KOMI :: Volume #14

#1315: Division

The powerful evil thoughts fluctuation of boundary river treasure territory deep place eruption, broke suddenly preliminary plan that all influence that enters the valuable territory, all top powerhouses the vision of hope go to the remote dark deep place the dignity. 界河宝域深处突然间爆发的强大恶念波动,打断了进入宝域的各方势力的初步计划,各方顶尖强者都是将凝重而渴望的目光投向遥远黑暗的深处。 Some top powder cultivate/repair the powerhouse to be ready to make trouble. 一些顶尖的散修强者更是蠢蠢欲动。 Because everyone understands in large-scale ghost legendary creature that this variation, the big probability has best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, even, top best quality goods! 因为所有人都明白这种变异的大型鬼魊内,大概率会存在着极品筑基灵宝,甚至,顶级极品! That most makes treasure that many high grade Duke expert drool. 那是最令得诸多上品封侯强者垂涎的宝贝 Therefore, when they in detecting the accident of valuable territory deep place, nearly must unable to repress the greedy heart, leaves to take the lead to go directly. 所以,当他们在察觉到宝域深处的变故时,险些就要按捺不住贪婪之心,直接动身率先前往。 But major Heavenly King lineage influences including Heavenly King Li's lineage, in this time rapid completes the internal mission assignment, is almost without any exception, divides into two team. 而包括李天王一脉在内的各大天王脉势力,也是在此时迅速的做好内部任务分配,几乎无一例外的,都是将队伍一分为二。 The top powerhouses in team lead the team to pass through that matter level ghost legendary creature blockade directly, but the other teams, then adopt gradually the way of advancement, finally in Baoyu the deep place meets. 队伍中的顶尖强者率队直接穿越那层层鬼魊封锁,而余下的队伍,便是采取逐步推进的方式,最终于宝域深处会合。 Therefore quick, one after another sends out figure that extremely powerful resonance power is fluctuating to shoot up to the sky, palatial boundless duke platform stand erect void, billowing divine mist flows, protects their figure, changes into the flowing light, penetrates that dark void, is plundering directly air-splitting to the boundary river treasure territory deep place. 于是很快的,一道道散发着极其强大相力波动的身影冲天而起,一座座巍峨磅礴的封侯台屹立虚空,滚滚神烟流淌而下,护住他们的身影,化为流光,穿透那黑暗的虚空,直接对着界河宝域深处破空掠去。 That scene, it may be said that is magnificent. 那场面,可谓是壮观至极。 But Heavenly King Li's lineage, by Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo is the top team of head, is the rapid conformity. 李天王一脉这边,以李青鹏,李极罗为首的顶尖队伍,也是迅速的整合。 " Or I remain, with Li Luo, Qing'e. " However at this time Niu Biaobiao makes noise suddenly, said. 「要不我就留下来,跟着李洛,青娥吧。」不过此时牛彪彪突然出声,说道。 Now in this boundary river treasure territory the mixing of good and bad people, does not know that mixed many Duke expert, under this aspect, although Jiang Qing'e cast ten pillars golden platform, but also not necessarily could be the security. 如今这界河宝域内龙蛇混杂,不知道混进来了多少封侯强者,在这种局面下,虽然姜青娥铸就了十柱金台,但也未必算得上是安全。 In addition Li Luo was previously attacked, his some did not feel relieved. 再加上此前李洛受袭,他也有些不放心。 Li Luo hears word, actually shakes the head with a smile, said: " Uncle Biao, relax, so many Guardian Honorable, moreover your high grade marquises ran to go to the deep place, this surrounding was instead safer. " 李洛闻言,却是笑着摇摇头,道:「彪叔,放心吧,还有这么多卫尊在呢,而且你们这些上品侯都跑去深处了,这外围反而更安全一些。」 " Uncle Biao, don't worry, has me, will not make Li Luo have an accident. " 彪叔,不用担心,有我在,不会让李洛出事的。」 Nearby Jiang Qing'e also nodded the head slightly, speaks to urge two, because went to these large-scale ghost legendary creatures to compete, regarding Niu Biaobiao was also a chance, after all he also needs to obtain these high grade is as for best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure. 一旁的姜青娥也是微微颔首,出言劝了两句,因为去那些大型鬼魊争夺,对于牛彪彪也是一场机缘,毕竟他也需要获得那些上品乃至于极品的筑基灵宝 In the past in Great Xia, Niu Biaobiao defended in the Luolan Mansion headquarters silently, escorted for their two people, if were not his doubtful Duke expert hidden character shocks in secret, perhaps Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo were not necessarily able to support to mansion festival arrive. 当年在大夏,牛彪彪默默守在洛岚府总部,为他们两人保驾护航,如果不是他这个疑似封侯强者的隐藏人物暗中震慑,姜青娥李洛恐怕未必能够支撑到府祭到来。 In recent years, Niu Biaobiao has done for them were many, now should also consider for own practicing. 这些年来,牛彪彪为他们已经做了很多了,如今也应该为自己的修行多考虑一下了。 Niu Biaobiao is looking at two people face, slightly is a little actually absent-minded, unknowingly, appeared somewhat shy youngster young girl initially, actually has also started to have some abilities of assuming sole responsibility for an important task. 牛彪彪望着两人的脸庞,倒是微微有点恍惚,不知不觉,当初还显得有些青涩的少年少女,其实也已经开始有了一些独当一面的能力。 Poured does not use again such as initially such, time protection. His that appears on the somewhat ominous horizontal face, appears to wipe the gratified happy expression, then frank say/way: " Ok, you have this energy that nature to be good, I in valuable territory deep place you. " 倒也不用再如当初那样,时刻守护。他那显得有些凶横的脸庞上,浮现出一抹欣慰的笑意,然后爽朗的道:「行,你们有这个底气那自然好,那我就在宝域深处等你们。」 Li Luo nods, says with a smile: " Uncle Biao, you are also careful. " 李洛点点头,笑道:「彪叔,你们也小心点。」 Then one line of top Duke expert, all by Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo are the heads, instantly leaves, palatial duke platform concentrate presently, protects the body, caught up air-splitting to the boundary river treasure territory deep place. 而后一行顶尖封侯强者,皆是以李青鹏,李极罗为首,立即动身,一座座巍峨封侯台凝现而出,护住身躯,破空赶向了界河宝域深处。 With all top Duke expert urgent hurrying to boundary river treasure territory deep place, this peripheral region turned world's energy that welled up actually becomes gentle, but looked sketchily, population actually not few, after all top Duke expert after all was only few. 随着各方顶尖封侯强者火急火燎的赶去界河宝域深处,这片外围区域翻涌的天地能量倒是变得平缓了许多,不过粗略看去,人数倒是没怎么少,毕竟顶尖封侯强者终归只是极少数。 When Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo, after Li Jinpan these top Duke expert depart, Li Luo their here teams, turned without doubt were headed by five Guardian Honorable. 李青鹏,李极罗,李金磐这些顶尖封侯强者离去后,李洛他们这里的队伍,无疑又是变成了以五位卫尊为首。 " According to the past custom, respective division's action. " Li Zhihuo takes the lead to say. 「按照以往的规矩,各自分队行动吧。」李知火率先说道。 The ghost legendary creature quantity in this boundary river treasure territory are too many, the especially small-scale ghost legendary creature, is almost dense and numerous, to gain the foundation building Spirit Treasure efficiency, to here basically is the division conduct . Moreover the population are too much , is not good to assign the spoils of war. 这界河宝域内的鬼魊数量太多,特别是小型鬼魊,几乎是密密麻麻,所以为了获取筑基灵宝的效率,到了这里基本都是分队行事,而且人数过多,也不好分配战利品。 People hears word, all expresses the support. 众人闻言,也皆是表示赞同。 Li Foluo looks directly 李佛罗这边直接看 To Li Hongyou, usually the quite serious face appeared to wipe the temperate smile in this time, said: " The Hongyou thousand health/guard, can you act along with me together? With me together, obtains high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure at the appointed time, is first selected by you. " 李红柚,素来都比较严肃的脸庞在此时浮现出一抹温和的笑容,道:「红柚千卫,你要随我一起行动么?与我一起,到时获得上品筑基灵宝,由你先挑。」 Li Foluo such Guardian Honorable, is actually this time fragrant steamed bun, after all his strength, the competition is also naturally stronger, but he actually initiative first looked for Li Hongyou, even the foundation building Spirit Treasure priority let, obviously was wants to form a team with Li Hongyou. 李佛罗这样的卫尊,其实是此时的香馍馍,毕竟他实力强,竞争自然也就更强,但他却主动的先找上了李红柚,甚至连筑基灵宝的优先权都是让了出来,可见是多想与李红柚组队。 Does not have the means that Li Hongyou after breaking through to Duke Realm, was born false ninth grade pharmacist jade dragon resonance, has such auxiliary teammate, Li Foluo even dares to shake with the Li Zhihuo upfront hardly. 没办法,李红柚在突破到封侯境后,又诞生了虚九品的药师玉龙相,有这样的辅助队友,李佛罗甚至敢和李知火正面硬撼。 But faced the initiative invitation of Li Foluo, the Li Hongyou slender eyelash was winking gently winking, then turned down saying: " Many thanks Guardian Honorable good intention, but I travel together with Li Luo. " 而面对着李佛罗的主动邀请,李红柚修长的睫毛轻轻眨了眨,然后婉拒道:「多谢卫尊好意了,不过我还是与李洛同行吧。」 Then she arrived at side Li Luo directly. 然后她径直走到了李洛身旁。 Li Foluo look complex looks left is standing Jiang Qing'e, the right is standing Li Hongyou Li Luo, this boy, trivial great heavenly resonance realm, actually gave to divide the best teammates. 李佛罗眼神复杂的望着左边站着姜青娥,右边站着李红柚李洛,这小子,一个区区大天相境,却是把最好的队友都给分走了。 You are too much! 你有点过分啊! But faces the Li Foluo vision, Li Luo can also only helpless shrugging. 而面对着李佛罗的目光,李洛也只能无奈的耸耸肩。 Without the means that this damn charm. 没办法,这该死的魅力。 Li Foluo thinks, finally sighs, was saying to Li Luo: " I also with your one team. " 李佛罗想了想,最终叹了一口气,对着李洛道:「我也跟你一队吧。」 Li Luo is a little surprised, at once a little worries, their words saying fortunately when the time comes resulted in foundation building Spirit Treasure is quite good to assign, but a Li Foluo such big brother also joined, when the time comes can eat the big end? After all before he heard, generally this forming a team, a Guardian Honorable person must monopolize in the team the larger part income. 李洛有点吃惊,旋即又有点犯难,他们三人的话还好说,到时候得了筑基灵宝比较好分配,而李佛罗这么一尊大哥也加入进来,到时候岂不是要吃大头?毕竟之前他听说,一般这种组队,卫尊一人就要独占队伍里面一大半的收益。 Sees Li Luo that scruple appearance, Li Foluo ill-humoredly said: " When the time comes equal distributions on line. " 见到李洛那迟疑的模样,李佛罗没好气的道:「到时候平均分配就行了。」 " Guardian Honorable upholds justice! " 卫尊仗义!」 Li Luo then shows the bright smile, the equal distributions are naturally best, as the matter stands, at the minimum price, trades in one fourth grade Duke goon. 李洛这才露出灿烂的笑容,平均分配自然最好,这样一来,以最低的代价,换得一个上四品封侯的打手。 Then, has Li Foluo and Jiang Qing'e two people, the overall strength of their team, will decide however not weakly in any other teams. 如此一来,有李佛罗姜青娥两人,他们队伍的整体实力,定然不会弱于其他任何队伍。 Looks at the Li Luo smile, Li Foluo is stuffy snort/hum one that cannot bear, this boy, resulted in cheaply also showed off cleverness, if not looking at Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou, I how possibly with your equal distribution spoils of war! Meanwhile, other health/guard also completed the assignment rapidly, teams are ready and waiting. 瞧得李洛的笑容,李佛罗便是忍不住的闷哼一声,这小子,得了便宜还卖乖,如果不是瞧着姜青娥,李红柚,我怎么可能跟你平均分配战利品!与此同时,其他各卫也是迅速的做好了分配,一支支队伍整装待发。 That side Li Zhihuo, followed Yuan Tianzhao, Li Hongque and the others, the team was obviously recruiting Dragon Blood Guard that side the most powerhouses of level, when he is seeing Li Foluo to join Li Luo, when Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou team, the brow cannot help but wrinkled. 李知火那边,跟随着袁天照,李红雀等人,队伍明显吸收了龙血卫那边各层次的最强者,不过当他在见到李佛罗加入到李洛,姜青娥,李红柚的队伍时,眉头不由得微皱了一下。 Opposite party disposition, the lineup is not true weakly, does not raise casts ten pillars golden platform Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou, although promote entered Duke Realm, but that special resonance's nature extreme trouble, had her assistance, the Li Foluo battle efficiency will rise suddenly a big truncation. 对方这个配置,阵容属实不弱,不提铸就十柱金台姜青娥,李红柚虽然才晋入封侯境,可那特殊的相性却极为的麻烦,有了她的辅助,李佛罗的战斗力将会暴涨一大截。 Li Luo, Duke, was unable to draw support from various health/guard but actually fortunately after all now here a knot strength, relied on its great heavenly resonance realm strength, even if more than 9900 zhang (3.33 m) day phase diagram, feared that can still contend with ordinary first grade Duke at most. 李洛倒还好一点,毕竟还未封侯,如今在这里不能借助各卫的结阵之力,凭其大天相境的实力,即便是九千九百多丈的天相图,怕也顶多只是能够抗衡普通的一品封侯而已。 But has Li Foluo, Jiang Qing'e, the Li Hongyou three people, has been enough to raise the overall strength of this team, this without doubt enormously enhancement their competitiveness. 但有李佛罗,姜青娥,李红柚三人,已经足以将这支队伍的整体实力拔高起来,这无疑会极大的增强他们的竞争力。 Could not say that this time, Li Foluo also really can break through many ghost legendary creatures, earns full. 说不得此次,李佛罗还真是能够攻破不少鬼魊,赚得盆满钵满。 However Li Zhihuo does not have the means that after all Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou is the Dragon Tooth Guard person, he is impossible to snatch, therefore under can only repress heart depressed Qi, sinking sound said: " Everyone, if prepared, was direct. " 不过李知火也对此没办法,毕竟姜青娥,李红柚都是龙牙卫的人,他也根本不可能抢得走,于是只能按捺下心头的郁气,沉声道:「各位,若是准备好了,就直接出发吧。」 Other teams should in abundance under. 其他队伍纷纷应下。 Li Luo raised the head, in other directions, all influence and powder cultivated/repaired has formed many teams, then with a full stance, is going to valuable territory distant place swiftly swept. 李洛抬头,在其他的方向,各方势力以及散修已经组成了诸多队伍,然后以一种铺天盖地的姿态,对着宝域远处疾掠而去。 Noise roaring wind, the echo is unceasing. 喧嚣的破风声,回响不断。 At this moment, this boundary river treasure territory, opened even truly. 此时此刻,这界河宝域,也就算是真正的开启了。 Some Li Luo anticipations rubbed the palm, the following goal, first collects ten high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, because of this number, just can exchange together best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure. 李洛有些期待的搓了搓手掌,接下来的目标,就先凑十道上品筑基灵宝吧,因为这个数目,刚好能够兑换一道极品筑基灵宝 " ! " 「出发吧!」 In everywhere roaring wind, the Li Luo high-spirited sound, resounds. 漫天破风声中,李洛意气风发的声音,随之响起。
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