KOMI :: Volume #16

#1568: Shocks to two lineage chief little

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Looks at their vacant appearances, Tantai Lan slightly curls the lip, said: It seems like two have not heard, that biography from ancient times Sacred Void Resonance Sect Myriad Resonances Seed.” 瞧得两人那茫然的模样,澹台岚微微撇嘴,道:“看来两位并没有听说过,那传自远古无相圣宗万相种。” Myriad Resonances Seed?” Li Tianji, in the Li Qingying eye appears the color of thinking, after the moment, their heart shakes immediately. 万相种?”李天玑,李青樱眼中浮现出思索之色,片刻后,他们心头顿时一震。 About Sacred Void Resonance Sect that colossus that dominated a time, the King Realm powerhouse as Heavenly King lineage, naturally also knew, but that so-called Myriad Resonances Seed secret extremely, since Sacred Void Resonance Sect vanishes after the years river medium, this world has almost not had the Myriad Resonances Seed trace again. 关于无相圣宗那个称霸了一个时代的庞然大物,他们身为天王脉王境强者,自然也是有所知晓,只不过那所谓的“万相种”太过的隐秘,自从无相圣宗消失在岁月长河中后,这世间就几乎没有再有过万相种的痕迹。 If Tantai Lan does not raise, they will not think of this thing on own initiative. 所以如果澹台岚不提的话,他们万万不会主动想到此物的。 However, Tantai Lan what is this? 不过,澹台岚这是什么意思? The Li Tianji vision stays on the body of Li Luo, silent several breaths, say/way slowly: „The meaning of Tantai lineage chief is, Li Luo is he Myriad Resonances Seed?!” 李天玑目光停留在李洛的身上,沉默了数息,缓缓的道:“澹台脉首的意思是,李洛他是万相种?!” Li Qingying is also somewhat absent-minded, said: „Didn't Myriad Resonances Seed vanish with the Sacred Void Resonance Sect destruction in the river of history? How Li Luo can...” 李青樱也是有些失神,道:“万相种不是随着无相圣宗的覆灭而消失于历史长河了吗?李洛怎么会...” „When this is I entered to Sacred Void Resonance Sect in the past, big chance obtained.” Tantai Lan light saying. “这是我当年进入到无相圣宗时,所获得的大机缘。”澹台岚淡淡的说道。 Li Tianji, Li Qingying then recalls, Tantai Lan had entered that concealment in endless void, by Sacred Void Resonance Sect headquarters vestige that in the years dense fog covers up. 李天玑,李青樱这才回想起来,澹台岚是曾经进入过那隐匿于无尽虚空中,被岁月迷雾所遮掩的无相圣宗总部遗迹中的。 That this could convince actually! 那这样倒是说得通了! Myriad Resonances Seed... hears this is Sacred Void Resonance Sect all previous generations sovereign consumption countless painstaking care with pushing to spread out the type of formed legend, its mysterious degree, is as good as primordial seed, right, no wonder Li Luo has such many resonance's nature, this actually in Myriad Resonances Seed conjunction quite with that legend.” 万相种...听闻这是无相圣宗历代宗主耗费无数心血与推衍所形成的传奇之种,其玄妙程度,不亚于原始种,对了,怪不得李洛身怀如此之多的相性,这倒是与那传说中的万相种颇为的契合。” Li Tianji look even more bright, looked that becomes to the Li Luo look fiery, if Myriad Resonances Seed is really so mysterious, that future Li Luo achievement perhaps also extremely astonishing. 李天玑的眼神愈发的明亮,看向李洛的眼神都变得火热起来,如果万相种真是如此玄妙的话,那未来李洛的成就恐怕也会极为的惊人。 After all that Sacred Void Resonance Sect can become a colossus that dominates the time, including very big factor is existence of Myriad Resonances Seed. 毕竟那无相圣宗能够成为一个称霸时代的庞然大物,其中有很大的因素就是万相种的存在。 „The old ancestor will seal Li Luo no wonder is sixth lineage chief, this potential, is indeed terrorist.” Li Tianji understands finally why Heavenly King Li such regarding as important Li Luo, when it proclaimed as King, has not sealed him as lineage chief. “怪不得老祖会封李洛为第六位脉首,这份潜力,的确恐怖。”李天玑终于是明白,为何李天王如此的看重李洛,在其未曾称王时,就封他为脉首 From some significance, has Myriad Resonances Seed Li Luo, compared with these holy seed inheritance, has the potential. 从某种意义而言,身怀万相种李洛,比那些圣种传承者,更有潜力。 primordial seed, Myriad Resonances Seed, our Heavenly King Li's lineage this is must welcome unprecedentedly prosperous?” Li Qingying cannot bear somewhat excited, said. “一个原始种,一个万相种,我们李天王一脉这是要迎来前所未有的昌盛了吗?”李青樱也是忍不住的有些激动,道。 Li Tianji look complex nod, at this moment, he has thoroughly understood, future Heavenly King Li's lineage, was belongs to dragon tooth lineage surely, the dragon blood lineage honor will become past tense. 李天玑神色复杂的点点头,此时此刻,他已经彻底明白,未来的李天王一脉,必定是属于龙牙脉了,龙血脉的荣光将会成为过去式。 Holds the power of mountain, will fall in the dragon tooth lineage hand. 掌山之权,将会落在龙牙脉手中。 Regarding this accident, Li Tianji, although is somewhat disconsolate, but really has not actually had what disloyalty, after all he understands, if Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e really can be the Heavenly King level in the future, then Heavenly King Li's lineage will also soar, becomes this world true first Heavenly King lineage. 对于这种变故,李天玑虽然有些惆怅,但却并未真生出什么异心,毕竟他明白,如果李洛姜青娥未来真能达到天王的层次,那么李天王一脉也将会随之腾飞,成为这世间真正的第一天王脉 Heavenly King Li's lineage will reach the unprecedented altitude because of them. 李天王一脉将会因为他们而达到前所未有的高度。 If can witness this, Li Tianji thought that he should die with no regrets. 如果能够见证这一幕,李天玑觉得他应该是死而无憾。 So thinking, Li Tianji was relaxing suddenly, he looks the smile, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, said: Heavenly King Li's lineage, decides will do utmost for your protector.” 这般想着,李天玑突然放松了许多,他面露笑容,对着李洛姜青娥拱了拱手,道:“李天王一脉,定会竭尽全力为你们护道。” within the clan resources, if useful to you, may take it although.” 族内资源,若是对你们有用,可尽管取之。” He understands at this moment the old ancestor must seal Li Luo is the idea of sixth lineage chief, this is must make their Heavenly King Li's lineage Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e most solid backing. 他此刻明白了老祖要封李洛为第六位脉首的想法,这是要让他们李天王一脉成为李洛姜青娥最坚实的后盾。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e see that then returns a courtesy hastily submissively, although in the past Li Luo some unstated criticism Li Tianji conduct ways in heart, but from the Heavenly King Li's lineage perspective, Li Tianji is qualified Palm Mountain Lineage Chief, all that he makes, for strength of Heavenly King Li's lineage with benefit. 李洛姜青娥见状,则是连忙拱手回礼,虽说以往李洛会在心中腹诽李天玑一些行事方式,但从李天王一脉的角度来说,李天玑是一个合格的掌山脉首,他所做的一切,都是为了李天王一脉的壮大与利益。 Tantai Lan is also the slight nod, if this Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e have not broken through to unparalleled sixth grade, she will not choose to expose Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e details, after all the past two people strength was short, if such news exposition, will bring enormous coveting to them, that is similar to is the young child holds the gold/metal to cross the bustling streets. 澹台岚也是微微点头,如果此次李洛姜青娥未曾突破到无双六品,那她则不会选择暴露李洛姜青娥的底细,毕竟以往的两人实力有所欠缺,如果这样的消息暴露,将会给他们带来极大的觊觎,那如同是小儿持金过闹市。 But the present two people, the wing is abundant gradually, by their strengths, so long as the King Realm powerhouse does not act, they run amuck sufficiently any place. 但现在的两人,羽翼渐丰,以他们的实力,只要王境强者不出手,他们足以横行任何地方。 At this time exposes their details, will make Heavenly King Li's lineage attaching great importance , will thus not have other thoughts. 此时暴露他们的底细,也会令得李天王一脉更加的重视,从而不会生出其他的一些心思。 „When azure cherry lineage chief, pushes spreads outevil, if needs on other ninth grade resonance nature, I can help coordinate. ” Li Luo is saying with a smile to Li Qingying. “青樱脉首,推衍“化邪阵”时,若是需要其他上九品相性,我可以帮忙配合。”李洛对着李青樱笑道。 The voice falls, he counted on the fingers to spring wisp of resonance power, during the resonance power ascension, split up before the people, formed eight different resonance's nature. 话音落下,他屈指弹出了一缕相力,相力升腾间,在众人面前分化开来,形成了八道不同的相性 Water, light, wooden, earth, Heavenly Dragon, thunder, crystal, ice. 水,光明,木,土,天龙,雷,晶,冰。 These eight resonance's nature, I can Myriad Resonances Seed transform, any type, evolves alone in a short time higher ninth grade.” Li Luo said with a smile. “这八种相性,我可以万相种转化,单独将任何一种,短时间内进化到上九品。”李洛笑道。 When Heavenly Mirror Tower, Li Luo drew support from Myriad Resonances Seed to transform higher ninth grade light resonance, but drew support from the place of light stars to benefit at that time, but as now progressing by leaps and bounds of his strength, in addition the birth of middle ninth grade crystal-ice resonance, he transforms on the ninth grade resonance nature almost not to need to pay any price again. 天镜塔时,李洛就借助万相种转化出了上九品光明相,不过当时是借助了光明星辰的地利,而如今随着他实力的突飞猛进,再加上中九品晶冰相的诞生,他再次转化上九品相性几乎已经不需要再付出任何的代价。 But faces Li Luo so to be bold the horizontal words, continually experienced Li Tianji and Li Qingying two people, are being out of sorts that somewhat cannot bear. 而面对着李洛如此豪横的话语,连见多识广的李天玑李青樱两人,都是忍不住的有些失神。 Eight... may transform higher ninth grade resonance's nature at will.” “八相...可随意转化成上九品相性。” Two lineage chief looked at each other one, all sees shock in opposite party eyes, is this Myriad Resonances Seed wonderful place? Really is unthinkable. 两位脉首对视了一眼,皆是看出对方眼中的震撼,这就是万相种的神妙之处吗?果真是匪夷所思啊。 Can many a on ninth grade resonance nature, that naturally be best, this will make ourevil effect stronger! ” “能多一种的上九品相性,那自然是最好,这会让我们的“化邪阵”效果更强!” Li Qingying also had the interest, her vision brilliant is looking in front of Li Luo eight resonance's nature, then she sits cross-legged, both hands close up, at the same time dragon scale ancient Jing appears is one of them, the mirror surface twinkle, some innumerable obscure, complex traces emerge, starts the unceasing combination, changes into dust-shower. 李青樱也是被带起了兴趣,她目光灼灼的望着李洛面前的八种相性,然后她盘坐而下,双手合拢,一面龙鳞古镜出现在其中,镜面闪烁,有无数晦涩,复杂的纹路涌现而出,开始不断的组合起来,化为一座座阵型。 She starts by Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e is the core, pushes to evolve evil. 她开始以李洛,姜青娥为核心,推衍化邪阵。 Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e sits cross-legged in its opposite, revolution resonance power, according to the request that Li Qingying set once for a while, conducted some coordination. 李洛,姜青娥则是盘坐在其对面,运转相力,按照李青樱时不时提出的要求,进行一些配合。 Faces three people of pushing of starts to spread out, Tantai Lan and Li Tianji are withdraw to go. 面对着三人开始的推衍,澹台岚李天玑则是退后而去。 Tantai lineage chief, the matter of past years, was the old man is indeed shortsighted, if Tantai lineage chief the heart had the indignation, may in the head of old man, probably therefore have resentful to Heavenly King Li's lineage not.” Li Tianji looks in this time to Tantai Lan, on the old face appears the apology. “澹台脉首,当年之事,的确是老夫目光短浅,澹台脉首若是心有怨愤,可记在老夫的头上,莫要因此对李天王一脉有怨。”李天玑则是在此时看向澹台岚,苍老面庞上浮现出歉意。 Tantai Lan footsteps, her complexion is light, actually she had not concealed to Heavenly King Li's lineage is unhappy, previously she was planned to bring Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e to depart, but never expected that Li Jingzhe before falling from the sky, will give her the dragon tooth lineage burden/shoulder pole. 澹台岚脚步一顿,她脸色淡淡,其实她一直都未曾掩饰过自己对李天王一脉的不喜,此前她原本是打算带着李洛,姜青娥离去,但没想到李惊蛰在陨落前,会将龙牙脉的担子交给她。 But this dragon tooth lineage lineage chief, she interest, as soon as accepting after checking does not have, but Li Jingzhe is to protect Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e falls from the sky, he is a qualified grandfather, therefore, Tantai Lan will replace dragon tooth lineage lineage chief for this reason. 而这个龙牙脉脉首,她一点接的兴趣都没有,但李惊蛰乃是为了保护李洛,姜青娥而陨落,他是一个合格的爷爷,所以为了这个原因,澹台岚才会接替龙牙脉脉首 This point wants to come Li Tianji they also to be able the clear feeling. 这一点想来李天玑他们也能清晰的感觉到。 Therefore among these two years, other four lineage chief also give her very much the face, obviously is feared that she one is not happy throws up one's job, although dragon tooth lineage a group of people without a leader, may make other four lineage/vein enjoy more resources, but they also understand, these cannot compare a defect of King Realm powerhouse. 所以这两年间,其他四位脉首也很给她面子,显然就是怕她一不高兴就撂挑子,虽说龙牙脉群龙无首,或许会让得其他四脉享用更多的资源,可他们也都明白,这些都比不上一名王境强者的缺失。 „The past matter has passed, I have no interest in bringing up old scores, Li Luo and Qing'e these years practice in Heavenly King Li's lineage, you have not treated unjustly them, they are the people who know the graciousness, will naturally also pour into the emotion to Heavenly King Li's lineage.” “当年的事情已经过去,我也没兴趣翻旧账,李洛青娥这些年在李天王一脉修行,你们也没亏待他们,他们是知恩的人,自然也会对李天王一脉倾注情感。” Tantai Lan calmly said: I only hope, the past matter, do not appear on their bodies.” 澹台岚平静的道:“不过我只希望,当年的事情,不要出现在他们的身上。” Li Tianji several breaths silent, is holding the fist in the other hand to Tantai Lan submissively, said slowly: Old man can promise you, no matter in the future has anything, no matter is going to face what kind of powerful enemy, Heavenly King Li's lineage, leans the strength of clan surely, shelters them.” 李天玑沉默数息,对着澹台岚拱手抱拳,缓缓道:“老夫可以向你保证,未来不管发生任何事,不管将要面对何等的强敌,李天王一脉,必定倾族之力,庇护他们。” Tantai Lan nods slightly, takes a step to move toward the distant place, has sound light floating. 澹台岚微微颔首,迈步走向远处,同时有声音淡淡的飘来。 That Heavenly King Li's lineage will therefore also move toward the unprecedented prosperity.” “那李天王一脉也将会因此走向前所未有的昌盛。”
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