KOMI :: Volume #16

#1562: Negotiations

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Northern Qincheng. 北秦城。 This is the border city that two big Heavenly King lineage borders on, but here is not far from the Other disaster eruption place, therefore this both sides on will negotiate the place of treaty of alliance to elect here. 这是一座两大天王脉接壤的边境城市,而此处也距离异灾爆发处不远,故而此次双方就将谈判盟约的地方选在了这里。 In the city the popularity somewhat is slightly thin, on the spacious street the person's shadow few, the atmosphere in city is appears depressing and heavy. 城内人气略微有些稀薄,宽敞的街道上人影寥寥,城内的气氛更是显得压抑而沉重。 All these, because of the eruption of different tide. 这一切,都是因为异潮的爆发。 In the two years in Other disaster that two big Heavenly King lineage bordering on places erupt, created the enormous destructive power, had differential gap many neutral influences, was all destroyed by the different tide, the innumerable person city family perishes, ten thousand li (0.5 km) deathtrap, appears extremely miserable. 这两年在两大天王脉接壤处爆发的异灾,造成了极大的破坏力,原本存在中立地带的诸多中立势力,皆是被异潮所毁灭,无数人城破家亡,万里死地,显得极为的凄凉。 This causes many influences and followers chooses to flee from this risk area. 这导致许多势力以及修炼者都选择逃离这片危险区域。 Therefore these neighboring cities, no longer once liveliness. 故而这些邻近的城市,也不复曾经的繁华。 But at this time, in central city Lord mansion in city, is having one negotiations that relates to two big Heavenly King lineage. 而此时,在城内中央的城主府中,则是在发生着一场关系到两大天王脉的谈判。 „Those words, must facilitate the treaty of alliance also to be possible, after but if the different tide retreats, the original neutral zone, has 382 cities, 300 cities, must belong to my Heavenly King Qin's lineage.” “还是那句话,要促成盟约也可,但若是异潮退去后,原本的中立区域,存在三百八十二城,其中三百城,需归属我秦天王一脉。” However passes through in the 32 mountain ranges of this area, northern 20, belongs to our Heavenly King Qin's lineage, Heavenly King Li's lineage needs to retreat in this's garrison.” “而贯穿此区的三十二条山脉中,北方二十条,也归于我们秦天王一脉,李天王一脉于此的驻军需要退走。” In the hall, having slightly is together incisive, the domineering female voice resounds. 大厅内,有着一道略显尖锐,强势的女子声音响起。 Bang! 砰! The teacup in Tantai Lan hand patted directly on the table, the teacup changed into the nihility instantaneously, even the tea has not divulged, but the table was actually perfect. 澹台岚手中的茶杯直接拍在了桌子上,茶杯瞬间化为虚无,连茶水都未曾泄露出来,不过桌子倒是完好无损。 Her vision coldly looks at that opens the mouth to speak the person, that is a middle-aged female who has the fiery red hair, his face is thin, lip thin like blade edge. 她目光冷冷的望着那开口说话的人,那是一名有着火红头发的中年女子,其面庞削瘦,嘴唇薄如刀锋。 Middle-aged female named Qin bent/tune, was palace lords of Divine Comedy palaces Heavenly King Qin's lineage six Daijinguu, the Single Crown King strength. 中年女子名为秦曲,乃是秦天王一脉六大神宫之一神曲宫的宫主,一冠王的实力。 How didn't you make Heavenly King Li's lineage invest your Heavenly King Qin's lineage simply?” What sits side Tantai Lan is dragon scale lineage lineage chief Li Qingying, usually temperament good she , the forehead including the ghost, wants to come is also provoked anger by this Qin bent/tune lion big opens the mouth at this time. “你怎么不干脆让李天王一脉投入你秦天王一脉得了?”坐在澹台岚身旁的是龙鳞脉脉首李青樱,素来脾气好的她,此时也眉宇含煞,想来同样是被这秦曲的狮子大张口所惹怒。 Azure cherry lineage chief spoke discreetly, these neutral zones are not Heavenly King Li's lineage all, how can jumble together?” Left side of Qin bent/tune, a black robe old man said that his voice was low and deep, the implication constriction, his eye pupil is pasting the thunder, an eye pupil is ascending the flame. “青樱脉首言重了,这些中立区域本就不是李天王一脉所有,怎能混为一谈?”那秦曲左侧,一名黑袍老者开口说道,他声音低沉,蕴含则压迫感,其一只眼瞳流转着雷霆,一只眼瞳升腾着火焰。 This is Qin Zhiming, the thunder fire god palace palace lord. 这是秦知命,雷火神宫宫主。 Your Heavenly King Qin's lineage, as always does not want the facial skin, in the past bullied the weak, initiation who the present as the calamity disaster, but can also such impudent and shameless begging benefit, really make me broaden the outlook.” Tantai Lan light opens the mouth. “你们秦天王一脉,还是一如既往的不要脸皮,当年以大欺小也就罢了,如今身为祸灾的引发者,还能这样厚颜无耻的讨要利益,真是让我大开眼界。”澹台岚淡淡的开口。 This spoken language aggressivity is too high, immediately caused that Qin bent/tune to look angrily at to come, to shout: Tantai Lan, forgave your life in the past, haven't you known in any case?” 这言语攻击性太高,顿时引得那秦曲怒视而来,喝道:“澹台岚,当年饶你一命,你还不知好歹?” Tantai Lan stared at Qin bent/tune, during the spoken languages has the light murderous intention to surge: Old woman, you should rejoice that I replaced the dragon tooth lineage lineage chief position, otherwise I will certainly make your Heavenly King Qin's lineage again few palace lord.” 澹台岚盯着秦曲,言语间有淡淡的杀机涌动:“老女人,你应该庆幸我接替了龙牙脉脉首的职位,不然我一定会让你们秦天王一脉再少一位宫主。” In the past when Heavenly King Qin's lineage chased down her and Li Taixuan, was Qin bent/tune Palace in this Divine Comedy palace Lord does not attend to making a move of status, compelling their severe wound to flee Heavenly Origin Divine Province. 当年秦天王一脉追杀她与李太玄时,就是这个神曲宫的秦曲宫主不顾身份的出手,逼得他们重伤逃离了天元神州 Therefore both sides have considerable deep grievances in inside. 所以双方是有着相当深的恩怨在里面的。 But this words are also not false, without dragon tooth lineage lineage chief this heavy status, Tantai Lan certainly after arranging Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, seeks an opportunity, cut to kill this Qin bent/tune in secret, with the enmity of report past years. 而她此话也是不假,如果没有龙牙脉脉首这重身份,澹台岚一定会在安排好李洛姜青娥后,寻个机会,将这秦曲暗中斩杀,以报当年之仇。 But murderous intention that the feeling Tantai Lan that not covers up, Qin bent/tune the complexion was also changes, the look deep place that could not bear appeared with dreading angrily, she cannot think in any event, in the past in her eyes common small Duke, again return, unexpectedly already achievement Great Unparalleled Duke. 而感受到澹台岚那不加掩饰的杀机,那秦曲脸色也是忍不住的一变,眼神深处浮现出恼怒与忌惮,她无论如何都想不到,当年在她眼中毫不起眼的小小封侯,再度归来时,竟然已经成就大无双侯 On having the strength, present Tantai Lan endures compared with the Double Crown King peak, but her many years of effort, actually from enters a crown boundary initially, arrives in a crown boundary peak. 论起战力,如今的澹台岚堪比双冠王巅峰,而她多年努力,却只是从初入一冠境,抵达一冠境巅峰。 Past events have passed, why Tantai does lineage chief raise again? In the past Qin Qugong lord keeps the hand, how otherwise can you keep the life in a King Realm powerhouse hand?” The sound resounds in the hall together, that was sits Heavenly King Qin's lineage first middle-aged man opens the mouth. “往事已逝,澹台脉首何必再提?当年秦曲宫主已经是留了手,否则你又怎能在一名王境强者手中留得性命?”一道声音在大厅中响起,那是坐在秦天王一脉这边首位的中年男子开口了。 The middle-aged man wears the dark gray long gown, the face is calm, this person now Heavenly King Qin's lineage new palm lineage/vein, heavy deep pool palace palace lord, Qin Zhongyuan. 中年男子身披灰黑长袍,面庞沉稳,此人正是如今秦天王一脉新一任掌脉者,重渊宫宫主,秦重渊。 Tantai Lan sneers, said: I am not magnanimous, your Heavenly King Qin's lineage prayed that I to Heavenly King Realm, otherwise initial grievances, I can criticize with you well.” 澹台岚冷笑一声,道:“我可没那么大度,你们秦天王一脉就祈祷我到不了天王境吧,否则当初的恩怨,我会与你们好好清算的。” She said a word to be direct and strong, was makes that Qin Zhongyuan eyes hide directly vibrated several, because of the threat of Tantai Lan, quite had the oppression strength. 她言语直接而强硬,直接是令得那秦重渊眼皮子都是抖动了几下,因为澹台岚的这份威胁,颇有压迫力。 If others wanted promote to enter Heavenly King Realm, possibly Qin Zhongyuan they will treat as the joke, but Tantai Lan was really is a little possible, after all she now is Great Unparalleled Duke. 其他人如果说要晋入天王境,可能秦重渊他们会当作笑话,可澹台岚却是真有一点可能,毕竟她如今已是大无双侯 Qin Zhongyuan counted breaths silent, said slowly: Past grievances, which is right and which is wrong does not have the significance, that grievances is Qin Lian causes with your couples, but now... Qin Lian had been killed by your son Li Luo.” 秦重渊沉默数息,缓缓道:“当年的恩怨,孰是孰非已经没有意义,那场恩怨秦莲与你们夫妻所引起,而如今...秦莲已经被你儿子李洛所杀。” Moreover, before her daughter.” “而且,就在她的女儿面前。” The Tantai Lan look moves, vision cannot help but looked to hall one, in this hall, only had their these two big Heavenly King lineage top high levels to be qualified, but now there, but also is sitting well a girl. 澹台岚眼神动了动,目光不由自主的看向了大厅一处,这大厅内,唯有他们这两大天王脉的顶尖高层有资格进入,可现在那里,还端坐着一名女孩。 Girl static sitting well , the light blue cloud muslin long skirt, is outlining the slender exquisite curve, has pure water resonance's power in its women's clothing surface circulation, is sparkling lake, appears one point of special flavor. 女孩静静的端坐,浅蓝色的云纱长裙,勾勒着修长玲珑的曲线,有纯净的水相之力在其衣裙表面流转,波光粼粼,更是显出一分特殊韵味。 The skirt suspends such as the lotus leaf -like shop powder, the mild-mannered black hair falls like a waterfall, during flowing, resembles racing wells up the water tide slowly. 裙摆如莲叶般的铺散,柔顺的青丝如瀑布般倾洒,缓缓流动间,似奔涌的水潮。 The lake surface under her double pupil as if moonlight, is pasting the wave light, making one be crazy. 她的双眸仿佛月光下的湖面,流转着波光,引人着迷。 Is that girl named Qin Yi, is the Qin Lian daughter. 是那个叫做秦漪的女孩,也是秦莲的女儿。 She is only static sitting there , has not participated in people's on the scene discussion, only has , when Qin Zhongyuan mentioned Qin Lian and Li Luo name, her look just now exuded the slight fluctuation. 她只是静静的坐在那里,也并没有参与在场众人的谈论,唯有在秦重渊说起秦莲李洛的名字时,她的眼神方才泛起了细微的波动。 Tantai Lan has not said anything finally again, what kind of dislike no matter she to Heavenly King Qin's lineage is, but does not want , in front of a child who lost mother, discusses his mother past mistake. 澹台岚最终没有再说什么,不管她对秦天王一脉是如何的厌恶,但也不想在一个失去了母亲的孩子面前,去讨论其母亲以往的过错。 This old fox...” “这老狐狸...” Li Tianji that had not spoken sees this, in the heart whispers secretly, this Qin Zhongyuan method and ability, were actually not weaker than Qin Jiujie, this nonchalant a few words, made Tantai Lan that even he had no alternative every so often restrain some imposing manners. 一直未曾说话的李天玑见到这一幕,心中暗自嘀咕一声,这秦重渊的手段与能力,其实并不比秦九劫弱,这不经意间的一句话,就让得连他很多时候都无可奈何的澹台岚收敛了一些气势。 Moreover in wielding Heavenly King Qin's lineage in the two years, Qin Zhongyuan has rebelled and fled the brought negative impact Qin Jiujie, suppressed all. 而且在执掌秦天王一脉这两年间,秦重渊已经将秦九劫叛逃所带来的负面影响,都尽数的压制了下去。 Even now, but also seizes the opportunity, wants to snatch the food from their Heavenly King Li's lineage mouth. 甚至如今,还抓住机会,想从他们李天王一脉嘴中抢食。 Heavenly King Qin's lineage, has the background after all. 秦天王一脉,终归还是有底蕴的。 Phecda lineage chief, this did not negotiate the atmosphere of treaty of alliance, now the Heavenly King Li's lineage different tide has not subsided, many Heavenly King Li's lineage armies with the Other fierce battle, this every are towing on the 1st, your casualties were more a point.” Saw that Tantai Lan makes restraining slightly, Qin Zhongyuan was to Li Tianji tone heavy saying. “天玑脉首,这样可不是谈判盟约的气氛啊,如今李天王一脉这边的异潮还未曾平息,许多李天王一脉的部队在与异类激烈交战,这每拖一日,你们的伤亡就更多一分。”见到澹台岚稍作收敛,秦重渊则是对着李天玑语气沉重的说道。 Li Tianji brow slightly wrinkle, indifferently said: You want were too more.” 李天玑眉头微皱,淡淡的道:“你们要的太多了一些。” This Other disaster to us, is the enormous burden, I think that Heavenly King Li's lineage should also put in the huge manpower and resources here in the two years, especially these ninth grade go against the marquis, gathering the consumption is extremely heavy, but they are in this Other disaster indispensable important existence, after all the strength of our these King Realm, are unable to search into the black rain range, the black rain Capital view needs them to eradicate.” “这场异灾对于我们双方而言,皆是极大的负担,我想李天王一脉这两年应该也在此处投入了巨大的人力物力,特别是那些九品顶侯,招揽起来耗费极重,可偏偏他们又是这场异灾中不可或缺的重要存在,毕竟我们这些王境之力,根本无法探入黑雨范围,黑雨京观需要他们去破除。” But this Other disaster bad risk extremely, your within the clan withstood/top the marquis some time past, nearly do the heavy losses perish? This matter spreads, but wanted the top marquis who some turns to come, frightened transferred our Heavenly King Qin's lineage.” “但这场异灾凶险万分,前些时候你们族内的一位顶侯,险些重创殒命吧?此事传出,可是将一些原本想要投靠而来的顶侯,吓得转来了我们秦天王一脉这边。” After all in these two years, our Heavenly King Qin's lineage is dealing with this different tide to erupt, appears accomplishes a task with ease actually, the casualties are far inferior that side you.” “毕竟在这两年间,我们秦天王一脉在应对这异潮爆发,倒是显得游刃有余,伤亡远不及你们那边。” If Heavenly King Li's lineage is willing to accept this condition, facilitates the treaty of alliance, after my Heavenly King Qin's lineage assists you to reduce and solve all different tides erupts settledly full power, when so long as at the appointed time the respective within the clan Heavenly King old ancestor returns, this crisis also on solution.” “如果李天王一脉愿意答应这个条件,促成盟约,我秦天王一脉定当全力协助你们化解之后的所有异潮爆发,到时只要等到各自族内天王老祖归来,这场危机也就解了。” Phecda lineage chief, by some are not the Heavenly King Li's lineage original area, receiving in exchange lowers the loss, this is not a losing money business, after all these regions corrode after the different tide, even after acquisition, still needs to comb the land features, restores the vitality, this is also the enormous investment.” “天玑脉首,以一些并非是李天王一脉原本的疆域,换取减轻损失,这并不是一笔亏本的买卖,毕竟那些地域经过异潮侵蚀,即便获得后,也还需要梳理地脉,恢复生机,这也是极大的投入。” Qin Zhongyuan calm, each few words are full of the persuasive power, letting the person is unable to dispute. 秦重渊从容而言,每一句话都充满着说服力,让人无法辩驳。 Li Tianji is slightly silent, said: It seems like this time we are unable to reach the agreement.” 李天玑微微沉默,道:“看来此次我们还是无法达成共识。” Qin Zhongyuan smiled one pale, did not worry, carried the teacup to sip one leisurely and carefree, said: Might as well, we have the time.” 秦重渊淡笑一声,也不着急,端起茶杯悠闲的抿了一口,道:“无妨,我们还有时间。” The negotiations are this, the bottom line of little wearing down opposite party, the opposite party will admit defeat finally sooner or later. 谈判就是这样,一点点的消磨对方的底线,最终对方迟早会服软。 After all always drags for day, Heavenly King Li's lineage to be towed ruthlessly by the different tide, as for letting them makes concessions, that is also the unlikely matter, without the means that Heavenly King Qin's lineage this loss was too big, must draw support from the resources in these huge regions, a minerals back and forth blood. 毕竟每多拖一天,李天王一脉这边就被异潮拖得越狠,至于让他们退让,那也是不太可能的事情,没办法,秦天王一脉此次损失太大了,必须借助这些庞大地域中的资源,矿产来回一口血。 But when negotiations of both sides reach the impass again, suddenly, has together the young laughter, transmits from that hall. 而就当双方的谈判再次陷入僵局的时候,突然间,有一道年轻的笑声,从那大厅外传来。 Did not discuss well, that do not discuss that went various home respectively.” “谈不好,那就别谈了,各回各家吧。” The sudden sound, making King Realm powerhouses of both sides all stare, then the vision lifted, looks to out of the door, saw only two young figure to tread the light to enter. 突如其来的声音,令得双方的王境强者皆是一愣,然后目光抬起,看向门外,只见得两道年轻身影踏光而进。 Li Luo? Qing'e? You came back finally!” 李洛青娥?你们终于回来了!” When previously that sound resounded, Tantai Lan has known came the person, now sees again that two made her long-awaited young face, immediately in the eye had the color of pleasant surprise to emerge, been able to bear standing up, arrived at the body of young men and women before quickly, put out a hand to embrace two people. 在先前那声音响起时,澹台岚就已经知晓了来人,如今再见到那两道令得她朝思暮想的年轻脸庞,顿时眼中有惊喜之色涌现而出,忍不住的站起身来,快步来到年轻男女的身前,伸手揽住了两人。 Mother!” “娘!” Is looking at the Tantai Lan joyful cheeks, Li Luo and on the Jiang Qing'e face appears the strong smile, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform called out. 望着澹台岚欣喜的脸颊,李洛姜青娥的脸庞上浮现出浓烈的笑容,齐齐叫道。 At this time, that calmly sits well the hall corner Qin Yi, lifts the elegant face in this time, the beautiful eye goes to that two figure. 此时,那静静端坐大厅一角的秦漪,也在此时抬起俏脸,美目投向那两道身影 Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e?” 李洛,姜青娥?” Li Tianji, Li Qingying two lineage chief somewhat are also astonished, wants to come not to think that this to leaving Heavenly King Li's lineage more than two years of young people, will return in this time unexpectedly. 李天玑,李青樱两位脉首也是有些讶异,想来没想到这对离开李天王一脉两年多的年轻人,竟会在此时归来。 Qin bent/tune was the eyelid lifts, the light sound spread, grating resounding in this hall. 那秦曲则是眼皮一抬,淡淡的声音传出,在这大厅内刺耳的响起。 „The word of young child, ill-mannered, your Heavenly King Li's lineage taught the junior? Is here the place that he can interpose?” “小儿之言,没规没矩,你们李天王一脉就是这么教导小辈的吗?这里是他能够插话的地方吗?”
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