KOMI :: Volume #16

#1567: Reveals the details

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When Li Luo one group of return to god Jiangcheng, Li Tianji then announced will directly soon start the combat readiness order of great counter offensive again, this started the enormous stir without doubt. 李洛一行人回到神江城时,李天玑便是直接宣布了即将再次掀起大反攻的战备命令,这无疑是掀起了极大的轰动。 After all previous time great counter offensive, but also before January/one month, but that time great counter offensive, Heavenly King Li's lineage has not obtained the obvious victory, cannot destroy one as for the black rain Capital view, but they actually paid massive casualties as well as established top marquis heavy losses for this reason are the prices. 毕竟上一次的大反攻,还在一月之前,可那次的大反攻,李天王一脉并未取得明显的战果,至于黑雨京观更是未能破坏一座,而他们却是为此付出了大量的伤亡以及一名老牌顶侯重创为代价。 This causes this period of time, the Heavenly King Li's lineage morale is somewhat low. 这导致这段时间,李天王一脉的士气有些低迷。 After all if the black rain Capital view, this black rain will be indestructibly continuous, but Other is also similar to tidal continuous wells up, they are can only be fallen in this meat grinder, will pay with massive casualties every day. 毕竟如果无法破坏黑雨京观,这黑雨就会连绵不绝,而异类也会如同潮水般源源不断的涌来,他们则是只能被陷在这场绞肉机中,每一日都会付出大量的伤亡。 But after previous great counter offensive bumps hardly, everyone can look, the eruption of this different tide is especially fierce, at the Heavenly King Li's lineage nowadays strength, is very suddenly difficult its solution. 而经过上一次大反攻的硬碰,所有人都看得出来,这一次异潮的爆发格外凶猛,以李天王一脉现今的力量,一时间很难将其解决。 Therefore at present so hasty starts the great counter offensive again, this adds the casualties. 所以眼下如此仓促的再次掀起大反攻,这不过只是平添伤亡而已。 However this after all order from Li Tianji, therefore Heavenly King Li's lineage subordinate army, although is puzzled, but the choice complies with, but these receive Duke expert that hires to come, is the objection is large, regarding this is somewhat negative. 不过这毕竟是来自李天玑的命令,故而李天王一脉麾下的部队,虽然不解,但还是选择遵从,但那些受雇佣而来的封侯强者,则是异议颇大,对此有些消极。 ninth grade that especially that four large sum of money invited withstood/top the marquis. 特别是那四位重金请来的九品顶侯。 And two especially conflict, the reward that although Heavenly King Li's lineage gives is very high, but own life is more important, in the previous great counter offensive that caused heavy losses to the Heavenly King Li's lineage elders that is nearly on the verge of death to withstand/top the fate of marquis, somewhat frightened them. 其中两位对此尤为抵触,虽然李天王一脉给的报酬很高,可终归还是自己的性命更重要,此前大反攻中那位被重创险些濒死的李天王一脉老辈顶侯的下场,有些吓到了他们。 Here was too dangerous. 这边太危险了。 Therefore they even had the thought of being separated from Heavenly King Li's lineage, wants to go to Heavenly King Qin's lineage, because that side has the method of reducing and solving the black rain, this reward will gain more relaxed. 故而他们甚至都有了脱离李天王一脉的念头,想要前往秦天王一脉,因为那边拥有着化解黑雨的手段,这报酬赚起来会轻松一些。 However no matter following person what kind of discussing spiritedly, with Li Tianji, the transmissions of order of Tantai Lan these lineage chief, Heavenly King Li's lineage this huge army also starts the methodical revolution, various lineage/vein powerhouses are making the combat readiness for the following second great counter offensive. 不过不管下面的人如何的议论纷纷,随着李天玑,澹台岚这些脉首的命令传达下去,李天王一脉这庞大的部队也开始有条不紊的运转起来,各脉强者都在为接下来的第二次大反攻做着战备。 But also in such time, a heavyweight news also transmits. 而也就是在这样的时刻,一则重量级的消息又是随之传来。 That is Heavenly King Qin's lineage announced that collaborates with Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, wanting to repel the different tide thoroughly, compels Boundary River Territory him. 那是秦天王一脉宣布与赵天王一脉联手,欲要彻底打退异潮,将其逼回界河域 Simultaneously Heavenly King Qin's lineage sends to gather the command greatly, invited the Heavenly Origin Divine Province all parties powerhouses and top marquises broadly joins in this war, even they started out made the condition that one palpitated with excitement. 同时秦天王一脉大发招揽令,广邀天元神州各方强者以及顶侯加入这场战争中,甚至他们开出了许多令人怦然心动的条件。 This news spreads, immediately triggered the huge vibration in the Heavenly King Li's lineage front, there is a much hired powerhouse heart movement, had the heart of switching. 这消息传出,顿时在李天王一脉的战线中引发了巨大的震动,有不少被雇佣的强者心动,有了转投之心。 After all from the present aspect, Heavenly King Li's lineage counter-attacks to suffer setbacks, will fall into long-time deadlock, but Heavenly King Qin's lineage is grasping the method of reducing and solving the black rain, collaborates with Heavenly King Zhao's lineage now, this offensive surely with irresistible force. 毕竟从眼下的局面来看,李天王一脉的反攻受挫,将会陷入长久的僵持,而秦天王一脉掌握着化解黑雨的手段,如今又与赵天王一脉联手,这攻势必定势如破竹。 When the time comes perhaps Heavenly King Qin's lineage has compelled Boundary River Territory the different tide, robs the big piece the area resources, but Heavenly King Li's lineage was also stopped up in god Jiangcheng. 到时候说不定秦天王一脉都已经将异潮逼回界河域,抢走大片的疆域资源,而李天王一脉这边还被堵在神江城。 How see, is that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage has future some. 怎么看,都是秦天王一脉那边更有前途一些。 Therefore, Heavenly King Li's lineage here great counter offensive has not launched, the will of the people had vacillated. 于是,李天王一脉这边的大反攻还未曾展开,人心就已经动摇了起来。 ... ... However is in a tumult regarding the following will of the people, Li Tianji, Tantai Lan these high levels have not paid attention temporarily, because said at this time anything is useless, wants to stand firm the will of the people, only has them as soon as possible pushing to spread out evil. 不过对于下面的人心骚动,李天玑,澹台岚这些高层则是暂时并未理会,因为此时说什么都没用,想要稳住人心,唯有他们这边尽快的推衍出“化邪阵”。 Had the method of keeping in balance the black rain, their second great counter offensive can true displaying. 有了制衡黑雨的手段,他们的第二次大反攻才能够真正的施展。 God Jiangcheng, the back side of the mountain in city Lord mansion deep place. 神江城,城主府深处的后山。 That Qin Yispring rain evil, the core with the aid of it water resonance and rain, withstand/top the marquis to assist by several again, its expansion, forms the enormous and powerful spring rain, this spring rain has the effect of desalination black rain, therefore weakened the corroded effect of black rain, simultaneously that spring rain rejuvenation power, army that but among the increase battles. ” “那秦漪的“春雨化邪阵”,核心是借助其“水相”与“雨相”,再以数名顶侯协助,将其扩大,形成浩荡春雨,这春雨有淡化黑雨之效,故而减弱了黑雨的侵蚀效果,同时那春雨的恢复之力,可增幅其内作战的部队。” This others are unable to display, because they do not have water resonance, rain, even if harbors these two resonance's nature, does not have Qin Yi rank to be high.” “此阵别人无法施展,因为他们不具备水相,雨相,而且就算怀有这两道相性者,也没有秦漪品阶高。” That Qin Yi accepted Heavenly King Qin's lineageholy seed of water, therefore her water resonance can promote higher ninth grade, in addition middle ninth grade rain, only then so rank resonance's nature, can desalinate the black rain. ” “那秦漪接受了秦天王一脉的“水之圣种”,所以她的水相可以提升到上九品,再加上中九品的雨相,只有如此品阶相性,才能淡化黑雨。” In other words, wants to constructevil, resonance's nature rank is the key. ” “也就是说,想要构建“化邪阵”,相性品阶才是关键。” Qing'e you, although does not have higher ninth grade light resonance, but well is has three middle ninth grade light resonance...” On a summit, Tantai Lan, Li Tianji, Li Qingying three lineage chief all, but at this time Li Qingying to front Tantai Lan, Li Luo is introducing spring rain evil the core. 青娥你虽然没有上九品光明相,但好在是拥有三道中九品光明相...”一座山巅上,澹台岚,李天玑,李青樱三位脉首皆在,而此时李青樱正对着面前的澹台岚,李洛介绍着“春雨化邪阵”的核心。 Azure cherry lineage chief, your sensation was wrong.” Li Luo interrupts the Li Qingying words suddenly with a smile. “青樱脉首,你感知错了。”李洛突然笑着打断李青樱的话。 sister Qing'e light resonance, together, has evolved to higher ninth grade.” 青娥姐光明相,其中一道,已经进化到上九品了。” As the Li Luo voice falls, Jiang Qing'e bright and clean forehead, the sacred vertical mark appears together, then vertical mark splitting slowly, a sacred crystal core sets upright the eye to show just like the Spiritual God. 随着李洛话音落下,姜青娥光洁的眉心处,一道神圣的竖纹浮现,然后竖纹徐徐的裂开,一枚神圣的晶核宛如神灵竖目般展现而出。 between Heaven and Earth light energy became boils suddenly, exuded the strange bellow. 天地间光明能量陡然变得沸腾,发出了奇异的轰鸣声。 Li Tianji, in the Li Qingying eye is appears the thick astonished color, previously when Jiang Qing'e left, as if is also only three middle ninth grade light resonance, how two did the short years, evolve higher ninth grade? 李天玑,李青樱眼中皆是浮现出浓浓的惊愕之色,此前姜青娥离开时,似乎还只是三道中九品光明相,怎么短短两年,就进化出上九品了? On does the ninth grade resonance nature, have such easy evolution? 九品相性,有这么容易进化吗? Two people in any case is the King Realm powerhouse, even if the strength reaches the Double Crown King peak Li Tianji, now has not evolved higher ninth grade resonance's nature, therefore they fully realized that on this ninth grade resonance nature is what kind of difficulty. 两人好歹都是王境强者,可就算是实力达到双冠王巅峰的李天玑,如今都未曾进化出上九品相性,所以他们深知这上九品相性是何等的艰难。 Even unparalleled heaven's chosen, if not draw support from holy seed, is still very difficult to evolve higher ninth grade resonance's nature before King Realm? 就算是无双天骄,如果不借助圣种的话,也很难在王境之前将相性进化到上九品吧? This evildoer/monstrous talent as if excessive?! 这妖孽得似乎过分了一些吧?! Looks two lineage chief that is placing to shock, Tantai Lan is light smiles, somewhat proud say/way: „There is nothing well strange, even holy seed, must lower a head before my wife and children E.” 望着身处震撼的两位脉首,澹台岚则是淡淡一笑,有些骄傲的道:“这没什么好奇怪的,就算是圣种,在我家小娥面前也要低一头。” Li Tianji, Li Qingying thought that this saying to be somewhat odd, holy seed that is the major Heavenly King lineage background is , the thing of this seizing world good fortune, only has Heavenly King to exist to act, concentrates only then, but even can holy seed, lower a Jiang Qing'e head? 李天玑,李青樱觉得这话有些离谱,圣种那可是各大天王脉的底蕴所在,这种夺天地造化之物,唯有天王存在出手,方可凝成,而连圣种,都要低姜青娥一头? How that may... 那怎么可... Li Tianji just wanted to shake the head, actually thought of anything fiercely, next one flickers, the pupil shrinks suddenly, vision unbelievable is looking at Jiang Qing'e, hoarsely said: „, She, is she primordial seed in legend?!” 李天玑刚欲摇头,却是猛的想到了什么,下一瞬,瞳孔骤然一缩,目光难以置信的望着姜青娥,失声道:“难道,难道她,她是传说中的原始种?!” Li Qingying is also looks with amazement, can let the holy seed low head, what besides primordial seed can also be? After all the holy seed end, is the evolution is primordial seed! 李青樱也是面露骇然,能让圣种低一头的,除了原始种还能是什么?毕竟圣种的尽头,就是进化为原始种 But, primordial seed is rare, that is can the seed of shocking time, in the future the boundary of hopeful Heavenly King! 可是,原始种何等罕见,那是能够惊艳一个时代的种子,未来有望天王之境! But is Jiang Qing'e, unexpectedly primordial seed?! 姜青娥,竟然是原始种?! Two lineage chief look at each other one, is sees shocking as well as wild with joy in opposite party eyes, their very clear this on behalf of what, this was saying, their Heavenly King Li's lineage, after the old ancestor, can have Heavenly King unexpectedly again? 两位脉首对视一眼,皆是看出对方眼中的震惊以及狂喜,他们很明白这代表着什么,这岂不是说,他们李天王一脉,在继老祖之后,竟然还能再出一个天王 Regarding their shock, did Tantai Lan express very satisfied, right now young E who knows my family outstanding? 对于他们的震惊,澹台岚表示很满意,这下子知道我家的小娥有多优秀了吧? Meanwhile she patted the shoulder of Li Luo, said: „Do you also know, what little Luo is?” 同时她又拍了拍李洛的肩膀,道:“那你们还知不知道,小洛又是什么?” Tantai Lan has not planned to hide these news evidently again, after all present Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e had grown, does not need to worry about many coveting again. 看样子澹台岚已经是不打算再隐藏这些消息,毕竟如今的李洛姜青娥都已经成长了起来,不必再担忧诸多的觊觎。 Li Tianji, Li Qingying doubt looks like, what meaning is Tantai Lan this saying? Is Li Luo also what special seed? This may really be a little cannot look. 李天玑,李青樱狐疑的看来,澹台岚这话又是什么意思?李洛难道也是什么特殊的种子?这可真是有点看不出来啊。 Is a luck plants? 难道是个福种吗? Can marry primordial seed for the wife, how to see that has the person of luck. 能够娶得一个原始种为妻,怎么看都是有福之人。
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