KOMI :: Volume #16

#1565: Qin Yi olive branch

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Qin bent/tune the face was green. 秦曲脸都绿了。 Li Tianji this old thing real wrong behavior, not only did not reprimand that Li Luo, actually also wanted her solemn Heavenly King Qin's lineage palace lord, folded the body apology with a junior. 李天玑这老东西真不当人,不仅不斥责那李洛,竟然还要她堂堂秦天王一脉的宫主,跟一个小辈折身道歉。 This is humiliating her simply! 这简直就是在折辱她! Qin Zhongyuan the complexion sank, said: Phecda lineage chief, it seems like that this treaty of alliance, you did not plan to continue to discuss.” 秦重渊脸色微沉,道:“天玑脉首,看来这场盟约,你们并不打算继续谈下去了。” Li Tianji helplessly said: Your Heavenly King Qin's lineage condition was too harsh, we are unable to compromise.” 李天玑无奈的道:“你们秦天王一脉的条件太苛刻了,我们无法妥协。” Qin Zhongyuan can feel Li Tianji unyielding suddenly, indifferently said: It seems like suddenly were many two unparalleled sixth grade, making you feel that the energy increased.” 秦重渊能够感受到李天玑突然间的硬气,淡淡的道:“看来突然多了两个无双六品,让你们觉得底气增加了许多。” Li Tianji smiles, pours also indeed so, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e these two unparalleled sixth grade came back promptly, their was equivalent makes Heavenly King Li's lineage have two top marquises, moreover highest that. 李天玑笑了笑,倒也的确如此,李洛姜青娥这两个无双六品回来得太及时了,他们这相当于令得李天王一脉这边多出了两个顶侯,而且还是最顶尖的那种。 If these two unparalleled sixth grade collaborate, when perhaps under King Realm is invincible. 这两个无双六品若是联手,恐怕王境之下当属无敌。 Different tide is crazy, affecting the range is vast, their unparalleled sixth grade no doubt can rides roughshod, but in the black rain range, other Heavenly King Li's lineage armies will fall into as before struggle hard, causes the enormous casualties, is difficult to be inadequate they also to be able acting alone in, under the stops of innumerable Other, destroys the black rain Capital view?” “异潮狂猛,波及范围辽阔,他们两个无双六品固然能够在其中横行无忌,但黑雨范围内,李天王一脉其他的部队依旧会陷入苦战,引起极大的伤亡,难不成他们两人还能独行其中,在无数异类的阻拦下,破坏掉黑雨京观吗?” However our Heavenly King Qin's lineage is centered on Qin Yi buildsspring rain evil can actually the containment black rain of wide scope, the increase army, reduces the casualties. ” Qin Zhongyuan said slowly. “而我们秦天王一脉秦漪为核心打造的“春雨化邪阵”却能够大范围的遏制黑雨,增幅部队,减少伤亡。”秦重渊缓缓道。 Heavy deep pool palace Lord said that is indeed reasonable, therefore we are willing to cooperate with the expensive/noble lineage/vein, but the different tide will retreat in the future, these without owner areas, your my both sides, can only 37.” Li Tianji said. “重渊宫主所说的确有道理,所以我们还是愿意与贵脉合作,只是未来异潮退去,那些无主疆域,你我双方,只能三七分。”李天玑说道。 Such remarks, Qin Zhongyuan, Qin Zhiming, Qin Qujie looks the angry color, because this 70% were the conditions that they pledged, finally at present is transferred a position by Li Tianji unexpectedly. 此言一出,秦重渊,秦知命,秦曲皆是面露恼怒之色,因为原本这70%是他们开出的条件,结果眼下竟被李天玑调转了个位置。 That can only wish your Heavenly King Li's lineage to depend on these two unparalleled sixth grade each time, solved the different tide eruption with ease.” Qin Zhongyuan knows that the negotiations are the radical breakage, 30% that Li Tianji gave, could not satisfy their Heavenly King Qin's lineage appetite completely. “那就只能祝你们李天王一脉能够每次都靠这两个无双六品,轻松解决掉异潮爆发了。”秦重渊知道谈判算是彻底破裂,李天玑给予的30%,完全满足不了他们秦天王一脉的胃口。 Therefore, his complexion is also becomes chilling, no longer said, wields the sleeve to set out to depart directly. 于是,他面色也是变得冷硬起来,不再多说,直接挥袖起身离去。 But that sits well the hall corner, Qin Yi that from beginning to end has not spoken also stands up at this time leisurely, follows three people to depart to the hall outside. 而那端坐大厅角落,自始至终未曾说话的秦漪此时也是款款站起,跟随着三人对着大厅外离去。 When arrives at the Li Luo front, her footsteps stopped suddenly. 只是,来到李洛面前时,她的脚步突然停了下来。 Li Luo is also looking at present that Zhang Qingyan's beautiful cheeks, the pure theory the attractiveness words, this Qin Yi is in many females who he sees, rare can dispute with Jiang Qing'e. 李洛也是望着眼前那张清艳绝美的脸颊,单纯的论起颜值的话,这秦漪是他见到的诸多女子中,少有的能够与姜青娥较量的。 Moreover regarding Qin Yi, his sense is also quite complex, although both sides in the past because of the reason of standpoint, many competitions, but is actually far from grievances, moreover he also appreciates the moral natural talent of opposite party. 而且对于秦漪,他的感官也比较复杂,双方虽说以往因为立场的原因,有诸多的竞争,但却谈不上恩怨,而且他也欣赏对方的品性天资。 Pitifully, because of existence of Qin Lian, both sides is unable before the long-standing and deep-rooted friend. 只是可惜,以前因为秦莲的存在,双方无法深交。 But later, is perhaps more unlikely, although Qin Lian deserves to be damned, but dies in him and Jiang Qing'e hand after all. 而以后,恐怕也更加不太可能,虽然秦莲死有余辜,但毕竟是死在他与姜青娥的手中。 „The Qin Yi miss, does not see for a long time.” Li Luo shows a smile, signals by nodding. 秦漪姑娘,许久不见。”李洛露出一丝笑容,点头示意。 The double pupil of Qin Yi just like is falling the moonlight lake surface, exuding the wave light is clear, she stares at Li Luo several breaths, the complexion becomes ices to be cold suddenly, extends the slender white hands to the Li Luo face fan. 秦漪的双眸犹如倾洒着月光的湖面,泛着波光粼粼,她盯着李洛数息,脸色突然变得冰寒下来,伸出纤细玉手就对着李洛的脸庞扇去。 Li Luo, my mother's debt, I will ask you to criticize sooner or later!” 李洛,我母亲的债,我迟早会找你清算的!” Li Luo stretches out the palm, grips the slender small hand who that leaf came, the brow wrinkles, serious say/way: Qin Yi miss, my wife here, but also please be dignified.” 李洛伸出手掌,握住了那扇来的纤细小手,眉头皱起,严肃的道:“秦漪姑娘,我妻子在这里,还请自重。” Qin Yi cold snort/hum, the withdrawing small hand, turns around Qin Zhongyuan who and the others follow to depart. 秦漪冷哼一声,抽回小手,转身跟上离去的秦重渊等人。 Li Luo turns the head the beautiful figure that looks at her to depart, the complexion is a little slightly strange, he spreads out the palm, was previously grasping in the palms of Qin Yi small hand, has pale blue waterdrop to reappear, then the waterdrop melted in the palm, changes into one to whisper in his hearts paces back and forth. 李洛转头望着她离去的倩影,面色略微有点古怪,他摊开手掌,先前握着秦漪小手的掌心间,有着一枚淡蓝色的水滴浮现,而后水滴在掌心融化,化为了一句低语在其心间徘徊。 ... ... Late at night, on plain that south of northern Qincheng hundred li (0.5 km), a Bi Lake embellishes. 深夜,北秦城以南百里,一座碧湖点缀的平原上。 When figure dropping from the clouds of quietly Li Luo, falls to the lakeside, sees in the blue stone of that lakeside, graceful sitting together physique slender slender beautiful beautiful figure. 李洛身影悄然的从天而降,落到湖边时,一眼就见到在那湖边的一块青石上,优雅的坐着一道身姿纤细窈窕的绝美倩影。 Qin Yi. 正是秦漪 She is red snow white both feet, is provoking the limpid lake water gently, flows the moonlight lake water to fall following that slender exquisite dorsum pedis, at lake surface splashing beginning ripples. 她赤着雪白的双足,轻轻拨弄着清澈的湖水,流淌着月光的湖水顺着那纤细小巧的足背滑落,在湖面溅起点点涟漪。 Seriously is a beautiful picture. 当真是一幅绝美的画面。 Walking of Li Luo face righteous qi goes forward, saying with a smile of looking askance: „Is this Heavenly King Qin's lineage honey trap?” 李洛一脸正气的走上前,目不斜视的笑道:“难道这是秦天王一脉的美人计?” The Qin Yi leaning head, the black hair falls in torrents from the cheeks one side of gently like a waterfall, she resembles smiles, said: You have such appearance makings wife, honey trap to you feared that is difficult the function.” 秦漪轻轻偏头,如瀑布般青丝自脸颊一侧倾泻而下,她似是笑了笑,道:“你有那样容颜气质的妻子,美人计对你怕是难有作用。” You really dare to come unexpectedly, did not fear that is my Heavenly King Qin's lineage trap? Present you, have the qualifications to pose some threats to Heavenly King Qin's lineage.” “不过你竟然真敢前来,就不怕是我秦天王一脉的陷阱?如今的你,已经有资格对秦天王一脉造成一些威胁了。” Li Luo very frank say/way: My mother and two lineage chief in distant place.” 李洛很坦率的道:“我娘和两位脉首就在远处。” Qin Yi jade foot, some helplessly said: Also really thinks that your courage is excellent.” 秦漪玉足一顿,有些无奈的道:“还真以为你胆魄过人。” Careful point always right.” Li Luo does not feel disgraced, here close to the Heavenly King Qin's lineage area, if Qin Zhongyuan and the others acted out of desperation, the brain gives off heat, really must plot against him, that is also a risk. “小心点总没错。”李洛却并不觉得丢人,此处靠近秦天王一脉的疆域,万一那秦重渊等人狗急跳墙,脑子发热,真要暗算他,那也是个风险。 „The Qin Yi miss reached agreement in secret, was actually to make what?” Li Luo did not plan that continues to chat with the opposite party, but directly soars the subject. 秦漪姑娘暗中相约,究竟是想要做什么?”李洛也并不打算与对方继续闲聊,而是直奔主题。 Qin Yi counts on the fingers a ball, jade token departs from its sleeve, flutters to Li Luo, the latter hesitated slightly, then received it, resonance power inflow in , is felt that a huge information swamped into the hearts. 秦漪屈指一弹,有一枚玉牌自其袖中飞出,飘向李洛,后者微微犹豫了一下,便是将其接过,相力流入其中,便是感觉到了一股庞大的信息涌入心间。 Immediately in his eye has the surprised color to reappear. 顿时他眼中有着惊讶之色浮现出来。 Spring rain evil?” “春雨化邪阵?” In this jade token, records that unexpectedly spring rain evil strategy path, this is present Heavenly King Qin's lineage with is by the energy that and their Heavenly King Li's lineage wants to have a lion's share, result did Qin Yi give for nothing him on such draw? 玉牌内,竟然记载着那座“春雨化邪阵”的阵法轨迹,这可是如今秦天王一脉用以和他们李天王一脉狮子大开口的底气所在,结果这秦漪就这样的平白给了他? Un, thisspring rain evil itself/Ben is my own pushes to spread out, gives to you. ” Qin Yi indifferently said. “嗯,这“春雨化邪阵”本就是我自身推衍出来的,送给你吧。”秦漪淡淡的道 Li Luo is very shocking, then said hesitant: „The Qin Yi miss, you made me feel your charm again, your intention I declined with thanks, because... my wife is also staring in behind not far away.” 李洛很震惊,然后犹豫道:“秦漪姑娘,你再次让我感受到了自己的魅力,不过你的心意我心领了,因为...我妻子也在后面不远处盯着。” The Qin Yi bright eyes visit him, after being good several breaths, just now sighed lightly: Li Luo, your facial skin true thickness.” 秦漪明眸看着他,好数息后,方才轻叹道:“李洛,你的脸皮可真厚。” You give like this big present with no reason at all, isn't my charm?” Li Luo coughs, saying that a face does not believe. “你无缘无故送这样的大礼,难道不是我的魅力?”李洛干咳一声,一脸不信的说道。 Thisspring rain evil can only I stimulate to movement, what because is most important is ninth grade rain and water resonance matching, even if gave you strategy path, you are unable to arrange in the same old way. ” Qin Yi said. “这“春雨化邪阵”只能我来催动,因为其中最重要的是九品“雨相”与“水相”的搭配,所以就算给了你阵法轨迹,你们也无法照样的布置出来。”秦漪说道。 Li Luo hears word, nearly jade token in hand throwing, ill-humoredly said: You think of every means a useless thing does to me?” 李洛闻言,险些将手中的玉牌给扔回去,没好气的道:“那你费尽心思的给我一个没用的玩意干什么?” You give you Li Qingying lineage chief this thing, she is skilled in the method of wondrous formation, should be able to take my „ spring rain evil as the bottom, pushes to spread out to suit your evil, but your wife has rank extremely high light resonance, good that if matches, your Heavenly King Li's lineage should also be able to reduce and solve the black rain, reduces the army casualties. ” Qin Yi answered. “你将此物交给你们那位李青樱脉首,她精通奇阵之法,应该能够以我这“春雨化邪阵”为底,推衍出适合你们的“化邪阵”,而你那位妻子身怀品阶极高的光明相,若是搭配的好,你们李天王一脉应该也能化解黑雨,减少部队伤亡。”秦漪解释道。 „...” “哦...” Li Luo suddenly, at once some say/way of doubts: Why do you want to do that? Your this, should not be permitted by Heavenly King Qin's lineage these palace lords?” 李洛恍然,旋即有些疑惑的道:“你为什么要这么做?你这样,应该不被秦天王一脉那些宫主允许的吧?” Reason are many, for example you can understand that for this is I for another choice that Heavenly King Qin's lineage makes.” “原因很多,比如你可以理解为这是我为了秦天王一脉做出的另外一种选择。” Qin Yi tranquil saying: Between Heavenly King Li's lineage and Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, the heavy deep pool palace lord them to choose to be on good terms Heavenly King Zhao's lineage, but I felt, future Heavenly King Li's lineage powerful, will become Heavenly Origin Divine Province strongest Heavenly King lineage, because dragon tooth lineage has you and Jiang Qing'e.” 秦漪平静的说道:“在李天王一脉赵天王一脉间,重渊宫主他们选择交好赵天王一脉,但我却觉得,未来的李天王一脉会更加的强大,甚至会成为天元神州最强的天王脉,因为龙牙脉有你和姜青娥。” I do not want waits for me to wield Heavenly King Qin's lineage in the future the time, but must for their some wrongly and pays arrogantly, therefore with it so, might as well makes the choice earlier, buries a seed.” “我不想等未来我执掌秦天王一脉的时候,还要为他们的一些错误与自大而买单,所以与其如此,还不如早点做出选择,埋颗种子。” Li Luo is somewhat surprised, although this Qin Yi seemingly is soft, but in the bone self-confidence and pride, are actually unusual, simply put, actually had thought that she will certainly become the Heavenly King Qin's lineage helmsman in the future. 李洛有些惊讶,这秦漪虽然看上去柔情似水,但骨子里面的自信与骄傲,倒是非同一般,言下之意,竟然已是觉得她未来一定会成为秦天王一脉的掌舵人。 However regarding her vision and choice, Li Luo exuded the sound of admiring sigh. 不过对于她的这份眼光与选择,李洛则是发出了钦佩的感叹之声。 Has to say...” “不得不说...” You looked that the person is very accurate.” “你看人很准。”
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