KOMI :: Volume #16

#1564: Sixth lineage chief

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Looks the smile on the Li Luo face reappearing, Qin Zhongyuan or Li Tianji, suddenly done silent. 望着李洛脸庞上浮现的笑容,不论是秦重渊还是李天玑,一时间都是被干的沉默了下去。 No one has thought, the junior in such originally eye, suddenly, turned with their same status. 谁都没想到,这么一个原本眼中的小辈,就这么突然间,变成了与他们相同的身份。 The appointment of Heavenly King Li, but also is really unexpected.” After good moment, under Qin Zhongyuan just now returned to normal is shocked, then some meaning unclear saying. 李天王的这份任命,还真是出人意料啊。”好片刻后,秦重渊方才平复下震惊,然后有些意味不明的说道。 This appointment is extremely odd, if this feeds in Heavenly King Li's lineage, will trigger the vibration in various lineage/vein inevitably, the powerhouses of many older generations, although does not dare to question Heavenly King Li, but in the heart some will be unavoidably uncomfortable. 这份任命太过离谱,这若是传回李天王一脉中,势必会在各脉中引发震动,许多老一辈的强者,虽然不敢质疑李天王,但难免心中会有些不舒服。 After all lineage chief is too high in the Heavenly King Li's lineage position and power and influence, Li Luo is extremely young, how could to have the skill of obedience? On having strength, by having merit, with these is high compared with he several generations of elders powerhouses, what advantage can Li Luo have? 毕竟脉首李天王一脉的地位与权势太高,李洛太过年轻,岂能有服众的本事?论起实力,论起功绩,与那些高他数辈的老辈强者相比,李洛能有什么优势? Tantai Lan can replace the Li Jingzhe position, that is because she is Great Unparalleled Duke, this strength depresses any disaffection sufficiently. 澹台岚能够接替李惊蛰的位置,那是因为她自身乃是大无双侯,这份实力足以压下任何的不满。 But Li Luo? He was too young. 李洛呢?他太年轻了。 Perhaps anybody listened to this appointment, will have a feeling of virtue non- coordinate. 恐怕任何人听了这份任命,都会生出一种德不配位的感觉。 The strength is insufficient, gets to the top suddenly, not necessarily is the good deed. 实力不足,骤然爬上高位,未必是好事。 Therefore was the Heavenly King Qin's lineage present being in power palace lord, Qin Zhongyuan understands this time Li Tianji, because perhaps just this sudden heavy responsibility had a headache together. 所以身为秦天王一脉如今的掌权宫主,秦重渊明白此时的李天玑,恐怕正因为这一道突如其来的重大任命而头疼。 Doesn't the appointment from old ancestor, how dare recognize? May recognize after that the censures and rumors of various lineage/vein, is not good to subside. 来自老祖的任命,怎敢不认?可认下此后各脉的非议与流言,又不好平息。 Under Qin Zhongyuan that some looks of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, Li Tianji squeezed the somewhat complex smile, said: Since the old ancestor personally ordered, sealed you as sixth lineage chief, that naturally had the qualifications to participate in this conference.” 在秦重渊那有些幸灾乐祸的眼神下,李天玑挤出了有些复杂的笑容,道:“既然老祖亲自下令,封你为第六位脉首,那自然是有资格参与这场会议的。” But nearby Li Qingying is asking that cannot bear: Li Luo... Li Luo lineage chief, this outcome what's the matter?” 而一旁的李青樱则是忍不住的问道:“李洛...李洛脉首,这究竟是怎么回事?” Li Luo also understands own old ancestor appointment can bring enormous shock, immediately his intention moves, six radiance from crown of the head raising slowly, changed into six duke platforms. 李洛也明白自家老祖这份任命会带来极大的震撼,当即他心念一动,六道光华自天灵盖徐徐的升起,化为了六座封侯台 The flash when this six duke platforms presents, several King Realm powerhouses on the scene detected that was not right. 而当这六座封侯台出现的第一瞬间,在场的数位王境强者就察觉到了不对劲。 This is not the resonance power intensity that ordinary sixth grade Duke Realm should have! 这不是普通六品封侯境应该拥有的相力强度! The next quarter, their pupils shrink suddenly. 下一刻,他们的瞳孔陡然一缩。 Six ten pillars golden platform?! Unparalleled sixth grade?!” The one after another screams, resound suddenly. “六座十柱金台?!无双六品?!”一道道惊呼声,骤然响起。 Qin Zhongyuan, Qin Zhiming, the complexion of Qin and Qu all was one stiff, this Li Luo, two years ago wasn't just unparalleled second grade? How to rise suddenly suddenly unparalleled sixth grade?! 秦重渊,秦知命,秦曲三人的脸色皆是一僵,这李洛,两年前不是才刚刚无双二品吗?怎么突然间暴涨成了无双六品?! This rank, if goes a step further again, how could it not be is Unparalleled Duke?! 这个等级,若是再进一步,岂不又是一尊无双侯?! Li Tianji, Li Qingying looks at each other one, is sees in the opposite party eyes stunned as well as... pleasantly surprised. 李天玑,李青樱对视一眼,皆是看出对方眼中的错愕以及...惊喜。 This absolutely is a huge pleasant surprise! 这绝对是一个天大的惊喜! Unparalleled sixth grade, the strength is extraordinary, even if in ninth grade withstand/top in the marquis, is the top levels, moreover what is most essential, can cultivation so the level , indicating sufficiently its natural talent and potential, to say the least, had such foundation, even if unparalleled road last has not walked to pass, may still turn away calls road of King, in the future will step into the King Realm possibility, does not know on high many times compared with the top marquis who other these potential will dry up. 无双六品,战力非凡,就算是在九品顶侯中,都算是顶尖层次,而且最关键的是,能够将自身修炼到这般层次,足以表明其天资与潜力,退一步说,有了这样的根基,就算是无双之路最后一步没走通,也可转走称王之路,未来踏入王境的可能,比起其他那些潜力枯竭的顶侯不知道高上多少倍。 Therefore, arrived in the unparalleled sixth grade powerhouse, is almost half foot treads into King Realm. 所以,抵达了无双六品的强者,几乎已经算是半只脚踏入了王境 little Luo, you stepped into unparalleled sixth grade!” Tantai Lan regarding this especially joyful, is holding the hand of Li Luo, in the eye full is gratified, but compared to unbelievable of others, her feeling is actually astonished slightly, after all she has had the self-confidence to oneself son very much, unparalleled sixth grade, is only the time issue. 小洛,你踏入无双六品了!”澹台岚对此则是格外的欣喜,拉着李洛的手,眼中满是欣慰,不过相对于其他人的难以置信,她却只是稍感讶异而已,毕竟她对自己的儿子一直都很有自信,无双六品,只是时间问题而已。 Li Luo said with a smile: Mother, my is only unparalleled under sixth grade, sister Qing'e is higher than me.” 李洛则是笑道:“娘,我这只是无双下六品而已,青娥姐比我还高一点。” Tantai Lan immediately beautiful eye one bright. 澹台岚顿时美目一亮。 Mother, my also sixth grade.” “娘,我也六品了。” Jiang Qing'e shows a faint smile, six holy light raised in its top of the head, changed into six sacred and dazzling ten pillars golden platform, rushing resonance power that above flowed, wanted on a strong point compared with Li Luo unexpectedly. 姜青娥微微一笑,六道圣洁之光于其头顶升起,化为了六座神圣而耀眼的十柱金台,其上流淌的澎湃相力,竟是比李洛还要强上一分。 Okay good.” Tantai Lan lights up with pleasure, in the eye floods is being proud and gratified, that appearance, must be happier than achievement Unparalleled Duke simply initially. “好好好。”澹台岚喜笑颜开,眼中充斥着骄傲与欣慰,那副模样,简直比当初自己成就无双侯还要更为高兴。 But them jubilant, Qin Zhongyuan, Qin Zhiming, Qin bent/tune That side look was to then become extremely dignified and ugly/difficult to look at, because they understand that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e this unparalleled sixth grade is representing anything. 而他们这边喜气洋洋,秦重渊,秦知命,秦曲那边的神色便是变得极为凝重与难看起来,因为他们都明白李洛姜青娥这无双六品代表着什么。 This on behalf of future this dragon tooth lineage, has the possibility to have two Unparalleled Duke very much again. 这代表着未来这龙牙脉,很有可能再出两个无双侯 When the time comes, three unparalleled?! 到时候,一门三无双?! Is this achievement of shocking everybody? 这是何等惊世骇俗的成就? They think dragon tooth lineage initially after Li Jingzhe falls from the sky, will fall into the trough inevitably, even the name of dragon tooth lineage is hard to preserve, who thinks that achievement Great Unparalleled Duke Tantai Lan returns suddenly, moreover at present... these two juniors, but also achieved unparalleled sixth grade, from true Unparalleled Duke, only has the one pace. 原本他们当初以为龙牙脉李惊蛰陨落后,势必会跌入低谷,甚至连龙牙脉之名都难以保住,可谁想到成就大无双侯澹台岚突然归来,而且眼下...这两个小辈,还达到了无双六品,距离真正的无双侯,已经仅有一步之遥。 This dragon tooth lineage, in the future as strong as what degree? 龙牙脉,未来将会强到什么程度? But dragon tooth lineage strengthen, is representing the Heavenly King Li's lineage background strength abundantly, at the appointed time their Heavenly King Qin's lineage, this with its competition? 龙牙脉变强,也代表着李天王一脉底蕴实力更为的雄厚,到时他们秦天王一脉,又该如何与其竞争? At this moment, Qin Zhongyuan their moods became especially heavy. 这一刻,秦重渊他们的心情变得格外的沉重。 In the hall corner, the beautiful pupil of Qin Yi also looks at this, in the eye has surprised reappearing, her originally thinks oneself after inheriting Heavenly King Qin's lineage holy seed of water, should be able to pursue on Li Luo, but where expects, this disparity was actually more and more far. 在大厅一角,秦漪的美眸也是望着这一幕,眼中有着惊讶浮现,她原本以为自己在继承了秦天王一脉的“水之圣种”后,应该是能够追赶上李洛,但哪料到,这差距却是越来越远了。 Although she now is third grade Duke Realm, but only cast two ten pillars golden platform, light/only from this point, obviously fell behind Li Luo two people of many. 她如今虽是三品封侯境,但仅铸就了两座十柱金台,光是从这一点上,就明显落后了李洛二人许多。 He is quite fierce.” In the Qin Yi heart sighed secretly, although she personality like the water, was seemingly soft, but innermost feelings actually extremely arrogant, but until now, in peer, only had Li Luo to make her have feeling so. “他好厉害。”秦漪心中暗叹,她虽然性情如水,看似柔软,但内心却是极为的高傲,而迄今为止,同辈中,也唯有李洛能够让她生出这般的感觉。 Li Tianji, Li Qingying gawked similarly well long time, to harvest in two unparalleled sixth grade news shocking from Heavenly King Li's lineage suddenly sobers. 李天玑,李青樱同样是愣了好半晌,才从突然间李天王一脉收获了两个无双六品的震撼性消息中清醒过来。 No wonder the old ancestor will appoint you as sixth lineage chief, by your sixth grade unparalleled strength, poured can also convince.” Li Tianji relaxes secretly, although unparalleled sixth grade could not have been regarded is true Unparalleled Duke, but also deterred many people sufficiently, after all Li Luo this lineage chief was also only one -man army, has not opened the lineage/vein to gather the mansion. “难怪老祖会任命你为第六位脉首,以你这六品无双的实力,倒也是说得通了。”李天玑暗自松了一口气,虽然无双六品还算不得是真正的无双侯,但也足以震慑许多人了,毕竟李洛这个脉首还只是一个光杆司令,并未开脉聚府。 Then the Li Tianji vision shifted to the look many Qin Zhongyuan, Qin Zhiming, Qin and Qu, the heart cannot help but raised ugly/difficult to look at suddenly some carefree feelings, how he does not know that previously Qin Zhongyuan also wants to look at his joke, finally in an instant, their Heavenly King Qin's lineage instead became the joke. 而后李天玑目光转向神色突然间难看了许多的秦重渊,秦知命,秦曲三人,心头不由得升起一些畅快感,他如何不知道先前秦重渊还想看他的笑话,结果转眼间,他们秦天王一脉反而成了笑话。 Qin Qugong lord, it seems like that this time indeed was your issue, Li Luo is our Heavenly King Li's lineage new lineage chief, how can also be in your mouth the ill-mannered ignorant young child?” “秦曲宫主,看来此次的确是你的问题,李洛是我们李天王一脉的新任脉首,又怎会是你口中没规没矩的无知小儿?” Li Tianji sighed one, then shook the head. 李天玑感叹一声,而后摇摇头。 You so shame our Heavenly King Li's lineage lineage chief, in emotion is inappropriate in the principle, the old man felt, you and Li Luo lineage chief apologized, this matter has uncovered, how?” “你如此羞辱我们李天王一脉脉首,于情于理都不合适,老夫觉得,你和李洛脉首道歉一声,这个事情就揭过了,如何?” Qin Quwen said that a face twisted immediately, appeared extremely fearsome, in both eyes must spout the fire. 秦曲闻言,一张脸庞顿时扭曲起来,显得极为的可怖,双目中似是要喷出火来。 What?! You!!” “什么?!你!!”
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