KOMI :: Volume #14

#1303: Falls on the star stage to reveal Heavenly Dragon

Chapter 1303 第1303章 Falls on the star stage to reveal Heavenly Dragon 落星台上显天龙 Three days of time, blinks in Heavenly Dragon's five guards some atmosphere of moving restlessly, hele star stage, opens as scheduled. 三天时间,在天龙五卫有些躁动的气氛下眨眼即过,界河落星台,也是如期开启。 When Li Luo when Dragon Tooth Guard again ascending a height to get a broad view upper boundary hele star stage, obviously felt the atmosphere from is completely previously different, when that first upper boundary hele star stage, no one pays attention to his one to enter the Dragon Tooth Guard rookie radically initially, but at this time, where his footsteps arrive, that tens of thousands vision with sticking are the same on him, as his movement moves. 李洛随着龙牙卫再次登临上界河落星台时,明显感觉到气氛跟此前完全不一样了,那第一次上界河落星台时,根本没什么人关注他一个初入龙牙卫的新人,可此时,他的脚步走到哪里,那几万道目光就跟黏在他身上一样,随着他的移动而移动。 In these vision, fills the ignition heat, the anticipation. 那些目光中,充满着火热,期待。 At this moment, Li Luo is the entire Heavenly Dragon's five guards truly prettiest young. 此时此刻,李洛是整个天龙五卫真正最靓的仔。 Li Luo, do not play to take off/escape.” Li Foluo sees so a weaponry and atmosphere, not only has not liked, instead complexion even more becomes must be serious, to Li Luo reminded. 李洛,你可别玩脱了啊。”李佛罗见到这般阵仗与气氛,不仅没有欢喜,反而脸色愈发的变得严肃起来,对着李洛提醒道 He really did not determine that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e whether to achieve after completes Dragon Tooth Guard here refining duty, but also has the sufficient ample force , helping three protect refining. 他实在不确定李洛姜青娥能否做到在将龙牙卫这边的提炼任务完成后,还有着足够的余力,去帮三卫提炼 After all, this is one consumes the strength extremely the matter. 毕竟,这是一个极其消耗力量的事情。 Now dragon scale, Dragon Bone, the members of Dragon Horn three health/guard are hopeful, if when the time comes Li Luo actually because of taking off/escaping strength, but is unable to complete the task, perhaps these anticipation people, will erupt the extremely dissatisfaction. 如今龙鳞,龙骨,龙角三卫的成员都已是满怀期待,如果到时候李洛却因为脱力而无法完成任务,恐怕这些期待至极的人,将会爆发出极为不满的情绪。 When the time comes that side Dragon Blood Guard makes some guidances again, matter some will not be instead good to end. 到时候龙血卫那边再做一些引导,事情反而会有些不好收场。 Faces the reminder of Li Foluo, Li Luo is nodding with a smile, actually about helping other protects the refining star bead, earns dragon essence this matter, he previously wants to discuss with Jiang Qing'e. 面对着李佛罗的提醒,李洛笑着点点头,其实关于帮其他卫提炼星珠,赚取龙精这件事情,他此前就想与姜青娥进行讨论。 But two people did not have unnecessary strength air-drying matter at that time, he then postpones this matter. However as to refining star bead even more skilled, several months later, their strengths have also striven again in addition, especially when Li Luo, initially the first refining star bead, his day phase diagram is only 6000 zhang (3.33 m), but now, he has achieved 9600 hundreds of zhang (333 m)! 只不过那时候两人没有多余的力气干这事,他便将此事暂缓。不过随着对提炼星珠愈发的熟练,再加上几个月下来,他们的实力也是有所精进,特别是李洛,当初第一次提炼星珠时,他的天相图只是六千丈,而如今,他已是达到了九千六百丈! The most important thing is, his dragon resonance, successful evolution heavenly dragon resonance! 最为重要的是,他的龙相,成功的进化成了天龙相 Had these achievement support, Li Luo dares to embrace such big living on that day, afterward also held discussions with Jiang Qing'e. 有了这些作为支撑,李洛在那日才敢揽下这么大的活,事后也与姜青娥进行了讨论。 Moreover he has not boasted extravagantly directly, must help other three health/guard also refining achieve such as the top result of Dragon Tooth Guard here 260,000 star beads, therefore this will be relatively speaking more relaxed. 而且他也没有直接夸下海口,要帮其他三卫也提炼出如龙牙卫这边二十六万枚星珠的顶尖成绩,所以这相对而言就会轻松一些。 Under that numerous blazing vision gaze, Li Luo goes forward, the vision looks to dragon scale, Dragon Bone, the directions of Dragon Horn three health/guard, loud-voiced spreading: Three Guardian Honorable, fall star stage opening after later, youboundary river meteor capture, will then first maintain some time, when we complete Dragon Tooth Guard here duty , helping you. ” 在那众多炽热目光注视下,李洛上前,目光看向龙鳞,龙骨,龙角三卫的方向,声音洪亮的传开:“三位卫尊,待会落星台开启后,你们先将“界河流星”捕获,然后维持住一些时间,等我们将龙牙卫这边的任务完成,就来帮你们。” Dragon Scale Guard Guardian Honorable Li Tingyue smiles, said: Good news that and other Li Luo commanded.” 龙鳞卫卫尊李庭月嫣然一笑,道:“那就等李洛统领的好消息了。” Guardian Honorable of other two health/guard also all nod. 其他两卫的卫尊也皆是点头。 But with other four health/guard hopeful compares, Dragon Blood Guard that side atmosphere is a little depressed, after all today this important matter, they purely are only a viewer. 而与其他四卫的满怀期待相比,龙血卫那边的气氛就有点沉闷,毕竟今日这场大事,他们就纯粹只是一个看客。 Li Zhihuo feels this type of atmosphere, the complexion somewhat is being cannot help but cloudy. 李知火感受着这种气氛,脸色不由得有些阴沉。 Nearby Li Hongque comfort said: Guardian Honorable does not need to worry that Li Luo is insatiably greedy, met living of three health/guard all of a sudden, depending on his great heavenly resonance realm, how possibly to support?” 一旁的李红雀安慰道:“卫尊不必担忧,那李洛贪得无厌,一下子接了三卫的活,凭他一个大天相境,怎么可能支撑得下来?” If when the time comes played to pound, looked how he ended.” “到时候如果玩砸了,看他如何收场。” The Li Zhihuo slight nod, he experienced did not know many hele star stage cultivation, therefore very clear refining star bead was the strenuous matter, even if Jiang Qing'e had some special tempering methods that three ninth grade light resonance as well as Li Luo had, but two people strengths, limited them after all. 李知火微微点头,他经历了不知多少次界河落星台修炼,所以很清楚提炼星珠是何等费力的事情,即便姜青娥拥有三道九品光明相以及李洛所拥有的一些特殊淬炼手段,但两人的实力,终归是限制了他们。 However, if Li Luo and did Jiang Qing'e, really achieve? 不过,如果李洛姜青娥,真的做到了呢? When the time comes, they will become the entire Heavenly Dragon's five guards hottest person, other health/guard will have the biggest respect and respect to them, after all, the star bead is the important matter that relates to everyone to cultivate, in this concerns the strength under the matter, any mood can stand out of the way. 到时候,他们将会成为整个天龙五卫最炙手可热的人,其他各卫都会对他们产生最大的尊敬与敬重,毕竟,星珠是关系到所有人修炼的大事,在这关乎自身实力的事情下,任何情绪都可以靠边站。 From the prestige, that time Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, will perhaps become Guardian Honorable of no crown. 从声望而言,那时的李洛姜青娥,恐怕将会成为无冕的卫尊 Even waits for in the future their strength gradual promotion, in situation that in the prestige and strength have, perhaps Heavenly Dragon's five guards that unresolved Great Guardian Honorable the position, will fall into their hands. 甚至等往后他们的实力逐步的提升起来,在声望与实力都具备的情况下,恐怕天龙五卫那悬而未决的“大卫尊”之位,都将会落入他们的手中。 Thinks of this point, the Li Zhihuo heart cannot bear trembles. 一想到这一点,李知火心头就忍不住的一颤。 Bang! 轰隆! But in the Li Zhihuo heart the distracting thoughts come up in great numbers and from all sides, that hele star stage sky huge strategy, is starts to revolve, the fog diverges, on upper air that cannot be touched, the boundary river of that mysterious terrifying, reflects pleasant. 而就在李知火心中杂念横生的时候,那界河落星台上空巨大的阵法,则是开始运转起来,云雾散去,位于不可触及的高空上,那神秘恐怖的界河,映入眼中。 The strategy revolved, spread the dragon's roar great sound, then vast radiance condensed dragon mouth, under the turnover, the water of that boundary river, interception forcefully fell. 阵法运转,传出了龙吟巨声,而后浩瀚光华凝聚成龙嘴,吞吐之下,将那界河之水,强行的截取而落。 Therefore, boundary river meteors, have the vast fluctuation, falls from the day. 于是,一颗颗界河流星,带着浩瀚的波动,从天而坠。 Li Foluo sees that a long and loud cry, the body lifts off, starts to intercept boundary river meteor. 李佛罗见状,一声长啸,身躯升空而起,开始截取“界河流星”。 This hele star stage cultivation, then under long-waited, opens smoothly. 这一场的界河落星台修炼,则是在万众期待下,顺利开幕。 As Li Foluo comes the boundary river meteor interception, Jiang Qing'e is commanding the strengths of five thousand health/guard, erupts pure light resonance's power, starts to refine. 而随着李佛罗将界河流星截取而来,姜青娥就统率着五支千卫的力量,爆发出纯净至极的光明相力,开始炼化。 Li Hongyou leads thousand health/guard, displays resonance's nature the strength of increase, is Jiang Qing'e blessing. 李红柚则是率领一支千卫,施展自身相性的增幅之力,为姜青娥加持 Li Luo also leads two thousand health/guard, stimulates to movement lesser void resonance fire, assistance Jiang Qing'e together refining. 李洛也是率领两支千卫,催动小无相火,协助姜青娥共同提炼 With this skilled coordination, huge boundary river meteor not slightly accident completed refining, that refining efficiency, any must be quicker than the past time. 在这种熟练的配合下,一颗颗巨大的界河流星没有丝毫意外的完成了提炼,那种提炼效率,比以往任何一次都要更快。 The innumerable radiant dazzling star beads splash, is attracting the full house vision. 无数璀璨耀眼的星珠泼洒而下,牵动着满场的目光。 So after seven rounds, Dragon Tooth Guard, completed all boundary river meteor at the maximum speed refining. 如此七轮过后,龙牙卫以最快的速度,完成了所有“界河流星”的提炼 Finally harvested more than 280,000 star beads. 最终收获了二十八万多枚星珠。 Obviously, this should be the limit quantity that these boundary river meteors can refining have. 显然,这应该就是这些界河流星所能够提炼出的极限数量了。 As Dragon Tooth Guard bursts into the cheers, that dragon scale, Dragon Bone, the Dragon Horn three health/guard are to cast the eager vision, because sky over the falling star stage of their side, is floating ten several giant boundary river meteors respectively, but their strengths, is used to maintain these boundary river meteors all, after all these boundary river meteors contains the water of extremely heavy boundary river, if they not by boundless energy carrying/sustaining, then they will be crashing to go to below Heavenly Dragon City directly. 随着龙牙卫这边爆发出欢呼声,那龙鳞,龙骨,龙角三卫则是投来眼巴巴的目光,因为他们那边的落星台上空,各自漂浮着十数颗巨大的界河流星,而他们的力量,则是尽数用来维持这些界河流星,毕竟这些界河流星内部蕴含着极为沉重的界河之水,如果他们不以磅礴能量承载,那它们就会直接对着下方的天龙城坠落而去。 Then, their strengths also in rapid consumption. 只是如此一来,他们的力量也是在迅速的消耗。 Your condition how?” Li Foluo drops the body, looks to Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, after completing Dragon Tooth Guard here refining, resonance power of two people whole body fluctuated obviously weakened much. “你们状态如何?”李佛罗落下身来,看向李洛姜青娥,在完成了龙牙卫这边的提炼后,两人周身的相力波动明显是削弱了不少。 Especially Li Luo, he is only the great heavenly resonance realm strength, the consumption is more serious. 特别是李洛,他只是大天相境的实力,消耗更为严重。 In the Li Foluo eye somewhat worried, from the present appearance, the Li Luo two people are really not necessarily able to help three health/guard complete refining again. 李佛罗眼中有些担忧,从现在的模样来看,李洛二人真的未必能够再帮三卫完成提炼 But the distant place, Li Tingyue, Li Jushen, Li Boyuan three Guardian Honorable are also the keen sensation to Li Luo, the mass consumptions of Jiang Qing'e they resonance power, immediately brow slightly one pressed. 而远处,李庭月,李巨神,李泊远三位卫尊也是敏锐的感知到李洛,姜青娥二人自身相力的大量消耗,当即眉头微微一蹙。 Really, wants the refining four health/guard one time the boundary river meteors, regarding the Li Luo two people, is some reluctantly? 果然,一次性要提炼四卫的界河流星,对于李洛二人来说,还是有些勉强吗? That side Li Zhihuo, then relaxes secretly. 李知火那边,则是暗自松了一口气。 However is welcoming that numerous vision, Li Luo smiles to Li Foluo, the intention moves, sees only has boundless resonance power to shoot up to the sky from its crown of the head, the ray expands, changed into a mammoth gorgeous day phase diagram. 不过迎着那众多目光,李洛则是冲着李佛罗笑了笑,心念一动,只见得有磅礴相力自其天灵盖冲天而起,光芒扩张开来,化为了一幅波澜壮阔的绚丽天相图。 Day phase diagram turnover world's energy, returns nurturing to parents Li Luo. 天相图吞吐天地能量,反哺李洛 The 5 guards member vision is looking at that day phase diagram, is fierce is startled. 五卫的成员目光望着那幅天相图,皆是猛的一惊。 On this day phase diagram, 9600 hundreds of zhang (333 m)?!” Some people call out in alarm. “这天相图,九千六百丈?!”有人惊呼。 The day phase diagrams of 9600 hundreds of zhang (333 m), this is many great heavenly resonance realm unattainable situations. 九千六百丈的天相图,这可是很多大天相境可望而不可即的地步。 Good astonishing cultivation speed.” Li Tingyue makes noise surprisedly, must know when Li Luo falls the star stage for the first time , 6000 zhang (3.33 m) day phase diagram, but for several months, has then been this degree unexpectedly, after all everyone was clear, day phase diagram after arriving in 9000 zhang (3.33 m), wants to promote again, even if one zhang (3.33 m), that needs the extremely high talent and resources. “好惊人的修炼速度。”李庭月惊讶出声,要知道李洛第一次上落星台时,才不过六千丈天相图,可这才短短几个月,竟然已经达到了这种程度,毕竟所有人都清楚,天相图在抵达九千丈后,想要再多提升哪怕一丈,那都需要极高的天赋与资源。 But when everyone is surprised, in that mammoth day phase diagram, suddenly has the thunderous sound to get up, as if presented one group of thunder clouds, but in the thunder clouds, huge dragon's phantom winds to hover. 而就在所有人感到惊讶的时候,那幅波澜壮阔的天相图中,突然有雷鸣声响起,其中仿佛是出现了一团雷云,而雷云中,一条庞大的龙影蜿蜒游动。 Roar! 吼! That said that dragon's phantom exuded a low and deep dragon's roar sound, it opens dragon mouth, world's energy is swallowed into the endo-abdominal by its one. 那道龙影发出了一道低沉的龙吟声,它张开龙嘴,天地能量被其一口吞入腹内。 But the resonance power fluctuation of Li Luo whole body, is starts at an exceptional pace becomes vigorous. 李洛周身的相力波动,则是以惊人的速度开始变得雄浑起来。 ancient, dignified dragon's roar reverberates on this hele star stage. 古老,威严的龙吟在这界河落星台上回荡。 The Heavenly Dragon's five guards member is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform changes color. 天龙五卫的成员皆是齐齐变色。 Even Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo, Li Tingyue these Guardian Honorable, are the pupil fierce shrinks, because under this dragon's roar sound, dragon resonance of their within the body, sent out the slight vibration unexpectedly. 即便是李佛罗,李知火,李庭月这些卫尊,都是瞳孔猛的一缩,因为在这道龙吟声下,他们体内的龙相,竟然都是发出了细微的震动。 Their unbelievable discoveries, by their strengths, from the roar of Li Luo that dragon resonance, felt a slight constriction unexpectedly. 他们难以置信的发现,以他们的实力,竟然从李洛那一道龙相之吼中,感受到了一种细微的压迫感。 But, by the Li Luo strength, even if he has ninth grade dragon resonance, is impossible to make them have such feeling?! 可是,以李洛的实力,即便他身怀九品龙相,也不可能让他们有如此感觉啊?! What situation is this?! 这是什么情况?! Their vision like electricity projection to that day phase diagram, there thunder clouds even more thin, the next quarter, has to send out endless honored aura purple gold dragon body, reveals from the thunder clouds. 他们的目光如电般的投射向那天相图,那里雷云愈发的稀薄,下一刻,有散发着无尽尊贵气息的紫金龙躯,自雷云中显露出来。 Is looking at that purple gold dragon body, presents the Guardian Honorable as well as all Heavenly King Li's lineage people of have dragon resonance, the complexion is becomes wants to get up panic-strickenly certainly. 望着那紫金龙躯,在场各位卫尊以及所有身怀龙相李天王一脉之人,脸色皆是变得惊骇欲绝起来。 Also has the sharp grating sound, resounds through. 同时有尖锐刺耳的声音,响彻起来。 That is...” “那是...” heavenly dragon resonance?!!” 天龙相?!!”
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