ATG :: Volume #19

#1979: Not brutally recalls

Body extreme speed falling down, but near the ear does not have the sound of wind howling. 身躯极速下坠,但耳边却没有风啸之声。 The strength of destruction from raids in all directions chaotic, will want to touch all that to change into the fragment scraps/condescend. 毁灭之力从四面八方混乱袭来,想要将碰触到的一切化为齑屑。 But on such as Yun Che that feels from Jie Yuan there, in Primordial Era the strength of destruction True God may swallow, now has not actually been able to pose the threat to his body. 但就如云澈劫渊那里感受来的一样,在上古时代真神都可吞噬的毁灭之力,如今却已无法对他的躯体造成威胁。 Extinguishing that” when this is Primogenitor Goddess creates world separates the strength, as the collapse of first ancestor principle, the mutation of long years, is emaciated too many were too in addition many. 这便是始祖神创世之时所分离出的“灭”之力,只是随着始祖法则的崩坏,加之漫长岁月的异变,已是孱弱了太多太多。 But compares it fearful ten million times, is that attracts the customer interest. 而比之可怕千万倍的,是那股吸扯力。 Falls Null Abyss first in him instantly, the body then as if all of a sudden heavy trillion times, the potential of falling down is fierce sudden rise. 在他坠下无之深渊的第一个刹那,身躯便仿佛一下子沉重了亿万倍,下坠之势更是猛的暴涨。 His body profound strength surges, subconscious then resists. 身上玄力涌动,下意识的便去抗拒。 But, may be called invincible power at his present world, even stimulated to movement the limit, still made the potential of falling down slightly slow merely some, is unable to suppress. 但,以他现世堪称无敌的力量,即使催动到了极限,也仅仅只是让下坠之势稍缓了些许,根本无法遏止。 Moreover with his falling, originally extreme fearful attracting customer interest each split second sudden is increasing, as if under was innumerable only ancient times the Devil God giant palm, is dragging to fall him to will not have the homeward journey endless demon deep pool forever. 而且随着他的坠下,本就极端可怕的吸扯力每一瞬间都在急剧的增大着,仿佛下方是无数只远古魔神的巨掌,在将他拖坠向永无归途的无尽魔渊。 In the Soul fragment that although has left behind from Jie Yuan has a sensation, but withstands, he was startled the soul to tremble by this power as before. 虽然早已从劫渊留下的灵魂碎片中有所感知,但亲身承受,他依旧被这股力量惊得魂颤。 He knows that continues to crash, this will attract the customer interest fearfully to letting Jie Yuan has to dread that will return. 他更知道继续坠落下去,这股吸扯力会可怕到让劫渊都不得不忌惮而返。 God Realm 1 million years of history, regardless of lifeform dying thing, once falls into Null Abyss, will then dissipate eternal, from without exception. 神界百万年历史,无论生物还是死物,一旦落入无之深渊,便会永恒消逝,从无例外。 Originally its real reason does not flood strength of the extinguishing, but is the attracting customer interest that this basically impossible gets rid. 原来其真正原因并非充斥其中的灭之力,而是这股根本不可能摆脱的吸扯力。 This should be Primogenitor Goddess is abyss supposes, that some Strength of Principle that has not collapsed completely. 这应该是始祖神深渊所设下,至今尚未完全崩坏的那部分法则之力 Vertical is abyss True God, is unable to resist. 纵是深渊真神,亦无法抗拒。 The whole body is the blade cuts the severe pain, the Yun Che restraining mind, passes power to protect the whole body slowly. 周身皆是刀切般的剧痛,云澈收敛心神,缓缓流转着力量护住全身。 Does not have the thing, does not have the light, the no word, the circulation of time also becomes especially fuzzy. The even/including consciousness was also being left by fast pulling out in invisible. 无物,无光,无音,时间的流转也变得格外模糊。就连意识也在无形间被快速的抽离着。 Attracts the customer interest as in the sharp increase, the strength of biting extinguishing raids is also getting more and more powerful, gradually, the chaotic space appeared innumerable whirlpool, is tearing Yun Che's body unceasingly. 吸扯力依旧在剧增,袭来的噬灭之力也越来越强盛,逐渐的,本就混乱不堪的空间现出了无数的涡流,不断撕裂着云澈的躯体 Arrived afterward, even/including whirlpool vanished again does not see, displaces, was the thorough shattered space, not stopped the endless debris not to stop the endless distortion to wreak havoc, rips to extinguish all existences. 再到后来,就连涡流都消失不见,取而代之的,是彻底破碎的空间,无止无尽的空间碎片在无止无尽的扭曲肆虐,撕灭着一切的存在。 If profound practitioner under Divine Lord crashes into this boundary, short will count breaths then to be destroyed to extinguish debris. 若是神主之下的玄者坠入此境,短短数息便会被摧灭成碎屑 Yun Che's body was ripped open myriad bloodstains, his look is maintaining fearful cold awakens, Evil God gate opens gradually, profound strength slow wells up, opens Evil God formation to entangle to protect in body, is only in the heart, actually starts to surge the intense anxiety. 云澈的躯体被撕开万千血痕,他眼神保持着可怕的冷醒,邪神境关逐步开启,玄力缓涌,张开邪神结界缠护于身,只是心中,却开始涌动起强烈的不安。 The strength of extinguishing, attracts the customer interest, in addition so scary space storm...... 灭之力,吸扯力,加上如此骇人的空间风暴…… In the past when Xia Qingyue fell, is been heavy by own the side of injuring, power also almost dried up. 当年夏倾月落下之时,已被自己伤的极重,力量也几近枯竭。 She really may live...... 她真的有可能活下来么…… Even if a wee bit...... 哪怕一丁点…… Bites the tongue fiercely, he scatters this improper thought forcefully, is maintaining the sobriety of sensation strongly, is gradually accelerating the revolution of profound strength, until limit. 猛一咬舌,他强行驱散这不该有的念想,竭力保持着感知的清醒,逐渐加速着玄力的运转,直至极限。 terrifying from below tearing strength, has far exceeded the boundary of his cognition, making him unable to give birth, even if the hearts of a wee bit resistance, the space storm even more is also fearful, gradually from the debris, changes to the terrifying peerless space dust. 来自下方的撕扯力之恐怖,早已远远超出了他认知的界限,让他已是生不出哪怕丁点的抗拒之心,空间风暴也愈加可怕,逐渐从空间碎片,化作恐怖绝伦的空间粉尘。 The increase of strength of conversely extinguishing is slowest. 反倒是灭之力的增幅最为缓慢。 Time again by not distinguishable speed circulation, perhaps several double-hour, perhaps several days, perhaps several years. 时间再以不可辨识的速度流转,或许几个时辰,或许几天,或许几年。 The body is the scar proliferates, actually does not see the bloodstain. Because the blood bead has not splashed with enough time, then had been bitten to extinguish by the twinkling. 躯体已是伤痕遍布,却不见血迹。因为血珠尚未来得及溅出,便已被瞬息噬灭。 The five main internal organs (entrails) had been disturbed also the innumerable broken mark in the space storm, the soul sea is earth-shaking that continues. 五脏六腑在空间风暴中也已被翻搅出数不清的碎痕,魂海更是持续的天翻地覆。 At this time, a huge dangerous feeling raided suddenly , was split second intensified dozens times of pains. He felt that oneself body seems like by a lot of straw cutters is also cut into, brutally breaks broken. 这时,一股巨大的危险感猛然袭来,随之便是一瞬间加剧了数十倍的痛楚。他感觉自己的身体像是被千百把铡刀同时切入,无情碎断。 Strongly maintains told him soberly, he was distinct, was pulled into the space black hole! 一直竭力保持的清醒告诉他,他分明,是被扯入了空间黑洞! Yun Che shuts tightly both eyes, the space between teeth that bites tightly actually cannot overflow slight voice/sound. 云澈紧闭双目,紧咬的齿间却是溢不出丝毫的声音 For the insurance native land, he must a person facing entire abyss. 为保故土,他必须一人面对整个深渊 This merely is only the first step! 这仅仅只是第一步! He is the emperor of the world, is Evil God and Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor power successor, is the only hope! 他是世之帝王,是邪神劫天魔帝力量的继承者,是唯一的希望! How may plant in this place!! 怎可栽于此地!! Hades opening, profound energy was ignited, explodes the jet black demon flame in Yun Che body. 阎皇”开启,玄气被引燃,在云澈身上爆开漆黑的魔炎。 Even if there is the Everlasting Devil Flame guard, his body were still nearly ripped by the space black hole. 纵有永劫魔炎护身,他的躯体依然险些被空间黑洞撕断。 When flings from the black hole, Yun Che with enough time has not panted for breath, then had been inhaled another space black hole, was brutally flung again. 被从黑洞中甩出时,云澈尚未来得及喘息,便已被吸入了另一个空间黑洞,再被无情甩出。 Every time was inhaled and flung space black hole, is a completely unknown space switch over. Yun Che looks like one to be involved in ten thousand heavy high seas the withered leaves, the body and Soul, were torn and overturned by the again and again incomparably radical distortion...... 每被吸入、甩出一个空间黑洞,便是一次完全未知的空间切换。云澈就像是一枚被卷入万重怒涛的枯叶,身躯、灵魂一次次无比剧烈的扭曲、撕裂、翻覆…… Finally, does not know when many time flings from the black hole, his world in buzz the cry becomes a blank, falls into the thorough darkness. 终于,不知道第多少次被从黑洞中甩出时,他的世界在嗡鸣中变得一片空白,随之陷入彻底的黑暗。 ............ ………… Unknown space. 未知的空间。 The sky ash sinks, but God Hall under this sky is dim one piece, several do not see the glimmer. Each wisp of aura that and floods constrains to the utmost darkly. 苍穹灰沉,而这处苍穹之下的神殿更是昏暗一片,几不见微光。其中所充斥的每一缕气息都极尽幽暗压抑。 Anybody steps into, if were referred to blocking the throat by the ice-cold demon, is unable to pant for breath. 任何人踏入其中,都如被冰寒的魔指扼住喉咙,无法喘息。 Here no one dares to excel at , no one can excel at. 这里无人敢擅近,也无人能擅近。 Because it is the bedroom palace of god. 因为它是神的寝殿。 A very slight sound, when ripping open to constrain actually seems especially ear-spitting. The palace gate and formation were opened, appears the shadow of one extremely beautiful female, but flickers merely, with formation closed, under the dark again cover, that moment, seems only Qi dream canna flower. 一声很是轻微的响动,在撕开压抑之时却显得格外震耳。殿门和结界被打开,现出一抹极美的女子之影,但仅仅一瞬,随着结界的闭合,幽暗重新罩下,那一瞬,仿佛只是绮梦昙花。 Extreme constraining all stubbornly seal, without the flowing of air and element, that extremely light sound of footsteps as if treads above the heart, pulls Soul trembling. 极度的压抑将一切都死死封结,没有空气与元素的流动,那极轻的脚步声仿佛踏在心脏之上,扯动着灵魂的颤荡。 Dark , the women's lie footsteps, bow to do obeisance. 幽暗之中,女子停驻脚步,屈膝拜下。 pays respect to female god.” 拜见母神。” Buzz!! 嗡!! The space was chiselled like the cloth, invisible aura does not know that gushes out from where, falling of berserk in female's body. 空间如布帛般被凿开,一道无形的气息不知从何处涌出,狂暴的落于女子之身。 The female body rocks, stops, whatever this terrifying aura enters Profound Vein. 女子躯体晃动,随之又生生止住,任由这股恐怖气息直入玄脉 Snort!” “哼!” coldly snorted, the institute Yun's bitter cold makes the dark space shrink suddenly: You have not disappointed me finally. So advancement, but also many exceeded my expectation.” 一声冷哼,其中所蕴的寒威让幽暗的空间为之骤缩:“你总算没让我失望。这般进境,还多少超出了我的预期。” This is sound of the women's, the spoken language is commending, but the tonality is ice-cold is piercing, the timbre is obscure as hoarse as peak, when hears, each character as if quenches the poisonous sharp blade to grip the eardrum and heart, wants poignant. 这是一个女子之音,言语在赞许,但音调却是冰寒刺骨,音色更是晦涩嘶哑到极致,入耳之时,每一个字都仿佛一把淬毒的利刃直扎耳膜与心脏,让人痛苦欲死。 Sneaked in the dark female deeply to lower the head: Female god the time, not recalled that does not dare to have the slightest to idle.” 被掩入黑暗的女子深深垂首:“母神所期,无忆不敢有分毫懈怠。” That hoarse sound resounds again: You compare the brutal that disabled person to be much better, not in vain I, for you abandoned her.” 那个嘶哑之音再次响起:“你比无情那个废人好得多,也不枉我为了你废了她。” Her thread of conversation steep revolutions, made voice/sound that the person soul palpitates become the low and deep: Going to the period of Pure Land is near. This time sees that Abyss Sovereign old man, you may probably lose face to me not!” 她话锋陡转,本就令人魂悸的声音变得更加幽沉:“前往净土之期已近。此次见那渊皇老儿,你可莫要给我丢了脸!” words has the deeply ingrained resentment, as if world ten thousand live all things, all for absolutely irreconcilable foe. 字字带着刻骨之怨,仿佛世间万生万物,皆为不共戴天之仇敌。 Dares to call Abyss Sovereign is Abyss Sovereign old man, is world only she. 敢称呼渊皇为“渊皇老儿”者,更是世间唯她。 Yes.” Is called not recalled the female lowers the head accordingly. “是。”被称作“无忆”的女子垂首应声。 Now, Six Divine Countries had all found god receiving. Seven god receiving, have five artificial male unexpectedly! Heaven Breaker Divine Country that doll, has the waste of godship spatially. Really pitiful, pitiful, laughable!” “如今,六神国皆已找到神承者。七个神承者,竟有五人为男!折天神国那个女娃,还是个空有神格的废物。真是可怜,可悲,可笑!” Not recalled, you remember, this world man, is the dirty domestic animal! That Abyss Sovereign old man is no exception. The meeting of this Pure Land, you must step on that five little bastards in the under foot, making them know own God's Son the name is how lowly!” “无忆,你记住,这世间男子,皆是肮脏的牲畜!那渊皇老儿也不例外。此次净土之会,你须将那五个小杂种踩于脚下,让他们知道自己的‘神子’之名何其卑贱!” If cannot achieve, I will throw into the disturbing god deep pool you, bestows the punishment of your hundred years of ten thousand Guchuan body!” “若不能做到,我会将你丢入噩神渊,赐你百年万骨穿身之刑!” Before female aura tranquil such as, does not have any fear is disturbed, does not have, even if tiny bit abhorring: to not recalls, making the female god for not be possible disappointedly the crime of forgiveness, is willing to receive ten thousand times of punishments!” 女子气息平静如前,没有任何恐惧忐忑,更没有哪怕一丝一毫的恨怨:“对无忆而言,让母神失望为不可饶恕之罪,愿受万倍惩处!” The punishment of ten thousand times of ten thousand Guchuan body, is to the utmost is simply miserable to oneself curse certainly, said from her between lips, was actually endless firm. 万倍的万骨穿身之刑,简直是对自己极尽惨绝的诅咒,从她唇间说出,却是无尽坚决。 Firmly to appalling. 坚决到让人毛骨悚然。 As if such as she said that let female god disappointed is world most may not the crime of forgiveness. 仿佛就如她所言,让“母神”失望是世间最不可饶恕之罪。 Very good.” “很好。” This simple two characters, have been able to come from her highest applause: To oneself enough ruthless, can others ruthlessly certainly. This point, you have brutally won slightly. Snort, the waste eventually is the waste.” 这简单至极的两个字,已是能来自于她的最高赞许:“对自己足够狠,才能对别人狠绝。这一点,你已稍胜无情。哼,废物终究是废物。” Waste, should not certainly remain to annoy the female god to feel disappointed.” The females as before are tranquil such as water voice/sound. “废物,当然不该留下来惹母神扫兴。”女子依旧是平静如水的声音 Her world as if no fluctuating of sentiment, female god two characters will only regard as the only belief. 她的世界似乎没有感情的起伏,唯将“母神”二字视为唯一的信仰。 This is I soon will also give your duty.” “这也是我即将交给你的任务。” You go, killed her personally.” “你去,亲手杀了她。” voice/sound gloomy and cold contains oppressively, as if the person of referring to was not she once trained the thousand years god receiving, but was the waste residue that a lump can grind momentarily extinguishes. 声音阴冷含虐,仿佛所指之人不是她曾经培养千载的神承者,而是一坨随时可以碾灭的废渣。 Goes out of the main hall, the ray reflects, separation of palace, actually just like arriving in another entirely different world. 走出大殿,光线映下,一殿之隔,却宛若到了另一个全然不同的世界。 She paces slowly, produces thick and dark ink the clothes black, plain dustlessness. 她缓缓踱步,黑发墨衣,无华无尘。 The sky ash sinks to fall, a line of sight piece lets the person depressing dimness. 苍穹灰沉欲坠,视线一片让人压抑的朦胧。 Here is True God the place of roosting, she walks to be one of them, actually as if oversteps place of spatial certainly deathly stillness in the one person alone, step by step cold soul. 这里是真神所栖之地,她走在其中,却仿佛在孤身踏过一片空绝死寂之地,步步寒魂。 The old woman who under a low waste palace, two surface carve the black mark owes the lower part of the body: Young Master.” 一处低矮的废殿之下,两个面刻黑痕的老妪欠下身来:“少主。” Has not responded, she marches forward, the palace gate also silent opened, screened ruined. 没有回应,她继续向前,殿门也无声而启,映出了一片破败。 In the gray fog of winding around, a collapsing to the ground female raised the head slowly, under the scattered in disorder long hair, is one pair gloomy to almost cannot see a wee bit bright light eyes. 缭绕的灰雾之中,一个瘫坐在地的女子缓缓抬头,散乱的长发之下,是一双灰暗到几乎看不到丁点明光的眼睛。 That face pale to the extreme, just like corpse. What kind of pain was hard to imagine her to experience and despair. 那张面孔惨白之极,宛若死尸。难以想象她已是经历了怎样的痛苦与绝望。 God...... does not have...... recalls......” “神……无……忆……” Her lip angle moves slightly, sent out voice/sound not surprised, without the desire, without the hate, only has to let the numbness that the person heart clutches. 她唇角微动,发出的声音没有惊讶,没有乞求,没有怨恨,唯有让人心脏揪动的麻木。 She is living, as if had actually died. 她活着,却仿佛已然死去。 Bang. 砰。 Palace gate closed, isolated all. Quick, female palm profound light shining got up, reflects completely here each corner. 殿门闭合,隔绝了一切。很快,女子掌心玄光耀起,映满了这里的每一个角落。 God is brutal, I had completed the breakthrough once again.” Her vision leans, is overlooking the paralysis, if the female of dead shape: You should thoroughly understand, the choice of female god is wise.” “神无情,我已又一次完成了突破。”她目光倾下,俯视着瘫若死状的女子:“你该彻底明白,母神的选择英明无上。” „.” Responded her, was god brutal cold and dreary smiling: You vertical win my ten thousand times, she strips off my god receiving status to be able, why to abandon my shame I hence!” “呵。”回应她的,是神无情一声凄冷之笑:“你纵胜我万倍,她剥除我神承者身份便可,何必废我辱我至此!” She called the god to be brutal. 她叫神无情。 But this world anybody sees her at this moment, cannot believe that she is the god is brutal. 但此世任何人看到此刻的她,都绝不敢相信她是神无情。 Because god is brutal three characters, is Eternal Night Divine Country the name of god receiving! 因为“神无情”三字,是永夜神国的神承者之名! Is Eternal Night Divine Country this generation God's Daughter, future unsurpassed True God! 永夜神国这一代的“神女”,未来的无上真神 But, that once was. 但,那是曾经。 At the present when Eternal Night God's Daughter, named Shenwu Yi. 而今时的永夜神女,名为神无忆 Her appearance, lets Eternal Night Divine Country God Venerate brutally abolished the god Eternal Night God's Daughter the name, even abolished her cultivation base, destroyed her lower limb and whole body meridians, abandoned into her waste palace that is flooding abyss dust, let her gradually under the corrosion of abyss dust suffered the pain dead. 她的出现,让永夜神国神尊废除了神无情的“永夜神女”之名,甚至废除了她的修为,摧断了她的下肢和全身经脉,将她弃入这处充斥着渊尘的废殿,让她逐渐在渊尘的侵蚀折磨下痛苦而死。 Overnight, from the world supine goal God's Daughter, becomes the remnant body that treats. 一夜之间,从世所仰目的神女,成一具待死的残躯。
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