KOMI :: Volume #16

#1579: Counter-attack of Other disaster

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Heavenly King Qin's lineage in view of the big attack of Other disaster, presents the potential of rout suddenly, the black rain coerces the different tide to counter-attack to return with a fiercer stance, but the Heavenly King Qin's lineage army retreats in defeat again and again, the big piece area that previously occupied, still had not covered the heat, had most to fall into coverage of different tide. 秦天王一脉针对异灾的大进攻,突然呈现溃败之势,黑雨裹挟着异潮以更为凶猛的姿态反扑而回,而秦天王一脉的军队则是节节败退,此前占据的大片疆域,尚还未曾捂热,就又有大半陷入到了异潮的覆盖中。 The so startled day changes, causes on Heavenly Origin Divine Province all influence on vibrate, subsequently cast the vision of attention. 这般惊天变动,引得天元神州上各方势力震动,继而投来了关注的目光。 But this matter Heavenly King Li's lineage also initiated the giant mighty waves, Li Tianji, Tantai Lan, Li Qingying three lineage chief to order to stop the footsteps of great counter offensive immediately, started to build the solid defense, the revolutions attacks to defend, changed by view it. 而此事在李天王一脉这边同样是引发了巨大的波澜,李天玑,澹台岚,李青樱三位脉首立即下令停止了大反攻的脚步,开始筑固防御,转攻为守,以观其变。 West of Other disaster source beyond several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km). 异灾源头以西数万里之外。 Sees only here between Heaven and Earth, has the one after another light beam to shoot up to the sky, subsequently constructs defensive wondrous formation, simultaneously some innumerable sensations spread, the time scanning peripheral region, is vigilant any evil thoughts fluctuation. 只见得这里的天地间,有一道道光柱冲天而起,继而构建出一座座防御性的奇阵,同时有无数感知蔓延而出,时刻扫描周边区域,警惕任何的恶念波动。 The tent, is common like white sea of flowers, proliferates between the vast plain and mountain forest, innumerable light shadow in grazes the shuttle. 大片大片的营帐,如同白色的花海一般,遍布辽阔的平原以及山林间,无数光影于其中飞掠穿梭。 The flags of various Heavenly King Li's lineage lineage/vein, flap flap make noise in the strong winds. 李天王一脉各脉的旗帜,在狂风中猎猎作响。 In may overlook the plain on the summit, the Heavenly King Li's lineage high level gets together all. 而在一座可俯瞰平原的山巅上,李天王一脉的高层尽数齐聚。 „, The information that must come looking from us, the area that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage, will occupy previously, put out the larger part, counter-attack of this Other disaster is quite violent, presented other false king rank real demon Other.” Li Tianji is serious, the low and deep sound brought the serious pressure on everyone on the scene. “诸位,从我们得来的情报看,秦天王一脉那边,已经将此前占据的疆域,吐出了一大半,此次异灾的反扑极为猛烈,其中出现了假王级别的真魔异类。”李天玑面色凝重,低沉的声音给在场的所有人都是带来了沉重的压力。 Other false king rank real demon!” “假王级别的真魔!” Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo these ninth grade go against the marquis, although has known this information ahead of time, but the unavoidable look is ugly at this time, because they are very clear, this so-called false King Realm in the present situation, actually has the fearful deterrent force. 李青鹏,李极罗这些九品顶侯虽然已经提前知晓这一情报,但此时还是难免神色难看,因为他们都很清楚,这个所谓的假王境界在眼下的局势中,究竟具备着何等可怕的威慑力。 When the strength of King Realm powerhouse is unable to search into the black rain range, that fake king Zhenmo is invincible. 王境强者的力量无法探入黑雨范围时,那假王真魔在其中就是无敌的。 This is cheating simply! 这简直就是在作弊! False King Realm is what kind of harshness and rarity, they as going against the marquis are clear, that was only has to cast six ten pillars golden platform other three duke platform is ninth grade of nine columns withstand/top the marquis in addition, level that can be. 王境界是何等的苛刻与罕见,他们身为顶侯再清楚不过,那是唯有铸就了六座十柱金台外加其他三座封侯台都是九柱的九品顶侯,才能够达到的层次。 That is the true Duke Realm pinnacle boundary. 那是真正的封侯境的极致境。 Moreover the black rain also changed, seemed like obtained some enhancement, Heavenly King Qin's lineage, that Qin Yi small girlspring rain evil was unable to offset the corrosion that the black rain brought, therefore then caused the Heavenly King Qin's lineage army to present the rout, is unable to defend the area that previously occupied. ” Tantai Lan said. “而且黑雨也发生了变化,似乎是获得了某种增强,秦天王一脉,那个秦漪小丫头的“春雨化邪阵”已经无法抵消黑雨带来的侵蚀,所以这才导致秦天王一脉的军队出现了溃败,无法守住此前占据的疆域。”澹台岚说道。 Such remarks, aggravates the anxiety of people. 此言一出,更是加剧众人的忧虑。 Li Luo also in this time knitting the brows head, even Qin Yi spring rain evil strengthened black rain suppresses, then their light god crystal does swing demon to be able with it to resist? 李洛也是在此时皱了皱眉头,连秦漪的“春雨化邪阵”都被加强的黑雨所压制,那么他们的“光明神晶荡魔阵”能够与之对抗吗? To come, even if can shoulder, effect still big weakening. 想来就算能扛住,效果也会大大的减弱。 This is not the good news, because light god crystal swings demon effect, once were weakened, then the casualties of one's own side will also aggravate inevitably. 这可不是什么好消息,因为“光明神晶荡魔阵”效果一旦受到削弱,那么势必己方的伤亡也会随之加重。 Fake king Zhenmo does have several heads?” Li Luo asked. “假王真魔有几头?”李洛问道。 From the present aspect, that fake king Other threatens biggest existence, it wreaks havoc in the black rain, will go against the marquis to pose the enormous threat to other ninth grade, but each ninth grade withstand/top the marquises is the Heavenly King lineage background is, once perishes, that loss is nothing less than serious. 从眼下的局面来看,那假王异类才是威胁最大的存在,它在黑雨中肆虐,将会对其他的九品顶侯造成极大的威胁,而每一个九品顶侯都是天王脉的底蕴所在,一旦殒命,那损失不可谓不惨重。 That side Heavenly King Qin's lineage presented oneto refer to wing fake king, for the time being, as if on this head, but I felt, if was really Heavenly King Pardon the rule had the change, that three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King will create the second head surely, even third fake king Other. ” The dragon scale lineage lineage chief Li Qingying delicate eyebrows are tight, said. 秦天王一脉那边出现了一头“指翼假王”,暂时来看,似乎就这一头,但我感觉,如果真是“天王赦文”的规则出现了变化,那三瞳玄胎大魔王必定会创造出第二头,甚至第三头假王异类。”龙鳞脉脉首李青樱秀眉紧蹙,说道。 Heavenly King Qin's lineage that side situation already erosion, obviously fierce of this accident, that side them, top marquis of this loss, perhaps not under the number of five fingers.” 秦天王一脉那边局势已经糜烂,可见此次变故之剧烈,他们那边,此次损失的顶侯,恐怕就不下五指之数。” Counter-attack of that side different tide on these two days gentleness gradually, I had felt, perhaps that finger/refers of wing fake king, must start to come to our here defense lines.” “不过那边异潮的反扑在这两日已经渐渐的平缓,我感觉,恐怕那指翼假王,要开始冲着我们这边的防线来了。” Hears this words, Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo and the others felt immediately scalp one tight, Gu azure, willow Chen and others withstood/top marquis consecrate, the complexion is also some rounds painstakingly, they may really not want to resist fake king Zhenmo, that is really has the mistake dead slightly. 听到此话,李青鹏,李极罗等人顿时感到头皮一紧,那顾青,柳晨等顶侯供奉,面色也是有些发苦起来,他们可真不想去对抗一头假王真魔啊,那是真的稍有差池就没命的。 Everyone does not need to be anxious, us such as that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage will not become the potential of big rout, after all, Other, although has the fake king, but our also two unparalleled sixth grade, this is the advantage that Heavenly King Qin's lineage has not had, therefore even if when the time comes does not beat, but wants to come still to be able that finger/refers of wing fake king Qianche to live, wins bigger round space to us, is feasible.” Saw that the people facial expression is serious, Li Tianji is comforting said. “大家也不必过于忧虑,我们这边不会如秦天王一脉那边成大溃败之势,毕竟,异类虽然有假王,但我们也有两位无双六品,这可是秦天王一脉未曾拥有的优势,所以到时候就算是不敌,但想来也能将那指翼假王牵扯住,给我们赢取更大的转圜空间,还是可行的。”见到众人神情沉重,李天玑则是安抚说道。 Such remarks, the high level on the scene all was projects the vision in abundance to Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, in the eye has the hope. 此言一出,在场的高层皆是纷纷将目光投射向了李洛姜青娥,眼中带着期盼。 In the present Heavenly King Li's lineage strength, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are apex under King Realm, even such as Li Fei yu, higher ninth grade of Li Changkun these older generations go against the marquis, cannot compare two people. 在如今的李天王一脉的战力中,李洛姜青娥可谓是王境之下的顶尖者,就算是如李飞羽,李长昆这些老一辈的上九品顶侯,都是比不上两人。 If them who most has the qualifications to resist that fake king Other, perhaps only had two people. 所以如果说他们这边谁最有资格对抗那假王异类的话,恐怕只有两人了。 Is welcoming the vision of people, Li Luo hesitates to say slightly: At the appointed time that finger/refers of wing fake king Ruozhen transfers attacks our defense lines, it gives me and sister Qing'e copes, happen to we also want to try, this fake king and real king, were actually bad many.” 迎着众人的目光,李洛微微沉吟道:“到时那指翼假王若真转攻我们的防线,它就交给我与青娥姐来对付,正好我们也想要试试,这假王与真王,究竟差了多少。” Even is facing fake king Zhenmo, but Li Luo such as other marquises had not actually revealed that like that the color of fear, present he, no longer is the beginning of that year to the dragon tooth lineage shy youngster, he is Heavenly King Li's lineage sixth lineage chief. 即便是面对着假王真魔,但李洛却并未如其他顶侯那般显露畏惧之色,如今的他,已经不再是当年初至龙牙脉的青涩少年了,他已经是李天王一脉的第六位脉首 Although for the time being, is strength weakest lineage chief, but also needs to provoke the lineage chief responsibility after all. 虽说暂时来看,是实力最弱的脉首,可终归也还是需要挑起脉首的责任。 But fake king Zhenmo is strong, but he and Jiang Qing'e, is not ordinary unparalleled sixth grade. 而假王真魔虽强,但他与姜青娥,也都不是普通的无双六品 Two people Myriad Resonances Seed, primordial seed, the strength is also highly regarded. 两人一个万相种,一个原始种,战力同样不可小觑。 Whose who is weak, but must bump has known. 孰强孰弱,还得碰过才知道。 Is looking at the Li Luo calm stance, Li Qingpeng reveals the gratified color, this once junior, starts to reveal the point now, becomes the backbone in Heavenly King Li's lineage. 望着李洛从容的姿态,李青鹏则是露出欣慰之色,这个曾经的小辈,如今也开始崭露锋芒,成为了李天王一脉中的顶梁柱。 To come, if old master knows, will decide will like. 想来若是老爷子知晓的话,也定会为之欢喜。 Good, then these, we will stop attacking on the 2nd, cut back the defense line, that different tide after catching up to draw back Heavenly King Qin's lineage, the next goal can be us surely.” “好,接下来这两日,我们将会停止进攻,收缩防线,那异潮在赶退了秦天王一脉后,下一个目标必定会是我们这边。” Hopes that we can block their counter-attacks, perhaps otherwise if, we must draw back finally get back one's composure Jiangcheng, effort that this period of time makes, will come to naught.” Li Tianji sighed one. “希望我们能够挡住它们的反扑吧,如若不然,恐怕我们最终也得退回神江城,这段时间所付出的努力,也将会化为泡影。”李天玑感叹一声。 The people all are the nod should under. 众人皆是点头应下。 But Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e look at each other one, they do not hope the aspect ruins this situation, because, them will not only be constrained to hurry back to the Great Xia footsteps in that case, when the time comes taking advantage of the matter of soldier, will be hard to open the mouth. 李洛姜青娥对视一眼,他们可不希望局面败坏到这种地步,因为那样的话,他们不仅会被拖住赶回大夏的脚步,到时候借兵之事,也会难以开口。 Therefore, this Other disaster, must solve! 所以,这场异灾,必须解决! That finger/refers of wing fake king... 那指翼假王... Also must die! 也必须死! ... ... Following on the 2nd, Heavenly King Li's lineage defense line, unceasing contraction, reinforcement defense. 接下来的两日,李天王一脉的防线,不断的收缩,加固防御。 The tight depressing atmosphere, spreads in the army. 紧张压抑的气氛,在大军中蔓延。 Because everyone can feel, the dark clouds that distant place between Heaven and Earth fills are becoming rich, jet black such as the rainstorm of black ink brought ominous aura, gloomy, resembling has the innumerable distortions, the hatred, chaotic vision in projection. 因为所有人都能够感觉到,远处天地间弥漫的黑云在变得浓郁,漆黑如墨的暴雨带来了不祥的气息,阴暗中,似是有着无数扭曲,怨毒,混乱的目光在投射而来。 That is the prelude of storm gather. 那是暴风雨来临的前奏。 But that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage, after distressed rout, is licking silently licks the wound, simultaneously will look at Heavenly King Li's lineage. 秦天王一脉那边,在狼狈溃败后,也是默默的舔舐伤口,同时将视线投向李天王一脉这边。 Heavenly Origin Divine Province other influences, is paying attention, wants to know Heavenly King Li's lineage whether will also be similar to Heavenly King Qin's lineage to be the same, came from counter-attack of Other disaster, thorough destroying defense line. 天元神州的其他势力,也是在关注着,想要知晓李天王一脉是否也会如同秦天王一脉一般,被来自异灾的反扑,彻底的摧毁防线。 Under this being a focus of public attention, the time arrived at the reinforcement defense the 3rd day. 在这种万众瞩目下,时间来到了加固防御的第三日。 Is built on the summit Li Tianji, Tantai Lan, the Li Qingying three lineage chief complexions suddenly one austere, their swift and fierce vision go to the horizon of distant place, there heavy/thick viscous evil thoughts dark clouds, after stagnating for several days, finally started the trundle. 立于山巅的李天玑,澹台岚,李青樱三位脉首脸色陡然一肃,他们凌厉的目光投向远处的天际,那里厚重粘稠的恶念黑云,在凝滞了数日后,终于开始了滚动。 The dark clouds send out grating roaring, is coercing the terrifying black rain, like extinguishing the monster of the world, wells up to the long defense line that Heavenly King Li's lineage is reinforcing. 黑云发出刺耳的咆哮,裹挟着恐怖的黑雨,如同灭世的怪兽,对着李天王一脉这边所加固的漫长防线涌来。 ! 呜! The grating bugle, beats a drum the sound, resounds in the Heavenly King Li's lineage army. 刺耳的号角,鸣鼓声,在李天王一脉的大军中响起。 The innumerable resonance power light beam raises, duke platform stand erect void. 无数道相力光柱升起,一座座封侯台屹立虚空。 But above the army, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e flies high to stand, their vision go to the heavy rain the deep place, there, has the gloomy and cold white light to bathe together in the black rain. 而在大军上方,李洛姜青娥凌空而立,他们的目光投向黑色暴雨的深处,在那里,有一道阴冷的白光沐浴在黑雨之中。 That is together slender figure, in its behind, two is referred to by the people of innumerable swelling greatly refers to the wing that the stack becomes, fanning slowly. 那是一道纤细的身影,在其背后,两只由无数发胀的人指堆积而成的巨大指翼,缓缓的扇动。 The terrifying fluctuation is common like the storm, from its within the body unceasing sweeping across. 恐怖的波动如同风暴一般,自其体内不断的席卷而出。 It as if was also detects Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e vision, therefore red lip raising slowly wiped the distortion, the brutal smile, it stretched out the slightly sharp pale palm, distant to two people, is pinching ruthlessly. 它似乎也是察觉到了李洛姜青娥的目光,于是红唇缓缓的掀起一抹扭曲,残酷的笑容,它伸出略显尖锐的惨白手掌,遥遥的对着两人,狠狠一捏。 Resembling must be ordinary two people crumb to become Lanrou. 似是要将两人捏碎成烂肉一般。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the boundless black rain takes the lead to fall in torrents from the horizon, is covering to go to the Heavenly King Li's lineage army. 下一刻,磅礴的黑雨率先自天际倾泻,然后对着李天王一脉的大军笼罩而去。
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