KOMI :: Volume #14

#1313: Li Lingjing situation

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In the gloomy main hall, resembles has the jet black mist to flow, simultaneously some innumerable strange low sounds of talking spread, reverberation of xi xi su su in main hall, in this place, even if common Duke expert enters, can shortly 阴暗的大殿中,似是有漆黑的雾气流淌,同时其中有无数诡异的低语声传出,窸窸窣窣的回荡在大殿内,在这种地方,即便是寻常封侯强者进入,都会在顷刻间 Was polluted by that evil thoughts aura, subsequently loses the intelligence. 被那股恶念之气所污染,继而失去神智。 But at this time, Spirit Eyes Underworld King stands in the main hall center, the brow slightly wrinkle looks is presenting the dense/woods white flame that at present, another head of flame, a face of blank is partly visible, strange aura is full. 而此时,灵眼冥王站在大殿中央,眉头微皱的望着眼前出现的森白色火焰,火焰的另外一头,一张空白的脸庞若隐若现,诡异气息十足。 Boundary River Territory? Can that side plan start finally? That Li Jingzhe has touched quasi triple crown King Realm unexpectedly, but also really has the ability.” Spirit Eyes Underworld King muttered. 界河域?那边的谋划终于是要启动了么?那李惊蛰竟然已触及虚三冠王境,还真是有能耐。”灵眼冥王喃喃道。 However after he thinks slightly, shakes the head, lowers the head to be busy at the matter in hand, said: „The Boundary River Territory that side is you are responsible, has nothing to do with me, my time experiment body is in the most critical time , without the time to go to other places.” 不过他微微思索后,还是摇了摇头,垂首忙着手中的事,道:“界河域那边是你负责的,与我无关,我此时的实验体正处于最紧要的时刻,没时间去其他地方。” Hears the Spirit Eyes Underworld King rejection, does not have yama cold snort/hum one, said: This merit does not want, your old thing was really studies your strange things to study fascinated.” 听到灵眼冥王拒绝,无面冥王冷哼一声,道:“这份功劳都不要,你这老东西真是研究你那些古怪东西研究得入魔了。” On the Spirit Eyes Underworld King face appears the strange color, hey however said: Fascinated? Are we, in the world eyes, more fearful than the devil?” 灵眼冥王脸庞上浮现出怪异之色,嘿然道:“入魔?咱们这些人,在世人眼中,岂不是比恶魔还可怕?” Does not have a deep kingly way: Me discovered a very interesting boy, is that Li Jingzhe grandson, if you do not come, when the time comes waits for me to go well, later do not regret.” 无面冥王道:“我这边发现了一个很有趣的小子,是那李惊蛰的孙子,你若是不来,到时候等我得手,你以后可别后悔。” However is facing tempting that does not have a yama, Spirit Eyes Underworld King actually not for it, now because his in the hand studies, fundamental meaning that to him, until now pursues. 然而面对着无面冥王的引诱,灵眼冥王却并没有为之所动,因为如今他手中所研究的,对他而言,才是一直以来所追求的终极意义。 Therefore now let alone is what merit, even if did not have a yama dead in Boundary River Territory, he was disinclined to move. 所以现在别说是什么功劳,就算是无面冥王死了在界河域,他都懒得动弹。 Do not waste the time here, I am very busy, have no free time.” Therefore, Spirit Eyes Underworld King gave the explicit rejection without hesitation. “不要在我这里浪费时间了,我很忙,没空。”于是,灵眼冥王毫不犹豫的给予了明确的拒绝。 You!” Not having a yama is somewhat angry, but also understands that he does not have the means to force Spirit Eyes Underworld King, after all the both sides position is equal, he is impossible to order the opposite party, therefore can only cold snort/hum, close the relation directly, immediately that dense/woods white flame “你!”无面冥王有些恼怒,但也明白他没办法强迫灵眼冥王,毕竟双方地位相等,他也不可能命令对方,于是只能冷哼一声,直接是关闭了联系,顿时那森白色的火焰 Extinguishes slowly. 徐徐熄灭。 He also wants to inform the Spirit Eyes Underworld King primordial seed information, but opposite party attitude, wants to come not to have this necessity. 原本他还想告知灵眼冥王原始种的情报,但对方这态度,想来也是没这个必要了。 In the main hall restored again gloomy and cold and dim. 大殿内再度恢复了阴冷与昏暗。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King looks at the place that the dense/woods white flame is vanishing, is actually the reclamation vision that does not care about, then he turns around, moves toward the main hall deep place, there, presented one giant black basin. 灵眼冥王望着森白火焰消失的地方,却是不在意的收回目光,然后他转过身来,走向大殿深处,在那里,出现了一片巨大的黑色水池。 The basin is viscous, is flowing endless evil thoughts aura, unceasing has the blister to brave, in the blister, reveals faintly some fiercely, face of distortion. 水池粘稠漆黑,流淌着无尽的恶念气息,不断的有水泡从中冒出来,水泡中,隐隐露出一些狰狞,扭曲的面庞。 Spirit Eyes Underworld King is looking at the black basin central place, sees only there to have a giant water ball, the water ball is connecting the pool of water, boundless endless evil thoughts aura, unceasing flooding into. 灵眼冥王望着黑色水池中央处,只见得那里有一颗巨大的水球,水球连接着池水,无边无尽的恶念气息,不断的涌入其中。 But slender figure that the water ball, rolls up together. 而水球内部,是一道蜷缩的纤细身影 Impressively is Li Lingjing. 赫然就是李灵净 However present she, the appearance becomes somewhat strange, her upper part as before is the human form, but the position of both legs, turned into a snake tail that unexpectedly is covering entirely the jet black scale, swinging of slowly snake tail unconsciousness, is surrounding the body. 不过如今的她,模样变得有些奇怪,她的上半身依旧是人形,可双腿的位置,竟是变成了一条布满着漆黑鳞片的蛇尾,蛇尾无意识的缓缓摆动,环绕着身躯。 That snake tail is sending out extremely strong gloomy and cold, strange, ominous aura, making one be afraid. 那蛇尾散发着极为浓烈的阴冷,诡异,不祥气息,令人不寒而栗。 On her snow white flesh, there is a azure black snake scale to reappear, simultaneously forehead place, but also is growing a azure black sharp corner/horn, above has the thread. 她那雪白的肌肤上,有青黑色的蛇鳞浮现,同时额头处,还生长着一只青黑色的尖角,其上有螺纹。 This time Li Lingjing both eyes shut tightly, seemed falls into some deep sleep, her pretty appearance, then even more became must the monster different, an absolutely terrified aesthetic sense. 此时的李灵净双目紧闭,仿佛是陷入到了某种沉睡中,她那俏丽的容颜,则是愈发的变得妖异起来,给人一种毛骨悚然的美感。 br br …… …… Moreover that jet black snake tail by the control of Li Lingjing, above snake scale but was actually not been as if vertical from time to time, on the scale has distortion strange faces to reappear, tries to shake off the fetter, drills general. 而且那漆黑蛇尾仿佛并不受李灵净的控制,其上的蛇鳞时而倒竖,鳞片上有一张张扭曲诡异的面孔浮现,试图挣脱束缚,从中钻出来一般。 The scale like the sharp blade, has delimited the Li Lingjing body, immediately left behind the fierce scar. 鳞片如同锋利的刀刃,划过李灵净的身躯,顿时留下了狰狞的伤痕。 Whenever at this time, on the cheeks of her deep sleep, will present the colors of some pain. Spirit Eyes Underworld King is looking at this, said in a soft voice: „ Hehe, but also is really enough crazy, is so obviously small and weak, actually dares to go to swallow on own initiative, absorbs Demon King of All Beings that will, but you can actually insist such for a long time, this explained 每当这个时候,她那沉睡的脸颊上,就会出现一些痛苦之色。灵眼冥王望着这一幕,轻声道:“呵呵,还真是够疯狂,明明还这么弱小,却是敢去主动吞噬,吸收众生魔王的那一丝意志,不过你竟然能够坚持这么久,这说明 I create Spirit Erosion True Demon has not the unimaginable potential! ” 我所创造出来的“蚀灵真魔”拥有着无法想象的潜力!” Wants you to be able very this pass/test, you will become perfect!” “只要你能挺过这一关,你将会变得更为的完美!” In the future, you will even become the ultimate thing!” “未来,你甚至会成为终极之物!” In Spirit Eyes Underworld King eye gradually has to reappear frantically with the color of being enchanted by, Li Lingjing brought too many pleasant surprises to him, in the past these experiment bodies compared with her, was incomplete. 灵眼冥王眼中渐渐的有着狂热与迷醉之色浮现出来,李灵净给他带来了太多的惊喜,以往那些实验体与她比起来,都是残缺的。 You will show to the world finally, my path, is correct.” “你最终会向世人证明,我的道路,才是正确的。” This is, the road of normalizing!” “这才是,归一之路!” Relax, although you are very crazy, but I like your crazy, because only then crazy of pinnacle, can go out of that pinnacle the road.” Spirit Eyes Underworld King unceasing twittering, he is then stretching out the withered palm, the palm has one group of meatballs that are flowing the jet black blood appear, meatball extremely strange, unceasing has various hands and feet to extend, seems like wants from gets out of trouble “放心吧,虽然你很疯狂,但我就喜欢你这份疯狂,因为只有极致的疯狂,才能走出那极致的路。”灵眼冥王不断的呢喃着,然后他伸出干枯的手掌,掌心有一团流淌着漆黑血液的肉球浮现,肉球极为的诡异,不断的有各种手脚伸出来,似乎是想要从其中脱困 Generally. 一般。 Is filling the strangeness of pollution strength, the grating low sound of talking, passes on. „To contend with the Demon King of All Beings will, the general method is insufficient, therefore I refined Other blood embryo for you „”, this was to the ominous thing, even Duke expert by its contamination, by ablation intelligence, but at present you 充满着污染力量的诡异,刺耳的低语声,从中传出来。“想要与众生魔王的意志抗衡,一般的方法是不够的,所以我为你炼制出了“异类血胎”,此为至凶之物,即便是封侯强者被其沾染,都会被消融神智,但眼下你 Also without other roads may elect. ” 也没有其他的路可选。” Spirit Eyes Underworld King puts out a hand, threw into the meatball in hand the jet black basin, in the instance of contact, the meatball is melts, as if changes into the innumerable black insects, to that water ball that packages Li Lingjing wells up. 灵眼冥王伸出手,将手中的肉球丢进了漆黑水池中,在接触的瞬间,肉球便是融化开来,仿佛是化为无数黑虫,对着包裹李灵净的那颗水球涌去。 The black insect drills into Li Lingjing that jet black snake tail following the water ball directly, immediately bites to nip a sound is spreading. 黑虫顺着水球直接钻入到李灵净那漆黑的蛇尾之内,顿时有一种噬咬般的声音在传出。 Li Lingjing, you may want keep it up, I poured into the complete painstaking care for you.” 李灵净,你可要加油啊,我可是为你倾注了全部的心血。” Your next awakens, two possibilities, will only be corroded by the Demon King of All Beings will time, changes into its puppet clone, but at that time, I can only destroy you.” “你下一次的苏醒,只会有两种可能,一个是被众生魔王的意志侵蚀,化为它的一个傀儡分身,而那时候,我就只能把你摧毁了。” However other possibility, is your thorough swallowing, absorbs Demon King of All Beings that will, becomes more perfect existence.” “而另外的可能,便是你彻底的吞噬,吸收掉众生魔王的那一丝意志,成为更为完美的存在。” Spirit Eyes Underworld King is staring at the cheeks of Li Lingjing deep sleep stubbornly, suddenly strange smiles, said: „Did you hear a moment ago? Does not have that person who a yama said that should be that Li Luo that you know?” 灵眼冥王死死盯着李灵净沉睡的脸颊,突然诡异的一笑,道:“你刚才听见了吗?无面冥王说的那个人,应该就是你认识的那个李洛吧?” He may really be unlucky, actually did not have the surface staring.” “他可真是倒霉呢,竟然被无面给盯上了。” Li Jingzhe, although is very strong, but we in Boundary River Territory planned to prepare for a long time, his time, was more unfortunate than fortunate.” 李惊蛰虽然很强,但我们在界河域的谋划准备了许久,他此次,也是凶多吉少了。” However Li Jingzhe dies, that Li Luo, will fall to not having in the surface hand, at that time, really wants dead is difficult.” “而李惊蛰一死,那个李洛,也会落到无面的手中,那时候,真是想死都难了。” He muttered said for a long time, finally just now turning around slowly, left here. 他喃喃自语的说了许久,最终方才缓缓的转身,离开了此处。 But after Spirit Eyes Underworld King leaves, Li Lingjing of that deep sleep, the eye has hidden seems the slight beat, then, her sends the silk to fall off, falls into the jet black basin. Sends the silk to wriggle, changed into a jet black small snake unexpectedly, integrates the darkness, vanishes does not see. 而就在灵眼冥王离开后,那一直沉睡的李灵净,眼皮子仿佛是细微的跳动了一下,然后,她的一根发丝脱落,掉进漆黑水池中。发丝蠕动,竟是化为了一条漆黑小蛇,融入黑暗,消失不见。
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