ATG :: Volume #19

#1981: „White Big Sister”

The slender and delicate acoustical shadow across the heavily sandstorm, fell before the male body. She looks at severely wounded man all over the body, the arm stretches out, actually does not dare to touch at once, only has the behind cloak flap flap to make noise, is mixing in her hearts the inexplicable mighty waves. 纤柔的声影穿过重重风沙,落在了男子身前。她看着重伤遍体的男子,手臂伸出,一时之间却不敢碰触,唯有身后的披风猎猎作响,也搅动着她心间莫名的波澜。 Junior Sister Lingzhu!” Mo Cangying has fallen on her body side, put out a hand to hold her arm fast: Looks at the wear of this person, obviously is the person of foreign territory, does not need to cause complications.” 玲珠师妹!”陌苍鹰已落在了她的身侧,快速伸手抓住了她的手臂:“看这个人的穿着,明显是外域之人,没必要节外生枝。” Moreover,” he shot a look at male one eyes: Wound to this degree, has been doomed certain death, necessity that simply has not rescued. Other source can stand to move, basically before was also at the point of death returning to consciousness just before dying.” “而且,”他瞥了男子一眼:“伤到这种程度,已经注定十死无生,根本没有施救的必要。他方才能站起来挪动,基本也是临死前的回光返照了。” When speech, in the Mo Cangying foreheads full is the doubts...... he is understood to Helian Lingzhu extremely, she is not a blind tenderhearted person. After all, she lives in everywhere is the manipulating strategically king's family/home. 说话之时,陌苍鹰眉宇间满是疑惑……他对赫连玲珠算是极为了解,她绝不是一个盲目心软之人。毕竟,她是生在处处皆是勾心斗角的帝王之家。 Helian Lingzhu also knows own this act is quite rash, even she surprisedly in this moment behavior. But immediately, she then said quite reluctant reason: I looked at his one eyes a moment ago curiously, although this person severe wound, but the look is passing one point of lofty as before, by my these years judges, the family background of this person is surely uncommon.” 赫连玲珠也知道自己此举颇为莽撞,甚至连她自己都在惊讶于此刻所为。但马上,她便说出了一个颇为勉强的理由:“我刚才好奇看了他一眼,这个人虽然重伤,但眼神依旧透着一分凌傲,以我这些年的识人,这个人的出身必定不凡。” In feeling, he should be very young, has Divine Sovereign Realm peak cultivation base...... the eventuality, he is some Divine Country person, we saved him, to pick a big favor.” “感觉上,他应该很年轻,却有神君境巅峰的修为……万一,他是某个神国的人,我们救了他,岂不是捡了一个大人情。” If throws him here, injures this, quick will be corroded dead by abyss dust.” “若是把他丢在这里,伤成这样,很快就会被渊尘侵蚀而死。” Mo Cangying knits the brows, just about to says anything, actually discovered that Helian Lingzhu is goes forward one step, lifts the hand to help up the upper body of man, whatever that dry dirty blood caught her palm and sleeves piece by piece. 陌苍鹰皱了皱眉,刚要说什么,却发现赫连玲珠已是上前一步,抬手将男子的上身扶起,任由那一片片干涸的污血染上了她的手掌和衣袖。 He moves to the body rapidly, picks up the severely wounded man for Helian Lingzhu, the vision also became gentle: Regardless of it seems like experiences how much storms, the Junior Sister Lingzhu good natural disposition finally has not changed. also fine, goes back his belt/bring together.” 他迅速移身,代赫连玲珠将重伤的男子托起,目光也变得柔和了许多:“看来无论经历多少风浪,玲珠师妹善良的本性终是未变。也罢,就将他一起带回去吧。” Also, he made up one: Wants him to be able exactly by that time, calculates that has not disappointed the Junior Sister Lingzhu intention.” 随之,他又补了一句:“希望他能活到那时候,也算没辜负玲珠师妹的心意。” The Helian Lingzhu vision leans slightly, wants to see clearly the facial features of man, but she returns the vision immediately, diverges in the foreheads these permits unnatural, the smile said: Ninth Senior Brother as before, the surface is severe, will actually tolerate my willful.” 赫连玲珠目光稍倾,想要去重新看清男子的面容,但马上她又将目光转回,散去眉宇间那些许的不自然,微笑道:“九师兄还是和以前一样,表面严厉,却又总是会纵容我的任性。” The intuition of woman is a very mysterious thing. 女人的直觉是一种很是玄妙的东西。 She always felt strange male absolutely not mortal who this severe wound is on the verge of death...... even glances from afar. 她总感觉这个重伤濒死的陌生男子绝非凡人……即使只是远远一瞥。 Mo Cangying leads the severely wounded man, with Helian Lingzhu flies to their mouth Capital City. 陌苍鹰带起重伤男子,和赫连玲珠重新飞向他们口中的“王城”。 As they far away from the core of desert, the dust storm also gradually relaxed. The Helian Lingzhu little segment time will investigate life aura of severely wounded man every other. 随着他们远离沙漠的核心,尘暴也逐渐的缓和了下来。赫连玲珠每隔小段时间都会探查一番重伤男子的生命气息 A double-hour, two double-hour...... that life aura, although is extremely weak, actually unparalleled tenacity, rigid is not willing to clear. 一个时辰,两个时辰……那生命气息虽然极其微弱,却又无比顽强,执着的不肯散尽。 This also lets recognize Mo Cangying that in his partly quarter must die is very shocking. 这也让认定他半刻钟内必死的陌苍鹰很是震惊。 But absolutely what they have not thought that the severely wounded man's consciousness, is from beginning to end sober. 而他们绝对不曾想到的是,重伤男子的意识,自始至终都是清醒的。 Strange world, entirely different world aura...... 陌生的世界,全然不同的天地气息…… Here, is that named abyss world. 这里,就是那个名为“深渊”的世界。 I succeeded. 我成功了。 Although this first step is so then pitiful, but was finally successful. 虽然这第一步便如此凄惨,但终是成功了。 Yun Che is returning to normal the intention, and is revolving slowly in profound energy of internal organs. 云澈平复着心念,并缓慢运转着内腑的玄气 When he wakes up, then in this wilderness, the dust storm is sweeping across his body, wants to bury into the boundless desert him eternal. 他醒来之时,便是在这处荒漠之中,尘暴正席卷着他的躯体,想要将他永恒葬入无际的荒沙之中。 His injury looks extremely scary, but in truth is outside, the internal injury is much lighter than the flesh wound. 他的伤势看上去极为吓人,但实则皆是在外,内伤远比外伤轻得多。 However, he has not actually gone to cure to recover the flesh wound. 不过,他却并没有去疗愈外伤。 Because the wound heavy semblance not necessarily can make one pity, but will certainly make one unload the protection. 因为伤重的外表不一定能引人怜悯,但一定会让人卸下防备。 He needs is not others' rescue, but is nature integrates the turning point of this world. 他需要的不是别人的救助,而是一个自然融入这个世界的契机。 But...... 但…… Yun Che has not opened the eye, but is feeling two people aura in stupor silently, is listening to their conversation...... 云澈始终没有睁开眼睛,只是在“昏迷”中默然感受着两人气息,听着他们的交谈…… He is the intruder in this world. 他是这个世界的入侵者。 All of this world, all are the foes! 此世的一切,皆为仇敌! If cannot tilt this world, his world then must be tilted! 若不能倾覆此世,他的世界便必遭倾覆! This is in this world regardless of facing what Jing, facing criterion that who may not depart from. 这是在此世无论面对何境,面对何人都绝不可背离的准则。 Silent within, his consciousness sank to Sky Poison Pearl. 静默间,他的意识沉入了天毒珠 Did not have existence of He Ling, a world gloom of Sky Poison Pearl. 没有了禾菱的存在,天毒珠的世界一片暗淡。 Aya! Master you awake, this strange world by Master is called abyss the place?” 啊呀主人你醒啦,这个奇奇怪怪的世界就是被主人叫做‘深渊’的地方吗?” Invariable, is regardless of the winning smile is when sweet, as if never knows that what the worry is Hong'er. 不变的,是无论什么时候都巧笑嫣然,似乎永远不知道烦恼为何物的红儿 Right.” Yun Che walks, the left and right hands rubbed the head of Hong'er and You'er respectively: Here is abyss, before the completely different another world.” “没错。”云澈走过去,左右手分别揉了揉红儿幽儿的脑袋:“这里就是深渊,和之前完全不同的另外一个世界。” His eye dyes sadly: Arrived here, then only then you accompanied me.” 他目染感伤:“到了这里,便只有你们陪我了。” You'er grasps his palm, rubbed rubbing in his palm shining white face. 幽儿抱住他的手掌,将莹白的脸儿在他掌心蹭了蹭。 Yun Che thinks that she is worried oneself injury, is smiling comforted: Feels relieved, my injury completely unobstructive, but keeps flesh wound that's all intentionally.” 云澈以为她是担心自己的伤势,微笑着安慰道:“放心好啦,我伤势完全无碍,只是故意留着外伤而已。” We know.” Hong'er blinked vermilion eyes: Because White Big Sister has helped you cure, I and You'er was not worried little.” “我们知道呀。”红儿眨了眨朱红的眼眸:“因为白色大姐姐早就帮你疗愈过了,我和幽儿一点点都不担心。” „......!?” Yun Che look one surprised, with fierce knitting the brows: White Big Sister?” “……!?”云澈神色一愕,随着猛的皱眉:“白色大姐姐?” With Mo Beichen final battle, he injures extremely heavily, but short several days then regains consciousness, and when waking up, the injury is the large scale healing...... far ultra common. 陌悲尘最终之战,他伤得极重,但短短几日便苏醒,且醒来时,伤势已是大幅度愈合……远超寻常。 This time is also so! 这次亦是如此! The Yun Che short lower part of the body, slows down the language gas channel/angrily said: Hong'er, you said ‚is White Big Sister who?” 云澈矮下身,放缓语气道:“红儿,你说的‘白色大姐姐’是谁?” White Big Sister is White Big Sister.” Hong'er very earnest reply: white clothes, white face, white light...... in brief is white Big Sister.” 白色大姐姐就是白色大姐姐啊。”红儿很是认真的回答:“白白的衣裳,白白的脸儿,白白的光……总之就是白色的大姐姐。” You'er nod, agreed. 幽儿点头,表示认同。 What appearance is she long? I had run into somebody?” Yun Che asked patiently. “她长什么样子?是不是我曾经遇到过的某个人?”云澈耐心问道。 Appearance...... wu......” Hong'er recollection diligently, then shook shaking the small head: Looked that is not quite clear, in brief it's white, but voice/sound is quite of pleasant to hear. She also told us, can't tell Master her to have...... yi?” “样子……唔……”红儿努力的回想,然后将小脑袋晃了晃:“看不太清楚,总之就是白白的,但是声音好好听。她还告诉我们,不可以告诉主人她的存在……咿?” Suddenly realized anything, Hong'er covered own flowery lips with the small hand hastily, a pair of red pupil opens the eyes big. 忽然意识到了什么,红儿连忙用小手捂住了自己的唇瓣,一双红眸睁的大大的。 Yun Che heartstrings intense shock: Told you? Can she enter here?” 云澈心弦剧震:“告诉你们?她能进入这里?” What's the matter? 怎么回事? Here is Sky Poison Pearl, except for him and He Ling, as well as Hong'er You'er, basically impossible has anybody, any consciousness does not pass through his permission to enter. 这里是天毒珠,除了他与禾菱,以及红儿幽儿,根本不可能有任何人,任何意识不经他的允许进入其中。 What...... has she added?” Yun Che puts out a hand, rubbed the Hong'er tip of the nose with the knuckle: Told my words, ate that to you vermilion shadow evil rainbow sword that you most want to eat.” “……她还说过什么?”云澈伸手,用指节蹭了蹭红儿的鼻尖:“都告诉我的话,就给你吃那把你最想吃的朱影邪虹剑。” Hong'er eyes split second blooms gem red light, small hand also "Sou" leaves big flowery lips: Really...... real! Master must mean what he says...... White Big Sister not to say with us several words, I think...... presents for the first time time, probably was saying...... the small Blue Dragon absolute sincerity...... guarantees her life wholeheartedly and so on words...... wu......” 红儿眼眸一瞬间绽放出宝石般的红光,小手也“嗖”的离开大张的唇瓣:“真……真的吗!主人要说话算话……白色大姐姐也没有和我们说过几次话啦,我想想……第一次出现的时候,好像说着……小青龙一心赤诚……保她一命之类的话……唔……” You'er nod. 幽儿点头 Yun Che: „!!” 云澈:“!!” „, Right!” The pupil light flashes, Hong'er exciting saying: White Big Sister has some words I to remember clearly, she said her actually continuously. However He Ling Elder Sister, her does not have the means to appear. He Ling Elder Sister left, can she have presently......? Probably these two characters.” “啊,对了!”眸光一闪,红儿兴奋的说道:“白色大姐姐有一些话我记得好清楚,她说她其实一直在。但是禾菱姐姐在,她就没有办法出现。禾菱姐姐离开了,她才可以具现……诶?好像是这两个字。” „......!?” Yun Che decides there, is startled however for a long time. “……!?”云澈定在那里,怔然许久。 Unexpectedly, he stands up, the Spirit Sense release, turns round to the Sky Poison Pearl entire space: Who are you? come out.” 蓦地,他站起身来,灵觉释放,覆向天毒珠的整个空间:“你是谁?出来吧。” For a long time, without response. 许久,没有回应。 Yun Che as far as possible by own calm relaxes: Was you rescued Blue Dragon Emperor, but also helped me cure to recover the injury in secret, was well-meant, was not the enemy, you should and do not need to hide itself. At least come out, making me express gratitude face to face.” 云澈尽量让自己的语气平静缓和:“是你救了青龙帝,还帮我暗中疗愈伤势,没有恶意,也不是敌人,你应该并没有必要隐藏自己。至少出来,让我当面表示感谢。” Must die Blue Dragon Emperor without doubt never to be known his person of existence to rescue by this unexpectedly. 原本必死无疑的青龙帝竟是被这个自己从不知其存在的人所救。 Used light profound strength! 用的还是光明玄力 The injury that oneself change for the better fast is also this person bestows quietly. 自己快速好转的伤势也是这个人悄然所赐。 Does she always exist in Sky Poison Pearl unexpectedly...... does not have to think unexpectedly? 她竟始终存在于天毒珠之中……自己竟毫无所觉? Hong'er said that she continuously in? Does He Ling have her unable to appear? 红儿说,她一直都在?禾菱存在她就无法出现? Moreover He Ling also never knows her existence obviously, otherwise, by He Ling to he unretentive emotion, will not conceal to him absolutely. 而且禾菱显然也从不知她的存在,否则,以禾菱对他毫无保留的情感,绝对不会对他隐瞒。 A series of guesses and possibilities interweave in his brain chaotic, finally only one group of messes. 一连串的猜测和可能性在他脑中混乱交织,最终只余一团乱麻。 light profound strength...... 光明玄力…… In this world and Shen Xi except for oneself, does not have third to use the light profound strength person! 这个世上除了自己和神曦,根本不存在第三个能使用光明玄力的人! But that absolutely impossible is Shen Xi. How not to mention is this Sky Poison Pearl world...... Hong'er can not recognize Shen Xi? 但那又绝对不可能神曦。且不说这是天毒珠的世界……红儿又岂会不认得神曦 Is who? Who is!? 是谁?到底是谁!? Master does not need to shout that White Big Sister will not hear.” Hong'er reminder with a smile, the corners of the mouth hang the saliva that a wisp is confiscating. 主人不用喊啦,白色大姐姐不会听到的。”红儿笑吟吟的提醒,嘴角挂着一缕没收住的口水。 Why?” Yun Che lowers the head. “为什么?”云澈低头。 „!” Made an effort to attract the saliva of lip angle, Hong'er is mumbling the say/way: Because White Big Sister just injured for you for a long time, she said that she must sleep, should to have a good sleep many days of appearances...... Aya! Do not manage White Big Sister, then the red sword, I must eat me to eat me to eat!” “咻!”用力将唇角的口水吸了回去,红儿嘟囔着道:“因为白色大姐姐刚刚为你愈伤了好久,她说她必须去睡觉,应该要睡好多天的样子……啊呀!不要管白色大姐姐了,那把红色的剑,我要吃我要吃我要吃!” Yun Che's palm was swayed by her one. 云澈的手掌被她一阵晃荡。 Yun Che divine sense takes back, the Sky Poison Pearl world, he has not sought assuming the post what difference often aura. 云澈神识收回,天毒珠的世界,他没有寻到任何异常的气息 No wonder...... this waking up, flesh wound, although is heavy, internal injury actually light extraordinary. Some people have cured for him. 难怪……这次醒来,外伤虽重,内伤却轻的出奇。原来已有人为他疗愈过。 Gives you to you.” A Yun Che move, then flew Hong'er the Hong'er long-craved vermilion shadow evil rainbow sword at present. “给你给你。”云澈手一招,那把红儿垂涎已久的朱影邪虹剑便飞到了红儿眼前。 Hong'er tender shout, swoops is hugging the sword blade in the bosom. next instant, is Yun Che familiar...... young girl beautiful teeth shocking Divine Sword biting terrifying voice/sound. 红儿一声娇呼,飞扑着将剑身抱在怀中。下一瞬,便是云澈再熟悉不过的……少女玉齿将惊世神剑一口咬碎的恐怖声音 You'er rests one's chin in one's hands the help/gang, calmly looks that Hong'er wolfs down...... she not to eat the sword, when likes looks at Hong'er to eat the sword that incomparably happy appearance very much. 幽儿托着腮帮,静静看着红儿狼吞虎咽……她不吃剑,但很喜欢看红儿吃剑时那无比开心的样子。 Mo Cangying and Helian Lingzhu have been separated from the wilderness region, quick, in Yun Che's divine sense, started to present human aura, passed half double-hour, a large city presently in line of sight. 陌苍鹰赫连玲珠早已脱离了荒漠区域,很快,云澈的神识之中,开始出现了人类气息,又过了半个时辰,一个颇大的城池现于视线之中。 First returns to sect.” Helian Lingzhu looked at Yun Che, the relaxation of heartstrings heavily. “先回宗门。”赫连玲珠看了一眼云澈,心弦重重的松弛。 The entire three double-hour, he has not died. Arrived sect, the corrosion of abyss dust will be isolated significantly, he should have greatly possibly to live very much. 整整三个时辰,他没有死。到了宗门,渊尘的侵蚀会被大幅度隔绝,他应该有很大可能活下来。 Good!” Mo Cangying had not opposed. “好!”陌苍鹰没有反对。 two people shoulder to shoulder, flew to that aura most abundant place. 两人并肩,飞向了那一处气息最盛之地。 In the Mo Cangying hand is carrying Yun Che, from beginning to end, he has not cared about the life of this person slightly, brings back to him, to satisfy Helian Lingzhu willful suddenly simply. 陌苍鹰手中拎着云澈,自始至终,他丝毫未曾在意这个人的死活,将他带回,仅仅是为了满足赫连玲珠忽然的任性。 At this moment, two people has a dream impossible to think, the person who they rescuing returns to conveniently, the destiny of this whole world, thorough tearing...... 此刻,两人做梦都不可能想到,他们随手“救”回的这个人,将会把这整个世界的命运,彻彻底底的撕裂……
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