KOMI :: Volume #14

#1312: Plan of Origin Reversion Institute

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Chapter 1312 第1312章 Plan of Origin Reversion Institute 归一会的谋划 With Li Qingpeng, the Li Jiluo sound falls, two people are take the lead one step to tread, the boundless startled day fluctuation of energy sweeps across, causes the void sharp shake, then changes into the flowing light, is plundering directly to that dark valuable territory. 随着李青鹏,李极罗的声音落下,两人已是率先一步踏出,磅礴惊天的能量波动席卷开来,引得虚空剧烈震荡,而后化为流光,径直对着那黑暗的宝域之中掠去。 Other Heavenly King Li's lineage people see that immediately follows on, several hundred figure cut the expansive sky, enormous and powerful. 身后李天王一脉其他众人见状,立即跟随而上,数百道身影划破长空,浩浩荡荡。 In these several hundred people, overwhelming majority are the great heavenly resonance realm members in 5 guards, they as well as seek foundation building Spirit Treasure to come, to want with the heart of tempering to seek one point of chance in the valuable territory, has a look whether to make use to break through Duke Realm. 这数百人里面,绝大部分都是五卫中的大天相境成员,他们怀着磨砺之心以及谋求筑基灵宝而来,想要在宝域中寻得一分机缘,看看能否趁势突破到封侯境 After all cultivates unlike other powder, although they are only great heavenly resonance realm, but also has the Heavenly King Li's lineage top powerhouse to protect, the natural opportunity are also more. 毕竟与其他的散修不同,他们虽然只是大天相境,但却还有着李天王一脉的顶尖强者相护,自然机会也就更多一些。 Li Luo also places, but actually no one really dares to treat as ordinary great heavenly resonance realm him, after all his day phase diagram was when previously inferior now, can shake with the first grade Duke expert upfront hardly, now, his day phase diagram has reached the terrifying more than 9900 zhang (3.33 m) levels let alone. 李洛也是身处其中,不过却没人真敢将他当作一个普通的大天相境,毕竟此前他天相图不如现在时,就能与一品封侯强者正面硬撼,更何况如今,他的天相图已经达到了恐怖的九千九百多丈的层次。 This is to make other great heavenly resonance realm heartfeltly feel the situation of awe. 这是令得其他大天相境由衷感到敬畏的地步。 Because they are clear, wants to achieve this step, needs what kind of talent, the potential and chance. 因为他们都非常清楚,想要达到这一步,需要何等的天赋,潜力以及机缘。 In the vision of surrounding these awes, Li Luo looks at front that to fill the dark and strange aura boundary river treasure territory, his look deep place, is hiding several points of blazing, because he felt, perhaps here, that he tries hard many years of wish, finally is going to realize. 在周围那些敬畏的目光中,李洛则是望着前方那弥漫着黑暗与诡异气息的界河宝域,他的眼神深处,藏着数分的炽热,因为他感觉,或许就在这里,那个他为之努力多年的心愿,终于将要实现。 Duke Realm! 封侯境 In the past that just solved the youngster after empty resonance issue, still also to have resonance's nature without enough time was pleasantly surprised, that five years of Duke the life span limit, then like sharp blade hanging in the top of the head, making him not dare to stop the moment the footsteps. 当年那个刚刚解决空相问题后的少年,尚还来不及为拥有了相性而惊喜,那“五年封侯”的寿命限制,便是如同利刃般的悬挂在头顶,令得他不敢停下片刻的脚步。 Now is unconscious, is more than three years. 如今不知不觉,已是三年多。 But that once unattainable Duke Realm, is actually close. 而那曾经可望不可即的封侯境,却已是近在咫尺。 Therefore at this moment, the innermost feelings that even Li Luo, cannot bear are flowing several points of rushing mood. 所以此刻,即便是李洛,都忍不住的内心流淌着几分澎湃情绪。 The side has fine slight cool element to extend suddenly, gripped the palm of Li Luo gently, he is excessive, is saw that Jiang Qing'e that golden color pupil light concentrates on his body, obviously, his mood fluctuation was also detected by this time Jiang Qing'e. 身旁突然有着一只纤细微凉的素手伸过来,轻轻的握住了李洛的手掌,他偏过头,便是见到姜青娥那金色眸光投注在他的身上,显然,他的情绪波动也被此时的姜青娥所察觉。 Moreover, among two people understood, therefore Jiang Qing'e also knows in the Li Luo heart to sigh with emotion anything. 而且,两人之间何等了解,所以姜青娥也知道李洛心中在感慨什么。 However she has not said anything in this time, but that pulls in the same place palm, actually in transmitting the emotion in her heart. 不过她也没有在此时开口说什么,只是那牵在一起的手掌,却是在传递着她心中的情感。 Because she actually also knows similarly, Li Luo these years paid many for this reason effort. 因为她其实同样也知道,李洛这些年为此付出了多少的努力。 But is good, this effort, will soon welcome blossoms and bears fruit. 但好在,这份努力,也即将迎来开花结果之时。 Two people smile, then figure already, as the large unit, resembles goes through the thin film that did not have, thorough entered in that boundary river treasure territory, but was not far in the rear area, other influences and innumerable powder cultivated/repaired, was flooding into of blotting out the sky enters. 两人相视一笑,而后身影已经随着大部队,似是穿过了一层不存在的薄膜,彻彻底底的进入到了那界河宝域之中,而在后方不远,其他势力以及无数散修,也是铺天盖地的涌入而进。 Immediately the deathly stillness boundary river treasure territory, as if therefore had several points of vitality. 顿时死寂般的界河宝域,仿佛都是因此而生出了几分生机。 Short long time time, the innumerable figure then entry treasure territory outside all that boundary river treasure territory, but once for a while, but also has the person's shadow that from the rear area catches up with, enters hurriedly. 短短半晌时间,那界河宝域外的无数身影便都是尽数的进入宝域,只不过时不时的,还有着自后方赶来的人影,匆忙而入。 But that boundary river treasure territory, then just like an abyss huge mouth, any person of entry, is embezzling quietly. 而那界河宝域,则是宛如一个深渊巨口,将任何进入之人,都是悄然的吞没。 On a mountain peak, fluctuated suddenly void, has person's shadow going out slowly together. 在一座山峰上,突然虚空波动了一下,有一道人影缓缓的走出。 That person's shadow, a face blank piece, the whole body sends out aura that a strangeness is measuring not. 那道人影,面庞空白一片,浑身散发着一种诡异莫测的气息 Origin Reversion Institute that does not have a yama. 正是归一会那位“无面冥王”。 He is lifting the strange face of blank, is gazing on distant place void that seemingly ordinary, but is actually sending out even his palpitation golden rune/symbol paper, then has in a soft voice with resounding: So many years, can rely on together rune/symbol paper unexpectedly, blow this pieceboundary river sea, making any king rank exist are not enterable, the strength of Heavenly King, but also were really above the imagination. ” 他抬着空白的诡异脸庞,注视着远处虚空上那一枚看似普通,但却散发着连他都心悸的金色符纸,然后有轻声随着响起:“这么多年了,竟然还能凭借一道符纸,镇住这片“界河海”,令得任何王级存在不可进入,天王之力,还真是超乎想象。” But, should be similar? These four Heavenly King cannot take care of oneself now, should not have the ample force to pay attention to here again.” “不过,也该差不多了吧?这四位天王如今自顾不暇,应该是没余力再来关注此处。” Our Origin Reversion Institute plans many years of bureau here , can start.” “我们归一会在此处谋划多年的局,也可以启动了。” This plan, most important is to ruin this Heavenly King rune/symbol paper, but this thing is unable to touch from the outside, even if he acts personally, is still hard its destruction, but this symbol also has the weakness, that is if has king rank to exist from the valuable territory to its destruction, then can be easier. 这份计划,最重要的就是要毁掉这张天王符纸,不过此物从外部根本无法触及,即便是他亲自出手,也难以将其破坏,但此符也有弱点,那就是如果有王级存在从宝域内部对其破坏,那么就能够容易许多。 But this key point is, because of this Heavenly King rune/symbol paper suppression, king rank exists is unable to enter in the valuable territory. 但这关键点是,因为这天王符纸的镇压,王级存在根本无法进入宝域内。 Therefore, until now, Origin Reversion Institute in plan, then attempts in the valuable territory, raises king rank or touches king rank Other, with its strength, destroys this Heavenly King rune/symbol paper, at the appointed time can promote the follow-up plan. 所以,一直以来,归一会在其中的谋划,便是试图在宝域内部,养出一头王级或者触及王级异类,借其之力,破坏这天王符纸,到时才能推动后续的计划。 But this plan continues in secret many years, now, on difference last. 而这份计划暗中持续许多年,如今,也就差最后一步了。 Does not have a yama to turn the head, line of sight went to the Abyss City direction, said with a smile gently: Qin Jiujie, actually you did not invite me to come on own initiative, I will also come this Boundary River Territory, after all our plans here, may imagine you for a long time was farther.” 无面冥王转过头,视线似是投向了深渊城的方向,轻轻笑道:“秦九劫,其实你不主动邀请我来,我也会来这界河域的,毕竟我们在这里的谋划,可比你想象的更久更远。” „, You brought a accident pleasant surprise to me actually.” “不过么,你倒是给我带来了一点意外的惊喜。” Previously in the Heavenly King Li's lineage team the young people of that grey hair, then have primordial seed Li Luo? Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) day phase diagram, this background potential, indeed will be soon out of the ordinary, this primordial seed should not awaken, actually a perfect embryo, if goes back its belt/bring, this merit makes me on sufficiently in 13 yama seats.” “此前李天王一脉队伍里面那个灰白头发的年轻人,便是身怀原始种李洛么?即将万丈的天相图,这份底蕴潜力,的确非同凡响,这原始种应该还未觉醒,倒是一个完美的胚胎,若是将其带回去,这份功劳足以令我在十三冥王席位中更上一层。” „, Qin Jiujie, as to your return, I will help you remove Li Jingzhe, after all, wants that Li Luo, Li Jingzhe this stumbling obstacle, has to kick out of the way, moreover our plans, he is also the biggest hindrance.” “也罢,秦九劫,作为对你的回报,我会帮你除掉李惊蛰,毕竟,想要动那个李洛,李惊蛰这个绊脚石,不得不踢开,而且我们此次的计划,他也是最大的阻碍。” But, Qin Jiujie, your vision short was shallower, our Origin Reversion Institute plans in secret so many years in Boundary River Territory, that asked that not only but for Li Jingzhe.” “但是,秦九劫,你的目光还是短浅了一些,我们归一会界河域暗中谋划这么多年,那所求,可不只是为了一个李惊蛰。” The chuckle reverberation, does not have a yama to think, suddenly single-handed knot seal, sees only the fingertip to have the dense/woods white flame slowly to raise, the flame is sending out the gloomy and cold feeling, formed one gradually like the eyeball flame vortex. 轻笑回荡,无面冥王又是想了想,突然单手结印,只见得指尖有森白色的火焰徐徐升起,火焰散发着阴冷之感,渐渐的形成了一个如眼球般的火焰漩涡。 The vortex deep place, the space fluctuated, penetrated the innumerable darkness. 漩涡深处,空间变幻,穿透了无数层黑暗。 Finally, seemed like locates somewhere, in that flame, presented a person's shadow, on that person's shadow clothes robe, strange eyeballs, rotation slowly. 最终,似乎是定位到了某处,在那火焰中,出现了一道人影,那道人影的衣袍上,有一只诡异的眼球,缓缓的转动。 Un?” “嗯?” That say/way seems bustling about anything's person's shadow to raise the head suddenly, looks at the dense/woods white flame vortex that front is presenting, knits the brows: Does not have the surface, what do you ask me to make?” 那道仿佛正在忙碌着什么的人影突然抬头,望着面前出现的森白色火焰漩涡,皱眉道:“无面,你找我做什么?” spiritual eye, I am stimulating to movement plan of Boundary River Territory, that Li Jingzhe now is quasi triple crown King Realm, somewhat is actually thorny, you also continuously in Heavenly Origin Divine Province, but wants to come to divide a merit?” Does not have the yama indistinct voice to spread from the flame vortex. “灵眼,我正在催动界河域的谋划,那李惊蛰如今已是虚三冠王境,倒是有些棘手,你也一直在天元神州,可想来分一份功劳?”无面冥王飘渺的声音自火焰漩涡中传出。 Does not have that a yama relates, impressively is Li Luo had met Spirit Eyes Underworld King. 无面冥王所联系的这位,赫然是李洛曾经遇见过的灵眼冥王 Obviously, to plan smoothly, did not have a yama the helper who planned to look for a powerful. 显然,为了计划更为的顺利,无面冥王打算找点强力的帮手了。
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