KOMI :: Volume #16

#1573: Prominence

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The giant cavity appears in the sores land, originally boundless evil thoughts black water also under the light resonance's power purification of that terrifying, change nihility all. 巨大的空洞浮现于疮痍的大地上,其中原本磅礴的恶念黑水也是在那恐怖的光明相力净化下,尽数的化为虚无。 Might terrifying that extremely Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e previously that struck jointly, not only erased black lake directly, destroyed the black rain Capital view, tried to stop the ninth grade real demon that writing off that four. 李洛姜青娥先前那联手一击的威力太过的恐怖了,不仅直接抹除了黑湖,打碎了黑雨京观,同时也将那四头试图阻拦的九品真魔给抹杀了。 Is looking at this, the people on the scene, all are look at dumbly at the scene, in the eye full is color with amazement. 望着这一幕,在场的众人,皆是呆立当场,眼中满是骇然之色。 Such prestige, trades to be their anyone, cannot prevent. 如此之威,换作他们任何一个人,都阻挡不下来。 Gu azure, willow Chen and other ninth grade consecrate holds breath cold air, looked that treads in two young figure vision that empties to come to the distant place, has to dread that emerges with the scared look. 那顾青,柳晨等四位九品供奉倒吸一口凉气,看向远处踏空而来的两道年轻身影的目光中,有着忌惮与惧色涌现。 But Li Qingpeng after experiencing short shock, first sobers actually, on the moon-face that always stays on good terms with everyone has the gratified color to reappear, he is looking at Li Luo figure, talked to oneself with a smile: third brother, your son may be extraordinary, when you were younger than in the past, but must losing face/showing off.” 李青鹏在经历了短暂的震撼后,倒是最先清醒过来,那总是一团和气的圆脸上有着欣慰之色浮现而出,他望着李洛身影,笑着自语道:“三弟啊,你这儿子可了不得啊,比你当年年轻时,还要更加的出彩呢。” The Li Luo present achievement, was exceeded in Heavenly King Li's lineage nearly several generations absolutely, any same time top Heaven's Chosen, no, perhaps incessantly was Heavenly King Li's lineage, even took a broad view at other Heavenly Origin Divine Province Heavenly King lineage, some people have not achieved this achievement in this age. 李洛如今的成就,绝对算是超过了李天王一脉近数代之内,任何同期的顶尖天骄,不,恐怕不止是李天王一脉,就算是放眼天元神州其他天王脉,都未曾有人在这个年龄达到这个成就。 But nearby Li Jiluo is the look is complex, beforehand time, he was suppressed by Li Taixuan must not have the temperament, afterward after Li Taixuan departed, he just gradually emerges in this generation, and was regarded as important by Li Tianji, will regard as dragon blood lineage lineage chief to train in the future. 而一旁的李极罗则是神色复杂,以前的时候,他被李太玄压制得没有脾气,后来李太玄离去后,他方才渐渐的在这一代中脱颖而出,并且被李天玑所看重,视为未来龙血脉脉首来培养。 A long time, he is the eminent in Heavenly King Li's lineage this generation. 在很长的一段时间中,他算是李天王一脉这一代中的翘楚。 By the two years Li Qingpeng bewildered braves, this person is hanging him with the sticky candy same tightness, therefore Li Jiluo regarded as the competitor it, the unceasing contest in secret competes. 直到这两年李青鹏莫名其妙的冒出来,这人跟个牛皮糖一样的紧紧吊着他,于是李极罗就将其视为了竞争者,不断的暗中较量攀比。 But who can think, a short more than two years of time does not see, junior Li Luo in this originally eye, is sudden appearance unexpectedly, came a curve to pass another vehicle directly. 可谁能想到,短短两年多的时间不见,这个原本眼中的小辈李洛,竟然异军突起,直接来了一个弯道超车。 Unparalleled sixth grade... this also once was the perfect boundary that he earnestly sought, what a pity, unparalleled road extremely difficult, after he cast three ten pillars golden platform, then feels the limit. 无双六品...这也曾经是他所渴求的完美境界啊,可惜,无双之路太过的艰难,他铸就出了三座十柱金台后,便是感觉到了极限。 When the people state of mind is wells up violently, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are tread to empty to come, to appear in their front. 在众人心绪皆是激涌时,李洛姜青娥已是踏空而来,出现在了他们的前方。 Uncle.” Li Luo is first greeting with Li Qingpeng, Jiang Qing'e also called with him together. “大伯。”李洛先是与李青鹏打着招呼,姜青娥也是随着他一起称呼。 Then Li Luo is holding the fist in the other hand to salute to others. 然后李洛又对着其他人抱拳行礼。 Li Qingpeng is with a laugh introduced two elders to Li Luo, said: little Luo, this is our dragon tooth lineage old person, the feathers great uncle, his rank is not low, even I and your father, are he look to grow up.” 李青鹏则是笑呵呵的给李洛介绍两位长老,道:“小洛,这是我们龙牙脉的老人,飞羽族叔,他老人家辈分可不低,连我和你爹,都是他看着长大的。” Younger generation Li Luo sees the flying birds to be old.” Li Luo salutes respectfully, the opposite party can drag the body of old age, goes out with the Other fierce combat, this obviously hugs is being the heart of Heavenly King Li's lineage completely last strength, the character, is so true to be worth respecting. “晚辈李洛见过飞羽族老。”李洛恭敬行礼,对方能够拖着垂暮之身,出关与异类激战,这明显是抱着为李天王一脉尽最后一份力的心,如此风骨,属实值得尊重。 Li Fei yu is the look temperate is looking at present this high-spirited youth, the latter body is ascending the spirited vitality, that is old age old person who their these are unable to strive most lacks. 李飞羽则是眼神温和的望着眼前这意气风发的青年,后者身上升腾着昂扬的生机,那是他们这些无法精进的垂暮老人最为缺少的。 Okay, Taixuan that boy has a good son, pupil surpasses the teacher, I think, if big brother Jingzhe can know, should very be also gratified.” “好好,太玄那小子有个好儿子,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,我想如果惊蛰大哥能知晓的话,应该也会很欣慰。” Li Fei yu frank smiling, then he also says with a smile to Li Changkun who one side a reveal is envying: Sees not to have, my dragon tooth lineage Heaven's Chosen, may be more splendid than your dragon blood lineage.” 李飞羽爽朗的笑着,然后他又对着一旁眼露羡慕的李长昆笑道:“看见没,我龙牙脉的天骄,可比你们龙血脉更为出色。” Li Changkun ill-humored snort/hum two, but is unable to dispute, unparalleled sixth grade of age, dragon blood lineage from the establishment, has not so appeared. 李长昆没好气的哼了两声,但也无法辩驳,如此年龄的无双六品,龙血脉自创立起,就没出现过。 Moreover what is most essential, this Li Luo achieve unparalleled sixth grade, how can also have one also to achieve the unparalleled sixth grade wife? 而且最关键的是,这李洛自身达到无双六品也就罢了,怎么还能带一个同样达到无双六品的媳妇? They even faint feeling, that stands side Li Luo, the resonance power fluctuation that appearance outstandingly beautiful girl within the body sends out, as if must. 他们甚至隐隐的感觉到,那站在李洛身旁,容颜绝色的女孩体内散发出来的相力波动,似乎还要更强一些。 „Was little Luo, what thing previously that round of crystal stone big day? Why can reduce and solve the black rain?” Li Qingpeng curious asking, this Other disaster most troublesome thing, is that omnipresent black rain, the black rain is contaminating Heavenly King Pardon the rule, even the strength of King Realm powerhouse is unable to touch into, this caused their these Heavenly King lineage King Realm powerhouses to become the ornaments. 小洛,此前那一轮晶石大日是什么东西?为何能够化解黑雨?”李青鹏好奇的问道,这场异灾最麻烦的东西,就是那无所不在的黑雨,黑雨沾染着“天王赦文”的规则,连王境强者的力量都无法触入,这就导致他们这些天王脉王境强者成了摆设。 Is azure cherry lineage chief pushes to spread out for me and sister Qing'e, butlight god crystal swings demon, this can eliminate the black rain, that side the effect and Heavenly King Qin's lineage spring rain evil similar, but should the effect compared with them. ” Li Luo answered. “是青樱脉首为我与青娥姐推衍而出“光明神晶荡魔阵”,此阵能够消除黑雨,效果与秦天王一脉那边的“春雨化邪阵”类似,不过应该效果会比他们更强一些。”李洛解释道。 Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo, Li Fei feather their hears Yanjie looks the color of great happiness, has this can reduce and solve black rain demon, then their here attacks, such as that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage generally with irresistible force. 李青鹏,李极罗,李飞羽他们闻言皆是面露大喜之色,有了这座能够化解“黑雨”的荡魔阵,那么他们这边的进攻,也将会如秦天王一脉那边一般势如破竹了。 This will reduce Heavenly King Li's lineage here casualties enormously. 这将会极大的减少李天王一脉这边的伤亡。 Therefore this swings an demon function is really please ten ninth grade go against the marquises not to compare again. 所以这座荡魔阵的作用真是再请十个九品顶侯都比不上的。 Good, you may really be my Heavenly King Li's lineage lucky stars.” Li Fei yu likes folding on face is stretches, looked that the Li Luo look is full of the affection. “好,你们可真是我李天王一脉的福星。”李飞羽欢喜得脸庞上的皱褶都是舒展开来,看李洛的眼神更是充满着喜爱。 That nearby Gu azure, willow Chen and other ninth grade consecrate hears word are also the secret heart startled, did Heavenly King Li's lineage do to cope with the black rain unexpectedly demon? 那一旁的顾青,柳晨等四位九品供奉闻言也是暗暗心惊,李天王一脉竟然搞出了能够对付黑雨的荡魔阵? No wonder they dare to start the second round of great counter offensive, originally because of liberator. 怪不得他们敢发动第二轮大反攻,原来是因为等来了救星。 Then, Heavenly King Li's lineage will start to accelerate surely, starts with Heavenly King Qin, the Heavenly King Zhao two lineage/vein competions to seize the speed of domain. 那么接下来,李天王一脉必定会开始加速推进,开始与秦天王,赵天王两脉比拼抢占地盘的速度。 They thought Heavenly King Li's lineage is impossible to fight for collaborations of two big Heavenly King lineage, but the power and influence of previously after seeing Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e making a move, this idea was actually some vacillations. 原本他们是觉得李天王一脉不可能争抢得过两大天王脉的联手,可先前在见过李洛姜青娥出手的威势后,这份想法却是有些动摇了。 These two young people were too fierce. 这两个年轻人太勇猛了。 Unparalleled sixth grade, and also has Unparalleled Technique, such method, which common is ninth grade an opponent? 无双六品,并且还身怀无双术,这样的手段,一般的九品哪是对手? Read hence, their originally some hearts of vacillation, gradually steady, such it seems like, Heavenly King Li's lineage promising. 一念至此,他们原本有些动摇的心,渐渐的稳了下来,这么看来,李天王一脉还是有前途的。 Bang! 轰隆! When them in the conversation, this side between Heaven and Earth, has the vast mighty force to arrive suddenly, that mighty force is coercing like tide world's energy, the place visited, as if timely rain, directly Other writing off of all surviving. 而当他们这边在交谈的时候,这方天地间,突然有着浩瀚的伟力降临,那伟力裹挟着如潮汐般的天地能量,所过之处,仿佛一场甘霖,直接是将所有残存的异类尽数的抹杀。 Even land deep place residual evil thoughts aura, was driven away, subsequently was obliterated. 甚至大地深处残留的恶念之气,也是被驱赶而出,继而被生生磨灭。 This piece once wreaked havoc by evil thoughts aura, the tormented land, starts to give full play to the vitality again, but wants to restore to the normal degree, then needs to compromise world's energy some time. 这片曾经被恶念之气肆虐,荼毒的大地,开始再度焕发生机,不过想要恢复到正常程度,则还是需要一段时间来调和天地能量 The mountain forest deep place that Li Luo they are, having several the ninth grade real demon felt not wonderful, the body disrupts immediately, changes into black light, is fleeing to the remote place. 李洛他们所在的这片山林深处,有数头九品真魔感觉到不妙,身躯顿时碎裂开来,化为黑光,对着遥远处遁逃。 But their escaping continued several breaths the time merely, saw only richly from its all around gushes out to pinnacle the strength of Origin Source void, directly formed the prison, their fetters all. 但它们的逃跑仅仅持续了数息时间,只见浓郁到极致的本源之力自其四周虚空涌出,直接是形成了囚牢,将它们尽数的束缚。 Then the space fierce collapse, the strength of Origin Source wreaks havoc, easily writes off cleanly these ninth grade real demons. 而后空间猛的塌陷,本源之力肆虐,轻易的将那些九品真魔抹杀得干干净净。 In several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) battlefield, the Heavenly King Li's lineage army is look inspired raising the head, sees only in the upper air, three great figure stand erect, two top of the head reappearing King royal crowns, the splash vast Origin Source fresh air, reduces and solves between Heaven and Earth evil thoughts, but another selects figure high behind, then presented unparalleled Divine Throne, god throne is mystical, charm of sending out, compared with another two King royal crowns, but must even better. 数万里的战场上,李天王一脉的部队皆是神色振奋的抬头,只见高空上,三道伟岸身影屹立,其中两道头顶浮现王者冠冕,泼洒浩瀚本源清气,化解天地间恶念,而另外一道高挑身影身后,则是出现了一尊无双神座,神座神秘威严,散发的神韵,比另外两位的王者冠冕,还要更胜一筹。 That is Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, Li Qingying. 那是澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱 With the black rain gradual retrogression, their strengths, can enter this region finally, but the King Realm powerhouse acts, naturally is easily accomplished. 随着黑雨逐渐的消退,他们的力量,终于是能够伸入进这片地域,而王境强者一出手,自然是摧枯拉朽。 That so fills people with enthusiasm, immediately caused the cheers of moving mountains. 如此振奋人心的一幕,顿时引起了排山倒海的欢呼声。 After having been through repeatedly long-term struggle, can know easily accomplished like this is what kind of inspiration morale. 在历经了长时间的苦战后,才能够知晓这样的摧枯拉朽是何等的鼓舞士气。 In the upper air, Li Tianji overlooks the battlefield, the loud and clear sound resounds through near the ear of everyone: This war is difficult, my Li Tianji as Palm Mountain Lineage Chief, first many thanks gives self up to protect my clan lineage/vein in this.” 高空上,李天玑俯瞰战场,洪亮的声音响彻在每一个人的耳边:“此战艰苦,我李天玑身为掌山脉首,先在此多谢诸位舍身护我族脉。” Starting today, Heavenly King Li's lineage will advance full power, until compels Boundary River Territory this Other disaster, at the appointed time my Heavenly King Li's lineage can re-enter the peace.” “从今日起,李天王一脉将会全力推进,直至将这场异灾逼回界河域,到时我李天王一脉才能重回太平。” My Heavenly King Li's lineage has later generation Heaven's Chosen, Li Luo, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Qing'e returns, they have entered the sixth grade unparalleled boundary, simultaneously may constructlight god crystal to swing demon, reduces and solves the black rain, therefore does not need to worry about the hidden danger of black rain again. ” “我李天王一脉有后辈天骄,李洛,姜青娥夫妻归来,他们已入六品无双境,同时可构建“光明神晶荡魔阵”,化解黑雨,所以诸位不必再担忧黑雨之隐患。” However the old inherited under Saint life, seals Li Luo as my Heavenly King Li's lineage sixth lineage chief!” “而老祖传下圣命,封李洛为我李天王一脉第六位脉首!” Hope my clan lineage/vein, be continuous prosperous!” “愿我族脉,绵延昌盛!” The sound biography that as Li Tianji thunders swings to open, these several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) battlefields also fell into the ebullition suddenly, the innumerable Heavenly King Li's lineage powerhouses looked to shock, from now on, will Li Luo become Heavenly King Li's lineage sixth lineage chief? 随着李天玑轰鸣的声音传荡而开,这数万里战场也是陡然间陷入到了沸腾之中,无数李天王一脉的强者面露震撼,从现在开始,李洛将会成为李天王一脉第六位脉首 So young lineage chief, really hears something never heard of before! 如此年轻的脉首,真的是闻所未闻! This is the extremely big news shocking. 这可是极其震撼性的大消息啊。 Conceivable, with the proliferation of this news, entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province, will cause a stir, but Li Luo name, will advance into Heavenly Origin Divine Province giant. 可以想象,随着这番消息的扩散,整个天元神州,都将会为之轰动,而李洛的名字,也将会跻身成为天元神州巨擘之列。
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