KOMI :: Volume #14

#1309: Ghost fog backflow, ten thousand Shuigui river

Chapter 1309 第1309章 Ghost fog backflow, ten thousand Shuigui river 鬼雾回流,万水归河 The breakthrough of Li Hongyou, is not out of the anticipation caused enormous in an uproar in Heavenly Dragon's five guards, after all pharmacist jade dragon resonance in many dragon resonance, is that extremely rare and special type. 李红柚的突破,不出意料的在天龙五卫中引起了极大的哗然,毕竟药师玉龙相在诸多龙相之中,也属于那种极为罕见与特殊的种类。 Although it does not have strong battle efficiency, the auxiliary effect that but its can play, actually far exceeds resonance's nature that is expert to attack. 虽说其并不具备多强的战斗力,但其所能够起到的辅助效果,却是远超许多专精攻伐的相性 If body side lobe Li Hongyou such assistance, not only oneself strength can obtain blessing, but can also give the safety safeguard of high specification. 如果身旁带着李红柚这样的辅助,不仅自身实力能够获得加持,还能给予高规格的生命安全保障。 This is anybody long-awaited companion. 这是任何人都梦寐以求的同伴。 Especially in situation that the present boundary river treasure territory will soon open, Li Hongyou pharmacist jade dragon resonance, is her value enormous increase. 特别是在眼下“界河宝域”即将开启的情况下,李红柚的“药师玉龙相”,更是会将她的价值极大的提升起来。 Heard, broke through in Li Hongyou to Duke Realm was also born pharmacist jade dragon resonance that evening, that was inviting Li Hongque of Dragon Blood Guard member to fly into a rage , a palm of the hand cranked up the smashing the full table food, a banquet parted on bad terms finally. 听人说,在李红柚突破到封侯境并且诞生“药师玉龙相”的当晚,那原本正在宴请龙血卫手下成员的李红雀勃然大怒,一巴掌将满桌菜肴拍成粉碎,一场宴会最终不欢而散。 Following, Li Hongque was on several th the whole face is incorruptible, making one not dare to provoke. 接下来的几日,李红雀都是满脸冰霜,令人不敢招惹。 Obviously, Li Hongyou more loses face/shows off, Li Hongque more feels embarrassed. 显然,李红柚越是出彩,李红雀就越是感到难堪。 Just like Li Hongyou said that so long as her day keeps Dragon Tooth Guard, will then be similar to one to puncture general, making Li Hongque sleep on pins and needles. 正如李红柚所说,只要她一天留在龙牙卫,那么就会如同一根刺一般,令得李红雀寝食难安。 However how as for the Li Hongque mood, few person to have paid attention now, because of the lapse of time, Boundary River Territory emerges, but ghost fog is getting more and more rich, to afterward, even is ordinary like the light mist, fills between Heaven and Earth. 不过至于李红雀的情绪如何,现在已经没有太多人关注了,因为随着时间的推移,界河域涌现而出的“鬼雾”越来越浓郁,到得后来,甚至如同薄薄的雾气一般,弥漫天地间 Mist viscous and gloomy and cold, unceasing spreads the innumerable strange low sounds of talking, making people extremely ill. 雾气粘稠而阴冷,不断的传出无数诡异低语声,令人极为的不适。 Everyone understands, ghost fog even more rich, this is the indication that boundary river treasure territory will soon open, therefore this period of time, in Boundary River Territory searches the valuable powerhouse innumerably, all withdraws in various foothold cities, the reduction goes out as far as possible. 所有人都明白,鬼雾愈发的浓郁,这就是“界河宝域”即将开启的征兆,于是这段时间,界河域内无数探宝强者,皆是龟缩于各处据点城市内,尽量减少外出。 Everyone is waiting for that moment that the change is approaching. 所有人都在等待着变化来临的那一刻。 Therefore, chaotic, conflict continuous Boundary River Territory, in this time, obtained a short peace unexpectedly. 于是,混乱,争端不休的界河域,竟然是在此时,获得了一种短暂的安宁。 ... ... This boundary river treasure territory opens, among evil thoughts aura was more powerful than the past, therefore under Heavenly Dragon's five guards great heavenly resonance realm, was not all enterable.” “此次界河宝域开启,其内恶念之气比以往更为强盛,所以天龙五卫大天相境之下者,皆不可进入。” In the Heavenly Dragon pavilion spacious and bright meeting hall, the Li Jingzhe tranquil sound is reverberating, but at this time here, gathered all high levels and powerhouses of Heavenly King Li's lineage in Heavenly Dragon Ridge. 天龙宽敞明亮的议事厅内,李惊蛰的平静的声音回荡着,而此时这里,聚集了李天王一脉天龙岭内的所有高层与强者。 Even commanding of Li Luo their 5 guards, attend, but the position is very near the bottom. 李洛他们这种五卫的统领,都是列席其中,只不过位置很是靠后。 Everyone was serious, even Li Jingzhe said that looked like this time boundary river treasure territory surely compared with past bad risk. 所有人都是面色肃然,连李惊蛰都这么说,那看来此次的界河宝域必定比以往更为的凶险。 Under great heavenly resonance realm, is not enterable, then Heavenly Dragon's five guards knot strength, almost announced that did not have the function.” Li Luo hears word, the brow slightly wrinkle, this is not the good news, especially regarding Li Foluo their these Guardian Honorable, this was seriously weakened them the existence feeling in boundary river treasure territory. 大天相境之下,不可进入,那么天龙五卫的结阵之力,也几乎就宣告没了作用。”李洛闻言,眉头微皱,这可不是什么好消息,特别是对于李佛罗他们这些卫尊来说,这算是严重削弱了他们在界河宝域中的存在感。 After all even strength strongest Li Zhihuo, is still only under the fifth grade Duke Realm strength, common time strength is not naturally low, but in that boundary river treasure territory, will converge many Heavenly Origin Divine Province Duke expert, even the high grade marquises decide however much. 毕竟即便是实力最强的李知火,也只是下五品封侯境的实力,寻常时候这个实力自然不低,但那界河宝域内,将会云集诸多天元神州封侯强者,其中连上品侯都定然不少。 Originally Li Zhihuo their Guardian Honorable, if with the aid of blessing of respective health/guard, even if even meets eighth grade Duke expert, that still has the strength of contending. 原本李知火他们这种卫尊,如果借助各自一卫的加持,甚至就算是遇见八品封侯强者,那也是拥有着抗衡之力。 But now, the variable of boundary river treasure territory, gave the peeling their advantages. 但如今,界河宝域的变数,将他们的这份优势给剥离了。 Li Luo shot a look at Li Zhihuo, Li Foluo they, is really saw that their complexions are not quite attractive, but this does not have the matter of means that evil thoughts aura that if in the boundary river treasure territory floods is quite intense, after the ordinary 5 guards member goes, perhaps will be corroded, instead becomes the burden. 李洛瞥了一眼李知火,李佛罗他们,果然是见到他们的脸色不太好看,但这也是没办法的事情,如果界河宝域内充斥的恶念之气极为强烈,普通的五卫成员进去后,说不定就会被侵蚀,反而成为累赘。 Such situation, had also appeared in the past. 这样的情况,以往也曾经出现过。 However, this news to Li Luo, actually does not have the too tremendous effect. 不过,这个消息对李洛而言,其实没太大的影响。 After all he is only one commands . Moreover, although he did not have Dragon Tooth Guard, but... he also has five day wolves! 毕竟他只是一个统领,而且,他虽然没有了龙牙卫,但是...他还有五尾天狼啊! No, perhaps now should call it six day wolves. 不,或许现在应该叫它六尾天狼了。 Li Luo shot a look at scarlet bracelet in a wrist/skill, yesterday, Li Jingzhe gave back to him five day wolves, but he on the pleasantly surprised discovery, after the care of these months of Li Jingzhe training, five day wolf rank successfully promoted at that time. 李洛瞥了一眼手腕上的猩红手镯,在昨天的时候,李惊蛰就将五尾天狼还给了他,而他当时就惊喜的发现,经过这几个月时间李惊蛰的精心“调教”,五尾天狼等级成功的提升了。 Now it not only gives birth to a tail, but also its strength, achieved third grade Duke Realm truly. 如今它不仅又生出了一条尾巴,而且其实力,也真正的达到了三品封侯境 Had the hidden of six day wolf to boost, Li Luo lost Dragon Tooth Guard blessing even, but the strength actually did not reduce instead increases, therefore this variable has not affected him. 有了六尾天狼的这份隐藏助力,李洛即便损失了龙牙卫加持,但实力却是不减反增,所以这番变数并没有影响到他。 This is some information that we investigate to come, inside has all influence on enter the powerhouse strength of boundary river treasure territory, simultaneously some strength tyrannical powder cultivate/repair the material is also one of them, you have a look, with the aim of later dealing.” “这是我们调查而来的一些情报,里面有各方势力进入界河宝域的强者实力,同时一些实力强横的散修资料也在其中,你们多看看,以便之后应对。” Li Jingzhe counts on the fingers a ball, is has jade slip directions of fire on the scene every people. 李惊蛰屈指一弹,便是有着一枚枚玉简射向在场的每一人。 The people hurried to receive, then rapid reading. 众人赶紧接过,然后迅速的阅览一番。 Li Luo is also consulting, but he looks actually not these all parties' top high grade marquises, that character is not he worries, but is their Heavenly King Li's lineage top powerhouse plays chess. 李洛也是在查阅,不过他看的倒不是那些各方的顶尖上品侯,那种人物不是他操心的,而是他们李天王一脉的顶尖强者去对弈。 Therefore he looks at these young generation of outstanding people. 所以他只是看那些年轻一辈的佼佼者。 Other three big Heavenly King lineage Guardian Honorable are also this row, but Heavenly King Zhao's lineage five Guardian Honorable, what the strength is strongest is the real dragon protects Guardian Honorable Zhao Xiuyuan, its rank is like Li Zhihuo, is under fifth grade Duke. 其他三大天王脉卫尊也是这一列,而赵天王一脉的五位卫尊,实力最强的是真龙卫卫尊赵修渊,其等级与李知火一样,皆是下五品封侯 But Heavenly King Zhu lineage swallowing satellite of Uranus, then protects Guardian Honorable vermilion Zhan to be strongest by its thunder, is under fifth grade Duke. 朱天王一脉的吞天卫,则是以其雷卫卫尊朱詹最强,也是下五品封侯 But in Li Luo thinks when major Heavenly King health/guard strongest Guardian Honorable possibly in this level, he saw Heavenly King Qin's lineage there material, immediately the look cannot bear concentrates. 而就在李洛以为各大天王卫最强的卫尊可能都是处于这个层次时,他见到了秦天王一脉那里的资料,当即眼神就是忍不住的一凝。 black water health/guard, heavy deep pool health/guard Guardian Honorable, Qin Beiming, on fifth grade Duke. 黑水卫,重渊卫卫尊,秦北冥,上五品封侯 This person, unexpectedly is in four big Heavenly King health/guard, strength strongest Guardian Honorable! 此人,竟然是四大天王卫中,实力最强的卫尊 Li Luo hesitates slightly, the vision continued downward, then him saw two information brought to his attention. 李洛微微沉吟,目光继续往下,然后他又见到了两条信息引起他的注意。 stretch/open Cuicheng, stems from the Golden Dragon Mountain Zhang, on second grade Duke Realm, its natural talent is remarkable, be likely third duke platform, to attack ten pillars golden platform! 张摧城,出自金龙山张姓,上二品封侯境,其天资卓越,有望第三座封侯台,冲击十柱金台 Shen Yunge, stems from the profound spirit Divine Province governing beast spirit palace, on fourth grade Duke Realm, has false ninth grade gold/metal scale day python with the false ninth grade shadow snake, is carrying third grade Duke Realm simultaneously along gold/metal scale day python the assigns/life essence's beast, secret method of governing beast spirit palace, may make both fuse, the strength increases. 沈云歌,出自玄灵神州御兽灵殿,上四品封侯境,身怀虚九品的“金鳞天蟒相”与虚九品的暗影蛇相,同时随身携带着一条三品封侯境的“金鳞天蟒”的本命精兽,御兽灵殿的秘法,可使两者融合,实力大增。 Golden Dragon Mountain stretch/open Cuicheng, governing beast spirit palace Shen cloud song.” 金龙山张摧城,御兽灵殿沈云歌。” The Li Luo look concentrates, when he before and that Shuanglu met, latter indistinct has mentioned, Golden Dragon Mountain had a top Heaven's Chosen because of the Lu Qing’er reason, must look for his trouble, if expected well, was this stretch/open Cuicheng. 李洛眼神微凝,他之前与那吕霜露碰面时,后者隐约的提及过,金龙山有一个顶尖天骄因为吕清儿的缘故,要找他的麻烦,如果所料不错的话,就是这个张摧城了。 Even in the information said, this person of third duke platform has to cast the ten pillars golden platform potential, obviously its natural talent surely extremely unusual. 连情报上都说,此人第三座封侯台有铸就十柱金台的潜力,可见其天资必定极为的超凡。 As for this Shen Yunge, before Li Luo actually, has heard, is mainly their governing beast spirit palace is the profound spirit Divine Province influence, now actually participates Boundary River Territory suddenly, this naturally led to the controversy. 而至于这个沈云歌,李洛其实之前就听闻过,主要是他们御兽灵殿乃是玄灵神州的势力,如今却突然插足界河域,这自然引来了一些非议。 However some Heavenly King Qin's lineage are it supports, these censures are unable to change anything, the region of which side after all Boundary River Territory is not alone, naturally everyone may come. 不过有秦天王一脉为其撑腰,那些非议也是无法改变什么,毕竟界河域也不是独属哪一方的地域,自然人人可来。 He actually also brings Duke Realm essence's beast along.” Li Luo is somewhat surprised, moreover that named gold/metal scale day python essence's beast, has a source with that Shen cloud song resonance's nature, this should belongs to secret method of governing beast spirit palace. “他竟然也随身带着一头封侯境精兽。”李洛有些惊讶,而且那名为“金鳞天蟒”的精兽,与那沈云歌相性同出一源,这应该是属于御兽灵殿的秘法 The opposite party dominates the profound spirit Divine Province Heavenly King rank influence, the natural background is extraordinary. 对方是称霸玄灵神州天王级势力,自然底蕴非凡。 This Shen Yunge is Heavenly King Qin's lineage invites, by present two sides grievances, if meets in Boundary River Territory, surely is the enemy non- friend. 这沈云歌是秦天王一脉请来的,以如今两边的恩怨,如果在界河域里面碰见,必定是敌非友。 This time enters Boundary River Territory, but also is really the bad risk are many. 这么来看,此次进入界河域,还真是凶险不少。 „After this time enters the boundary river treasure territory, leads for the president by Li Qingpeng and Li Jiluo, all instructions are dominated by them, cannot disobey orders the line.” Li Jingzhe sees the people to examine, said lightly. “此次进入界河宝域后,由李青鹏李极罗为总统率,一切指令以他们两人为主,不可违令而行。”李惊蛰见到众人查看完毕,又是淡淡说道。 Li Qingpeng, the Li Jiluo two people all are the eighth grade Duke strengths, is the strongest strength under Heavenly King Li's lineage king rank. 李青鹏,李极罗二人皆是八品封侯的实力,算是李天王一脉王级之下的最强战力。 Under two people hears word, goes out immediately, holds the fist in the other hand to receive an order. 两人闻言,立即走出,抱拳领命下。 I will assume Heavenly Dragon City, when you return.” Li Jingzhe will not enter the boundary river treasure territory obviously, after all Heavenly Dragon City is the supreme headquarters, Black Rain Ghost Tribulation will soon approach, he must guard here, cannot move lightly. “我会坐镇天龙城,等你们归来。”李惊蛰显然并不会进入界河宝域,毕竟天龙城是大本营,黑雨鬼劫即将临近,他必须守卫此处,不可轻动。 Everyone respectful should submissively under. 所有人恭敬的拱手应下。 Then Li Jingzhe did again told, just now made the people diverge. 而后李惊蛰再次做了一些吩咐,方才让众人散去。 Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are also walking to the meeting hall outside, two people walk side-by-side, is very affectionate. 李洛姜青娥也是对着议事厅外走去,两人并肩而行,很是亲昵。 sister Qing'e, what your did dragon essence exchange? My that three ten thousand dragon essence, traded false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light.” Li Luo walks while asked. 青娥姐,你那些龙精兑换了什么?我那三万龙精,换了一道虚九品灵水奇光。”李洛边走边问。 On this time falling star stage, he gained eight ten thousand dragon essence with tears painstakingly, two extremely gave the Dragon Tooth Guard member, other 60,000 are Jiang Qing'e person of half. 此次的落星台上,他又含泪苦赚了八万龙精,其中两万分给了龙牙卫成员,余下六万则是与姜青娥一人一半。 However he just attained three ten thousand dragon essence, discovered in the Heavenly Dragon treasure house to present false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light, then this dragon essence has not covered the heat, gave to pull out. 不过他刚拿到三万龙精,就发现天龙宝库中出现了一道虚九品灵水奇光,然后这龙精还没捂热,就又给掏了出去。 Without the means that he just needs false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light, but this is he, for higher eighth grade the preparation that wood-earth resonance makes, this time enters the boundary river treasure territory, surely extremely bad risk, therefore he plans to get ready the subsequent hand. 没办法,他正需要虚九品灵水奇光,而这是他为了自身上八品的“木土相”做的准备,此次进入界河宝域,必定极为凶险,所以他打算将后手备齐。 Really to the critical time, he plans to attempt by this false ninth grade spirit water wonder-light, higher eighth grade wood-earth resonance, evolves false ninth grade. 真到紧要时刻,他就打算尝试以这道虚九品灵水奇光”,将上八品木土相,进化到虚九品 If successful, that Li Luo also official enters into three ninth grade levels. 如果成功,那李洛也就将会正式的迈入三九品的层次。 Moreover, is main and auxiliary twin resonances three ninth grade! 而且,还是主辅双相九品 Has this grade of background, the talent, wants to cast ten pillars golden platform, should also be natural? 有这等底蕴,天赋,想来铸就十柱金台,应该也算是理所应当了吧? The Jiang Qing'e pupil light flashes, just wanted to reply, its footsteps fierce, is on the rise suddenly suddenly, looks to the sky. 姜青娥眸光微闪,刚欲回答,其脚步突然猛的一顿,骤然抬头,望向天空。 Li Luo has also induced, raising the head, then the pupil is some vibrations. 李洛也是有所感应,抬起头来,然后瞳孔便是有些震动。 Sees only this time, in that field of vision institute and under the vault of heaven, has the innumerable black smog lift-off unexpectedly, seems the innumerable black python, soars on, but the end of smog, was submerges in the arched end of that day vast boundary river unexpectedly. 只见此时,在那视野所及的天穹下,竟是有无数道黑色的烟雾升空而起,仿佛是数不清的黑色巨蟒,飞腾而上,而烟雾的尽头,竟是没入到了那天穹尽头的浩瀚界河之中。 Moreover, besides these black smog, Li Luo also saw many giant water current, these water current as if absorb by an invisible and terrifying strength, is flowing backwards to go to the boundary river of vault of heaven end. 而且,除了这些黑色烟雾外,李洛还见到了许许多多的巨大水流,这些水流仿佛是被一股无形而恐怖的力量所摄住,然后对着天穹尽头的界河倒流而去。 This, is really magnificent and strange. 这一幕,委实壮观而诡异。 Li Qingpeng, Li Jiluo and other many powerhouses are also looking at this, looks the exclamation. 李青鹏,李极罗等众多强者也是望着这一幕,面露惊叹。 Ghost fog backflow, ten thousand Shuigui river.” “鬼雾回流,万水归河。” The Li Jingzhe sound from rear spreading slowly, the people separates, he walks up, look profound is looking at this marvelous sight, then the light sound resounds in everyone's ear. 李惊蛰的声音自后方徐徐的传开,众人分开,他走上前来,眼神深邃的望着这一幕奇观,而后淡淡的声音在所有人的耳边响起。 Boundary river treasure territory opened, preparation.” “界河宝域开启了,准备出发吧。”
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