KOMI :: Volume #14

#1304: This is the big father of belt/bring flying audience

Chapter 1304 第1304章 This is the big father of belt/bring flying audience 这就是带飞全场的大爹 The giant day phase diagram launches sky over Li Luo slowly, among is flooding several different resonance power, evolves for all sorts of marvelous sights, seems mammoth. 巨大的天相图于李洛上空徐徐展开,其内充斥着数种不同的相力,衍变为种种奇观,显得波澜壮阔。 But most made everyone shock, did not have that in the purple gold color big dragon that in the thunder clouds appeared, that pure and ancient dignity, making everyone first distinguish it. 但其中最令得所有人震撼的,无过于那一条在雷云中浮现的紫金色巨龙,那股纯正而古老的威严,让得所有人第一时间将其分辨了出来。 heavenly dragon resonance! 天龙相 Revering of dragon resonance! 龙相之尊! At this moment, Li Foluo or Li Zhihuo, all were stare in a big way the eye, shock of whole face. 这一刻,不论是李佛罗还是李知火,皆是瞪大了眼睛,满脸的震撼。 They all have dragon resonance, an oppression that therefore most can the clear feeling that purple gold dragon's phantom have to them, that oppression not from strength level, but came from the source. 他们皆是身怀龙相,所以最是能够清晰的感受到那紫金龙影对他们所产生的一丝压迫,那种压迫并非是来自力量层次,而是来自本源。 Heavenly Dragon is revering of ten thousand dragon! 天龙乃万龙之尊! Has heavenly dragon resonance, can have oppression on a social class to other dragon resonance naturally. 身怀天龙相,自然而然也能够对其他的龙相产生一种阶级上的压迫。 Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo they rank strength far ultra Li Luo, therefore this oppression not much is to them obvious, may have a look in surrounding 5 guards these to have dragon resonance, and strength in the great heavenly resonance realm person, this time they, the complexion was appears a paleness, deterrent effect that obviously they received fierce. 李佛罗,李知火他们自身等级实力远超李洛,所以这种压迫对于他们而言还不算多明显,可看看周围五卫中那些拥有着龙相,并且实力只是在大天相境的人,此时的他们,面色都是浮现出了一丝苍白,显然他们受到的震慑力更为的凶猛。 If this is in the life and death battle, perhaps their battle efficiencies had been damaged 30%-40%. 如果这是在生死交战中,他们的战斗力恐怕已经受损了30%-40%。 In Dragon Blood Guard, Li Qingfeng, Li Hongli these people are the look complex is looking at this, they still still remember, two years ago that just came Dragon Tooth Guard Li Luo, but also is only that they think a country bumpkin who returns from Outer Divine Province, everyone thinks that he wastes time tens of years in the place of that leaning corner, was almost is raised waste. 龙血卫中,李清风,李红鲤这些人则是神色复杂至极的望着这一幕,他们犹自还记得,两年前那个刚来龙牙卫李洛,还只是他们所认为的一个从外神州归来的乡巴佬,所有人都认为他在那偏隅之地蹉跎十数年,几乎算是被养废了。 May hug so the person of idea, finally was really the face pulls out rottenly. 可抱着这般想法的人,最终真是脸都被抽烂了。 But now, this so-called country bumpkin, wasting time male, was evolves Heavenly King Li's lineage most honored resonance's nature, heavenly dragon resonance! 而如今,这个所谓的乡巴佬,蹉跎男,更是进化出了李天王一脉最为尊贵的相性,天龙相 At this moment, they remembered the Li Luo father, Li Taixuan. 这一刻,他们想起了李洛的父亲,李太玄 That was relying on false ninth grade heavenly dragon resonance in the past, presses the fierce person of the same generation Heaven's Chosen has not gasped for breath, even during their dragon blood lineage these hundred years most have the opportunity to touch king rank boundary Li Jiluo, initially were the life under the Li Taixuan shadow. 那个当年凭借着虚九品天龙相,将同辈天骄压得喘不过气的猛人,即便是他们龙血脉这百年间最有机会触及王级境界的李极罗,当初都是生活在李太玄的阴影之下。 Thus it can be seen, this heavenly dragon resonance revering of dragon resonance the given name, is worthy of the reputation absolutely. 由此可见,这天龙相龙相之尊”的名号,绝对名副其实。 How possibly...” “怎么可能...” „Does he probably have heavenly dragon resonance? Before wasn't he ordinary dragon resonance?!” When they shock, that Li Hongque is losing one's voice that cannot bear, her complexion fluctuates, a little does not want to believe at present this. “他怎么可能拥有天龙相?以前他不是普通的龙相吗?!”而在他们震撼的时候,那李红雀则是忍不住的失声,她脸色变幻,有点不想相信眼前这一幕。 He previously closed up for two months, perhaps is taking advantage of this evolution, I once heard, if has dragon resonance, oneself heavenly dragon blood lineage is extremely pure sincere, under boiling down of some secret method, indeed may evolve heavenly dragon resonance.” Li Zhihuo deeply inspires, sound low and deep say/way. “他此前闭关了两个月,恐怕就是在趁此进化,我曾听闻,若是身怀龙相,自身天龙血脉又是极为精纯淳厚的话,在一些秘法的熬炼下,的确有可能进化出天龙相。”李知火深吸一口气,声音低沉的道。 „Since our Heavenly King Li's lineage has established, can the day after tomorrow evolve the heavenly dragon resonance person, few.” “不过在我们李天王一脉创立以来,能够后天进化出天龙相的人,屈指可数。” His distant is looking at Li Luo figure, the look with deep veneration, at this moment, Li Luo to the threat feeling that he brings, even must surpass Jiang Qing'e, although after all the latter cast ten pillars golden platform, has three ninth grade light resonance, but she does not have heavenly dragon resonance after all. 他远远的望着李洛身影,神色肃然,这一刻,李洛给他带来的威胁感,甚至要超过了姜青娥,毕竟后者虽然铸就了十柱金台,身怀三道九品光明相,但她终归不具备天龙相 Person who only then their these harbor dragon resonance, clearer heavenly dragon resonance to the suppression that they have. 而只有他们这些怀有龙相的人,才更清楚天龙相对他们产生的压制。 At this time Li Luo is only the rank is somewhat low, but once he broke through Duke Realm, perhaps then the suppression of this heavenly dragon resonance, will be affected including their ranks truly. 此时李洛还只是等级偏低,可一旦等他突破到封侯境,那么这天龙相的压制,说不定连他们这种级别都会受到真正的影响。 But shocks the vision regarding that innumerably, Li Luo is the look is quite tranquil, he feels resonance power that within the body gradually is restoring, then said with a smile to Li Foluo: Then should be able to insist again some time.” 而对于那无数震撼目光,李洛却是神色颇为平静,他感受着体内逐渐恢复的相力,然后冲着李佛罗笑道:“这下应该能再坚持一段时间了。” Li Foluo look complex nod. 李佛罗神色复杂的点点头。 No wonder Li Luo dares to take responsibility on oneself receives the refining business of three health/guard, originally his, not only strove 9600 hundreds of zhang (333 m) the day phase diagram, even also evolved heavenly dragon resonance! 怪不得李洛敢大包大揽的接下三卫的提炼生意,原来其自身不仅将天相图精进到了九千六百丈,甚至还进化出了天龙相 This boy, obviously is also only great heavenly resonance realm, their these Guardian Honorable, have actually even started to have one to dread. 这小子,明明还只是大天相境,却连他们这些卫尊,都已经开始对其生出了一丝忌惮。 However is good because, Li Luo is their Dragon Tooth Guard person. 不过好在,李洛是他们龙牙卫的人。 Nearby Jiang Qing'e is looking at this, in the golden eye pupil is also appears to wipe the slight happy expression, until now everyone feels her extremely dazzling, but they actually do not know, actually the Li Luo talent and potential, are not weaker than her. 一旁的姜青娥望着这一幕,金色眼瞳中也是浮现出一抹细微的笑意,一直以来所有人都觉得她太过的耀眼,可他们却不知道,其实李洛的天赋与潜力,丝毫不比她弱。 „, Along with me earns dragon essence to go.” Li Luo said with a smile to these similarly dumbfounded Dragon Tooth Guard member behind. “诸位,随我赚取龙精去吧。”李洛冲着身后那些同样目瞪口呆的龙牙卫成员笑道。 Many Dragon Tooth Guard members look at each other in blank dismay, at once is respectful sound should, faces this time to show heavenly dragon resonance Li Luo, they, had some awes. 众多龙牙卫成员面面相觑,旋即皆是恭声应下,面对着此时展现出天龙相李洛,他们不知不觉间,也是生出了一些敬畏感。 Afterward Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e take the lead to plunder, fell directly to Dragon Scale Guard. 随后李洛姜青娥率先掠出,直接落向了龙鳞卫那边。 The rear eight thousand Dragon Tooth Guard members follow on. 后方八千龙牙卫成员跟随而上。 The other 2000 members are the waiting here, if later has the manpower to use up, then goes forward to replace. 余下两千成员则是等待在此,待会如果有人力竭,便上前进行替换。 Li Luo commands, ginger dragon tooth envoy, our Dragon Scale Guard eagerly awaited.” Li Tingyue smiled faintly, her beautiful pupil swept on Li Luo, in the eye full was the curious meaning, after all, heavenly dragon resonance was true rarely. 李洛统领,姜龙牙使,我们龙鳞卫可是望穿秋水了。”李庭月浅笑一声,她美眸在李洛身上扫动着,眼中满是好奇之意,毕竟,天龙相属实罕见。 Courtyard moon/month Guardian Honorable, we start.” “庭月卫尊,咱们开始吧。” Li Luo rubbish, after all behind also has Dragon Bone Guard, Dragon Horn Guard is waiting. 李洛则是并没有废话,毕竟后面还有龙骨卫,龙角卫在等着呢。 Li Tingyue naturally also wishes for earnestly, after all they maintain all boundary river meteor not to fall at this time, is an enormous consumption. 李庭月自然也是求之不得,毕竟他们此时维持着所有“界河流星”不坠,也是一个极大的消耗。 That was exhausted two.” Li Tingyue polite say/way. “那就劳烦两位了。”李庭月客气的道。 The next quarter, Jiang Qing'e takes the lead to act, boundless vast light resonance's power floods between Heaven and Earth, covers a boundary river meteor directly. 下一刻,姜青娥率先出手,磅礴浩瀚的光明相力充斥天地间,直接是将一颗界河流星覆盖。 Li Luo is also stimulates to movement within the body golden wheel, lesser void resonance fire turbulently, assistance Jiang Qing'e conducts to refine evil thoughts aura that these boundary river meteor embodiments contain. 李洛也是催动体内金轮,小无相火汹涌而出,协助姜青娥进行炼化那些界河流星内蕴含的恶念之气 In the rear area, seven thousand Dragon Tooth Guard members provide to tie a strength for them. 在后方,七千龙牙卫成员为他们提供结阵之力。 Li Hongyou transfers thousand health/guard, stimulates to movement Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, conducts blessing for them. 李红柚调动一支千卫,催动“赤心朱果相”,为他们进行加持 So refining up the process, has been handy, therefore between has not had any mistake. 这般炼化过程,早已是得心应手,所以之间没有出现任何的差错。 Therefore, after two double-hour . 所以,两个时辰后。 Dragon Scale Guard all boundary river meteor all refining up, 160,000 star beads like stars sprinkling, making the Dragon Scale Guard member be wild with joy. 龙鳞卫所有的“界河流星”被尽数的炼化,十六万枚星珠如星辰般的洒落,让得龙鳞卫的成员欣喜若狂。 Li Tingyue stimulates to movement resonance power hastily, curls up that everywhere star bead, on she clear attractive cheek appears the beautiful smile, to the Li Luo supple sound said: Li Luo commands, next month also please continue to look after our Dragon Scale Guard, if in the future will have anything to dispatch, Dragon Scale Guard will certainly support.” 李庭月连忙催动相力,将那漫天星珠卷起,她清纯漂亮的脸蛋上浮现出明媚的笑颜,冲着李洛柔声道:“李洛统领,下个月还请继续照顾一下我们龙鳞卫,往后若是有什么差遣,龙鳞卫一定鼎力支持。” Li Luo successfully completed star bead refining, is only this point, the value of its demonstrating is immeasurable. 李洛顺利的完成了星珠提炼,光是这一点,其所展现出来的价值就无可估量。 Therefore Li Tingyue chooses to show good will without hesitation. 所以李庭月毫不犹豫的选择示好。 Will cause Li Zhihuo to be discontented as for this, the joke, his Li Zhihuo is only Dragon Blood Guard Guardian Honorable, although his strength is indeed strongest, but in the face of the value that Li Luo demonstrates, his disaffection and value how many dragon essence? 至于这是否会引得李知火不满,笑话,他李知火只是龙血卫卫尊,虽说他实力的确最强,但在李洛展现的价值面前,他的不满又值几个龙精 Faces Li Tingyue showing good will, Li Luo should naturally with a smile under. 面对着李庭月的示好,李洛自然笑着应下。 Then Li Luo some strength using up replaces in eight thousand Dragon Tooth Guard members, was nonstop catching up approached that side Dragon Bone Guard. 而后李洛将八千龙牙卫成员中的一些力竭者替换下来,又是马不停蹄的赶向了龙骨卫那边。 Then is two double-hour passes. 接下来又是两个时辰过去。 In Dragon Bone Guard that numerous fiery, exciting vision, 160,000 star beads came out by smooth refining again. 龙骨卫那众多火热,激动的目光中,十六万星珠再次被顺利的提炼出来。 refining ends Dragon Bone Guard, Li Luo, the Jiang Qing'e condition obviously dropped, this refining consumption is too big, but a Dragon Tooth Guard knot strength is the loss is more serious, 8000 backing are not even able to remain intact, many strongly recuperation. 提炼龙骨卫这边,李洛,姜青娥的状态明显下降了许多,这种提炼消耗太大,而龙牙卫的结阵之力更是损失严重,八千后援甚至都无法保持完整,许多人竭力休整。 But what is good because of being, Dragon Horn Guard only needs the refining 120,000 star beads, this will be without doubt more relaxed. 但好在的是,龙角卫这边只需要提炼十二万星珠,这无疑会轻松许多。 Therefore finally after insistence of final two double-hour, Dragon Horn Guard here refining, successfully completes. 所以最终在经过最后两个时辰的坚持,龙角卫这边的提炼,也是顺利完成。 When 120,000 star beads fall, Dragon Horn Guard here burst into the cheers. 当十二万星珠落下时,龙角卫这边爆发出了欢呼声。 Several tens of thousands of vision, focus in this time in the midair that complexion somewhat are slightly pale, Li Luo that within the body resonance power nearly dries up, nearby Jiang Qing'e is Duke Realm, the background is more abundant, therefore seems like is actually at this time better than the Li Luo situation. 数万道目光,都是在此时聚焦于半空中那脸色微微有些苍白,体内相力近乎枯竭的李洛,一旁的姜青娥毕竟是封侯境,底蕴更为雄厚,所以此时看上去倒是比李洛情况好一些。 However these are unimportant, more importantly Li Luo completed as promised this time helped three protect the refining duty. 不过这些都不重要,重要的是李洛如约完成了此次帮助三卫提炼的任务。 What did this indicate? 这说明什么? Explained that Li Luo is really capable of helping them every on falling the star stage one time, obtained far exceeds the past star bead. 说明李洛真的有能力帮他们每一次在落星台上,获得远超以往的星珠。 Had these star beads, their cultivation speeds will obtain the enormous promotion. 有了这些星珠,他们的修炼速度都将会获得极大的提升。 In the face of the strength rise, what is dragon essence? They earn the dragon essence final goal, does not trade to make the cultivation materials and equipment it , to promote itself? 在实力提升面前,龙精又算什么?他们赚取龙精最终的目标,不就是将其换做修炼资材,提升自身吗? But now, they only need the numerous to plan three ten thousand dragon essence, can most have the way of performance-to-price ratio, own strength rise, after tasting this benefit, who can also in the future giving up easily? 而现在,他们只需要众筹出三万龙精,就能够以最有性价比的方式,将自身的实力提升,在品尝了这个甜头后,往后谁还能轻易的放弃? So-called is entered thriftily extravagantly easy, is entered extravagantly thriftily difficult. 所谓由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难呐。 The improvement effect of after experiencing 160,000 star beads bringing, before they are also willing to return ? 在体验了十六万星珠带来的提升效果后,他们还愿意回到以前吗? Therefore, brings this pinnacle experience to them Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, what is also? 所以,给他们带来这种极致体验的李洛姜青娥,又是什么? In Heavenly Dragon's five guards joke in private, this type can lead the fierce person of flying audience, the unification is called big father! 天龙五卫私下的戏言中,这种能够带飞全场的猛人,都统一被称为“大爹”! Li Luo commands the military might!” 李洛统领威武!” Ginger dragon tooth envoy military might!” “姜龙牙使威武!” Suddenly has the excited slogan to resound, the next quarter, except for the Dragon Blood Guard member, other four health/guard is to all burst into the slating cheers, at this moment, prestige of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e in these four health/guard, reached the peak without doubt. 突然有激动的呐喊声响起,下一刻,除了龙血卫的成员,其他四卫皆是爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声,此时此刻,李洛姜青娥在这四卫中的声望,无疑是达到了顶峰。 It can be said that although two people are not Guardian Honorable, but this prestige, already not inferior any Guardian Honorable. 可以说,两人虽然不是卫尊,但这声望,已经不逊色任何一位卫尊 That side Dragon Blood Guard is a deathly stillness, numerous member complexions are not quite attractive, because of some of their at this moment types by isolated feeling, but they are also clear, Li Zhihuo, Li Hongque carries out such stiffly relations of both sides, Li Luo naturally not possible to help their Dragon Blood Guard refining star bead. 龙血卫那边则是一片死寂,众多成员脸色都不太好看,因为他们此时此刻有种被孤立的感觉,可他们又明白,李知火,李红雀将双方的关系搞得这么僵,李洛自然也不可能来帮他们龙血卫提炼星珠。 Star bead refining that their Dragon Blood Guard was proud, now by other three health/guard large scale pulling closer, once superiority feeling is been also nothing left. 原本他们龙血卫引以为傲的星珠提炼,如今也是被其他三卫大幅度的拉近,曾经的优越感荡然无存。 Some Dragon Blood Guard members do not dare to be discontented with Li Zhihuo this Guardian Honorable flagrant expression, therefore these are full of the line of sight of complaint, went to Li Hongque directly. 一些龙血卫的成员不敢对李知火这位卫尊明目张胆的表达不满,于是那些充满着埋怨的视线,就直接投向了李红雀 Li Hongque naturally also sensitive detection to these vision, ice-cold and angry of immediately being filled with, she painstakingly planned many years of prestige in Dragon Blood Guard, such a was done by Li Luo, vanished into thin air simply thoroughly, moreover in the future Li Luo will help other three protect the refining star bead every month, she will suffer such a complaint baptism. 李红雀自然也敏感的察觉到了这些目光,顿时满心的冰冷与愤怒,她在龙血卫中苦心经营多年的声望,被李洛这么一搞,简直彻底化为乌有,而且往后每一个月李洛帮其他三卫提炼星珠,她都会遭受这么一次埋怨洗礼。 This simply is long-term suffering. 这简直就是一个长期的折磨。 Li Hongque was mad results in the whole body to tremble. 李红雀被气得浑身发抖。 However Li Luo has no interest in paying attention to Li Hongque this time mood actually, after helping three health/guard completes refining, he to the pinnacle, has only wanted to return to that side Dragon Tooth Guard wearily at this time, conducts the star bead assignment and cultivation. 不过李洛倒是没兴趣理会李红雀此时的情绪,在帮三卫完成提炼后,他已经疲倦到了极致,此时只想回到龙牙卫那边,进行星珠分配以及修炼。 With the aid of this time star bead, the day phase diagram of his 9600 hundred zhang (333 m), could go a step further again. 借助此次的星珠,他那九千六百丈的天相图,或许能够再进一步。 Well?” “咦?” But when Li Luo just about to turns around, nearby Jiang Qing'e exuded startled well the sound suddenly. 而就当李洛刚要转身时,一旁的姜青娥突然发出了惊咦声。 Li Luo is startled: sister Qing'e, how?” 李洛一怔:“青娥姐,怎么了?” Jiang Qing'e is actually lifts the elegant face, the pupil light penetrates that huge guarding wondrous protection array that covers entire Heavenly Dragon Ridge, went to the vault of heaven directly that enormous and powerful terrifying boundary river. 姜青娥却是抬起俏脸,眸光穿透那座覆盖整个天龙岭的庞大守护奇阵,径直投向了天穹上那一条浩荡恐怖的界河。 The Li Luo vision following looking , the pupil shrinks immediately. 李洛目光顺着望去,瞳孔顿时一缩。 Saw only that enormous and powerful boundary river as if becomes in this time moved restlessly turbulently, a bellow reverberation beyond description in entire between Heaven and Earth, in that boundary river, some innumerable black flowing light splashed unexpectedly, changed into everywhere meteor shower, is falling to Boundary River Territory. 只见那浩荡界河仿佛是在此时变得汹涌躁动了许多,一种难以形容的轰鸣声回荡在整个天地间,那界河中,竟是有无数黑色流光泼洒而出,化为漫天流星雨,对着界河域坠下。 And some, even comes toward their Heavenly Dragon Ridge. 其中一些,甚至直往他们天龙岭而来。 But Li Luo exudes the ice cold meaning immediately all over the body, because in these cut the vault of heaven in the black meteor, he seemed like induces extremely terrifying and rich evil thoughts aura. 李洛顿时通体泛起冰寒之意,因为在那些划破天穹的黑色流星中,他似乎是感应到了极为恐怖与浓郁的恶念之气 These black meteors, all are extremely powerful Other! 那些黑色流星,皆是极为强大的异类所化! Sudden accident, is causes five Guardian Honorable simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform on the scene to change color, next one flickers, the sharp police whining noise, resounds through loudly, spreads over entire Heavenly Dragon Ridge. 突然的变故,也是引得在场五位卫尊齐齐变色,下一瞬,尖锐的警鸣声,轰然响彻,传遍整个天龙岭
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