KOMI :: Volume #16

#1582: War as well as Heavenly King Qin's lineage

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Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The rainstorm like the note, the black rain forms the curtain of rain, camouflages between Heaven and Earth all, that as rich as pinnacle gloomy and cold aura, fills the air to open, frequently is stirring up the negativity of person heart deep place. 暴雨如注,黑色的雨形成雨幕,遮蔽天地间的一切,那股浓郁到极致的阴冷气息,弥漫而开,时刻挑动着人内心深处的负面情绪。 However is good because of that rear horizon, round of intensely bright Great Divine Crystal Sun float, is releasing the endless sacred crystal light, the unceasing resolution black rain, slows down its corrosion. 不过好在那后方的天际,有一轮耀眼夺目的神晶大日悬浮,释放着无尽的神圣晶光,不断的化解黑雨,减缓其侵蚀。 Several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) long front, is flooding continuously slaughters the sound brutally, has real demon Other to be cut to kill, there is duke platform to be suddenly stave, changes into everywhere energy fragment. 数万里长的战线,充斥着此起彼伏的残酷厮杀声,有真魔异类被斩杀,也有封侯台陡然破碎,化为漫天能量碎片。 Heavenly King Li's lineage here innumerable powerhouses when are maintaining the front, the vision contains one anxiously is looking at the battlefield central region, there, previously by Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e the referring to wing fake king who collaborated the bang to fall, just like is enraged common, the shape had some changes. 李天王一脉这边无数强者在维持着战线的时候,目光则是蕴含着一丝忧虑的望着战场中央的地带,在那里,此前被李洛姜青娥联手轰落的指翼假王,犹如是被激怒一般,形态都出现了一些变化。 It is situated in void, a back pair of miserable white referring to wing, has changed into is sending out the ominous aura black, but the pair of wings also changed into the four wings... 它立于虚空,背后一对惨白色的指翼,已经化为散发着不祥气息的黑色,而双翼也化为了四翼... Viscous ominous evil thoughts liquid, unceasing refers to the wing dropping, the place of falling, below land was similar to the white paper to drip into the ink to be the same immediately, exaggerates gloomy and cold wickedly. 粘稠不祥的恶念液体,不断的自指翼上滴落,落下之处,下方的大地顿时如同白纸上面滴入了墨水一般,渲染成了阴冷的恶地。 This time four wings fake king, the double pupil changes into the jet black color, is full of the hatred with slaughtering fixed Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e. 此时的四翼假王,双瞳化为漆黑色彩,充满着怨毒与杀戮的锁定李洛姜青娥 But feels the evil thoughts fluctuation that four wings fake king Tinei is sending out, the eye of Li Luo and in Jiang Qing'e is also appears to wipe the dignified color, is this fake king Zhenzheng strength? Really far ultra higher ninth grade withstood/top Hou Tai to be many. 而感受着四翼假王体内散发出来的恶念波动,李洛姜青娥的眼中也是浮现出一抹凝重之色,这就是假王真正的力量吗?果真远超上九品顶侯太多了。 However, because of the fearfulness of this four wings fake king, therefore they cannot the ignores it slaughter in the battlefield recklessly, this will cause the destructive destruction to their Heavenly King Li front. 不过,正因为这四翼假王的可怕,所以他们才不能放任它在战场上肆意杀戮,这会对他们李天王的战线造成毁灭性的破坏。 sister Qing'e, began!” 青娥姐,动手了!” Li Luo ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Dragon erupts the deafening dragon's roar sound, next quarter he, wields the giant dragon claw suddenly air-splitting, above the dragon claw, is splashing the gorgeous god light/only. 李洛所化的万丈天龙爆发出震耳欲聋的龙吟声,下一刻他陡然破空而出,挥动巨大的龙爪,龙爪之上,泼洒着斑斓神光。 He by Sanlong Town demon god light/only blessing Heavenly Dragon fleshly body, that every strikes contains the extremely terrifying strength, even common higher ninth grade Duke expert, if by his dragon Zhaopai, will be only suppressed resonance power by the god. 他以三龙镇魔神光加持天龙肉身,那每一击都是蕴含着极为恐怖的力量,就算是一般的上九品封侯强者,若是被他这龙爪拍中,都会被神光镇压住相力 If the hill dragon claw, is coercing the overbearing strength, pats directly broken void, is attacking to that four wings fake king Fadong. 如小山般的龙爪,裹挟着霸道至极的力量,直接拍碎虚空,对着那四翼假王发动攻击。 But is facing the attack of Li Luo, that four wings false king Shenchu pale palm, sees only on its four wings to have a successively black finger to fall off, then in his hands, changed into a black long whip. 而面对着李洛的攻击,那四翼假王伸出惨白的手掌,只见得其四翼上有着一节节黑色的手指脱落,然后在其手中,化为了一条黑色长鞭。 The long whip roughly counts the hundred zhang (333 m) to be long, the nail of black finger, starts becomes exceptionally tall and slender, sharp, just like the innumerable black poisonous needles, inverts on the whip body. 长鞭约莫数百丈长,黑色手指的指甲,开始变得异常的细长,尖锐,犹如无数根黑色毒针,倒插在鞭体上。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The black refers to the whip ruthlessly flings, is coercing the terrifying strength, tears this piece of vault of heaven, then dividing ruthlessly in that like hill dragon claw above. 黑色指鞭狠狠的一甩,便是裹挟着恐怖的力量,将这片天穹都撕裂开来,然后狠狠的劈在了那如小山般的龙爪之上。 The gorgeous god who the touched instance, on the Li Luo dragon claw twines was only torn directly, even above purple gold dragon scale was torn the one after another fissure, has Dragon Blood to splash. 碰触的瞬间,李洛龙爪上所缠绕的斑斓神光直接是被撕裂,甚至连其上的紫金龙鳞都是被撕裂开一道道的裂痕,有龙血泼洒而出。 Rich evil thoughts aura is packed with following the wound, tries to corrode dragon claw. 浓郁的恶念之气顺着伤口涌入,试图将龙爪侵蚀。 But in an instant, the wound deep place has a wonderful flame to emerge, these evil thoughts aura all refining up. 但转眼间,伤口深处有着一种神妙的火焰涌现而出,将那些恶念之气尽数的炼化。 That is from great void resonance fire refining up the effect. 那是来自大无相火的炼化效果。 However although reduced and solved the corrosion of evil thoughts aura, but Li Luo is felt as before the piercing ache transmits from the dragon claw place, this four wings fake king is really fearful, the defense of body of his Heavenly Dragon has not even withstood unexpectedly. 不过虽说化解了恶念之气的侵蚀,但李洛依旧是感觉到刺骨的疼痛从龙爪处传来,这四翼假王果真可怕,竟然连他这天龙之身的防御都没顶住。 In Li Luo that dragon Tong, there is an ominous light to reappear. 李洛那龙瞳中,有凶光浮现。 He does not have the plan that flinches slightly, launches the offensive again, Dragon's Tail, dragon claw, dragon Xijie contains the gorgeous god light/only, changes into the terrifying offensive like surging tides, blotting out the sky is going to four wings fake king smash. 他没有丝毫退缩的打算,再度发动攻势,龙尾,龙爪,龙息皆是蕴含着斑斓神光,化为如潮水般的恐怖攻势,铺天盖地的对着四翼假王砸去。 On the four wings fake king Qingxiu face is appears the facial expression of ridicule, in its hand the black refers to the whip moving, was separated void, changes into the one after another shadow, these shadow as if poisonous pythons are common, contain the sinister and ruthless fluctuation, moves forward to meet somebody. 四翼假王清秀的脸庞上似是浮现出嘲笑的神情,它手中黑色指鞭甩动,虚空被割裂,化为一道道黑影,那些黑影仿佛毒蟒一般,蕴含着阴毒至极的波动,迎了上去。 However, in the both sides offensive will soon collide, suddenly has sacredly to the pinnacle light Saint flame drops from the clouds, covers in the dragon claw of Li Luo, dragon breath, above Dragon's Tail. 不过,就在双方攻势即将碰撞时,突然有神圣到极致的光明圣焱从天而降,覆盖在了李洛的龙爪,龙息,龙尾之上。 Bang! 轰! both sides hit again with raw hate together. 双方再次凶狠的撞击在一起。 But this time, the evil thoughts corrosion effect on that whip shadow is actually weaken suddenly, in the gorgeous god light/only and under the suppression and purification of Saint flame, numerous whip shades was torn into shreds by the Li Luo Heavenly Dragon offensive unceasingly. 但这一次,那一道道鞭影上的恶念侵蚀效果却是陡然减弱许多,在斑斓神光和圣焱的镇压以及净化下,众多鞭影不断被李洛天龙攻势所撕碎。 But Jiang Qing'e both hands close up, its bright and clean forehead, such as the Spiritual God sets upright an eye of Saint the crystal core to past the sacred gloss, in that crystal core, just like is the light world, including the temple to be partly visible. 姜青娥双手合拢,其光洁眉心处,如神灵竖目般的圣相晶核流转着神圣至极的光泽,在那晶核内部,犹如是光明的世界,其中有神殿若隐若现。 She when is the Li Luo blessing Saint flame, but also diverts attention to condense the offensive, sees only the top of the head to have a wisp of miraculous glow to raise, subsequently changes into a round sacred light wheel, float after the brain. 她在为李洛加持圣焱时,还分心凝聚出攻势,只见得头顶有一缕灵光升起,继而化为一轮神圣的光轮,悬浮于脑后。 light Saint flame day light wheel! 光明圣焰天光轮! Xiū! 咻! The next quarter, in the god holy light wheel, ten seven treasures colored glaze light sword violently shoots, just like the sacred dragon, coerce dreadful light, is coordinating the Li Luo offensive, cuts to the four wings fake king. 下一刻,神圣光轮内,十柄七宝琉璃光明暴射而出,宛如神圣之龙,裹挟滔天光明,配合着李洛的攻势,斩向四翼假王。 But faces two people jointly to be fierce the offensive, that four wings fake king face upwards to howl, wields begins the black to refer to the whip, curls up everywhere black rain, battles with two people. 而面对着两人联手凶猛攻势,那四翼假王仰天嘶啸,挥动手中黑色指鞭,卷起漫天黑雨,与两人激战。 Fight of both sides, turns the superheating instantaneously. 双方的战斗,瞬间进入白热化。 The terrifying energy complementary waves, form the storm, surrounds on this piece of horizon, causes the vault of heaven to burst, the land collapses. 恐怖的能量余波,形成风暴,环绕在这片天际上,引得天穹破裂,大地崩坏。 This, looks at the holding breath cold air that everyone cannot bear, even Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo these ninth grade go against the marquises is the eye hides sharply jumps. 这一幕,看得所有人都是忍不住的倒吸凉气,就算是李青鹏,李极罗这些九品顶侯都是眼皮子急跳。 This degree of fight, even their these ninth grade go against the marquises is very difficult to insert begins. 这种程度的战斗,连他们这些九品顶侯都很难插得上手。 „Is this fight between ninth grade?” They smile bitterly, fortunately them has Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e these two similarly abnormal unparalleled sixth grade assumes personal command, if otherwise withstand/top Hou Shangqu to cope with this four wings fake king by their these, will pay the especially deeply grieved price surely. “这还是九品间的战斗吗?”他们苦笑,所幸他们这边有李洛姜青娥这两个同样变态的无双六品坐镇,不然若是靠他们这些顶侯上去对付这头四翼假王,必定会付出格外惨痛的代价。 That side Heavenly King Qin's lineage learns from another's mistakes. 秦天王一脉那边就是前车之鉴。 The strength of fake king, exceeding higher ninth grade were too many. 假王之力,超越了上九品太多。 Also only has to have Myriad Resonances Seed and primordial seed Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e unparalleled sixth grade, can be a worthy opponent with it like this. 也唯有身怀万相种原始种李洛,姜青娥这样的无双六品,才能够与其匹敌。 Slightly makes the sigh, Li Qingpeng they also restrain the distracting thoughts, nine palatial duke platform soar to the heavens to go, suppresses to the ninth grade real demon that in the different tide presented. 略作感叹,李青鹏他们也是收敛杂念,九座巍峨封侯台冲天而去,镇压向了异潮中出现的九品真魔。 The intense war, breaks out in each corner of this long front. 激烈的大战,爆发在这漫长战线的每一个角落。 Unknowingly, the fierce combat then continued the big half day. 不知不觉,激战便是持续了大半日。 The rear summit, Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, in front of Li Qingying three lineage chief, the space of planes mirror congeals under the control of Tantai Lan, is shining upon several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) battlefield. 后方山巅,澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱三位脉首面前,有一面面空间镜在澹台岚的操控下凝结而出,其中映照着数万里战场。 This war, any time was more violent than previously.” Li Tianji sighed one, said. “此次战局,比此前任何一次都要猛烈。”李天玑叹了一声,说道。 The Tantai Lan vision is staring at the battlefield deep place, that is Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e and four wings fake king battles to locate, this half day later, fight of both sides exceptionally intense, many methods display one after another, look at many people fearful and apprehensive. 澹台岚目光则是盯着战场深处,那是李洛,姜青娥与四翼假王交战处,这半日下来,双方的战斗可谓是异常的激烈,诸多手段轮番施展,看得不少人心惊肉跳。 That four wings fake king under the black rain, has the obvious increase, its strength is quite astonishing, if trades to do is ordinary unparalleled sixth grade, perhaps at this time in its front also merely only then the strength of self-preservation, but it met Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e these two evildoer/monstrous talent. 那四翼假王在黑雨下,有着明显的增幅,其实力极为惊人,如果换作是普通的无双六品,恐怕此时在其面前也仅仅只有自保之力,可偏偏它遇见了李洛姜青娥这两个妖孽。 Therefore in these days fight, four wings fake king displays to kill to incur repeatedly, but between Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, actually show the extremely tacit coordination, the former drew support from the powerful defense of body of Heavenly Dragon, initiative hard anti- under hit hard, but Jiang Qing'e was seizes the chance to display sacredly, to pinnacle light resonance's power, referred to truncating pure few absolutely not the person on that four wings fake king finger/refer wing. 所以在这段时间的交手中,四翼假王屡屡施展杀招,可李洛姜青娥之间,却是展现出了极为默契的配合,前者借助天龙之身的强悍防御,主动硬抗下许多重击,而姜青娥则是趁机施展神圣,精纯到极致的光明相力,将那四翼假王指翼上的人指削断不少。 So the showdown, it may be said that was under King Realm the highest level level.” The sigh that Li Qingying cannot bear, this confrontation, has been able to enter the eyes of their these King Realm powerhouses at present. “这般对决,可谓是王境之下最顶级的层次了。”李青樱都忍不住的感叹,眼前这场交锋,已经能够入他们这些王境强者的眼了。 Behind this four wings fake king referring to wing, when with Li Luo they fight, in secret the unceasing absorbing black rain, it intentionally in the protracted time, is perhaps fermenting anything to kill a move of method.” Li Tianji said suddenly, in his eye is pasting the profound light, spies on that four wings fake king Tinei to have the dangerous fluctuation to gather faintly. “这四翼假王背后的指翼,在与李洛他们战斗时,正暗中不断的汲取黑雨,它故意在拖延时间,恐怕是在酝酿什么杀招手段。”李天玑突然说道,他眼中流转着玄光,隐隐窥探到那四翼假王体内有着危险波动在汇聚。 Tantai Lan heard that the word has not actually reappeared to worry about the color, indifferently said: little Luo and Qing'e, has not been idling.” 澹台岚闻言却并没有浮现担忧之色,淡淡的道:“小洛青娥,也没闲着。” She stares at the distant place horizon to erupt terrifying dragon's might purple gold Heavenly Dragon, Heavenly Dragon within the body , has a vague and powerful fluctuation is reappearing, including Jiang Qing'e that side, when maintaining offensive continuously, is preparing anything secretly. 她盯着远处天际爆发着恐怖龙威的紫金天龙,天龙体内,同样是有着一丝隐晦而强大的波动在浮现,包括姜青娥那边,在保持着连绵不断的攻势时,也是在暗自准备着什么。 both sides this period of time fierce struggle, in the bottom lines of probe opposite party, is all seeking for the flaw, strikes to be killed violently. 双方这段时间的激斗,皆是在一次次的试探对方的底线,找寻着破绽,一击毙命。 The confrontation of this level, some slightly flaws revealed, will then trigger the earth-shaking counter-attack. 这种层次的交锋,稍有破绽显露,便会引发石破天惊的的反击。 Finally both sides who can change the situation, must look at the respective card in a hand strong and weak. 只是,最终双方谁能扭转局势,就得看各自的底牌强弱了。 Well?” “咦?” So thinking, Tantai Lan startled well is making noise suddenly, simultaneously her vision shifted to a space of planes mirror, because west there front, presented the innumerable resonance power light beam suddenly, duke platform shoot up to the sky. 这般想着,澹台岚突然惊咦出声,同时她的目光转向了一面空间镜,因为在那里的战线西侧,突然间出现了无数道相力光柱,一座座封侯台冲天而起。 Is the Heavenly King Qin's lineage army?! What do they want to make? Is it possible that is to seize the chance to sneak attack us?!” Li Qingying complexion fierce changes, in the eye has the anger to raise. “是秦天王一脉的大军?!他们想要做什么?莫非是想要趁机偷袭我们?!”李青樱脸色猛的一变,眼中有怒气升起。 Azure cherry lineage chief is not anxious, probably is not such.” “青樱脉首莫急,好像并非如此。” Li Tianji just started also to be startled, but he then discovers at once that came from the Heavenly King Qin's lineage army, raided unexpectedly to the flank of different tide, the time fierce combat broke out, the continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) different tide, therefore became the detention suddenly. 李天玑刚开始也是吃惊了一下,不过旋即他便发现,那来自秦天王一脉的大军,竟是袭向了异潮的侧翼,顿时间激战爆发,连绵数万里的异潮,都因此陡然间变得滞涩了起来。 But affected by this, Heavenly King Li's lineage here front pressure, obtained the alleviation visible. 而受此影响,李天王一脉这边的战线压力,肉眼可见的获得了缓解。 This...” “这...” Stunned of Li Qingying face, she cannot think in any event, this Heavenly King Qin's lineage will attack the different tide in this critical moment choice unexpectedly, subsequently eases their here pressures. 李青樱一脸的愕然,她无论如何都想不到,这秦天王一脉竟会在这个关键时刻选择袭击异潮,继而缓解他们这边的压力。 According to the characters of Heavenly King Qin's lineage these old things, should not sit at this time looked that their Heavenly King Li's lineage was consumed by the different tide? 按照秦天王一脉那些老东西的性格,此时不应该坐看他们李天王一脉被异潮消耗吗? Nearby Tantai Lan whole face the color of doubt, said: This will Heavenly King Qin's lineage do the human affairs unexpectedly? Qin Zhongyuan, Qin bent/tune did these old things die a violent death?” 一旁的澹台岚满脸的狐疑之色,道:“这秦天王一脉竟然会干人事了?秦重渊,秦曲这些老东西是暴毙了吗?” The Li Tianji face pulled out pulling out, he and Qin Zhongyuan and the others were the peers, always felt that Tantai Lan this old thing also gave to include him probably. 李天玑面庞抽了抽,他与秦重渊等人算是同辈,总感觉澹台岚这句老东西好像把他也给囊括了进去。 Moreover, Tantai Lan a little scolded to be true to be ruthless, looks at her simply not to loathe about Heavenly King Qin's lineage. 而且,澹台岚骂得属实有点狠,看得出来她对秦天王一脉已经不是简单的厌恶了。 However, no matter how, such aspect regarding their Heavenly King Li's lineage, is an excellent news, the different moist pressure was alleviated, will make their damage big reduction. 不过,不管如何,这样的局面对于他们李天王一脉而言,是个极好的消息,异潮压力被缓解,将会令得他们的损伤大大减少。 This point, starts to advance from the Heavenly King Li's lineage front suddenly violently, can look, different tide in gradual flinching. 这一点,从李天王一脉战线突然间开始猛烈推进,就能够看出来,异潮在逐步的退缩。 But accident that this presents suddenly , is to make that four wings fake king detect, or at any sound that in this black rain range has, will print in its sensation. 而这突然间出现的变故,也是令得那头四翼假王有所察觉,或者说在这黑雨范围内所发生的任何动静,都会印入其感知之中。 In its jet black strange eye pupil, has the strong murderous intention to emerge. 它那漆黑诡异的眼瞳中,有着浓烈的杀机涌现而出。 It stares at the front purple gold big dragon with sending out the sacred light resonance's power female, fierce stretches out the sharp hand claw, rips in own chest, immediately the flesh was torn, the jet black blood also flows, but with tearing of flesh, sees only the jet black glimmer to raise together. 它盯着前方的紫金巨龙与散发着神圣光明相力的女子,猛的伸出尖锐的手爪,在自己胸膛一撕,顿时血肉被撕裂开来,漆黑的血液随之流淌,而随着血肉的撕裂,只见一道漆黑微光升起。 This wisp of jet black glimmer, is a black blood wheel that is covering entirely the innumerable sharp advantage teeth, above the blood wheel, inscribes evil, ominous and ancient trace. 这缕漆黑微光,乃是一座布满着无数尖锐利齿的黑色血轮,血轮之上,铭刻着邪恶,不祥以及古老的纹路。 When this black blood wheel appears, that came from Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e swift and fierce offensive, by it was all splashed, but black light embezzling all. 当这座黑色血轮出现时,那来自李洛姜青娥的凌厉攻势,皆是被其泼洒而出的黑光尽数的吞没。 Everywhere black rain, just like is receives some type to attract, blotting out the sky wells up, by this black blood round of embezzling all. 漫天黑雨,也犹如是受到某种招引,铺天盖地的涌来,被这黑色血轮尽数的吞没。 With the unceasing swallowing black rain, this black blood wheel, short several breaths, changed into thousand zhang (3.33 m), just like one full moon that is filling death aura. 随着不断的吞噬黑雨,这黑色血轮,短短数息,就化为了千丈大小,犹如一轮充满着死亡气息的满月。 This stretch of battlefield, the innumerable panic-stricken vision lifts, looks at that to make one feel the anxious black blood wheel. 这片战场,无数道惊骇的目光抬起,望着那令人感到不安的黑色血轮。 But in that innumerable line of sight, that four wings fake king Yunhan the howling sound of rich murderous intention, has been resounding through sky over the battlefield with amazement. 而在那无数骇然视线中,那四翼假王蕴含着浓郁杀机的嘶啸声,已是于战场上空响彻而起。 „The source of wicked rain, incantation rain blood wheel!” “恶雨之源,咒雨血轮!”
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