KOMI :: Volume #16

#1563: Doting parent Tantai Lan

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Bang! 轰! When Qin bent/tune that belt/bring the sound of scolding was just resounding in the hall, an extremely terrifying vast resonance power pressure erupts suddenly, all around space shortly disintegration, breakage. 就当秦曲那带着呵斥的声音刚刚于大厅内响起时,一股极为恐怖浩瀚的相力威压陡然间爆发,四周的空间在顷刻间崩碎,破裂。 Meanwhile, resembled has the sound of deafening Great Peng clear crying to spread, resounded through in this northern Qincheng each corner together, but everything heard this sound, was looks all panic-strickenly, subsequently the pressure shock and awe that contained must tremble. 与此同时,似还是有一道震耳欲聋的大鹏清啼之音传出,响彻在这座“北秦城”的每一个角落,而凡是听闻此音者,无不是面露惊骇,继而被其中所蕴含的威压震慑得瑟瑟发抖。 Old cheap woman, I thought that you do not want to live today are going out of the northern Qincheng!” “老贱妇,我看你今天是不想活着走出北秦城!” As that was revealing the when Great Peng clear cry of air/Qi of unequalled ruling by force resounds, contains the dense murderous intention sound together, in hall crack. 随着那显露着无与伦比的霸道之气的大鹏清啼声响起时,一道蕴含着森然杀机的声音,也是在大厅中炸响。 That is Tantai Lan! 那是澹台岚 Li Tianji, Qin Zhongyuan and others King Realm powerhouse facial colors of both sides all changed. 李天玑,秦重渊等双方的王境强者面色皆是一变。 However has not needed they to respond, Qin bent/tune the front space was torn a giant crack, next one flickers, resembles has the golden wings of sun-blocking, coerces one type to cut broken between Heaven and Earth all the sharp air/Qi of hindrance, just like cutting a day of almighty troops, is cutting directly to Qin bent/tune the overhead. 然而还不待他们有所反应,那秦曲前方的空间被撕裂开一道巨大的裂缝,下一瞬,似是有遮天蔽日的金色羽翅,裹挟着一种能够斩碎天地间一切阻碍的锋利之气,宛如斩天神兵,直接对着秦曲当头斩下。 The strong murderous intention fills the air, enormous and powerful, fearsome. 浓烈的杀机弥漫而出,浩浩荡荡,可怖至极。 On Qin bent/tune the face has wipes to startle the color to reappear, how she has not thought, Tantai Lan in this situation, will stick out suddenly unexpectedly suddenly acts. 秦曲的脸庞上有着一抹骇色浮现,她怎么都没想到,澹台岚竟然会在这个场合,突然暴起出手。 That floods the eyeball field of vision golden wings, is pasting billions of ancient rune/symbol Zhuan, the symbol seal presents the color of gold and silver, is sending out the unparalleled complete air/Qi. 那充斥眼球视野的金色羽翅,流转着数以亿计的古老符篆,符篆呈现金银之色,散发着无双圆满之气。 Faces murderous intention that Tantai Lan is sticking out suddenly, above Qin bent/tune top of the head, vast fresh air the King royal crown rapid condensation forming, the fresh air presents scarlet, yellowish gray, then congealed in the front a obscurity, the ancient 12 angle prism. 面对着澹台岚暴起的杀机,秦曲头顶之上,有一层浩瀚清气所化的王者冠冕迅速的凝聚成形,清气呈现赤红,灰黄,然后于面前凝结成了一面晦涩,古老的十二角棱镜。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! However this Qin bent/tune used congeals to become the powerful defense full power, as that flowed the instance that the innumerable golden-silver talisman seal golden wings are cutting, was ordinary just like the tofu, as all around space also cracked. 然而这秦曲倾尽全力凝结而成强大防御,随着那流淌着无数金银符篆的金色羽翅斩下的瞬间,却是宛如豆腐一般,随着四周的空间同时崩裂。 Bang! 轰! The golden wings are coercing the innumerable debrises, seems the mighty current, cutting of being relentless in Qin bent/tune the body, that flickered, the latter body surface appeared the powerful energy protections layer by layer, but these protections have not won the slight time for her, the wings like the divine blade, cut to break to pieces all. 金色羽翅裹挟着无数空间碎片,仿佛是洪流般,毫不留情的斩在了秦曲身躯上,那一瞬,后者身体表面浮现出了一层又一层的强大能量防护,可这些防护并没有为她争取到丝毫的时间,羽翅如神刀,斩碎一切。 The terrifying strength, destroyed void, formed the cavity, but Qin bent/tune figure vanished in same place, by bang in void turbulent flow. 恐怖的力量,打碎了虚空,形成了空洞,而秦曲的身影则是消失在了原地,被生生的轰进虚空乱流中。 So the accident, happened in fast, making a move of Tantai Lan extremely neat, when Li Tianji and Qin Zhongyuan discovered, Qin bent/tune already by Tantai Lan cutting in void turbulent flow. 这般变故,发生于电光石火间,澹台岚的出手太过的干脆利落,当李天玑与秦重渊发现时,那秦曲已经被澹台岚生生的斩进了虚空乱流中。 Tantai Lan!” 澹台岚!” Qin Zhongyuan got angry the sound to call out, at once his fist destroys void, the top of the head appeared two broad King royal crowns, in the royal crown had the rainbow light to depart, sneaks is void, after the moment, rainbow light rollback figure. 秦重渊怒声暴喝,旋即他一拳打碎了虚空,头顶浮现出两层恢弘的王者冠冕,冠冕上有虹光飞出,钻进虚空内,片刻后,虹光卷回了一道身影 Qin bent/tune. 正是秦曲。 However this time she to the pinnacle, the fierce fearsome scar, coasted from its left shoulder place distressedly together, nearly cuts to split her, simultaneously top of the head that King royal crown, presented some shatter traces. 不过此时的她狼狈到了极致,一道狰狞可怖的伤痕,自其左肩处滑下,险些将她斩裂开来,同时头顶那一层王者冠冕,也是出现了一些破碎的痕迹。 Tantai Lan!!” 澹台岚!!” Qin bent/tune the face twisted the pinnacle in this time, in the eye is surging the violent anger, stubbornly is staring at Tantai Lan figure, that appearance as if wished one could swallowing the opposite party. 秦曲脸庞在此时扭曲到极致,眼中涌动着暴怒,死死的盯着澹台岚身影,那副模样仿佛恨不得将对方给吞了。 Old cheap woman, is in front of my to scold my son, you thought I can't kill you?” However faced Qin bent/tune to twist the violent anger the face, Tantai Lan was actually sneers one, said. “老贱妇,当着我的面骂我儿子,你是觉得我打不死你吗?”然而面对着秦曲扭曲暴怒的脸庞,澹台岚却是冷笑一声,道。 Tantai Lan, you went too far, when really my Heavenly King Qin's lineage no one?” Qin Zhiming also stands up at this time, the complexion is gloomy, Tantai Lan this does not attend to making a move of custom, without doubt hit on the face of their Heavenly King Qin's lineage. 澹台岚,你太过分了,真当我秦天王一脉无人吗?”秦知命此时也是站起,面色阴沉,澹台岚这不顾规矩的出手,无疑是打在了他们秦天王一脉的脸上。 Phecda lineage chief, my Heavenly King Qin's lineage, although the present accident is large, but cannot let the person to humiliate? You need to give a confession!” Qin Zhongyuan sinking sound said. “天玑脉首,我秦天王一脉虽说如今变故颇大,但也不是能够任人欺凌的吧?你们需要给个交代!”秦重渊沉声道。 Li Tianji and Li Qingying look at each other one , is somewhat helpless, the Tantai Lan character is domineering and overbearing so, wants to come this to act, has endured patiently quite a while, but this Qin bent/tune previously was working as its, scolded Li Luo, detonated her thoroughly. 李天玑李青樱对视一眼,也皆是有些无奈,澹台岚性格就是这般的强势而霸道,想来她这出手,已经忍耐半天了,而这秦曲先前当着其面,责骂李洛,就彻底将她引爆了。 Heavy deep pool palace Lord this word is bad, Qin Qugong lord her to provoke Tantai lineage chief repeatedly, had result so, was only she has only self to blame, no wonder others.” Li Tianji light saying. “重渊宫主此言差矣,秦曲宫主她屡屡挑衅澹台脉首,有这般结果,也只是她咎由自取而已,怪不得旁人。”李天玑淡淡的说道。 Although Tantai Lan is indeed overbearing, but is facing exerting pressure of Heavenly King Qin's lineage, Li Tianji is naturally impossible to make concessions, after all now is not dozens years ago, auspicious Great Unparalleled Duke, even if she broke to the top the day, Heavenly King Li's lineage still can only hold one's nose guarantees her hardly. 虽说澹台岚的确霸道,但面对着秦天王一脉的施压,李天玑自然不可能退让,毕竟现在可不是数十年前了,一个前途无限的大无双侯,就算她把天给顶破了,李天王一脉也只能捏着鼻子硬保她。 Qin Zhongyuan the complexion sank, said: Qin Qugong did the Lord words speak incorrectly? What situation is here? A junior can interpose carelessly the disturbance, really works as the treaty of alliance negotiations of two big Heavenly King lineage like the child's play?” 秦重渊脸色一沉,道:“秦曲宫主的话说错了吗?这里是什么场合?一个小辈就能胡乱插话干扰,真当两大天王脉的盟约谈判如同儿戏吗?” Li Qingying argued: Li Luo is my Heavenly King Li's lineage Heavenly Dragon, is not the ignorant young child.” 李青樱辩解道:“李洛是我李天王一脉天龙儿,可不是无知小儿。” Li Tianji looked at her one eyes, what extraordinary thing Heavenly Dragon is? However he also understands, from the custom, Li Luo indeed was previously harebrained, but at this time, speaking the truth is not possible, can only pester endlessly. 李天玑看了她一眼,天龙儿是个什么奇葩东西?不过他也明白,从规矩来说,李洛先前的确冒失,但这个时候,讲道理是不可能了,只能胡搅蛮缠。 Qin Zhongyuan, Qin Zhiming, Qin bent/tune also all resulted in the anger to smile by the Li Qingying argue obstinately air/Qi. 秦重渊,秦知命,秦曲也皆是被李青樱的强辩气得怒笑起来。 cough. 咳。 When the both sides atmosphere plays out, coughed to break the atmosphere, Li Luo said: Actually this old cheap woman, is not right, this eunuch lord said does not have any truth indeed.” 而在双方气氛剑拔弩张的时候,一声干咳打破了气氛,李洛开口说道:“其实这位老贱妇,不对,这位老宫主说得的确没有什么道理。” What did small livestock... you say?!” Under Qin bent/tune violent anger, must curse angrily, but seeing the Tantai Lan ice in the look that coldly was suddenly swift and fierce, she can only will scold the sound to swallow down, fierce say/way. “小畜...你说什么?!”秦曲暴怒之下,又要怒骂,但在见到澹台岚陡然间冰寒凌厉起来的眼神,她只能生生的将骂声吞了下去,厉声道。 Li Luo smiles, said: I meant, such situation, I actually have the qualifications participation as well as express the opinion.” 李洛笑了笑,道:“我是说,这样的场合,我其实是有资格参与以及发表意见的。” Li Tianji and Li Qingying look at each other one, is the brow slightly wrinkle, although Li Luo indeed is the within the clan young Heaven's Chosen, has a bright future, but so pulls rank before an numerous King Realm powerhouse, rather seemed frivolous. 李天玑李青樱对视一眼,皆是眉头微皱,虽说李洛的确是族内的年轻天骄,前途远大,但在一众王境强者面前如此托大,未免显得过于轻狂了。 Qin Zhongyuan sneered, said: Under Heavenly King Li's lineage governing the wind, I am true today enlarges ones vision.” 秦重渊冷笑一声,道:“李天王一脉的御下之风,我今日属实是开眼了。” Li Luo, you first draw back...” Li Tianji modest saying, wants first to urge Li Luo. 李洛,你先退...”李天玑温和的说道,想要先将李洛劝下去。 However his words have not said, saw in the hand of Li Luo presented ancient token, but this token appearance, is erupts one to let the King Realm powerhouses on the scene for the terrifying constriction that it changes colors. 不过他话还没说完,就见到李洛的手中出现了一枚古老令牌,而这令牌一出现,便是爆发出一股让得在场众位王境强者都为之失色的恐怖压迫感。 Heavenly King Order?!” Li Tianji and Li Qingying all are one startled, recognized this token is their Heavenly King Li's lineage Heavenly King Order, but the next quarter, they detected differently. 天王令?!”李天玑李青樱皆是一惊,一眼就认出了这枚令牌是他们李天王一脉天王令,但下一刻,他们又察觉到了不同。 Because they felt that has a wisp of familiar day king's qi breath to spread from this token, also has the indistinct distant sound to transmit together. 因为他们感觉到有一缕熟悉至极的天王气息自这枚令牌中传出,同时有一道飘渺悠远的声音传来。 from this day, Li Luo is Heavenly King Li's lineage, sixth lineage chief.” “即日起,李洛李天王一脉,第六位脉首。” This indistinct sound, reverberates in the hall, divergence gradually, but all made in the main hall King Realm powerhouses of both sides is shocking as well as unbelievable of whole face. 这道飘渺声音,于大厅中回荡,渐渐的散去,但却令得大殿中双方的王境强者皆是满脸的震惊以及难以置信。 Old ancestor!” “老祖!” Li Tianji, Li Qingying rapid getting back one's composure, first is to a that Heavenly King Order respectful ritual, then looks at each other one, saw in the opposite party eyes startled color. 李天玑,李青樱迅速的回过神,先是对着那天王令恭敬的一礼,然后对视一眼,都是看见了对方眼中的愕然之色。 Was Li Luo, sealed by the old ancestor for within the clan sixth lineage chief unexpectedly?! 李洛,竟然被老祖封为了族内第六位脉首?! Such... odd?! 这么...离谱的吗?! However no one will think that this Heavenly King Order is counterfeiting, because of that wisp of aura, Li Tianji they was too previously familiar. 但是没人会觉得这天王令在作假,因为先前那一缕气息,李天玑他们太熟悉了。 That inevitably from their Heavenly King Li's lineage that already the old ancestor who has not revealed the true body for a long time, Heavenly King Li! 那必然是来自他们李天王一脉那位已经许久未曾显露真身的老祖,李天王 But, is so young, so lineage chief of strength??? 可是,如此年轻,如此实力的脉首??? Actually this Li Luo did what matter, can actually cause the old ancestor to issue such odd appointment? 李洛究竟做了什么事,竟然能够引得老祖下达这样离谱的任命? Such news passes on, perhaps various lineage/vein vibrate. 这样的消息传回去,恐怕各脉都为之震动。 When everyone is in shocks, Li Luo receives Heavenly King Order, smile humble asking: Everyone, do I currently have the qualifications of speech here?” 而在所有人都处于震撼时,李洛收起天王令,笑容谦逊的问道:“各位,我现在有在这里说话的资格了吧?”
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