KOMI :: Volume #16

#1580: The couple fights the fake king hand in hand

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Bang! 轰! world's energy at the fierce rebellion, the dark clouds coerces the gloomy and cold black rain to fall in torrents, resembles must submerge common the whole world. 天地能量在剧烈的暴动,黑云裹挟着阴冷的黑雨倾泻,似是要将整个世界都淹没一般。 But with falling in torrents of black rain, sees only emerges like mighty current Other, these Other are all sorts of strange and unusual, forms most twists, the strange stance, making one look that had the sentiment of fear by the heart's core. 而随着黑雨的倾泻,只见得如洪流般的异类随之涌现,那些异类千奇百怪,形成最为扭曲,诡异的姿态,令人看一眼就由心灵深处生出恐惧之情。 Is looking at that different tide unprecedented fierce counter-attack, in the Heavenly King Li's lineage long front, the innumerable powerhouses are also the discolorations that cannot bear. 望着那异潮前所未有的凶猛反扑,李天王一脉漫长的战线中,无数强者也是忍不住的色变。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are built on the horizon, suddenly respective six dazzling radiant ten pillars golden platform shoot up to the sky, subsequently erupts to rush abundant resonance power, these resonance power each other interweave, extremely tacitly and formed a wondrous formation path rapidly. 李洛姜青娥立于天际,突然各自有六座耀眼璀璨的十柱金台冲天而起,继而爆发出澎湃雄厚的相力,这些相力彼此交织,极为默契与迅速的结成了一座奇阵的轨迹。 But in the wondrous formation central place, a crystal stone of fist size precise and presently, the crystal stone is sending out the eye-catching god holy light color, refracts the innumerable crystal light, but these crystal light in refractions, rapid expands that sacred crystal stone. 而在奇阵的中央处,一枚拳头大小的晶石凝炼而现,晶石散发着夺目的神圣光彩,折射出无数晶光,而这些晶光在一次次的折射中,又迅速的壮大那一枚神圣晶石。 Therefore the crystal stone starts to inflate, short the moment time, the crystal stone then changed into round of Great Divine Crystal Sun, the float horizon, the enormous and powerful sacred crystal light, took the lead to welcome pouring, but to black rain. 于是晶石开始膨胀,短短不过片刻时间,晶石便是化为了一轮神晶大日,悬浮天际,浩浩荡荡的神圣晶光,率先迎上了倾盆而至的黑雨。 Both to bumping, cause everyone immediately anxiously look like. 两者对碰,立即引得所有人紧张看来。 In rear Li Tianji, Tantai Lan, Li Qingying three lineage chief are the look is dignified, because Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e this light god crystal swings demon whether to purify the black rain, will decide the following war trend. 就连处于后方的李天玑,澹台岚,李青樱三位脉首都是神色凝重起来,因为李洛姜青娥这“光明神晶荡魔阵”能否净化黑雨,将会决定接下来的战局走势。 So long as the black rain one were purified, then king cannot enter the amnesty article strength will expire, at that time three lineage chief can make a move directly, that finger/refers of wing fake king easily according to dying. 只要黑雨一被净化,那么“王不可入”的赦文力量就会失效,那时候三位脉首就能够直接出手,将那指翼假王轻易的按死。 Before the true King Realm powerhouse, fake king is fake after all. 在真正的王境强者面前,假王终归是假的。 Under everyone tight gaze, the boundless vast sacred crystal light and black rain bump into, but in the instance of initial contact, the black rain was purified by the sacred crystal light instantaneously, changes into continuously gloomy and cold black smoke. 在所有人紧张的注视下,磅礴浩瀚的神圣晶光与黑雨相撞,而在最初接触的瞬间,黑雨被神圣晶光瞬间净化,化为一缕缕阴冷的黑烟。 But Heavenly King Li's lineage without enough time is joyful, then discovered that these black smokes have not dissipated directly, instead integrated in other rainwater, subsequently counter-attacks to come, is intertwined with the sacred crystal light. 李天王一脉这边还来不及为之欣喜,便是又发现那些黑烟并未直接消散,反而是融入了其他的雨水中,继而反扑而来,与神圣晶光交缠。 When this, lets all will of the people Vung Tau sinks. 这一幕,让得所有人心头顿时一沉。 Must know in the previous attack, so long as Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e offered a sacrifice to light god crystal to swing demon, that sacred crystal light will not only evaporate the black rain all, even that evil thoughts dark clouds will be torn. 要知道在此前的进攻中,只要李洛姜青娥祭出了“光明神晶荡魔阵”,那神圣晶光不仅会将黑雨尽数蒸发,甚至连那恶念黑云都会被撕裂。 That is the easily accomplished destruction. 那是摧枯拉朽般的破坏。 But now, the before effect of sacred crystal light is obviously inferior . 可现在,神圣晶光的效果明显不如之前了。 This was not light god crystal swings demon to weaken, but was this black rain, obtained the enormous enhancement. 这并非是“光明神晶荡魔阵”变弱了,而是这黑雨,获得了极大的增强。 Everyone, prepares to meet head-on!” “所有人,准备迎战!” The Tantai Lan swift and fierce shouting at sound, thunders to resound, reverberates near the ear of everyone. 澹台岚凌厉的叱喝声,轰鸣响起,回荡在每一个人的耳边。 The black rain had not been purified, then the following collision is extremely bloody engaging in hand-to-hand combat, this is most brutal to bumping, will present big casualties. 黑雨未曾被净化,那么接下来的碰撞就是极为血腥的短兵相接,这是最为残酷的对碰,将会出现不小的伤亡。 In the long front, various sections are all preparing to greet the impact. 漫长的战线上,各部皆是在准备迎接冲击。 Heavenly Dragon's five guards, various health/guard have also so formed have taken about hundred people as one group of formations, starts to tie to gather the strength. 天龙五卫同样如此,各卫早已形成了以百人左右为一组的队形,开始结阵聚力。 As for bigger knot, is actually not able to use, because the black rain has the function of corroded will of the people, but ties Heavenly Dragon Formation to need the gathering in great numbers person's heart, previously Heavenly Dragon's five guards also attempted to try to tie big, but finally is actually the discovery in the black rain, the person are more, instead the will of the people are more mixed, is easier to initiate to backlash, therefore Heavenly Dragon's five guards also can only be divided into numerous hundred people of groups after that. 至于规模更大的结阵,却是无法动用,因为黑雨有着侵蚀人心的作用,而结天龙阵需要聚众人之心,此前天龙五卫也尝试过试图结大阵,但最终却是发现在黑雨内,人越多,反而人心越杂,越容易引发反噬,故而此后天龙五卫也只能分成众多百人小组。 The Li Foluo palm grips tightly a to past profound light heavy spear, his face cold solemn, look ruthless severe looks at the front to well up Other that like surging tides, low roar such as slating resounding. 李佛罗手掌紧握一柄流转着玄光的重枪,他面庞冷肃,眼神狠厉的望着前方如潮水般涌来的异类,低吼声如雷鸣般的响起。 Dragon Tooth Guard, attacks!” 龙牙卫,出击!” Dragon Blood Guard, attacks!” 龙血卫,出击!” Dragon Scale Guard, attacks!” 龙鳞卫,出击!” „......” “......” Meanwhile, Guardian Honorable of other four health/guard, is sends out drinks severely, violently shoots that the innumerable flowing light blot out the sky, just like a grand smoke and fire. 与此同时,其他四卫的卫尊,也是发出厉喝,无数流光铺天盖地的暴射而出,宛如一场盛大的烟火。 Bang! 轰! In the be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) front, two terrifying mighty currents hit in together, cause the world's energy rebellion in an instant, the casualty time are appearing, that frigid, looks at the Li Tianji lineage chief facial skin that observes to twitch. 绵延数万里的战线上,两股恐怖的洪流撞击在一起,霎那间引得天地能量暴动,死伤时刻都是在出现,那惨烈一幕,看得观战的李天玑脉首脸皮都是在抽动。 Li Tianji raised the head, looks to the front sky, two figure that there most focuses attention on , that in direct impact black rain has referred to wing fake king going air-splitting. 李天玑抬头,望向前方的天空,那里最为瞩目的两道身影,也已破空而出,直冲黑雨中的那头“指翼假王”而去。 Whether this time their Heavenly King Li's lineage can block counter-attack of this wave-guide-slot moist terrifying, main, must look at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e two people, can trig this to refer to wing fake king, if cannot, they also only be able, helpless retreats, and area that will previously occupy laboriously spits again. 此次他们李天王一脉能否挡住这一波异潮恐怖的反扑,最主要的,就得看李洛姜青娥二人,能否制住这头“指翼假王”,如若不能,那他们也只能无奈撤退,并且将此前辛苦占据的疆域再吐出去。 Then, will cause the morale to drop inevitably. 只是如此一来,势必会引得士气跌落。 Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, looked your.” Li Tianji sighs lightly, the present aspect, making their these lineage chief feel that extremely aggrieved, they obviously are the strongest strengths, was actually compelled unable to enter the war by Heavenly King Pardon together, but Tantai Lan similarly so, she is Great Unparalleled Duke, its strength level compares favorably with Double Crown King sufficiently, was naturally also limited. 李洛,姜青娥,就看你们的了啊。”李天玑轻叹了一口气,眼下的局面,令得他们这些脉首感到极为的憋屈,他们明明是最强的战力,却偏偏被一道“天王赦文”逼得无法参战,而澹台岚同样如此,她是大无双侯,其力量层级足以媲美双冠王,自然也被限制了。 Roar! 吼! But under the gaze of innumerable vision, Li Luo figure after crashing in black rain, then erupts the radiant dazzling purple gold brilliance, the earth-shaking dragon's roar sound in the between Heaven and Earth reverberation, his body changed into huge purple gold Heavenly Dragon together instantaneously. 而在无数道目光的注视下,李洛身影在冲进黑雨后,便是爆发出璀璨耀眼的紫金光彩,一道惊天动地的龙吟声于天地间回荡,他的身躯瞬间化为了一条巨大的紫金天龙 high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique, Dragon Blood Tracing Ancient Technique! 上品天命级封侯术,龙血溯古术 Two years ago Li Luo when that Heavenly Mirror Tower, displays Dragon Blood Tracing Ancient Technique, can only change into about several thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Dragon, may progress by leaps and bounds with this strength to unparalleled sixth grade, this Heavenly Dragon body, arrives in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) boundary! 两年前李洛在那天镜塔时,施展龙血溯古术,只能化为数千丈左右的天龙,可随着此次实力突飞猛进到无双六品,这天龙躯体,已是抵达万丈之境! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Dragon hovers in the horizon, the prestige of boundless vast Heavenly Dragon sweeps across, that everywhere black rain is even shaken the powder unexpectedly. 万丈天龙于天际翱翔,磅礴浩瀚的天龙之威席卷,竟是连那漫天黑雨都被震散。 Bang! 轰! The purple gold big dragon opens dragon mouth, the overbearing dragon breath mighty current, takes the lead to refer to wing fake king bombardment going to that together directly, but this dragon breath extremely wonderful, its mistake, void was congeals unexpectedly the innumerable crystal stones, that was world's energy is invaded by strength of the crystal resonance, changed into the innumerable energy crystal stones, just like rain of gorgeous crystal stone, fell in torrents along with the black rain under. 紫金巨龙张开龙嘴,一道霸道的龙息洪流,直接率先对着那“指翼假王”轰击而去,而这道龙息极为的神妙,其所过处,虚空中竟是凝结出了无数晶石,那是天地能量被其中的晶相之力所侵染,化为了无数能量晶石,宛如一场绚丽的晶石之雨,伴随着黑雨倾泻而下。 Occasionally has the crystal light dragon breath complementary waves to sweep some real demon Other, the latter almost will change into shortly by the crystal stone sculpture of seal. 偶尔有晶光龙息余波扫中一些真魔异类,后者几乎是在顷刻间化为了一座座被封印的晶石雕塑。 Referred to wing fake king seeing that stretches out back one greatly to refer to the wing, referred to the wing flowing the dense/woods white gloss, some innumerable strange rune/symbol writing appeared, just like the shield, resisted the front at the same time. “指翼假王”见状,伸出了背后的一只巨大指翼,指翼流淌着森白的光泽,有无数诡异的符文浮现出来,宛如一面盾牌般,抵挡前方。 Bang! 轰! Crystal light dragon breath bang ruthlessly on that finger/refers of wing shield, but actually like not hitting other real demon Other is ordinary, changes into the crystal stone seal it directly, on the contrary, the innumerable pale fingers on that finger/refers of wing, split mouth that in this time unexpectedly strangely covers entirely the advantage tooth, then crystal light dragon breath swallowing. 晶光龙息狠狠的轰在那指翼盾牌上,但却并未如同击中其他真魔异类一般,直接将其化为晶石封印,相反,那指翼上的无数惨白手指,竟是在此时诡异的裂开了一张张布满利齿的嘴,然后将晶光龙息给吞食了下去。 At once refers to the wing cutting suddenly, seems together ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge cold and gloomy white light, shortly will cut to break to pieces crystal light dragon breath, then ruthlessly is cutting to the head of Heavenly Dragon. 旋即指翼陡然斩出,仿佛是一道万丈庞大的森冷白光,顷刻间斩碎了晶光龙息,然后狠狠的对着天龙之首斩下。 The white light falls, the horizon was torn a giant cavity. 白光落下,天际被撕裂出一道巨大的空洞。 This white light, even the incarnation is Heavenly Dragon Li Luo, feels piercing gloomy and cold cold air. 这一道白光,连化身为天龙李洛,都是感觉到了一股刺骨的阴冷寒气。 However in the meantime, has sacred dazzling light resonance's power to erupt above its Dragon Head suddenly, a magnificent god holy light sword appears, above the light sword, is mounting the magnificent honored gem. 不过就在此时,突有神圣耀眼的光明相力于其龙首之上爆发,一柄华丽至极的神圣光剑浮现而出,光剑之上,镶嵌着华丽尊贵的宝石。 God holy light sword suddenly/violently Zhan, bumps into with that white light, the boundless wild fluctuation of energy wreaks havoc, causes the world to thunder, subsequently both simultaneous vanishing into thin air. 圣光剑暴斩而下,与那白光相撞,磅礴狂暴的能量波动肆虐开来,引得天地轰鸣,继而两者同时的烟消云散。 This offensive was reduced and solved together suddenly, even on that finger/refers of wing fake king Qingxiu female cheeks is appears to wipe the user-friendly astonishment, this period of time it slaughters ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage recklessly, even if these so-called higher ninth grade go against the marquis, is still is hard to insist in his hands, but at present, since it was born, was reduced and solved the offensive for the first time directly. 这一道攻势被骤然化解,连那指翼假王清秀的女子脸颊上都是浮现出一抹人性化的惊愕,这段时间它在秦天王一脉那边肆意屠戮九品顶侯,就算是那些所谓的上九品顶侯,也是难以在其手中坚持,而眼下,还是它诞生以来,第一次被人正面化解攻势。 Bang! 轰! But in this finger/refers of wing fake king Cuoe absent-minded instance, Li Luo is impolite with it, Dragon's Tail curls up overwhelming enormous strength suddenly, is coercing the terrifying destruction strength, the direct racket broke to pieces void, changes into under flowing light racket ruthlessly. 而就在这指翼假王错愕失神的瞬间,李洛却是没跟它客气,龙尾猛然卷起浩然巨力,裹挟着恐怖的毁灭力量,直接拍碎了虚空,化为流光狠狠的拍下。 That Dragon's Tail breaks void, the void breakage, among spread the sounds of three dragon's roar, subsequently three big dragon light shadow depart, three dragon gatherings, changed into a gorgeous dragon flag. 那一记龙尾砸碎虚空,虚空破裂,其内传出了三道龙吟之声,继而有三条巨龙光影飞出,三龙汇聚,化为了一面斑斓龙旗。 Three Dragon Heavenly Flags Canon! 三龙天旗典 Sanlong Town demon god light/only! 三龙镇魔神光! The vast boundless god light/only falls in torrents, surrounds above Dragon's Tail, present Li Luo, arrives in the boundary of great perfection regarding the cultivation of this Three Dragon Heavenly Flags Canon without doubt, by the strength of Heavenly Dragon, reins the god light/only, its power and influence verve peerless to pinnacle. 浩瀚磅礴的神光倾泻,环绕于龙尾之上,如今的李洛,对于这三龙天旗典的修炼无疑已经是抵达大圆满之境,以天龙之力,驾御神光,其威势刚猛绝伦到了极致。 Bang! 轰! Dragon's Tail coerces the god light/only just like meteorite pounding, in referred to the wing false king body, the terrifying strength caused void erupts the sound of wail, on that finger/refers of wing fake king strange pair of wings, countless people referred to being pounded to explode to break to pieces, changed into the black blood to flow. 龙尾裹挟神光宛如陨石般的砸在了指翼假王身躯上,恐怖的力量引得虚空都是爆发出了哀鸣之声,那指翼假王诡异双翼上,无数人指被砸得爆碎开来,化为黑血流淌。 But its figure, falls loudly, the place of landing, mountains were razed to the ground by the shock-wave, the fearful energy storm, tore into shreds innumerable Other. 而其身影,更是轰然而坠,落地之处,一座座山岳被冲击波夷为平地,可怕的能量风暴,撕碎了无数异类 The land shakes, just like the Land Dragon to tumble. 大地震荡,犹如地龙翻滚。 So the sound, caused to cast the vision that the Heavenly King Li's lineage innumerable powerhouses were shocked, the atmosphere stagnated several breaths, the next quarter was to move mountains the excited cheers in the battlefield sky crack. 这般动静,引得李天王一脉无数强者震动的投来目光,气氛凝滞了数息,下一刻便是有着排山倒海般的激动欢呼声于战场上空炸响。 In the sky, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Dragon winds to occupy, the military might is mystical, is sending out endless dragon's might, but in the top of Dragon Head, Jiang Qing'e holds the sword to stand, on the valiant, beautiful holy cheeks, is flowing the swift and fierce color, in its bright and clean forehead, sacred Saint crystal core appears, the energy unceasing transformation of between Heaven and Earth is light energy, inhales, for it continuous is providing light resonance's power. 天空上,万丈天龙蜿蜒盘踞,威武神秘,散发着无尽龙威,而在龙首之顶,姜青娥持剑而立,英姿飒爽,绝美圣洁的脸颊上,流动着凌厉之色,在其光洁眉心处,神圣至极的“圣相晶核”浮现而出,将天地间的能量不断的转化为光明能量,吸入其中,为其源源不断的提供着光明相力 A dragon person, hand in hand sending out boundless invincible might. 一龙一人,携手散发磅礴神威。 The Heavenly King Li's lineage front, the morale rises suddenly in this time suddenly, suddenly is repels the different tide of coming unexpectedly. 李天王一脉的战线,士气在此时陡然暴涨,一时间竟是将汹涌而至的异潮都是打退一些。 These days, they heard this to refer to wing false king Tai many savage scores, anything put in an appearance dozen of remnant higher ninth grade, the hand rips lower ninth grade, the Heavenly King Qin's lineage front, by this thing destroying. 这段时间,他们听闻了这头指翼假王太多凶残的战绩,什么照面打残上九品,手撕下九品,秦天王一脉的战线,就是被此物生生的摧毁。 However no one has thought that when their Heavenly King Li's lineage this time meets the approaching enemy this ominous prestige dreadful referring to wing fake king, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, not only resisting got down the opposite party easily accomplished offensive, even also takes advantage its unprepared, launches the counter-attack, falls the bang. 然而谁都没想到,在他们李天王一脉此次迎击这头凶威滔天的指翼假王时,李洛姜青娥,不仅抵挡下了对方摧枯拉朽般的攻势,甚至还趁其不备,展开反击,将其生生的轰落。 Perhaps since this has been this refers to the wing fake king appearing, first admitting defeat! 这恐怕是这头指翼假王出现以来,第一次吃瘪! Li Luo lineage chief military might!” 李洛脉首威武!” Ginger dragon tooth envoy military might!” “姜龙牙使威武!” „...” “...” Hears that to cheer the bravo innumerably, rear Li Tianji, Li Qingying two lineage chief are also relaxing of feeling relieved, they previously also worried that finger/refers of wing fake king is extremely fierce, after all they as the real king, can the clear sensation to the strength of this fake king, be far from common ninth grade Duke Realm may compare. 听得那无数欢呼喝彩声,后方的李天玑,李青樱两位脉首也是如释重负的松了一口气,他们先前也担心那指翼假王太过凶猛,毕竟他们身为真王,能够清晰的感知到这头假王的力量,远非一般的九品封侯境可比。 If makes this finger/refers of wing fake king wreak havoc in the battlefield, their fronts will be similar to Heavenly King Qin's lineage to be the same quickly, presents the potential of rout. 如果让得这指翼假王在战场上肆虐开来,他们的战线很快就会如同秦天王一脉一般,出现溃败之势。 But what is good because of being, has Myriad Resonances Seed and primordial seed Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, the battle efficiency similarly is the evildoer/monstrous talent rank. 但好在的是,身怀万相种原始种李洛姜青娥,战斗力同样是妖孽级别。 After today, perhaps the entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province major Heavenly King influences, will admire their Heavenly King Li's lineage, has such unparalleled heaven's chosen. 今日之后,恐怕整个天元神州各大天王势力,都将会艳羡他们李天王一脉,有如此无双天骄 It seems like this war, must hit.” “看来这一战,还有得打。” Li Tianji said slowly, their facial expressions have not relaxed, the sharp vision penetration black rain, is looking in the endocrater in distant place land, they can the clear feeling, that finger/refers of wing fake king although eat Li Luo extremely aggressively strikes, but had not actually caused heavy losses, evil thoughts fluctuation that on the contrary, its within the body sends out, but also in sudden enhancement. 李天玑缓缓说了一声,不过他们的神情也并未就此放松,锐利的目光穿透黑雨,望着远处大地上的巨坑中,他们能够清晰的感觉到,那指翼假王虽然吃了李洛极为凶悍的一击,但却并未被重创,相反,它体内散发出来的恶念波动,还在急剧的增强。 Perhaps then, is the true fierce battle! 恐怕接下来,才是真正的恶战! But in any event, after this war, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e prestige, will spread over entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province inevitably. 但不论如何,此战过后,李洛姜青娥的威名,势必会传遍整个天元神州 king battle, is this world's most has the real importance score forever. 王战,永远是这个世界上最具备含金量的战绩。 Even this is only a fake king, but since gave the name of king, naturally no one dares to neglect it. 即便这只是一个假王,可既然赋予了王之名,自然无人敢将其忽视。 Nearby Tantai Lan is also in the eye has the gratified color to reappear, once the Luolan Mansion two little fellows, start to reveal the point now, must advance into the top level of this world. 一旁的澹台岚也是眼中有着欣慰之色浮现,曾经洛岚府的两个小家伙,如今也开始崭露锋芒,要跻身于这世间的顶尖层次。 little Luo, Qing'e. 小洛,青娥 The roads of your Unparalleled Duke, from this fake king, start! 你们的无双侯之路,就从这假王,开始吧!
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