KOMI :: Volume #16

#1578: Slaughtering from fake king

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Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! between Heaven and Earth, the intense war also breaks out. 天地间,激烈的大战随之爆发。 The wild energy and evil thoughts fluctuate, again vicious collision in this stretch of vast land. 狂暴的能量与恶念波动,在这片辽阔的大地上再次凶狠的碰撞。 Behind that Qin Zhongyuan, Zhao Zong and other King Realm powerhouses were manner relaxed observing, the collision they have seen similarly these days too multiple, although they also had casualties, the destruction that but was shocking but not dangerous finally the black rain Capital view, cleaned places of the corrosion. 在那后方,秦重渊,赵宗等数位王境强者则是神态轻松的观战,类似的碰撞他们这段时间中已经见过了太多次,虽说他们也是不免有所伤亡,但最终还是有惊无险的破坏了黑雨京观,清洗了一片又一片的侵蚀之地。 But this time, decides however is no exception. 而此次,也定然不会例外。 This wreaks havoc three years of Other disaster, should welcome the end. 这场肆虐三年的异灾,也该迎来终结了。 The front horizon, Qin Yi is maintaining spring rain evil, her eye pupil just like the sparkling lake water surface, is pasting the charming brilliance, forehead that blue Saint crystal core, added several points of mystical aesthetic sense for her. 前方天际,秦漪在维持着“春雨化邪阵”,她的眼瞳宛如波光粼粼的水面,流转着迷人的光彩,眉心那蓝色的“圣相晶核”,又是为她平添了几分神异的美感。 She is looking into the black rain that front between Heaven and Earth and spring rain blend, suddenly, slender willow eyebrows gently one pressed. 她眺望着前方天地间与春雨交融的黑雨,突然间,纤细的柳眉轻轻的一蹙。 The spring rain that because in her sensation, gradually expands, suddenly presented stagnation in this time, is not even starting to contract to... the spring rain! 因为在她的感知中,逐渐扩张的春雨,突然在此时出现了凝滞,不对...甚至春雨在开始收缩! Qin Yi beautiful elegant face fierce changes. 秦漪绝美俏脸猛的一变。 The situation is not right! 情况不对! However, but also does not need Qin Yi to make the sound of caution, suddenly in this stretch of battlefield everyone was feels extremely terrifying evil thoughts to fluctuate in that black rain deep place to erupt. 然而,还不待秦漪发出警示的声音,突然这片战场上所有人都是感受到了一股极为恐怖的恶念波动于那黑雨深处爆发而起。 Sees only in that frontline front place, originally three formation that withstand/top the marquis to compose, is tearing the Other defense line rapidly, charges into the black rain Capital view of deep place. 只见得在那最前方的战线处,原本三名顶侯所组成的阵型,正急速的撕裂异类防线,冲向深处的一座黑雨京观。 But at this time, that front horizon, was being separated suddenly continually void. 可此时,那前方的天际,突然连虚空都在被割裂。 Two Dawson's white rays pass through the horizon to come, cuts directly to that three ninth grade withstand/top the marquis. 有两道森白的光芒贯穿天际而来,直接斩向那三名九品顶侯。 Sudden attack, is causes that three ninth grade go against Hou Mianse fiercely changes, these ninth grade real demons that because in their sensations, this attack, met before tyrannical were too more. 突如其来的攻击,也是引得那三名九品顶侯面色猛的一变,因为在他们的感知中,这道攻击,比之前遇见的那些九品真魔强横了太多。 What is this?!” “这是什么?!” ninth grade withstand/top Hou to lose one's voice with amazement, in his eye pupil, sees only that to cut the broken horizon two Dawson white rays, impressively is two giant wings. 有一名九品顶侯骇然失声,在他的眼瞳中,只见得那斩破天际的两道森白光芒,赫然是两只巨大的翅膀。 But that wing presents the pale color, moreover that wing is results in the finger that the blanch swells to form by a root by immersion. 只不过那翅膀呈现惨白色彩,而且那翅膀乃是由一根根被浸泡得发白发胀的手指所形成。 Strange refers to wing coercing the indescribable evil thoughts fluctuation, the overhead is cutting to three ninth grade withstand/top the marquis. 诡异的“指翼”裹挟着无法形容的恶念波动,当头斩向三名九品顶侯。 But these three ninth grade go against the marquis also feels the fatal crisis, is calls out makes noise, respective stimulation of movement top of the head nine palatial duke platform, stimulate to movement the Duke domain, changed into the firmest shield, stops in the front. 而这三位九品顶侯也是感受到致命的危机,皆是暴吼出声,各自催动头顶九座巍峨封侯台,催动封侯界域,化为了最坚固的盾牌,阻拦在前方。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! When that refers to wing cuts next, these impregnable duke platform, are becomes just like the tofu generally is frail, only listens to the sound of grating breaking to get up. 可当那“指翼”斩下时,那些固若金汤般的封侯台,却是变得宛如豆腐一般脆弱,只听刺耳的破碎之声响起。 In the battlefield the innumerable panic-stricken line of sight sees, that enough 27 duke platform, in this flash, all changes into two sections. 战场上无数道惊恐的视线见到,那足足二十七座封侯台,在这一瞬间,皆是化为两截。 ! 扑哧! Three go against Hou Xianxue to spurt crazily, in the eye full is the color of fear, their figure crazy violent draws back. 三名顶侯鲜血狂喷,眼中满是恐惧之色,他们身影疯狂的暴退。 Such strength, is not the ninth grade real demon! 这样的力量,绝非九品真魔! Xiū! 咻! However their figure just drew back, front void is bursts, three pale light pursue to come, that is three swelling fingers. 然而他们的身影刚退,面前的虚空便是破裂开来,有三道惨白之光追击而来,那是三根发胀的手指。 Scoff! 嗤! Three fingers pierced all defenses instantaneously, when three ninth grade go against the marquis has not recovered, directly inserted in their forehead. 三根手指瞬间洞穿了所有的防御,在三名九品顶侯还没回过神来时,就直接插进了他们的眉心中。 The evil thoughts aura spout, short several breaths, corroded the rotten flesh their bodies, unceasing fell from the sky. 恶念之气喷涌,短短数息,就将他们的身躯侵蚀成了腐烂的血肉,不断的从天空掉落。 Entire battlefield for it one static. 整个战场都为之一静。 The next flash, the endless cold air, raises from the heart of people. 下一瞬间,无尽的寒气,从众人的心头升起。 This puts in an appearance, cut to kill three ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis directly, what Other was this?! 这一个照面,就直接斩杀了己方三名九品顶侯,这是什么异类?! Hee hee. 嘻嘻。 When the fear spreads, the distant place black rain comes in waves from between Heaven and Earth, has women's chuckle sound distant transmitting, then everyone saw, in heavy rain that the distant place erupts, together slender figure, in horizon float. 在恐惧蔓延的时候,远处黑雨自天地间滚滚而来,有女子轻笑声远远的传来,然后所有人都是见到,远处爆发的黑色暴雨中,一道纤细的身影,于天际悬浮。 That is together female figure, but in its back, actually fans two hugeness by the innumerable pale finger stacks being become to refer to wing. 那是一道女子身影,但在它的背后,却是扇动着两只由无数惨白手指堆积而成的巨大“指翼”。 But what most made the person terrifying was, was sent out the evil thoughts fluctuation that by its within the body, was far in excess of any ninth grade real demon that previously met! 但最令得人恐怖的是,由其体内散发出来的恶念波动,远远的超越了此前所遇见的任何九品真魔! Looks at that to refer to wing Other, on the elegant face of Qin Yi, could not bear appear the color of shock. 望着那“指翼”异类,就连秦漪的俏脸上,都忍不住浮现出了震惊之色。 Other King?!” 异类王?!” How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” That refers to the strength that wing female reveals, had clearly been close to the King Realm category infinitely. 那“指翼”女子所显露的力量,分明已经无限接近了王境的范畴。 However in Qin Yi shocks, here accident by rear Qin Zhongyuan, Qin bent/tune and the others was also detected, they also feel unbelievable, in this black rain, doesn't have king cannot enter the rule? 不过在秦漪震惊间,此处的变故也被后方的秦重渊,秦曲等人所察觉,他们也是感到难以置信,这黑雨中,不是存在着“王不可入”的规则吗? Now does the rule change? Has been able to allow the King Realm strength to enter? 难道如今规则发生了变化?已经能够允许王境的力量进入了? Evil creature, dissolute!” “孽障,放肆!” Qin bent/tune violent anger, been able to bear one step trod, appeared in the front battlefield, then its top of the head had one supremely to reappear to the expensive/noble King royal crown, the vast fresh air flowed, is sending out Origin Aura. 秦曲暴怒,忍不住的一步踏出,出现在了前方战场,然后其头顶有一层至尊至贵的王者冠冕浮现,浩瀚清气流淌,散发着本源气息 Her palm lays out, between Heaven and Earth has the deafening sound wave crack, destroys the sound wave giant palm of the world sufficiently air-splitting, is referring to wing female patting directly to that. 她一掌拍出,天地间似是有震耳欲聋的音波炸响,一只足以毁灭天地的音波巨掌破空而出,直接对着那“指翼”女子拍去。 However is facing Qin bent/tune making a move, that finger/refers of wing female has not actually avoided, on the pale face instead was appears the mood of ridicule. 不过面对着秦曲的出手,那指翼女子却是并未躲避,苍白的脸庞上反而是浮现出了讥笑的情绪。 After because Qin bent/tune that sound wave giant palm intruded the black rain the region, immediately a more terrifying strength corrosion comes, it shortly, changed into everywhere energy luminous spot. 因为当秦曲那音波巨掌闯入黑雨的区域后,顿时有一种更为恐怖的力量侵蚀而来,将其在顷刻间,就化为了漫天能量光点。 Qin bent/tune the complexion was pale. 秦曲脸色铁青。 The rule that the kings cannot be entered, remains as before! 王不可入的规则,依旧还存在! But why this finger/refers of wing Other strength, compared with ninth grade real demon so many? 可是为何这指翼异类的实力,比九品真魔强那么多? Is false King Realm!” “是假王境!” Qin Zhongyuan the low and deep voice conveyed. 秦重渊低沉的声音传来。 False King Realm?” Qin bent/tune the complexion changed, was somewhat inconceivable, the person who because can achieve this boundary was rare, looked over entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province, feared that was very difficult to discover existence of such extraordinary. “假王境?”秦曲脸色微变,有些不可思议,因为能够达到这一境界的人罕见至极,纵观整个天元神州,怕都很难找出这样奇葩的存在。 Moreover, the fake king also reluctantly is a king, this should also in king cannot enter in category, why will appear in the black rain at present? 而且,假王也勉强算是王,这应该也是在“王不可入”的范畴内,为何眼下会出现在黑雨中? Perhaps that Heavenly King Pardon rule has changed.” Qin Zhongyuan complexion also extremely ugly/difficult to look at, saw that this Other disaster will soon be ended, finally suddenly presented such accident, this perhaps is came from that three pupil profound embryo Great Demon King the method. “恐怕那天王赦文的规则有所变化。”秦重渊脸色也极其的难看,眼看这异灾即将被终结,结果却突然出现了这样的变故,这恐怕是来自那位“三瞳玄胎大魔王”的手段。 Qin Yi, the black rain is sweeping across to come, quick stimulation of movementspring rain evil reduces and solves! ” Qin Zhongyuan looked to the distant place, discovered that there horizon the evil thoughts dark clouds are starting to spread toward here. 秦漪,黑雨正在席卷而来,快催动“春雨化邪阵”化解!”秦重渊看向远处,发现那里天际的恶念黑云正在开始往这边蔓延。 Qin Yi deeply inspires, the chest front fluctuates gently, said: Heavy deep pool palace lord, my spring rain evil expired, that black rain became stronger, my spring rain was unable again its suppression!” 秦漪深吸一口气,胸前轻轻起伏,道:“重渊宫主,我的春雨化邪阵失效了,那黑雨变得更强了,我的春雨已经无法再将其压制!” Such remarks, Qin Zhongyuan, Qin bent/tune, Qin Zhiming and the others changed color in abundance. 此言一出,秦重渊,秦曲,秦知命等人纷纷变色。 Spring rain evil depending on that is they attacks, if this strategy expires, then they will welcome the most difficult aspect immediately. 春雨化邪阵是他们进攻的倚仗,如果这道阵法失效的话,那么他们将会立即迎来最为艰难的局面。 Several King Realm powerhouses headed by Qin Zhongyuan slightly absent-minded is looking at the world of distant place, as there the expansion of evil thoughts dark clouds, the jet black black rain starts to fall in torrents to the land, following, but also has innumerable Other like surging tides. 以秦重渊为首的数位王境强者微微失神的望着远处的天地,那里随着恶念黑云的扩张,更为漆黑的黑雨开始对着大地倾泻,随之而来的,还有着无数如潮水般的异类 But that has the false King Realm strength refers to wing female, follows the black rain to go forward, simultaneously fans refers to the wing, pale fingers like god of death sickle, harvesting in all directions. 而那拥有着假王境实力的“指翼”女子,也是跟随着黑雨前进,同时扇动指翼,一根根惨白的手指如同死神的镰刀,四处的收割。 Short in a minute, Qin, the Zhao two big Heavenly King lineage armies with irresistible force, almost presented the potential of rout, distressed retreat. 短短片刻间,秦,赵两大天王脉势如破竹的军队,几乎呈现溃败之势,狼狈后退。 Retreats! Retreats!” “撤退!撤退!” In Qin Zhongyuan the brain transmitted the intermittent dizziness feeling, finally he hoarse sound, shouted sternly. 秦重渊脑子中传来阵阵眩晕感,最终他嘶哑着声音,厉声喝道。 The bugle horn sound of retreating, starts to resound through sky over this stretch of battlefield. 撤退的号角声,开始响彻于这片战场上空。 The armies like surging tides draw back distressedly, the black rain forwards rolling, area that will previously lose, is submergence quietly. 大军如潮水般的狼狈而退,黑雨则是滚滚向前,将此前所丢失的疆域,又是悄然的淹没。 Qin, Zhao two big Heavenly King lineage, the rout drew back. 秦,赵两大天王脉,大败而退。 The news flies common spreading, entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province vibrates. 消息飞一般的传出,整个天元神州都为之震动。 Including originally Heavenly King Li's lineage that advances, because of this accident, has to stop the footsteps. 包括原本正在推进的李天王一脉,也因为这场变故,不得不停下了脚步。
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