KOMI :: Volume #16

#1583: Five dragon tooth! Turns over to stop the sword prison

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„The source of wicked rain, incantation rain blood wheel!” “恶雨之源,咒雨血轮!” When four wings false king that hoarse grating wailing sound coerces the dreadful murderous intention is resounding, sees only that to be built in the void black blood wheel, the strange gloomy trace becomes flashes on and off to be uncertain immediately, the terrifying evil thoughts fluctuation release, made this vault of heaven unceasing appearance one after another huge fissure, just like end scene. 当四翼假王那嘶哑刺耳的尖啸声裹挟着滔天杀机响起时,只见那立于虚空的黑色血轮上,诡异阴森的纹路顿时变得明灭不定起来,恐怖至极的恶念波动释放而出,令得这片天穹不断的出现一道道巨大的裂痕,宛如末日场景。 Bang! 轰隆! Black blood round of rotation slowly, but with its rotation, that below innumerable Other bodies bursts suddenly, changes into the stench the flesh starch, rewinds to ascend to heaven, finally submerging to that blood wheel. 黑色血轮缓缓的转动,而随着其转动,那下方无数异类的身躯突然破裂开来,化为腥臭的血肉浆水,倒卷升天,最终尽数的没入到那血轮之中。 This, is magnificent and bloody. 这一幕,壮观而血腥。 No one has thought, four wings fake king Ji has this blood wheel, will use the Other flesh as the material unexpectedly. 谁都没想到,四翼假王祭出这“血轮”,竟会以异类血肉为材料。 Buzz! 嗡! After black blood round of absorption innumerable Other flesh, there is a black incantation mark from gushing out like surging tides, changes into a black blood mighty current finally, is to make one feel unexpectedly accident is going to the region of different moist deep place air-splitting. 黑色血轮吸收无数异类血肉后,有黑色的咒纹自其中如潮水般的涌出,最后化为一道黑血洪流,竟是令人感到意外的对着异潮深处的区域破空而去。 The rain of black blood waters in the different moist deep place, faint, seeming like has is not weak fluctuates in evil thoughts of four wings fake king in rapid breeding. 黑血之雨在异潮深处浇灌,隐隐的,似乎是有着不弱于四翼假王的恶念波动在飞速的孕育。 little Luo, Qing'e, prevents it! It in the rain of by black blood, waters the black rain Capital view of different moist deep place, the acceleration expedites second fake king Other!” The sound of Tantai Lan light drinking, such as slating spreading over battlefield. 小洛,青娥,阻止它!它在以黑血之雨,浇灌异潮深处的黑雨京观,加速催生第二尊假王异类!”澹台岚轻喝之声,如雷鸣般的传遍战场。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e hears Yanjie is one startled, it seems like that this four wings fake king after this period of time fight, is knows their two people is not good to cope, therefore starts to use other methods, tries to inspire the birth of second fake king Other. 李洛姜青娥闻言皆是一惊,看来这四翼假王在经过这段时间的交手后,已是知晓他们两人不好对付,所以开始施展其他的手段,试图引动第二尊假王异类的诞生。 However when they plan to have an action to perform, that four wings fake king erupts the wailing sound again, sees only above that black blood wheel, the innumerable incantation marks gush out like the insect, finally gathered in the front, formed a broken black blood symbol. 不过正当他们打算有所动作时,那四翼假王再度爆发出尖啸声,只见得那黑色血轮之上,无数咒纹如同虫子般涌出,最后于前方汇聚,形成了一张残破的黑色血符。 Above the blood symbol, each trace is such strange gloomy, as if contains world evilly to wicked aura, simultaneously is faint, but also spread the evil spirit howling sound, making in the person have innumerable frightened. 血符之上,每一笔纹路都是那样的诡异阴森,仿佛是蕴含着世间至邪至恶的气息,同时隐隐间,还从中传出了厉鬼般的嘶啸声,令人内心生出无数恐惧。 ten thousand evil kills by curse the symbol!” “万孽咒死符!” The broken black blood symbol in sways void erratically, when may work as it appears, originally the dim world becomes even more gloomy and cold, faint trace black smoke winds around in the blood symbol, is flooding ominous. 残破的黑色血符于虚空飘摇不定,可当其出现时,本就昏暗的天地变得愈发的阴冷,一丝丝黑烟缭绕在血符上,充斥着不祥。 This black blood symbol emergence, then rises suddenly against the wind, in an instant changes into about the hundred zhang (333 m), then coerces the boundless vast evil thoughts fluctuation, to Li Luo, the Jiang Qing'e suppression is going. 这黑色血符一出现,便是迎风暴涨,转眼化为百丈左右,然后裹挟磅礴浩瀚的恶念波动,对着李洛,姜青娥镇压而去。 This stretch of vast battlefield, innumerable eye of band of light frightened is looking at that black blood symbol, the evil thoughts fluctuation that above lingers, even Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo these ninth grade go against the marquises is looks to startle the color. 这片辽阔的战场,无数道目光带着恐惧的望着那黑色血符,其上萦绕的恶念波动,连李青鹏,李极罗这些九品顶侯都是面露骇色。 Such attack, if kills to come to their town/subdues, perhaps they must die without doubt. 这样的攻击,若是冲着他们镇杀而来,他们恐怕必死无疑。 Li Luo, you break to pieces the Capital view, I lead the way for you!” 李洛,你去碎京观,我为你开路!” In the Jiang Qing'e beautiful eye is flowing the bright golden light, bright and clean forehead, that such as the Spiritual God sets upright the eye Saint crystal core is sending out sacred aura, making this time her seem like just like the light goddess is ordinary. 姜青娥美目中流淌着粲然金光,光洁眉心处,那如神灵竖目般的“圣相晶核”散发着神圣至极的气息,令得此时的她看上去宛如光明女神一般。 She drinks the sound to get up lightly, at once is its back has the light wing to extend, splashes boundless vast light. 她轻喝声响起,旋即便是其背后有着光明羽翼伸展开来,泼洒出磅礴浩瀚的光明 Semi-transparent jade slender both hands tie seal as if suddenly, forehead Saint crystal core erupt endless light, that light is sacred and pure, has aura sending out of Origin Source. 其如羊脂玉般的纤细双手陡然结印,眉心“圣相晶核”爆发出无尽光明,那光明神圣而精纯,同时有着本源气息散发而出。 But in it behind, among endless light, there is sacred phantom to reappear together, behind phantom, six sacred light wing forming slowly. 而在其身后,无尽光明之间,有一道神圣的虚影浮现而出,虚影背后,六只神圣的光翼缓缓的成形。 As these six wing sacred phantom appear, resembles has the singing in praise of the Buddha reverberation, evil thoughts aura that between Heaven and Earth winds around, rapid desalination under singing in praise of the Buddha. 随着这六翼神圣虚影出现,似是有梵音回荡,天地间缭绕的恶念气息,都是在梵音下迅速的淡化。 Li Luo purple gold dragon Tong is producing an inverted image that six wing phantom, immediately recognized it, this is that named 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques light Unparalleled Technique. 李洛紫金龙瞳倒映着那六翼虚影,立即将其认了出来,这正是那一道名为“十二翼圣灵剑舞术”的光明无双术 Moreover, is six wing stances! 而且,还是六翼姿态! When Heavenly Mirror Tower, Jiang Qing'e wants to display this 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques, but also needs the coordination of Li Luo, may she enter into on unparalleled sixth grade with the present, own light resonance also evolves higher ninth grade, she not only can display alone, but also its enlightenment degree, but also became higher. 天镜塔时,姜青娥想要施展出这“十二翼圣灵剑舞术”,还需要李洛的配合,可随着如今她迈入无双上六品,自身的一道光明相也进化到上九品,她不仅能够独自施展,而且其感悟程度,还变得更高了。 Obviously, this period of time when four wings false king fierce struggle, Jiang Qing'e is also fermenting this to kill to incur secretly together. 显然,这段时间与四翼假王激斗时,姜青娥也是在暗自酝酿着这一道杀招。 On the strength of sixth grade by unparalleled, stimulates to movement true light Unparalleled Technique, so the strength, threatens to fake king Zaocheng sufficiently. 以无双上六品之力,催动真正的光明无双术,这般力量,足以对假王造成威胁。 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques!” “十二翼圣灵剑舞术!” Six wings flaming the feather sword!” “六翼炽羽剑!” The Jiang Qing'e delicate hands grip the heavy sword, light shine on her slender tender body, she holds the sword to move, shortly will resemble changed into the innumerable sacred brandishing a sword stance, these sword posture every action and every movement, are all sending out complete wonderful aura, but if carefully looks, that sword posture , seemed one after another was full of Origin Aura light rune/symbol Zhuan. 姜青娥纤手握住重剑,光明照耀在她纤细的娇躯上,她持剑而动,顷刻间似是化为了无数道神圣的舞剑姿态,那些剑姿一举一动,皆是散发着圆满的神妙气息,可若是仔细看去的话,那一道道剑姿,又仿佛是一道道充满了本源气息光明符篆。 between Heaven and Earth light energy is moving restlessly and cheering. 天地间光明能量在为之躁动与欢呼。 In an instant, the innumerable sword posture normalizing, changed into about a hundred zhang (333 m), is burning the feather sword of flaming Saint flame, that feather sword seems wings, is flooding blazing, sacred aura. 霎那间,无数剑姿归一,化为了一柄百丈左右,燃烧着熊熊圣焱的羽剑,那柄羽剑仿佛是一只只羽翼所化,充斥着炽热,神圣的气息 Buzz! 嗡! Burns the flaminging feather sword of Saint flame to move along with the Jiang Qing'e intention, that dazzling light, as if breaks open the dark first wisp of early morning splendor. 燃烧着圣焱的炽羽剑伴随着姜青娥的心意而动,那耀眼的光明,仿佛是破开黑暗的第一缕晨辉。 The darkness was separated, the Saint flame is overbearing, everywhere evil thoughts aura burning down, cuts finally to that named ten thousand evil kills by curse symbol the black blood symbol. 黑暗被割裂,圣焱霸道至极,将漫天恶念之气焚烧,最终斩向那一道名为“万孽咒死符”的黑色血符。 Two terrifying strengths collide, but has not unexpectedly erupted the destruction extinguishes the sound, strengths of two mutual oppositions in instance of contact, in crazy mutual corrosion and purification. 两股恐怖至极的力量碰撞,但出人意料的是并没有爆发出毁灭灭地般的动静,两股互相对立的力量在接触的瞬间,就在疯狂的互相侵蚀与净化。 Good overbearing light Unparalleled Technique!” Li Tianji sees this, is exclamation one that cannot bear, black blood symbol that four wings fake king stimulates to movement, above gathered the extremely wicked strength, such strength, even had the qualifications to create to background weak Single Crown King threatened, light Unparalleled Technique that but never expected that Jiang Qing'e displayed overbearing, resisted it directly. “好霸道的光明无双术!”李天玑见到这一幕,都是忍不住的惊叹一声,那四翼假王催动的黑色血符,其上汇聚了极恶之力,这样的力量,甚至都有资格对一些底蕴薄弱的一冠王造成一些威胁了,但没想到姜青娥施展的光明无双术更加的霸道,直接是将其生生的抵御了下来。 Roar!” “吼!” In Jiang Qing'e and killing of four wings fake king incurs corrodes mutually, Li Luo purple gold Heavenly Dragon, is actually going to the different moist deep place directly air-splitting. 而在姜青娥与四翼假王的杀招互相侵蚀间,李洛所化的紫金天龙,却是直接对着异潮深处破空而去。 Has one after another powerful real demon Other to rush ahead to come to him along the way, but was all spurted everywhere the ice crystal statue by his dragon breath, finally loudly rupturing. 沿途有一道道强大的真魔异类对着他冲杀而来,但皆是被他一口龙息喷成了满地冰晶雕像,最后轰然爆裂。 Jiang Qing'e won the time for him, delayed the four wings fake king, then he must draw support from this opportunity, the black rain Capital view destruction of this different tide. 姜青娥为他争取了时间,拖延住了四翼假王,那么他必须借助这个机会,将此次异潮的黑雨京观破坏。 This black rain Capital view went into hiding, but happen to the four wings fake king this time attempts for its irrigation, exposed its position. 原本这座黑雨京观隐匿了起来,但正好四翼假王此次试图为其浇灌,将其位置暴露了出来。 This without doubt is a good opportunity. 这无疑是个绝好的机会。 Destroys the black rain Capital view, the black rain will stop, once the black rain stops, Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, Li Qingying their three can make a move directly. 破坏掉黑雨京观,黑雨就会停止,一旦黑雨停下,澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱他们三位就可以直接出手。 When the time comes, no matter presents many fake king Other, will be killed by their town/subdues shortly. 到时候,不管出现多少假王异类,都会在顷刻间被他们镇杀。 Li Luo body Heavenly Dragon, the extreme speed air-splitting, is spans the remote distance in a flash, everywhere black rain obstructs the view, the purple gold dragon pupil just like the gigantic lantern, in black rain partly visible. 李洛身化天龙,极速破空,转瞬便是跨越遥远距离,漫天黑雨遮蔽视线,紫金龙瞳犹如硕大的灯笼,在黑雨中若隐若现。 Found!” “找到了!” Suddenly, Li Luo that dragon Tong concentrates, the vision went to the land of deep place, sees only there to have a being too deep to see the bottom black endocrater, the endocrater like connecting the demon prison in abyss, appalling. 突然间,李洛那龙瞳一凝,目光投向了深处的大地,只见得那里有着一座深不见底的黑色巨坑,巨坑如同连接着深渊中的魔狱,令人毛骨悚然。 But in the black endocrater edge, the black great tower stands erect, the great tower is piles up by the innumerable skeletons, at this time also has continuous Other from well up in all directions, climbs up on the great tower, but this great tower as if has some special strength, when they crawl, immediately suction the strength, changed into the skeletons of distortions, mounts in the great tower. 而在黑色巨坑边缘,有一座黑色巨塔矗立,巨塔乃是以无数骸骨所堆积而成,此时还有着源源不断的异类从四面八方涌来,攀爬上巨塔,不过这巨塔仿佛是具备某种特殊的力量,当它们爬上去的时候,立刻就被吸走了力量,化为了一具具扭曲的骸骨,镶嵌在巨塔上。 In the black great tower, is faint has a strange heartbeat to spread, resembles is breeding anything. 黑色巨塔中,隐隐间有着一种诡异的心跳声传出,似是在孕育着什么。 When Li Luo Heavenly Dragon appears when this piece of sky, that black great tower is also thunders to vibrate, obviously detects some threat. 而当李洛所化的天龙出现在这片上空时,那黑色巨塔也是轰鸣震动起来,显然是察觉到了某种威胁。 Hiss! 嘶! In the black skeleton great tower, spread the grating howling sound, next quarter, black skeleton mighty current from sweeps across, subsequently changed into a black skeleton great hand that covers the vault of heaven. 黑色骸骨巨塔之内,传出了刺耳的嘶啸声,下一刻,黑色的骸骨洪流自其中席卷而出,继而化为了一只覆盖天穹的黑色骸骨巨手。 The skeleton great hand is coercing the terrifying strength, directly to Li Luo under Heavenly Dragon racket ruthlessly. 骸骨巨手裹挟着恐怖的力量,直接对着李洛所化的天龙狠狠的拍下。 Made the sound of wail breaking in this skeleton void greatly hand/subordinate. 虚空在这骸骨巨手下都发出了哀鸣破碎之音。 This strikes, similarly had the strength of fake king! 这一击,同样具备了假王之力! Obviously, this is for the one strength to protect the black rain Capital view arranging. 显然,这是为了保护黑雨京观所布置的一种力量。 This, by remote rear Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, Li Qingying was found out by secret inquiry with the aid of the projection of space mirror, immediately the latter two people looks slightly change. 这一幕,也被遥远后方的澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱借助空间镜的投射所探知,当即后两人的神色都是微微一变。 At this time Jiang Qing'e is confronting with that four wings fake king full power, Li Luo here, can a person deal? 此时姜青娥正与那四翼假王全力对峙,李洛这里,一人能够应对吗? Only has the Tantai Lan facial features to be tranquil, because of regarding own son, she has been very confident. 唯有澹台岚面容平静,因为对于自己的儿子,她一直都很有信心。 The world only know the legendary primordial seed, but must know, in that ancient times period, Sacred Void Resonance Sect can dominate a time, by, is actually Myriad Resonances Seed! 世人只知传奇的原始种,可要知道,在那远古时期,无相圣宗能够称霸一个时代,靠的,却是万相种 Under the gazes of three lineage chief, saw only Li Luo Heavenly Dragon opened in this time like deep pool dragon mouth, the next quarter, the boundless overbearing dragon breath gushed out. 在三位脉首的注视下,只见李洛所化的天龙在此时张开了如渊般的龙嘴,下一刻,磅礴霸道的龙息喷薄而出。 No, that is not dragon breath, but is one as sharp as the pinnacle sword qi mighty current. 不,那并非是龙息,而是一股锋锐到极致的剑气洪流。 Mysterious ancient sword formation, spurts thinly along with the dragon breath, howls from Li Luo that Heavenly Dragon great mouth, then rises suddenly in a flash against the wind, expands in the horizon. 一座神秘古老剑阵,伴随着龙息喷薄,自李洛天龙巨嘴中呼啸而出,然后转瞬迎风暴涨,于天际扩张开来。 In that sword formation, five color gorgeous, but is actually all sending out sharp aura beyond description dragon tooth sword float. 在那座剑阵之内,有五柄色彩斑斓,但却皆是散发着难以形容的锋锐之气龙牙剑悬浮。 That is, Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation! 那是,众相龙牙剑阵 Five dragon tooth! 龙牙 Li Luo in the body of Heavenly Dragon, has been stimulating to movement this sword formation unexpectedly! 李洛竟然一直在天龙之躯体内,催动着这座剑阵 Vast turning over to stops the sword light to flow in sword formation, from time to time changes into the big dragon, from time to time changes into the ancient sword embryo, finally all become dark, congealed a dense sword prison. 浩瀚的归湮剑光在剑阵内流淌,时而化为巨龙,时而化为古老剑胎,最终一切变得幽暗下来,凝结成了一座森森剑狱。 The sword prison is profound, seems the black hole, any falls into material, will be twisted becomes the nihility broken. 剑狱幽深,仿佛是黑洞,任何落入其中的物质,都会被绞碎成虚无。 Li Luo dragon Tong is producing an inverted image that ancient mysterious sword prison, the shape that after this is Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation is precise five dragon tooth sword, transforms, from some significance, when this embryonic unparalleled technique stimulated to movement this degree, it can true entering into matchless grade. 李洛龙瞳倒映着那座古老神秘的剑狱,这就是众相龙牙剑阵凝炼出五柄龙牙剑后所转化的形态,从某种意义而言,当这道无双雏术被催动到这个程度时,它才能够真正的迈入无双级 sword formation that strength of single view the murdering, five dragon tooth sword compose, its might is not weaker than Jiang Qing'e that light Unparalleled Technique. 单论杀伐之力,五柄龙牙剑所组成的剑阵,其威力不比姜青娥那一道光明无双术弱。 Roar! 吼! Startled day dragon's roar erupts, that sword prison is to that skeleton great hand suppression ruthlessly under. 惊天龙吟爆发,那座剑狱已是对着那骸骨巨手狠狠的镇压而下。 Multi-Resonance Dragon Tooth Sword Formation! 众相龙牙剑阵 Turns over to stop the sword prison! 归湮剑狱! Obliterates the myriad things! 磨灭万物!
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