KOMI :: Volume #16

#1566: Unites Zhao Kangli

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Thanks the praise, your facial skin is very thick.” “谢谢夸奖,不过你的脸皮是真的很厚。” Faces Li Luo that confident response, Qin Yi is not somewhat knowing whether to laugh or cry, the normal person should at this time modest, but Li Luo is booing, nearly made this saying unable to chat. 面对着李洛那坦然的回应,秦漪也是有些哭笑不得,正常人这时候都应该谦虚一下,可李洛倒好,险些让这话都聊不下去了。 You said a moment ago, the Heavenly King Qin's lineage plan and Heavenly King Zhao's lineage are on good terms?” Li Luo smiles, suddenly asked. “你刚才说,秦天王一脉打算与赵天王一脉交好?”李洛笑了笑,突然问道。 Qin Yi nods slightly, said: Heavy deep pool palace lord their time to prepare two roads, if talked not smoothly with your leagues, they will bring in Heavenly King Zhao's lineage to enter the stadium, both sides formed an alliance, repel the different tide, invaded rapidly, carves up the area.” 秦漪微微颔首,道:“重渊宫主他们此次本来就准备好了两条路,如果与你们的盟约谈得不顺利的话,他们就将会引来赵天王一脉入场,双方结盟,打退异潮,迅速侵占,瓜分疆域。” This is not what secret, because Heavenly King Zhao's lineage has sent several to withstand/top the marquis, only waits both sides to come to an arrangement, will start to conduct the great counter offensive, these region recapturing that all the different tide will previously invade.” “这也不算什么秘密,因为赵天王一脉已经派来了数位顶侯,只待双方谈妥,就会开始进行大反攻,将此前异潮所侵占的那些地域尽数的夺回。” These belonged to the regions of two big Heavenly King lineage neutralizing zones, is most important, after all our Heavenly King Qin's lineage this loss is serious, wants the huge resources, the area to restore urgently needed . Moreover the heavy deep pool palace Lord also needs result like this to stand firm his position.” “其中那些原本属于两大天王脉中立区的地域,更是重中之重,毕竟我们秦天王一脉此次损失惨重,急需要庞大的资源,疆域来恢复,而且重渊宫主也需要这样的成绩来稳住他的地位。” I, although favors you, but once Heavenly King Qin's lineage start great counter offensive, I also full power byspring rain evil assistance, if at the appointed time has the conflict, I will not be forgiving. ” “我虽说看好你,可一旦秦天王一脉启动大反攻,我也会全力以“春雨化邪阵”协助,到时若有争端,我也不会留情的。” The Li Luo brow slightly wrinkle, said: Heavenly King Qin's lineage this is letting a wolf into the fold, Heavenly King Zhao's lineage area far away from our two lineage/vein intersection points, if made them grip the foot here, in the future will cause the border situation more chaotic.” 李洛眉头微皱,道:“秦天王一脉这是在引狼入室啊,赵天王一脉疆域远离我们两脉交界处,若是让他们在这里扎下了脚,未来将会引得边境情况更为混乱。” Then nothing but unites Zhao Kangli this set, especially this time after discovering you and Jiang Qing'e is enters into unparalleled sixth grade, may urge them to speed up the cooperation with Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, otherwise once in the future you will break through Unparalleled Duke successfully, then the Heavenly King Li's lineage influence, will greatly be enhanced, this Heavenly King Qin's lineage will pose the threat to us without doubt.” Qin Yi indifferently said. “无非便是联赵抗李这一套罢了,特别是此次在发现你与姜青娥皆是迈入无双六品后,或许会更加促使他们加快与赵天王一脉的合作,不然未来一旦你们成功突破到无双侯,那么李天王一脉的势力,将会大大增强,这无疑会给我们秦天王一脉造成威胁。”秦漪淡淡的道 Since knows the power of Heavenly King Li's lineage, why does not lower the posture, cooperates with us.” Li Luo asked. “既然知晓李天王一脉的强盛,为何不放下身段,与我们合作。”李洛问道。 Without your, perhaps cooperates may be bigger.” Qin Yi silent several breaths, said. “若是没有你们这一家,或许合作的可能会更大一些。”秦漪沉默了数息,说道。 Their this, since Li Taixuan that generation, had extremely heavy grievances with Heavenly King Qin's lineage, especially now Tantai Lan domineering return, achievement Great Unparalleled Duke, but Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e also had the potential of rise, this will deepen dreading of Heavenly King Qin's lineage. 他们这一家,从李太玄那一代起,就与秦天王一脉结下了极重的恩怨,特别是如今澹台岚强势归来,成就大无双侯,而李洛姜青娥也是有了崛起之势,这更会加深秦天王一脉的忌惮。 Even I, you think that I do want to cooperate with you? But the reason depressed the emotion.” She is supplementing lightly. “即便是我,你以为我想要和你合作吗?只不过理智压下了情感而已。”她淡淡的补充着。 Li Luo somewhat helpless sighing: Your mother's matter, you at that time also on the scene, if I do not kill her finally, she will kill off us, including your Heavenly King Qin's lineage these people, therefore this can't calculate my head?” 李洛有些无奈的叹道:“你母亲的事情,你当时也在场,如果我最终不杀了她,她会将我们所有人都杀光,包括你们秦天王一脉的那些人,所以这怎么也算不到我的头上吧?” Qin Yi light say/way: Person who Li Luo, do not have mother with one talked about these major principles.” 秦漪平淡的道:“李洛,不要和一个没娘的人讲这些大道理。” Li Luo is silent, finally nods, said: If you really thought that is my reason, in the future will have the opportunity, you can ask me to revenge.” 李洛默然,最终点点头,道:“如果你真觉得是我的原因,未来有机会,你可以来找我报仇。” Qin Yi has not spoken, the double pupil deep place is flowing deep sad color, finally she said: This, hopes that you can deduce resists the black rain evil as soon as possible „”, because our great counter offensives will soon start, then looked where method is stronger, can snatch in front of the opposite party, first repels the different tide, the circle occupied. ” 秦漪没有说话,双眸深处流淌着一丝深深的悲色,最终她说道:“就这样吧,希望你们能尽快推演出对抗黑雨的“化邪阵”,因为我们的大反攻即将开始,接下来就看哪边的手段更强,能够抢在对方前面,先打退异潮,圈地而占了。” Li Luo nods, solemnly said: This favor I remembered.” 李洛点头,郑重的道:“这份人情我记住了。” Qin Yi nods slightly, she wants is also these words, therefore her slender figure gradual melting, changes into the water vapor to ascend, resembles flutters along with the drizzle, the dissipation goes. 秦漪微微颔首,她要的也就是这句话而已,于是她纤细的身影逐渐的融化,化为水汽升腾而起,似是伴随着微雨飘荡,消散而去。 After Qin Yi departs, the distant place has beautiful figure together to plunder, fell side Li Luo, was Jiang Qing'e. 秦漪离去后,远处有一道倩影掠来,落在了李洛身旁,正是姜青娥 It seems like this beauty indeed is some functions.” Jiang Qing'e said with a thoughtful look. “看来这美色的确是有些作用。”姜青娥若有所思的道 I had not been vacillated by its beauty!” Li Luo argued. “我可未曾被其美色所动摇!”李洛辩解道。 I said that your beauty somewhat affects to her.” “我说你的美色对她有些作用。” „, That some, from infancy to maturity, you to my charm are to know actually.” Li Luo nods, saying of approval. “哦,那倒是有些,从小到大,你对我的魅力是知道的。”李洛点点头,认同的说道。 Jiang Qing'e gave him a supercilious look, then two people are plundering to the distant place ravine, here, three person's shadows are waiting for them. 姜青娥给了他一个白眼,而后两人对着远处的山间掠去,在这里,有三道人影正等待着他们。 Tantai Lan, Li Tianji as well as Li Qingying. 正是澹台岚,李天玑以及李青樱 Li Luo will record spring rain evil jade token takes out, gives Li Qingying, will also repeat with the conversation of Qin Yi. 李洛将记载“春雨化邪阵”的玉牌取出,递给李青樱,同时也将与秦漪的交谈重复了一遍。 „, The vision of this small girl is actually good, really does not know the woman who Qin Lian that does not have the brain how will give birth to such reason intelligent daughter.” Saying that Tantai Lan is astonished. “啧,这个小丫头的眼光倒是不错,真不知道秦莲那个没脑子的女人怎么会生出这样理智聪慧的女儿。”澹台岚讶异的说道。 Li Qingying received jade token, slightly observing and emulating, is the reveal happy expression say/way: Thisevil but is actually not complex, but is quite ingenious, gives me several days of time, should be able to deduce one type to conform to our evil. ” 李青樱接过玉牌,略一观摩,便是眼露喜色的道:“这“化邪阵”倒也并不复杂,不过极为巧妙,给我几天时间,应该能推演出一种符合我们的“化邪阵”。” On the Li Tianji old face appears to wipe the happy expression, is knits the brows: Is only has not thought that Qin Zhongyuan actually invited the aid from Heavenly King Zhao's lineage.” 李天玑苍老面庞上浮现出一抹笑意,而后又是皱眉道:“只是没想到秦重渊竟然从赵天王一脉那边请来了援手。” „His is to use the hand of Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, keeps in balance us.” “他这是想要借赵天王一脉的手,制衡我们。” But Heavenly King Zhao's lineage had the domain here, in the future wants to expel, but is not easy.” “但赵天王一脉在这里有了地盘,未来想要赶走,可就没那么容易了。” Moreover if their two lineage/vein collaborate, again with the aid ofspring rain evil perhaps the strength, really can repel the different tide, simultaneously starts to occupy these by the place of invasion, moreover this invades the speed, will imagine us must be quicker. ” “而且他们两脉若是联手,再借助“春雨化邪阵”的力量,恐怕真是能够将异潮打退,同时开始占据那些被侵染之地,而且这个侵占速度,将比我们想象的还要更快。” Nod that the Tantai Lan complexion concentrates, their Heavenly King Li's lineage let alone counter-attacks at present, resists this wave-guide-slot tide to erupt seems somewhat difficult, a great counter offensive that some time past organized, instead takes a oneself established top marquis severe wound as the result, causing the morale to suffer setbacks. 澹台岚脸色微凝的点点头,他们李天王一脉眼下别说反攻了,就连抵御这波异潮爆发都显得有些艰难,前些时候组织的一场大反攻,反而以自家一位老牌顶侯重伤为结果,导致士气受挫。 But that side Heavenly King Qin's lineage, has actually started to plan to invade by the place of pollution, this both sides from the efficiency, indeed missed a big truncation, let alone, they also welcomed the Heavenly King Zhao's lineage aid. 秦天王一脉那边,却已经开始打算侵占被污染之地,这双方从效率上面来说,的确是差了一大截,更何况,他们还迎来了赵天王一脉的援手。 Joining that several go against the marquis, will make Heavenly King Qin's lineage even more powerful. 数位顶侯的加入,将会令得秦天王一脉如虎添翼。 Therefore if this drags, perhaps them was still being erupted to suffer by the different tide, Heavenly King Qin's lineage had expanded the area enormously, these huge resources, will fall into the opposite party pouch. 所以这若是拖下去,恐怕他们这边还在被异潮爆发所折磨,秦天王一脉已经将疆域极大的扩张了开来,那些庞大的资源,也将会落入对方囊中。 thatHeavenly King Pardon is really troublesome. ” Li Qingying helpless saying, that king cannot enter the amnesty article, turned into wooden stake their these Heavenly King lineage King Realm powerhouses completely, can only look at the army and different tide battle entanglement back and forth helplessly, every day unceasing appearance mass casualties. 那一道天王赦文”真是麻烦。”李青樱无奈的说道,那一道“王不可入”的赦文,将他们这些天王脉王境强者全部变成了木桩子,只能眼睁睁的看着部队与异潮来回的厮杀纠缠,每日都不断的出现大量伤亡。 Azure cherry lineage chief is not anxious, the situation should quick be able to appear reversed, after all our didn't Heavenly King Li's lineage come back twoHeavenly Dragon? ” Li Tianji said with a smile. “青樱脉首莫急,情况应该很快就能出现扭转了,毕竟我们李天王一脉不是回来了两个“天龙儿”吗?”李天玑笑道。 Meanwhile his look temperate looks to Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, said: My Heavenly King Li's lineage this time difficult position, but must need Li Luo lineage chief and Qing'e makes a move to break it.” 同时他眼神温和的看向李洛,姜青娥,道:“我李天王一脉此次的困境,还得需要李洛脉首青娥出手破之了。” Li Tianji became compared with the past friendly, did not have the rack, not only this because of Tantai Lan in the one side, because of present Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, no longer is once junior. 李天玑变得比以往更加的和气,更加的没有架子了,这不仅是因为澹台岚在一旁,也因为如今的李洛姜青娥,已经不再是曾经的小辈。 Two people are the unparalleled sixth grade boundaries, by their natural talent potential, if in the future really treads that step, at that time, they can also be on par existence of King Realm powerhouse. 两人已是无双六品的境界,以他们的天资潜力,未来如果真的踏出那一步,那时候,他们也是能够比肩王境强者的存在了。 The most important thing is, the dragon tooth lineage family, suddenly starts to reveal that in Heavenly King Li's lineage the astonishing strength, previously Li Jingzhe fell from the sky, everyone thinks that dragon tooth lineage a group of people without a leader, day after day is on the wane, has not thought Tantai Lan is actually achievement Great Unparalleled Duke returns, forces up, but now Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e short two years, achieved unparalleled sixth grade unexpectedly, saw that Unparalleled Duke is close. 最重要的是,龙牙脉这一家子,突然在李天王一脉中开始显露出惊人的实力,此前李惊蛰陨落,所有人都以为龙牙脉将会群龙无首,日渐凋零,可没想到澹台岚却是成就大无双侯归来,顶了上去,而如今李洛姜青娥短短两年的时间,竟然达到了无双六品,眼看无双侯近在咫尺。 In the future if these two also break through successfully, dragon tooth lineage is one three unparalleled? 未来若是这两人也突破成功,岂不是龙牙脉就是一门三无双? This grade of strength, will show disdain for entire Heavenly King Li's lineage. 这等实力,将会傲视整个李天王一脉 In the Li Tianji heart understands, really waited till that day, perhaps Heavenly King Li's lineage the position of palm mountain, should start to shift. 李天玑心中明白,真等到了那一天,恐怕李天王一脉的掌山之位,也该开始转移了。 Li Luo said with a smile: „The matter of different tide, I and sister Qing'e whole-heartedly, but my also condition, but also looks at phecda lineage chief to permit.” 李洛笑道:“异潮的事情,我与青娥姐自会全力以赴,不过我也有一个条件,还望天玑脉首允可。” Oh? 哦? I hope after the iso- tide the matter subsides, I can carry off some strengths from Heavenly King Li's lineage, along with me goes to Eastern Territory Divine Province Great Xia Wang Chao, there is the native land that I was born, now also has Other disaster to wreak havoc, I must go to return to normal it.” Li Luo spoke frankly to say. “我希望等异潮的事情平息后,我能够从李天王一脉中带走一些力量,随我前往东域神州大夏王朝,那里是我出生的故土,如今也有异灾肆虐,我要去将其平复。”李洛坦言说道。 Li Tianji is somewhat surprised, has not thought actually Li Luo actually wants to use the Heavenly King Li's lineage strength to go to that extremely remote Outer Divine Province to solve Other disaster, this command he hesitated, after all this distance is too far, if presents the accident, even rescues seriously without enough time. 李天玑有些惊讶,倒是没想到李洛竟然想要动用李天王一脉的力量去那极为遥远的外神州解决异灾,这令得他迟疑了一下,毕竟这路程太远,若是出现变故,当真是连救援都来不及。 However Li Luo is also after all different now, his request, the Heavenly King Li's lineage high level also needs to give to attach great importance. 不过李洛如今毕竟也非同以往了,他的要求,李天王一脉的高层也需要给予重视。 Therefore he hesitated several breaths, said: If here really can be calm and steady when the time comes, I can discuss with other lineage chief, at the appointed time allows you to mobilize soldiers to go to Great Xia.” 于是他沉吟了数息,道:“如果到时候这边真能安稳下来,我会与其他脉首商讨,到时允许你调兵前往大夏。” That many thanks phecda lineage chief.” “那就多谢天玑脉首了。” Li Luo cups one hand in the other across the chest with a smile, really had the strength, the speech was more convenient, if otherwise traded to make the past, he wanted to rely on the Heavenly King Li's lineage strength to go to Great Xia to solve Other disaster, perhaps Li Tianji opposed to the utmost surely. 李洛笑着拱手,果然还是有实力了,说话才更方便,不然若是换作以往,他想要借助李天王一脉的力量去大夏解决异灾,恐怕李天玑必定竭力反对。 At present, waits for the time being, after here different tide will solve, can rush to Great Xia. 眼下,就暂且等等,等将这边的异潮解决后,便可赶往大夏 old huge, you insists again, so many years boiled, did not lack this while, right? 老庞,你再坚持坚持吧,这么多年都熬下来了,也不缺这一会儿,对吧?
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