirit Sense follows two people, completely collects the mind, is careful to peak. 这里是深渊,他必须万事谨慎,灵觉跟随两人时,更是尽敛心神,小心到极致 When he gets back one's composure, detects unexpectedly suddenly, was bitten weak Spirit Sense before ten breaths by abyss dust layer upon layer, to at this moment, unexpectedly not only not by a larger scale suppression, instead...... faintly clear several points. 而待他回神之时,竟忽然察觉到,在十息前被渊尘层层噬弱的灵觉,到了此刻,竟非但没有被更大幅度的压制,反而……隐隐清晰了数分。 When he condenses the mind extends Spirit Sense, touched abyss dust unexpectedly by reprimanding of his soul strength unconsciousness is opened. 在他凝聚心神延伸灵觉时,触及的渊尘竟被他的魂力无意识的斥开。 The mind takes back, he lifts the hand again, slightly narrowed the eyes, by existence of five fingers again sensation abyss dust. 心神收回,他再次抬手,双目微眯,以五指重新感知渊尘的存在。 For a long time, he sends out gently twittering He Ling, you said, I do have the possibility...... to control abyss dust......” 许久,他发出轻轻的呢喃“禾菱,你说,我有没有可能……可以驾驭渊尘……” No one responded, he is maintaining this posture static there, enough several double-hour. 没有人回应,他保持着这个姿势静止在那里,足足数个时辰。 abyss dust, the strength of primitive extinguishing dilutes the shapes after innumerable time. Is better than True God and Creation God, only may resist, does not have the possible control. 渊尘,原始灭之力稀释无数倍后的形态。强如真神创世神,都只可抵御,无可能驾驭。 But, his body, his existence, is nihility Sacred Body that Xiao Lingxi grants. 但,他的身躯,他的存在,是萧泠汐赐予的虚无圣躯 That Xia Qingyue remains, final World-Defying Heaven Manual, making him practice successfully complete Primogenitor Goddess's final works. 那部夏倾月所留,最后的逆世天书,让他修成了完整的始祖神决 Then...... 那么…… Can have the possibility...... 会不会有可能…… ...... …… In long-time silence, Yun Che's pupil gradual congealing reality, until changing into an inexplicable bareness. 长久的沉默中,云澈的瞳眸逐渐的凝实,直至化为一片莫名的空无。 ............ ………… ............ …………
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