KOMI :: Volume #16

#1574: Vibration of Heavenly Origin Divine Province

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When Heavenly King Li's lineage after reducing and solving god Jiangcheng this occupies more than two years of different tide, the army after the 1st recuperation, then began this great counter offensive thoroughly. 李天王一脉在化解掉神江城外这盘踞两年多的异潮后,大军经过一日的休整,便是彻底拉开了此次大反攻的序幕。 After the god Jiangcheng front, but also has a more vast region to be corroded by the different tide, occupies. 在神江城战线之后,还有着更为辽阔的地域被异潮所侵蚀,占据。 But Heavenly King Li's lineage this time goal, then these huge regions and resources that contains, integrate own area. 李天王一脉此次的目标,便是将这些庞大的地域以及其中所蕴含的资源,纳入自家的疆域。 Had light god crystal that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e two people constructed jointly to swing demon this to kill greatly, following great counter offensive, just like also everyone anticipated such, it may be said that was with irresistible force. 有了李洛姜青娥两人联手构建的“光明神晶荡魔阵”这个大杀器,接下来的大反攻,也正如所有人期待那样,可谓是势如破竹。 The short several days time, is corroded the region that occupies to be broken through by the different tide, the black rain Capital view was destroyed one after another, Heavenly King Li's lineage tenticles, started once in the neutral region to expand in this piece at an exceptional pace. 短短数日时间,一片又一片由异潮所侵蚀占据的地域被攻破,一座又一座黑雨京观被破坏,李天王一脉触角,开始以惊人的速度于这片曾经中立的地域上扩张。 The entire Heavenly King Li's lineage morale rises suddenly from this. 整个李天王一脉的士气由此而暴涨。 In destroying that black rain Capital views as well as extinguishes kills the ninth grade real demon under the score, prestige of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e in Heavenly King Li's lineage, it may be said that increase day by day, if will have from the beginning depends the rank the high level also to have a veiled criticism to so young lineage chief, as then Heavenly King Li's lineage this great counter offensive even more smooth, all veiled criticism are dissipations quietly. 而在破坏那一座座黑雨京观以及灭杀九品真魔的战绩下,李洛姜青娥李天王一脉内的威望,可谓是与日俱增,如果说一开始还会有一些仗着辈分的高层对如此年轻的脉首还有着一点微词的话,那么随着李天王一脉这场大反攻愈发的顺利,一切的微词都是悄然的消散。 The strength that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e show, making the powerhouse under any King Realm have the meaning of awe, even if these invited ninth grade withstood/top marquis consecrate, was these days restrained once the unruly attitude. 李洛姜青娥所展现出来的实力,让得任何王境之下的强者都生出了敬畏之意,就算是那些被请来的九品顶侯供奉,都是在这段时间收敛了曾经桀骜的态度。 Everyone understands that unparalleled sixth grade real importance, simultaneously two people so young, the potential, will have big possible achievement Unparalleled Duke in the future. 所有人都明白无双六品含金量,同时两人如此的年轻,如此潜力,未来有很大的可能成就无双侯 Such powerhouse, their these powder cultivates to withstand/top the marquis, where dares to profane? 这样的强者,他们这些散修顶侯,哪敢轻慢? When Heavenly King Li's lineage constantly advances, related here all information, was such as the wind spread over Heavenly Origin Divine Province generally, therefore attracted all parties to vibrate. 而在李天王一脉不断推进的时候,有关这边的一切情报,也是如风一般的传遍了天元神州,于是引来各方震动。 Especially the birth of Li Luo this sixth lineage chief, caused big mighty waves in Heavenly Origin Divine Province all parties top influence. 特别是李洛这位第六脉首的诞生,更是在天元神州各方顶尖势力中引起了不小的波澜。 Related Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e detailed information, was known by all top influence. 紧接着,有关李洛,姜青娥的详细情报,也是被各方顶尖势力所知晓。 Two unparalleled sixth grade, has rare eight, has three ninth grade light resonance, two middle ninth grade, higher ninth grade, they in the resistance of different tide, displayed Unparalleled Technique together simultaneously. 两个无双六品,一个身怀举世罕见的八相,一个身怀三道九品光明相,其中两道中九品,一道上九品,同时他们在与异潮的对抗中,施展出了无双术 During this period, information in many Heavenly Mirror Tower start to spread, the most important information, is Jiang Qing'e has Myriad Resonances Seed that primordial seed and Li Luo have. 在此期间,还有诸多天镜塔内的情报开始流传而出,其中最重要的信息,便是姜青娥身怀原始种李洛身怀的万相种 This heavyweight news, causes all top influence to shock. 这重量级的消息,引得各方顶尖势力为之震撼。 primordial seed is representing anything, everyone is very clear, that is the Heavenly King seed, so long as in other words the Jiang Qing'e not midway die young, its future might become the Heavenly King powerhouse very much, standing erect world. 原始种代表着什么,所有人都很清楚,那是天王种子,也就是说只要姜青娥不中途夭折,其未来很有可能成为天王强者,屹立世间。 But compares in well-known primordial seed, the sound that Li Luo Myriad Resonances Seed triggers wants to be smaller actually, because the primary cause vanishes with Sacred Void Resonance Sect in the years river, the common influence even is very difficult knows its has had the trace, only some Heavenly King rank influences, the side can leave behind some simple few words. 而相比于广为人知的原始种,李洛万相种所引发的动静倒是要小许多,主要原因还是因为随着无相圣宗消失于岁月长河中,一般的势力甚至都很难知晓其存在过的痕迹,唯有一些天王级势力,方能够留下一些简单的只言片语。 However Heavenly Origin Divine Province above top influence does not dare to have the contempt, because any and in Sacred Void Resonance Sect contamination thing of relations, not simple. 不过天元神州上面的顶尖势力也不敢对此心怀轻视,因为任何与无相圣宗沾染上关系的东西,就没有简单的。 This is in all Heavenly King rank influences, these Heavenly King existed said personally. 这是所有天王级势力中,那些天王存在亲口所说。 But even the Heavenly King powerhouses once dominated a Sacred Void Resonance Sect such esteem of time to that others, how dare also to despise this Myriad Resonances Seed that spreads from Sacred Void Resonance Sect? 而连天王强者都对那曾经称霸一个时代的无相圣宗如此的推崇,其他人,又怎敢轻视这从无相圣宗传出的万相种 This Heavenly King Li's lineage great counter offensive can so smooth, the most important reason is the return of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, simultaneously these two also constructed light god crystal to swing demon, but such as Heavenly King Qin's lineage spring rain evil common, reduced and solved the corrosion of black rain. 此次李天王一脉的大反攻能够如此的顺利,最重要的原因便是李洛姜青娥的归来,同时这两人还构建出了“光明神晶荡魔阵”,可如秦天王一脉的“春雨化邪阵”一般,化解黑雨的侵蚀。 These, an information of each article, making Heavenly Origin Divine Province all parties top influence absent-minded, in the past they had heard in the Heavenly King Li's lineage young generation presented a named Li Luo outstanding junior, but no one has thought that the junior who also a short more than two years of time, this also needs some precipitations in their eyes, actually rose suddenly suddenly unparalleled sixth grade. 这一桩桩,一件件的情报,让得天元神州各方顶尖势力都为之失神,以往他们就听说过李天王一脉的年轻一辈中出现了一个名为李洛的优秀小辈,可谁都没想到,也就短短两年多的时间,这个在他们眼中还需要一些沉淀的小辈,却突然暴涨到了无双六品 This boundary, enough has caused all parties to attach great importance, because in the future Li Luo, once breaks through again, real achievement Unparalleled Duke, then he was really steps into this world the top level. 这个境界,已经足够引得各方重视,因为未来李洛一旦再次突破,真的成就了无双侯,那么他就真的算是踏入这世间的顶尖层次了。 Moreover what is most essential, Li Luo also similarly unparalleled sixth grade, have the primordial seed wife. 而且最关键的是,李洛还有一个同样无双六品,身怀原始种的妻子。 This two people will both break through in the future, this dragon tooth lineage three unparalleled? This is Heavenly Origin Divine Province any Heavenly King lineage has not presented the grand occasion. 这未来两人双双突破,这龙牙脉岂不是一门三无双?这是天元神州任何天王脉都未曾出现过的盛况。 But to that time, Heavenly King Li's lineage will therefore also become lineage that Heavenly Origin Divine Province is worthy of the reputation. 而到了那时候,李天王一脉也将会因此成为天元神州名副其实的第一脉 As for Jiang Qing'e this primordial seed whether in the future will become Heavenly King, because this instead is too far, causing many people disinclined to think deeply, if Jiang Qing'e really can arrive in that boundary, that was the matter that all Heavenly King should consider. 至于姜青娥这个原始种未来是否会成为天王,这反而因为太远,导致很多人懒得过于深思,因为如果姜青娥真能抵达那个境界,那就是各方天王应该去考虑的事情了。 Such news, making Heavenly King Li's lineage rise sharply in the Heavenly Origin Divine Province prestige, suddenly was causes many powder to cultivate/repair the powerhouse to throw unexpectedly, even many ninth grade withstood/top the marquis, they want to take advantage of present Heavenly King Li's lineage among the great counter offensive, but urgently needed manpower, in advance climbed up this steamship. 这样的消息,令得李天王一脉天元神州的声望大涨,一时间竟是引得不少散修强者来投,其中甚至不乏九品顶侯,他们想要趁如今的李天王一脉正因为大反攻而急需人手间,先行攀上这艘大船。 But also because of these foreign aid unceasing joining, Heavenly King Li's lineage offensive even more swift and violent, speed of that advancement, even has started to exceed collaboration of Heavenly King Qin's lineage and Heavenly King Zhao's lineage. 而也正因为这些外援不断的加入,李天王一脉的攻势愈发的迅猛,那推进的速度,甚至已经开始超越了秦天王一脉赵天王一脉的联手。 Heavenly King Li's lineage with irresistible force, to Heavenly King Qin, the Heavenly King Zhao two lineage/vein created the enormous stimulation, two Heavenly King lineage struggle one Heavenly King Li's lineage jointly, if this passes on, entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province can laugh at them? 李天王一脉这边的势如破竹,也对秦天王,赵天王两脉造成了极大的刺激,两座天王脉联手都争不过一个李天王一脉,这若是传出去,岂不是整个天元神州都会笑话他们? Therefore two lineage/vein clench teeth, not only starts to increase gathers the powerful foreign aid the reward, but also transmitted orders within the clan closing up some ninth grade to withstand/top the marquis, hopes that they can in this critical time, cultivation to put down temporarily, all consider for the general situation. 于是两脉一咬牙,不仅开始加大招揽强大外援的报酬,而且也传令族内一些闭关的九品顶侯,希望他们能够在这紧要时刻,暂时将修炼放下,一切都为了大局着想。 In so increases under the chip, Qin, Zhao two big Heavenly King lineage offensive also even more fierce, is competing with Heavenly King Li's lineage the speed of occupying the region, expansion area. 在这般加大筹码下,秦,赵两大天王脉的攻势也是愈发的凶猛,与李天王一脉比拼着占据地域的速度,扩张疆域。 In light god crystal swings demon and spring rain evil under assistance, the two sides advancements are quite smooth, in the two years the different tide by the neutral region that corrodes, by both sides unceasing nibbling. 在“光明神晶荡魔阵”与“春雨化邪阵”的协助下,两边的推进都极为顺利,这两年间被异潮所侵蚀的中立地域,被双方不断的蚕食。 But different tide, is step by step was driven back, starts to draw back to the source region that Other disaster arrives. 而异潮,则是一步步的被逼退,开始退向异灾降临的源头区域。 This puzzled Li, Qin two big Heavenly King lineage about three years of Other disaster, will as if soon welcome finished. 这场困扰了李,秦两大天王脉将近三年之久的异灾,似乎即将迎来结束。 ... ... Other disaster source area. 异灾源区。 Here presents the trace of breakage void, the space fissure deep place is connecting Boundary River Territory, once Boundary River Territory, in these three years, has just become the Other world. 这里的虚空呈现破裂的痕迹,空间裂痕深处连通着界河域,只不过曾经的界河域,在这三年内,早已成为了异类的世界。 Line of sight by space fissure, but also visibles faintly on the horizon of Boundary River Territory deep place, there is a ancient blood bridge to stand erect, on the blood bridge, there is a grey motley stele. 视线透过空间裂痕,还隐约可见界河域深处的天际上,有古老的血桥矗立,血桥上,有一座灰色斑驳的石碑。 Above the stele, inscribes bloody king cannot enter four characters. 石碑之上,铭刻着血淋淋的“王不可入”四字。 Has the black river water continuous falls in torrents from that space crack, if carefully looks, then can discover, in that black rivers, as if ups and downs the innumerable distortions, painful Other. 有着黑色的河水源源不断的自那空间裂缝中倾泻而出,而若是仔细看去,则是能发现,在那黑色河流内,似乎沉浮着无数扭曲,痛苦的异类 They unceasing mutual swallowing in black rivers, fusion, subsequently formed more powerful Other. 它们在黑色河流中不断的互相吞食,融合,继而形成了更为强大的异类 The black rivers drop from the clouds, fall into the land, but below land, then presents the collapse bottomless black pit, black pit like the scar of land, shocking. 黑色河流从天而降,落入大地,而下方的大地,则是呈现塌陷的无底黑坑,黑坑如同大地的伤痕,触目惊心。 But at this time, on the mountain top of this region, the space is fluctuating slightly, two person's shadows reveal suddenly. 而此时,在这片区域的一座山头上,空间微微波动着,有两道人影突然显露而出。 They all are lower the head to look at that to send out the bottomless black pit that terrifying evil thoughts is fluctuating. 他们皆是低头望着那散发着恐怖恶念波动的无底黑坑。 Short less than three years, here bred so thick evil thoughts aura, in Other disaster that Inner Divine Province raises, is really far from Outer Divine Province may compare, nurtured by such environment, the fruit that wants to harvest will also be maturer.” Has the old hoarse sound, from person's shadow mouths of some figure rickets spreads. “短短不到三年时间,这里就孕育了如此浓厚的恶念之气,在内神州掀起的异灾,果然远非外神州可比,在这样的环境培育下,想来收获的果实也会更成熟一些。”有苍老嘶哑的声音,从其中一名有些身影佝偻的人影嘴中传出。 His face lifted, revealed an old and gloomy face, impressively was Origin Reversion Institute Spirit Eyes Underworld King. 他脸庞微抬,露出了一张苍老而阴森的面庞,赫然是归一会灵眼冥王 Meanwhile, this Spirit Eyes Underworld King looked to side that build majestic figure, the smile said: What's wrong? At present this region, once was also the Heavenly King Qin's lineage prosperous place, your feeling how?” 与此同时,这灵眼冥王又看向了身旁那名体形雄壮的身影,微笑道:“怎样?眼前这片地域,曾经也算是秦天王一脉的繁盛之处,你的感受如何?” Nine tribulation Underworld King...” “九劫冥王...” Or do you like Qin Jiujie this name?” “或者说,你还是更喜欢秦九劫这个名字?” This majestic man, was that once wielded the Heavenly King Qin's lineage being in power palace lord unexpectedly, Qin Jiujie! 这雄壮男子,竟是那位曾经执掌秦天王一脉的掌权宫主,秦九劫 But is facing the Spirit Eyes Underworld King joke, Qin Jiujie is unemotional, he is looking at the jet black endocrater in that land, low and deep opens the mouth. 而面对着灵眼冥王的笑语,秦九劫则是面无表情,他望着那大地上的漆黑巨坑,低沉开口。 Fruit? What is that? Is this our Origin Reversion Institute raises the Other disaster goal to be at everywhere?” “果实?那是什么?这就是我们归一会四处掀起异灾的目的所在吗?”
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