ATG :: Volume #19

#1982: Storm and Glass Cloud

With Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying vanguard, Profound Dao aura even more is also powerful. 随着赫连玲珠陌苍鹰的前行,玄道气息也愈加强盛。 the front, is place of large cultivation, in be continuous 700-800 set up the greatness. Element aura of this side world almost is completely all gathered here, even/including its above sky, is turning round in the gloominess gradually the profound withered and yellow color. 前方,是一个颇大的修炼之地,绵延700-800立里之巨。这一方天地的元素气息几乎尽皆被聚拢此处,就连其上方的苍穹,也于灰暗中覆着一层逐渐深邃的枯黄之色。 two people just approached, the form that is releasing powerful aura then at the extremely quick speed welcomed, but , before not yet, old voice then distant biography to: 两人刚一临近,一个释放着强大气息的身影便以极快的速度远迎而至,尚未及前,苍老的声音便已遥遥传至: „The Old Man dry string, welcomed Crown Princess to be near.” 老朽枯弦,恭迎长公主尊临。” The form of future quickly presently in Yun Che's Spirit Sense. 来者的身影很快现于云澈的灵觉之中。 His aura vigorous such as ten thousand mountains equaling heaven, Divine Lord Realm peak cultivation base, in Yun Che cognition existence of Divine Emperor plane/level. 他的气息浑厚如万岳齐天,神主境巅峰的修为,云澈认知中神帝层面的存在。 But, his image, in Emperor all gods with Yun Che cognition is entirely different. 但,他的形象,却又与云澈认知中的所有神帝截然不同。 Arrived Divine Lord this Realm, not only life essence becomes very long, and even to the life end, will not appear mortal senile like that. 到了神主这个境界,不但寿元变得很长,且即使到了生命末期,也不会现出凡灵那般的老态。 When on such as Sword Monarch Jun Wuming, he died of old age, if as before the eye the bright star, the surface such as the sword carves, does not see to fold. Can show his life essence to be few, only has the white beard white hair. 就如剑君君无名,他寿终之际,依旧目若朗星,面如剑刻,不见皱褶。能彰显他寿元无几的,唯有白须白发。 But the old man who the front this is releasing Divine Lord peak aura is the figure is skinny, both eyes grey, the complexion is dry, flesh that under the wide robe appears coarse like sandpaper, but also is turning round the point strange grey spot. 前方这个释放着神主巅峰气息的老者却是身形干瘦,双目灰浑,面色枯黑,宽袍之下现出的肌肤糙如砂纸,还覆着点点的怪异灰斑。 The whole person seemed like just put up the calcine in the fire of Purgatory for several days and several nights, was difficult to see in a wee bit Yun Che cognition old Divine Emperor external with bearing, on the contrary however close to was suffered eight hundred thousand year of Yan Yi Yan Er Yan San in Eternal Darkness Bone Sea. 整个人就像是刚被架在炼狱之火中煅烧了几天几夜,难见丁点云澈认知中苍老神帝的外在与气度,倒反而临近在永暗骨海中被折磨了八十万载的阎一阎二阎三 Yun Che thinks silently: Finally life in abyss dust, strong to existence of peak Divine Lord, will also be corroded to so the situation unexpectedly. 云澈默然想到:终生活在渊尘之中,一个强至巅峰神主的存在,竟也会被侵蚀至如此地步。 It can be imagined, under the abyss dust silent corrosion, same Realm, the life span of abyss life also decides the world that however wants him to come short. 可想而知,渊尘无声无息的侵蚀之下,相同境界,深渊生灵的寿命也定然要短过他所出身的世界。 Facing saluting of old man, Helian Lingzhu hurries to avoid: Honored Master does not may. Although Ling bead has returned to Imperial Court, but was a master on the 1st, life-long was the father, how dare Ling bead receives the ritual of Honored Master.” 面对老者的行礼,赫连玲珠慌忙避开:“师尊万万不可。玲珠虽已返回朝中,但一日为师,终生为父,玲珠岂敢受师尊之礼。” The old men shake the head, warm sound said: Crown Princess expensive/noble was the dynasty......” 老者摇头,温声道:“长公主贵为皇朝……” Honored Master.” Helian Lingzhu folds the body again, was good a respectful disciple ritual: You so fold ghost disciple seriously. Requested earnestly Honored Master such as the past to be the same, calls disciple well Ling bead then.” 师尊。”赫连玲珠再次折身,然后行了一个恭敬的弟子礼:“你这般当真是折煞弟子了。恳请师尊如以往一般,唤弟子‘玲珠’便好。” Hahaha.” Mo Cangying laughed heartily, said: Honored Master, the temper of Ling bead you most understood, here is not Imperial Court, then following her.” 哈哈哈。”陌苍鹰大笑一声,道:“师尊,玲珠的性子你最了解,这里并非朝中,便顺着她吧。” Obviously, the old man of this named dry string regarding the dynasty has high loyal with the respect, even if the present female once were his direct disciple, he is not willing to lose to the courtesy of imperial family. 显然,这个名为枯弦的老者对于赫连皇朝有着很高的忠诚与敬仰,即使眼前的女子曾是他的亲传弟子,他也不愿失了对皇室的礼数。 Hesitant over and over, he shows a faint smile finally, said: Also good. Ling bead, I receive your Imperial Father to send greetings, said you to seek the turning point of breakthrough, the one person alone goes to Fog Sea...... the present to look that you return safely, felt relieved finally.” 犹豫再三,他终是微微一笑,道:“也好。玲珠,我收到你父皇传音,说你为了寻求突破的契机,孤身前往雾海……如今看你安然归来,总算是放下心来。” Helian Lingzhu looks some ashamed looks: Work Imperial Father and Honored Master miss. This time, is fortunate enough to Ninth Senior Brother to assist, actually also implicates Ninth Senior Brother to be damaged.” 赫连玲珠面露些许愧色:“劳父皇师尊挂念。此番,幸得九师兄相助,却也连累九师兄受创。” Some slightly injures that's all.” Mo Cangying lifted the blood-stained left arm at will, whatever the wound pulls, the complexion not changes countenance. “些许小伤而已。”陌苍鹰随意的抬了抬染血的左臂,任由伤口扯动,脸色毫无动容。 The dry string wide robe raises, a gloomy yellow light separates turns round above the Mo Cangying arm and left rib wound spatially, but moment, in the wound then is not nervous and troubled the overflow again, persuaded: Ling bead, you expensive/noble are Crown Princess of imperial family, the safety are heavy in all, but absolutely not so violates the danger again.” 枯弦宽袍扬起,一蓬暗淡的黄光隔空覆于陌苍鹰手臂和左肋的伤口之上,不过须臾,伤口之中便再无灰气溢出,劝说道:“玲珠,你贵为皇室的长公主,安危重于一切,断不可再如此犯险。” Although Helian Lingzhu has the guilt, but not regret, slow and firm say/way: Because is being Crown Princess, I must so.” 赫连玲珠虽有愧疚,但并无悔意,缓慢而坚定的道:“正因是长公主,我必须如此。” She transfers the pupil, looks at the distant endless sand dust: I had stagnated too many years in Divine Sovereign Realm, the dangerous situation is also good, the hopeless situation is also good, if cannot force itself to chisel the bottleneck of breakthrough, if my will link to continue to decline again...... someday, linked dynasty four characters, will be buried in this piece of Qilin deep pool eternal sandstorm forever.” 她转眸,看着远方无尽的沙尘:“我已在神君境停滞了太多年,危境也好,绝境也好,若不能逼迫自己凿开突破的瓶颈,若是我赫连再继续式微下去……或许有一天,‘赫连皇朝’四个字,将被永远埋葬于这片麟渊界的永恒沙暴之中。” The dynasty, it once was the sovereign and Qilin deep pool in this side world high and low, wanted face upwards its to breathe to save. 赫连皇朝,它曾是这方天地的皇、麟渊界上下,都要仰其鼻息而存。 But now, dynasty two characters, have become the Qilin deep pool joke. 而如今,“皇朝”二字,几已成为麟渊界的笑话。 „......” Mo Cangying opened the mouth, starts to speak but hesitates. “……”陌苍鹰张了张口,欲言又止。 Dry string secretly sighed, has not continued to urge again. The vision fell on Yun Che body: Who is this person?” 枯弦暗叹一声,没有再继续劝下去。目光落在了云澈身上:“这个人是谁?” Mo Cangying said: This is we saves the person in a Fog Sea border 900 li (0.5 km) quarter. The Junior Sister Lingzhu heart is friendly, does not endure him to bury the life sand dust, then led him.” 陌苍鹰道:“这是我们在雾海边境九百里处所救下之人。玲珠师妹心善,不忍他葬命沙尘,便将他带了回来。” His vision inclines: He is injured heavily, but having good luck ever after of accidental/surprised, lives unexpectedly now.” 他目光倾斜:“他受伤极重,但意外的命大,居然活到现在。” The dry string knits the brows, just wants to warn that Helian Lingzhu rescues one rashly strangely......, and obviously for person of the is how the danger and stupid behavior, Helian Lingzhu has first explained: disciple never dares to forget the Honored Master instruction, decides not the good simple-minded good action.” 枯弦皱了皱眉,刚想告诫赫连玲珠冒然施救一个陌生……且明显为外界之人是何其危险且愚蠢的行为,赫连玲珠已抢先解释道:“弟子从不敢忘记师尊教诲,定不行愚善之举。” Is only a disciple eye of view, under this person of severe wound, has a posture remarkably as before. The family background decides however uncommonly. And his life aura, although is extremely dangerous, but may still distinguish it to be quite young, cultivation base is close to disciple, but also testifying this point.” “只是弟子目观,此人重伤之下,依旧有一番卓然之姿。出身定然不凡。且他生命气息虽然极其危险,但依然可辨其应该颇为年轻,修为却与弟子相近,亦可作证这一点。” If by some chance, he is the person of Divine Country, the life-saving efforts, may come anything for...... the turning point.” “万一,他是神国之人,救命之恩,或许会为赫连带来什么……契机。” Helian Lingzhu voice/sound was gradually weak, she also knows, oneself explanation especially is actually pale. 赫连玲珠声音逐渐弱了下去,她自己也知道,自己的解释其实格外苍白。 In the dry string heart sighed again. Helian Lingzhu extremely worries the future of even/including imperial family, nearly has been able choose the exact way because of flurry. 枯弦心中再次叹息。赫连玲珠太过忧心赫连皇室的未来,已近乎慌不择路。 She too longs for that can reverse impressively a turning point of lineage/vein destiny......, because, the short hundred years ago, a huge turning point was ruined by them personally. 她太渴望能逆转赫然一脉命运的契机……因为,就在短短百年前,一个巨大的契机被他们亲手葬送。 That...... named Mo Beichen person. 那个……名为“陌悲尘”的人。 Has not said anything again, aura of dry string sweeps from Yun Che body: In view of this, then leaves behind him for the time being, the wound heavy hence, can survive, looked at his own good fortune.” 没再多说什么,枯弦的气息云澈身上一扫而过:“既如此,便暂且将他留下,伤重至此,能否存活,就看他自己的造化了。” Across formation, the abyss dust existence also cascade is layer upon layer feeble. Finally, Yun Che was posted in a peaceful leaning pavilion. 穿过层层结界,渊尘的存在也逐层衰弱。最后,云澈被置入一处安静的偏阁之中。 He does not have immediately waking up, performs to collect aura, silent sensation surrounding all. 他没有立刻“醒来”,尽敛着气息,默然感知着周围的一切。 Meeting by chance in sandstorm, lets here, becomes him in the abyss world beginning. 沙暴中的偶遇,让这里,成为了他在深渊之世的起点。 This world really exists, he has lived was falling into this world. 这个世界真的存在,他已活着落入了这个世界。 Although this is only he arrives at this world the first day, but he came this's goal...... to say is the mission, has been hitting his soul sea innumerable. 虽然这只是他到来此世的第一天,但他来此的目的……应该说是使命,已无数次的撞击着他的魂海。 This world all, all are the foes. 此世一切,皆为仇敌。 May not the retreating frontline, not be possible to hesitate a point, may not grief one! 不可退却一线,不可踌躇一分,不可悲悯一毫! Because of this world no longer, tilts, is the world that he comes! 因为此世不覆,倾覆的,便是他所出身的世界! All alone, an alone surface huge world. 孤身一人,独面一个庞大之世。 He must...... use to be possible the thing of use, does not select all methods. 他必须……利用一切可利用之物,不择一切的手段。 Even if virulent, cruel, despicable and dirty...... 哪怕恶毒、残暴、卑劣、肮脏…… But is most important, is Chi Wuyao requests him to achieve...... 而最重要,也是池妩仸要求他必须做到的…… heartless! 绝情 ............ ………… ............ ………… Crazy sand Sihao, blocks out the sun covers the sky, the line of sight institute, Nine Nether Hell is also mediocre. 狂沙嘶嚎,蔽日遮天,视线所及,九幽地狱也不过如此。 In the sandstorm, gradually appears the shadow of one young girl. 风沙之中,逐渐现出一抹少女之影。 The snow gauze is the clothes, the star moon/month is the pupil, lustrous jade is the muscle. The snow gauze has covered the facial features, only reveals half face, actually shocking crazy sand, confused storm. 雪纱为衣,星月为眸,莹玉为肌。雪纱掩过面容,只露半颜,却已惊艳了狂沙,撩乱了风暴。 Her existence, appears with place of the disaster of this day incomparably is incompatible. 她的存在,与这天灾之地显得无比格格不入。 Her behind, is drifting peacefully tall and slender Jade Sword. The sword blade is fluctuating such as cloud generally light vast white glow, in white glow, is overflowing faintly Glazed Glass general brilliance. 她的身后,安静飘浮着一柄细长的玉剑。剑身浮动着如云一般轻渺的白芒,白芒之中,又隐隐流溢着琉璃一般的光华 The sword light jade is supple and quiet, is actually penetrating layer upon layer the sandstorm, defined as if reflects the soul bottom. 剑芒玉柔而静谧,却穿透着层层风沙,明晰的仿佛直映魂底。 their name: Glass Cloud Sword. 其名:璃云剑 The young girls settle down in the sandstorm, transfer the pupil to look in all directions, her Spirit Sense has extended to the limit, actually does not see the sandstorm the end. 少女在风沙中驻足,转眸四顾,她的灵觉已延伸至极限,却根本不见风沙的尽头。 Paternal aunt, where is here?” Her voice/sound is simple and elegant like the running water, such as the sounds of nature are persuasive, making the sandstorm of wreaking havoc supple slow: „Was I...... the getting lost?” “姑姑,这里是什么地方?”她的声音如流水般清雅,如天籁般婉转,让肆虐的风沙都为之柔缓:“我是不是……迷路了?” no one responded to her. 无人回应她。 Young girl blinked beautiful eyes, voice/sound pulled the one coquettish behavior: Paternal aunt come out, I know you continuously.” 少女眨了眨美眸,声音挽起了一抹娇态:“姑姑出来啦,我知道你一直都在。” In the world, still only then sandstorm hiss howling. 天地之间,依然只有风沙的嘶嚎。 Also after a while, resounds one lightly however to resemble the sigh of fog finally. 又过了一会儿,终于响起一声轻然似雾的叹息。 Instantly, sandstorm quick stoppage, in the world a silencing. 霎时,风沙骤止,天地之间一片静寂。 The boundless ten thousand li (0.5 km), do not have howling of wind again, does not have a vacillation of sand again. As if under hand of cover a Heaven, the whole world thorough seal. 茫茫万里,再无一丝风的呼啸,再无一粒沙的游移。仿佛一只上苍之手罩下,将整个世界彻底封结 This terrifying peerless phenomenon, makes any life tremble for it guts sufficiently with amazement. 恐怖绝伦的异象,足以让任何生灵为之骇然胆颤。 In the static world, appears the one immortal shadow slowly. 静止的天地之间,缓缓现出一抹仙影。 The azure clothes is floating, if the pupil the cold frost, such as the haughty this solitary one lotus in ancient painting, such as fantasizes the Hanyue immortal imperial concubine on heavenly palace. 青衣飘然,眸若寒霜,如古画中的傲世孤莲,如幻想天阙上的寒月仙妃。 Her clear pupil, sword intent and aura, all are resist beside person of in Wanli, making one not dare to give birth tiny bit close to the thought and blaspheming, lets the young girl fine eyebrows warpage, butterfly that such as jumped for joy swooped: Paternal aunt!” 她的清眸、剑意气场,无一不是拒人于万里之外,让人不敢生出一丝一毫临近与亵渎的意念,却是让少女纤眉弯翘,如雀跃的蝶儿般飞扑过去:“姑姑!” Just, her tender shadow was reprimanded immediately by invisible aura. 只不过,她的娇影马上被一股无形的气场斥开。 Caili,” her light opens the mouth, voice/sound such as the jade falls the ice deep pool, hardly should have the emotion that including least bit human: This is your experience, you must go to the sensation sensibility by your body soul, the strength goes to the broken difficult chisel danger by oneself.” 彩璃,”她淡淡开口,声音如玉落冰潭,几乎不含半点人类该有的情感:“这是属于你的历练,你需以自己的身魂去感知感悟,以自己之力去破难凿险。” Regardless on power, psychologically, should not rely on!” “无论力量上,心理上,都绝不该有所依赖!” Even, she should not expose her existence. 甚至,她不该点破她的存在。 The chilly voice/sound cold penetrating soul, will not have the young girl to have a wee bit palpitations. She including selects small head, said with a smile: I know that I know. I guaranteed, what kind of dangerous situation regardless of meets, I will not rely on paternal aunt's power.” 清冷的声音寒彻心魂,却不会有少女有丁点的心悸。她连点螓首,笑吟吟的道:“我知道我知道。我保证,无论遇到怎样的险境,我都不会依赖姑姑的力量。” I am curious here. After all, the paternal aunt is so fierce, in the world surely does not have the matter that the paternal aunts do not know. To develop the cognition and vision, directly asked that the paternal aunt is not the best way.” “我就是好奇这里。毕竟,姑姑那么厉害,世界上肯定没有姑姑都不知道的事。想要开拓认知和眼界,直接问姑姑不就是最最好的方式么。” This time, she depresses the opposition of his father strongly, insisted that wants Hua Caili come out to be informed and experienced, to let her witnesses true abyss world, experience true good and evil human nature, to let her seeks the turning point of breakthrough. 此次,她强势压下其父的反对,坚持要画彩璃出来历练,既为了让她亲眼目睹真正的深渊之世,亲身感受真正的善恶人性,亦为了让她寻得突破的契机。 If can the strength span the dangerous situation dead boundary by oneself, has the enormous benefit regarding her breakthrough without a doubt. 若能以自己之力跨越险境死境,毫无疑问对于她的突破有着极大的裨益。 Therefore, this type informed and experienced cannot pinch any dependence. Especially psychological dependence......, meets the dangerous situation, forever thinks some people are sheltering themselves in secret, does not have the sorrow of life certainly, thus is unable under read certainly repels own boundary. 所以,这种历练不能挟有任何依赖。尤其是心理上的依赖……否则,遇到危境之时,永远会想到有人在暗中庇护着自己,绝无性命之忧,从而无法在绝念之下摧破自己的界限。 But, Hua Qingying, is Hua Fuchen, how also possibly to let the Hua Caili one person alone enters her never to visit filthy this mortal world seriously. 但,无论是画清影,还是画浮沉,又怎可能当真让画彩璃孤身进入她从未踏足过的污浊尘世。 Similarly, Hua Caili also impossible believes that the father and paternal aunt will really let her one person alone. 同样,画彩璃不可能相信父亲和姑姑会真的让她孤身。 Each other is well aware, until today, could not be borne expose by Hua Caili. 彼此心知肚明,直到今日,被画彩璃忍不住点破。 Under heart helpless, the Hua Qingying eye of show/unfolds distant place, said: Here, named Qilin deep pool, is the strength of most active place this world sand-stone. The core, was I once with you have mentioned Qilin God Realm.” 心下无奈,画清影目展远方,道:“此处,名为麟渊界,是此世沙岩之力最活跃的地方。其核心,便是我曾和你提及过的‘麟神境’。” Qilin deep pool...... Qilin God Realm......” Hua Caili pronounces unstressed one, the memory is also touched: Eternal sandstorm and rock disaster, last Qilin the place of roosting!” “麟渊界……麟神境……”画彩璃轻念一声,记忆随之被触动:“永恒的沙暴与岩灾,最后一只麒麟所栖之地!” Yes.” “是。” The young girl pupil light extraordinary splendor again and again, is moving full to the unknown phenomenon intense curious: I must have a look.” 少女眸光异彩连连,盈动着对未知异象的强烈好奇:“那我一定要去看看。” But the Hua Qingying spoken language is actually the enthusiasm that the pouring extinguished her just to float off: Qilin God Realm not who can enter. Because of Qilin God Realm restriction, is supposed personally by Abyss Sovereign.” 画清影的言语却是浇灭了她刚刚浮起的热情:“麟神境并非谁都可以进入。因为麟神境禁制,是由渊皇亲自所设下。” ei?” Young girl flowery lips slightly opened, is quite without doubt surprised. “欸?”少女唇瓣微张,无疑极为惊讶。 Because, here is only outside a god the place, involved supreme Abyss Sovereign unexpectedly. 因为,这里只是一处神外之地,竟涉及了至高无上的渊皇 Hua Qingying explained: Abyss Sovereign should have the unknown friendship with that Qilin. He its bestows famous Qilin God Realm in it place, and supposes restriction, every ten sixty-year cycle open only then one time, and only has the person of Qilin deep pool to enter only then.” 画清影解释道:“渊皇与那麒麟应该有着不为人知的交情。他将其所在之地赐名麟神境,并设下禁制,每十甲子方可开启一次,且唯有麟渊界之人方可进入。” Existence of Qilin God Realm, is the protection to last Qilin, is to this Qilin deep pool gracious gift.” “麟神境的存在,是对最后一尊麒麟的保护,亦是对这处麟渊界的恩赐。” restriction that Abyss Sovereign supposes, even brittle if flimsy, who dares trespasses? 渊皇所设的禁制,即便脆若薄纸,又有谁敢擅闯 Actually to have what friendship as for Abyss Sovereign with that Qilin, no one knows. 至于渊皇与那麒麟究竟有何交情,无人知晓。 Under gloominess that the color light in young girl pupil loses: Then, I, even if arrived at Qilin God Realm, does not have the means to enter...... me also to have a look at the true Qilin long anything appearance with own eyes.” 少女眸中的彩光失落的黯下:“这么说来,我就算是到了麟神境,也没有办法进入……我本来还想亲眼看看真正的麒麟长什么样子。” brief silence, Hua Qingying said: Also not complete.” 短暂沉默,画清影道:“也不尽然。” Her Spirit Sense unfolds, across the sandstorm ten thousand li (0.5 km) away: If the pattern of this Qilin deep pool does not have the drastic change, should control for dynasty three sects.” 她的灵觉铺开,穿过万里之外的风沙:“如果这处麟渊界的格局没有剧变,应该是为一朝三宗所主宰。” „When Qilin God Realm opens, if person of the can result of dynasty three sects to permit, may also accompany to enter. But you, and insignificant.” “麟神境开启之时,外界之人若能得一朝三宗之一所许可,亦可随同进入。但于你而言,并无意义。” Makes for this reason the strength of most active place world sand-stone, profound practitioner of Qilin God Realm to majoring in strength of ground, is cultivates and opportunity to high sacred ground. You vertical enter, to your experience, does not have to help.” “作为此世沙岩之力最活跃之地,麟神境对主修岩土之力的玄者而言,是修炼与机遇的至高圣地。你纵入其中,对你此次历练,也毫无所助。” The young girls think, nods said: Good. However, waited to go out of here, the paternal aunt must describe with me well the appearance of that Qilin senior, was good?” 少女想了一想,颔首道:“好吧。不过,等走出了这里,姑姑要好好和我描述一下那位麒麟前辈的样子,好不好?” In brain only then a blurred outline, Hua Qingying that but brutal not wants, is not always actually able to reject young girl's request. 脑中只有一个早已模糊的轮廓,但无情无欲的画清影,却从来都无法拒绝少女的请求。 She does not have to consent directly, the clear pupil looks to the cheeks of young girl: Adapted to abyss dust?” 她没有直接应允,清眸看向少女的脸颊:“适应渊尘了吗?” Un!” nod that Hua Caili has not hesitated: „The fearfulness of that probably not having estimated.” “嗯!”画彩璃没有丝毫犹疑的点头:“好像也没有预想的那么可怕。” That is because you come Divine Country, has not grown in abyss dust. Because, you have not visited Fog Sea.” “那是因为你出身神国,没有在渊尘中成长。更因为,你还没有踏足过雾海。” Hua Caili not treads Heaven Breaker Divine Country for the first time, but she regardless of previously went to other Pure Land Divine Country, the side had the asylum of father. 画彩璃并非第一次踏出折天神国,但她先前无论前往净土还是其他神国,身边都有父亲的庇护。 This time, she enters for the first time truly is flooding abyss dust this mortal world, is only by her present cultivation base, naturally cannot feel the fearfulness of abyss dust, only short adaptation process. 此番,她第一次真正进入充斥着渊尘的尘世,只是以她如今的修为,自然感觉不到渊尘的可怕,唯有一个短暂的适应过程。 Then goes to where, was decided by yourself. But Fog Sea, is your time must enter the place informed and experienced. Because of there, is this world's true main body.” “接下来去往何处,由你自己决定。但雾海,是你此次历练必入之地。因为那里,才是这个世界真正的主体。” I know that I know.” The young girls accordingly, her delicate hands in a flash, Glass Cloud Sword plunder the one dazzling light shadow, instantly the front static desert smooth separation: Paternal aunt, I first go......” “我知道我知道。”少女应声,她纤手一晃,璃云剑掠起一抹耀目的光影,霎时将前方静止的沙幕平整的断开:“姑姑,那我就先去……” Thundering! 呼隆! Devil that the terrifying sandstorm such as regains consciousness suddenly, is being roared swallowed the world. 恐怖的沙暴如忽然苏醒的恶魔,在咆哮中重新吞噬了天地。 Does not have that such as the azure shadow of immortal. 却已没有了那个如仙的青影。 The young girls spit the powder tongue, then by the sword light incision sandstorm, the extreme speed flies layer upon layer to unknown the front. 少女吐了吐粉舌,然后以剑芒切开层层沙暴,极速飞向未知的前方 She such as an emerging color bird, the whole body brims with delighted, is jumping for joy as well as to the excitement and curiosity of completely new world, does not have to be disturbed and fear, even...... could not see that as God's Daughter should have lofty that slightly, do not undertake having made up mind of Divine Country future destiny. 她如一只出笼的彩雀,周身洋溢着欢欣、雀跃以及对全新世界的兴奋与好奇,没有忐忑和恐惧,甚至……看不到丝毫身为神女该有的威凌,更没有要承担一个神国未来命运的决意。 Her protected good too, her loved extremely. 她被保护的太好,她被宠爱的太过。 The father as God Venerate regards her to be heavy the paternal aunt, if the life, the immortal leans various world is willing to protect her at the remaining years of life. 身为神尊的父亲视她重若生命,仙倾诸世的姑姑愿以余生守护她。 Above the remote upper air, one bunch chilly such as the pupil light of moon/month has been following her form. 遥远的高空之上,一束清冷如月的眸光一直追随着她的身影。 Moment, she raises the head, looks at the yellowish gray sky. 须臾,她仰首,看着灰黄的天空。 These years, sky has been as if changing the color faintly, actually few person can detect. 这些年,苍穹似乎一直在隐隐的变化着颜色,却少有人能察觉。 „The cycle that Black Tide Period rotates is getting more and more short, the collapse of space and time is perhaps close.” 时间黑潮轮转的周期越来越短,时空的崩坏或许近在咫尺。” She is pronouncing unstressed this world the destiny that withstands. 她轻念着这个世界正在承受的命运。 Has god receiving of enough godship, once ten thousand years rare its one. But this era, gushes out unexpectedly one after another.” “拥有足够神格的神承者,曾经万载难得其一。而这个时代,竟是接连涌出。” Dian Jiuzhi, excelling by far the world is outstanding.” “森罗殿九知,冠绝天下杰。” Birth miracle pair of child star moon/month, results in the miracle pair.” “诞生奇迹双子的星月,又得奇迹双子。” Weaves dream God's Son ten sixty-year cycle, the godship has regained consciousness all.” “织梦神子不过十甲子,神格已尽数苏醒。” even/including is most difficult to present god receiving Owl Butterfly Divine Country, presented a more superior choice because of the short-term, but has had never had waste child.” 就连最难出现神承者的枭蝶神国,都因短期内出现了更优的选择,而有了从未有过的‘废子’。” „The Eternal Night Divine Country once God's Daughter god was brutal, direct was killed waste , indicating that named Shenwu Yi new God's Daughter was how outstanding.” 永夜神国曾经的神女神无情,被直接废杀,足见那个名为神无忆的新神女何其优异。” However Caili...... you are the Heaven Breaker Divine Country history, god receiving who first has the perfect godship.” “而彩璃……你是折天神国历史,第一个拥有完美神格的神承者。” Vertical does not abandon, you must grow.” “纵万般不舍,你也必须成长。” Eternal gloomy sky sparkles suddenly crowd of stars, made clear can be the light screen that the miracle arrives, Ecuadoran trillion that the disaster approaches......” “永恒灰暗的苍穹忽然闪耀群星,昭示的会是神迹降临的光幕,还是灾难来临的厄兆……” ............ ………… ............ …………
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