KOMI :: Volume #16

#1585: Seizes the fruit

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Li Luo?!” 李洛?!” When that Heavenly Dragon Dragon Head searches into this abyss deep place, Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie look all changes, looks at each other one, is somewhat surprised: How did he find here?!” 当那天龙龙首探入这深渊深处时,灵眼冥王秦九劫眼神皆是微变,对视一眼,有些惊疑:“他怎么找到这里了?!” This region was covered by thick evil thoughts aura, even if the King Realm powerhouses are not necessarily able to detect them, how Li Luo accurate looks? 这片区域被浓浓的恶念之气笼罩,就算是王境强者都未必能察觉他们,怎么李洛会精准的找来? In the Spirit Eyes Underworld King eye passed over gently and swiftly the dark color, the sudden attack of this Li Luo, somewhat disrupts their plans without doubt, after all present he and Qin Jiujie, because of here Heavenly King Pardon reason, can only sneak by the strength superficial incarnation, therefore from strength, even is also far less than present Li Luo. 灵眼冥王眼中掠过幽暗之色,这李洛的突然来袭,无疑是有些打乱他们的计划,毕竟现在的他与秦九劫,因为此处天王赦文的缘故,只能以实力浅薄的化身潜入,所以从实力来说,甚至还远不如现在的李洛 But the life fruit has not selected, if were therefore obstructed, their duties may be defeated. 可命果尚未摘取,若是因此被阻扰,那他们此次任务可就失败了。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie look at each other one, then two people all are diverge cover up, revealed the trail. 灵眼冥王秦九劫对视一眼,而后两人皆是散去遮掩,显露出了形迹。 Li Luo, forgave your this junior life in the past, never expected that you deliver now on own initiative, such being the case, your poor life, the old man received.” The Spirit Eyes Underworld King double pupil is profound, is ordinary like the abyss, faint looks at that breakthrough land to come purple gold Heavenly Dragon that. 李洛,当年饶你这小辈一命,没想到如今你又主动送了上来,既然如此,那你这小命,老夫还是收了去吧。”灵眼冥王双瞳幽深,如同深渊一般,淡漠的望着那突破大地而来的紫金天龙 This boy is a disaster, keeps him not to!” Qin Jiujie also reveals the murderous intention, causes trembles void. “这小子是个祸害,留他不得!”秦九劫也是显露杀机,引得虚空震颤。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King? Qin Jiujie?!” 灵眼冥王秦九劫?!” Li Luo saw these two to reveal the trail, in dragon Tong also reveals wiped to startle the color, he has not thought actually unexpectedly in the place of this abyss, will discover the Origin Reversion Institute two King Realm powerhouses! 李洛见到这两人显露形迹,龙瞳中也是露出了一抹骇色,他倒是没想到竟然会在这深渊之地,发现归一会的两名王境强者! This time was actually rash. 此次倒是莽撞了。 Run! 跑! Read hence, Li Luo turning around without hesitation escaped, although he was not clear whether these two had the method to shield that real king cannot enter the amnesty article influence, but before two true King Realm powerhouses, maintains discrete always right. 一念至此,李洛毫不犹豫的转身而逃,虽然他不清楚这两人是否有手段屏蔽那“真王不可入”的赦文影响,但在两名真正的王境强者面前,保持谨慎总是没错的。 Snort, wants to walk?!” “哼,想走?!” Qin Jiujie drinks severely, resembling is takes one step, the boundless vast murderous intention sweeps across, causes this abyss to tremble. 秦九劫一声厉喝,似是迈出一步,磅礴浩瀚的杀机席卷而出,引得这片深渊都是在为之震颤。 The speed that but Li Luo escapes seems to be faster, along with the land bellow, is rapid goes air-splitting. 李洛逃跑的速度似乎更快,伴随着大地轰鸣声,便是迅速的破空而去。 Qin Jiujie sees that must chase down. 秦九劫见状,就要追杀。 Must pursue not, King Realm ambush of careful Heavenly King Li's lineage!” But the Spirit Eyes Underworld King sound also resounds, stops it. “莫要追击,小心李天王一脉王境埋伏!”但灵眼冥王的声音随之响起,将其制止。 Qin Jiujie then, but such a meets the time, Li Luo Heavenly Dragon is the disappearance trace. 秦九劫这才一顿,但这么一会工夫,李洛所化的天龙已是消失踪影。 Saw that Li Luo runs away to depart, the dreadful murderous intention that Qin Jiujie and Spirit Eyes Underworld King release, vanishes into thin air immediately, two people look at each other one, all relaxes secretly, fortunately that boy fooling. 见到李洛逃窜离去,秦九劫灵眼冥王所释放的滔天杀机,顿时烟消云散,两人对视一眼,皆是暗自松了一口气,还好将那小子给唬住了。 Quickly, received the life fruit speed to depart, the black rain will soon dissipate, perhaps Li, Qin two big Heavenly King lineage King Realm powerhouses must come.” Spirit Eyes Underworld King sinking sound said. “快,收了命果速度离去,黑雨即将消散,李,秦两大天王脉王境强者恐怕就要来了。”灵眼冥王沉声道。 His palm lifts, a gold and jade cauldron furnace appears in his hands, the cauldron furnace raises slowly, arrives at that life fruit , the profound lightstream revolutions, binds it, then enters his info clerk. 他手掌一抬,一座金玉鼎炉出现在其手中,鼎炉徐徐升起,来到那“命果”之下,玄光流转,将其裹起,然后将其收纳而进。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King sees that in the eye appears wipes the happy expression, a palm move, that gold and jade cauldron furnace is flying to its sleeve. 灵眼冥王见状,眼中浮现一抹喜色,手掌一招,那金玉鼎炉就对着其袖中飞来。 Bang! 轰! However when the gold and jade cauldron furnace will soon drop in its sleeve that flickers, suddenly this abyss crashes suddenly, has the boundless overbearing crystal light dragon breath to pass through the ground together, directly quickly, ruthlessly rumbles to Qin Jiujie and Spirit Eyes Underworld King. 不过就当金玉鼎炉即将落进其袖中的那一瞬,突然这片深渊陡然崩塌,有一道磅礴霸道的晶光龙息贯穿地面,直接以迅雷不及掩耳之势,狠狠的对着秦九劫灵眼冥王轰来。 So offensive sudden extremely, causes Qin Jiujie and Spirit Eyes Underworld King has not responded, no, perhaps responded, but they do not have the sufficient strength to prevent. 这般攻势太过的突然,导致秦九劫灵眼冥王都未曾反应过来,不,或许是反应了过来,但他们却没有足够的力量阻止。 The crystal light dragon breath floods the eyeball, they can only hear the deafening dragon's roar sound, the biography to swing together. 晶光龙息充斥眼球,他们只能听见一道震耳欲聋的龙吟声,传荡而来。 Li Luo!” 李洛!” Spirit Eyes Underworld King and in the Qin Jiujie eye is raises the color of being furious, this dragon breath, clearly previously ran away Li Luo that from that draws back. 灵眼冥王秦九劫眼中皆是升起震怒之色,这道龙息,分明是来自那先前逃窜而退的李洛 This boy, has not run away! 这小子,根本就没逃! Was previously cheating them intentionally! 先前是故意在诈他们! In the look of their startled anger, broken sees only huge Heavenly Dragon to come, from opposite party that giant dragon pupil, they seemed like sees to wipe the color of taunt. 在他们惊怒的眼神中,只见得一条体形庞大的天龙破地而来,从对方那巨大的龙瞳中,他们似乎是看见了一抹嘲讽之色。 „Do two old goods, put this to give the young master to put on a shuanghuang performance? Previously under the probe you came under the influence of Heavenly King Pardon.” In that Heavenly Dragon dragon mouth, spreads the taunt laughter that Li Luo teased. “两个老货,搁这给小爷演双簧呢?先前不过试探下你们是不是受到了天王赦文的影响而已。”那天龙龙嘴中,传出了李洛戏谑的嘲讽笑声。 Bang! 轰! The crystal light dragon breath howls, that Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie have not said a few words, was exploded the crystal scraps/condescend fragment everywhere directly. 晶光龙息呼啸而过,那灵眼冥王秦九劫连一句话都未曾说出,便是直接被炸成了满地的晶屑碎片。 Li Luo is looking at this, has not actually approached immediately, but after waited for the moment, dissipates until these crystal scraps/condescend thoroughly, has not presented what accident as before, relaxing of this feels relieved. 李洛望着这一幕,却并未立即靠近,而是等待了片刻后,直到那些晶屑彻底消散,依旧未曾出现什么变故,这才如释重负的松了一口气。 Really is only two weak incarnations.” “果然只是两道薄弱的化身。” Li Luo whispered, two old foxes, the impressive on the outside but lacking substance, actually almost really give to fool obviously him, fortunately he is bold yet cautious, this had not run away in fear. 李洛嘀咕了一声,两个老狐狸,明明虚有其表,却差点真把他给唬住,所幸他胆大心细,这才没被吓跑。 Origin Reversion Institute conceals here, for this thing?” 归一会藏在这里,就是为了此物?” The Li Luo dragon pupil shifts that float in midair the cauldron of gold and jade, in that cauldron, obvious wonderful golden fruit static ups and downs, then from vast vitality that sends out, in this fills in the evil thoughts aura place deep pool is appearing is incompatible. 李洛龙瞳转向那悬浮在半空的金玉之鼎,那鼎内,可见一枚神妙至极的金色果实静静的沉浮,那自其中所散发出来的浩瀚生机,在这弥漫着恶念之气的地渊中显得格格不入。 Li Luo stretches out dragon claw, grasps directly the cauldron of that gold and jade, his dragon Tong is sizing up say/way that gold/metal fruit, thought aloud: Previously caused the grandfatherday thunder bamboo spreads the change, is this mysterious gold/metal fruit? ” 李洛伸出龙爪,直接是将那金玉之鼎抓来,他龙瞳打量着其中那枚金果,自言自语的道:“先前引得爷爷所化的“天雷竹”传出异动的,就是这枚神秘金果吧?” Previously he after destroying the black Capital view, planned to return in advance, but in space orb, then by Li Jingzhe day thunder bamboo, actually spread the change suddenly, seemed attracted by anything. 此前他在打碎黑色京观后,原本就打算先行退回,但空间球内,那由李惊蛰所化的“天雷竹”,却是突然间传出了异动,仿佛是被什么所吸引。 Therefore Li Luo breaks open the land following the fluctuation that this attracts, this discovered Qin Jiujie and Spirit Eyes Underworld King that hides in the place deep place. 于是李洛顺着这招引的波动破开大地,这才发现了潜藏于地渊深处的秦九劫灵眼冥王 Does not manage, first receives.” “不管了,先收起来。” Li Luo grabs Jin Yu ding, is throws into dragon mouth directly, then turns around to leave the deep pool. 李洛抓着金玉鼎,直接是扔进龙嘴内,然后转身就离开地渊。 When Li Luo leaves the deep pool, he discovered the evil thoughts dark clouds that this piece of horizon fills have dissipated, the black rain that blotted out the sky also changed into the light black fog. 而当李洛离开地渊时,他就发现这片天际弥漫的恶念黑云已经消散,原本铺天盖地的黑雨也是化为了薄薄的黑雾。 The Li Luo indistinct feeling, that fetters this stretch of the world Heavenly King Pardon the rule, is vanishing. 李洛隐约的感觉到,那束缚这片天地的“天王赦文”的规则,正在消失。 This command he relaxes secretly, this time Other disaster so difficult, is mainly because this Heavenly King Pardon limited entry of King Realm strength, this command the Heavenly King lineage true top strength is unable to act, can only be the observer. 这令得他暗自松了一口气,此次的异灾之所以会如此的艰难,主要就是因为这道“天王赦文”限制了王境力量的进入,这令得天王脉真正的顶尖力量无法出手,只能作为旁观者。 Bang! 轰! However when the Li Luo plan departs, this void sharp shake, a giant black eyeball opens from void suddenly, then in the eyeball, two terrifying aura pass through is near void. 不过就当李洛打算离去时,这片虚空突然剧烈的震荡起来,一只巨大的黑色眼球从虚空中睁开,而后眼球中,有两道恐怖的气息借此穿越虚空而临。 Li Luo, my Origin Reversion Institute thing do you also dare to contaminate, court death inadequately?!” Meanwhile, has to fill the dense murderous intention sound, transmitting of being furious. 李洛,我归一会的东西你也敢沾染,找死不成?!”与此同时,有弥漫着森森杀机的声音,震怒的传来。 That is Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie! 那是灵眼冥王秦九劫 Moreover this time constriction, but not previously the two incarnations in deep pool may compare, obviously, this was the true body comes! 而且此次的压迫感,可远非此前地渊中的两道化身可比,显然,这是真身来了! Li Luo sees that immediately a scalp hemp, these two old goods come quickly, it seems like that the true body main body to go into hiding unexpectedly in not far away, now the black rain starts to abate, their strengths naturally entered. 李洛见状,顿时头皮一麻,这两个老货竟然来得这么快,看来真身本体就隐匿在不远处,如今黑雨开始消退,他们的力量自然就伸入了进来。 Run! 跑! purple gold Heavenly Dragon Dragon's Tail swings, changes into together the purple gold ray, breaks directly void, to rear area is going at a extreme speed air-splitting. 紫金天龙龙尾摆动,已是化为一道紫金光芒,直接震碎虚空,以一种极速对着后方破空而去。 Is facing two King Realm, moreover is the Double Crown King peak powerhouse, his least bit with the plan that it bumps hardly. 面对着两名王境,而且还皆是双冠王巅峰的强者,他半点都没有要与其硬碰的打算。 Bang! 轰! How however that Spirit Eyes Underworld King and Qin Jiujie will allow him to bring the life fruit to run away, see only the empty space, the courage vigor gathering come, to change into huge blood, then blood opening slowly, among is pasting innumerable scarlet rune/symbol writing. 不过那灵眼冥王秦九劫又怎会允许他带着命果逃走,只见虚空间,血气汇聚而来,化为了一只巨大的血目,而后血目徐徐的张开,其内流转着无数猩红的符文。 Photo dying deep light.” “照死冥光。” Resounds along with the low and deep gloomy and cold sound together, the blood red light beam passes through the horizon together suddenly, the blood red light beam is filling death aura, so long as if one were contaminated, any material will be stripped the vitality, changes into the dying thing. 伴随着一道低沉阴冷的声音响起,一道血红光束陡然贯穿天际,血红光束弥漫着死亡的气息,似乎只要一被沾染,任何物质都将会被剥离生机,化为死物。 Under this offensive, even if Li Luo has the powerful Heavenly Dragon body, can still strike to be killed violently! 在这种攻势下,就算李洛拥有着强大的天龙身躯,也会一击毙命! Obviously, Li Luo robs the life fruit, enraged Spirit Eyes Underworld King thoroughly. 显然,李洛抢夺命果,彻底激怒了灵眼冥王 The blood light/only drops from the clouds, in an instant, direct sealed Li Luo all escape routes, in his purple gold dragon Tong appeared the startled color, this is the Double Crown King peak strength, really terrifying in this way. 血光从天而降,霎那间,直接封闭李洛所有的退路,他那紫金龙瞳中浮现出惊色,这就是双冠王巅峰的实力吗,果然恐怖如斯。 Therefore Li Luo opens dragon mouth, sent out roaring: mother saves me!” 于是李洛张开龙嘴,发出了咆哮:“老娘救我!” Bang! 砰! Instant that when the Li Luo roaring sound just spread, it behind space emerges the light of boundless vast gold and silver in this time suddenly, has the earth-shaking Great Peng clear whining noise to coerce the meaning of ruling by force, passes on the numerous empty spaces. 就当李洛咆哮声刚刚传出的霎那,其身后的空间突然在此时涌现出磅礴浩瀚的金银之光,有惊天动地的大鹏清鸣声裹挟着霸道之意,于重重虚空间传荡。 The slender fair palms stretch out from the space, grasps to the blood light that is dropping from the clouds gently. 有一只纤细白皙的手掌从空间中伸出,对着那从天而降的血光轻轻一握。 Bang! 轰! Immediately the space presented the distortion, the avalanche, but that blood light, then in the space of distortion, came by the crumb thoroughly, changes into the everywhere blood red luminous spot, was embezzled by the wild space force. 顿时空间出现了扭曲,崩塌,而那血光,则是在扭曲的空间中,彻底被捏碎开来,化为漫天血红光点,被狂暴的空间力量所吞没。 When that might terrifying blood light by crumb, Li Luo by Heavenly Dragon, the spatial warping, wears the purple coat together, both hands inserts the pocket, elegant and domineering female figure, trod the space ripples to walk. 而当那威力恐怖至极的血光被捏碎时,李洛所化的天龙旁,空间扭曲,一道身穿紫色大衣,双手插兜,气质优雅而强势的女子身影,踏着空间涟漪走了出来。 Meanwhile, her belt/bring sound that smiles the sound, also spreads. 与此同时,她那带着笑音的声响,也是随之传开。 Come, clever son.” “来啦,乖儿子。”
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