KOMI :: Volume #14

#1316: Buried treasure girl

Gloomy and cold strange boundary river treasure territory, as the troops of all influence flood into, and starts to advance to the deep place, immediately also becomes somewhat makes noise, once for a while has the wild remarkable fluctuation of energy to wreak havoc to open, meanwhile spread the grating inhuman wailing sound. 阴冷诡异的界河宝域,随着各方势力的人马涌入,并且开始对着深处推进,顿时也变得有些喧嚣起来,时不时的有着狂暴惊人的能量波动肆虐而开,同时还传出了刺耳非人的尖啸声。 That has started to have the team to intrude the ghost legendary creature of some most surrounding, eliminates Other, simultaneously seeks foundation building Spirit Treasure. 那是已经开始有队伍闯入一些最外围的鬼魊,对其中的异类进行清除,同时找寻其中存在的筑基灵宝 Li Luo they also acted, but the team besides their four people, great heavenly resonance realm members in ten several Dragon Tooth Guard follows. 李洛他们也是行动了起来,而队伍除了他们四人外,还有十数名龙牙卫中的大天相境成员跟随。 great heavenly resonance realm in the present boundary river treasure territory, without doubt is sets the base existence, moreover they do not have Li Luo such background and method, therefore can only the following big brothers hit to overcome the hand, mixes a minimum assurance to treat as informed and experienced. 大天相境在如今的界河宝域中,无疑是垫底般的存在,而且他们也没有李洛那样的底蕴与手段,所以只能跟着大哥们打打下手,混点低保当做历练。 " The words of small-scale ghost legendary creature, real demon Other that generally has will not surpass third grade, the medium ghost legendary creature wants bad risk many, perhaps has the fifth grade real demon to exist, sometimes a head, the ghost legendary creature of this rank, is only also not necessarily able to eat up by a team incessantly. " 「小型鬼魊的话,一般其中存在的真魔异类不会超过三品,中型鬼魊就要凶险许多,其中或许有五品真魔存在,有时候还不止一头,这种级别的鬼魊,光靠一支队伍未必能吃得下。」 " However the large-scale ghost legendary creature is quite rare in the surrounding, even if really met, we should not have that strength to attack and capture, because has real demon Other above sixth grade inevitably. " 「而大型鬼魊在外围比较少见,即便真的遇见了,我们应该也没有那个实力去攻克,因为其中必然存在六品之上的真魔异类。」 Team vanguard, the Li Foluo achievement experiences the richest person, in the first time is Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou their types enters the boundary river treasure territory " rookies " conduct the experience to share. 队伍前行的时候,李佛罗作为经验最为丰富的人,也在为李洛,姜青娥,李红柚他们这种第一次进入界河宝域的「菜鸟」进行着经验分享。 Li Luo they all earnest is listening, after all is related to Other, these things extremely strange, sometimes even the strength compares they stronger person, can the sewer capsize carelessly, but this capsizing, will greatly possibly pay own poor life is the price, therefore may not the intention contempt. 李洛他们皆是认真的听着,毕竟事关异类,这些东西太过的诡异,即便有时候实力比它们更强的人,一个不慎都会阴沟翻船,而这种翻船,很大可能就是会付出自己的小命为代价,所以不可心怀轻视。 Simultaneously Li Luo is also looking into the distant place, in this boundary river treasure territory ray quite dim . Moreover the space time is at a distortion the condition, he understands that is reason that because the ghost legendary creature has. 同时李洛也是在眺望着远处,这界河宝域内光线颇为的昏暗,而且空间时刻都是在处于一种扭曲的状态,他明白,那是因为鬼魊存在的缘故。 These ghost legendary creatures opened the space, sometimes seems like the front to open access, may work as its footsteps fall, had entered in a ghost legendary creature. 这些鬼魊开辟了空间,有时候看似前方畅通无阻,可当其脚步落下的时候,就已经走进了一处鬼魊之中。 However is good because, " searches legendary creature mirror " to them to bring some direction. 不过好在,「探魊镜」能够给他们带来一些指引。 People figure swiftly swept, after long time, the Li Foluo footsteps stopped, he is looking at the front, there seems like by the naked eye, originally is an unimpeded plain, but if observes carefully, will discover that the space presents the light distortion, illusory feeling. 众人身影疾掠,半晌后,李佛罗的脚步停了下来,他望着前方,那里以肉眼看上去,本是一片畅通无阻的平原,可若是仔细观测,就会发现空间呈现淡淡的扭曲,虚幻感。 Has the gloomy and cold fluctuation to send out faintly. 隐隐有阴冷的波动从中散发出来。 " Here was a small-scale ghost legendary creature. " Li Foluo is pointing at the front region, said. 「这里就是一座小型鬼魊了。」李佛罗指着前方的区域,说道。 " We go in directly, although the small-scale ghost legendary creature the big probability has some low grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, but the mosquito leg is also the meat, accumulates some, was a big harvest . Moreover, you entered the valuable territory for the first time , first practiced acquiring a skill with this small-scale ghost legendary creature, later entered the medium ghost legendary creature, will be prepared some experiences. " 「我们直接进去吧,小型鬼魊虽然大概率只是存在着一些下品筑基灵宝,但蚊子腿也是肉,多积累一些,也是一笔不小的收获了,而且,你们第一次进入宝域,也先用这种小型鬼魊练练手,之后进入中型鬼魊,才会有一些经验与准备。」 The Li Hongyou beautiful pupil is looking at the present small-scale ghost legendary creature, the fine jade nose that suddenly very curls upwards attracted attracting, hesitant, said: " In this, said that does not permit existence of middle grade foundation building Spirit Treasure. " 李红柚美眸望着眼前的小型鬼魊,突然挺翘的琼鼻吸了吸,犹豫了一下,道:「这里面,说不准有中品筑基灵宝的存在。」 " ?! " 「?!」 Li Foluo, Li Luo hears Yanjie somewhat with astonishment changes colors, then unbelievable looks to Li Hongyou: " How do you know? " " Smelled. " Li Hongyou blinks, asked back: " Haven't you smelled to have pale exotic fragrance aura? " 李佛罗,李洛闻言皆是有些惊愕失色,然后难以置信的看向李红柚:「你怎么知道的?」「闻到的啊。」李红柚眨了眨眼睛,反问道:「你们没闻到有一丝非常淡的异香气息吗?」 Li Luo makes an effort inhaled big air, actually attracted big viscous gloomy and cold evil thoughts aura, immediately causes in the heart to raise the innumerable agitated mood, immediately hurried revolution resonance power, these evil thoughts aura eliminating. 李洛用力的吸了一大口空气,却是吸了一大口粘稠阴冷的恶念之气,顿时引得心中升起无数烦躁情绪,当即急忙运转相力,将那些恶念之气给清除出去。 " How can this possibly smell?! " Li Luo shocking say/way. 「这怎么可能闻得到?!」李洛震惊的道。 Li Foluo also attempted, but also shakes the head, expressed that absolutely does not have that so-called exotic fragrance aura that Li Hongyou said. 李佛罗也是尝试了一下,但也摇了摇头,表示完全没有李红柚所说的那所谓一丝异香气息 " Should be Hongyou has " Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance " the reason, this heavenly materials and earthly treasures special resonance's nature, naturally can have some keen sensations to other heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but innate and fresh foundation building Spirit Treasure, should be also one of them. " Nearby Jiang Qing'e hesitates slightly, the analysis said. 「应该是红柚身怀「赤心朱果相」的缘故,这种天材地宝的特殊相性,对其他的一些天材地宝自然会拥有着一些敏锐的感知,而先天而生的筑基灵宝,应该也在此列。」一旁的姜青娥微微沉吟,分析道。 Li Foluo hears word, the eyes shine immediately, vision fiery incomparable is staring at Li Hongyou, if Li Hongyou really has this treasure hunt ability, her value, must rise suddenly simply a big truncation. 李佛罗闻言,顿时双眼放光,目光火热无比的盯着李红柚,如果李红柚真是具备着这个寻宝能力,那她的价值,简直又是要暴涨一大截。 After all must know these ghosts 毕竟要知道这些鬼 In legendary creature intriguing, wants to attack and capture quite the time-consuming strenuous, small-scale ghost legendary creature copes fortunately, but sometimes these medium ghost legendary creatures, he will even fall into, actually falls into, but is most uncomfortable, after putting in such big effort preying, is not necessarily able found to admire rank foundation building Spirit Treasure. 魊内错综复杂,想要攻克颇为的费时费力,小型鬼魊还好对付一些,可那些中型鬼魊,连他有时候都会陷入其中,其实陷入其中也就罢了,可最难受的是,在付出这么大的努力搏杀后,未必就能够在其中找到心仪品阶筑基灵宝 Every so often, by some value quite low low grade foundation building Spirit Treasure sending. 很多时候,都只是被一些价值颇低的下品筑基灵宝给打发了。 This is true very disgusting person. 这就属实很恶心人。 And yet, Li Hongyou can actually before entering the ghost legendary creature, ahead of time sensation to foundation building Spirit Treasure rank that possibly has, that this can save their innumerable energy and time without doubt. 可眼下,李红柚却是能够在进入鬼魊之前,就提前感知到其中可能存在的筑基灵宝品阶,那这无疑是能够节省他们无数的精力与时间。 This is the true buried treasure girl! 这才是真正的宝藏女孩! Li Foluo a little rejoiced at this time, he lagged behind the face fortunately a moment ago, initiative joined the Li Luo squad, otherwise also really must lose greatly. 李佛罗这时候都有点庆幸,还好他刚才拉下面子,主动的加入了李洛小队,不然还真是要损失巨大了。 " You also leave happily are too early, I also guessed, finally how, but must examine. " Sees Li Foluo that fiery vision, Li Hongyou hurries to give him to throw a cold water, so as to avoid when the time comes her sensation mistake, making the people expect in a big way, disappointed bigger. 「你们也别高兴太早,我也只是猜测,结果如何,还得检验。」见到李佛罗那火热至极的目光,李红柚赶紧给他泼点冷水,免得到时候她感知失误,让得众人期望越大,失望越大。 " Right, first examines one to try! " Li Foluo hears word also nods hastily, then enters the front this small-scale ghost legendary creature on wish of being eager to try immediately. 「对对,先检验一番试试!」李佛罗闻言也是连忙点头,然后就跃跃欲试的想要立即进入前方这座小型鬼魊。 However when they plan the action, suddenly detected that rear area has many roaring wind to transmit, immediately raises the alert, one after another resonance power ascends. 不过就在他们打算行动时,突然察觉到后方有诸多破风声传来,当即升起戒备,一道道相力升腾起来。 Li Luo also knits the brows slightly, in this boundary river treasure territory may there is no custom, to capture foundation building Spirit Treasure, even if these powder cultivate/repair, still dares to reveal the fierce fang to the team of Heavenly King lineage influence. After all here confusion is incomparable, dies normally individual simply extremely. 李洛也是微微皱眉,这界河宝域内可没有什么规矩可言,为了夺得筑基灵宝,即便是那些散修,也敢对天王脉势力的队伍露出狰狞的獠牙。毕竟这里混乱无比,死个人简直太过的正常。 Does not know comes actually toward their here, is which side troops? 倒是不知道往他们这里而来的,是哪方人马? In Li Luo thinks, ten several figure plundering from far to near has emptied to come, then fell on their rear area not far away. 而在李洛思索间,十数道身影已是由远至近的掠空而来,然后落在了他们后方不远处。 " Hi, Li Luo, met. " When these figure fall, the clear laughter, is takes the lead to spread to the Li Luo ear together. 「嗨,李洛,又见面了。」而当这些身影落下时,一道清脆的笑声,已是率先传入李洛耳中。 Li Luo fixes the eyes on looked, is sees an elegant female of apricot yellow women's clothing, smiling is staring at him. 李洛定睛一看,便是见到一名杏黄衣裙的秀美女子,笑眯眯的盯着他。 " Shuanglu? " Li Luo relaxes slightly, comes the person, is that came from Golden Dragon Mountain Shuanglu unexpectedly, previously captured " king bead " time, this female has also helped his, therefore he also has one point of favorable impression. 「吕霜露?」李洛微微松了一口气,来人,竟然是那来自金龙山的吕霜露,此前夺取「王珠」的时候,此女还帮过他一把,所以他对其也算是有一分好感。 Since Shuanglu here, then these people, should be the Golden Dragon Treasure Shop teams at present. 而既然吕霜露在这里,那么眼前这些人,应该就是金龙宝行的队伍了。 What do they run to come to here to make? 只是他们跑来这里做什么? The thought rotation when the Li Luo heart, in that Golden Dragon Treasure Shop team, a stature tall and straight man, had walked, moreover is directly to Li Luo. 李洛心中念头转动时,那金龙宝行的队伍中,一名身材挺拔的男子,已是走了出来,而且还是径直对着李洛而来。 Li Luo sees that both eyes narrowed the eyes. 李洛见状,双目微眯了一下。 Because of this person, is that named stretch/open Cuicheng Golden Dragon Mountain top Heaven's Chosen. 因为此人,正是那个名为张摧城的金龙山顶尖天骄。 Originally, is this comes to him? 原来,这是冲着他来的?
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