KOMI :: Volume #16

#1570: Great counter offensive

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Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Vast between Heaven and Earth, rainstorm like note, raindrop jet black gloomy and cold, sends out is making person extremely ill cold and gloomy aura, if were contaminated many, will also inspire evil thoughts of heart deep place, losing reason gradually. 浩瀚天地间,暴雨如注,雨滴漆黑阴冷,散发着令人极为不适的森冷气息,若是被沾染过多,还会引动内心深处的恶念,渐渐的失去理智。 The black rain covered the continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) region, the vast mountain range, the plain will cover one after another. 黑雨覆盖了连绵数万里的区域,将一座又一座辽阔的山脉,平原所笼罩。 But at this time, in this region, is erupting the extremely frigid fierce combat. 而此时,这片区域中,正爆发着极为惨烈的激战。 The innumerable resonance power light beam shoots up to the sky, palatial duke platform standing erect horizons, turnover world's energy, shakes disperses the black rain at the same time , to that innumerable Other that in the brook that since the black rain gathering becomes wells up launch the offensive. 无数道相力光柱冲天而起,一座座巍峨封侯台屹立天际,吞吐天地能量,震散黑雨的同时,也在对着那自黑雨汇聚而成的溪流中涌出来的无数异类发动攻势。 both sides intense battle in the same place. 双方激烈的厮杀在一起。 Has duke platform like mountain dropping from the clouds, is coercing the boundless aggressive prestige, kills an low-grade real demon town/subdues, but also without enough time happy, in the shadow has several real demon Other to kill, jet black thick evil thoughts aura changes into the giant palm, tears directly that several duke platform. 封侯台如同山岳般的从天而降,裹挟着磅礴凶悍之威,将一头低品真魔生生的镇杀,可还来不及高兴,阴影中却是有着数头真魔异类袭杀而出,漆黑浓厚的恶念之气化为巨掌,直接把那数座封侯台撕裂开来。 Titter! 噗嗤! duke platform was shattered, in the midair Duke expert such as caused heavy losses at the scene, the blood spurts crazily, the whole body resonance power instantaneous dispirited gets down, his panic-stricken desire certainly must turn around to flee, but has real demon Other to give birth the pale pair of wings comprised of the innumerable arms, soars, the strange palm of sharp distortion, is common like the blade, cuts instantaneously broken its body. 封侯台破碎,半空中一名封侯强者当场如遭重创,鲜血狂喷,周身相力瞬间萎靡下去,他惊骇欲绝的就要掉头逃离,但却有真魔异类生出由无数条手臂组成的惨白双翼,腾空而起,尖锐扭曲的怪掌,如同刀刃一般,将其身躯瞬间斩碎。 The everywhere shatter flesh splashes, under black rain invasion, rapid changes into the jet black color. 漫天破碎的血肉泼洒而下,在黑雨侵染下,迅速的化为漆黑色彩。 Such frigid fight, is appearing in any region of this stretch of battlefield continuously. 这样惨烈的战斗,正此起彼伏的出现于这片战场的任何区域。 The Heavenly King Li's lineage second great counter offensive, is the advancement is still difficult. 李天王一脉的第二次大反攻,依旧是推进艰难。 Only because of that black rain trouble extremely, places fights, will cause person heart negativity unceasing raising, finally changes into the confusion with slaughtering, loses the reason. 只因那黑雨太过的麻烦,身处其中战斗,会引得人内心负面情绪不断的升起,最后化为混乱与杀戮,失去理智。 But reviews Other, then in black rain, like a fish in water, the strength increases. 而反观异类,则是在黑雨中,如鱼得水,战力大增。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! In a battlefield between hills, Li Foluo is leading Dragon Tooth Guard in the crazy advance, tears innumerable Other that the front is welling up, at this time Dragon Tooth Guard dispersed hundred people of one group, killed real demon Other with joint forces. 在群山间的一处战场中,李佛罗率领着龙牙卫在疯狂的突进,撕裂着前方涌来的无数异类,此时龙牙卫分散成了百人一组,合力狙杀真魔异类 Everyone is kills to get angry, is stimulating to movement resonance power in within the body, gathers the same place, changes into the fierce offensive, cuts to these distortion Other that wells up from the turbulent black brook. 所有人都是杀红了眼,催动着体内的相力,汇聚一起,化为凶猛的攻势,斩向那些从汹涌的黑色溪流中涌出来的扭曲异类 Damn, were too many, cannot kill!” “他妈的,太多了,杀不完!” A Li Foluo blade cuts, the swift and fierce overbearing resonance power blade light is cutting is broken a mountain top, writes off five third grade real demons, he makes an effort breathed two tones, the vision looked to the long blade in hand, after fight that several days time did not stand still, this obtained soon Duke treasured tool, had presented some cracks. 李佛罗一刀斩出,凌厉霸道的相力刀光将一座山头都是生生的斩碎,同时也将五头三品真魔抹杀,他用力的喘了两口气,目光看向手中的长刀,经过数日时间不停歇的战斗,这柄才获得不久的封侯宝具,都已出现了一些裂纹。 Guardian Honorable, our advancements were too slow!” Side is not far, Luojiang cancels the bloodstain on face, shouts greatly. 卫尊,我们的推进太缓慢了!”旁边不远,洛江抹去脸庞上的血迹,大喊道。 The Li Foluo vision looks out into the distance the direction that other four health/guard advance, discovered that side also has the innumerable resonance power light beams to erupt, in he felt Li Zhihuo and the others the resonance power fluctuations, that fluctuation exceptionally intense, obviously they also fell into struggle. 李佛罗目光远眺其他四卫推进的方向,发现那边同样是有无数相力光柱在爆发,在其中他感受到了李知火等人的相力波动,那波动异常的激烈,显然他们也是陷入了苦战。 This damn black rain!” Li Foluo is clenching teeth, the jet black rainstorm changes into at present did not have the color world, that jet black color, brings death aura, is these black rain, just now made their casualties such big. “这该死的黑雨!”李佛罗咬着牙,漆黑的暴雨将眼前化为了没有色彩的世界,那漆黑之色,带着死亡的气息,正是这些黑雨,方才令得他们伤亡如此之大。 Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo great courtyard master they are fighting in the deep place, they observe to black rain Capital, so long as they destroyed the black rain Capital view, the black rain will stand still, therefore we must divert these Other large units!” 李青鹏,李极罗大院主他们正在深处战斗,他们是冲着黑雨京观去的,只要他们破坏了黑雨京观,黑雨就会停歇,所以我们必须将这些异类大部队牵制住!” Everyone, the second raid withstand/top, first raid withdrawing, comes to restore resonance power, issuing medicinal pill ate to me completely!” Li Foluo loudly exclaimed. “所有人,第二批次顶上,第一批次退后,居中恢复相力,把下发的丹药全部给我吃了!”李佛罗大吼道。 However even such roar, is unable to spread is too far, was submerged by the jet black curtain of rain. 然而即便是这样的吼声,也无法传出太远,就被漆黑雨幕所淹没。 Guardian Honorable, Li Qingpeng great courtyard master can they really destroy the black rain Capital view?” 卫尊,李青鹏大院主他们真能破坏黑雨京观吗?” Li Luo Great Guardian Honorable, ginger dragon tooth envoy? After they return, had not made an appearance, if they participate, the war should be better.” Luojiang anxious asking. “还有李洛大卫尊,还有姜龙牙使呢?他们归来后,一直未曾露面,如果他们参与的话,战局应该会好许多。”洛江焦急的问道。 Li Foluo frowns tightly, he actually faint heard, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e seem preparing anything with Li Qingying lineage chief, if can be successful, perhaps will reverse the situation, but concrete is anything, he is not very clear, that is the top secret. 李佛罗紧皱眉头,他其实隐隐的听说了,李洛姜青娥似乎与李青樱脉首在准备着什么,如果能够成功,或许将会逆转局势,但具体是什么,他也不是很清楚,那是属于最高机密。 Do not ask so many idle talk, completes own matter!” The Li Foluo sinking sound said, then he looks into the distance eye of a deep place that looks at to this stretch of battlefield, there, spread extremely terrifying resonance power fluctuation faintly, wants to come to be going against Hou Qiangzhe of one's own side is attacking the black rain Capital view. “别问这么多废话,做好自己的事情!”李佛罗沉声说道,然后他眺目看向这片战场的深处,在那里,隐隐传出了极为恐怖的相力波动,想来应该就是己方的顶侯强者正在冲击黑雨京观。 However, Li Foluo did not think that they can be successful. 但是,李佛罗并不觉得他们能够成功。 After all when the first round of great counter offensive, their here nine go against the marquises unable to destroy the black rain Capital view, now, within the clan elders go against the marquis to cause heavy losses let alone, was unable to enter the war. 毕竟第一轮大反攻时,他们这边九位顶侯都未能破坏黑雨京观,更何况如今,还有一位族内的老辈顶侯被重创,已经无法参战。 Therefore they only had eight to withstand/top the marquis. 所以他们只有八位顶侯了。 Li Foluo innermost feelings numerous sighed, then restrained the distracting thoughts, the look became is swiftly and fiercely cut-throat, because he saw, in that front mountain forest, the land cracked suddenly, like great spider real demon Other, appeared in the line of sight. 李佛罗内心重重的一叹,然后收敛杂念,眼神变得凌厉凶狠起来,因为他见到,在那前方的山林中,突然大地崩裂,有一头如同巨蛛般的真魔异类,出现在了视线中。 That real demon Other, the head spot, is the distortion terrifying heads, just like blade edge spider leg, is the cruentations white bones. 那真魔异类,脑袋部位,是一颗颗扭曲恐怖的人头,宛如刀锋般的蛛腿,则是一根根染血的白骨所化。 seventh grade real demon! 七品真魔! The Li Foluo facial skin pulls out, said sternly: Luojiang, leading the team to tie, along with me cut it!” 李佛罗脸皮微抽,厉声道:“洛江,率队伍结阵,随我斩了它!” His long and loud cry, top of the head six duke platforms erupts boundless resonance power, in it behind, Luojiang leads several hundred Dragon Tooth Guard members, stimulates to movement resonance power, blessing its. 他一声长啸,头顶六座封侯台爆发出磅礴相力,在其身后,洛江率领数百龙牙卫成员,催动相力,加持其身。 Li Foluo changes into the flowing light to rush, vigorous resonance power shakes disperses the black rain, thousand zhang (3.33 m) blade glow cuts the expansive sky, cuts to that seventh grade real demon. 李佛罗化为流光冲上,雄浑相力震散黑雨,千丈刀芒划破长空,斩向那七品真魔。 But the seventh grade real demon is to send out shouts strangely, the sharp white bones spider leg tearing expansive sky, is coercing billowing evil thoughts aura, welcomed the blade glow. 七品真魔则是发出诡异嘶吼,根根尖锐的白骨蛛腿撕裂长空,裹挟着滚滚恶念之气,迎上刀芒。 Clang! 铛! The astonishing energy storm wreaks havoc, this mountain forest destroying all, the land was torn one after another like the abyss fissure. 惊人的能量风暴肆虐开来,将这片山林尽数的摧毁,大地被撕裂出一道道如深渊般的裂痕。 Fierce combat, but also is continuing. 激战,还在持续。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! In the deep place region of vast battlefield, here is erupting a more intense war, because here is the main breakthrough point of Heavenly King Li's lineage centralized high-end strength. 在辽阔战场的深处区域,这里则是在爆发着更为激烈的大战,因为此处是李天王一脉集中高端力量的主要突破点。 This stretch of battlefield black rain Capital view, here. 这片战场的黑雨京观,就在这里。 In the midair, eight figure fly high to stand, their whole body sends out the astonishing resonance power pressure, causes the void sharp shake, in their whole body thousand zhang (3.33 m) region, even if the black rain is unable to approach. 半空中,有八道身影凌空而立,他们浑身散发出惊人的相力威压,引得虚空剧烈的震荡,在他们周身千丈区域,即便是黑雨都无法靠近。 Eight people of top of the heads, all are float nine palatial like mountain duke platform. 八人头顶,皆是悬浮着九座巍峨如山岳般的封侯台 Obviously, these eight, are strongest strength of Heavenly King Li's lineage in this great counter offensive, ninth grade withstand/top the marquis! 显然,这八位,便是李天王一脉在此次大反攻中最强大的战力,九品顶侯! But Li Qingpeng and Li Jiluo, naturally also place. 李青鹏李极罗,自然也身处其中。 This time they, the vision are looking at the front dignifiedly, there, the original hills has vanished, formed the collapse great hole, the great hole is jet black, was filled up by black water. 此时的他们,目光正凝重望着前方,在那里,原本的群山已经消失,形成了塌陷的巨洞,巨洞漆黑,其中被黑水填满。 Looks from afar, as if black eye pupil of embed in land, strange. 远远看去,仿佛镶嵌于大地上的一颗黑色眼瞳,诡异至极。 But in the giant black lake lake surface, a roughly ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant Capital view towers, that Capital view extremely fearsome, is piles up by the innumerable skeletons, simultaneously above some innumerable miserable white corpse streamers in move against the wind, these corpse streamers, all are the innumerable person skins. 而在巨大的黑湖湖面,一座约莫万丈的巨型京观耸立,那座京观极为的可怖,乃是以无数尸骸所堆积而成,同时其上有无数惨白色的尸幡在迎风而动,那些尸幡,皆为无数人皮所化。 Has the strange fluctuation to proliferate from the Capital view, gathers the continuous endless dark clouds in the horizon, in the dark clouds turns is welling up terrifying evil thoughts aura, finally changes into the black rain, falls in torrents under. 有诡异的波动从京观中扩散出来,在天际汇聚成连绵无尽的黑云,黑云内翻涌着恐怖的恶念之气,最后化为黑雨,倾泻而下。 This is the black rain Capital view. 这正是黑雨京观。 The black rain in surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) region, is all caused by this black rain Capital view. 方圆数万里区域内的黑雨,皆是由这座黑雨京观所引起。 However when with Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo and other ninth grade withstand/top the marquis to wear out hinders layer on layer/heavily, starts is close to the black rain Capital view, sees only in the land abyss near that black lake, suddenly gushed out enormous and powerful evil thoughts aura , then has one after another strange figure, slowly from goes out. 不过随着李青鹏,李极罗等八位九品顶侯穿破重重阻碍,开始接近黑雨京观时,只见得那黑湖附近的大地深渊中,突然涌出了浩浩荡荡的恶念之气,紧接着,便是有着一道道诡异的身影,缓缓的从其中走出。 That is one after another kind of person figure, their appearance almost with average man not different, only has pair of pupil jet black one piece, simultaneously unceasing has black water to fall from the corner of the eye, is ordinary just like the black tears, appalling. 那是一道道类人般的身影,它们模样几乎与常人无异,唯有双瞳漆黑一片,同时不断的有着黑水从眼角滑落下来,宛如黑泪一般,令人毛骨悚然。 These figure roughly ten several, in them have the man, has the old person, has the female, there is a young boy who plays jokes upon silently. 这些身影约莫有十数道,它们之中有男子,有老人,有女子,也有正在默默戏耍的幼童。 But as a these kind of person real demon comes extremely, Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo their looks are to become to be dignified extremely, because they have fought with these real demons more than once. 但随着这些极其类人般的真魔现身,李青鹏,李极罗他们的神色则是变得极为凝重起来,因为他们已经不止一次与这些真魔交过手。 In Other, is tyrannical existence, more is close to the human form. 异类中,越是强横的存在,就越是接近人形。 At present these ten several real demons, are the ninth grade real demons that in this black rain is born. 眼前这十数头真魔,就是这片黑雨中所诞生的九品真魔。
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