KOMI :: Volume #14

#1308: Pharmacist jade dragon resonance

Chapter 1308 第1308章 Pharmacist jade dragon resonance 药师玉龙相 Palatial huge duke platform concentrates in the light beam presently, immediately erupts the huge suction, energy swallowing up of all that between Heaven and Earth, becomes concentrates to be solid simultaneously at an exceptional pace. 巍峨巨大的封侯台于光柱中凝现而出,顿时爆发出庞大的吸力,将那天地间的能量尽数的鲸吞而下,同时以惊人的速度变得凝实起来。 Cultivated around the tower to spread some happy sounds, Li Hongyou was extremely popular in Dragon Tooth Guard, not only this was his appearances is elegantly beautiful, superficial reason that the stature was good and so on, what were more was because she harbored Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, anybody needs such to make the companion who the strength increased after all at crucial moments, this can make them more relaxed facing many bad risk duties. 修炼塔周围传出了一些欢喜的声音,李红柚龙牙卫中极其受欢迎,这不仅是其自身容颜冷艳动人,身材好之类的肤浅理由,更多的还是因为她所怀有的“赤心朱果相”,毕竟任何人都需要这么一个能够在关键时刻令得己方实力大增的同伴,这能够让得他们更轻松的面对诸多的凶险任务。 Now Li Hongyou successful breakthrough Duke Realm, then her function becomes astonishing. 如今李红柚成功的突破到封侯境,那么她的作用将会变得更为的惊人。 After the moment, with the light beam radical dissipation, that scarlet-red palatial duke platform stands erect in everyone at present, their vision sweeps, then sees, in that duke platform crown, nine great column that is proliferating the mysterious trace, calmly stands erect. 片刻后,随着光柱彻底的消散,那一座赤红色的巍峨封侯台屹立在了所有人的眼前,他们目光一扫,便是见到,在那封侯台的顶部,九根遍布着玄妙纹路的巨柱,静静屹立。 That impressively is, nine column duke platform! 那赫然是,九柱封侯台 Nine column duke platform, pouring is really may celebrate encouraging.” “九柱封侯台,倒真是可喜可贺。” Li Foluo sighed one, can cast nine column duke platform, this is the peak foundation and background, after all ten pillars golden platform that was the unparalleled heaven's chosen privilege, was not general top Heaven's Chosen can expect that wanted to visit that step, the needed talent and chance were the average man are hard to attain. 李佛罗感叹一声,能够铸就出九柱封侯台,这已经算是最为顶尖的根基与底蕴,毕竟十柱金台那是无双天骄的特权,根本就不是一般的顶尖天骄能够奢望的,想要踏足那一步,需要的天赋与机缘都是常人难以企及。 Li Hongyou these nine column duke platform, have been able to show disdain for the people of 99% same step. 李红柚这九柱封侯台,已经能够傲视90%九的同阶之人。 Li Luo also nods, his anticipation to the Li Hongyou is also nine columns, now she is complete agreement, what then made his curious was, does not know that Li Hongyou broke through to Duke Realm second resonance, what resonance's nature will be born? 李洛也是点点头,他对李红柚的预期也是九柱,如今她算是圆满的达成,不过接下来令得他好奇的是,不知道李红柚突破到封侯境第二相,将会诞生什么相性 But his curiosity, quick also obtained satisfaction. 而他的好奇,很快也就获得了满足。 With that scarlet nine column duke platform standing erect midair, sees only in that nine columns, there is a azure light to gush out, the azure light gathers in the midair, faint, has the dragon's roar sound to spread unexpectedly. 伴随着那一座赤红的九柱封侯台屹立半空,只见得那九柱之中,有青光喷薄而出,青光在半空中汇聚,隐隐的,竟是有龙吟声从中传出。 Hears this dragon's roar sound, the Li Luo look then concentrates slightly. 听到这龙吟声,李洛眼神便是微微一凝。 This is, dragon resonance? Li Hongyou also has the bloodlines of Heavenly King Li's lineage, this second resonance birth dragon resonance, is natural. 这是,龙相李红柚也是身怀李天王一脉的血脉,这第二相会诞生龙相,也是理所应当。 However the dragon resonance species is many, does not know that is what dragon resonance? 不过龙相种属繁多,也不知道是什么龙相 But in Li Luo guessed, suddenly he smelled a light medicine fragrant flavor to proliferate outside this cultivation tower, this fragrance continued he alone to smell obviously, others all were the air/Qi of deep suck in medicine fragrance, then refreshing of whole face. 而就在李洛猜测间,突然他闻到了一股淡淡的药香味道在这修炼塔之外扩散出来,这香味显然不止他一个人闻到,其他人皆是深吸着药香之气,而后满脸的神清气爽。 What flavor is this? Good fragrance, moreover attracted both unexpectedly even state of mind gently.” Some person of surprised saying. “这是什么味道?好香啊,而且吸两口竟然连心境都平缓了下来。”有人惊奇的说道。 Probably passes from that azure light.” Azure light that some people aim in the midair that gathering. “好像是从那青光中所传出来的。”有人指向半空中那汇聚的青光。 Li Luo also discovered the medicine fragrant origin, looks the unusual color immediately, what dragon resonance, unexpectedly also bringing medicine fragrant flavor? 李洛也是发现了药香的来源,当即面露奇特之色,什么龙相,竟然还自带药香味道? Under all surprised vision gazes, in midair in rich azure light, gradually condensed huge dragon's phantom, then dragon's phantom gradual became must be clear. 在所有惊奇的目光注视下,半空中浓郁的青光中,渐渐的凝聚出了一条巨大的龙影,而后龙影逐渐的变得清晰起来。 In the Li Luo eye is producing an inverted image dragon's phantom in midair, sees only that dragon's phantom to present the sapphire color, its physique is different from dragon-shaped of other fierce military might, instead appears some slender feelings, Dragon Horn like the jasper, is flowing the profound light. 李洛眼中倒映着半空中的龙影,只见得那条龙影呈现青玉般的色彩,其形体与其他狰狞威武的龙形不同,反而是显得有些纤细感,龙角如碧玉,流淌着玄光。 On that azure dragon scale, faint appears a trace, if there is a person of familiar medicinal pill characteristics here, can recognize, this trace appears on these tall product medicinal pill generally. 在那青色的龙鳞上,隐隐的浮现出一种纹路,若是有熟悉丹药特性的人在此,就能够认出,这种纹路一般都只是出现在那些高品的丹药上面。 Moreover, as that appears like sapphire dragon's phantom thoroughly, the air/Qi of that medicine fragrance immediately becomes even more rich, wrapped the trim square. 而且,随着那如青玉般的龙影彻底浮现,那股药香之气顿时变得愈发的浓郁,将整片广场都是包裹在了其中。 All places the person in medicine fragrance, all looks the color of being infatuated. 所有身处药香之中的人,皆是面露陶醉之色。 This is...” On Li Luo face surprised even more rich. “这是...”李洛脸庞上的惊讶愈发的浓郁。 This ispharmacist jade dragon resonance! ” Nearby Li Foluo says, in the sound is difficult to cover some vibrations. “这是“药师玉龙相”!”一旁的李佛罗接过话,声音中难掩一些震动。 Pharmacist jade dragon resonance?” Li Luo stares, truly speaking, he does not seem to listen to this dragon resonance. “药师玉龙相?”李洛一愣,说实在的,他好像没听过这种龙相 In Dragon Clan, species quite a lot, but thispharmacist Jade Dragon, is extremely special one, moreover it has the extremely high position in Dragon Clan, all Dragon Clan to its hold the respect. ” 龙族之内,种属颇多,而这“药师玉龙”,则是其中极为特殊的一种,而且其在龙族内拥有着极高的地位,所有龙族都对其抱有尊重。” This because actually notpharmacist Jade Dragon has how fearful battle efficiency, on the contrary, it is not good at going on a punitive expedition against the fight, it excels, just like its, can for other Dragon Clan cure injuries, patch the foundation. ” “这倒不是因为“药师玉龙”拥有着多么可怕的战斗力,相反,它并不擅长征伐战斗,它所擅长的,正如其名,能够为其他龙族治愈伤势,修补根基。” Moreover, pharmacist Jade Dragon is in Dragon Clan, species that the only one type has the refine the pill of immortality talent, even, this point does not miss compared with Human Clan these refine the pill of immortality masters.” Li Foluo said. “而且,药师玉龙是龙族中,唯一一种具备炼丹天赋的种属,甚至,这一点不比人族的那些炼丹宗师差。”李佛罗说道。 Dragon that is skilled in the refine the pill of immortality?” Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e look at each other in blank dismay, big of this world, but also is really every possible strange thing, never expected that in Dragon Clan, this extremely special species. “精通炼丹的龙?”李洛姜青娥面面相觑,这世界之大,还真是无奇不有,没想到龙族之中,还有这种极为特殊的种属。 Because of the unique ability of pharmacist Jade Dragon, causing it to have the extremely high status and position in Dragon Clan, after all even Dragon Clan, will still be injured in the fight frequently, even wound and foundation, but at this time, must obtain the help of pharmacist Jade Dragon.” “正因为药师玉龙的独特能力,导致它在龙族中拥有着极高的身份与地位,毕竟即便是龙族,也经常会在战斗中受伤,甚至伤及根基,而这个时候,就必须得到药师玉龙的帮助。” However in addition, pharmacist Jade Dragon in refine the pill of immortality industry, has the pivotal position, because pharmacist Jade Dragon can refine exclusive medicinal pill, this is, any other refine the pill of immortality big masters who it is in sole possession, are unable to refine.” “而除此之外,药师玉龙在炼丹行业中,也拥有着举足轻重的地位,因为药师玉龙能够炼制一种专属丹药,这是它所独有的,其他任何炼丹大宗师,都无法炼制出来。” This medicinal pill, is callednine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill. ” Li Foluo continues is two people solves to say. “这种丹药,被称为“九转玉龙丹”。”李佛罗继续为二人解说道。 nine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill?” Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e expressed that indeed has not heard this medicinal pill. 九转玉龙丹?”李洛姜青娥表示的确没听说这种丹药 Jade Dragon pill is divided into 3rd rank, is triple-revolutiion, six-revolutions as well as nine-revolutions of maximum level, nine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill's rank, entered into the ninth grade miracle cure level, that was medicinal pill highest quality.” “玉龙丹分为三级,乃是三转,六转以及最高层次的九转,九转玉龙丹的品阶,迈入到了九品灵丹的层次,那是丹药的最高品质。” It is said achieves six-revolutions Jade Dragon pill, has miraculous effect of enhancement potential, but can also maintain fleshly body not to extinguish, regardless of suffers what kind of destruction attack, fleshly body can under the medicinal pill strength maintains, maintains does not go bad.” “据说达到六转的玉龙丹,就具备着增强潜力的神效,还能维持肉身不灭,不论遭受到何等毁灭攻击,肉身都能够在丹药的力量维持下,保持不坏。” However nine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill, the potential of enhancement is not only more astonishing, even, but can also help the King expert breakthrough wall barrier.” Li Foluo complexion serious saying. “而九转的玉龙丹,不仅增强的潜力更为惊人,甚至,还能助王级强者突破壁障。”李佛罗脸色郑重的说道。 Hiss. 嘶。 Li Luo holds breath cold air, the innermost feelings full are the vibration, this so-called „is Jade Dragon pill so unexpectedly terrifying? Must know that the human body potential is most wonderful, this will decide actually a person can step onto far on the cultivation path, but the potential usually can only unearth, the consumption, wants to supplement is actually difficult, but this Jade Dragon pill can its enhancement, is this what kind of miraculous effect? 李洛倒吸一口凉气,内心满是震动,这所谓的“玉龙丹”竟然这般恐怖?要知道人体潜力最为神妙,这将会决定一个人在修炼道路上究竟能够走上多远,但潜力素来只能挖掘,消耗,想要增补却是难上加难,而偏偏这玉龙丹就能够将其增强,这是何等神效 Let alone, this is also only six-revolutions Jade Dragon pill, if nine-revolutions, but can also help the King expert breakthrough movie screen?! 更何况,这还只是六转玉龙丹,如果是九转,还能助王级强者突破障壁?! Does this link King expert to go after like ducks to this nine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill? 这岂不是连王级强者都会对这九转玉龙丹趋之若鹜? But can refine this special top medicinal pill, no wonder that pharmacist Jade Dragon has the pivotal position in Dragon Clan. 而能够炼制出这种特殊的顶级丹药,怪不得那“药师玉龙”会在龙族中拥有着举足轻重的地位。 Can refine nine-revolutions Jade Dragon pill pharmacist Jade Dragon, regarding entire Dragon Clan, is worth the clan treasure that vigorously to protect! 一条能够炼制“九转玉龙丹”的药师玉龙,对于整个龙族而言,都是值得倾力守护的族宝! It is said pharmacist Jade Dragon uses many heavenly materials and earthly treasures as the food, never eats every thing, therefore in his blood contains the special efficacy, but refines Jade Dragon pill, needs to take its Dragon Blood as principal.” “据说药师玉龙以诸多天材地宝为食,从不食凡物,因此其血液中蕴含着特殊的药力,而炼制玉龙丹,就需要以其龙血为主材。” This Li Hongyou was bornpharmacist jade dragon resonance, to her is also the incomparable conjunction, she has Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, happen to can take this as the food, provides for pharmacist jade dragon resonance, both auxiliary resonance becomes, perhaps in the future, she can also refine truly Jade Dragon pill! ” Li Foluo at this point, the look became excited. “此次李红柚诞生了“药师玉龙相”,对于她而言也是无比的契合,她身怀“赤心朱果相”,正好可以以此为食,供养“药师玉龙相”,两者相辅相成,说不定未来,她也能炼制出真正的“玉龙丹”!”李佛罗说到此处,眼神都变得激动了起来。 Li Luo also somewhat sighed, Li Hongyou Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance was unusual, can be increase resonance power, now adds on this again pharmacist jade dragon resonance the therapy ability, can say unrestrained/no trace of politeness, she later is the king of assistance. 李洛也是有些感叹,李红柚赤心朱果相本就奇特,能够为人增幅相力,如今再加上这“药师玉龙相”的疗伤能力,可以毫不客气的说,她以后就是辅助之王。 Had her blessing, really can the unscrupulous wave. 有了她的加持,真的是可以肆无忌惮的浪了。 When Li Luo is so thinking, that occupies sapphire dragon's phantom of midair to change into the flowing light to fall into along with duke platform the cultivation tower together, after several breaths, together slender beautiful figure from treads to waste time. 就当李洛这般想着的时候,那盘踞半空的青玉龙影已是伴随着封侯台化为一道流光落入修炼塔内,数息后,一道纤细倩影自其中踏空走出。 Li Hongyou. 正是李红柚 This time she, on the flesh is pasting the sapphire gloss, in its body unceasing sending out light medicine fragrant flavor, refreshing, making one unable to bear wanted to approach. 此时的她,肌肤上流转着青玉光泽,其身躯上不断的散发出淡淡的药香味道,沁人心脾,令人忍不住的就想要靠近。 Hongyou senior sister, congratulates you to step into Duke, casts nine column golden platform.” Li Luo takes the lead to hold the fist in the other hand to say with a smile. 红柚学姐,恭喜你踏入封侯,铸就九柱金台。”李洛率先抱拳笑道。 Li Hongyou shows a faint smile, pupil light gentle is looking at Li Luo, said: Also was lucky you supportvictoria regia real ichor, otherwise this time I cannot achieve this step. ” 李红柚微微一笑,眸光柔和的望着李洛,道:“还多亏了你赞助的“玉莲真灵液”,不然此次我也达不到这一步。” Li Luo beckons with the hand, curious asking: Your thispharmacist jade is dragon resonance, several? ” 李洛摆了摆手,好奇的问道:“你这“药师玉龙相”,是几品啊?” Li Hongyou naturally cannot conceal to him, the chuckle is returning said: Is slightly lower than Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, is only empty nine.” 李红柚对他自然不会隐瞒,轻笑着回道:“比赤心朱果相略低,只是虚九。” false ninth grade, pharmacist jade dragon resonance. 虚九品,药师玉龙相 Nearby Li Foluo helplessly said: You follow in Li Luo, side Jiang Qing'e was too long, had become does not eat the smoke and fire, do not say so simply well at will false ninth grade.” 一旁的李佛罗无奈的道:“你是跟在李洛,姜青娥身边太久了,已经变得不食烟火了,你不要把虚九品说得如此简单随意好吧。” false ninth grade, after all is also ninth grade! 虚九品,终归也是九品 This is countless people longs for even in dreams rank that wants to achieve. 这是无数人梦寐以求想要达到的品阶 Moreover heavenly dragon resonance that in many dragon resonance, just evolved last month except for Li Luo, this pharmacist jade dragon resonance, is rarest. 而且在诸多龙相中,除了李洛上个月刚进化出来的天龙相,这“药师玉龙相”,就已经算是最为罕见的了。 Now Li Hongyou has lower ninth grade Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, false ninth grade pharmacist jade dragon resonance, this luxurious disposition, takes a broad view at entire Heavenly Dragon's five guards, perhaps was also next to Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo. 如今李红柚身怀下九品赤心朱果相,虚九品的药师玉龙相,这个豪华配置,放眼整个天龙五卫,恐怕也就仅次于姜青娥李洛了。 Waits for Li Hongyou birth false ninth grade pharmacist jade dragon resonance the news passes on, feared that must make the stir in 5 guards. 李红柚诞生虚九品“药师玉龙相”的消息传出去,怕又是要在五卫中引起轰动了。 Perhaps however then, that Li Zhihuo and Li Hongque, do not want to sleep well. 不过如此一来,那李知火李红雀,恐怕是别想睡个安稳觉了。 Read hence, Li Foluo cannot help but somewhat took pleasure in others' misfortunes. 一念至此,李佛罗不由得有些幸灾乐祸起来。
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