KOMI :: Volume #16

#1569: Li Luo dishonest ways

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The time in pushing of Li Qingying lineage chief spreads out, a daily past, but outside god Jiangcheng the front of be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) range, then fell into the rare silence. 时间在李青樱脉首的推衍中,一日日的过去,而神江城外绵延数万里范围的战线,则是陷入了少有的寂静。 But behind this short and rare silence, is a bigger storm is actually fermenting. 可是这份短暂而罕有的寂静背后,却是更大的风暴在酝酿。 In heavy cities after long front, the Heavenly King Li's lineage subordinate army in the unceasing gathering, the innumerable powerhouses mixes to come from various lineage/vein, the magnanimous resources were issued, all, for the forthcoming second round of great counter offensive is making the preparation. 漫长战线之后的一座座重城内,李天王一脉麾下的部队在不断的汇聚,无数强者自各脉调配而来,海量的资源被下发,一切都在为了即将到来的第二轮大反攻做着准备。 The atmosphere is dignified and tight, constraining before like storm gather. 气氛凝重而紧绷,如同暴风雨来临前的压抑。 But in this type of depressing atmosphere, Heavenly King Qin's lineage, was takes the lead to sound the bugle of great counter offensive. 而在这种压抑的气氛中,秦天王一脉,则是率先吹响了大反攻的号角。 Short two days time, Heavenly King Qin's lineage, in spring rain evil as well as Heavenly King Zhao's lineage dispatches under the top marquis assistance that comes, the victory is striking, the different tide wears off under their offensive step by step, but Heavenly King Qin's lineage the vast area, the resources wins over occupies, powerful. 短短两日的时间,秦天王一脉在“春雨化邪阵”以及赵天王一脉派遣而来的顶侯协助下,战果斐然,异潮在他们的攻势下步步消退,而秦天王一脉则是将辽阔的疆域,资源收揽占据,气势如虹。 The entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province innumerable influences, are paying attention to this large-scale confrontation. 整个天元神州无数势力,都在关注着这场规模浩大的交锋。 This war that resists the different tide, becomes two big Heavenly King lineage to show the excellent stage of the muscle and background to the world. 这场对抗异潮的战争,也成为了两大天王脉向世人展现自身肌肉与底蕴的绝佳舞台。 The news that the Heavenly King Qin's lineage great counter offensive makes brilliant achievements, spreads to Heavenly King Li's lineage similarly immediately, this triggered the enormous stir. 秦天王一脉大反攻成绩斐然的消息,同样是在第一时间传入李天王一脉中,这引发了极大的轰动。 Now this chaotic region, the biggest cake is that by the vast place that the different tide covers. 如今这片混乱区域,最大的蛋糕就是那被异潮覆盖的辽阔之地。 In this region, once many neutral influences occupied, here is rich in the innumerable valuable cultivation resources, two big Heavenly King lineage had also coveted here in the past, because of here circumstance complex as well as balance of both sides, causing anyone not to realize. 原本在这片地域中,曾经有许许多多中立势力盘踞,这里盛产无数珍贵的修炼资源,两大天王脉以往也觊觎过此处,但又因为此处情势的复杂以及双方的制衡,导致谁也未能如愿。 But now that numerous neutral influence is wiped to extinguish by the different tide, these rich places, turned into the fragrant steamed bun of without owner, therefore who first occupies at present, naturally can put in the bag it. 而现在那众多中立势力都被异潮所抹灭,这些膏腴之地,也就变成了无主的香馍馍,所以眼下谁先占据,自然就能将其收入囊中。 The huge benefit that contains, Heavenly King lineage is even hard to neglect. 这其中所蕴含的庞大利益,连天王脉都难以忽视。 But winning over of wantonly Heavenly King Qin's lineage, is triggers worry and anxiety of Heavenly King Li's lineage many powerhouses, they do not want been through repeatedly several years struggle, after paying with innumerable casualties, actually has achieved nothing. 秦天王一脉的大肆收揽,则是引发李天王一脉许多强者的担忧与焦虑,他们不想历经数年的苦战,在付出了无数伤亡后,却是一无所获。 This to Heavenly King Li's lineage the strength and prestige, is the extremely heavy attack. 这对李天王一脉的实力以及声望,都将会是极重的打击。 Moreover what is most essential, they do not know how Heavenly King Li's lineage then must deal with outside god Jiangcheng this be continuous several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) different tide eruption, if here different tide solution, they are unable to extend tenticles, is more impossible to go to and Heavenly King Qin's lineage scores points the cake. 而且最关键的是,他们并不知道李天王一脉接下来要如何应对神江城外这绵延数万里的异潮爆发,如果不将这里的异潮解决,他们就无法将触角伸出去,那么就更不可能去和秦天王一脉抢分蛋糕。 Under this atmosphere, the atmosphere in Heavenly King Li's lineage front, constraining even more with heavy. 在这种氛围下,李天王一脉战线内的气氛,愈发的压抑与沉重。 ... ... The back side of the mountain summit, in the ravine plain lonesome and quiet garret, Li Luo is glancing through the scroll in hand, that is about the information that Heavenly King Qin's lineage and Heavenly King Zhao's lineage counter-attack jointly. 后山山巅,山间古朴幽静的阁楼中,李洛正翻阅着手中的卷轴,那是关于秦天王一脉赵天王一脉联手反攻的情报。 Li Luo looks at the top marquis who Heavenly King Zhao's lineage sent to come emphatically. 李洛着重的看了一眼赵天王一脉所派遣而来的顶侯。 Heard the lithe and familiar sound of footsteps suddenly, has light delicate fragrance sending out to come, starts mighty waves in the person heart. 身后突然传来了轻盈而熟悉的脚步声,同时有淡淡的幽香散发而来,在人内心中掀起点点波澜。 Li Luo has turned the head, sees only one high to select the slender beautiful figure to stand in his behind, is Jiang Qing'e. 李洛转过头,只见得一道高挑纤细的倩影站在他的身后,正是姜青娥 However this time she, obviously just bathed, the body puts on that companion many years, above is embroidering the darling big white goose pajamas, however the slightly loose pajamas, are still hard even covers up her to exquisite the stature curve. 不过此时的她,明显是刚刚沐浴而出,身上穿着那件陪伴多年,其上绣着憨态可掬的大白鹅的睡衣,然而即便是略显宽松的睡衣,也难以遮掩住她那玲珑有致的身材曲线。 Under contrast of this big white goose pajamas, this time Jiang Qing'e appears lazy aura that in some ordinary days sees certainly ugly/difficult to look at, the long hair of moisture is falling in torrents after the brain, locates at the slender waist, fluttering slowly. 在这大白鹅睡衣的衬托下,此时的姜青娥显得有些平日里绝难看见的慵懒气息,略带着湿气的长发于脑后倾泻而下,于纤细腰肢处,缓缓的飘动。 That was finer much the clear beautiful cheeks, under the bright lights shone, was beautiful enough to eat. 那张精致得完美无瑕的清妍脸颊,在明亮的灯火映照下,更是秀色可餐。 For serveral days Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e have stayed in the back side of the mountain deep place, coordinating Li Qingying lineage chief to conduct evil pushing to spread out, at this time was a little rarely idle, then returned to the garret in mountain to rest. 这些天李洛姜青娥一直留在后山深处,配合李青樱脉首进行化邪阵的推衍,此时难得有点空闲,便是回了山中的阁楼中休憩。 Jiang Qing'e stoops, long hair mischievous letting fall in the eye noses of Li Luo, puts out a hand to take away that volume of information simultaneously, sitting of both legs slightly tune in his side, glances through. 姜青娥弯身,长发调皮的垂落在李洛的眼鼻间,同时伸手将那卷情报拿走,双腿微曲的坐在他的身旁,翻阅起来。 Heavenly King Zhao's lineage sent altogether seven ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis, under four lower ninth grade, three higher ninth grade, poured also really gives up the qualification, was this draws within the clan ninth grade most?” The Li Luo palm is pinching that belt/bring the delicate fragrance aura sending silk, rubs to pinch in the fingertip gently, says with a smile. 赵天王一脉派来了一共七位九品顶侯,其中四位下九品,三位上九品,倒也真是舍得下本钱,这是把族内九品都拉出来大半了吧?”李洛手掌捏着那带着清香气息的发丝,在指尖轻轻搓捏,笑道。 That present Heavenly King Qin's lineage adds Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, their side altogether set out 15 ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis, this strength, indeed was turns out in full strength to move.” Jiang Qing'e is saying calmly. “那如今秦天王一脉赵天王一脉,他们那边一共出动了十五位九品顶侯,这份力量,的确算是倾巢而动了。”姜青娥平静的说着。 ninth grade withstand/top the marquis, this in any Heavenly King lineage, belongs is mainstay existence, under the premise that in King Realm, this is in major Heavenly King lineage the strongest strength. 九品顶侯,这在任何天王脉中,都属于是中流砥柱般的存在,在王境不出的前提下,这就是各大天王脉中最强大的战力。 It can be said that looks at ninth grade to withstand/top the number of marquis, can see a Heavenly King lineage background strong and weak. 可以说,看九品顶侯的数量,就能够看出一座天王脉的底蕴强弱。 Because in being abundance of capable people degree by Heavenly King lineage, sometimes, in one generation, perhaps still on some outstanding people, can arrive in ninth grade even. 因为就算是以天王脉中的人才济济程度,有时候,一代之中,恐怕也就屈指可数的一些佼佼者,能够抵达九品 As for King Realm, that is the need trains from generation to generation. 至于王境,那就更是需要一代又一代的培养。 Always felt that they advanced too smoothly, this Other disaster in any case was thatthree pupil profound embryo Great Demon King inspires, that was existence that endured compared with Heavenly King, if were restrained easily, probably a little threw the share. ” Li Luo saying looking pensive. “总感觉他们推进得太顺利了一些,这场异灾好歹是那“三瞳玄胎大魔王”所引动,那可是一尊堪比天王的存在,若是这么容易就被扼制,好像有点丢份。”李洛若有所思的说道。 Jiang Qing'e said: Perhaps is because us diverted many Other, so makes them smooth.” 姜青娥道:“或许是因为我们这边牵制了许多的异类,才让得他们如此顺利。” Perhaps.” “或许吧。” Phecda lineage chief and mother they have ordered, the great counter offensive started after 2nd, wants to come pushing of azure cherry lineage chief to spread out, soon had/left the result.” Li Luo extended one to stretch, he somewhat is impatient, earlier here matter solution, he can carry off the Heavenly King Li's lineage strength safely, went to Great Xia. “天玑脉首与娘他们已经下令,大反攻于两日后开启,想来青樱脉首的推衍,也快要出结果了。”李洛伸了一个懒腰,他对此已经有些迫不及待了,早点将这边的事情解决,他才能够安心的带走李天王一脉的力量,前往大夏 Jiang Qing'e nods slightly. 姜青娥微微颔首。 Although she these days and Li Luo has coordinated Li Qingying to push to evolve evil in the remote mountain, but can also feel Heavenly King Li's lineage here will of the people in a tumult faintly until now, if not open the great counter offensive, perhaps some employment powerhouses will have the disloyalty, goes to that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage, grasps the resources. 她虽然这些天与李洛一直于深山中配合李青樱推衍化邪阵,但也能够隐隐感受到如今李天王一脉这边的人心骚动,若是再不开启大反攻,恐怕一些雇佣强者就会生出异心,投向秦天王一脉那边,掠取资源。 Li Luo is excessive, looks is reading the information earnestly Jiang Qing'e, that is similar to the profile that the semi-transparent jade carves becomes, was revealing the perfect line, this command he cannot bear the outstretch arm quietly, embraced to her waist. 李洛则是偏过头,望着认真阅览情报的姜青娥,那如同羊脂玉雕琢而成的侧脸,显露着完美的线条,这令得他忍不住悄悄的伸出手臂,揽向了她的腰肢。 When the palm touches the pajamas, pressed two breaths toward inside ruthlessly, just now touches that slender pliable but hard to break small waist. 手掌碰触到睡衣时,往里面狠狠的压了两息,方才触摸到那纤细柔韧的小腰。 The Li Luo sudden attack, making Jiang Qing'e be startled, cannot bear be angry his eyes, said: Does not want the unseemly behavior.” 李洛突然的袭击,令得姜青娥一怔,忍不住嗔了他一眼,道:“不要作怪。” Character and style that however this, among contains, is makes the Li Luo eyeground have the flame to emerge. 然而这一眼,其内所蕴含的风情,则是让得李洛眼底有火焰涌现。 sister Qing'e, the great counter offensive will soon start, when the time comes the war, I will want you to help me surely.” Li Luo palm quietly hovers in the Jiang Qing'e waist, face actually extremely dignified. 青娥姐,大反攻即将开启,到时候必定会有一场大战,我想要你帮帮我。”李洛手掌悄悄的在姜青娥腰间游动,面庞却是极为的凝重。 What helps your?” Jiang Qing'e was done whole body some is not comfortable by him, but does not look askance is looking at the information in hand. “帮你什么?”姜青娥被他搞得浑身有些不自在,但还是目不斜视的看着手中的情报。 I this period of time, have been studying thoroughly previously Wang Xuanjin dean to give my that high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique, this technique worthily is the technique law that legend sovereign once cultivated, the enlightenment getting up difficulty is extremely high, I have not been able to build slowly.” A Li Luo deep sigh. “我这段时间,一直都在研习此前王玄瑾院长给我的那一道上品天命级封侯术,此术不愧是那位传奇宗主曾经所修炼的术法,感悟起来难度极高,我迟迟还未能修成。”李洛一声长叹。 Jiang Qing'e has not thought actually he actually said is really the proper matter, therefore the consolation said: After all your enlightenment date and time was still short, some cultivation date and time, should be able to build again with concentration, after all your resonance technique talent, is higher than me plans.” 姜青娥倒是没想到他竟然说的还真是正经事,于是劝慰道:“毕竟你感悟时日尚短,再潜心修炼一些时日,应该就能修成了,毕竟你的相术天赋,比我都高一筹。” War is about to begin, lacks the time.” Li Luo said. “大战在即,就缺时间呐。”李洛说道。 How do you want?” Jiang Qing'e stares finally to him, she always felt that this fellow is hiding some secretive ideas. “那你想怎样?”姜青娥终于是盯向他,她总感觉这家伙藏着一些不可告人的想法。 Li Luo hesitates saying: sister Qing'e, I want taking advantage of your primitive heartgod knows condition with, this condition cultivates duke technique divine skill, before even that 12 wing holy spirit sword dance techniques, were knownin condition to break through in god by us „, wants to cope with this trivial high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique, should the issue not be big.” 李洛沉吟道:“青娥姐,我想借你那原始心的“神知”状态用一用,这种状态乃是修炼封侯术神技,之前就算是那“十二翼圣灵剑舞术”,都被我们在“神知”状态中攻破,想来对付这区区上品天命级封侯术,应该问题不大。” „Does the god of primitive heart know the condition? This can attempt actually, you are holding my hand.” Jiang Qing'e is startled, at once says. “原始心的神知状态?这倒是可以尝试一下,那你牵着我的手。”姜青娥一怔,旋即说道。 However Li Luo has not actually complied, he by the Jiang Qing'e fine exquisite earlobe, saying gently: sister Qing'e, haven't you said? To share the god to know the condition, needs your my same body wholeheartedly, can display the pinnacle the effect.” 然而李洛却没有照做,他在姜青娥精致小巧的耳垂旁,轻轻的说道:“青娥姐,你不是说过吗?想要共享神知状态,需你我同体一心,方能将效果发挥到极致。” Speaking of the same body wholeheartedly, his tone obviously aggravated. 说到同体一心,他的语气明显加重了。 At this time, Jiang Qing'e understands finally the intention of this fellow, on that fair beautiful cheeks, seems the rouge falls in the water to be contaminated, she felt that Li Luo walked randomly the palm on her waist flesh, became in this time is ordinary just like the burning red iron, boiling hot. 这个时候,姜青娥终于是明白了这家伙的意图,那白皙绝美的脸颊上,仿佛是胭脂落水般的浸染开来,她感觉李洛游走在她腰间肌肤上的手掌,在此时变得宛如烧红的烙铁一般,滚烫至极。 She cannot bear the ashamed and resentful say/way: Lower reaches!” 她忍不住羞愤的道:“下流!” The gods know the condition, can be wanted to become this by this fellow unexpectedly, Jiang Qing'e took the Li Luo dishonest ways simply. 神知状态,竟然能被这家伙想成这样,姜青娥简直服了李洛的歪门邪道。 Jiang Qing'e turns around to flee, but where this time Li Luo tolerates her to escape, a tiger throws, its pressure on the soft cot, the sleeve robe wielded, layer upon layer gauze curtain camouflage under. 姜青娥转身就欲逃离,但此时的李洛哪能容她逃掉,一个虎扑,就将其压在了软榻上,袖袍挥动,层层纱帘遮蔽而下。 sister Qing'e, I really want to cultivate duke technique, but also please help me.” The sound that Li Luo spoke righteously spread. 青娥姐,我真的想要修炼封侯术,还请助我。”李洛义正词严的声音传出。 Li Luo, you, ...” 李洛,你,唔...” The mountain breeze sways outside the garret, the bright moonlight hangs. 山风于阁楼外吹拂,明月高悬。 In the garret, spring the wave surges, is shifty. 阁楼内,春浪涌动,翻云覆雨。 ... ... After two days, Heavenly King Li's lineage in view of the great counter offensive of different tide, pulls open for the second time thoroughly. 两日后,李天王一脉第二次针对异潮的大反攻,彻底拉开。 Stalemate of war not accident to brutal deadlock. 战局不意外的陷入到了残酷的僵持。 The 3rd day, the back side of the mountain deep place, had dazzling light such as the big day to ascend suddenly. 第三日,后山深处,有耀眼光明陡然如大日升腾。 Relaxing of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e feel relieved, in that front, on face of Li Qingying, is covering entirely the joyful color. 李洛姜青娥如释重负的松了一口气,在那前方,李青樱的脸上,也是布满着欣喜之色。 This is Li Luo, evil that Jiang Qing'e is tailor, finally is successful pushing spreads out. 这为李洛,姜青娥量身打造的化邪阵,终于是成功的推衍而出。 The name, the light god crystal swings demon. 阵名,光明神晶荡魔阵。
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