ATG :: Volume #19

#1980: cloud drop abyss

Facing the god brutal language, Shenwu Yi coldly said: Mother Goddess pours into thousand years heart blood in your body, you cannot visit Divine Extinction Realm as before, directs other country vulgarly!” 面对神无情之语,神无忆冷冷道:“母神在你身上倾注千载心血,你依旧未能踏足神灭境,引他国所鄙!” Disappoints Mother Goddess the time, is degrading the Mother Goddess god name, this crime, is how excusable. Let alone...... you think seriously Mother Goddess does not know you with that waste child personal relationships!” “辜负母神所期,有辱母神神名,此罪,岂可饶恕。何况……你当真以为母神不知你和那个‘废子’的私情吗!” Mother Goddess has not extinguished your entire clan, is God's Grace!” 母神未灭你全族,已是神恩!” Soul fierce trembling, returns to normal for a long time slowly. The god brutal head lifts slowly, dim eye pupil under uncombed hair straight is staring at the double pupil of Shenwu Yi...... a breath, two breaths, three breaths...... actually cannot catch any mighty waves. 心魂猛的颤荡,许久才缓缓平复。神无情头颅缓缓抬起,乱发下的黯淡眼瞳直直的盯着神无忆的双眸……一息,两息,三息……却捕捉不到任何的波澜。 So looks like that pair of her most to hate unexpectedly, eye that also most fears! 竟如此像那双她最恨,也最惧的眼睛! She is a devil.” She sends out is reading lowly: She injures for the man, she regards all male is the dogs and hay worthless thing ; She cannot the skylight, she hate all complete people life-long!” “她是个魔鬼。”她发出着低念:“她为男人所伤,她视所有男性为刍狗;她终生不得天光,她仇恨所有完整之人!” Including me, including you!!” “包括我,包括你!!” Her voice/sound is suddenly sad and shrill. 她的声音陡然凄厉。 I once was God's Daughter that she chose, was recently her person. But only appears because of you, I then am such fate!” “我曾是她亲选的神女,是最近她之人。而只因你出现,我便是这样的下场!” You have not thought that present I, will be future you!” “你就没想过,现在的我,就是将来的你!” Shenwu Yi jade-like finger overturns, profound light in waste palace is gloomy immediately, keeping Spirit Sense near waste god brutally again from seeing clearly her eye: I and you are different.” 神无忆玉指翻覆,废殿中的玄光顿时暗淡,让灵觉近废的神无情再无法看清她的眼睛:“我与你不同。” I have not remembered, not passing. My life is Mother Goddess rescues, my power is Mother Goddess bestows, my cognition is Mother Goddess models, my life is Mother Goddess builds.” “我没有记忆,没有过往。我的命是母神所救,我的力量母神所赐,我的认知是母神所塑,我的命途是母神所筑。” Bit by bit, is Mother Goddess the grace of Heaven. Wugou (stainless) Mother Goddess has no time, does not have the impurity!” “一点一滴,皆是母神天恩。于母神而言无垢无暇,毫无杂质!” Therefore, Mother Goddess does not need to be worried that forever I have the disloyalty, I also impossible gives birth to Mother Goddess forever different reads. Vertical Mother Goddess then destroys all my today, takes back “所以,母神永远无需担心我生出异心,我也永远不可能母神生出异念。纵母神今日便毁我一切,也不过是收回 the grace of Heaven, I have no complain and regret, only regretting disappoints her, is difficult to report the eventuality of the grace of Heaven. ” 天恩,我无悔无怨,唯憾让她失望,难报天恩之万一。” „......” God brutally decided there, for a long time was motionless. Under obscure ray numb eyes, such as is looking steadily at a pitiful pitiful puppet. “……”神无情定在了那里,许久一动不动。暗光下麻木的眼眸,如在盯视一个可悲可怜的木偶。 Even, present she wants pitifully compared with anybody pitiful. 即使,如今的她比任何人都要可悲可怜。 However you, actually including simplest brutal two characters are unable to achieve truly, waste Mother Goddess brutally to bestow your ‚’ the name.” “而你,却连最简单的‘无情’二字都无法真正做到,枉费母神赐你的‘无情’之名。” The look does not have the slightly ripples, the spoken language also never overflows any is the emotion of living person, compares in the name of brutally the god is brutal, as if she cuts off the person of seven emotions truly. 眼神从无微漪,言语也从未流溢任何属于活人的情感,相比于以“无情”为名的神无情,似乎她才是真正断绝七情之人。 If not always seeks other god receiving difficultly, you disqualification have followed the Mother Goddess body side. The fruit of today, is you works as some fates!” “若非始终难寻其他的神承者,你早已无资格追随母神身侧。今日之果,是你当有的下场!” During referring to profound light is steep, under a ice cold killing intent suddenly cover. 指间玄光陡寒,一股冰冷的杀意猛然罩下。 The god brutal whole body was abandoned, is aura then almost grinds her five main internal organs (entrails) merely. She is curling up paralyzed pound on the ground, surviving life aura passed fast. 神无情全身被废,仅仅是气息便几乎将她五脏六腑碾碎。她本是蜷曲的瘫砸在地,残存的生命气息快速流逝。 He...... hehe...... Hahahaha......” 呵……呵呵……哈哈哈哈……” The head is pasting the ice cold ground, she unexpectedly is low smiled. The laughter does not have the fear, without the attachment, only has dismal...... as well as pities. 头颅贴着冰冷的地面,她竟是低低的笑了起来。笑声没有恐惧,没有眷恋,唯有悲凉……以及怜悯。 To pitying of Shenwu Yi. 神无忆的怜悯。 Shenwu Yi.” She called her name for the last time: I follow the Shenwu Yanye thousand years, compared with you were clear what kind of lunatic by far she is Devil!” 神无忆。”她最后一次喊出她的名字:“我跟随神无厌夜千载,远远比你清楚她是一个怎样的疯子与恶魔!” Regardless of the heaven or hell, I will wait to look that what kind of fate you will fall into finally...... Hahahaha......” “无论天堂还是地狱,我都会等着看你最终会落入怎样的下场……哈哈哈哈……” Dim, pair of fine eyebrows leans slightly. The Shenwu Yi facial expression had the fissure finally, she resembles is enraged, body killing intent steep hold. 昏暗之中,一双纤眉微微倾下。神无忆的神情终于有了裂痕,她似是被触怒,身上杀机陡盛。 Dares to say the name of Mother Goddess, the crime, when ten thousand die!” “竟敢直呼母神之名,罪当万死!” Palm profound light explodes 掌心玄光 The crack, changes to no pitying the glow of remnant extinguishing, flickers to break together with her final life aura the god brutal body. 裂,化作毫无怜悯的残灭之芒,将神无情的躯体连同她最后的生命气息一瞬震碎。 Also, her palm turns, when she turns around, the god brutal shattered remnant body had been destroyed the corpse dust in broken bits, integrates in the floating full Feidian gray fog. 随之,她手掌翻回,在她转身之时,神无情破碎的残躯已被毁成细碎的尸尘,融入飘满废殿的灰雾之中。 The palace gate opens, Shenwu Yi passes through two bowing the head old women gradually, the behind palace gate also closes. 殿门打开,神无忆缓步走过两个俯首的老妪,身后的殿门随之闭合。 This desire keeps her complete corpse, moves back his mother clan. But she said unexpectedly to the word of Mother Goddess lese majeste, that then only matched to change to the residual.” “本欲留她全尸,移回其母族。但她竟口出对母神大不敬之言,那便只配化作残渣。” „The conveying a message god brutal female clan of: The gods brutally have the godship spatially, is incompetent and stupid extremely, the Mother Goddess obligation unreported slightly, instead has different reading, had been destroyed to extinguish the soul, buries into abyss dust, respective mother clan does not match enjoys God's Grace.” “传话神无情的母族:神无情空具神格,却无能而蠢极,母神大恩未报丝毫,反心生异念,已被毁身灭魂,葬入渊尘,所属母族也已不配得享神恩。” Limits within their entire clan 12 double-hour to roll to Eternal Night Divine Country, cannot be life-long to visit. If disobeys, the entire clan completely executes!” “限他们全族十二个时辰之内滚离永夜神国,终生不得踏足。若有违逆,全族尽诛!” Divine Country God's Daughter, remote spatial stars existence. No matter what who impossible believes, a God's Daughter death can be so easily, so pitiful miserable. 神国神女,遥空星辰般的存在。任谁都不可能相信,一个神女的死会是如此轻易,如此悲惨凄凉。 Only if, happened in Eternal Night Divine Country. 除非,是发生在永夜神国 Also exists under the skylight obviously, this lofty abyss Divine Country seemed actually covered when the dark night that is unable to scatter forever, forever will not turn over to clear(ly). 明明同样存在于天光之下,这个凌傲深渊神国却仿佛永远被笼罩在无法驱散的暗夜之中,永无归明之时。 Even if, its God Venerate in the name of tires of night. 即使,其神尊以“厌夜”为名。 In closed waste palace, is fluttering several inaudible weak soul sounds: 紧闭的废殿之中,飘荡着几不可闻的微弱魂音: Plate Elder Brother...... 哥哥…… Sorry...... 对不起…… I...... am unable to flee eventually...... 我终究……无法逃离…… Also does not have the opportunity to respond to your look and hope again...... 也再无机会回应你的眼神和期盼…… But I...... never regretted...... 但我……从不后悔…… At least...... remembers your name...... I to live truly...... 至少……想起你的名字……我才真正的活着…… Sorry...... 对不起…… Remote sorrow sound, the pierce heart war casualty soul, the moment is completely loose. 渺渺哀音,锥心殇魂,须臾尽散。 ............ ………… ............ ………… This is piece of incomparably bleak dry Wu's big 这是一片无比荒凉枯芜的大 sky sinks secretly, the line of sight pollution, the sandstorm is rolling up and pushing along lonely, cries just like the ancient continuous ghost. 地,苍穹暗沉,视线浑浊,风沙卷动着寥寂,宛若亘古不休的鬼哭。 To the Four God Territories resident, this is the place of leaving uncultivated sees occasionally. 四神域的居民而言,这是偶见的荒废之地。 But, it is actually the normal state that this world finds at everywhere. 但,它却是这个世界随处可见的常态。 This world, named abyss. 这个世界,名为深渊 Named abyss dust the strength of calamity is everywhere in this world, is biting all life dead souls of existence eternal remnantly. 名为“渊尘”的灾厄之力在这个世界无处不在,永恒残噬着存在的所有生灵死灵。 On such as another world, all lives always not in air of breath. 就如另一个世界,所有生灵无时不刻不在呼吸的空气。 A emerald green grass, does not need very tender and beautiful flower, in this world is actually the miracle that the mortal life is hard to see. Because they only exist in Divine Country that having True God assumes, as well as that named Pure Land unsurpassed place. 一株翠绿的草,一朵并不需要很娇艳的花,在这个世界却是凡灵一生都难以得见的神迹。因为它们只存在于有真神坐镇的神国,以及那个名为“净土”的无上之地。 To them, most becomes accustomed, is putrefies abyss dust, Abyssal Beast and deep pool that ghost, die young, death and bleached bone...... as well as must face. 对他们而言,最习以为常的,是腐化、夭折、死亡、枯骨……以及必须面对的渊尘渊兽、渊鬼。 ———— ———— Wind howl fearful such as roaring of Abyssal Beast, sand dust instantaneous hiding the sky and covering the earth. 风啸声可怕如渊兽的咆哮,沙尘瞬间遮天蔽日 This is a huge desert, will sweep across the terrifying dust storm momentarily. But here approaches Fog Sea the edge, will appear occasionally compared with dust storm more fearful Abyssal Beast, thus little has the habitation extremely. 这是一处庞大的沙漠,随时都会席卷起恐怖的尘暴。而这里又临近“雾海”的边缘,偶尔会出现远比尘暴更可怕的渊兽,因而极少有人烟。 But with the temporary subsidence of sand dust, two person's shadows actually from in the air plunders anxiously. 但随着沙尘的暂时沉降,两道人影却是从空中急掠而过。 These two form a man and a woman, the man is tall, facial features resolute three-dimensional, is sharp-eyed. His half-length blood-stained, left arm half before the body, the arm and left rib bone is printing the shocking scar, if examines carefully, in that wound impressively in overflow light gray mist. 这两道身影一男一女,男子身材高大,面容刚毅立体,目光锐利。他半身染血,左臂半曲于身前,臂膀和左肋之骨印着触目惊心的伤痕,若是细看,那伤口之中赫然在外溢着淡淡的灰色雾气。 The male tooth closes tightly slightly, but on the face does not reveal the color of least bit pain, yellow profound light that body overflows unceasingly is continue constrain the injury. 男子牙齿微微咬紧,但脸上不露半点痛苦之色,身上不断流溢的黄色玄光在持续压抑着伤势。 His nearby female is light yellow long 身边的女子一身鹅黄长 Clothes, figure especially petite delicate, the appearance is bright-colored, eye including anxious sorrow, but does not cover the arrogant heroic spirit. 衣,身形格外的娇小柔弱,容颜明艳,目含急忧,但不掩凌人的英气。 Long hair packing in behind, hair turns round, is the pale gold color cloak, the heaven of mark cloak interlocks together, above the profound mark is overflowing rich yellow profound light, obviously, was one poured into high level Earth Profound Strength, has guard profound robe of powerful defense capability. 一袭长发紧束于身后,发丝所覆,是一道淡金色的披风,披风之上玄纹交错,玄纹之上则流溢着浓郁的黄色玄光,显然,是一件倾注了高等土之玄力,有着强大防御能力的护身玄衣 Three double-hour arrived at Capital City again.” The vision of female unceasingly wavers in the injury of the front and man back and forth: Ninth Senior Brother, you must support.” “再有三个时辰就到王城了。”女子的目光不断在前方和男子的伤势上来回游移:“九师兄,你一定要撑住。” Junior Sister Lingzhu felt relieved.” The male injury is scary, but the vision such as Heavy Sword is ordinary: These wounds outside bone, but looks scary, actually radically immaterial.” 玲珠师妹放心。”男子伤势骇人,但目光却如重剑一般刚毅:“这些伤都在骨外,只是看着吓人,实则根本无关紧要。” But......” in female pupil the worried look does not reduce, hesitant a while, puts light voice/sound saying: I was worried shortly after can affect......” “可是……”女子眸中忧色不减,犹豫了一会儿,还是放轻声音道:“我担心会影响不久后的……” Cannot.” Has not waited for her saying that the man has then said such as the rock rock firm response, he staggers the female the matter of saying, said: This time, although has thrillingly, but is well safe and sound in you, otherwise I, even if dies a lot of times, does not have the face countenance to Country Lord and Sect.” “不会。”未等她说完,男子便已说出如磐岩般坚决的回应,他错开女子所言之事,道:“这次虽然有所惊险,但好在你安然无恙,否则我就算死上千百次,也无颜面对国主师门。” The females shake the head, palm grasping gently on the right arm of man: Senior Brother does not need for me so. I want Senior Brother at any time, to place the first place my safety. Incessantly for me, to my dynasty, to Sect, your safety, is heavy in me. Later, do not ignore own life like this time again.” 女子摇头,手掌轻轻的握在了男子的右臂上:“师兄不必为我如此。我更希望师兄在任何时候,都把自己的安危放在首位。不止是为我,对我赫连皇朝,对师门而言,你的安危,也都远重于我。以后,千万不要再像这次一样不顾自己的性命。” Do not forget, you are Mo Cangying, will be including the dynasty the future and hope!” “不要忘记,你是陌苍鹰,是赫连皇朝的未来与希望!” In this world not compared with your safety more important thing.” Mo Cangying voice/sound is light, no “这个世上没有比你的安危更重要的东西。”陌苍鹰声音淡淡,不 Can be questioned. 容置疑。 The response of does not have any accidental/surprised, Helian Lingzhu has not said anything again, her pupil light has transferred, looks spookily by the front that the sandstorm fills: Although encounters thrillingly, but in has also harvested well. These harvests, but also is insufficient completely......?” 没有任何意外的回应,赫连玲珠没有再说什么,她眸光转过,幽幽看着被风沙弥漫的前方:“虽然遭遇惊险,但好在也有所收获。只是这些收获,还完全不足以……诶?” The two people vision is also certain. 两人的目光同时一定。 Overlaps under the desert that unceasingly deflects, appears a form of person unexpectedly faintly. 不断重叠又飞散的沙幕之下,竟隐隐现出一个人的身影。 The two people instantaneous vigilance, Spirit Sense is centralized, that form in line of sight fast clear. 两人瞬间警觉,灵觉集中,那个身影在视线中快速清晰。 That is one in rags, blood-color man all over the body. 那是一个衣衫褴褛,遍体血色的男子。 The Mo Cangying injury is enough scary, but compares with this man, is not including minor wound simply. 陌苍鹰的伤势已是足够骇人,但和这个男子一比,简直连“轻伤”都算不上。 The blood-color dyed completely his whole body, the fissure almost spread each corner of his body, the vision institute , the eversion flesh, appearing intermittently white bone...... every inchs, each spot was shocking like that. 血色染满了他的全身,裂痕几乎遍及了他躯体的每一个角落,目光所及,外翻的血肉,隐现的白骨……每一寸,每一个部位都是那般的触目惊心。 They are also see the injured to be innumerable, actually never sees some people able to injure is in so the degree again. 他们也算是见过伤者无数,却从未见过有人能伤重到如此程度。 But, he is still walking unexpectedly. 但,他竟还在行走。 The sandstorm howls, his figure creakies, every step seems using the life to support, but is actually incomparably rigid step by step before , is moving, how is not willing to drop down. 风沙呼啸,他的身形摇摇欲坠,每一步都仿佛在用生命支撑,但却是无比执着的一步一步前挪着,怎么都不肯倒下。 „Can this person, how be badly injured such?” Helian Lingzhu is startled to recite. “这个人,怎么会伤得这么厉害?”赫连玲珠惊吟道。 Does not need to manage him, walks.” Mo Cangying takes back the vision directly. “不必管他,走吧。”陌苍鹰直接收回目光。 In abyss world, the sympathy to bystander is the most inexpensive and stupid thing. This is everyone will then remember in the heart since childhood, most basic survival principle. 深渊之世,对外人的同情心是最廉价和愚蠢的东西。这是所有人从小便会牢记于心,最基本的生存法则 Helian Lingzhu also not scruple reclamation vision. Meanwhile, two people also sensation to he extremely weak profound strength aura. 赫连玲珠也毫无迟疑的收回目光。于此同时,两人也感知到了他极其微弱的玄力气息 Divine Sovereign Realm Tenth Level peak. 神君境十级巅峰。 A stagnation is breaking through peak Divine Sovereign of bottleneck, what a pity...... 一个停滞在突破瓶颈的巅峰神君,可惜了…… Two The people departed were very far, perhaps was because curious, Helian Lingzhu looked back quietly, looked that to the sandstorm that man who was wounded to limp. 人飞出了很远,或许是因为好奇,赫连玲珠悄然回眸,看向了风沙中那个负伤蹒跚的男子。 That man also just lifted the head at this time slightly...... 那个男子也刚好在这时稍稍抬首…… The line of sight of Helian Lingzhu touched his eye immediately. 赫连玲珠的视线顿时碰触到了他的眼睛。 Among that moment, her Soul seemed like by anything is pulled ruthlessly. 那一瞬间,她的灵魂像是被什么狠狠扯动了一下。 Because, she as if saw one jet black deep and quiet star lake. 因为,她仿佛看到了一汪漆黑幽邃的星湖 The blood and fissure of solidification overspread his face, this/should such as the evil spirit like that is obviously fearful, but that blade carves the general outline, as well as that pair seems attracting pulls the eye of her Soul...... 凝固的血液和裂痕铺满了他的面孔,明明该如厉鬼那般可怕,但那刀刻一般的轮廓,以及那双仿佛在吸扯她灵魂的眼睛…… Under her line of sight, the lip of man moved slightly, as if wanted to say anything. But, that eye actually closes slowly. 就在她的视线之下,男子的嘴唇微微动了一下,似乎想要说什么。但随之,那双眼睛却缓缓闭合。 After difficult incomparable taking last, before his body slowly plants, heavily hits the ground head first, is stirless. 艰难无比的迈出最后一步后,他的身躯缓缓前栽,重重扑地,再无动静。 The form also fast becomes in the sandstorm of going far away fuzzy. 身影也在远去的风沙中快速变得模糊。 Her body as if such as Soul was also pulled generally ruthlessly, fierce stagnation there. 她的身体也仿佛如灵魂一般被狠狠扯动,猛的停滞在了那里。 He......” in the Helian Lingzhu mouth sends out obviously loses chanting in a low voice of soul, fierce booklet body: „It is not good, we are saved he!” “他……”赫连玲珠口中发出明显失魂的低吟,随之猛的折身:“不行,我们得救他!” Mo Cangying gawked, has not reacted with enough time, Helian Lingzhu is the flying turns back, drops down that severely wounded man is. 陌苍鹰愣了一下,还未来得及做出反应,赫连玲珠已是飞身折返,直落那个重伤男子的所在。
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