KOMI :: Volume #16

#1584: Sword prison town/subdues skeleton

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Buzz! 嗡! The profound huge dense sword prison, just like the black hole common suppression, among is flooding indescribable sharp sword qi, boundless of sword qi, changed into dragon's phantom and sword embryo, flows the shuttle. 幽深庞大的森森剑狱,宛如黑洞一般的镇压而下,其内充斥着无法形容的锋锐剑气,剑气之磅礴,化为了龙影与剑胎,在其中流淌穿梭。 Even world's energy falls into, as if that as sharp as pinnacle sword qi, obliterated the most primitive energy granule, dispersed in between Heaven and Earth. 天地能量落入其中,仿佛都被那锋锐到极致的剑气,磨灭成了最为原始的能量粒子,散于天地间 This is Li Luo since has built Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation, displays five dragon tooth for the first time. 这是李洛自从修成众相龙牙剑阵以来,第一次施展出“五龙牙”。 But that fifth dragon tooth sword, is by earth resonance's power, fuses earth dragon tooth sword that” dragon resonance's power forms. 而那第五柄龙牙剑,乃是以土相之力,融合龙相之力所形成的“土龙牙剑”。 Strict sense, to five dragon tooth the level, this Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation, was achieves matchless grade to leave truly. 严格意义来说,到了“五龙牙”的层次,这“众相龙牙剑阵”,才算是真正的达到了无双级别。 This technique takes dragon tooth as the front, but the dragon tooth itself/Ben is the dragon body lethality strongest spot, changes into sword intent it, that sword qi sharp swift and fierce, pierces world all materials sufficiently. 此术以龙牙为锋,而龙牙本就是龙躯杀伤力最强的部位,将其化为剑意,那剑气之锋锐凌厉,足以洞穿世间一切的物质。 Therefore , to this time, this Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation, just now started to show true towering to the world. 所以说,到了此时,这道“众相龙牙剑阵”,方才开始向世人展现真正的峥嵘。 In Li Luo that purple gold color dragon pupil, is producing an inverted image the huge profound sword prison, in the heart also exudes the mighty waves, although he also grasps 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques now this light Unparalleled Technique, truly but its innermost feelings like, this accompanies his many years together embryonic unparalleled technique. 李洛那紫金色的龙瞳中,倒映着庞大的幽深剑狱,心中也是泛起波澜,虽说如今他还掌握了“十二翼圣灵剑舞术”这道光明无双术,但其内心真正所喜爱的,还是这一道陪伴他多年的“无双雏术”。 This technique agrees with his Myriad Resonances Seed extremely, moreover five dragon tooth, are not the limits that he can reach. 此术与他的万相种极为契合,而且五龙牙,还并非是他所能够达到的极限。 He has eight now, if can be completely precise dragon tooth sword, but can also change into crystal dragon tooth sword and ices dragon tooth sword, but when real he built seven dragon tooth, this Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation the might will perhaps go to a very terrifying situation. 他如今身怀八相,若是能够全部凝炼出龙牙剑的话,还能化为“晶龙牙剑”与“冰龙牙剑”,而真等他修成“七龙牙”时,这道“众相龙牙剑阵”的威力恐怕将会达到一种非常恐怖的地步。 That step, perhaps as the Li Jun old ancestor of this technique creator, has not expected. 那一步,或许就连身为此术创造者的李钧老祖,都未曾预料过。 Therefore, Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation, has bright prospects. 所以,“众相龙牙剑阵”,大有可为。 When the Li Luo innermost feelings flash through these mood, that profound like black hole turns over to stop sword prison to bump into with the skeleton great hand that only blocks the sky. 李洛内心闪过这些情绪时,那幽深如黑洞般的“归湮剑狱”已是与那只遮天蔽日的骸骨巨手相撞。 Above the skeleton great hand, is glittering innumerable strange bloody rune/symbol writing, resembling is the distortion pain faces. 骸骨巨手之上,闪烁着无数诡异血腥的符文,似是一张张扭曲痛苦的人脸。 The skeleton great hand was falls to turn over to stop in the sword prison directly, the next quarter, to passed through turning over to of world myriad things to stop the sword light/only to gush out sharply sufficiently, the congealment was to only look, made the dragon of person both eyes stabbing pain turning over to stopping, these turned over to the dragon of stopping to wind to hover, sword qi wreaked havoc. 骸骨巨手直接是落入到了归湮剑狱内,下一刻,锋锐到足以贯穿世间万物的归湮剑光喷薄而出,凝结为一条条光是看去,就令人双目刺痛至极的归湮之龙,这些归湮之龙蜿蜒游动,剑气肆虐。 Just like destroying the grinding pan, that sharp sword qi sword light, among all materials will grind, obliterate. 宛如毁灭磨盘,那锋锐剑气剑光,将其内的一切物质都碾碎,磨灭。 On the skeleton giant palm, has the deep fissure to reappear shortly, fissure place smooth like mirror. 骸骨巨掌上,顷刻间就有着深深的裂痕浮现出来,裂痕处光滑如镜。 Even stubborn evil thoughts aura, in this turns over to stop in the sword prison, is unable to withstand the washout of that trillion sword light. 即便是顽固至极的恶念之气,在这归湮剑狱内,都是无法承受那亿万道剑光的冲刷。 Bang! 轰! Finally, the skeleton giant palm finally reached the limit, above innumerable strange rune/symbol Wensi is the wail that erupts the sad and shrill pain, subsequently loudly rupturing. 最终,骸骨巨掌终于是达到了极限,其上无数诡异符文似是爆发出凄厉痛苦的哀鸣,继而轰然爆裂。 Then also endures from the skeleton great tower compared with the fake king full-power attack offensive, in Li Luo this turns over to stop sword prison, is defeated thoroughly. 那来自骸骨巨塔并且堪比假王全力一击的攻势,在李洛这“归湮剑狱”下,彻底落败。 Heavenly Dragon that Li Luo changes into erupts the earth-shaking dragon's roar sound, he does not have the least bit to hesitate, turns over to stop sword prison to change into the sword light mighty current to fall in torrents, directly was bang ruthlessly in that skeleton great tower. 李洛化为的天龙爆发出惊天动地的龙吟声,他没有半点犹豫,“归湮剑狱”化为剑光洪流倾泻而下,直接是狠狠的轰在了那座骸骨巨塔上。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying sword light wreaks havoc, tears the one after another abyss this stretch of land, the surrounding some hills were affected, was bevelled to go. 恐怖的剑光肆虐开来,将这片大地撕裂出一道道万丈深渊,周围的一些群山更是受到波及,唰唰的被削平而去。 In the skeleton great tower, the innumerable skeletons send out to howl, was twisted by the sword light becomes everywhere the ashes broken. 骸骨巨塔上,无数骸骨发出嘶啸,纷纷被剑光绞碎成满地灰烬。 Bang! 轰! Explodes in the broken skeleton great tower, there is floods the violent anger with slaughtering together the roaring sound to get up, sees only together the great shadow from goes out, that is a high approximately dozens meters extremely fat giant, in its huge body, being bustling and filled with people that ten pain twist, seems like extremely fearsome. 爆碎的骸骨巨塔中,有一道充斥着暴怒与杀戮的咆哮声响起,只见一道巨影自其中走出,那是一头高约数十米的臃肿巨人,在它那庞大的身躯上,有十颗痛苦扭曲的人头攒动,看上去极为的可怖。 In its, erupts the terrifying evil thoughts aura. 在其身上,也爆发出恐怖的恶念之气 Fake king who has not fused the forming.” “一尊未曾融合成形的假王而已。” However Li Luo sees that is actually and does not care, this extremely fat Other, should be the second fake king who in the skeleton great tower breeds, but the final fusion was interrupted by him pitifully, present it, as before is only the level of ninth grade real demon, Other that because just fuses are too many, this strength is quite huge and motley. 然而李洛见状,却是并不在意,这臃肿异类,应该就是骸骨巨塔内孕育的第二尊假王,但可惜最后的融合被他所打断,眼下的它,依旧只是九品真魔的层次,只不过因为融合的异类太多,这份力量极为庞大与斑驳罢了。 Therefore moves along with the Li Luo intention, turns over to stop the sword prison to cover this extremely fat Other directly, the sword light wreaks havoc enormously and powerful, this extremely fat Other erupts powerful evil thoughts aura to try to resist stubbornly, but the sword light in sword prison is sharp overbearingly, short in a minute, then in its sad and shrill wailing sound, twists broken it putting to death by dismemberment. 于是伴随着李洛心念一动,归湮剑狱直接将这臃肿异类笼罩,剑光浩荡肆虐,这臃肿异类爆发出强大的恶念之气试图顽抗,但剑狱内的剑光何等锋锐霸道,短短片刻间,便是在其凄厉的哀嚎声中,将其生生的凌迟绞碎。 Arrived this, this black rain Capital view and second fake king of breeding, then destroyed thoroughly in the hand of Li Luo. 到此,这座黑雨京观以及其中孕育的第二尊假王,便是彻底毁在了李洛的手中。 But with these two's annihilation, on the horizon the continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) evil thoughts dark clouds is starting to abate, black rain of wreaking havoc, is also in gradual weakening. 而随着这两者的湮灭,天际上连绵数万里的恶念黑云在开始消退,肆虐的黑雨,也是随之在逐渐的减弱。 The so obvious change, was detected by the Heavenly King Li's lineage army immediately, immediately bursts into the earth-shaking cheers, their pressures plummet in this time. 如此明显的变化,立即被李天王一脉大军所察觉,当即爆发出惊天动地般的欢呼声,他们的压力在此时骤降。 Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, the Li Qingying three lineage chief tight looks are also relax relaxed gradually get down, in the eye has the happy expression to reappear. 澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱三位脉首紧绷的神色也是渐渐的松缓下来,眼中有着喜色浮现。 Good, worthily is my dragon tooth lineage sixth lineage chief, if is really respects the young, when this time they occupy the first in merit!” Li Tianji cannot bear delighted saying. “好,不愧是我龙牙脉第六位脉首,果真是后生可畏啊,此次他们当居首功!”李天玑忍不住欢喜的说道。 Said that these words may be useless, since is the first in merit, that should give enough reward.” Tantai Lan curls the lip, said. “说这些话可没什么用,既然是首功,那就应该给予足够的奖励。”澹台岚撇撇嘴,说道。 Li Tianji said with a smile: That Tantai lineage chief thought that should give what kind of reward?” 李天玑笑道:“那澹台脉首觉得应该给予何等奖励?” Your Heavenly King Li's lineage that trueDragon Holy Seed, should give little Luo? Moreover you should have Unparalleled Technique? When with observes and emulates. ” Tantai Lan both hands insert in the pocket of purple coat, leisure saying. “你们李天王一脉那一枚真正的“龙之圣种”,也该交给小洛了吧?而且你们应该也有无双术的吧?什么时候拿出来观摩一下呗。”澹台岚双手插在紫色大衣的衣兜里,慢悠悠的说道。 Li Tianji face one stiff, this Tantai Lan appetite may be really big, is Dragon Holy Seed, is Unparalleled Technique... 李天玑老脸一僵,这澹台岚的胃口可真大啊,又是龙之圣种,又是无双术的... If traded to make the past, Li Tianji will have many reasons to shift responsibility onto others inevitably, after thinking of now Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e status and potential, he silent several breaths, said: Tantai lineage chief felt relieved, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e relate to my Heavenly King Li's lineage future prosperity, we will not treat unjustly their.” 若是换作以往,李天玑势必会有诸多的理由推诿,不过在想到如今李洛姜青娥的身份与潜力后,他沉默了数息,道:“澹台脉首放心,李洛姜青娥关系到我李天王一脉未来的昌盛,我们不会亏待他们的。” Tantai Lan looked at Li Tianji one, the heart was a little also astonished slightly, she was wanting to have a lion's share, but she has not thought that Li Tianji this Palm Mountain Lineage Chief has not pulled with her like the past unexpectedly like that but so tacitly approved simply. 澹台岚看了李天玑一眼,心头也略微有点讶异,她本来就只是在狮子大开口,但她没想到李天玑这位掌山脉首竟然没有如同以往那般与她拉扯,而是如此干脆的默认了下来。 This mentality the rapidness of transformation, Tantai Lan a little admires this old fox suddenly, because although she past matter was unhappy about Li Tianji, may have to acknowledge, this old fox took Heavenly King Li's lineage Palm Mountain Lineage Chief, could complete compared with Heavenly King Qin's lineage Qin Jiujie as well as present Qin Zhongyuan. 这心态的转变之快,就连澹台岚一时间都有点佩服这老狐狸,她虽然因为当年的事对李天玑不喜,可也不得不承认,这老狐狸作为李天王一脉掌山脉首,远比秦天王一脉秦九劫以及如今的秦重渊做得好。 Also no wonder Heavenly King Li to his quite a lot trust, even if hundred years do not turn over , can still feel at ease. 也难怪李天王会对他颇多信任,即便百年不归,也能安心。 Black rain will soon abate, should make a move to us, ends this Other disaster thoroughly time.” Li Tianji raised the head, looks at the evil thoughts dark clouds that the horizon is starting to abate, feels relieved. “黑雨即将消退,也该到我们出手,彻底终结这场异灾的时候了。”李天玑则是抬起头,望着天际开始消退的恶念黑云,如释重负。 But at the same time, in that shatter black rain Capital view place, Li Luo Heavenly Dragon circles in the horizon, he lifts Dragon Head, the vision looks to void of high place, there presents the stance of breakage, but after space fissure, is the somewhat familiar space, that is Boundary River Territory. 而与此同时,在那破碎的黑雨京观处,李洛所化的天龙盘旋在天际,他抬起龙首,目光看向高处的虚空,那里呈现破裂的姿态,而空间裂痕之后,则是有些熟悉的空间,那是界河域 Meanwhile he also saw that to send out is making one feel that the anxious aura blood bridge, on the blood bridge, that motley stele heaved in sight. 同时他也看见了那座散发着令人感到不安气息的血桥,血桥上,那一座斑驳的石碑映入眼帘。 On the stele, is bloody, five ancient Chinese characters. 石碑上,是血淋淋的,五个古字。 „Can't real king enter?” “真王不可入?” Li Luo is startled, at once suddenly, is really here Heavenly King Pardon changed, causes the birth of fake king. 李洛一怔,旋即恍然,果然是这里的“天王赦文”发生了变化,导致假王的诞生。 However, this „will Heavenly King Pardon change? Should this not come from that three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King method? Otherwise it should do this, rather, when some after situation erosions, starts to do. 不过,这“天王赦文”怎么会变化的?这应该不是来自那三瞳玄胎大魔王的手段吧?不然它早就应该这样做了,而不是等到局势有些糜烂后才开始做。 The Li Luo innermost feelings raise some doubt. 李洛内心升起一些狐疑。 ... ... When Li Luo circling here horizon, in that dark black endocrater somewhere, Qin Jiujie and Spirit Eyes Underworld King also because of this accident, but the brow wrinkles. 而当李洛盘旋此处的天际时,在那幽暗的黑色巨坑某处,秦九劫灵眼冥王也是因为这番变故而眉头皱起。 This Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, but also is really troublesome, the fake kings defeated by them unexpectedly continually, unparalleled sixth grade does not have such evildoer/monstrous talent.” Spirit Eyes Underworld King said. “这李洛姜青娥,还真是麻烦,竟然连假王都被他们打败了,无双六品也没这么妖孽吧。”灵眼冥王说道。 Ordinary unparalleled sixth grade naturally does not have such evildoer/monstrous talent, but has Myriad Resonances Seed and primordial seed unparalleled sixth grade, very evildoer/monstrous talent.” Qin Jiujie said. “普通的无双六品自然没这么妖孽,但身怀万相种原始种的无双六品,就很妖孽了。”秦九劫道。 I have said early, these two can be the disaster, Origin Reversion Institute should solve them as soon as possible.” “我早说过,这两人会是祸害,归一会应该尽快解决掉他们。” Spirit Eyes Underworld King shows neither approval nor disapproval: No matter he, assigning/life the fruit is mature, prepares to select.” 灵眼冥王不置可否:“不管他了,命果已经成熟,准备摘取吧。” Saying, him is turning around, sees only in the rear black abyss, the huge ceremonies are in progress, under evil thoughts aura that the vast vitality fluctuation here rushes extremely strongly covers up, unceasing gathering. 说着,他转过身来,只见得在后方的黑色深渊中,有一场庞大的仪式正在进行,浩瀚的生机波动在此处极为浓烈澎湃的恶念之气遮掩下,不断的汇聚而来。 Finally, formed a golden fruit. 最终,形成了一枚金色的果实。 That fruit extremely wonderful, among seems flowing the air/Qi of all living things vitality, like the nebula halo encirclement in its all around, among just like has the life and death to take turn, the myriad things are growing. 那枚果实极为的神妙,其内仿佛是流淌着众生生机之气,有如星云般的光环环绕在其四周,其内犹如是有着生死在交替,万物在生长。 Bang! 轰! However in Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie are appreciating the life fruit of this forming, suddenly the abyss sent out the vibration, the next quarter, had the vast sword light to break open the abyss land, immediately had the ray, since the above shone under. 不过就在灵眼冥王秦九劫欣赏着这成形的命果时,突然深渊发出了震动,下一刻,有浩瀚的剑光破开了深渊大地,顿时有光线自上方照耀而下。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King, the Qin Jiujie look sinks, fierce raising the head. 灵眼冥王,秦九劫眼神一沉,猛的抬头。 Then sees a giant Heavenly Dragon head, is emitting dragon breath, breaks open the land, appeared in their line of sight. 便是见到一颗巨大的天龙头,喷吐着龙息,破开大地,出现在了他们的视线中。 When they when seeing the head of this Heavenly Dragon, Li Luo that surprised sound, also resounds. 而当他们在见到这天龙之首时,李洛那惊讶的声音,也是随之响起。 Origin Reversion Institute, is you are really up to mischief in the back.” 归一会,果然是你们在背后搞鬼。”
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