KOMI :: Volume #16

#1572: The couple breaks to pieces the Capital view hand in hand

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Hung by the pinnacle god crystal big day in the horizon dazzlingly, endless light fell by the potential of blotting out the sky , the evaporation black rain, scattered the evil thoughts dark clouds. 耀眼到极致的神晶大日悬于天际,无尽的光明以铺天盖地之势倾洒而下,蒸发黑雨,驱散恶念黑云。 Situated in struggling hard Heavenly King Li's lineage numerous armies, will feel shortly the pressure quickly wanes, light crystal line that then simultaneously falls from the horizon, their hearts in negative impact that because the black rain corrosion brings, elimination all. 原本处于苦战中的李天王一脉众多部队,顷刻间就感觉到压力骤减,同时那自天际落下来的光明晶线,将他们心中因为黑雨侵蚀带来的负面影响,尽数的消除。 The warm energy flows the whole body, resonance power of detention, restored the vigor again, starts wells up in within the body elated rushing. 温暖的能量流淌全身,原本滞涩的相力,再度恢复了活力,开始于体内欢畅的奔涌起来。 Alas! 呜呼! , Has the innumerable excited shouting wildly sound direct impact clouds all over, the innumerable line of sight frantic looked on the horizon that to be built on the god crystal greatly other day two figure hand in hand. 漫山遍野间,有着无数激动的狂呼声直冲云霄,无数道视线狂热的望着天际上那立于神晶大日前携手的两道身影 Some people had recognized them. 已是有人将他们认了出来。 Li Luo? Jiang Qing'e?” 李洛姜青娥?” Many people feel inconceivable, looked that round of god crystal big day did away with the black rain, tore the evil thoughts dark clouds the imposing manner, they also think that was the King Realm powerhouse acted, finally who can think, met unexpectedly has left the Heavenly King Li's lineage more than two years Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e returns. 很多人感到不可思议,看那一轮神晶大日荡除黑雨,撕裂恶念黑云的气势,他们还以为是王境强者出手了,结果谁能想到,竟然会是已经离开李天王一脉两年多时间的李洛姜青娥归来了。 But in these shocking vision, the god crystal greatly other day, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e is also overlooking this be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) precipitous battlefield, at once six miraculous glows shoot up to the sky from two people crown of the head respectively. 而在那些震惊的目光中,神晶大日前,李洛姜青娥也是在俯瞰着这绵延数万里的险峻战场,旋即各有六道灵光自两人天灵盖冲天而起。 Changed into 12 duke platform that is sending out the boundless vast fluctuation. 化为了十二座散发着磅礴浩瀚波动的封侯台 „Is that... ten pillars golden platform?! God, is that 12 ten pillars golden platform? They, have entered into unparalleled sixth grade!” The innumerable shock sounds resound through, even some Heavenly King Li's lineage elders powerhouses, are look the vibration that cannot bear. “那是...十柱金台?!天啊,那是十二座十柱金台?他们,已经迈入无双六品!”无数震撼声响彻而起,即便是一些李天王一脉的老辈强者们,都是忍不住的面露震动。 Unparalleled sixth grade! 无双六品 This is compares favorably with ninth grade to withstand/top the boundary of marquis sufficiently! 这可是足以媲美九品顶侯的境界啊! They remember obviously, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e two years ago when leaves, still was also only about second grade, how two will the short years, strive this situation unexpectedly? 他们明明记得,李洛姜青娥两年前离开时,尚还只是二品左右,怎么短短两年,竟会精进到这种地步? However although everyone felt shocking as well as unbelievable, but this does not hinder at this time Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e enters the stage brought that rouses. 不过虽说所有人都感到震惊以及难以置信,但这并不妨碍此时李洛姜青娥出场所带来的那种振奋。 The low morale, almost will rise suddenly shortly. 原本低落的士气,几乎是顷刻间就暴涨了起来。 Li Luo Great Guardian Honorable!” 李洛大卫尊!” Jiang Qing'e dragon tooth envoy!” 姜青娥龙牙使!” Military might!” “威武!” Military might!” “威武!” „......” “......” The cheers of moving mountains resound through each corner of battlefield, actually no matter Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e how achieve this, sufficiently hero but who present they, turn around the situation. 排山倒海的欢呼声响彻战场的每一个角落,不管李洛姜青娥究竟是如何做到这一步的,但现在的他们,就是足以扭转战局的英雄。 Faces that innumerable cheers, Li Luo on horizon has been turning the head, was saying to Jiang Qing'e: Walks, sister Qing'e.” 面对着那无数的欢呼声,天际上的李洛则是转过头,对着姜青娥道:“走吧,青娥姐。” Now this we, ends this different tide eruption.” “现在该我们,来终结这场异潮爆发了。” Jiang Qing'e nods gently, bright and clean forehead, the that mysterious light mark is pasting the profound light, then light mark splitting slowly, revealed that just like the Spiritual God set upright the eye Saint crystal core. 姜青娥轻轻颔首,光洁眉心处,那一道神秘的光痕流转着玄光,而后光痕缓缓的裂开,显露出了那宛如神灵竖目般的“圣相晶核”。 Bang! 轰! Next flickers, two people figure change into the flowing light to cut the horizon, points to that battlefield deep place, the position that the black rain Capital view is at goes. 下一瞬,两人的身影化为流光划破天际,直指那战场深处,黑雨京观所在的位置而去。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Below battlefield, the innumerable powerhouses look at two people to cut the thundering air wave that the horizon causes, is erupts to angrily roar innumerably, at this time under shining of that god crystal big day, suppressed the strongest black rain to dissipate to them, but reviews these Other, was being filled light crystal line unceasing weakening of boundless purifying power by that actually. 下方的战场,无数强者望着两人划破天际引起的轰鸣气浪,也是爆发出无数怒吼,此时在那神晶大日的照耀下,原本对他们压制最强的黑雨已经消散,而反观那些异类,倒是被那充满着磅礴净化之力光明晶线不断的削弱。 At this time, the golden opportunity of counter-attacking. 此时,正是反攻的大好时机。 Therefore the next quarter, various battlefield places, innumerable resonance power erupts, the Other mighty current that starts to suppress kills these gradually to flinch. 于是下一刻,战场各处,无数道相力爆发,开始剿杀那些逐渐退缩的异类洪流。 The god crystal big day hung, sacred crystal light that its released, was shines the different moist deep place, before that black lake . 神晶大日高悬,其所释放的神圣晶光,也是照耀到了异潮深处,那座黑湖之前。 The war of ninth grade here erupted fiercely, is therefore was disturbed. 此处原本剧烈爆发的九品之战,也是因此受到了干扰。 Everyone is a belt/bring vibrates as well as astonished looking to the remote rear area. 所有人都是眼带震动以及惊愕的望向遥远的后方。 Their clear saw that one round god crystal big day hung. 他们清晰的见到一轮神晶大日高悬。 Terrifying purifying power that and releases, even is away from the so remote distance, as before is frightening. 其中所释放出来的恐怖净化之力,即便是隔着如此遥远的距离,依旧是令人心惊。 Gu azure, willow Chen and other ninth grade consecrate, the look is surprised: So boundless sacred was light energy, the Heavenly King Li's lineage King Realm powerhouse acts? Do they have not by the method of black rain disturbance?” 那顾青,柳晨等四位九品供奉,眼神惊疑不定:“如此磅礴神圣的光明能量,难道是李天王一脉王境强者出手了?他们已经有了不受黑雨干扰的手段了?” That black rain is what kind of fearfulness, their these ninth grade go against the marquis to be clear, because most starts, they also attempt first to scatter the black rain, but their strengths when touching the evil thoughts dark clouds, by erosion pollution, therefore they understand, the method under King Realm, has not perhaps affected to that black rain. 那黑雨是何等的可怕,他们这些九品顶侯再清楚不过,因为最开始的时候,他们也尝试过先驱散黑雨,但他们的力量在触及到恶念黑云时,就会被侵蚀污染,所以他们都明白,王境之下的手段,恐怕对那黑雨是没有作用的。 But the strength of King Realm powerhouse, because of that Heavenly King Pardon existence, is unable to reach in the black rain range, therefore this turned into a fast knot. 王境强者的力量,又是因为那一道天王赦文”的存在,根本无法传进黑雨范围中,于是这就变成了一个死结。 Also because of this, this round can scatter black rain the god crystal big day, making them very much puzzled. 也正因为如此,这一轮能够驱散黑雨的神晶大日,让得他们很困惑。 azure Péng, extremely Luo, what's all this about?” That named Li Fei yu, the Li Changkun two white hair elders, are to also withdraw figure at this time, they are looking at the god crystal big day of rear distant place pleasantly surprised, making noise that simultaneously has doubts. “青鹏,极罗,这是怎么回事?”那名为李飞羽,李长昆的两名白发长老,此时也是撤回身影,他们惊喜的望着后方远处的神晶大日,同时又疑惑的出声。 Two great uncles, this should help.” Li Qingpeng is also joyful saying with a smile. “两位族叔,这应该是强援来了。”李青鹏也是欣喜的笑道。 „Was Oh? within the clan returns in the top marquis who in Noble Battlefield practice?” Li Fei yu, Li Changkun surprised saying. 哦?难道是族内一些在王侯战场中修行的顶侯归来了吗?”李飞羽,李长昆惊讶的说道。 Li Qingpeng smiles, just wanted to speak, in the eye pupil actually reflects two streams light/only to cut the horizon to come at an exceptional pace, short in a minute, then coerced the boundless vast fluctuation of energy to appear in the field of vision. 李青鹏笑了笑,刚欲说话,眼瞳中却是倒映着两道流光以惊人的速度划破天际而来,短短片刻间,便是裹挟着磅礴浩瀚的能量波动出现在了视野中。 Well, good young two young men.” Li Fei yu also saw clearly that two streams light/only, among impressively is two extremely young men and women. “咦,好年轻的两个后生。”李飞羽也是看清楚了那两道流光,其内赫然是两名极为年轻的男女。 Spirited vitality that sends out from them, they can know the opposite party are not their types do not have the generation of old age may enter again. 从他们身上散发出来的昂扬生机,他们就能够知晓对方并非是他们这种无可再进的垂暮之辈。 But, they discovered that two figure top of the head respective float six ten pillars golden platform, immediately the pupil is fierce shrinks, on the old face gushes out color with amazement. 而紧接着,他们又发现了那两道身影头顶各自悬浮的六座十柱金台,当即瞳孔皆是猛的一缩,苍老的面庞上涌出骇然之色。 Unparalleled sixth grade?!” Two people all are the vibration lose one's voice. “无双六品?!”两人皆是震动失声。 Feathers great uncle, the youth is the Taixuan son, the girl is the Taixuan daughter-in-law, haha, is our dragon tooth lineage later generation.” Li Qingpeng proud saying. “飞羽族叔,那青年是太玄的儿子,女孩是太玄的儿媳,哈哈,都是我们龙牙一脉的后辈。”李青鹏自豪的说道。 What? Unexpectedly is the Taixuan child? Long was so big, good fierce talent, simply compared with Taixuan even better, well good, my dragon tooth lineage no lack of successors to conduct!” Li Fei yu is first shocked, then cannot bear delightedly said again and again. “什么?竟然是太玄的孩子?都长这么大了,好厉害的天赋,简直比太玄更胜一筹,好好好,我龙牙脉后继有人了!”李飞羽先是震动,而后忍不住欢喜的连连说道。 Nearby Li Changkun is whole face complex envying, because he is the dragon blood lineage elder. 一旁的李长昆则是满脸复杂的羡慕,因为他是龙血脉的长老。 But Gu azure, willow Chen and other ninth grade consecrate, then look at each other in blank dismay, this did Heavenly King Li's lineage, in this younger generation, have two so young unparalleled sixth grade unexpectedly? 而那顾青,柳晨等九品供奉,则是面面相觑,这李天王一脉,这年轻一代中,竟然出了两个如此年轻的无双六品 This may really be the matter of being unexpected. 这可真是始料未及的事情。 Heavenly King lineage background, too fearsome. 天王脉的底蕴,也太可怖了吧。 But in the people all in the vibration, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e also discovered these marquises, they also saw that simultaneously like the eye of common that strange black rain Capital view of embed devil black lake as well as above in land. 而在众人皆是处于震动时,李洛姜青娥也是发现了这些顶侯,同时他们也见到了那座如同恶魔之眼一般镶嵌于大地上的黑湖以及其上那座诡异的黑雨京观。 sister Qing'e!” Li Luo drinks lightly. 青娥姐!”李洛一声轻喝。 At present is also not greeting time, must make the best use of the time to destroy the black rain Capital view, reduces and solves these several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) different tides thoroughly. 眼下还不是打招呼的时候,必须抓紧时间破坏掉黑雨京观,彻底化解这数万里的异潮。 When drinks lightly falls, the Myriad Resonances Wheel revolution of slowly Li Luo within the body deep place, exudes the strange bellow, resonance's nature in within the body becomes light resonance in this time fusion all. 当轻喝落下时,李洛体内深处的万相轮缓缓的运转,发出奇异的轰鸣声,体内的相性在此时尽数的融合成为了光明相 Therefore, Li Luo forehead, light mark splitting slowly , has such as the Spiritual God to set upright an eye of sacred crystal core to reappear together. 于是,李洛眉心处,一道光痕徐徐的裂开,同样是有着如神灵竖目般的神圣晶核浮现出来。 higher ninth grade light resonance, Saint crystal core! 上九品光明相,圣相晶核! In the past Li Luo wanted to fuse to transform on the ninth grade resonance nature, but also needs to draw support from Li Hongyou Jade Dragon pill blessing, maintains the loss in within the body blood essence, may rise suddenly with the present strength to unparalleled sixth grade, resonance's nature of his within the body were also many middle ninth grade crystal-ice resonance. 以往李洛想要融合转化出上九品相性,还需要借助李红柚的玉龙丹加持,来维持体内精血的损耗,可随着如今实力暴涨到无双六品,他体内的相性也是再多了一道中九品晶冰相 Therefore present Li Luo transforms the ninth grade resonance nature, is at fingertips, omitted the loss of blood essence. 所以现在的李洛转化上九品相性,已是信手之间,同时也省去了精血的损耗。 Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo have had mutual affinity, therefore also understood his plan immediately. 姜青娥李洛早已心心相印,因此也立即就明白了他的打算。 Immediately in two people of hands has the sword to flash before. 当即两人手中有着刀剑闪现而出。 Clang! 铛! The sword bang strikes, that clear sound, resounds through the world. 刀剑砰击,那清脆声音,响彻天地。 Next flickers, sees only abundant light resonance's power to sweep across the world, the pressure that simultaneously one type is inconceivable, in sending out that this time blots out the sky. 下一瞬,只见雄厚的光明相力席卷天地,同时有一种难以想象的威压,在此时铺天盖地的散发出来。 Under this pressure, Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo their these ninth grade go against the marquis, was the inexplicable feeling an extremely intense sense of crisis. 在这种威压下,就连李青鹏,李极罗他们这些九品顶侯,都是莫名的感觉到了一种极为强烈的危机感。 They see, in Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e behind, in that endless light, resembling has one to reappear like the Spiritual God light shadow. 紧接着,他们见到,在李洛姜青娥身后,那无尽的光明中,似是有着一道如神灵般的光影浮现而出。 Light shadow is lives the four wings, the light wing covers the vault of heaven, resembling to purify in world all unclean thing. 光影似是生有四翼,光明羽翼覆盖天穹,似要净化世间一切不洁之物。 But Li Fei yu, Li Changkun as well as Gu azure and the others, is the eyelid fierce beat, this is what kind of strength, actually even their these marquises felt the thick depression. 而李飞羽,李长昆以及顾青等人,则是眼皮剧烈的跳动起来,这是何等的力量,竟然连他们这些顶侯都感觉到了浓浓的压抑感。 This is...” “这是...” However their veteran top marquis, the eyesight is uncommon, therefore quick identified faintly, immediately in the throats has hoarse sound spreading slowly. 不过他们毕竟还是老牌顶侯,眼力不凡,所以很快就隐隐的辨认了出来,当即喉咙间有着嘶哑的声音徐徐的传出。 light Unparalleled Technique?!!!” 光明无双术?!!!” Buzz! 嗡! Horizon light greatly hold. 天际光明大盛。 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques! 十二翼圣灵剑舞术! Executes the evil sword pill! 诛邪剑丸! Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e cut hand in hand, among vast light, the light sword pill forming, in the sword pill as if contains a light world, light flows, having the temple is partly visible. 李洛姜青娥携手斩出,浩瀚光明间,有一枚光明剑丸成形,剑丸内仿佛是蕴藏着一座光明世界,其中光明流淌,有神殿若隐若现。 The sword pill coerces the endless light sword light, passes through the vault of heaven, tore a several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) trace, just like a light meteor, in that innumerable shocked under reflecting of vision, the direct bang approached above black lake that strange black rain Capital view. 剑丸裹挟无尽的光明剑光,贯穿天穹,撕裂出了一道数万丈长的痕迹,宛如一颗光明流星,在那无数道震撼目光的倒映下,直接轰向了黑湖之上那一座诡异的黑雨京观。 Roar! 吼! These guards' ninth grade real demons beyond black rain Capital view, all sticks out suddenly in this time, the billowing dark clouds fill the air, wanting to stop. 那些守卫在黑雨京观之外的九品真魔,皆是在此时暴起,滚滚黑云弥漫,欲要阻拦。 But Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo and the others also acted strongly, intercepts several ninth grade real demons. 李青鹏,李极罗等人也是竭力出手,拦截住了数头九品真魔。 But four ninth grade real demon breakthrough interception, they resemble the person body to burst as in this time, is changes into the billowing stench unexpectedly the flesh, the flesh wriggles, finally changed into a roughly thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge blood streamer, on the blood streamer is flowing the billowing bloodstain, is glittering innumerable cold and gloomy fearsome rune/symbol writing. 可依旧有四头九品真魔突破拦截,它们似人般的身躯在此时破裂开来,竟是化为滚滚腥臭的血肉,血肉蠕动,最后化为了一面约莫千丈庞大的血幡,血幡上流淌着的滚滚血迹,闪烁着无数森冷可怖的符文。 Blood streamer rolling up and pushing along rune/symbol writing, forms the mighty current, welcomed to howl, but below executed the evil sword pill. 血幡卷动符文,形成洪流,迎上了呼啸而下的诛邪剑丸。 Bang! 轰! The startled day collides, suddenly eruption. 惊天碰撞,陡然爆发。 That instant, the fearful energy storm wreaks havoc, surrounding area the mountain range within several hundred li (0.5 km) by razing to the ground all, the intensity of that storm, even made the battlefields of these several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) regions clearly discernible. 那一霎,可怕的能量风暴肆虐开来,方圆数百里内的山脉被尽数的夷为平地,那风暴之激烈,甚至令这数万里区域的战场都清晰可见。 ninth grade that Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo wait/etc. approached withstand/top the marquis, was shaken but actually by this powerful impact shoots to draw back, good after long time, when results in the storm to be slightly weak, they just now quickly looked that is at the region that to distant place that black lake. 李青鹏,李极罗等靠近的九品顶侯,也是被这种强烈的冲击震得倒射而退,好半晌后,待得风暴稍弱,他们方才急忙看向远处那黑湖所在的区域。 The pupil shrinks immediately. 瞳孔顿时一缩。 black lake vanished! 黑湖消失了! That gloomy and cold black lake water vanished cleanly, only being too deep to see the bottom endocraters appears in same place, but that black rain Capital view, along with black lake, vanished together. 原本那阴冷的黑色湖水消失得干干净净,唯有一个深不见底的巨坑出现在原地,而那座黑雨京观,也是伴随着黑湖,一起消失了。 Hiss! 嘶! Everyone was inhaled cold air that could not bear. 所有人都是忍不住的吸了一口凉气。 These two small monsters now already terrifying to this situation? 这两个小怪物如今已经恐怖到这种地步了吗? Under a sword. 一剑之下。 Black rain Capital view, broken! 黑雨京观,碎! Four ninth grade real demons, extinguish! 四头九品真魔,灭!
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