KOMI :: Volume #14

#1314: Numerous ghost legendary creatures

When Li Luo enters the valuable territory domain that flickers, he can feel entire world as if in this time suddenly is dim, the vision looks out into the distance, as if can see in the darkness some strange constructions some outlines, meanwhile can see that fuzzy shadow takes a walk. 李洛进入宝域界域的那一瞬,他能够感觉到整个天地仿佛都是在此时骤然的昏暗下来,目光远眺,似乎能够见到黑暗中有一些怪异建筑的轮廓,同时还能见到模糊的影子在其中走动。 But if carefully looks again, all disappearance baseless goes. 可若是再仔细看去,一切又凭空的消失而去。 Space faint fluctuation, illusory, strange feeling. 空间隐隐的波动,给人一种虚幻,诡异的感觉。 In the entire valuable territory, is filling a gloomy and cold viscous feeling, world's energy that even drifts away, needs after refining, just now can inhale within the body. 整个宝域内,弥漫着一种阴冷粘稠之感,甚至连游离的天地能量,都是需要经过一层提炼后,方才能够吸入体内。 Innumerable strange low sounds of talking, unceasing wells up, invades in the hearts, making the person heart emerge many negativities. 无数诡异的低语声,不断的涌来,侵入心间,令人心头涌现诸多负面情绪。 " This time boundary river treasure territory, evil thoughts aura seemed to be stronger than the past. " 「此次的界河宝域,似乎恶念之气比以往更为的浓烈了。」 At this time, in the front of Heavenly King Li's lineage team, Li Qingpeng knits the brows to look at this side dim world, by his eighth grade Duke Realm strength, naturally can a keener sensation to evil thoughts aura that in this boundary river treasure territory surges be what kind of fierceness. 此时,在李天王一脉队伍的前方,李青鹏皱眉望着这方昏暗的天地,以他八品封侯境的实力,自然能够更为敏锐的感知到这界河宝域内涌动的恶念之气是何等的凶猛。 " The ghost legendary creature quantity of even being born, changed. " 「连诞生的鬼魊数量,也变多了。」 Li Jiluo took out a bronze mirror at this time, above the bronze mirror, actually appeared the scarlet vortex light group one after another, these light/only rolled the size to vary, are found in various places. 李极罗此时取出了一面铜镜,铜镜之上,竟然浮现出了一团又一团的猩红漩涡光团,这些光团大小不一,遍布各处。 Li Luo they also pulled out the modeling same bronze mirror, this thing named " searches legendary creature mirror " , can survey the position that many ghost legendary creatures in this boundary river treasure territory have. 李洛他们也是掏出了造型相同的铜镜,这东西名为「探魊镜」,能够探测出这界河宝域内的许多鬼魊存在的位置。 Because in the boundary river treasure territory has powerful Other, but these places of Other occupying, will be opened the ghost legendary creature that sizes vary by strong evil thoughts aura, simultaneously opening of ghost legendary creature, needs to establish in the world's energy thickest place, but, such place, is foundation building Spirit Treasure the place of existence. 因为界河宝域内存在着许多强大的异类,而这些异类盘踞之地,就会被浓烈的恶念之气开辟出一座座大小不一的鬼魊,同时鬼魊的开辟,需要建立在天地能量最为浓厚的地方,而偏偏,这样的地方,又是筑基灵宝所存在之处。 Therefore, aims at eliminating Other, foundation building Spirit Treasure that to capture here is born, these ghost legendary creatures, are all of them enter in the boundary river treasure territory the must-go. 所以,不论是以清除异类为目的,还是为了夺取此处诞生的筑基灵宝,这些鬼魊,都是他们所有人进入界河宝域中的必去之处。 But at this time, in hand " searches legendary creature mirror " to play the roles of some direction directions. 而这个时候,手中的「探魊镜」就能够起到一些指引方向的作用。 " The ghost legendary creature in boundary river treasure territory, is divided into a major and medium Little San rank, the large-scale ghost legendary creature basically is located in the valuable territory deep place, is that this above demonstrates biggest scarlet light/only rolls, the medium ghost legendary creature next, the small-scale ghost legendary creature is most peripheral these. " Nearby Li Foluo to Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou they are answering. 「界河宝域内的鬼魊,分为大中小三个级别,大型的鬼魊基本位于宝域深处,也就是这上面显示的那种最大的猩红光团,中型鬼魊其次,小型鬼魊就是最外围这些。」一旁的李佛罗对着李洛,姜青娥,李红柚他们解释道。 " The Other strength that a rank higher ghost legendary creature, among occupies is the terrifying, but, generally speaking, in the high-grade ghost legendary creature, existed foundation building Spirit Treasure rank will also be higher. " 「等级越高的鬼魊,其内盘踞的异类实力就越是恐怖,不过,一般来说,高等级的鬼魊中,存在的筑基灵宝品阶也会更高。」 " If best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, the big probability will only appear in the large-scale ghost legendary creature. " 「如果是极品筑基灵宝的话,大概率只会在大型鬼魊中出现。」 Li Luo looking pensive, the words of ghost legendary creature, actually he sees is more terrifying, that is in Little Eternal Heaven, that Demon King of All Beings arrives " All Living Beings Ghost Skin Dominion " , even projects together, but actually covered the entire small space as before, is inconceivable, true " All Living Beings Ghost Skin Dominion " , will be what kind of fearfulness. 李洛若有所思,鬼魊的话,其实他见过更为恐怖的,那就是小辰天中,那位众生魔王降临的「众生鬼皮魊」,即便只是一道投影,可却依旧覆盖了整个小空间,难以想象,真正的「众生鬼皮魊」,将会是何等的可怕。 Perhaps even if high grade Duke expert enters, is hard to live. At present these ghost legendary creatures in boundary river treasure territory, in comparison, feel dwarfed without doubt. 恐怕就算是上品封侯强者进入其中,都难以活着走出来。眼下界河宝域中的这些鬼魊,与之相比,无疑是小巫见大巫。 " Actually each boundary river treasure territory opens, our duties must destroy these ghost legendary creatures as far as possible, the especially large-scale ghost legendary creature, must eradicate surely, otherwise Other of this rank, once " Black Rain Ghost Tribulation " , their strengths will also obtain a large scale promotion, perhaps, has the birth of Other King, this cannot absolutely appearance/allow permits the matter. " Li Foluo complexion saying with deep veneration. 「其实每一次界河宝域开启,我们的任务都是要尽可能的摧毁这些鬼魊,特别是大型鬼魊,必定要铲除,不然这种等级的异类一旦等来了「黑雨鬼劫」,它们的实力也会获得一次大幅度的提升,说不定,会有着异类王的诞生,这是绝对不能容许的事情。」李佛罗脸色肃然的说道。 The Li Luo look concentrates, said: " If in the boundary river treasure territory presented Other King what happened? " 李洛眼神微凝,道:「如果界河宝域内出现了异类王会发生什么事?」 " Other King happens, from the internal corrosion town/subdues Yabao territory " four Heavenly King suppressing seal symbols " , this symbol, once were broken, this piece will erupt extremely terrifying backlash with the region that evil thoughts aura will corrode, especially with arrival of Black Rain Ghost Tribulation, here will become the receiving and instructing stage that Other will arrive, at the appointed time, will perhaps attract the Other fiendish person. " 异类王一旦出现,就会从内部侵蚀镇压宝域的「四天王封镇符」,此符一旦被破,这片久经恶念之气侵蚀的地域就会爆发出极为恐怖的反噬,特别是随着黑雨鬼劫的降临,这里将会成为异类降临的接引台,到时,说不定会引来异类魔王。」 " Once to that step, entire Boundary River Territory will fall into enemy hands, Other will open to lead to the Heavenly Origin Divine Province path from here directly, Other disaster of scale terrifying, sprinkles to Heavenly Origin Divine Province. " Li Foluo sinking sound said. 「一旦到了那一步,整个界河域都将会失守,异类会从这里开辟出直接通往天元神州的道路,将规模恐怖的异灾,洒向天元神州。」李佛罗沉声道。 Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e two people complexions also cannot help but became dignified, they have seen the Other disaster eruption of Great Xia, that changed directly 李洛,姜青娥两人的脸色也是不由得变得凝重了许多,他们见过大夏异灾爆发,那直接是改 Changed an environment of country, compared with Other disaster and Boundary River Territory that but obviously, Great Xia erupts, is not worth mentioning. 变了一个国家的环境,可显然,大夏爆发的异灾界河域相比,根本不值一提。 That so-called Other fiendish person, may be endures to compare existence of Triple Crown King rank. 那所谓的异类魔王,可都是堪比三冠王级别的存在。 Such look, each boundary river treasure territory opens time, seem like cutting grass, all influence deploys the elite squad to enter, solves the every large or small ghost legendary creature, so as to avoid these hidden dangers in following " Black Rain Ghost Tribulation " expands, thus destroys " four Heavenly King suppressing seal symbols " suppression. 这么看,每一次的界河宝域开启,倒像是一种割草,各方势力派遣精英部队进入其中,解决掉大大小小的鬼魊,免得这些隐患在接下来的「黑雨鬼劫」中壮大,从而破坏「四天王封镇符」的镇压。 Therefore four big Heavenly King lineage will allow other influence even powder to cultivate/repair to enter the boundary river treasure territory, actually this is also using their strengths, hidden danger in the elimination boundary river treasure territory as far as possible. 所以四大天王脉会允许其他势力甚至散修进入界河宝域,其实这也算是在利用他们的力量,尽可能的清除界河宝域内的隐患。 After all, these search treasure to obtain foundation building Spirit Treasure, first eliminates Other in these every large or small ghost legendary creatures, can take treasure smoothly. 毕竟,这些探宝者想要获得筑基灵宝,就得先将那些大大小小的鬼魊内的异类清除掉,才能顺利取走宝贝 In this regard, these search treasure to be also well aware, but they actually endure gladly becomes the goon, in the final analysis , because of foundation building Spirit Treasure. 关于这一点,想必这些探宝者应该也心知肚明,不过他们却甘之若饴的成为打手,归根究柢,还是因为筑基灵宝 Regarding numerous Duke expert, foundation building Spirit Treasure is their further indispensable thing, but foundation building Spirit Treasure is high-cost, by the purchase words, the common powder cultivates purely absolutely does not have this financial resource, therefore only had confidence the opportunity that the boundary river treasure territory opens, they can have the opportunity to gain. 对于众多封侯强者而言,筑基灵宝是他们更进一步不可或缺之物,可筑基灵宝价格高昂,纯靠购买的话,一般的散修根本就没这个财力,所以唯有把握住界河宝域开启的机会,他们才能够有机会获取。 The artificial wealth dies, this is the innumerable person unavoidable fate. 人为财死,这是无数人无法避免的宿命。 Even if Li Luo, enters this boundary river treasure territory, does not come to foundation building Spirit Treasure? 而即便是李洛,进入这界河宝域,不也是冲着筑基灵宝而来的么? But according to Li Foluo said, the best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure big probability will only appear in these large-scale ghost legendary creatures, but that place danger is peerless, don't said is he, wants to come, even if fourth grade Duke expert in has the danger of life. 但按照李佛罗所说,极品筑基灵宝大概率只会出现在那些大型鬼魊中,但那种地方危险绝伦,莫说是他,想来就算是四品封侯强者在其中都有性命之危。 Therefore best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, can only first walk one step to look one step. 所以极品筑基灵宝,就只能先走一步看一步。 Li Luo is also hopeless enters the boundary river treasure territory to obtain this rank foundation building Spirit Treasure, that is not realistic, after all must know even many high grade Duke expert, harbors to covet to best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, Li Luo must compete with these powerhouses, obviously difficulty. 李洛也没指望一进入界河宝域就能够获得这种级别的筑基灵宝,那不现实,毕竟要知道连许多上品封侯强者,也都对极品筑基灵宝怀有觊觎,李洛要与这些强者竞争,可见难度。 Li Luo stares " is searching legendary creature mirror " above these scarlet vortex, a minute/share of clear position that on this can only blur, he mainly looked that is located in the large-scale ghost legendary creature of valuable territory deep place to that these scarlet vortex like strange cold and gloomy eye, are the mirror surface to gaze at him. 李洛盯着「探魊镜」上面那些猩红漩涡,这上面只能模糊的分清楚一点方位,他主要是看向那位于宝域深处的大型鬼魊,那些猩红漩涡如同一只只诡异森冷的眼睛,正在透过镜面注视着他。 " Well? " 「咦?」 Li Luo startled well makes noise suddenly, because he sees the valuable territory deep place, represents the scarlet vortex light group of large-scale ghost legendary creature is becoming together in this time bright, then its scale seems like in this time expands, but is neighboring another large-scale ghost legendary creature of here, then with its contacts, rapid was torn, the dismemberment, embezzles finally. 李洛突然惊咦出声,因为他见到宝域深处,一道代表着大型鬼魊的猩红漩涡光团在此时变得明亮起来,而后其规模似乎是在此时扩张开来,而紧邻着此处的另外一座大型鬼魊,则是在与其接触间,迅速的被撕裂,肢解,最后吞没。 Can the ghost legendary creature also swallow mutually? 鬼魊还能互相吞噬? Li Luo gawked staring, this under control? 李洛愣了愣,这种情况正常吗? Bang! 轰! This flickers, has together extremely terrifying evil thoughts fluctuation, erupts in the boundary river treasure territory suddenly, that evil thoughts fluctuates to howl from the deep place, short several breaths, then affects the entire valuable territory. 这一瞬,有一道极为恐怖的恶念波动,陡然在界河宝域中爆发而起,那股恶念波动自深处呼啸而出,短短数息,便是波及整个宝域。 Immediately void of boundary river treasure territory starts becomes twists, looks from afar, as if void presented innumerable ancient, but the strange construction, resembles the town, resembles the altar... 顿时界河宝域的虚空开始变得扭曲起来,远远看去,仿佛虚空中出现了无数古老而诡异的建筑,似城镇,似祭坛… Simultaneously some innumerable evil thoughts fluctuations follow, some that innumerable Other were alarmed in this time. 同时有无数恶念波动随之而起,那是有无数异类在此时被惊动。 This side is dim, the gloomy world, seemed activated in this time. 这方昏暗,阴沉的天地,仿佛是在此时被激活了。 But at this time, Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo and other numerous high grade Duke expert are also detected that accident, their complexion the drastic change, because of them can the sensation, that evil thoughts that Boundary River Territory deep place spreads at this time fluctuate immediately, is actually what kind of tyrannical. 而此时,李青鹏,李极罗等众多上品封侯强者也是察觉到了变故,他们面色顿时剧变,因为他们能够感知到,那界河域深处此时传出的那一道恶念波动,究竟是何等的强横。 Unexpectedly even their sensation to intense threat. 竟然连他们都感知到了强烈的威胁。 " The ghost legendary creature of this large-scale ghost legendary creature near driving swallowing, inside Other, perhaps wants to transform! " Li Jiluo stubbornly is staring at the bronze mirror in hand, said accurately, is staring at that deep place a large-scale ghost legendary creature of dramatic expansion. 「这座大型鬼魊在主动吞噬附近的鬼魊,里面的异类,恐怕是想要借此蜕变!」李极罗死死的盯着手中的铜镜,准确的说,是盯着那深处正在急剧扩张的一座大型鬼魊。 " Can swallow other ghost legendary creatures the ghost legendary creatures, this little does not conform to the common sense, in the past may never present this matter. " Li Qingpeng somewhat surprised saying. 「能够吞噬其他鬼魊的鬼魊,这有点不符合常理,以往可从未出现过这种事情。」李青鹏有些惊疑的说道。 " No matter how, cannot swallow by it like this, must first eliminate that large-scale ghost legendary creature . Moreover, in the large-scale ghost legendary creature of this variation, is very likely to have best quality goods foundation building Spirit Treasure, even, may compare favorably with initially " nine-marked sacred heart lotus " top foundation building Spirit Treasure! " Li Jiluo 「不管如何,不能由得它这样吞噬,必须先将那座大型鬼魊清除掉,而且,这种变异的大型鬼魊内,极有可能存在着极品筑基灵宝,甚至,是可媲美当初「九纹圣心莲」的顶级筑基灵宝!」李极罗 Say/Way promptly. 当机立断的道。 Speaking of final time, even Li Jiluo, in the eye still has delimited a hope, initially within the clan " nine-marked sacred heart lotus " originally he wins, what a pity finally Li Jingzhe took strongly, this command he regretted for a long time. 说到最后的时候,即便是李极罗,眼中也是划过一丝渴望,当初族内的「九纹圣心莲」本来他是志在必得,可惜最终李惊蛰强势的取了过去,这令得他惋惜了许久。 Li Qingpeng nods slowly, he has not thought, this talent just entered the boundary river treasure territory, presented such accident. 李青鹏缓缓点头,他也没想到,此次才刚刚进入界河宝域,就出现了这样的变故。 This variation large-scale ghost legendary creature, although is crisis-ridden, but also is full of the fatal attraction, especially regarding their these high grade Duke. " It seems like must change planned, we do not have the time gradually to advance, can only organize the strength of most peak, has rushed to the blockade of that matter level ghost legendary creature forcefully, the direct link deep place. " Li Qingpeng hesitates to say. 这种变异的大型鬼魊,虽然危机四伏,但同样充满着致命的诱惑力,特别是对于他们这些上品封侯而言。「看来要改变计划了,我们没时间逐步推进,只能组织最顶端的力量,强行闯过那层层鬼魊的封锁,直达深处了。」李青鹏沉吟道。 According to the past strategy, they organized the troops, is advancing to the deep place by the surrounding, fell every large or small ghost legendary creature sweeping of all place visited, but the valuable territory deep place has the mutation at present, they can only form the dagger at the sharpest strength, entered the deep place, large-scale ghost legendary creature that first solved that mutation. 原本按照以往的策略,他们是组织人马,由外围对着深处推进,将所过之处的大大小小的鬼魊尽数的扫掉,但眼下宝域深处有异变,他们就只能以最精锐的力量形成尖刀,杀入深处,先解决那异变的大型鬼魊。 Then, must divide into two large unit. 只是如此一来,就得将大部队一分为二。 The peak strength kills the valuable territory deep place directly, but another part slightly weak strength, maintained the original plan, gradually advanced from the surrounding. 顶端力量直接杀进宝域深处,而另外一部分稍弱的力量,就维持原计划,从外围逐步推进。 Because in this valuable territory, the ghost legendary creature covers layer upon layer, blockade that evil thoughts aura forms, is lower than sixth grade Duke expert unable to rush forcefully. 因为在这宝域中,层层鬼魊覆盖,那种恶念之气所形成的封锁,低于六品封侯强者都无法强行闯过去。 In the medium ghost legendary creature also contains massive foundation building Spirit Treasure, many high grade, therefore this is also extremely considerable resources, how can easily let off. 况且,中型鬼魊中同样蕴含着大量筑基灵宝,其中不乏上品,所以这也是一笔极为可观的资源,怎能轻易放过。 Li Qingpeng and in Li Jiluo these two teams the strength strongest person achieved the resolution rapidly, although others look at each other in blank dismay, but also can only comply with, because they saw that with the evil thoughts fluctuation of valuable territory deep place erupts, other these influences and top powder cultivate/repair the powerhouse, has started to be ready to make trouble. 李青鹏李极罗这两位队伍中实力最强的人迅速的达成了决议,其他人虽然面面相觑,但也只能遵从,因为他们见到随着宝域深处的恶念波动爆发,其他那些势力以及顶尖的散修强者,已经开始蠢蠢欲动。 After all, who was clear in large-scale ghost legendary creature that variation, contains what kind of chance. 毕竟,谁都清楚那种变异的大型鬼魊中,蕴含着何等的机缘。 If really obtained best quality goods or top foundation building Spirit Treasure, they stagnate many years of boundary, can perhaps therefore take one step. 如果真得到了一道极品或者顶级的筑基灵宝,那他们停滞多年的境界,或许就能因此迈出一步。 Li Luo looks at envying of being filled with, such chance he naturally also excited, but he understands, don't said is he, perhaps even Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo these Guardian Honorable, do not have the qualifications to join to that peak lineup at this time. 李洛看得满心的羡慕,这样的机缘他当然也心动,但他明白,莫说是他,恐怕就算是李佛罗,李知火这些卫尊,此时都没资格加入到那顶端阵容里面。 Therefore, they keep gradually that part of advancement inevitably. 所以,他们必然是留下来逐步推进的那一部分。 However first does some high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure is also good, is really not when the time comes good, uses high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure to exchange together the best quality goods. 不过先搞一些上品筑基灵宝也行,到时候实在不行,就用上品筑基灵宝去兑换一道极品。 Li Luo is so comforting itself in the heart. 李洛在心中这般安慰着自己。 Moreover, the large-scale ghost legendary creature is not easy to attack and capture, perhaps waits for them to advance to the deep place time, these top powerhouses have not been able to go well, when the time comes opportunity of taking advantage of a mistake. 而且,大型鬼魊也没那么容易攻克,说不定等他们推进到深处的时候,这些顶尖强者也还没能得手,到时候还有捡漏的机会。 So thinking, Li Luo was also relaxing, simultaneously he looks into the distance the eye to look at valuable territory deep place that dim world, there spatial warping is illusory, from time to time fluctuates the innumerable strange scenes. 这般想着,李洛也是放松了下来,同时他眺目望着宝域深处那昏暗的天地,那里的空间扭曲虚幻,时而变幻无数诡异景象。 He is slightly absent-minded, in the heart flashes through together the meaning of anxiety. 他微微恍惚,心中则是闪过一道忧虑之意。 This time boundary river treasure territory, the accident excessively seemed to be many. 此次的界河宝域,变故似乎过多了一些。 We hope that finally can be smooth. 希望,最终能顺利吧。
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