KOMI :: Volume #14

#1310: Boundary river sea

Chapter 1310 第1310章 Boundary river sea 界河海 When ghost fog backflow, ten thousand Shuigui river when the world phenomenon appears, entire Boundary River Territory is the thorough stir, before constraining in this time radical eruption. 当“鬼雾回流,万水归河”的天地异象出现时,整个界河域都是彻底的轰动起来,此前一段时间的压抑在此时彻彻底底的爆发。 In that innumerable foothold city, there is a flowing light of blotting out the sky air-splitting, then to be hurrying to the southwest region of Boundary River Territory deep place speedily. 在那无数座据点城市中,有铺天盖地的流光破空而出,然后以疾速对着界河域深处的西南区域赶去。 At this time filled the between Heaven and Earth light ghost fog, the reason that because backflows, has formed one after another unceasingly to the giant black column of smoke that the creek is going, so long as avoids these columns of smoke, then opens access. 此时原本弥漫天地间的薄薄鬼雾,因为回流的缘故,已经形成了一道道不断对着界河涌去的巨大黑色烟柱,而只要避开这些烟柱,便是畅通无阻。 This moment Boundary River Territory, instead is the safest time. 这一刻的界河域,反而是最为安全的时候。 However , is only restricted in the period of short time that the boundary river treasure territory opens, because of this time peace, is only the omen of genuine storm gather. 不过,也就仅限于界河宝域开启的这段短暂时间,因为此时的安宁,只是真正暴风雨来临的前兆而已。 This time boundary river, for after that extremely terrifying Black Rain Ghost Tribulation, is making a fermentation of deep breath. 此时的界河,正在为了此后那场极为恐怖的“黑雨鬼劫”,做着一场深呼吸的酝酿而已。 All influence, is grasping this crevice, rushes to that boundary river treasure territory, conducts grand harvesting, after all that inside resources, the major Heavenly King rank influences, are drool even incomparably. 各方势力,也是在抓紧这个空隙,赶往那界河宝域,进行一场盛大的收割,毕竟那里面的资源,就算是各大天王级势力,都是垂涎无比。 But that highest level foundation building Spirit Treasure, only then in that boundary river treasure territory, just now may come. 而那种最顶级的筑基灵宝,也只有在那界河宝域内,方才有可能现身。 In Heavenly Dragon City, at this time similarly is extremely busy, the innumerable light shadow goes far away air-splitting, plunders to the direction of boundary river treasure territory. 天龙城内,此时同样是热闹非凡,无数道光影破空远去,掠向界河宝域的方向。 But Heavenly King Li's lineage assumes the Heavenly Dragon City troops, by quickest time all assembled. 李天王一脉坐镇天龙城的人马,也是以最快的时间聚齐。 This troops are quite luxurious, by Li Jiluo, Li Qingpeng two eighth grade Duke expert is the head, its under is the mainstay of various lineage/vein, such as Li Jinpan, Niu Biaobiao, Li Rouyun, Li Zhiqiu and other sixth or seventh grade Duke expert. 这支人马极为豪华,以李极罗,李青鹏两位八品封侯强者为首,其下便是各脉的中流砥柱,如李金磐,牛彪彪,李柔韵,李知秋六七品封侯强者 Again behind, is Li Zhihuo, Li Foluo these Guardian Honorable. 再后面,便是李知火,李佛罗这些卫尊 But Li Luo their these great heavenly resonance realm, is sets the base existence in this army, generally speaking, can only the following big shot drink a soup, but regarding great heavenly resonance realm, this soup was also perhaps enough. 李洛他们这些大天相境,则是在这支部队里面属于垫底般的存在,一般来说,只能跟着大佬们喝点汤水,不过对于大天相境而言,这点汤水恐怕也是足够了。 Passing has the great heavenly resonance realm member in 5 guards many, has been through repeatedly to discipline in the boundary river treasure territory, and obtains the chance, enters into Duke Realm at one fell swoop. 过往不乏有五卫中的大天相境成员,在界河宝域内历经磨练,并且获得机缘,一举迈入封侯境 Leaves.” “动身吧。” Li Jiluo and Li Qingpeng look at each other one, then the sound resounds in this large unit everyone ear. 李极罗李青鹏对视一眼,而后声音在这支大部队所有人耳边响起。 Next flickers, two people take the lead to shoot up to the sky, then large quantities of light shadow follow, that enormous and powerful imposing manner, causes the innumerable powerhouses to look askance, subsequently sends out to admire the whoa, worthily is Heavenly King lineage, the background is bold horizontal. 下一瞬,两人率先冲天而起,而后大批光影紧随其后,那浩浩荡荡的气势,引得无数强者侧目,继而发出艳羡惊叹声,不愧是天王脉,底蕴就是豪横。 Top level of the Heavenly Dragon pavilion, Li Jingzhe both hands lose behind, vision profound tranquil looks at the large unit to go far away, figure place of his line of sight in large unit and common Li Luo. 天龙阁顶层,李惊蛰双手负于身后,目光深邃平静的望着大部队远去,他的视线在大部队中并不起眼的李洛身影处顿了顿。 He knows that Li Luo has been in the great heavenly resonance realm peak now, simultaneously he also knows Li Luo goes to the boundary of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) day phase diagram limit, because the Li Luo final ambition casts ten pillars golden platform, achievement and Jiang Qing'e general unparalleled heaven's chosen. 他知道李洛如今已经处于大天相境的巅峰,同时他也知道李洛是冲着万丈天相图这个极限之境而去,因为李洛最终的野心是铸就十柱金台,成就与姜青娥一般的无双天骄 This courage and heroic spirit, Li Jingzhe actually appreciation quite. 这份胆魄与豪气,李惊蛰倒是颇为的欣赏。 Li Luo, your potential and talent, are not worse than Qing'e, past you, always the custom conceal one's abilities and bide one's time, ray conceals in her behind, but after you broke through to Duke Realm, this ray, even Qing'e, still was very perhaps difficult to cover up again.” 李洛,你的潜力与天赋,不比青娥差,以往的你,总是习惯韬光养晦,将光芒藏于她的身后,不过等你突破到封侯境后,这份光芒,恐怕就算是青娥,也很难再遮掩了。” Duke Realm, is your truly renowned in world stage.” 封侯境,才是你真正显耀于世的舞台。” Blooms your ray heartily, at the appointed time entire Heavenly Origin Divine Province will look askance for you, but these covet your evil spirits, gives the grandfather to come for you to root out.” “尽情将你的光芒绽放吧,到时整个天元神州都会为你侧目,而那些觊觎你的魑魅魍魉,就交给爷爷来为你斩除。” In the past I cannot protect Taixuan, now, must protect you.” “当年我未能护住太玄,如今,总得将你护住。” Anyone, cannot move your slightest before me.” “不论是谁,都不能在我面前动你分毫。” Under the horizon afterglow, the old person usually cold solemn the face, was becomes temperate. 天际余晖下,老人素来冷肃的脸庞,都是变得温和了起来。 ... ... Heavenly King Li's lineage large unit, speedily however is good, the midway has not had any stay, finally after a about one day time, arrived in the deep place of Boundary River Territory southwest region gradually. 李天王一脉的大部队,疾速而行,中途未曾有任何的停留,最终在将近一日的时间后,渐渐的抵达了界河域西南区域的深处。 As arrives in this region, Li Luo can see that here land presents the swarth color, the terrain is complex, from time to time has the great mountain to block the way, as if must cut the vault of heaven, from time to time has the touchdown deep pool vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, just like labyrinth, even also has just like the mountain great tree, static stands erect does not know many years. 随着抵达这片区域,李洛能够见到这里的大地都是呈现赤黑色彩,地形复杂无比,时而有巨山拦路,仿佛是要划破天穹,时而有着地渊纵横,宛如迷宫,甚至还有着宛如山岳般的巨树,静静的矗立不知多少岁月。 Past here, is proliferating the ghost fog, including many strange Other hid, therefore the explorers do not dare to penetrate here generally, but as now the ghost fog backflow, all become are quite peaceful. 以往的这里,都是遍布着鬼雾,其中有诸多诡异异类潜藏,所以一般探险者都不敢深入此处,但如今随着鬼雾回流,一切都变得极为安静下来。 The Other trail, is vanishes cleanly. 异类的踪迹,更是消失得干干净净。 However, that remaining gloomy and cold aura, made one feel extremely ill. 不过,那种残余的阴冷气息,还是令人感到极为的不适。 Finally, in Li Qingpeng, under leadership of Li Jiluo, the large unit fell on a bevelling summit. 最终,在李青鹏,李极罗的率领下,大部队落在了一座削平的山巅上。 Boundary river treasure territory.” “界河宝域到了。” Hears Li Qingpeng these words, Li Luo looks up hastily to the front, immediately the eye pupil shrinks slightly, sees only in that front continuous endless land, as if presented a being too deep to see the bottom black basin, the basin just like extinguishes the world god beast shiny black great mouth, can give to swallow the world. 听到李青鹏这句话,李洛连忙抬头看向前方,顿时眼瞳微微一缩,只见在那前方连绵无尽的大地上,仿佛是出现了一个深不见底的黑色盆地,盆地犹如灭世神兽黑黝黝的巨嘴,能够将天地都给吞噬进去。 However at this time, in that basin, there is innumerable like the big dragon black dragon volume water column unceasing lift-off, is connecting that extremely remote boundary river, flows backwards to return to these black water. 不过此时,那盆地中,有无数道如巨龙般的黑色龙卷水柱不断的升空,连接着那极为遥远的界河,将这些黑水倒流而回。 Boundary river treasure territory is the Boundary River Territory deepest region, therefore here is gathering water of the most boundless boundary river, in the past period, here was a piece of endless vastness, even high grade Duke does not dare to enter its deep place.” “界河宝域是界河域最深的区域,故而这里汇聚着最为磅礴的界河之水,在以往时期,这里就是一片没有尽头的汪洋,即便是上品封侯也不敢进入其深处。” Whenghost fog backflow, ten thousand Shuigui river, these boundary river square water pitchers will hold breath to return to the boundary river, thus the vastness changes the deep pool, gives the time that we entered. ” Li Jinpan is looking at the appearance of Li Luo that exclamation, knowing him the first time is came here, therefore answered for him. “只有当“鬼雾回流,万水归河”时,这些界河水方才会被倒吸回界河,从而汪洋变地渊,也就给了我们进入的时机。”李金磐望着李洛那副惊叹的模样,知晓他是第一次来此处,于是为他解释道。 Originally the boundary river treasure territory is one pieceboundary river sea! ” Li Luo looks at that to make the jet black basin that one dreads, been able to bear said after a sigh. “原来界河宝域本身是一片“界河海”!”李洛望着那令人畏惧的漆黑盆地,忍不住的感叹道。 Nearby Jiang Qing'e elegant face extremely dignified is staring at that jet black region, is relying on keen sensation to the evil thoughts aura, she can detect, in this as if endless region, exists makes her feel the absolutely terrified evil thoughts fluctuation. 一旁的姜青娥俏脸极为凝重的盯着那漆黑地域,凭借着自身对恶念之气的敏锐感知,她能够察觉到,在这片似乎没有尽头的地域中,存在着许多令她都感到毛骨悚然的恶念波动。 In this, many terrifying Other.” Jiang Qing'e in a soft voice reminded. “这里面,好多恐怖的异类。”姜青娥轻声提醒道 The Li Jinpan complexion is also some with deep veneration, said: Boundary river treasure territory is the Boundary River Territory most dangerous region, the common time, innumerable Other rest in, each other corrosion swallows simultaneously, formed the every large or small, overlapped ghost legendary creature, moreover raised many fearful and strange Other gradually.” 李金磐脸色也是有些肃然,道:“界河宝域是界河域最为危险的区域,寻常时刻,无数异类蛰伏其中,同时彼此侵蚀吞噬,在其中形成了大大小小,重重叠叠的鬼魊,而且也渐渐养出了许多可怕而诡异的异类。” Did not say politely, entire Boundary River Territory, over half of Other, in this.” “不客气的说,整个界河域,超过一半的异类,都在这里面。” Li Jinpan stretches out the finger, aimed at the void place of distant place, said: Looks there.” 李金磐伸出手指,指向了远处的虚空处,道:“看那里。” The Li Luo vision following looking, both eyes narrows the eyes, then is surprised sight, in that void place, is float golden rune/symbol paper, rune/symbol paper is sending out the light ray unexpectedly. 李洛目光顺着看去,双目微眯,然后便是惊讶的见到,在那虚空处,竟是悬浮着一张金色符纸,符纸散发着淡淡的光芒。 That golden symbol paper obviously looks very ordinary, but why does not know, was actually suppressed the feeling of getting down to a Li Luo as if even this side world by it. 那金色符纸明明看上去很是普通,但不知为何,却给李洛一种仿佛连这方天地都被它镇压了下来的感觉。 An inexplicable awe, as if sends out general from the Li Luo innermost soul. 一种莫名的敬畏感,仿佛是从李洛灵魂深处所散发出来一般。 „Is that... the symbol of Heavenly King?!” Li Luo inhales cold air lightly, asked. “那是...天王之符?!”李洛轻吸一口凉气,问道。 This indescribable pressure, he has not felt on Li Jingzhe has been, but Li Jingzhe now is the quasi triple crown king, can compared with Li Jingzhe so many, except for summit of that standing erect world Heavenly King, what can also be? 这种无法形容的威压,他在李惊蛰身上都没感受到过,而李惊蛰如今是虚三冠王,能比李惊蛰强这么多的,除了那屹立世界之巅的天王,还能是什么? Hey, actually a little eyesight.” Li Jinpan nods with a smile, said: On this gold/metal symbol, contained Heavenly Origin Divine Province four big Heavenly King lineage four Heavenly King strength of the Heavenly King, formed the town/subdues symbol by this, suppressing seal this pieceboundary river sea, makes it is unable to expand at the same time, keeps Other from coming out. ” “嘿,倒是有点眼力。”李金磐笑着点点头,道:“这张金符上面,蕴含了天元神州四大天王脉四位天王的一丝天王之力,以此形成了镇符,封镇了这片“界河海”,令得其无法扩张的同时,也使得其中的异类无法出来。” Li Luo expressed admiration, no wonder that small golden rune/symbol paper, can actually suppressing seal live in this boundary river sea, originally gathered a four Heavenly King strength, then these, has making a move of their Heavenly King Li old ancestor? 李洛啧啧称奇,难怪那小小一张金色符纸,竟然能够封镇住这片界河海,原来是汇聚了四位天王的一丝力量,那么这其中,也算是有他们那位李天王老祖的出手咯? Because the boundary river treasure territory is just the boundary river penetration space position, the water of massive boundary river pour into here, will also bring innumerable Other, these Other in corrodes mutually, swallows, ultimately will form even more powerful existence, evil thoughts aura that these Other form,” will create some corrosion to four Heavenly King suppressing seal symbols, when each boundary river treasure territory opens, is one exterminates.” Li Jinpan said. “因为界河宝域刚好是界河穿透空间的位置,大量界河之水灌入此处,同时也会带来无数的异类,这些异类在其中互相侵蚀,吞噬,最终会形成愈发强大的存在,这些异类所形成的恶念之气,会对“四天王封镇符”造成一些侵蚀,所以每一次界河宝域开启时,也是一场清剿。”李金磐说道。 Only then unceasing some powerful Other will put down, can cease the birth of king rank Other, so as to avoid after becoming „, Black Rain Ghost Tribulation great hidden. ” “只有不断的将其中一些强大异类剿除,才能够杜绝王级异类的诞生,免得成为之后“黑雨鬼劫”中的重大隐患。” Li Luo suddenly, originally opening of boundary river treasure territory, is not only one hunts for the treasure, is one in view of big extermination of Other. 李洛恍然,原来界河宝域的开启,不仅是一场猎宝,也是一场针对异类的大清剿。 No wonder this boundary river treasure territory four big Heavenly King lineage can carve up monopolizing, now actually lets loose on own initiative, whatever all powerhouses enter freely, originally is also wants to rely on other strengths to exterminate the disaster that in the boundary river treasure territory has. 怪不得这界河宝域四大天王脉本来是可以瓜分独享,如今却是主动放开,任由各方强者自由进入,原来也是想要借助其他的力量来清剿界河宝域中存在的祸害。 At this time the boundary river water in boundary river treasure territory has not flowed backwards completely, therefore must wait for some time.” Li Jinpan said. “此时界河宝域内的界河水还未完全倒流,所以还得等待一些时间。”李金磐说道。 Li Luo nods, just wanted to speak, its look suddenly moves, turns the head to look to the horizon of distant place, saw only there to transmit the boundless remarkable fluctuation of energy, then had the innumerable light shadow to come. 李洛点点头,刚欲说话,其神色忽的一动,转头看向远处的天际,只见得那里传来了磅礴惊人的能量波动,而后有无数道光影呼啸而来。 And several batch of troops scales under their Heavenly King Li's lineage light shadow, the diameter did not drop down to the other mountain tops of not far away. 其中有数批人马规模不下于他们李天王一脉的光影,径直落向了不远处的其他山头。 The Li Luo heart moves slightly, knows that was other three big Heavenly King lineage armies catches up. 李洛心头微动,知道那是其他三大天王脉的部队赶来了。
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