ATG :: Volume #19

#1978: Hidden soul and falling deep pool

Enters God Realm of Absolute Beginning, the world becomes a grayish white. 进入太初神境,世界变得一片灰白。 The time was still short, the powder eliminates radically without enough time with the trace of war of Mo Beichen. Especially Huo Poyun by destruction abyss that final Golden Crow Fire fires, incomparably striking inlaying in this grayish white world, looks distantly, as if entire God Realm of Absolute Beginning was pierced eternal. 时间尚短,根本来不及散除与陌悲尘之战的痕迹。尤其火破云以最终的金乌炎所灼烧的毁灭深渊,无比醒目的嵌于这片灰白世界,遥遥看去,仿佛整个太初神境被永恒洞穿。 Breaks oneself to destroy the body, Azure Waves forever certainly. 断己毁身,沧澜永绝。 Golden Crow Jade is broken, highest heaven black Jue. 金乌玉碎,九霄乌绝。 How may disappoint! 怎可辜负! Elder Brother Yun Che!” 云澈哥哥!” An anxious tenderness shouted that transmitted from the rear area, making Yun Che stop the figure all of a sudden. 一声急切的娇喊从后方传来,让云澈一下子止住了身形。 Quick, one pretty shadow and together blue shadow of imaginary beautiful but when shoulder to shoulder, precisely sees off has not had appearance Shui Meiyin and Cang Shuhe. 很快,一抹娇俏的黑影和一道幻美的蓝影并肩而至,正是送别时未有现身的水媚音苍姝姀 The Chi Wuyao lip angle smiles: It seems like finally succeeded in the final time.” 池妩仸唇角浅浅而笑:“看来终于是在最后的时刻成功了。” Her words make the Yun Che eye dodge are astonished however, he looks at two people: Meiyin, Shuhe.” 她的话让云澈目闪讶然,他看着两人:“媚音,姝姀。” Shui Meiyin between lips breathes lightly pants, obviously her arrival not with the aid of World Needle space Divine Power, but overtakes at the maximum speed full power. 水媚音唇间轻喘吁吁,显然她的到来并没有借助乾坤刺的空间神力,而是以最快的速度全力追及。 Nearly before the Yun Che body, her both hands hold, in the tender white palm, is two red ray that complements each other twinkle. Although is very pale, is actually crimson divine light that World Needle is in sole possession. 近到云澈身前,她双手捧出,嫩白的掌心之中,是两枚交映闪烁的红色光芒。虽然很淡,却是乾坤刺独有的绯红神光 „Is this?” Yun Che lifts the pupil. “这是?”云澈抬眸。 By a space array of pivot shaft and space that divine stone World Needle power engraves.” The Shui Meiyin pupil light is graceful, is covering the heart apprehension diligently and does not abandon: Plants a universe pivot shaft in one, can use this universe divine stone to open dimension profound array, transmits to the pivot shaft.” “是以乾坤刺力量所刻印的空间阵枢与空间神石。”水媚音眸光盈盈,努力掩着心底的忧惧和不舍:“将乾坤阵枢种于一处,便可利用这枚乾坤神石张开次元玄阵,传送至阵枢所在。” Is only, once a universe pivot shaft plants, is unable to move. Universe divine stone has not printed too many power with enough time, but believes that Elder Brother Yun Che will certainly have many means to supplement Space Strength in that side for it.” “只是,乾坤阵枢一旦种下,便无法移动。乾坤神石也未来得及印入太多的力量,但相信云澈哥哥在那边一定会有很多办法为它补充空间力量。” also,” Shui Meiyin is saying hurriedly: By the universe divine stone transmission to the distance of universe pivot shaft is not without the limit, once surpasses the distance, is unable to connect the dimension channel to complete the transmission. abyss space principle is much higher than the present world surely, it there transmission limit, but also wants Elder Brother Yun Che to try to sentence.” 还有,”水媚音急匆匆的说着:“以乾坤神石传送至乾坤阵枢的距离并非没有限制,一旦超出距离,便无法连接次元通道完成传送。深渊的空间法则必定远远高于现世,它在那里的传送极限,还要云澈哥哥自己去试判。” Yun Che puts out a hand, by the leisureliest movement, turned round a universe pivot shaft and universe divine stone in the hand. 云澈伸手,以最轻缓的动作,将乾坤阵枢和乾坤神石覆在了手中。 Experiences the tribulation of Mo Beichen, Yun Che fully realized that World Needle power nearly has dried up. 经历陌悲尘之劫,云澈深知乾坤刺力量已近枯竭。 Engraves this universe pivot shaft and universe divine stone by Divine Power depleted World Needle forcefully, must consume the huge mental effort and price. 神力枯竭的乾坤刺强行刻印这乾坤阵枢和乾坤神石,必然要耗费巨大的心力与代价。 But power Divine Crystal that the fact...... consumes is countless, World Needle also had fallen into thoroughly quietly, when regains consciousness, as its Lord Shui Meiyin is not also able to know. 而事实……所耗的力量神晶不计其数,乾坤刺也已彻底陷入了沉寂,何时苏醒,身为其主的水媚音亦无从知晓。 Cang Shuhe forwards, placed in a aqua blue ring his hand. 苍姝姀向前,将一枚水蓝色的戒指放在了他的手中。 This space ring accumulated, is the special Azure Waves space, only if collapses, otherwise cannot be worried thing withers or putrefies.” “这枚空间戒指所蕴的,是特殊的沧澜空间,除非崩坏,否则不需担心其中之物枯萎或腐化。” Gathers gently Yun Che's finger, Cang Shuhe jade-like finger moves to leave, Xinghu that a pair of beautiful eye such as ripples lightly: husband will return surely safely, Shuhe does not need to worry. If the matter of husband meeting difficult solution, might as well to recall that the word of Shuhe same day, or had helps.” 轻轻将云澈的手指合起,苍姝姀玉指移离,一双美目如轻漾的星湖:“夫君定会安然归来,姝姀自不必忧心。若是夫君遇到难解之事,不妨回想姝姀当日之言,或有微助。” Un, I have not forgotten.” “嗯,我没有忘。” Said goodbye to Shui Meiyin and Cang Shuhe, Yun Che and Chi Wuyao shuttles back and forth in the God Realm of Absolute Beginning space, gradually close to Null Abyss. 告别水媚音苍姝姀,云澈池妩仸穿梭于太初神境的空间,逐渐临近无之深渊 The pale world, appears stretch of a land that engrave myriad sword marks. 苍白的世界,现出一片刻印着万千剑痕的大地。 The sword mark staggered center, however is standing still this solitary one a tombstone. Before the tombstone, kneels to defend a bearing white clothing female remarkably. 剑痕交错的中心,孤然静立着一尊墓碑。墓碑前,跪守一个神姿卓然的白衣女子。 Looks distantly, ancient painting that such as an only beautiful changes colors. 遥遥看去,如一幕唯美而失色的古画。 The Yun Che's vision stays in her body, but has not alarmed in her, silent passed over gently and swiftly. 云澈的目光在她的身上停留,但并未惊扰于她,无声掠过。 Until his form disappears in the pale horizon, Jun Xilei raised the head slowly, remote looks at the distant place. 直到他的身影消失于苍白的天际,君惜泪缓缓抬头,遥看远方。 The secure lonesome sword mark is listening attentively to her such as the fog such as soft murmuring of dream: 安寂的剑痕倾听着她如雾如梦的轻喃: I will accompany Honored Master here, that day of until...... you returning.” “我会在这里陪伴师尊,直到……你归来的那天。” Therefore, must come back.” “所以,一定要回来。” ......... ……… Null Abyss. 无之深渊 In the cognition will once melt biting that return to void did not have to extinguish abyss all, now side knowledge after the experience long mutation, unexpectedly becomes only channel that connected two world. 曾经认知中会将一切化归虚无的噬灭深渊,如今方知在经历漫长的异变之后,竟成为了连接两个世界的唯一通道。 Here matter, then took advantage of you completely.” “这边的事,便全部依仗你了。” Stands in the abyss edge, the world of Yun Che visual under bareness, pupil light gradually becomes primordial chaos. 站在深渊边缘,云澈目视下方空无的世界,瞳光逐渐变得混沌 By kindly treats Wood Spirit to the full, informs the world He Ling falling oneself salvation the truth, this is Wood Spirit Clan works as some glory.” “以最大程度善待木灵界,告知天下禾菱陨己救世的真相,这是木灵一族当有的荣耀。” Chi Wuyao lightly said: Here all, you all may feel at ease.” 池妩仸轻语道:“这边的一切,你皆可安心。” Un, complies with your three matters, I will achieve surely.” Yun Che hangs the eye slowly: I walked.” “嗯,答应你的三件事,我定会做到。”云澈缓缓垂目:“我走了。” His body leans forward, then must fall to the under that as if Devil God huge mouth world. 身躯前倾,便要坠向下方那仿佛魔神巨口的世界。 back, actually pasted on suddenly soft that enters the soul. 后背,却忽然贴上了入魂的绵软。 Chi Wuyao grasped him from behind, pair of white delicate arms entangle before his body, gradual drawing. 池妩仸身后抱住了他,一双玉臂缠于他的身前,逐渐的收拢。 The Yun Che body stopped leans forward, aspirates slowly. 云澈身躯停止了前倾,缓缓吐了一口气。 two people has not spoken, does not need to say a word. 两人都没有说话,也无需言语。 The Chi Wuyao white delicate arms upper shift, the five fingers caressed slowly to his face, fingertip one by one were touching his five senses, as if before wanting to separate the last time touches deep engraving to enter in the hearts. 池妩仸玉臂上移,五指缓缓抚向了他的脸庞,指尖一一触碰着他的五官,似乎想要将分离前的最后一次触碰深深的刻印入心间。 From lip bank, to tip of the nose, to corner of the eye, again to between the eyebrows. 从唇畔,到鼻尖,到眼角,再到眉心 At this moment, peaceful such as the water has spat the breath such as cotton Chi Wuyao, in the demon pupil releases black glow suddenly. 就在这时,一直安静如水吐息如棉的池妩仸,魔瞳之中陡然释出黑芒 And split second, then deep and quiet such as eternal endless night deep pool. 一瞬间,便幽邃如永恒无尽的夜渊。 Pair of eyes fierce opening that Yun Che partly gathers: You!” 云澈半合的双眼猛的睁开:“你!” But, except for the pupil of enlargement, his whole body is motionless, in the mouth the sound also stops suddenly. 但,除了放大的瞳孔,他全身一动不动,口中之音也猛然而止。 Chi Wuyao turns devil soul, is penetrating in his soul sea slowly. 池妩仸的涅轮魔魂,正缓缓穿入他的魂海之中。 His split second then knows that Chi Wuyao is making anything, incomparably panic-stricken wants to prevent, but does not dare to prevent, even does not dare to send out voice/sound again, instead suppresses the mighty waves that the soul sea was just surging vigorously. 一瞬间便知道池妩仸在做什么,无比惊恐的想要阻止,但又不敢阻止,甚至不敢再发出一丝声音,反而极力的压制着魂海刚刚激荡的波澜。 Because under this boundary, his any resistance, will easily instead create the Chi Wuyao Soul root, he can only choose motionlessly, withstands with the gentlest docile stance. 因为此境之下,他的任何抗拒,都会轻易反创到池妩仸灵魂根源,他只能选择一动不动,以最平和温顺的姿态承受。 He incomparably clear feeling turned existence of devil soul, it bit by bit from the Soul peeling of Chi Wuyao, is entering to his soul sea in...... a point, two points...... five points...... seven points...... 他无比清晰的感觉到了涅轮魔魂的存在,它正一点一点从池妩仸灵魂剥离,进入到他的魂海之中……一分,两分……五分……七分…… The Yun Che's lip angle is shivering fiercely, but Chi Wuyao has not stopped as before, the pain of play makes her face twist extremely unceasingly. 云澈的唇角在剧烈颤动,但池妩仸依旧没有停止,极剧的痛苦让她的面孔不断的扭曲着。 By the Chi Wuyao soul only final two points of turns devil soul, she stops finally. 直到池妩仸魂中只余最后的两分涅轮魔魂,她才终于停止。 Chi Wuyao pupil being possessed by a demon glow fierce extinguishment, Yun Che turned round like lightning, supported nearly soft Chi Wuyao but actually...... also in instantly, the Chi Wuyao face color that on pain he turned round by her hidden, only pale gentle. 池妩仸眸中魔芒猛的熄灭,云澈闪电般回身,扶住了险些软倒的池妩仸……也是在他回身的刹那,池妩仸脸上的痛楚之色被她生生隐下,只余一片惨白的平和。 You were insane!” Yun Che lowers is roaring. “你疯了吗!”云澈低吼着。 Turns devil soul is the Chi Wuyao life most important thing, is she becomes taking advantage of North Territory Devil Empress, is the core of her life life. 涅轮魔魂池妩仸一生最重要之物,是她成为北域魔后的依仗,是她一生命途的核心。 But she at this moment, is enough most likely (80%) will actually turn devil soul to strip, shifted his body forcefully. 但她此刻,却是生生将足足八成的涅轮魔魂剥离,强行转移到了他的身上 „......” “……” Crossed some little time, Chi Wuyao sets out finally from the Yun Che arms. 过了好一会儿,池妩仸才终于从云澈臂间直起身来。 She smiled faintly, the seductive appearance is turning round paleness that won the snow, sad touching such as snow blade pure-heart: Here has Xuanyin, Qianying and Yan Wu they, even without me, still returns to normal sufficiently any mighty waves.” 她浅笑,妖媚的容颜覆着胜雪的惨白,凄美如雪刃冰心:“这边有玄音千影阎舞他们,就算没有我,也足以平复任何波澜。” Let alone, my also leaves leeway two points of devil soul.” “何况,我还有留有两分魔魂。” However the cause that your safety, also you must complete, exceeds all!” “而你的安危,还有你要完成的伟业,胜过所有!” In her pupil the deep Yun's demon glow is still deep and quiet, but is dim. 瞳眸之中深蕴的魔芒依旧幽邃,但已经黯淡了许多。 Yun Che opens mouth, is actually not able to say makes her withdraw this words devil soul. Because he knows that Chi Wuyao has made, then does not have the possibility of rotation certainly. 云澈张了张嘴,却是无法说出让她将魔魂收回这种话。因为他知道池妩仸既已做出,便绝无回转的可能。 Chi Wuyao said slowly: Turns devil soul only to recognize my carrier in the present world, is unable to achieve compatibility with your Soul. Therefore, you are unable to control it on own initiative.” 池妩仸徐徐道:“涅轮魔魂在现世只认我这个载体,与你的灵魂无法达成契合。所以,你无法主动驾驭它。” But it is separates to shift by me personally, therefore very obedient hidden in your Soul......, until, its touched that moment.” “但它是由我亲自所割裂转移,所以会很乖顺的隐于你的灵魂……直到,它被触动的那一刻。” Touched, how can?” Yun Che asked. “触动了,会怎样?”云澈问。 Like one by Devil God that awakens from the sleep.” Chi Wuyao is describing. “会像一只被从睡梦中惊醒的魔神。”池妩仸如此描绘着。 But, only may touch one time. That may be Nirvana Devil Emperor...... the final anger.” “但,只可触动一次。那或许会是涅轮魔帝……最后的愤怒。” In Yun Che heart intense shock. 云澈心中剧震 Chi Wuyao these words mean: In his soul turns devil soul, once were touched, will dissipate eternal. 池妩仸这句话意味着:他魂中的涅轮魔魂一旦被触动,就会永恒消散。 What kind of might takes most likely (80%) to turn devil soul to dissipate for the Soul counter-attack that the price erupts eternal...... it will accomplish, Chi Wuyao do not know. 以八成涅轮魔魂永恒消逝为代价所爆发的灵魂反击……它会造就怎样的威力,连池妩仸自己也不知道。 „...... Good.” Yun Che serious nod: My trying hard will not fall into like that the hopeless situation by oneself, then gives back to you its complete belt/bring.” “……好。”云澈郑重的点头:“我会努力让自己不陷入那般绝境,然后将它完完整整的带还给你。” The Chi Wuyao smile shakes the head, although has not said a word, but regardless of the facial expression also pupil light, were telling his safety exceeds ten thousand times of devil soul. 池妩仸微笑摇头,虽未言语,但无论神情还有眸光,都在诉说着他的安危胜过万倍魔魂 Should walk.” Her extend the hand, caresses in the Yun Che's shoulder side: Sooner goes, can return sooner.” “该走了。”她伸出手,抚在云澈的肩侧:“早些去,才可以早些回。” „The man who I choose, how will end in this.” “我选择的男人,岂会终结于此。” Before jade-like finger presses, will be built on Yun Che of abyss edge to push down gently. 玉指前压,将立于深渊边缘的云澈轻轻推下。 Chi Wuyao vanishes in the Yun Che's line of sight, what also actually loses is all colors, the whole person falls to below world. 池妩仸消失于云澈的视线,随之失却的是所有色彩,整个人直直坠向下方的世界。 Only flash, his form then by engulfed in grayish white mist. 只一刹那,他的身影便被吞没于灰白的雾气之中。 Thorough that even/including aura, vanishes. 就连气息,也消失的彻彻底底。 Yun Che aura completely vanishes instantly, heart of Chi Wuyao fierce emptied, the body of strong brace has also knelt in the place softly, crossed for a long time, her demon pupil restoration focal distance slowly. 云澈气息完全消失的刹那,池妩仸的心脏猛的空了一下,一直强撑的身躯也软跪在地,过了许久,她的魔眸才缓缓的恢复焦距。 They are also good, the cloud poor business conditions that Yun Qinghong husband and wife also good...... everyone to display are light, but in truth everyone heart fears the deep pool floating. 她们也好,云轻鸿夫妇也好……每个人都表现的云淡风轻,但实则每个人都心悬惧渊。 He in this world is unsurpassed Emperor Yun, but that world , he will then be even the slightest misstep beyond redemption. 他在这个世界是无上的云帝,但那个世界,他稍有不慎,便会万劫不复。 Even, is falls merely the abyss process, the life and death is difficult to predict. 甚至,仅仅是坠下深渊的过程,都生死难料。 Stood still several double-hour, Chi Wuyao set out finally, however was far away this solitary one. 静立了数个时辰,池妩仸才终于起身,孤然远离。 The God Realm of Absolute Beginning exit|to speak, nine Succubus have waited there. They most understand Chi Wuyao, after clearer Yun Che leaves, the heavy burden of this world, then all falls in her body. 太初神境出口,九魔女都已候在那里。她们最为了解池妩仸,更清楚云澈离开之后,此世的重担,便全落于她一人之身。 The Chi Wuyao facial expression does not have the change, could not see trace that any devil soul damages again. 池妩仸神情毫无变动,亦看不出任何魔魂重损的痕迹。 She looks at the front, between lips has no superfluous word, said directly: Chanyi, passes message Yan Wu and Fen Daoqi, making them dispatch the person to guard Null Abyss, before Emperor Yun returns, can not let anybody, any life approaches!” 她看着前方,唇间无任何赘言,直接道:“蝉衣,传音阎舞焚道启,让他们遣人驻守无之深渊,在云帝归来之前,不得让任何人,任何生灵靠近!” Remembers, this matter is related to the Emperor Yun safety, any time interval and any region, can not have the oversight!” “记得,此事事关云帝安危,任何时段、任何区域,都不得有疏漏!” The abyss world knows nothing about the wind and cloud change of present world era. But abyss unknown is he is then big to Yun Che's a advantage. 深渊世界对现世这个时代的风云变化一无所知。而深渊云澈的未知便是他再大不过的一个优势。 If this period of time has a Divine Lord Realm person also to fall into Null Abyss, and lives luckily is arriving in the abyss world...... 若是这段时间有一个神主境的人也落入无之深渊,并万幸活着到达深渊世界…… Even if this possibility is extremely low, Chi Wuyao must guard against peak. 这种可能性纵然极低,池妩仸也必须防范到极致 Guarding, must be the Northern God Territory person. 驻守者,也必须是北神域的人。 Yes!” Nanhuang Chanyi seriously accordingly. “是!”南凰蝉衣郑重应声。 Remembers, do not alarm small Sword Monarch.” Her voice/sound pleasantly warm a point: On the contrary, she can be the guardian of most with heart and soul.” “记得,不要惊扰小剑君。”她的声音温软了一分:“相反,她会是最全心的守卫者。” Qingying, blue slug, Yuwu.” Chi Wuyao transfers the pupil saying: Today starting from, you release to start temporarily the matter, returns to Northern God Territory, collected various Star Realm to lose from the ancient times record full power., Engraves, the demon mark including the old book...... regardless of what seed/type, regardless of genuine and fake slightly heavy!” 青萤,蓝蜒,玉舞。”池妩仸转眸道:“即日开始,你们暂释下手中之事,返回北神域,全力搜罗各星界遗自远古的记载。包括古籍、刻印、魔纹……无论何种,无论真假微重!” Qingying, blue slug and Yuwu simultaneously startled. 青萤、蓝蜒、玉舞同时愕然。 Calls the names of three Succubus one time, this thinks that surely is the extremely important important matter. 一次唤出三魔女之名,本以为定是极重要的大事。 Collected the record class the ancient times to lose unexpectedly remnantly? 竟只是搜罗记载类的远古残遗? Although under the heart has doubts, but three Succubus had not asked, soon receives an order to go. 虽然心下疑惑,但三魔女并未多问,很快领命而去。 The world does not have Emperor Yun, only keeps the Devil Empress palm controlling various world winds and clouds. 世无云帝,唯留魔后掌驭诸世风云。 After the wind and cloud, duplicate below can be eternal abyss, or is...... 风云之后,覆下的会是永恒的深渊,抑或是……
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