KOMI :: Volume #14

#1311: The powerhouses converge

Chapter 1311 第1311章 The powerhouses converge 强者云集 Wreaks havoc in between Heaven and Earth along with the boundless energy, the innumerable light shadow came from the distant place air-splitting, the frontline had four groups of troops to fall on the mountain top of not far away, the imposing manner was astonishing. 伴随着磅礴的能量在天地间肆虐,无数道光影自远处破空而来,最前方有四拨人马落在了不远处的山头上,气势惊人。 The ostentation imposing manner, is completely not so weak Heavenly King Li's lineage. 如此排场气势,完全不弱于李天王一脉这边。 But looks over this Heavenly Origin Divine Province, can have such background, except for other three big Heavenly King lineage, naturally did not have others. 而纵观这天元神州,能有如此底蕴的,除了其他三大天王脉,自然也就没了别人。 The Li Luo vision first swept to Heavenly King Qin's lineage, in that numerous figure, his first saw Qin Yi that outstanding physique, even her strength merged common in this field, but that looks makings, were actually the attracting eyeball quite. 李洛的目光先是扫向了秦天王一脉,在那众多身影中,他第一眼就见到了秦漪那出众的身姿,即便她的实力在这种场合并不起眼,但那份姿容气质,却是颇为的吸睛。 But Li Luo this sweeps, that Qin Yi is also lifts the pupil looks like, two people looked at each other one by far, is light smiles, has seen. 李洛这一扫,那秦漪也是抬眸看来,两人远远的对视了一眼,皆是平淡的一笑,算是见过。 Actually their two human world too many grievances, have not even fought against Other in Spirit Resonance Celestial Grotto jointly, because of previous generation of grievances, causing them is not not possible to have what friendship, even in the both sides heart to each other is also holding the extremely deep protection. 其实他们两人间没有太多的恩怨,甚至在灵相洞天中还联手抗击异类,不过因为上一辈的恩怨,导致他们也不可能有什么交情,甚至双方心中还对彼此都抱着极深的防备。 However when Li Luo and Qin Yi vision connection, side the latter, has is full of the aggressive vision to come with the pursuit together, simultaneously is taking a fast look around Li Luo unscrupulously. 不过就在李洛秦漪目光交汇时,在后者身旁,却是有一道充满着侵略性的目光随着追击而来,同时肆无忌惮的扫视着李洛 The Li Luo look moves slightly, then sees side Qin Yi, is standing a man who wears the azure garment, the male face brings supple aura, the eyes seem somewhat long and narrow, is hanging loose the long hair. 李洛眼神微微移动,便是见到在秦漪身旁,站着一名身穿青衫的男子,男子面庞带着一丝阴柔气息,双眼显得有些狭长,披散着长发。 His vision a uncomfortable feeling, just like the poisonous snake of hidden place, making the person fine hair but actually vertical. 他的目光给人一种不舒服的感觉,犹如暗处的毒蛇,令人汗毛倒竖。 On the body of this person, Li Luo also felt a light constriction. 在此人的身上,李洛也感受到了一淡淡的压迫感。 Govern beast spirit palace, Shen cloud song.” A Li Luo thought revolution, then knew the status of this person. “御兽灵殿,沈云歌。”李洛念头一转,便是知晓了此人的身份。 Comes from another Inner Divine Province Heavenly King rank influence regarding these, the Li Luo heart is also actually holding several points of curiosity, because this is the first time that he met can rely on the essence's beast strength similarly, with other powerhouses who fuse. 对于这些来自另外一座内神州天王级势力,李洛其实心头还抱着几分的好奇,因为这还是他第一次遇见同样能够借助精兽力量,与自身融合的其他强者。 In recent years, the day wolf gave his many boost in the critical time, helping him defuse the crisis, therefore he is very clear and essence's beast with joint forces this card in a hand strong. 这些年来,天狼在紧要时刻给予了他不少的助力,帮他化解危机,所以他很清楚与精兽合力这张底牌有多强。 This Shen Yunge, oneself are Duke expert, in addition the essence's beast joint effort, its strength is highly regarded. 这个沈云歌,自身乃是封侯强者,再加上精兽合力,其实力不可小觑。 In the Li Luo heart is thinking these, he felt that an ice-cold vision that is feeling the constriction sweeps, in that vision contains meaning of the hatred, does not need to know, besides Qin Lian that insane group of women, but who can also? 而在李洛心中想着这些的时候,他又感觉到了一道充满着压迫感的冰冷目光扫来,那目光中蕴含着浓浓的痛恨之意,不用想知道,除了秦莲那个疯批女人外,还会有谁? Therefore he is welcoming that say/way ice-cold vision, showed the genial smile. 于是他迎着那道冰冷的目光,露出了和煦的笑容。 Sees the Li Luo smile, the Qin Lian facial features even more ice-cold, she knows that this boy is provoking, therefore turns the head to look to Chu Qing, Shen Yunge, said: You, if meets that boy in the valuable territory, kills although, I want to take a look actually, whether that Li Jingzhe draws shamelessly under comes to revenge for him.” 见到李洛的笑容,秦莲面容愈发冰冷,她知道这小子是在挑衅,于是转头看向楚擎,沈云歌,道:“你们如果在宝域内遇见那小子,尽管打死,我倒是想要看看,那李惊蛰是否拉得下老脸来为他报仇。” Her rank is higher than Li Luo, bullies the weak, therefore brought in the Li Jingzhe retaliation, she also can only destroy the tooth to swallow toward the belly, but if Li Luo died in Chu Qing, in Shen cloud song their these later generation hands, that also can only blame that Li Luo being incompetent, Li Jingzhe wanted to retaliate, that tried their Heavenly King Qin's lineage and governing beast spirit palace whether feared him. 她辈分毕竟比李洛高,以大欺小,所以引来了李惊蛰报复,她也只能打碎牙齿往肚子里面咽,但如果李洛死在了楚擎,沈云歌他们这些后辈手中,那也就只能怪那李洛无能,李惊蛰想要报复,那就试试他们秦天王一脉与御兽灵殿是否惧他。 Chu Qing should tranquilly, he and Li Luo does not have grievances, but the camp standpoint is doomed is the life and death foe. 楚擎平静应下,他与李洛也没恩怨,但阵营立场注定就是生死仇敌。 Shen cloud song vision glittered, their governing beast spirit palace and Heavenly King Li's lineage have extremely profound grievances actually, but now here after all in Heavenly Origin Divine Province, moreover Li Jingzhe that quasi triple crown king assumes personal command in Heavenly Dragon City, if he really butchered Li Luo here, to also be in danger? Although he has the background of governing beast spirit palace, but an anger of quasi triple crown king, is not good to withstand. 沈云歌目光闪烁了一下,他们御兽灵殿与李天王一脉倒是有着极为深远的恩怨,不过如今这里毕竟是在天元神州,而且李惊蛰那位虚三冠王就坐镇在天龙城,如果他真的在这里宰了李洛,岂不是也将自身陷入险境?虽说他有着御兽灵殿的背景,但一位虚三冠王的怒火,也不是那么好承受的。 The opposite party really must first butcher him, pays with a life for own grandson, can Qin Jiujie also block? His strength in the Li Jingzhe eye, not compared with ants many. 对方真要先将他宰了,为自己的孙子偿命,难道秦九劫还拦得住?他的实力在李惊蛰眼中,也不比蝼蚁强多少。 Therefore Shen Yunge felt, if there is an opportunity, hits remnantly this Li Luo actually, as for his life, best receive by their Heavenly King Qin's lineage person. 所以沈云歌觉得,如果有机会,把这李洛打残倒是可以,至于他的命,最好还是由他们秦天王一脉的人来收。 Naturally at present Qin Lian says, he must to several points of face, this period of time get down after all, he to Qin Yi heart movement even more, sends the signal that pursues repeatedly, but was all reduced and solved by Qin Yi, this command he quite feels depressed. 当然眼下秦莲这么说,他还是要给几分面子,毕竟这段时日下来,他对秦漪愈发的心动,屡屡释放追求的信号,只是皆是被秦漪化解,这令得他颇感郁闷。 Shen Yunge understands, Qin Yi here oil salt does not enter, wants to break through, perhaps must look for the path from Qin Lian here. 沈云歌明白,秦漪这里油盐不进,想要突破,恐怕还得从秦莲这里找路子。 Therefore this time Shen Yunge also nods should with a smile, said: If there is an opportunity, must teach for Auntie Qin surely this boy.” 所以此时的沈云歌也是笑着点头应下,道:“若是有机会,定要为秦姨教训一下这小子。” Li Luo of distant place has put aside the vision, went to frontline the Heavenly King Qin's lineage team, the there also silver-haired middle-aged man, he crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the imposing manner is uncommon. 远处的李洛已经移开了目光,投向了秦天王一脉队伍最前方,那里还有一名满头银发的中年男子,他负手而立,气势不凡。 Qin Baiyan, Heavenly King Qin's lineage Duke Realm most powerhouse, the qualifications were quite old, in step eighth grade Duke many years, touched ninth grade Duke doubtful.” In the heart of Li Luo flashes through together the information, this Qin Baiyan has the illustrious prestige in Heavenly Origin Divine Province, is under king rank the strongest that batch, this boundary river treasure territory, Heavenly King Qin's lineage was also gives to send him. “秦白彦,秦天王一脉封侯境最强者,资历颇老,驻步八品封侯许多年,疑似触及九品封侯。”李洛的心中闪过一道情报,这秦白彦在天元神州拥有着赫赫威名,算是王级之下最强的那一批,此次界河宝域,秦天王一脉将他也是给派了出来。 However such top powerhouse is not he should consider that but should give Li Jiluo and Li Qingpeng copes. 不过这样的顶尖强者不是他应该考虑的,而是应该交给李极罗李青鹏去对付。 Then the Li Luo vision continues to take a fast look around to other two big Heavenly King lineage teams, is the powerhouse converges, the lineup is luxurious. 而后李洛目光继续扫视向其他两大天王脉的队伍,皆是强者云集,阵容豪华。 Finally, he went to another batch of teams, there lineup, does not compare four big Heavenly King lineage difference, but is one of them, he saw Shuanglu. 最后,他投向了另外一批队伍,那里的阵容,不比四大天王脉差,而在其中,他见到了吕霜露。 Right, this group of troops, belong to Golden Dragon Treasure Shop. 没错,这批人马,正是属于金龙宝行的。 Golden Dragon Treasure Shop obviously must participate in the tour of this time valuable territory, after all this is the rare chance, but they handle affairs quite uniquely, other influence is to go to seize the treasure, they are actually choose to look for missing people to buy the treasure. 金龙宝行显然也是要参与此次的宝域之行,毕竟这是难得的机缘,不过他们行事比较独特,别的势力都是进去夺宝,他们却是选择进去寻人买宝。 Sometimes after all foundation building Spirit Treasure this thing, needs to agree with resonance's nature to achieve the best effect, therefore they will gather from other person of hands with foundation building Spirit Treasure that the opposite party does not agree with, waits later to come back, distributes to locate the Golden Dragon Treasure Shop branch to auction again respectively, in which price difference naturally is also very big profit. 毕竟筑基灵宝这东西,有时候也需要契合自身相性才能够发挥最好的效果,所以他们就会从其他人手中收取与对方不契合的筑基灵宝,等之后回来,再分发到各处金龙宝行分部进行拍卖,其中的差价自然也就是很大一笔利润。 The Golden Dragon Treasure Shop prestige in major Divine Province is second to none, even if alerts the heart extremely strong powder to cultivate/repair, is willing to do business with them. 金龙宝行的信誉在各大神州都是首屈一指,所以即便是很多戒备心极强的散修,都愿意与他们做生意。 But this prestige, can bring the extremely huge wealth to Golden Dragon Treasure Shop without doubt. 而这份信誉,无疑就能够给金龙宝行带来极为庞大的财富。 In the Golden Dragon Treasure Shop team, Shuanglu is also detected that the Li Luo vision, is on the rise to him reveals the sweet and pretty smile, then suddenly stretches out the slender finger, referred to side. 金龙宝行的队伍中,吕霜露也是察觉到李洛的目光,抬头冲着他露出娇美的笑颜,然后突然伸出纤细手指,指了指身旁。 Li Luo following looking, seeing only a body is tall and straight, the skin presents the bronze youth to stand there, this person of face is martial-looking and firm and resolute, the look an extremely rigid feeling, in it behind, is shouldering a black iron rod. 李洛顺着看去,只见得一名身躯挺拔,皮肤呈现古铜色的青年站在那里,此人面庞英武而坚毅,眼神给人一种极为执着的感觉,在其身后,背负着一根黑色铁棍。 He stands there, has a swift and fierce constriction to send out. 他站在那里,自有一股凌厉的压迫感散发出来。 This person look somewhat was lax, seems like being in a daze general, but with Shuanglu movement, he also has detected raising the head, the vision and Li Luo bumps in the same place. 此人原本眼神有些涣散,似乎是在发呆一般,而随着吕霜露的动作,他也是有所察觉的抬起头,目光与李洛碰在一起。 Then his lax vision on instantaneous is sharply earnest, brings the vision and Li Luo of carefully examining to the apparent together. 然后他涣散的目光就瞬间锐利认真起来,同时带着审视的目光与李洛对视在一起。 At this moment, Li Luo also knew his status. 这一刻,李洛也就知晓了他的身份。 Golden Dragon Mountain, stretch/open Cuicheng. 金龙山,张摧城。 That third duke platform may cast the ten pillars golden platform top Heaven's Chosen it is said. 那个据说第三座封侯台有可能铸就十柱金台的顶尖天骄。 The opposite party this time come out from Golden Dragon Mountain, because of the Lu Qing’er reason. 对方此次从金龙山出来,是因为吕清儿的缘故。 Does this also come to him? 这也是冲着他而来的? Li Luo reclamation vision slowly, the tour of this valuable territory, but also is really the powerful enemy lies in wait from all sides. 李洛缓缓的收回目光,此次宝域之行,还真是强敌环伺呢。 Bang! 轰! But in more and more figure comes, to fall outside the boundary river treasure territory air-splitting, suddenly that boundary river treasure territory deep place heard the bellow, that is the final boundary river water, held breath in the horizon boundary river. 而就在越来越多的身影破空而来,落在界河宝域之外时,突然那界河宝域深处传来了轰鸣声,那是最后的界河水,都被倒吸进了天际界河之中。 After thunders, in the boundary river treasure territory was to then fall into a strange deathly stillness, was faint, as if had the innumerable gloomy line of sight to project from the deep place. 轰鸣过后,界河宝域内便是陷入到了一种诡异的死寂之中,隐隐间,仿佛是有无数道阴暗的视线从深处投射而出。 However on the scene does not have the human eye reveal to dread, instead is the look is even more blazing. 然而在场没有人眼露畏惧,反而是眼神愈发的炽热起来。 Because in that valuable territory, has many to let they more further foundation building Spirit Treasure, under this seduction, Other is not fearful. 因为在那宝域内,拥有着诸多能够让他们更进一步的筑基灵宝,在这种诱惑下,异类也就没有那么可怕了。 Li Qingpeng and Li Jiluo look at each other one, then all makes noise. 李青鹏李极罗对视一眼,然后皆是出声。 Prepares to enter the valuable territory.” “准备进入宝域吧。”
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