KOMI :: Volume #16

#1571: God crystal big day

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„The quantity of ninth grade real demon, many a head!” Suddenly, the Li Jiluo complexion sinks, said. 九品真魔的数量,又多了一头!”突然间,李极罗脸色微沉,说道。 Presents other ninth grade to withstand/top Hou hears the words, discovered whole body skin that in a dark corner stands is pale, has the old woman who the black crack appears faintly, the old woman looks at them looks like, cannot help but shows the smile, in the mouth the jet black tooth is dropping the black saliva. 在场其他九品顶侯闻言,也是发现了一处阴暗角落中站立的一名浑身皮肤惨白,隐隐有着黑色裂纹浮现的老妪,老妪瞧得他们看来,不由得露出笑容,嘴中漆黑的牙齿滴落着黑色的涎水。 Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo great courtyard master, this great counter offensive extremely hasty, actually your does Heavenly King Li's lineage want to make what? Depending on our lineups, was impossible to destroy this black rain Capital view!” Eight go against in the marquis, the body grandiose middle-aged man complexion gloomy opens the mouth said. 李青鹏,李极罗大院主,这次大反攻太过的仓促,你们李天王一脉究竟想要做什么?凭我们的阵容,不可能破坏得了这座黑雨京观!”八名顶侯中,有一名身躯壮硕的中年男子脸色阴沉的开口说道。 His opens the mouth, then brought in three to withstand/top the marquis to echo. 他这一开口,便引来了三名顶侯附和。 Gu azure consecrate said right, two great courtyard master, we nine withstood/top the marquis to act before, was intercepted here, this time also lacked a manpower, but the ninth grade real demon instead were many, such match, extremely bad risk, if you counted on that we fight tooth and nail the dying war, we may really be can only say an embarrassment, your Heavenly King Li's lineage also please in addition please wise.” Three go against in the marquis, the beautiful woman who wears the palace skirt said slowly. “顾青供奉说得没错,两位大院主,我们之前九位顶侯出手,都被拦截在此,此次还缺少了一位人手,而九品真魔反而多了一个,这样的对局,太过凶险,若是你们指望我们搏命死战,那我们可就真是只能说句不好意思,你们李天王一脉还请另请高明吧。”三名顶侯中,一名身穿宫裙的美妇缓缓说道。 Attends to azure consecrate, willow Chen consecrate, do not worry, this great counter offensive, will break through surely, we need to do at present, then observes closely these ninth grade real demons, does not make them be separated from here, slaughters.” Li Qingpeng shows the temperate smile, comforting said. “顾青供奉,柳晨供奉,不要着急,此次大反攻,必定会有所突破,我们眼下所需要做的,便是将这些九品真魔盯住,不让它们脱离此处,进行杀戮。”李青鹏露出温和的笑容,安抚道。 The person of this speech, named Gu azure, named willow Chen, is on Heavenly Origin Divine Province becomes famous many years of ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis, this Heavenly King Li's lineage invited them, paid the extremely high reward, but because this wave-guide-slot tide erupted extremely fierce, ninth grade consecrate that these invited, obviously started to have the meaning of flinching. 这说话之人,一个名为顾青,一个名为柳晨,皆是天元神州上成名多年的九品顶侯,此次李天王一脉将他们请来,也是付出了极高的报酬,但由于这一波异潮爆发太过的凶猛,这些请来的九品供奉,明显开始有了退缩之意。 Hears the Li Qingpeng spoken language, that four inviting ninth grade consecrate, in the eye all reveals the color of suspicion, they do not know that the Li Qingpeng what to come confidence , Heavenly King Li's lineage was suffered in the half year unbearably by the different tide of this wave of eruption, if really has specially in view of the method, where will tow now? 听得李青鹏的言语,那四名请来的九品供奉,眼中皆是流露出怀疑之色,他们不知道李青鹏何来的信心,这半年来,李天王一脉被这一波爆发的异潮折磨得够呛,如果真有特殊的针对手段,哪会拖到现在? However since the opposite party said that they naturally must to the face, after all Heavenly King Li's lineage or Heavenly King lineage, moreover outside black rain, but also has their King Realm powerhouses to stare, they are not good extremely the timid war. 不过对方既然这么说了,那他们自然也还是要给个面子,毕竟李天王一脉还是天王脉,而且在黑雨之外,还有着他们的王境强者在盯着,他们也不好太过的怯战。 But they have also decided that if the situation is not right later, starts to present the rout, they also can only take advantage of opportunity to draw back, as for counting on them such as Heavenly King Li's lineage these marquises puts together the heavy losses to resist the ninth grade real demon generally, that is also unlikely. 但他们也已打定了主意,如果待会情况不对,开始出现溃败,那他们也只能顺势而退,至于指望他们如李天王一脉那些顶侯一般拼着重创去抵御九品真魔,那也不太可能。 azure Péng, Luo, our two old men acts extremely later in advance, inspires the ninth grade real demon, if the war is not finally right, you ordered to retreat, we will bring up the rear.” At this time, the old man who wears the dragon tooth lineage elder long gown opens the mouth slowly. “青鹏,极罗,待会我们两个老头先行出手,引动九品真魔,如果最后战局不对,你们就下令撤退吧,我们会断后的。”此时,有一名身穿龙牙脉长老袍服的老者缓缓开口。 You, are in my Heavenly King Li's lineage, besides Li Taixuan, most had possibility promote to enter the King Realm later generation, you may the old fogy who the potential exhausted be much more important than our these, if the critical juncture, gave priority to preserving oneself, I and others will collapse for you.” Another white blanch must the old person also nods, he wears the dragon blood lineage elder long gown. “你们二人,是我李天王一脉之中,除了李太玄外,最有可能晋入王境的后辈,你们可比我们这些已经潜力耗尽的老家伙重要得多,所以若是危急关头,以保全自身为重,我等自会为你们破局。”另外一名白发白须的老人也是点点头,他穿着龙血脉的长老袍服。 Feathers great uncle, long elder brother great uncle!” “飞羽族叔,长昆族叔!” Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo is to two old person respectful holding the fist in the other hand, these two elder ranks are higher than one round them, Li Fei yu and Li of Changkun this speech, achieved higher ninth grade. 李青鹏,李极罗皆是对着两位老人恭敬的一抱拳,这两位长老辈分比他们都高一轮,这说话的李飞羽与李长昆两人,更是达到了上九品 However to this step, was their limits, their bodies are sending out the air/Qi of old age, that was the sign that the potential exhausted, their life hopeless to have attacked King Realm again. 不过到了这一步,也就是他们的极限了,他们的身上散发着垂暮之气,那是自身潜力耗尽的迹象,他们此生已经无望再冲击王境 The old person as within the clan, their time is ordered to go out, itself pays the final ample force for Heavenly King Li's lineage. 身为族内的老人,他们此次受命出关,本身就是为了李天王一脉付出最后的余力。 Two great uncles, do not need so, the situation not to arrive finally, we not necessarily suffer setbacks to return.” Li Qingpeng said, he and Li Jiluo know the news that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e return, also knows that they accompany Li Qingying lineage chief to push to evolve evil in the back side of the mountain, if successful, this great counter offensive will obtain the easily accomplished victory inevitably. “两位族叔,不必如此,局势未到最后,我们不一定受挫而回。”李青鹏说道,他与李极罗是知晓李洛姜青娥回归的消息,同时也知道他们在后山陪同李青樱脉首推衍化邪阵,如果成功,此次大反攻势必会取得摧枯拉朽般的战果。 However because phecda lineage chief their indefinite evil whether to succeed, therefore has not spread such information, otherwise is inadequate at the appointed time, instead will deliver the fatal blow to the morale. 不过由于天玑脉首他们也不确定化邪阵能否成功,所以也就没有将这样的情报散布出来,否则到时不成,反而会给士气带来致命打击。 In any case at present, can only first observe closely these ninth grade real demons, then waits for the strong help to catch up. 反正眼下,就只能先将这些九品真魔盯住,然后等待强援赶来。 Li Fei yu, Li Changkun nods, then they no longer said, the old vision contains swift and fierce staring the ninth grade real demon that is ready to make trouble to under. 李飞羽,李长昆点点头,而后他们不再多说,苍老目光蕴含着凌厉的盯向下方蠢蠢欲动的九品真魔。 Begins!” “动手吧!” Li Fei feather sinking sound said, then he one step treads, during the void shakes, nine azure duke platform appear in the horizon, spurts to be thin vast resonance power, curls up the swift and fierce astral wind, along with the dragon's roar sound, changes into the innumerable giant azure wind blade directly, tearing is void, is cutting to kill to go to two ninth grade real demons. 李飞羽沉声说道,而后他一步踏出,虚空震荡间,九座青色的封侯台于天际浮现,喷薄着浩瀚相力,卷起凌厉罡风,其中伴随着龙吟声,直接化为无数道巨大的青色风刃,撕裂虚空,对着两名九品真魔斩杀而去。 Li Changkun also acts, overbearing abundant resonance power forms effective duke technique, the potential of destruction falls. 那李长昆也是随之出手,霸道雄厚的相力形成威力不凡的封侯术,以毁灭之势落下。 Bang! 轰! Below ninth grade real demon was inspired immediately, in an instant, evil thoughts aura moved rolling, welcomed. 下方的九品真魔顿时被引动,霎那间,恶念之气滚滚而动,迎了上来。 The war of startled day, suddenly eruption. 惊天之战,骤然爆发。 The struggle of ninth grade, destroys the day to extinguish. 九品之争,毁天灭地。 The complementary waves of this war, almost the surrounding area in several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km), can the clear induction, the innumerable line of sight, been able to bear uphold, go to that battlefield deep place. 这番大战的余波,几乎方圆数万里内,都是能够清晰的感应,无数道视线,忍不住的抬起,投向那战场深处。 As we all know, there is the key. 所有人都知道,那里才是关键之处。 But beyond black rain range, on void, Li Tianji, Tantai Lan flies high to stand, has the mighty force from their within the body sending out, covers void, is alleviating the corrosion and expansion of black rain. 而在黑雨范围外,虚空上,李天玑,澹台岚凌空而立,有伟力从他们体内散发而出,覆盖虚空,缓解着黑雨的侵蚀与扩张。 Their eye pupils pierce ten thousand li (0.5 km), is shining upon the war of there ninth grade. 他们的眼瞳洞穿万里,映照着那里的九品之战。 In that black rain Capital view was born a ninth grade real demon, Luo, azure Péng they can also delay the half day time extremely at most.” Li Tianji said suddenly. “那黑雨京观中又诞生了一头九品真魔,极罗,青鹏他们顶多还能拖半日时间。”李天玑突然说道。 The Tantai Lan slight nod, said: Hope with enough time, otherwise loses this situation, that Heavenly King Qin and Heavenly King Zhao two lineage/vein will obtain too many victories, our time press.” 澹台岚微微点头,道:“希望来得及,否则失去此次先机,那秦天王赵天王两脉将会取得太多的战果,我们时间紧迫。” Li Tianji sighs, their these King Realm powerhouses, were only compelled to be able outside the black rain to observe by this Heavenly King Pardon unexpectedly, this was true is aggrieved to the pinnacle. 李天玑叹了一口气,他们这些王境强者,竟然被这天王赦文逼得只能于黑雨外观战,这属实是憋屈到了极致。 The strength of Heavenly King, unthinkable. 天王之力,匪夷所思。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Startled day fluctuation of energy, unceasing spreads from the battlefield deep place, but time also in slow passing. 惊天的能量波动,不断的从战场深处传出,而时间也是在缓慢的流逝。 But under passing of time, Heavenly King Li's lineage numerous armies and powerhouses, the morale starts to slide, no matter what because who knows, as drags like this, finally will take ninth grade to withstand/top retreating of marquis for the result inevitably. 而在时间的流逝下,李天王一脉众多部队与强者,士气开始在下滑,因为任谁都知晓,随着这样拖下去,最终势必是以九品顶侯的撤退为结果。 Previous time, is so. 上一次,也是如此。 But retreating like this, will pay a big price. 可这样的撤退,将会付出不小的代价。 Before that elders withstood/top the marquis, under such retreating, person of killing that blocked several ninth grade real demons, changed others to draw back smoothly, but in his actually nearly perishing black rain. 之前那位老辈顶侯,就是在这样的撤退下,一人挡住了数名九品真魔的袭杀,换来其他人顺利而退,可其自身却险些殒命黑雨之中。 Moreover, the great counter offensive of this visible hope, being true lets in the person heart the somewhat desperate feeling. 而且,这种看不见希望的大反攻,属实让人心中有些绝望之感。 Black rain such as in the wooded mountains of note, the preying of long blade in Li Foluo hand after having been through repeatedly, cracks suddenly, he cancels the blood stain on face, on rough chilling face, was appears to wipe the weary color. 黑雨如注的山林间,李佛罗手中的长刀在历经搏杀后,陡然间崩裂开来,他抹去脸庞上的血污,粗犷冷硬的脸庞上,也是浮现出了一抹疲倦之色。 He looks up the battlefield deep place, there fluctuation of energy rushes as before turbulently, but he can actually the faint feeling, the top marquis from one's own side, start gradually was suppressed. 他抬头望着战场深处,那里的能量波动依旧汹涌而澎湃,但他却能够隐隐的感觉到,来自己方的顶侯,已经开始渐渐的被压制。 This time, can be defeated?” Li Foluo being out of sorts somewhat slightly. “难道此次,又要失败了吗?”李佛罗微微的有些失神。 Absent-minded he, even had not discovered that suddenly from distant place shadow, suddenly to a real demon that his violently shoots is coming, that real demon chest front splits, appears the crowded black fang, emitting evil thoughts is black light, cuts to the Li Foluo nape of the neck. 失神的他,甚至都未曾发现那突然间自远处阴影中,陡然间对着他暴射而来的一头真魔,那真魔胸前裂开,浮现出密集的黑色獠牙,喷吐出恶念黑光,斩向李佛罗脖颈。 Buzz! 嗡! But in this flash, in the Li Foluo eye, seemed like reflects a luminous spot. 而就在这一霎那,李佛罗眼中,似乎是倒映出了一枚光点。 That luminous spot, in between Heaven and Earth raising slowly, when it arrives at the peak, fierce becomes thousand times of ten thousand times of inflation, resembling was one round of light big day, tore the heavy rain, in between Heaven and Earth for the first time presently. 那枚光点,于天地间徐徐的升起,当其到达顶峰时,猛的成千倍万倍的膨胀起来,似是一轮光明大日,撕裂黑色暴雨,于天地间乍现。 The innumerable astonished line of sight lifted, is looking at that from the big day in the black rain raising. 无数道惊愕视线抬起,望着那自黑雨中升起的大日。 That round of big day, extremely dazzling, even under looking straight ahead, both eyes are the stabbing pain get up, but that stabbing pain from light, was suffered everyone who is in deep sorrow regarding this time by the black rain, is ordinary just like a redemption. 那一轮大日,极为的耀眼,甚至直视之下,双目都是刺痛起来,但那种来自光明的刺痛,对于此时被黑雨折磨得痛不欲生的所有人来说,却是宛如一场救赎一般。 In their gazes, that round on the big day that between Heaven and Earth raised, was seemed like forms by the innumerable crystal stones, whether there is in the big day performed light to fall, after the innumerable refractions of god crystal, light under these refractions, enhancement even more, even more dazzling... 在他们的注视中,那一轮于天地间升起的大日,似乎是由无数层晶石所形成,大日内有无尽光明倾洒,又经过神晶的无数次折射,光明在这一次次折射下,愈发的增强,愈发的耀眼... Finally, changed into light of the most boundless vast purification, shines the land. 最终,化为了最为磅礴浩瀚的净化之光,普照大地。 Instance of that light, is almost presenting, everywhere black rain evaporation all, even, the dark clouds of border, could not even withstand the refraction of light on that day, subsequently was torn into shreds, was purified. 光明之强,几乎是在出现的瞬间,就将漫天黑雨尽数的蒸发,甚至,连那天际的黑云,都是顶不住光明的折射,继而被撕碎,被净化。 The dim world, in this in an instant, restores brightly. 昏暗的天地,在这霎那间,恢复明亮。 Falling that light seizes every opportunity, innumerable slightly weak Other are meeting that flash of light crystal line, was melted continuously the black smoke, vanishes in between Heaven and Earth. 光明无孔不入的倾洒而下,无数稍弱的异类在遇见光明晶线的那一瞬间,便是被消融成了缕缕黑烟,消失于天地间 Whooshing sound that only some tyrannical real demons, send out the distortion pain, in abundance avoidance. 唯有一些强横的真魔,发出扭曲痛苦的嘶吼声,纷纷躲避。 light falls on the Heavenly King Li's lineage innumerable the body of army and powerhouse, is actually rapid is repairing the injuries of their body, haze that scatters the innermost feelings... 光明落在李天王一脉无数部队与强者的身上,却是迅速的在修复着他们身体的伤势,驱散内心的阴霾... This accident suddenly, making countless people look at dumbly at the scene. 这突然间的变故,让得无数人呆立当场。 Was such strength, the Heavenly King Li's lineage King Realm powerhouse acts? But isn't the King Realm strength, able to enter in the black rain?! 这样的力量,难道是李天王一脉王境强者出手了吗?可是王境的力量,不是无法伸入黑雨之中吗?! They shock is looking at that on the light god crystal big day that between Heaven and Earth raises, then, everyone sees again, in that god crystal day, there are two person's shadows, hand in hand from going out slowly. 他们震撼的望着那于天地间升起的光明神晶大日,再然后,所有人都见到,在那神晶大日中,有两道人影,携手自其中缓缓的走出。 A man and a woman, before being situated in the god crystal big day, overlooked the battlefield. 一男一女,立于神晶大日之前,俯瞰战场。 Is ordinary just like the lord of that salvation. 宛如那救世之主一般。 Kneeling that all over, some people cannot bear suddenly bends down, is excited and devout. 漫山遍野,突然有人忍不住的跪伏下来,激动而虔诚。 Li Foluo is looking at that two young figure, on the weary face cannot bear has the smile to reappear, he sits on the ground, the laughter of feeling relieved spreads. 李佛罗望着那两道年轻的身影,疲倦的脸庞上忍不住的有着笑容浮现出来,他一屁股坐在地上,如释重负的笑声传出。 Finally waited, two little ancestors.” “终于等来了啊,两个小祖宗。”
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